HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAMANN LT 8 REM/0 ~ CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 ~rformed for Bob Hamann ~gal Description: Lot_ 8 -Block >,is Forn reports: SOILS TEST Yes Date Performed 12/29/79 Subdivision Tract A Hamann Subdl PERCOLATION TEST Depth Feet Soil Characteristics 16" Peat Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) w/ trace of Siit Bottom of Test Hole Ground Water ~countered__ YES, What depth? NO ~ading Date Gross TJ~ne Net TJ~me Depth to H20 Net Drainage ~rcolation Rate Minute Pro?osed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Dep'uh of Inlet Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench ) ~ .'IE1 ~ S: 2 .1LS~ dzcaina9 ~quired~room. Date ~ ~. Paul :~/d/~0 S(JUTHCEifFRAL REGiOi'~L OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 2~JO Ai~CIIO}~GE, ALAS~ r,,~U~ ..... 274-2533 June 7, t Tobbe~ Spurkla~d, P.E, 203 ~1. 15th Avenue "C" 'SuiTe 203 Anchorage, AlasKa 99501 NOI.~D~.Lp6,d iV. LNg,/FNO~iiAN:i ' : :: '~ WZlV:IH :1 Dear Sir: Subject: [.~dste~,:ater System, Lot 8 Hanm!an Subdivision, T14~i, ~,1~,, Section 2~, (8421-FA-355) and l,~e have reviewed t~he plans and specifications for the subject project. Tile plans are approved, conditio~ed on aUi}ere~)ce to the follov~ing i~ei~s: 1. screened rock back fill in deep and wide trenches (3/4" ' 3"). . '2. screened rock back fill itt absorption bed (3/4" - i I/Z"). - 3. sufficient area plotted on as-built for replacement system. This letter constitutes the pem~"~it required by A,S, 46.03.720(a) for plan approval of se~.~erage sj, stems. It siiould be remei~bered that final approval t~ill necessitate the sub.',,dssion of Engineer As-built Plans to include photo~jraphs as i)~dicated on page 13 of erlclosure. This ~dll consequently mandate that a professional engineer ~0 conduct basic i~)spection of tills project so as to be able ~ si§n off on as-built plaits. Arran9e~;~ent for this inspection ~rk 'is the responsibit'~'~cy [; · ~ ' Environr:~entai Field Officer of the developer. J Fi l/i.sia Erlc~ osu re cc: ~ubbi Robinson (i.iL)A i(eal rio MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [~ PLATTING BOARD [~ PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME S-5323 Lots 1 - 13 Block 1, Tract A-1 Hamann S/D DATE RECEIVED January 30, 1980 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY February 18, 1980 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF E] PUBLIC WATER~N~O~ AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA ~ PUBLIC SEWER N~OT.AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [~] PLATTING BOARD E~] PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME S-5323 Lots 1 - , Block 1; Tract A-1 Hamann S/D ~1 DATE RECEIVED February 22, 1980 REVISED COMMENT TO PLANNING BY March 4, 1980 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF [] PUBLIC WATERN..~.~O~ AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA E~ PUBLIC SEWER N,..~,.~.OT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA S REVIEWER'S COMMENT : /'/ ~/' , ,~ 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) PERCOLATION 825 L. Str~, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 2~0~,:j~ L'A. [ ~O E: ~: :~ ' SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST 10 WAS GROUNO WATER A/0 ENCOUNTERED? O P 12 E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 13 14- 15 16 Robert 17 No. 18 19 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79) ENGINEERING SRB 196X PH. 694-2979 PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Aleska 99501 264~,720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST · / 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O Robert A. Sh~ No, COMMENTS PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED:~ WAS ,,,ATE. ~/0 ~ 0 E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop TEST RUN BETWE~ S 3 , __ Fl' Jl PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79) CERTIFIED CONSTRUCTION TEST L~B "One ~-~st .is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland .Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 ~r formed for ,gal Description: ~is Form reports: Bob Hamann Lot ] Block _ SOILS TEST Yes Date Performed 1~//~9/7~9~ SubdivisionTract A Hamann Subd, PERCOLATION TEST ,epth 'eet Soil Characteristics Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) w/ trace of Silt occasional Boulders 12' water Bottom of Test Hole s Ground Water Encountered yes YES, What depth?,l2, I ading ~ Date Gross T~ne rcolation Rate Proposed Installation: Depth of Inlet Net TLme [ Depth to H20 M in ute SEEPAGE PIT DR,lIN ~IELD Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench IMENTS: 1--50_~~k-~g"uare 'feet .d_rginage area requi_red per bedroom% ~ ~-7o~me~ %.~~ Data ~.~?~-~ied Bv: Con~ft~ Test Lab ----~.~U 1 Date : 1/4/20 $ 5 3 2. 3 MAR 5 1980 '::~ · Net Drainage <j CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 ~erformed for ,egal Description: his Foden reports: Bob Hamann Lot_ ] 'Block SOILS TEST Yes Date Perform~ SubdivisionTract A Hama~-~K~ Sub~c~. PERCOLATION TEST Depth Feet Soil Characteristics Peat Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) w/ trace of Silt occasional Boulders 12 ' w'ater //~[k~om of Test Hole .as Ground Water Encountered yes f YES, What depth?. ]2' eading Date Gross Time Net TLme Depth to H20 ercolation Rate Proposed Insta].lation: Minute SEEPAGE PIT Net Drainage DR..lIN FIELD Depth of Inlet Dept~ to Bottom of Pit or Trench 04'dENTS: 150 squ_].~re feet drainage area required per bedroom. est Performed by Paul : S 5 3 2 3 MAR ,5 1980 Data Certif~d By: ConsJz~lesk Lab Date ~JONSTRUCTION TEST LAB k~./ "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland -r formed for gal Description: .is For. n reports: Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~ H am_~qn Lot 3 'Block SOILS TEST Yes 277-0231 .Date Per~orTne~ Subdivision Tract A Ha~lnn Slzb~L~/ PERCOLATION TEST ~epth 'eet Soil Characteristics 6" Peat Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) w/ trace of Silt ter> //II ~/~ot~om~ of Test Hole :s Ground Water Encountered yes YES, What depth?_ ~ading ! Date i Gross Time Net TL~e Depth to H20 Net Drainage rcolatJon Rate Minute Proposed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT__ DRAIN FIELD Depth of Inlet De?th to Bottom of Pit or Trench 4MENTS: .150__squgre feet.~ge area required per bedroom. ~-e-~orme~ ~ Data Certified Bv: C_onst._ Te~s__t Lab,Inc. D. Paul- Date : 1/4./80 -rf6rmed for _Rob Hamann .gal Description: Lot_ 5 ~is Fomn reports: SOILS TEST Yes '~CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB ~' "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 Date Perform? · Block _ Subdivision mr~e ~ PERCOLATI~N~S%~--~ ,epth ~eet .Peat Soil Characteristics Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) occasional Cobbles w/ trace of Silt ~14' 'water Bottom of Test Hole (S E5 M%P :s Ground Water Encountered yes YES, What depth? 14' ading Date [ Time Net TLme / Depth to H20 Net Drainage Gross rcolation Rate Minute Proposed Installation: SmEPA~E PIT DRAIN FIELD Depth of Inlet Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench ..... sc uare :feet drainaqe area required per bedroom. 4MENTS: -- 1'50, ~l/D~.p~ul~ ~-~.~!o~m~ ~; Data Ceded By:~t Lab~ Date :__ 1/4/S0 CONSTRUCTION TEST L~B "One Tek~d' is worth a Thousand Opi}~ons" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 :fOrmed for Bob Hamann )al Description: L6t~9 __ Block is Form reports:. SOILS TEST Yes Date Performed,l~/29/7 Subdivision Tract A PERCOLATION TEST ~pth Soil Characteristics --32" Pgat ~ Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) --. /. ~¢~w/ trace of Silt ~ ~/ occasional Cobbles 10' water 11' Bedrock Bottom of Test Hole ;Grcund Water Encountered__~es___ YES, Wi%at depth?____l_QJ Bedrock encountered @ 11' (.~;EJ ~At) I_ ~ding Date Gross Time __'-- J ~colation Rate Pro'posed Installa~zon: Depth of Inlet Net TL~e ] Depth to H20 Minute SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Net Drainage Depth ~o Bottom of Pit or Trench U4ENTS: 15_Qi~q~l~r~L fe~i~ ~ · per bedroom - ~'ata Certified Bv:c~n~~ m~t Lab~!nc. ~ Perf°r~-~-~7~~ [ r Date Q_.CONSTRUCTION TEST LRB "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 · rfdrmed for Bob Hamann gal Description~ Lot_9 , 'Block ,is Form reports:: SOILS TEST Yes Date Performed 12/29/79' Subdivision_Tract A Hamann ~qnbd.__ PERCOLATION TEST ~ep%h 'eet Soil Characteristics 12" Peat Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) w/ trace of Silt occasional Cobbles ~//~1/0' water~ 11' Bedrock / --Bottom of '~st Hole (~;E llA~ ) s Ground Water Encountered YES, What depth?___lO' yes Bedrock encountered @ 11' ading I Date Gross Time Net TLme Depth to H20 Net Drainage rcolation Rate Minute Proposed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Depth of Inlet Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench ~C4ENTS:_ 150-sq~D/Le_~et drainage_area required ~" D. Pa~ Date : ~j~ CONSTRUCTION TEST LRB ~ "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 ~rfOrmed for Bob Hamann ~gal Description: Lot 11 'Block ~is Fomn reports: SOILS TEST Yes Date Performed 12/29/79 Subdivision Tract A - Hamann Subd. PERCOLATION TEST ~epth :'eet Soil Characteristics 16" Peat Brown Sandy Gravel Trace of Silt Occasional boulders (GP) /~ ~f test hole s Ground Water Encountered Yes YES, What depth? 13' ~-nd ing Date Gross TJ~ne rcolat ion Rate Proposed Installation: Depth of Inlet Net TLme Minute SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench I'~IENTS: 150 square feet drainage area required per bedroom st Performed bY---~v'' ~aulD~id P ' Data Certified By: CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB IN( Date :_ 1/4/80 ~ONSTRUCTION TEST L~B ~ J "One Test is worth a Thousand OpiniOns" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 ~ ~or:ned for ~al Description: is Fo~mn reports: Bob Hamann Lot__12 'Block SOILS TEST Yes Date Performed]2,/pQ,/7Q Subdivision Tract A Hamann Subd. PERCOLATION TEST ~pth ~et --12" Peat Soil Characteristics Brown Sandy Gravel (GWqGP) Bottom of Test Hole Ground Water Encountered No YES, What depth? o --I [- Thne Net TLme Depth to H20 Net Drainage ~ding I Date Gross t4inute SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench colation Rate Proposed Installation: Depth of Inlet ~'.IENTS: 12~ ~r=e__~e_t_ilr/iillage_ar~a requi~ed._per_bedroom. ~.t Performed by_ ~~~ Data Certifl~ Bv:_Const' Tes~ l,~h~ Inc. ~/~---'~D. Paul Date MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET L~ PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING&ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME 8-5587 Lots 4A, 4B Hamann Subdivision DATE RECEIVED February 25, 1981 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY March 10, 1981 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF ~"UBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA [~:Lb"'P~BLI C SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) Russell Oyster 694-2774 O & E ENG-~NEERING & DEVELO~MENT CO. Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Earl Ellis SOIL LOG 688-2280 Performed for: Name: /"~ ~(~. ,//~'~"TAJ'/-'/'~ /---./~7"'~ Tel. N0.~ ~"/--'~?/~z'''~ Mailing Address: Legal Description: Depth (feet) 0__ Soil Characteristics 8__ 9__ 10__ 11__ 12__ 13__ 14__ 15__ 16__ PLOT PLAN Ground Water Encountered: PERC. TEST Yes If yes, what depth. Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit__ Drain Field ,~'--- Comments: ~"~,~'~'~*-:'"-~:P --~4'~:J/~/~/z-~,a-//~'~-- CONSTRUCTION TEST L~B "One ~e~st is worth a Thousand uplnlons 2204 Cleveland r f o'r.,ned for }~ b_Jtan~ann gal Description: Lot__j_ 'Block is For_n report.,;: SOILS TEST Yes Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 __Date Performed~ Subdivisi°nTrm~ n ~m~nn Subd_ PERCOLATION TEST epth Soil Characteristics eet Brown Sandy Gravel (GW) Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) w/ trace of Silt water Bottom of Test Hole s Ground Water Encountered_ yes YES, What depth? 14' ading Date Gross T~e Net TLme Depth to H20 Net Drainage ~colation .,Rate ~'4 inute Proposed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Depth of Inlet Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench ~dENTS: 125 sguare feet drainage aJ~D_~ r~quired per bedroom from 4'; tQ_~ 15~q~r~ f~ f~o~ ~nt~S 4' ~n.14' st Perl~ Data Certified By: ~V'D. Paul Date ~JCONSTRUCTION TEST L~B k~ "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 :rzormed f o r____Bizb~L~ m~ nn :gal Description: Lot__~ ~is Form reports: SOILS TEST Block___ Yes Date Performed12/29/79 Subdivisi°nTr~t A M~m~nn Subd- PERCOLATION TEST iepth 'eet 4-~-----Peat Soil Characteristics Brown Sandy Gravel (GW) Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) w/ trace of Silt Test Hole ~s Ground Water Encountered yes YES, What depth? 14' (~:EE A~ ) ading Date Gross TJnne Net TL~e I Depth to H20 Net Drainage ,rcola tion Rate Minute Proposed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Depth of Inlet Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench ~4>~ENTS: -125~_s~u_are feet drainaqe area reqlli~ p~r bedroom from m~nn.m _,~ ~~ r~ . frnm mi n~4 ' ~ · st Per~r~ ~~~ Data Certi-~ed By:._ _ Cobh. Test Date : 1/4/80 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION :?e -~,,~, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [~] PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING&ZONING :ASE NUMBER NAME S-6347 Lots 6A, 6B Hamann Subdivision DATE RECEIVED May 28, 1982 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY June 18, 1982 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF [~ PUBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA L~ PUBLIC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) L~,~' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE , · DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [] PLATTING BOARD ~ PLANNING & ZONING :ASE NUMBER NAME S-5938 Lo%s 7A, 7B Hamann Subdivision DATE RECEIVED October 27, 1981 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY November 10, 1981 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF [~E~ P"~UBLIC WATER NO,~.~T AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA [~]-'lY0BLIC SEWER I~.T~AVAI LABLE TO PETITION AREA 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) Russell Oyster 694-2774 O & E ENG:~'~EERING & DEVELO[..~IENT CO. Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Ala~Ii~-(~Y oF ANCHORAGE 694-2774 or 688-2280 DEPT. OF [C:,:d.Ti~ & ENVIRONMENTAL ?2OTECTION Performed for: Name: ~-~ ~' ~ ~- 7--' Mailing Address: Legal Description; Earl'~llls SOIL LOG Or, I. 2 7 '~98i 688-2280 Depth (feet) o 2 Soil Characteristics 14__ 161 PLOT PLAN S 5 9 ~ $140V 1 6 1981 PERC. TEST Ground Water Encountered: Yes '~'"'No__ If yes, what depth Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field Comments: /..2../ Performed by: Date: Russell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: O & E EN6._NEERING & DEVELO._MENT CO. Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 SOIL LOG Name: .... ~ ~ 7 Z ..... ~ .... Earl Ellis 688-2280 Depth (feet) 0 3__ 4__ 5__ 6 -- 7~ 8_ ~0 12__ Soil Characteristics 14__ 15__ 16__ Ground Water Encountered: Yes ~'' Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Comments: PLOT PLAN PERC. TEST No Drain Field If yes, what depth Performed by: ' (~p -. L ' ( ' I ' (' '