HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAMPTON HILLS Soil Information PHONE {907) i}r, .!,crop/ Reid ~ Jr ~ Ipi_recLo;r' of ]zJ;aviroi]men'La]. Oua].i'h.y 3330 "C" S'h}i'eet; f-,.l~chorage, Alaska 99503 S U_bO. 1V 1 r, 1 el SJ_kjec'~: Ha'm.Dix)i'~ I]!L}_]s - '~" '"" ' 19'/5 for OL~'SJ.t=o Sewer Sysfems Dear Dr~ ReJ.d~, Per mi~ d:i. scu;;sion,~; wi'lin, you and your s'i;aff~ On June I4 and 16r 'i975~we performed additonal soils i.n~esL;i, gation work i~o deterred.ne v/h('.ther the ].o%s wiChJn P)amp~en Hills Subdivi. sion have ~he required land. area and soil. to suppor'L on.-siLe sewer absorpt;ion systems., Approv~iL was ob%aiDed for aJ.1 loLs excepL T,o'b 10, for w]zich we failed to ge'b pe.~'col!.abion reading during oL~r ini'hial 'l'ode_/ i ]:'eceived bhe re,qu]_ts of ~\he percolaL~.on [~es'L on ],Oi: '[0~ which ii.:'-, 20 mjnuhes/J~nch~ asau. s'~cto-r!7 '~ead]uc~ I have noLJ.fied hhe ]?lannJ. l~g Departzme.~rL that; sat.:Ls~ac',kory soil t3esbs on alA ].o'13s have been. obtained .-i_i~ accordauce wi'Eh Deparhmenh of Bnvironmental Qualihy requirements~ iti~ L.hey here any quesl;io~ls~ they wil.]. ¢:al]~ you~ I:L: you have an)/ question~ please do not hesi'La'he 'Lo cai]_ ).cte iii }ppreciate your ta]d.n.g l;l~e c...me Eo review hhe sksod.Lv..,.,, .On on for l~his ~' ' '-~ ~ . s~:tch short Very 'hru~J.y youzs~ 7 Borough Assembly Mf,~E]NG D/IT~; April 25,. 1974 Borough Mayor SUB,IdFF£F.D BY: Environmental Quality Soils Conditions and Water Availability In'Formation in 'the Area Around O'Malley Road and Hillside Drive Assembly Member Mary Frohne has asked that the Department of Environmental Quality evaluate soil conditions and water availability in the neighborhood of O'Malley Road and Hillside Drive, particularly Hampton Hills Subdivision and associated areas for' Assembly consideration. Tile soils information for the Hampton Hills Subdivision, which was'approved three years ago indicates the soils have a high silt and clay content with random sandy gravel pockets in some areas of the subdivision. The soil rating (see attached 'letter from Alaska Testlab dated September 10, 1971) indicates that the soils are mainly 'From 225 to 250 square feet per bedroom on our rating scale. Soils rating above 250 square feet are not recommended 'For use with on-site waste disposal systems. It has been our experience in this area that sewer systems will have to be replaced at least every five to seven years because of this type of .soil condition and because it leads to clogging of the seepage area. : Water availability in this area as reported by the United States Geological Survey and our reports from well drillers and property owners indicates 'that wells can be expected to produce in the neighborhood o'F one-half gallon per minute to five gallons per minute, which is minimal for residential development. The Federal Housing Admin~ istration requires that an individual well produce five gallons per minute to meet their approval. At the present time, it would be our reco~nendation that in this area the property be zoned R-9. R-9 creates the lower density necessary to protect both on-site wells and sewer systems. Available data shows that, even on acre and a quarter lots with greater than 60 percent development, public sewer will be necessary in order to alle- viate sewer l~roblems. Acre and a quarter density development will also require that public water be imported for domestic use in this area. Since public water and sewer are not available in 'this area and not programmed for the immediate future, we feel that the R-9 zoning is appropriate. Respectfully submitted., Borough~ M~yor Attachment GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUC. H Department of Environmental Quality September 13, 1971 TO: Dick Glast)een Plafmlng FRO~ SUBJECT: i~olf Strickland, Assistan ~, D'i r,)ctor Humpton Hills Subdivision The e[)gine~ring firm on the subject project h~s provided this Department uith ~l)gtneerJng r~PO~ts and 3oils tnforr~lation. '3as~d upon our r~vl~.~w of this data .e reOom)))eF)d ,)pproval of this subdivision ~s sUbu,'Jtt~d, ~ako[) RQdbird ~ ^s~sociate~ st Redbird &Associates September 10, 1971 640 West 36thAvenue WO: 12045 Anchorage, -Alaska SUBJECT: Soils exploration~Hills Subdivision Gentlemen: Enclosed are results of subject exploration -- 10 test holes unifonT, ly over the siteo Material is predominately silty sandy gravels (GM) or silty sands (SM). These soils then per CJ~AB seepage requirements (cha.~ attached) are. in the range of 225 'to 250 square feet per bedroom. At 250 square feet per bedroom, the health department has recommended personal consultation with respect to on-si~e disposal systems. Test hole location sketch;sells information charts are also attached. Sincerely, / P.E, clw . WATER LEVEL W ..... DATE~'~ ~- ~ STAI'~ON ,~z ~. ~ / ,, HOLE NO .... ~ " " AD ...... DRILL TIME ~E ..... FN.._GR. COVER ............... EI_E'V J / ~' '~, ~.,~ " " 24hr CAS/NS _ SIZE TECH ~-~z FROST .... ~ / ~ ~'~ ........ PIEZOMETER YES NO DRILL USE'D ...~:_~?~_ DRIVER ~.._ STD. F'~'N. .0 .OA -- // / / / / / xx. 0¢ - ? v ,~x(° " o _I 0 '4 '1 .,~ ST OF DATE Ce~T 197/ ~ w.o. No. }zo4c ~ F-4 BP-.o~N C,.P-.Ag6.LL'/ {/NN.B"/ ~ILT, ])At'lp', 'GTIFF -- ~-AB -~A~L~ (~A& ~ArtPLg gO'FT~t] ® 14. o' CLIENT EeD~} f A~5OC, '~"-'-- O' I' OF DATE 5e p-/q ~9'71 W.O. NO. J2o.~6 T,H._ ELE~ 24 25 ~U~IZ-OUMD , ~/AK. SIZ. r~ ~. DeN,~.IT~,. t'-tAN"J ,C. ggBL-~5 ~ gogl..PE'~ , SUglP-ogNj), I~,'~ 51.,~' Z ~ T.H. ELEV. F-3 g 2o~u~q / ~o't'Torl ~ 14,0 CLIENT . T.H. ~' ELEV. W. 0. NO. I,? o4~ F-4 gP-z)uJ~..{ O^r-/? PC_AT t21 21 22 J25 20 21 22 23 24 · -25 T.H. ;~ ~ . ELEV. 19 7/ W.O. N(). 12o45- F"-q' BIz~,~N 5L; G~AqF..LL'.J 5AHD'"J 51L..'T ~pAnP (%kA) C-~.AB ~:,~rTpLE ~P-AB, ~,AF1PL6- ~ .... / W.(). N() 17,';q6 -- :20