HomeMy WebLinkAboutHANSON ACRES #1 BLK 1 LT 7 N2 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received March 9 1976 ~ Time of In?pection ~.'~ Date of Inspection REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR Cony. l. Approval requested by: Mailing Address: Pouch 7-007, 99510 2. Property Owner~- Hanson Associates Mailing Address: Post Office Box 4-1516 Peoples Bank and Trust Phone: 279-7511 Phone: 337-3631 Legal Description: Hanson Acres N½ of Lot 7 Block 1 Location: East Potter Drive '5. Type of facility to be inspected 3 - 4plus 6. Well Data: Semi-public A. Type ~ C. Construction~_~/;z-~~_ 7. Sewage Disposal System: A. Installed C. Septic Tank: 1. Size D. Seepage Pit: 1. Absorption Area E. Disposal Field: Total length of lines 8. Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank Nearest lot line B. Foundation to septic tank No. of bedrooms B. Depth D. Bacterial Analysis~. Public Utility B. Installer 2. Manufacturer 2. Material , Absorption area , Other contamination , Absorption area , Sewer Lines C. Absorption area to nearest lot line LQ-034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 -- 274-4561 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER and WATER FACILITIES 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO VA 2. Property Owner: ' Mailing Address: ~UNI(.:IPA[11 Y C)F ANCt IORAQ)F I)/!pl', OF 115,z,.Ll'I.I & fiNVIR( )NN EN'~'AL PF, O I'l (': rlQN 3. Name of Buyer: FHA C 0 N V.//)~'''' Day Phone -~ ~-~ ~'~' r~', Mailing Address: Day Phone Nameof Lending Institution: ~d,//~,S Mailing Address: ~Ii/TGi/"/~ ~" F~-J~>~"~ Phone 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: Mailing Address: Phone If Individual, depth of well Sewage Disposal System Type of System: Type of Facility to be inspected: -' t No. Bdrms. Type of Supply: Individual If Individual, number of dwellings presently served / ~ Public Utility Individual (on-site) If Individual, date of installation EQ-037 (1/74) Page 2 of two pages - Re~ st for Approval of Individual ~-'~er & Water Facilities ~e~al'-Description Hanson Acres N½ of Lot 7 Block 1 Comments Approved r~~~~ Disapproved Date ~/? - ]~Q Approva ,Valid for one year from date signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. · SIGNED Date EQ-034 (1/74) Januar,¢ 13, 1971 Veteraal$ Administration P.O. Box 1599 ~chorag¢, Alaska 99S01 Lot 8 and South 1/2 Lot 7, Block 1, Ii;rosen Acres Subdivision Dear Sirs: This letter is to confirnl ti~at tl~e subject property has been connecred to the Borough's public sewer system ,ow servinf ~tanson Acres Subdivision. The sewer mid water systems are now approved by this Depart- ment. Sincerely, Roll R. Strickland, ~.nvironmental iiealth Supervisor rn cc: Vordeen £exa Sept. 4~ i970 Veterans A~inistration PoOo Box 1399 /~c2-~orage, Alaska 99501 ].59 Pottcr Drive; Lot 3 and 1/2 of Lot 7, Hanson Acres Su~division ii1 and camection is being ~a~c. ~he v~ell 'has atreadF been inspected a~!d af,i>roved. Q, tFFOI~ }% JUDKINI~, R.S. a~inistrative Director Sanitarian Dick January lO~ 1969 Anchova~e~ Alaska 9950~ SUBJECT! Sewage Disposal System and Water Supply at 159 ?otteu Drive, Lot 8 & S1/2 of Lot 7. Hanson Ac~es ~ubdivislon ~oo 1 The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department has ~eviewed the previous inspection of the sublect system and will now allo~ conditional approval until June l, 1969. Aa approved sewer system consisting of a 1,000 gallon septic tank and adequate seepage area. as dete~ained by percola~ion test~ shall be installed by June 1. 1969. The septto tank shall be at least 50 feet from the well and the seepage a~ea at least 100 feet from This Departn~nt suggests that sufficient funds be placed In escrow for the ne, installation. Sincerely, DAVID R. Lo DUNCAN, ~. Do ~edlcal Dt~ecto~ RR$/srr Sanitarian cct Veterans Admlntst~ation ~ep~ember Z7, 1~68 Mr. Ve~demn Lexa 159 ~o~ter D=£ve Anchorage, Alaska SUbJeCt ~ Inspection ot sewmge supply for home at 159 Potter Drive, Lot 8s S1/2 of Lot ?, ~lk., H~nson Acres Subdivision No, 1 Dear Mr, Le~a~ The ~eater Anchorage Area Boro~sh Eealth Department inspected the sewage disposal system ~er¥in~ the subject residence for VA approval, It ~a$ found that the septic tank in 33 ~eeC from the well and thaC ~he seepage area is 56 fee~ from the well. regret tha~ ~hi$ system can not be approved, The distance re- qu£rem~nt$ are 50 feet fr~m the well ~o the ~ept£c tank, and 10O fee~ from the 'well to the see~a§e area. proposed for ~hl~ area as soon as it is available. Stueerely yours, DAVID R. Medical DlrecLor ec: ~, ltaplee ~a~tarlan November 9, 1972 Ralph Hanson Box 4-1516 Anci)orage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Account #009-294-21 Dear Sir: A receiit il~lspection of ~he two semi-public wells serving a number of Hanson Acres Subdivision residences revealed the fol lov~i rig: a) One welt extends above grou~d and is of approved coils'Cruction. b) l'ne other well is located in a pit. Under Alaska Sanitation Code ChaI~ter 2, Subchai)ter l, Section 233, Water Supply, a~d FHA s~andards, ~he ~le'll in '&i've pi~ must be uF~graded. The upgradi~.q can be made by extending the well casing 18 i~-~ci~es above ground and capping iL wi%i'~ a sa~litary seal. The pit must b(.; filled in ~,~ith impervious soil. A time allotment of thirty (30) days from receipt of this letter should be sufficient for upgrading, as public h~alti~ is involved and ~HA financing cannot be made available to homes connected to this system. Your cooperation would be appreciated and would preve~t legal action. If you have any questions re§arding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Les Buchholz Environmental Control Officer bb cc; Mr. Sp%%ten FHA REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Tmiplicate) 2. ~ame 'of property,- owner LeEal deacz-iptioR ./-'(? '/~ ~:' ~ Y2 ~ [' . j [.>.'[' Nu~e~-:o~,)~ooms in house, , War en~Anais~sis: a. Bactemiml'.-' ./~//'.. h · ueueP~en~ . Well datai c, Casing Size Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer line :i. ' 2. Septic tank. 4. Cesspool' . ...... :~, 5. Property Line ~7 f 6. Other sources of possible contamination, i.e.~ creeks, lakes, houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc, ..... 7. Sewage disposal system· a. Age of system , ' ~'~ . b. Septic tank capacity in gallons -~( ,;~/ ~.~:; ll;~ / c. Name of septic tank manufactum~,r , .. ~.,. l, If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form, d.' Disposal field or seepage pit size and type 1. Distanc~ to proper~y line 0 .... to house foundation e, Percolatlcm..Te.st ~cesults , , ,... f. Percolation Test performed by Use the reverse .side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include '~he foil.owing information: ~,roperty lines; ,well location, house location, ~--'-~qc tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, a~t die. etlon of ground slope. Tk~ ~-~:~'~'~.,,~t~o~ o~ this. fofrm! is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~ S,,i~ture of A~plican% ' ~a~e Si~ned T~O_~BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTN DEPART~.~ENT PERSONNEL above described Sanitary facilities are hereby approved, ,sub,~ject to the -~ollowing. c ond'i~'io~s Conditions: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following ~easons: Approva~is valid for one yeai~ following the date of approval. CPJ: cw REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Triplicate) ~me ,of person requesting approval 2. ~3me of proper<y: owner 4. Numbe.z.~o~, bzdmooms in house $. Water.Analysis: 7,, a, Bactemial b. Detergent Well data: a. Type~ b. Depth c. Casing Size d. Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer line Septic tank 3. Seepage Area 4. Cesspool' Se 6. houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. Sewage disposal system. de' Property Line Other sources of possible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, Age of system Septic tank capacity in gallons Name of septic tank manufactum~r 1. If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form. Disposal field or seepage pit size and type. 1, Distance to proper~cy line to house foundation · a, Percolation~,Te'st'~sults f. Percolation Test performed by Use the reverse,side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include "~,~he foJ]~,~ing information: property lines~.well location, house location, ~p+~c tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test~ a~ direction of ground slope, 9. The h~'£ox~,~m*~on on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. SSgnature of Applicant Date Signed TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART~ENT PERSONNEL ~-~<T~e above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved subject to the 3°l%gwzng cond~onsi ' ' ' ' Conditions: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following ~eas0ns: Signature of Date Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ:cw