HomeMy WebLinkAboutHANSON ACRES #1 BLK 1 LT 16 .INSPECTION REPORT ON-S,I,T,E SE,WAGE, DISPOSAL SYS~TEM /:'///,~/~1£~:)/,~;~ Mailing Address___,f:~'~_ L~f~'~,, <~-/%~(..,, : ~ ....... Ph.~,~/ S PT C TA K: is ance f om we a aria! of compartments Liquid capaclty-}35~:gallons. Inside length ,,:: Inside width ~ Liquid depth SEEPAGE SYSTEM: Seepage Pit: Nu~er of pi~s ..... ~utside dia~er ~ ~ w~dth~ , lenEt~ ., d~pth , lining material . Dist~ce from well.._ ~ building fo~da~ion_ . , n~arest lot line Total effective ~sorption a~ea (wall area) sq. ft. TILE DRAIN FIELD: Distance from well Q~-~'./ fo~datlon ~/, nearest lot line Total len~h of lin~ ~([/ Nu~er of lines ~ Distance between lines Trench widths. _~n. Total eff~c~iv~ ~sorpt~on area./~O sq. ft. Length of each llne Depth: Top of tile to finish grade_~ ~' . Depth of ffl~er ~erial beneath tile~ ~O in. Above ~ile ~ ~ WELL: Typ~'. , ~ neaPest lot line ~¥3', neaPest seweP line~, septic tank //0 ~ seepage system -~ / cesspo~l~ ~ otheP souPces DISTANCES: DATE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM APPROVED Health Aut'h'ority " ~ ^ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT BELOW TO BE FILLED O~ BY HE~TH DEPART~NT This is to serve a ' ~ ' ~/// DIST~CES: I certify that I am fam~llam 'with the requi~m~nts of Greatem Ancho~aEe Area Bo~ou§h Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said code.