HomeMy WebLinkAboutHANSON ACRES #1 BLK 4 LT 3 GREaTEr ANChOrAGE ArEa BOROUGH 2207 ~IcRAE ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 272--1577 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August 14, 1970 GAAB Health Department 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Gentlemen: SANITARY SEWER SERVICE - HANSON ACRES SUBDIVISION LOT 3, BLOCK 4 This is to confirm that the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Public Works has formed a lateral sanitary sewer district in the Hanson Acres Subdivision. This sewer system is presently under construction and should be available for hookup in the Fall of 1970. These sewers will service Lot 3, Block 4, of the Hanson Acres Subdivision. If you have further questions regarding this matter, please contact this office. Yours truly, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH~ Robert H. Morriss, P. E. Director of Public Works 6ert M. Hudnall, Jr. Administrative Assistant RMH/jt cc: Dr. Tom Keister ~ Name .of person requesting approval · ~ ~ ~ 2. ~ame of property,, owner 5. Waten Analysis: REQUEST F~R APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Triplicate) b. Detemgent " , 6, Well data: a. Type b. Dept c. Casing Size d. Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer line 2. Septic tank 3. Seepage Area 4, Cesspool' 6. houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. Sewage disposal system. Property Line Other sources of possible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, a. Age of system b. Septic tank capacity in gallons , c. Name of septic tank manufactu~e.r 1. If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form. Disposal field or seepage pit size and type 1, Distance to property line to house foundation ~e, Percolatio~ Te~t '~esults f. ercolatmon Test performed by p . Use the reverse.side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include ['>Khe roi.lowing information: pFoperty llnes~.well location, house location, m~pmRc tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, an~ direction of ground slope. The lnf~rz~ma, tion on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. \, 'S'i~-~nature 'of AppliCant .... Date Sigh'ed' TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART~ENT PERSONNEl, [--~e above described ~anitary facilities are hereby approved, subject to the ........... ~l%owing con~fons: , ~ , Conditions: The above described sanitar~ facilities are disapproved for the following reasons: 'Signature of ..... "' ' '"~' '~' ~ate ' Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ:cw INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY ALA$~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Section of Sanitation and llagineering I~b. No. &o93 ~outhcen~r~ RSgton~ ACTION ON REQUEST FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Your recent request for an analysis of a sample from thee IndivkJ. ua_ 1 P~riyate Water Supply Off ~t~pl~eJ& tea. serving HIm$~ ~x~$ ~. was H' R. ~sier B~x Anchorage, Alaska r=eivea examination has been completed. and Records in this ott~ce indicate this Individual Private Water Supply m be of Satisfactory Questionable Unsatisfactory Sanitary status. Analysis shows this SAMPLE to be L'""~'~" Satisfactory. .Questionable Unsatisfactory. If an 'TUnsatisfactory" or "Questionable" stares is indicated above, you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Boil or chemically treat your water supply to protect your family from Water-borne diseases as outlined in eh- dosed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." 2. Improve your spring--See bulletin HSE-6-2 3. Improve your cistern--See bulletin HSE-6-3 4. Improve your dug well --See bulletin HSE-6-4 5. Improve your driven well--See bulletin HSE-6-5 6. Improve your drilled well--See bulletin HSE-6-6 7. Relocate your well to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system--See bulletin HSE-15 8. Bottle broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. 10. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Department or [] Alaska Health Department, Sanitation office for bulletins, consultation, and assistance. II. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply source ALASKA DILP~TM~IT fDF HI~x~TH ~vislon of ~bllc H~ ~ratori~ BA~E~OLOGIC~ WATER ~ALYSIS 6093 ~ce H~son Acres Sub~n. off c~Pbell ~' No. ~ R~m to H. ~. rotes: ~n~ed [7~'/~2~ Date Received a/6/62 Z =o U,oth 1.0cc 0. cc 48 horn ~TI~ NEGAT~E HMB. .B G B ~o~ BrotN 24 ~s 48 hrs. Grin's stain ~orm Dmsi~ (Most probahle,~p, per 100cc.) Repo=ed by ~V Date. Absent ~ an~ysis indi~tes ~liform Orga~sms to Pre.hr ADH--HS E-6-FI (e) This Form Must Be Filled Out Completely. Sheet for Sample Colleetion AI,.~SKA DEI~ARTMENT OF ~*I'H S~tion of SanCtion and ~ee~g Requ~t ~or Ba~eriological Analys~ ~b. No ........................................... Water sample collected by..~.:...~.....~~ ......................... ~.~ ............. .~.~.~....~.~:.. (Name of person collecting sample) (Date) (Time) Water sample collected from ~ Kitchen tap; ~ Bathr~m tap; ~ Basement tap; ~ Other (l~t) ..................................................................................................................................... prem~e where source ~ l~a~d.:~~....~.~....~..~...~ ...... Addr~s (Mr.) .............................. ....... .............................. (Name) (Box N°. or street address) Please plaeo an ,X" ~n ~he box beforo lgoms which b~g dese~be 7our wager aupplT: BO~¢~: Well ~ ~ Dug. ~ Drivon. ~ D~lled. ~ Bored ~ 8prlng. ~ C~em. ~ Ogher (iisi) .......................................................................................... ~ .................... ~ Cree~. ~ Rlver. ~ Bake. ~ Pond .................................................................................................................. DUG ~LL OR CISTERN CONS~UCTION: ~alls-- ~ ~ood, ~ Concrete, ~ ~tal, ~le, ~ Brick or Concrete Block Top -- ~ ~ood, ~ Concrete, ~ Metal, ~ ODen ToD LOCA~ON: ~ In basement, ~ Basement offset, ~ Under ho~e, ~ In yard Other ..................................................................................................................................................................................... DIST~CE TO: Building sewer or other drainage plDe .... ~...feet, SeDtic ~nk .............. feet, ~le field .............. feet, SeeDage Di~ .............. feet, Cesspool .... ~... fee~, Privy .............. feet. O~her p~sible sources of contamination (l~t) ................................................................................................................................... ~~: Building sewer -- ~ Cast ~on, ~ ~ood, ~ THe, ~ ~bre pipe, ~ Asbestos cement Joint material GE~R~ ~OR~ON: Does water become muddy or d~col0red? ~ yes, ~ no ~h en ? ....................................................................................................................................................... Dlamete~ .............~--~-.~ ......... deDth .............. ~.~ ..................................... feet of well ~ell casing material ........................................ diameter .................... depth .................................. Length of droD D1De ................................................................................................. Water depth from bot~m ......... ~ ............... ~ ............ ~ ............................................................... feet PumD location: ~ ~ well, ~ Offse~ ~ basement, ~ In basemen~ ~ ~ utl~ty r~m, ~ On tod of well ~ Other (t~t) ................................................................................................ ~ ....... PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness susDected? ~ yes, ~ no Ne~ source of supply? ~ yes, ~ no Repairs to existing ~ysten~? ~ yes, ~ no ....... ........... PLEASE DRAW A S~TCH ~ ~ SPACE BELOW. ~IS SK~C~ SHO~D SHOW ~CATION OF HOUSE, WA'i'~ SUPPLY SOURCE, SEPTIC TANK, SE~R, DRA~ LI~S OR O~R SOURCES OF POLLU~ON ~D DIST~CES BETWEEN V~ATER SUPPLY SOURCE AND ANY OF ~ Q~eE FACILITIES. SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY 'I'HR ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEAL'I'll