HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot 02 82.5 '" _ S T R E E T ANC/IORAGE, ALASI(A 99501 (907) 264-4111 GEORGE M. SUI..LIVAN, MAYOR DEP/\RTM[fN I OF IIE,,\L TI I AND 12i,,~VIRONMI~N I,~L PROTECTION January 15, 1980 W.P. Boek 3838 Lore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Lot 2 MullJ. ns Subdivision Complaint ~792309 In reference to my letter to you dated November 8, 1979, your sewer system remains in the status of an illegal installation. This letter will serve as final notice that the following items must be accomplished or legal action will follow: (1) A soils test must be conducted on the property. Results will show the installation as feasible regarding clay or ground water concerns or the fact sewer on-site may not be allowed. Once a soils test is conducted, the results should be submitted to this department for review and conm~ent. (2) If the soils test is satisfactory, a permit would be issued. An adequacy test must be performed by an approved engineering firm to establish creditabiliky of the installation. Additionally, the system must have as-built drawings submitted to 'this department by a registered engineer showing exact distances to property lines, wells, etc. Ali_ distances must meet State and Municipal code minimus to be accepted. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Municipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM February 5, 1980 Ken Norman Legal Department Senior Environmental Specialist Health and Environmental Protection Lot 2 Mullins Subdivision - Complaint #792309 W.P. Boek, owner; 3838 Lore Road 99507 Attached is material of a complaint workup. There has been no contact received per our letter request. The enforcement officer has transferred to Air Resources, however, is still available for testimony, etc. This case is ready for prosecution. To summarize the case: (1 On-site sewer installed without permits or required soils test. (2 Numerous attempts to resolve problem by obtaining data after the fact have not resulted in any material received. (3 It is possible this system may not be allowed if the required data was available and revealed unacceptable conditions. Municipal Inspector - Bill Bouwens Please initate legal procedures. Les N. Buchholz, R.S. Senior Environmental Specialist LNB/ljw enc: 91-010 (5/78) .W.P. Boek January 15, 1980 Page Two Current status, as of this date, regarding your on-site sewer system. (1) Installed sewer without a permit. (2) No soils test conducted. (3) Installed system without inspections. (4) Noncompliance with department's request for correction. Based on the descrepancies and the time frame dating back to September 20, 1979, legal action will be taken through the Municipal Legal Department if soils test are not submitted by February 1, 1980 to the Sewer and Water Section Program Manager, Les N. Buchholz, 825 L Street. Sincerely, William C. Bouwens Environmental Code Officer Les N. Buchholz, R.S. Program Manager WCB/LNB/ljw cc: Ken Norman Municipal Legal Department LO ¢'4 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIFD MAIL.--30( (plus postage) SENT TO W.P · Boek SIREET AND NO, 3838 Lore Road P.O.[ STATE AND ZiP CODE Anchorage, Alaska 99507 OP~[lOrtAL SERVICE~ FOii ADm?IDNA-L FEES n.un. ,.,,~ WitD delivery Io addressee only ............ 65d fLY - 50d S~E~IAL I)~]]VERY (~x~rn te~ r~-ir a) .................................... PS Fo.. 3~00 ~0 I~ISUllfii'lC~ COVERAGE PROVIDED - Apr. 197 ! lift( FOIl 1~4T[RNATIONAI. Mfill. POSTMARK OR DATE 1-15-80 ($0o ofhor side) ~'~ GPO: 1972 0 - 460-743 ABCt O ~AGE /,,LA,~K;~99501 (907) 264 4 I ! i November 8, 1.979 W.P. Boek '3838 Lore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Lot 2 Mullins Subdivision In our discussion of November 7, 1979, and consulting with our Municipal attorney, this offic, e finds your on-site sewer system in violation of the Municipal codes. The following items have been found: (1) (2) (3) A permit was never obtained or issued from this department. Construction of the sewer system is questionable and inspections of the installation were never performed. Design of the sewer system and the tank size are unknown. As the public sewer will not be available to this property until 1981, at the earliest, the followJ, ng will be required to put the property into compliance: (i) The septic tank will need to be pumped and verified for its size. Please submit this receipt to this office. (2) An adequacy test will need to be performed on the exis%ing leaching area. This test will determine if the system is adequate. A listing of private firms who perform this test are enclosed. W.P. Boek Noveraber 8, 1979 Page Two (3) A permit will need to be obtain from this office at a cost of $20.00. The results of the adequacy test will determine if the absorption system is adequate or requires upgrade pending, of course, a soil. test indicating on--site sewer is feasible regarding no ground water. (4) This office will need a copy of the tank receipt and an acceptable percolation test indicating no ground water, bedrock, etc., you referred to during our conversation. If the above items are not complied with, legal action will. be taken. If -there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, William C. Bouwens Principal. Environmental Code Officer WCB/ljw cc: Ken Norman Municipal Legal Department RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIEI) MAIL~30~' (plus postage_). pOSTMARK  EN~ TO OR DATE 3838 Lore Road Anchorsge, Alaska 99507 11-9-79 ~ETU~- ' I S~W~G ~honl and late ~ellvered ........... 1 ¢ ~ELIVE~ '(~ ~6RESSEE ONtY ...... :"u']""':::"-'~]:'--"'::'"'"': ' ~OlAt DELIVERY (~r~o required) ................................... o ~-~ PS Forn~ 3ROO NO INSURANCE COVERAGE pROVIDER-- ,\p,. ).,~? ttO'f FOR INTERNATIO~,qE ,~,~hll, * n~o ,. ]e?~ o - ~o-~4~ Reverend F. Thomas 1010 Orca Street Anchorage, Alaekm June 27, 1968 99 Ol De~, Heverend Thomast SUBJECT~ On-Site Sewerage Disposal Lot 2, ~ullens Subd. Tile Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department has received the percolation results from s~bJect lot and has seen the plot plan. We will approve ~hs use of a 1,000 gallon septic ~k in conjunction with at leas~ 260 square~feet of seepage area. Enclosed is an informational sheet giving the required dis%anoes from the well ~o various sources of p~llution. An adequate ~Apply of "~afe" water oa~ be obimined from a properly constr~oted deep well in this area. Please contact this office for emy further information and also prior to backfilling for final on-site inspe°tion. Sincerely, DAVID R. L, DUNCAN, ~4. D. ~edical Director Enclosure ....... d~ R. S~u~itarian ADAMS · COR't,dELL , LEE · WINCE: 84 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS AFFILIATED WITH ALASKA TESTLAB 'lD40 POST ROAD - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - 99E~O1 TEL, 272-3428 June 18, 1968 Mr. J. D. Mullen Box 1067 Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 W. O. 8779 Subject: Percolation test-- First lot East of the existing Church on Lore P, oad in Mullen Subdivision. Dear Mr. Mullen: Apostolic At the request of the 1Keverend Thomas we performed a percolation test in a 'previously excavated hole on the subject 'property. The test data are shown on the attached data sheet. . The percolation rate was determined to be 1 inch per less than one minute. Very truly yours, ADAMS, COP, THELL, LEE, WINCE & ASSOCIATES F Vt: 'pc cc: P~everend Thomas Frank W. Wince, 1D. E. RICHARD ~;. ADAMS, P.E. ALAN N. CORTHELL, P.E. HARRY R. LEE, P.E. FRANK W. WINCE, P.E. m Z 5 DTIO01147 PLAT OF. LOTS ~ ~ 2 ~ TRACT FRED