HomeMy WebLinkAboutNELS KLEVEN Block 10 Lots 3A & 3B STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECO~'~ENDATION gASE: S-4272 Mel Klevin Homestead 1 lot into 2 lots SITE Land Use: S~ngle F~ily '¥opo: Generally Level Soils: Vegetation! Lands cap:lng Zoning: Density before: 9 After: 8 SURROUNDING AREA North East South West I.and Use: Mobile Home Park Multiple Family Multiple Family Multiple Family Zoning: R-3 R-3 R-3 R--3 FINDINGS; Staff has rece:ived no objective to replat Staff has received no objective to the request variance for lot width and area Public works supports the 'I~IV request for the alley C,]]A has requested an easement to protect existing equipment RECOMMENDATION: COMMENTS: Approval of the variance for lot area~L.57-d Approval of the variance for lot widt~/~/ Approval of the replat, subject to resolving utility easements with CFA Staff supports the TPIV request for the alley based upon. suitable finding of fact-as stated in the application ~'~ ~ ~ctober 1 1T H DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E~O RAN DUM November ]7, ]976 Mi k(~ Bol inger, Conkract Admini s rotator tloward C. IIoltan, Chief Fngineer, Pul]lic Works COMMENTS ON PRELIMINARY PLA1-S FOR THE FL. AI'TING BOARD MEETING OF DECEMI;ER 2, 1976 S-4267 S-4270 S.-4271 S~4272 S--~273 S-,~274 S-/1275 Lot lA, BII< tiC, l'hird Acldil:i 1. Pub'lic Works does nut suppo~ L LI.( vacation beck,use 11 th Avenue is not constructed and the alley is he-,vi'ly used For access. [.()ts 'IA and lB, Block 3, Dnit Ho. 1, Iior(h Add'it. ion, A'lveska Subdivision ¥~ ..... i~-6~i-i-E ~:lbi-'k',C 'i~i~};i~oi~q:-s' 'tii~-'-'i P'~?-'Fi~F 'i~'iq-i?,T{-o~n--~-~ ~i]' ai:,~i--C-ry~(~ 'liS-~d. - The COiM'/eF I,~ul~u~U. at the i,luu,.b~b,.~O[] OF Sr'i~j,] uo,, Road Road is not needed. i,'.~llu Hills Subdivi.~i,.,,, Addil. iur, ~;u. 6 i-]- --IT[iD I-'i"~i-i'i6i"k-~'-'-s-uT~i)~)iT{~-'-t'i'~-i?' 'v-~['~-i.'ioi~ o r the smal 'I Lri angul ar pi ece of land adjacent ko Lot 3, Blk 2. 2. A subdivision agreement is required for Spain P'riwt, A temporary kurnaround ~.hould he ded'icaLed at U~e south end of Spain Drive. 4, Reso'lw~ drainage with Public Works. '[r;~cl: 1, Iliah',,,~v Park Subdiv;r ion Ar..rfil:i,,'.,~ Uo. 1 ' .q_,.,]].qr.L~;f;ttr~ S?,d.j.,ci_?nn_~\,:!r!.i ion !'n.'l Tr~cl ] A sul),',ivisi(m &(l!'C(liT-'rll. ,:, t. ~dll(Q 2. lle~;o'lve dr'ain,~F: ,..~'ith I~ublic Works. Itc'Is .................. lile,'lrl t ....... ;r,,,rl I.oI.s :,!'~",, ,q .-,f~. ....... BII' lO '1. Public !','o,"',~s supports th,:_~ 'IPlV lot dm alley. l..hliu~nn lio. 4 !_or 38A I.",mmhand Suhdivisio '~r ""' :1']-'--~' ~subd i-v is'i e}l' ari]:'('i'('q~,-~t -i s' 'r'm(u i'l:(]'~i for: ['1 im S t. , L:o cons truc;t i ~ to Mun'icil~al Standards 1or i)er'il)heral struets plus a 'I'PIV For full 1st Adclilion, Smith .,ul)d]vi'_;'ion Ro.1 lot Ob, Dlock 7 "j-: ...... PUb I- ~"- l,:6i"[~':; -'.; [;id ~'o-Ft54"~h i:' 1 'l'; V- {6i" c};r d6~.;-,x'-5 ~ i:'(ib-I:. l. }~O COlmdllOllL. ,ql .(110 (~)//~,) Leflal Descliption of Ploporty I.volvod: ,~ ~ P-/. ~ Present/Future USED[ Property ....... [his isa request fei avaJ~ance flora Sectio. .~.]-.. J DO NOT WP, ITE IiX! TI IlS Date Received ......... Case No ~ea inq Date ACTION A. '1 e ~x stinq ~ituntion is: 011_¢ _ i_L f}_t · .] ' ' ;: b_~L__,l, 00 feel ............... ]25 [e?~...!?_}' 50 feet = 6~250 sq.ft, each. !;.~!bd i v.i ~ iDn. . 5)rEoot Jot::~ t.,'9~lld !)(: j..n ke(,l~i!'tg wi. tJ~ Ltlp. ~t&zSl'_Qut~di.n.g &!tl_e_a .....J 'ant [ ]g,'t.!/l ............ NOTE: tf tl~is v~'~a~.;e is gin.lad,iii will ne~l]i~iJ'Jt~ thai im al~l,.,priat~] .ate Im placed o. tile phil and a Record of Tem,]or~ry D . 0, W, L, 4040 B St;eet, Anchor:age, AK ... Municipality of Anchorage Pt.A'rTING BOARD AUTHORITY APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Legal Description el Property InvoJved: . ~._,___2_/~__O f ..... ~_._._ 1./__2~ Lot 3,__B_~.,., tlomestead Present/Future Use of Property DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Date Heceiw!d Case No Hearing Date ACTI ON Approved ....... Denied Conditions Section 2 ]. , 1 0 . 0 5 0 of the Land Subdivision Regulations. ']'his is a request for a veriance from This varianc0 is for: Ali e_~y improvements A. The existing situation is: for the Block 10 Alley, · aid property Ihat the strict application of the provisions of this ,!sicable to tile general public Those special circumstances or al to the public weliare or injurious to other property in the area er access is availab].e to all The c o's g md alleqes that ordinar~ce would clearly be impractical, ullreasolmh, conditions are: ._ZhJ~__por Eventually, landowners may q~tt~er~.:t n_e .St.~ I ~pro_~eme~ ~i. hhis tJ~nie x~qu:l.d..be.~mg~a_~li:kt~aJ ~OTE: If tiffs variance is ~tn{:l, it will non.irate t~t an ~HH)rop~late note bo placed on the plat and a Record of Temporary Publlc Improve~ariance he si~d)~d S¢~d with d,e plat. '-' 1~ " '" ' D,0.W.I,, EngSneers O - ,:. ';: · '20.004 {8/76) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CASE NUMBER S-4272 PETITION FOR REZONING - SPECIAL ExcEPTION VACATION REGUBDIVISION - DATE RECEIVED PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW OF Nels Klevin Homestead Lots 3A & 3B Block 10 - a subdiv. uf the S 2/'3, Wi/, L3 ~'iu N.K. Homestead located within SW 1/4 Sec 10, T13N, R3I,I, S.M. Alaska containing 0.287 acres COMMENT TO PLANNING BY November "1.7, 197~OR MEETING OF COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: of /6 Cases PUBLIC WATE P-.i .1~ AVAI LAB LE PUBLIC SEWER~AVAILABLE TO SERVICE PETI'rlON AREA, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: 71-014 (9/76} O£ T 9/~, DTI001166 ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE McpHEE AVE LEGEND CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP & DEDICATION NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Subscribed earl sworn ~o before me this of ,1976 ___ day SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE DTI004 ~t~? PLAT APPROVAL Plot opproved by the Municipol Plotting Boord or the day of ,tgT6 $4272~'~'~,~,, 21978