HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEVILLA PARK LT 31O0 (0 04"'/ FHA Form 2573 Form Approved Rev, July 1958 FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION Budg0t Bureau No. 63-R296,8 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA INSURING OFFICE MORTGAGEE SERIAL NO, MORTGAGOR OR SPONSOR PROPERTY ADDRESS SUBDIVISION NAME BLOCK NO. LOT NO. i'll;villa Pa~k ,qubd[vb~'~on 3~L TOTAL NUMBER: BASEMENT~ New installation additional bedrooms? uw.o um~s ~EOROO~S ...... (If Yes, how nlany~) r--lYes WATER SUPPLY BY: SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR [] Public system ~ Community system [] Individual NO. o~ ~OR~S. O~eAO~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL BYE ~ Public system [~ CommuDity system [] hldividual [-~ Yes [] No PART II.--TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR'S SKETCH 22ZZZZZZZZZ:ZZ2222222::Z2222222222222ZZ222222222222222:222 2222222222 ZZZzZzZZzzZZzZZZZZZZ:-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ2ZZZZZZZZ- 222222222- 222222222: 22222 It is the opinion of the [] State ~] County ~ Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply system [] is [] is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. It is the opinion of the [] State [] County ~ Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal tern with proper maintenance: ~1 Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and r-1 Cannot be expected to fimction satisfactDrily is not likely to create an insanitary condition DATE SIGNATURE TITLE : l;nviVonra,~ntal llealth l')iveeto~, spaces provided. health authority, PART III.~FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO ?HE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that'the Individual water-supply system be considered ~] Acceptable [] Not Acceptable Sewage disposal be considered [--J Acceptable [] Not Acceptable. DATE SIGNATURE [--] CHIEF ARCHITECT ] DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT HEALTH AUTHORI?Y APPROVAL FHA Form 2573 INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ue~. July 195B 2, 3, q, 5, REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Tripllcate) Name person requestin~ approv=l__?% .~-f~ Na~e of p~ope~ty, owne~ ~~_ Numbe~ of ~ed~ooms in house , .~ ~.~ Water Analysis: a. Bacterial b. Detergent Well data: c, Casing Size Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer, line 2. Septic tank 3. Seepage Ar, aa 4. Cesspool' 5. Property Line 6. Other sources of possible contaminatlon~ i,e,: creeks~ lakes, houses~ barn~ dralna~e diteh~ etc. . Sewage disposal system. a. Age of system.. b. Septic tank capacity in gallons c. ~,[ame of septic tank manufaotu~e,r 1, If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form. Disposal field om seepage pit size and type_._.~.~/~. , ~Y~,~ 1. b~-~tance to propoint-! line__/~ to house t.~,mdation Percolation. Test ~esults f. Percolation Test performed by Use the reverse,side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include -~he foilowing information: ~operty llnes~.well location, house location, ~6Utlc tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, and dlmection of ground slope. 9. The h~fo-~,~atlon on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of AppliCant ~ BE F.ILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPAP, T~.~ENT PERSONNEL ~he above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, su~bject to the ~llowing conditions: Conditions: /~?]_~a The above described sanitaryfacllzt~es' ' ' are disapproved for the following re asons: Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ:cw May 22, [968 Mr, Charles La Grant 812~ East Seoond Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 9950~ Dear Hr. ~a Grant= SUBJECT~ Sewage Disposal Faoilities, 812~ g. Second (East o£ 812~ E. 2nd) The Greater An~torage Area Borou~ Health Department ·ade an inspection of the sewage disposal system for yotm ne~ hon~ directly east oE 812~ East Second~ and ~ound the system to be adequate in terms o~ the size of tbs home. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. I)U~CAN~ M. D. ~sdical Dlreittor DBH/srr BY: San it arian