HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEW GIRDWOOD TOWNSITE ALASKA Sewage Disposal & General Information
See Distribution List
Director, Department of Environmental Quality
May 7, 1975
Water Quality Study, Girdwood/Alyeska, Alaska
Through the period of March 10, 1975 to April 29, 1975 the Department of
Environmental Quality in cooperation with the State of Alaska, Department
of Environmental Conservation did a bacteriological survey of Glacier Creek,
Alyeska Creek and Unknown Creek.
Glacier Creek samples were taken approximately 100 feet downstream of the
Alyeska Highway where it crossed Glacier Creek. This was downstream of
the confluence of Glacier Creek and Alyeska Creek. The sampling points
on the Alyeska Creek were as follows:
Sample Point #1: Above the bridge south and west of the bridge to the
Alyeska resort and the ski resort itself respectively. The upper stream
side of this bridge was considered a base point as there are no septic
tanks or drain fields above this point.
Sample Point #2: This point is below the bridge at the ,lade Shop and
is several hundred yards downstream from the Alyeska Lodge.
Sample Point #3': This point is located approximately 50 feet downstream
from the second bridge below the Jade Shop.
Sample Point #4: This is located approximately 150 yards upstream from
a confluence of Glacier Creek and Alyeska Creek and was just downstream
from a bridge crossing the creek.
On Unknown Creek the sampling points were as follows:
Sample Point #1__: Approximately at the intersection of Alyeska Avenue
and a cleared area west of the ski lodge.
Sample Point #2: Approximately 70 yards downstream of point #1 in a
wooded area.
During the sampling period, samples were collected weekly and analyzed by the
State Department of Health and Social Services, Public Health Laboratory in
Anchorage for both fecal coliform and total coliform. At some locations it was
not possible to get samples every week because of extreme ice cover or the
~ater Quality Stuciy
~klyeska/Girdwood Are~
Page Two
May 7, 1975
shifting of the stream. The sampling program was terminated on the 29th of
April, shortly after breakup conditions increased stream flows to the point
that data collection became difficult.
Table #1 shows the high, low and geometric mean of the bacterial counts
obtained at each location.
Bacteriological Quality of Alyeska, Unknown and Glacier Creek
In the Girdwood/Alyeska Area
March-April, 1975
Total Coliform (no. per ml)
Fecal Coliform (no. per 100 ml)
Sample Point High Low Mean High
Alyeska #1 2 0 1.5 2
Alyeska #2 2,400,000 13,000 1,000,000 540,000
Alyeska #3 2,400,000 16,000 120,000 49,000
Alyeska #4
(One Sample) 2,200 ......
Glacier Creek Below
Alyeska Highway
Bridge 2,400 0 37 1,600 0
Unknown Creek
#1 2 ......
Unknown Creek
#2 240,000 920 4,246 16,000 80
Low Mean
0 1.5
20,000 120,000
2,200 15,000
Water Quality btudy
Alyeska/Girdwood Ar,
Page Three
May 7, 1975
From the High counts of fecal coliform found in Unknown Creek and Alyeska
Creek, one can only conclude that the ground water table in the Alyeska
area is highly polluted with effluents fron on-site sewer systems.
The Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Book, Report of
The Committee on Watel~ Quality Criteria, published in 1968, reports that if
waters contain over 400 fecal coliform organisms per 100 milliliters
there is a strong possibility that a.person in contact with this water could
have detectable health effects. The standard for direct contact recreation,
people swimming or children wading or dabbing, is for the waters to contain
not more than 400 fecal coliform per 100 ml.
The data in Table #1 shows that Alyeska Creek, Unknown Creek and Glacier
Creek exceed the standards for primary contact sports. Parents should be
cautioned to keep children out of the creeks as contact may be detrimental to the
child's health. Waters from these creeks should never be used by campers for
cooking or washing at any time. In the very near future the Department of
Environmental Quality will post the streams with warnings that the streams
are contaminated.
Distribution List:
Mayor, Greater Anchorage Area Borough
Mayor, City of Girdwood
Alyeska Homeowner' s'Association
Regional Engineer, ADEC
Director, ADL
Regional Medical Officer, ADHSS
Commissioner, ADEC
Senator, Ed Willis
Department of Environmental Quality
[,1 E 1,1 0 R A i~ D U H
JanuaJ~ 10, 1974
TO: Harry Donahue,
Staff Director
Joseph S. [~lair, R.S.
Environmental Services i4anager
SUBJECT: Alyeska/Girdwood Sewage
1. There
investigation and inspection by this office revealed tile follo~.¢ing:
are present, ly four cesspool pumping firms that service the F~lyeska/
Girdwood area: Isaac's Pumping, Jack Benny, Anchorage Cesspool Pumping
and Abraham's Pumping.
These pumpers go to the area on call and dump the load at a dump site approxi~
mately one mile i~orth of the grocery store on Ski View Road (see attached
sketci]) or into one of nine designated manholes into the Anchorage Municipal
The dump site in Alyeska/Girdwood was thoroughly checked and no problems
from sewage were evident here. The site was originally located to be used
by the i~otel and anoti]er lodge. The site is so located that no sewage
should enter any creek or contaminat, e water supplies.
Our files reflect eleven (ll) holding tanks in ti]is area. Pumpers service
septic tanks in the area, as well as holding tanks. This office is continu-
ing its investigation to determine 1;lie total number of holding tanks that
have been installed (possibly some without approval) and ti~e nt4mber of septic
tanks that presently require pumping.
The sewer system for the hotel/condolllinium was checked and dyed on January
9, 1974. There is NO evidence of overflowing sewage either on the surface
or into the streams~.-' There was a w.~ry strong "sewer odor" around the hotel/
condominium. It is most likely this strong odor is the result of inadequate
venting of pOumbing within the hotel/condominium complex which results ire the
sewer gases being forced to vent through the septic tank siphon pipe which is
located 'In the parking lot. An evaluation of tile venting, and correction where
necessary, will be required, Pictures of the area were taken ,January 9, 1974
and this entire area will be rechecked for evidence of dye on ,January ll, 1974.
This office is presently formulating a method of surveillance to determine
the amount of sewage pumped and the location it is dumped at. This proposal
will be submitted for approval before imposing it on tile cesspool pumpers.
,January 10 o 1974
(se(: list attached)
' , r Temporary Sewoge Dumping Station
SUBJECT: Alyeska/Ghdwoe i
Dear Six':
It has been determined that continued uae of the temporary sewage dumping site
at Girdwood should not be allowed and that thi~ site be permanently closed.
Sewage collected from thi~ area will be dmnped 9~nj.y, in those manholes ef the
Anchorage Municipal System that have been approved by the Greater Anchorage
Area Borough Department of Public Works.
Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning the above.
Joseph S. Blair, lt. S.
Environmental Services Manager
Mayor Bursiell,
City of Girdwood
ttarry Donahue,
Staff Director
January 10, 197~
Mr, Robert Burstell, Mayor
City of Girdwood
Girdwood, Alaska 9958?
Dear Mayor llursiell:
This office has determined that continued use of ~he 'Lemporary se~,~a§e and dump-
lng station located on A,D.L. Parcel No. 39659 should not be allowed and ':his
site should be closed.
There is an adequate number of approved manhole locations in the Anchorage
,~unicipal System to handle the sewage effluent pumped from the Alyeska/Gird--
wood facilities and these locations are ti)(: only ones that ~.~ill be ~.lsed after
the clos~ire of the t-emporary site.
All of the licensed cesspool pumpers are beinfl notified of this action and
directed to discharge sewage effluent collected in'Lo one of the approved man-
holes tn the Anchorage System.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Joseph S. Blair,
Environmental Services Hana§er
tlarry Donahue,
Staff Director
All Cesspool Pumpers
(see ai;'Lact;ed)
Anchorage Cesspool Pumping
Star Route A, Dox 144
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
Gordon Spidle Cesspool Pumping Service
3824 Jewel t. ake Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99~02
Anchorage Refuse
6301 Rosewood
Anchorage, Alaska
Isaac's Pumping
1601 Tudor Road
Anchorage, Alaska
Jack Benny, Incorporated
3407 Spenard Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Rent A Can
P. O. Box 423
Eagle,River, Alaska
Alaska Pumping and Line Cleantng
7100 Lake Otis Parkway
Anchorage, A1 ask 99507
Abraham Pumping
2605 East 50th Avenue
A~chorage, Alaska 99507
Anci~orage Plumbing and IIeatin.q Repair
2907 LaHonda
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
~ort A Can
Box 365
Chugiak, Alaska
~ -.~..,.;zz ...... ~'~ ~orage, Alaska 99503
October 27, 1972
Mr. Edward C~]dzwill, Mayor
City of Girdwood
Girdwood, Alaska 99587
Dear L~ayor Gendzwill:
We have receivax] your letter of Octob~_r 6, 1972 requesting our concurrence
with the City of Gird%xkod's continuc~d use of emergency cesspool d%mloing
site wkich is pzmsently under the City's control for t]~e pu~)ing of approxi-
mately 18 weekend residentio_l holding tanks serving ski cabin tqfpe facilitics
for a pericd not to exceed two years or more specifically until July 197~ at
-'which tim'~ hopefully the valley will ]have p~folic s~ver se~-~ices available to
As per otlr earlier discussion of this m~ntter, I ~uld like to officially
advise you that the Greater ?mchorage Area Boz~ugh does conct~ with your
re~]l~est-, as stated above. We are_ ~3st certainly appreciative of the City's
efforts J~l attcmptJ.ng to intorow3 and maJJ]t~in a high cfualitl of environ-
~ -~mental health with:in the Girdwtxpd ~rea and we stand ready to assist you
wherever possible in this (~deavor.
C.P. ~<dki.ns, R.S.
cc: Borough Mayor's Office
October 6, 1972
C. P. Judkins
Environmental Quality
Greater Anchorage Area Borough
Pouch 6--650
Anchorage, Alaska
Dear ~,~'. Judkins:
For a period of no longer than two years, er more specifically,'
until July, 1974, the City of Girdwood would like to continue
use of the emergency cesspool dumping site to be utilized
for pumping approximately 18 weekend residential holding tank-type
ski cabins.
Thank you.
Edward Gendzwill
JANUARY 6, 1970
This Departanent's records indicate that you are a property owner
in the Girdwood-Alyeska area.
Through increased development of this area in the last few years,
one major problem has come to this Department's attention. The
soil conditions and water table, in a majority of the area, are
very uns~ttable for on-site sewage disposal. ~is fact is evident
through an ever increasing number of phone calls and complaints
from residents and tourists ~o live and visit this area.
Several inspections of large portions of this area, by members of
this Pepartment, show flint a large percentage of the sewer systems
are discharging sewage into many?of the numerous streams and marsh
Being in an isolated area, there tends to be a feeling that the
problem may never become serious. ~e only have to thi~ back to
areas like Muldoon when the residents there felt there would never
be a problem. Now the b~ldoon area is literally floating on a sea
of sewage with 85 ~ 90 percent of the wells being contaminated.
feel certain that all people, who live in and use the Girdwood-
Alyeska area, wish to have the natural beauty left intact and un-
This Department can almost guarantee, that without correction, 'the
sewer problems in this area will become a serious health hazard.
At the current rate of development, this time is rapidly approach-
We wish to infom all people of your area that this Department will
work for a solution to this problem with the ultimate answer being
a system of public sewers and sewage treatment, l)uring the inter-
um time though, all overflowing sewer co~R)laints will be handled
in a routine manner. The owner will be cm~tacted and the problem
explained to him and method of correction. This will be followed
by a registered letter stating the violation and period of time
allowed for correction. Failure to satisfactorily correct a sewer
problem means the matter is taken to court for final settlement,
which can be quite costly.
Girdwood-Alyeska Property Ovmers
January 6, 1970
Page Two
But before we begin to sound too much like "policemen", please
remember our position is to protect the health of all people using
this area and that we will be more than happy to attend any meet-
ings in your area to discuss methods of correction of this problem.
Administrative Director
RRS: rn
[lo'l'f'F4. St'~ riCkl~nd;
Environmental Health
DAI'E: July 13, 1970
FROM: Clifford I)o JL~dkigs, R, So
g~inistrative Director
TO: P~lic ?forks J)epartn~nt
SUBJECT: Giro~¢ood/Alyeska
Sewage disposal in the Alyeska/Girdweod al~a has always been a problem to the ltealth
ll-te area is an old glaciated valley system whid~ had a branching pgttern of glaciers
that forme, d the major land dmracteristics and surface geology that exists today.
'lhe wtlley floor is composed of a mixture of loose material deposited by the glacic;rs
or f~m melt w~Lter strea,,s whidt altered the surface aud deposited water-graded material
ranging from clay particles to boulders. Fine materials of clay and silt m~derlie most
os the area lm~king subsurface drainage difficul'c or impossible, lhis hms altered the
vegetation growth whidt in tulai hms altered 'the drainage system. M~mkeg has ~weloped
d~roughout the a~a ~ith the exception of creek bottoms and ridges.
With the development of Alyeska Ski Corporation area aad in the last few years the
expression of the ski facilities to include a large hotel/motel corrglex~ condonfi.nium,
swi~mning pool ~ three restaur~mts ~ two ba~-s ¢a-,d other related facilites, the population
of the area h~s seen rapid e×pansion. ~st of the increase has been via "weekend" res:L~
dences built on ].and developed by glyeska Ski Corporation and a 200 acre parce~ leased
from 'lqie State by Atyeska Basin Corporation.
A COntmmLity water system was developed m~d lots of 8,000 to 1ZsO00 square feet ware sold
or sO~lot, qbe majority of the "weekend cabins" a~ in the $20~000 ~ $40,000 bracket
mid m:e used q~te extensively throut~mut the s~mmr and the wi~ter. Ali have framing
~,mter and modern plying wi'th ~aste disposal via ~sspools and in a leu c~es septic
taffi<-secpage pit arrange]rants.
'lhe co].bination of extren'ely poor drainage systems, a rapid infhm of people, large
sophisticated ski cabins witJl moden~ plmnbing and pt~olic water, l'_um resulted in .';erious
sewage disposal problel~.
t-k;alth hazards due to d~veloplt~nt of the area wifhout adequate waste disposal facililies
lmve reached such extrenes that the [tealth ~part[~nt is no~ mco~)~nending against any
~rther developmnt without public sewerage facilities. ~:[s action will m~doubtedl7
place a serious economic burton ~ the l~d develo~rs ot~rating in O~e area. Prat ox~
perience h~ shown that when p~lic healfl~ ~d econm~ics ~me head ~;o head some compron~se
is readied that allows so~m fern of developnmnt to continue.
Do~mstic water supply fo~' the Alyeska development is provided via a ~ep~;~uife'r, public
well whidt is fairly well protected from fecal conttmination. Most of the residents of
the surr~n~ng area get ttK~ir water from shallow individual wells whid~ while not pre-
sently contaminated~ a~ ve~ poorly protected against contamination.
It is the opinion of this Department that serio%k~ threat;s to p~blic health in the area
of concera will be avert¢;d only *J~rou~ the inst:alhLtion of adequate ptDlic sewer
w~mte treat,rant f~ilities.
Fe!:,rm:my 2,
C. 2. Jud!.:in~,
;few Girdwood Town .,tJ;~ Lots
So~nmtime ago al; a Land Trust ~.~eebing ;.;o. discus,s(;d leasing tit,'} subject
'lots shown on ~he att~ched plat in rani. ~/evelOpmL'mt of '~J'~so lots
would ",'~ .'-,, - -" .... ~. sposal
mib'lic wa~er is availabl[~ to them. The small lots which face parcel
~,~m was left
~]'2b could te dev;}looed in Lhi:; manner as long afl parcel .,~.r
undeveloped and all of Li,~ ~ewer s.ystams were located on the end of
thc lots n~;~resC x, rcel d25.
i'i~; lot to th,._'.' east of iii,iii R~wer Road, parcel ~',<'2;ii arid ,L31 could be
dewlope~i if we could be ~ssured that the properties to the east of
gh~m~ loLs would not be developed until public sewers were available
to ~he area. 0ue to my recent sick leave absence, I haw] lost track of
~',~is situation and would appreciatL, it if you would brinfl m,} up to
date on w~-~ac we are doing with these lots.
D/0 #53-6
Form No. PEEHP-SW.-1
Division of Public Health
Firm or Agency_ CITY OF GIRDW00D Date of Visit $/10/66
Location ½ mile north of old Alyeska Road Mailing Address Girdwood
Responsible Official Mrs. Bruce (Leah) Purcell Title City Clerk
Area Served Girdwood & Alyeska Population Served 100 permanent (Est.)
Types of Solid W'aste Handled General trash, garbage, brush
Charges to Users None
Storage and Collection System (Describe):
Storage and collection is by private individuals or establishments
Disposal System (Describe):
Open dump - landfill: Refuse is deposited near end of fill area; material is
_]_eveled and covered approximately four tim~s
Location (Sketch site and relation to other developments)
Form No. PEEHP-SW-1
Page 2
Public Health Hazards and Control Methods:
Rat Control, Other Animals None
Burning City clerk reports that residents usually burn material as it is
deposited ~t sil:e ~.nd tl~ leave it smolderins. ,,~hes ~d ~urned rubbish 6re _
in evidence at the disposal site.
Paper Control None
Complaints The city clerk reports that complaints have been made.
[~/o #53
l']f£oct:s of garthquako:
Form No. PEEI{P-SW-1
Page 3
Cormnents and ReCOlm]lendations:
Tile city clerk reports that in return for the use of the Girdwood disposal site
the officials of Alyeska have agreed to level and cover tile refuse periodically.
This arrangement ts by a gentleman's agreement.
Disposal site is within 500 ft. of Glacier Creek.
At tile time this Inspection was f~(te the site had boon leveled and lightly covered
with glacial fill. Tills cover is Insufficient, as ovtdesoed by cans, bottles and other
trash at the surface. Fr~, the appearance of the material at tho sttrface, compactto~
was not adequate.
This site has very nearly roached its capacity as a disposal area unless it is
expanded ~o t:ho east toward Glacier Creek or excavations are nmde to the north or
west (see photos and location diagram). Additional disposal area currently exists
only at the north end of the site and consists of a trench approximately 15 ft. wide~
18 ft. deep ~%d 30-50 ft, long.
On the basis of the above data, it is recommended that the present site be
abandoned and a new s~te be developed u~lng a sanitary fill met:hod for disposal.
This new sit~ should not be used for dlapomal of brush. The abandoned site should
be c~npacted as much as possible and all surfaces sealed with 24" of compacted
earth cove~. Periodic inspection of the abandoned site, especially within the ftrst
6-12 mo~ths, should be made in order to seal openings in the cover caused by uneven
settlement. The location of the abandoned disposal area should be recorded so that
eventually this land may bo utilized for other selected uses.
Prior to the development of the now site it is recommended that the following
steps be taken:
1) Provide adequate compaction and cover for existing s~faces, as noted
2) Post public notices at disposal site forbidding burning of trash.
3) Designate authority to insure 2hat disposal site is properly maintained
at all times.
Photos attached
Inspected by A_~r_thpr_.~B_e~%edlct & Dan ..R$.nsha~f,
Dickinson Oswald ~ Associates
SEPTIC TANK: A watertight element designed to receive raw
~ewa'ge; '~0 'provide removal of settleable and floatable solids~
to provide biological decomposition of the solid and liquid
fraction of the raw sewage; and to provide storage of sludge
and scum°
CESSPOOL: An element which is designed to semve the same purpose
as a septic tank except that it is not watertight and thus permits
leaching of treated waste (largely liquid) into the suprounding
LEACHING FIELD: An element designed to receive only treated sewage
~'a'r'ge'ly' li~id) oP liquid waste~ its purpose is to distribute
liquid throughout sumrounding soil. Constructed as a network of
perforatecL pipes, open-jointed drain tile~ or simila~ material.
SEEPAGE PIT: An element which serves the same purpose as a leach.-
i~--~e-~.--Constructed as a pit with open-jointed lining.
Septic Tank
Sewe~ Lines
Perforated Pipe
Seepage Pi~
Noo 20-.3 8/10/66
Overall of size taken from access
road looking northeast.
No~ i9-12 8110/66
Xorth edge of fil!~ standing at
west end of north edge looking east.
No~ 21-I. 8/10/68
Fill at south end~ looking north-
east. Note proximity of Glacier
~!o~ 20--2 8/i0/66
Northeast edge of fill~ looking
southeast0 Note proximity of Glacier
'- ~ .
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