HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEW GIRDWOOD TOWNSITE ALASKA BLK 1 LT 13 S~ptember 23~ 1977 $76625 Don Listo~% Box 13.2 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 Subject ~ Per]'~]i% Expiration Dear ~o Liston~ A permit issued by this departmlenk for well and/or on-site sewer ~ stallation on Lot 13 Block ! Girdwood Townsite has ex,)ired ~;tnce the iss%le date exceu(~s ()ne (1) year. In the ew,~nt you still plan to install the well and/or on~si,te sea-;er syste2n, a new permit is requir~do The original soil 'test ~.lay be ume:~f~ to obtain a current perch!it. the well has been drilled, a well lo~.~ should be sent to %:his department to doc%uaent the installation date. If you hav~ any questions regardin~j the abov~ matter~ please do not hesitate] to contact: this office in~ediately at 264-4720. Robert C. Pratt, Sanitarian RCP/ljh I:::i i:':' F'I, [1[ (ii: I:::1 ?',1' i~ }, .. gill[ (iii 1:::I1 ~ii',li!iitlilil",lll) "t'l:,i:l;::l]il.lli[l:;i: I:::'1:::11:;?.1'( I.:J.;ii: lii',:;I. H G]t;F'.[:,H(ii~OI) t"ilii!",tlii1"11...11"1 I) ]] :~i;'i'I::II",I][]i:IE lii!:lTl'l.,.lti(f!il",! I:::1 I.,.IIEI.I... I:::II",ID I:::~I'.,IV Ot'.,l'.".ii;]i"l"li!; :;t..~;ii~;:ii I:':'11!]1;!i'1" I::;'()1:;iI FI t:::'I:;?.];',,,'F:!Tli!i; I.,.lli:~'.M.... 01:;i: ;i?~!:~,~i!1 I:::'lii!;li!i;"l" I:::'(]]1:;:'. l.,ll!il;t..I.I...([iGS i::ll:;?.l!:i[ l:;ill':!;i;.;!LI;i;l:;?.tiii[I) i:::lh,ll)I"II...IST I::i:E( Eh~:: "lHl::il F.IEI.I. ii:i;I;::'ti:ii(i: )] t;:: i[ Cl:T'l" ]i Ol'.,IS I:::II'.,ID (iX];ll'.,li!i~Tl:;i:i..rlC"l"]i(])l'.,I I])]il~:l(ilil:;ill:::lH:i~; ;[ i'.,I ;!ii; T t:::t I_. t._ FIT iii I[]ii I'.,I. II'""11 ::11:: lliiiiil;; l:!~!ii;; IL,il o GREATER ANCtlORAGE AREA BOROUGu Department of Environmental Qu, 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 cy Performed for Legal Desc ri pti on :___~]~ This form reports: Soils log~ Percolation test Depth Feet lO- 11 - 13-. lq.- Was ground water encountered? .._Z.-~-~ If yes, at wtlat depth? Readin§ Date Gross Time Net Time ?_e_p?~.'?_W_?t__e)'_ Net Drop -::-~;-- -:-: :::.:::::;--:: :-:. :: ................. J Percolation rate minute. · Proposed insl;allatl'-~-n-:---'~'e~[~a~te [)it ...................... Urain Field ....................... :~epgh of Inle~ ........................ . Bepth ~o bo~om of pit or COFII'.IE[tTS: gQ 040 (6/74)