HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOOREHAND TR 3A LT 1A MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ." 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 EN~VIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION Telephone 264-4720 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER 'FACiL-I¥¥E DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be processed. Please allow ten (10) days for processing. MAILING ADDRESS PROPERTY RESIDENT (If diffe~nt from above) PHONE 2. BUYER PHONE MAILING AD~ES~ MAILING ADDRESS 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET LOCATION 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS u~r ~,~'"~'~'GLE FAMILY ~ [] Four [] Two [] Five [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] Three [] Six [] Other 7. WATER SUPPLY [] IND[VI DUAL* * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled [] ,,COMMUNITY since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well [~ PUBLIC UTI LITY depth (attach log if available.) 8, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM " [] INDiVIDUAL/ON-SITE** **If individual/on-site, give installation date If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required L_,~ vuBLIC UTI LITY by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010(3/78) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ON~ DATE RECEIVED iNSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE 1 NSP ECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS: 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS E~SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] F~VE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2, WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVI DUAL DEPTH OF WELL [~COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified~'t""~""~ ' LOG RECEIVED 3, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER [~UuBIVI DUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED LIC UTILITY ~ / / Connection Verified ~,/~2/Z~ INSTALLER E~Septic Tank or []Holding Tank Size: If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4. DISTANCES Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line I Nearest Lot Line WELL TO: Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5, COMMENTS E~APPROV ED FOR / BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE BY (Title) LEGA'DESCR'PT'O 7; 72-010 (Rev. 3/78) Complainant's Name: Street Address: Phone No. NUISANCE COMPLAINT FORM Box No. Description of Complaint: (9~__~e~/~ ,~) Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made; Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: Location of Complaint: Phone No. Street Address: Person Receiving Complaint:~ ~~ Date:. ::~:i~z~ , I certify that such statement o~¢~f~cts is true to the best of my be- lief and knowledge. I request that the foregoing matter be investi- gated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN Investigator: Date Investigated: Action Taken: DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: GREATERANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality M E lq 0 R A N D U M TO: FROM: November 30, 1973 SUBJECT: Wayne Mabry Planning Department Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian Subdivision Plat Review for the December 20, 1973, lqeeting The Department of Environmental Quality, Environmental Sanitation Division has re- viewed the proposed subdivisions listed below and have the following co~lents: Th~ cases listed below i~ave pUblic sewer and water and meet with this Division's requirements. l) S 3231 Lot lA, 2) S 3035 3) S 3238 4) S 3249 5) S 3250 6) S 3234 7) S 3228 8) S 3243 9) S 3237 lO) S 3254 ll) S 3241 12) S 3242 13) S 3251 14) S 3248 15) S 3246 Resubdivision 3rd Addition, A.O.T. (Anchorage Original Townsite), Block 27A. ' Resubdivision: Sou~hridge Subdivision, Lot 2A, Block 4. Vacation and Resubdivision, Ti]ird Addition, A.O.T., Block 33B. Resubdivision, Collegegate Subdivision, Lot 1D, Block 6. Vacation and Resubdivision, Thunderbird T~rrace, Tract-4A and SA. Resubdivision, McRae Subdivision, Lots 14A (1), iSA (1) = lSD (1). Resubdivision, Hiller Subdivision, Lots 2A and 3A. Aero Acres, Addition # 1. Spenard Heights Addition~ Lots 13A - 13C. Flying Crown Addition # 2. Sherwood Acres Subdivision. 'Moorehand Subdivision, Lots !-A and l-B, Tract 3-A. The Foothills Addition # 2. Chu§ach Foothills, Addition # 1. Burston Subdivision, Block 1 and 2. (over) lY) S 3247 Campbell Woods, Block 6. S 3256 Vacation, Eagle River tteights North (Chilkat Court). Public sewer and water are available for extension into this subdivision. With t~e extension of these utilities to serve all lots this subdivision meets with this Department's approval. B. The cases listed below meet with this Department's recommendation after review of the information supplied or that information w~ich was available in our files: 18) S 3230 Resubdivision, Murray Subdivision, Lot lA Public sewer is available to this lot. The lot is served via a private well which supplies adequate volumes of water. 19) S 3235 Tulin Jacobson Industrial Park 2o) Public sewer is available to serve this subdivision. Public water is not available. Lots will have to be developed via individual wells. Information from ti~is area indicates that there is adequate water for these purposes. S 3239 Southpark Industrial Subdivision Public sewer and water is not available. Utilities will have to be provided when the subdivision is further developed. At 'this time, we ilave no particular requests for utility extension into this area. 21) S 3253 Dowling Subdivision, Lots lO-A - lO-C Public sewer and water is not available for extension to these three (3) lots. The sewer line on the north side of Oowling Boulevard may not be extended into this area due to it running at capacity at the present time. After discussion with the engineer, we are in agreement that a note should be placed oil the plat limiting development on the southern two (2) lots until public sewer is available to serve these lots. With this note placed on ti~e plat~ the subdivision meets with this Department's approval. 22) S 3252 Urbanek & Kerkove Subdivision Public water is available. Public sewer is not available. The lot size and soils conditions are adequate to handle the existing level of development in tilis sub- division until public sewer is available. At the present time, this subdivision meets with tilis 2epartment's approval. 23) S 3258 Delak's Addition, Lots 5A, 5B and 12A - 12C Public sewer and water is not available. Lots lZB and 12C do not meet the lot size requirement non,~ally required under our standards for development wi ti~out public sewer al/d water. However, this is ti~e deeded ownersiHp of two separate individuals on this land and, at the present time, there are two (2) substantial homes built on both lots. We feel at this time ti~ere is no need to object to this subdivision since it is only legalizing tile exact ownersF~ip of land in this area. Soils conditions in this area are adequate for on-site sewage misposal. Tile wells that ilave been drilled for these houses, witi~ discussion with the engineer, arc adequate to serve the residences constructed on ti~e property. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 PHONE 907 277-16~5 August 15, 1974 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality 330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Susan E. Dickerson Re: Moorehand Subdivision Public Well Dear Ms. Dickerson: This is in reply to your letter requesting as-built plans for the subject well house facility. The plans for this project were completed a year ago, however, no con- struction was accomplished until this summer. We have not been involved with the construction or inspection of this work, but it is our understanding that the facility is now nearing completion. I have informed Mr. Earl Hand of the requirement for as-builts on a well house facility such as his. I further indicated that we would be available to assist him in. any way possible in the completion of the as-built work, should he so desire. You should be receiving a set of as-built plans as soon as the owner is prepared for these items to be taken care of. Very truly yours, John E. Paulson JEP:rb cc: Mr. Earl Hand 8920 Golovin Anchorage, AK 99507 ~ul~ 17, lg74 Mr. Paul Johnson Dickinson, Oswald ) Partners 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SU[3Jr. C[: ~ioorehand SubdiVision Public Well ~'~r ~ohl)sotl: In September of 1973, Mr. Rolf Strtckland of our office wrote you con- cerning plans for a new public well in !~oorehand Subdivision. Since U~at time we have not heard any more on the construction of the well. It is my understanding that the well is now in use, This office requires as-built engineering plans which should show the changes noted ..a Strickland's letters. Please arrange to have a se~ of plans for~varded to this office as soon as possible so we can finalize our records. Thank you. Sincerely, Susan E. Dtckerson, a~.n~tar~an SCD/ko Certified No. 740334 cc: Earl Nand 8920 Golovan Anchorage, Alaska ! 99507 .Re~ Let i~A of Tract Moerehand Subdivision I have moved a rental house on the above lot, it has a~ready been hooked to water and the sewer is up to the ~,ot line but because the final approval has net been given have not been able to hookup to the main line the street, The house is vacant and my question, can I , 'thru any.kind of agreement you can make, hook up to this main before the ground freezes? I would not use this sewer until approved and you can plug 'the line, disconnect at the house or put a seal on it, whichever is necess- ary to assure it would not be used, I would be willing to put a bond ifnecessary to quarantee this further, Ny only concern is getting this done before the ground freezes to hard to do it. If I can not connect to ~he main before winter it will mean a grievous fLnancial loss as I would not be able to rent this house until Spring thaw and hook up. Please advise me on the above as soon~ a~.p°ssible. ~ Jack R. Nielsen ~ - · ' '~' ~ '~ ' ~ '7: ' ; ~,?: ~ :': :~:~: CZ) RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL ,.30~ (plus postage) ~ ~ POSTMARK SENT TO'~,~'~, ,~ /J/~t,,,~.~ f; OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES ' RETURN' ~k~ 1. Shows to whom and date delivered .......... 154 With delivery to addressee only ............ 654 RECEIPT p 2. Shows to whom, date and where delivered .. 354 SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 85¢ DELIVER TO AODRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SPECIAL DELIVER~ (extra fee required) .................................. PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (S.. other s;ae) k ^p:, ].97~- 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL * ope: ~e?~ o- ~e0-?~. SENDER: Be'sure fo fellow instructlens on ether side PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Addit o~al charge~ ~equired for the~¢ services) [~ Show to whom, date and address ~ Deliver ONLY where delivered ~ to addressee RECEIPT Received :fhe numbered arficle described below REGISTERED NO. ~.- SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (M~ ~a~.b~ ~[~edi~) Moorehand Sd./SE~ ~ . .~ ~- ' 740334 ko ~ sm~m~ o~ ~~~~--