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oore , h ,.nd '7 / [~ Posifive ~. Negofive office: ..... '~ - Field: A dminisler e d p~-062 (7-?4) · DYE TEST )ote: do: )wiTer: $s: tess: .,~ Negofive ~ office: Field: Adm/nistered By: pW_062 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH '~500 TUDOR ROA[3 ANCHORAge. ALABK~A 99507 SEWER CONNECTION Appl:lL./~l.i~l~l cx rcm,v,,, CITY ~J~OPERT¥ OWNER NAME NO. SERVICE STATUS DATE p~lt~ ~ -- COh~qEtVED y: DATE' ~ p~p~ Z4 ~r ~ti~ ~11 27g-~ ~. 231 ~AYE R~NAM E -- [ ' ~J"~J~N G DATE TO PERMITTEE Pl4nuipal t~c¢irero~_o~tal Control Ol~ie~v RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30 (plus postage) SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE / OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDIT~ONAL FEES !) 1. Shews to whom and date delivered ........... 15¢ With delivery to addressee only ,...~ ....... 65¢ 2. Shows to whom date and where delivered With delivery to addressee only .......... ~-e~- R~TURN RECEIPT SERVICES DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required) .................................... NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- PS Form Ap,:. 1971 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (,See other side) ~GPO: 1974 O- 551-454 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL 30¢ (plus postage) SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.~{, STATE AND ZIP CODE OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES 'd RECEIPT SERVICES l 1. Shows to whom and dote delivered ........... ]5¢ With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ 2. Shows to whom dote and where delivered .. 35d W th delivery to addressee only ............ 85¢ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required) .................................... PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- Apr. 1971 3800 (See ofher side) NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL. MA L · SENDER Comp ere items l, 2, and ~. . Add your address in the "RETURN TO'; space on 1. The following service is requested (check one).' ~ Show to whom and date delivered ............ 15¢ [] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 35¢ [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered ............. [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of~el~ 85¢ 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Talmadge Davis RPN~Iw 8931 Toloff Annh.; Ak. 99507 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. I CERTIFIED NO. I INSURED NO. I 740267 · (Always obtain signature of addressee or agent) I have received the article described above~ - 5. ADDRESS (Complete only if requestedi 6. UNASLE TO DELIVER SECAUSE:~& Municipalityof Anchorage POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 278-4531 GEORGE M. SULLI VAN, MA YOR March 18, 1976 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Sanitation Division (2510 East Tudor Road) File No.: 4-1 John T. Eaton 2402 McRae Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Eaton: It has been brought to our attention that public sewer is available to Lot 2, Tract 3A, Moorehand Subdivision. According to the Anchorage Code of Ordinances "Sewage Disposal Practices", Chapter 16, Article 16.45, Section 16.45.050: "Septic tank-seepage system sewage disposal facilities shall not be installed or used on any premises where sanitary sewers are available within seventy (70) feet of the nearest lot line of said premises...". The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Public Works has checked their records and they indicate that your structure (s) is not connected to the sanitary sewer. Would you please check your records to verify that the structure(s) is or is not connected and notify us immediately if your records indicate that a connection has been made. If we do not hear from you within seven (7) days, we will assume that our records are correct. We, therefore, request you connect any and all structures located on the subject property to public sewer by July 30, 1976. You must apply for a connection permit from the permit officer for the Municipality of Anchorage, 3500 East Tudor Road. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact the permit officer at 279-8686, extension 259 or the Department of Health and Environmental Protection at 276-2221. Sincerely, /~ ~_~/~///~ /~ Robert P. Neal¢ ~ Principal Environmental Control Officer RPN/lw A~aehor~o, Al~ka Chapter 16, Ai~ti/~lq 16.4~, tfvatioll ~rd~ ~ ve~ that the ~t~ur~(~) i~ or 1~ ~t ~t~ ~d ou~ ~o~r~ ~e ~ot, W~ ~e~efo~, r~uo~t you ~t ~ ~d ~1 S~aoiu~ l~mtal m the sublo~ p~ ~ p~lic ~m~ by July iff, 19g~. Y~ musi ~pply fo~ a connection p~mtt f~m the ~mit offieee fo~ the Prot~f~ ~t 27~21, · SJ[NDER; Complete items i, 2, a~d 3. Add your address in the "RETLIRIq TO" space o~ reverse. 1. The following service is requested (check one). ~,"~how to whom and date delivered ............ 15~t [] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 35~t [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to Whom and date delivered ....... *. ..... 65¢ [] RESTRICTED D~. Show to whom, 0':[tle/~p~rt~ddress of deliv'~ry 85¢ 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: olov) 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. ~ INSURED NO. I (Always ob~ln signature of add~ssee or ~ent) I have received the a~icle described above. SIGNATURE ~ Addressee ~ Authorized agent ~/~T~ OF-DELIVERY .... PO~ 5. ADDRESS (Complete only if requestedl 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: "INITIALS IECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~ (plus postage) POSTMARK SENT TO OR DATE '/~TREET AND NO. -?.0., STATE AND ZiP CODE OPTIONAL SERVICES }uR ADDITIOHAE FEES RETURfl ~k. t. Shews to whom and date delivered ........... 15¢ With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ RECEIPT p 2. Shews to whom, date and where delivered .. 35¢ SERVICES With delivery t~ addresses, only ............ 85¢ '- DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY .............. 2 ...................................... 50d SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required) .................................... PS Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See ofher side) Apr. Zg?! NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL *GPO:IS?2 0-480-T4~ It ha~ b~n l~ul~hi to ou~* att~-ntiou that publie ~ov~e~ is avotlablo to eh~k~d tl{oi~ ~corda and they indi~te ~ to v~r~y that th~ ~eip~i~ of A~eh~e, 3~ ~ Tudo~ Ro~d. ~ ~ou h~v~ ~ny ~e~tions ~'enant., ~ Negative C,d · SENDER: Complete items 1, 2, and ~. I Add your address in the "RIiTURN TO" space os 1. The following service is requested (check one).. {~Show to whom and date delivered ............ 154 [] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 35¢ [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered ............. 654 [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of deliveryt 854 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: 1 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: 'REGISTERED NO' [ CERTIFIED NO' I INSURED NO'~z~'~.d~ (Always Obtain signature of addressee~ or agent) I have received the article described hove. SIGNAT~URE .~] 4(~dressee [] A' tthorized agent 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: ~.,. '~ F~ECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30¢ (plus postage) POSTMARK SENT TO OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZiP COD£ Op~lCES F~R~AODITI~AL FEES I~--S~s to whom an~'sts delivered ........... 1E~ RETURN ~b~ With delivery to addressee only ............ RECEIPT p 2, Shews to whom. date and where delivered .. 35¢ SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 85¢ DELi~ TO ADD~EE ONLY ...................... ' ................................ *~ECIAL~E-LIVERY (extro fee reqdired) ,.,..; .............................. PS Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIUEU-- (See other Apr. 1971 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ~ ol)cy: 1972 o- 400-74~ l~greh 18, t976 ~ea~ Rh'. it ' ~unl~ip~iW ~ ~e~e ~ ~00 ~a~t ~ ~oaa. H yo~ hav~ ~qy qu~S~ Chaptet' lO, A~kle 16,45, $~Iolm The ~iunieip~liiy of Aimeho~'~l~_ l-~pa{~'i~nent ~ Public ~orks h~ checked th~ ~e~ ~ud ~ey ~di~ Lhat yo~ SL~c~(~) i~ J~y 30, 4-I ©? ANCHORAGE POUC,~ 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 CO,NS~ ,UC'TION Di¥ISiON Alpat Co. 8920 C~lovin S~reek Anchorage, g]~. 99507 Oct.' 13, 1975 Subject: ~DOREH3LND SUBDIVISION - SANITARY SE~,~R 0165-208 72/46 Gentl~ _men: Sewer operations and maintenance persom%ei performed a final inspection on the above subject sewer system on October 8, 1975. At the time of the inspection the system appeared to meet specified standards, and therefore it may be accepted for maintenance during the one-year warranty period subject to the following conditions: 1. A complete set of asbuilt reproducible mylar drawings must be submitted prior to acceptance. 2. All costs incurred by the Municipality for plan checking and inspection must be paid prior to acceptance. We are in receip[ of a commitment of guarantee from ~%e First National Bank of Alaska in lieu of the 50% warrannybond which is acceptable for the one-year warranty. If you have ~uny questions relative to this mtter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Construction Coordinator CFC/ec cc: Chuck Rainer Ray Blackman George Paulsberg z~Rolf Strickland, D.E.Q. Chuck Carlson, Public Safety Bob Daniel Dean Lewis SUBJBCT: Sewer Line -- Moorehsnd Subdivision This office eccently investigated s ootaplatnt i, egavding illegal s~wer connections to portions of the private sewer line in ~iool, ehand Subdivision. The eomplahat was valid a9 this line has never been accepted by the Boroutfh. This oftic-a has addtt~n~ citations fo~ use of an tmp~p~v Syatem. Th~ Bo~m~h buiidin~ ~eat~ has been n~lfled to refuso ~t~'e lk~plieations fo~ buil~n~ po~r~it~, Greater Anohovage Area Borough Code of Ordinances, ,q, e~ion 16.045,20 (A) r~uire~ pro~v and app~ved disposal of all sewage. U~e of this sewer Uae, or tl~e ~t~lation and/or ~e of tHeg~ on-~/o ~ema by ~y ~vson, is i~ direct eonflt~ with the above se~t~. In addi~oll you at'e In ~ation of S~ti~ 1,05,080 of i}~o Code of Ovdinano~, which a~tos: "The prohibition of any act in this Code, aiding o~ abettinl ~ ~othe~ person to do such act", R appe~'s obvious that tho remide~ of t~s t~rea have not ~olat~ the law without full kn~I~ and aaai~t~ee from your ~mpany. You ~e heeeby officially notified th~ you are to immediately oease such aetiviti~)s as des~ibed above. This office intends a vo~ thorouffh investigation of ~is' situation and you may o~peet ~t a~ion a a later date foe those ~ions and illegal systeu~$ already ~stall~. W~ do n~ exp~ to ~nd addtttonM You are strongly advised to contact this office as soon as possible, Susan ~. O$walt Sanih~'lan ! SEO/lw Ken Noz~man, Borough Attox'ney Sam ~¢iller, Consumer Protection HOT LINE HOUSING PUBLIC FACILITIES NOISE SEWER & WATER COMPLAINTANT: ADDRESS: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: ~j Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality COMPLAINT AND ACTION FORM AIR POLLUTION CASE NO. JUNK AUTOS DATE NUISANCE INVEST: OTHER LOCATION OF COMPLAINT: RESPONSIBLE PARTY ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER RECORD OF CONT~TS AND CORRESPONDENCE Date Time Com/~ /..,~ /- TIME & DATE CoMPLAINTANT CALLED BACK EQ-045(9.74) Use Reverse Side of Form for Further Comments OWNER: FOLLOW-UP WORK SHEET DATE TIME MEANS ~ COMMENTS 17: ~ s ~ J~ THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHORAGE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION CASE NO. ,/ CR. SUMMONS li~ THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ALASKA GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE DISTRICT COURT, 941 FOURTH AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ON THE DAY OF , 19 , AT THE HOUR OF ' .M. AND ANSWER THE COMPLAINT OF THE PLAINTIFF, WHICH IS FILED IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED COURT CHARGING YOU WITH THE CRIME OF IN VIOLATION OF ":,~.('.'i::~:)z., ]';.0,$5.20 (;:) AS IS MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN SAID COMPLAINT, AND TO ANSWER A~ND I~E FURTHER DEALT WITH ACCORDING TO LAW, UPON YOUR FAILURE TO SO APPEAR AS HEREIN REQUIRED, A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST WILL BE ISSUED. DONE AT ANC',RORAGE, ALASKA, THIS / ..~ o THE D" rRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF AJ ASKA TH¥~ JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHOR~A,~'E GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF VS DEFENDANT(S) . CASE NO. COMPLAINT THE UNDERSIGNED COMPLAINANT (NAME) PERSONALLY APPEARING BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED DISFRICT JUDGE AND BEING DULY SWORN, STATES THAT ON OR ABOUT THE "i '. DAY OF AT OR NEAR (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) , ALASKA, THIRD JUDICIAL DISIRICT (NAME OF DEFENDANT) ' :" ' ANCHORAGE. DID UNLAWFULLY COMMIT TH~: FOLLOWING OFFENSE (NAME OF OFFENSE) TO WIT: (DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE) WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF SECTION GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH, THE COMPLAINANT STATES THAT THIS COMPLAINT IS BASED ON SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS · CODE OF ORDINANCES DAY OF 19 DISTRICT JUDGE THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHORAGE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PLAINTIFF VS Tal7 ,'~df':~ I~p.v';~, DEFENDANT CASE NO. -~ CR, SUMMONS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ALASKA GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASt/-~A ON THE APPEAR BEFORE THE DISTRICT COURT, 941 FOURTH ' DAY OF ' , 19 ; AT THE HOUR OF , ",," .z~ .M. AND ANSWER THE COMPLAINT OF THE PLAINTIFF, WHICH IS FILED IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED COURT CHARGING YOU wITH THE CRIME OF ~L','.'~:..~'~::,'-] ~c :.:r,*v,: ~.-~ into IN VIOLATION OF ;~,','l],,;t ~!~.I'~.'.~!i,'?P ~",~ AS IS MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN SAID COMPLAINT, AND TO ANSWER AND BE FURTHER DEALT WITH ACCORDING TO LAW. UPON YOUR FAILURE TO SO APPEAR ARREST WILL BE ISSUED. DONE AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIS AS .HEREIN REQUIRED, A WARRANT FOR YOUR DAY OF ,/, .... ..* '~"~ - , 19 ~5 · DISTRICT JUDGE LE-O02 THE L~,..J.,'TRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF'"~'~L/ASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHORA, GE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, DEFEN DANT{$) CASE NO. CR. COMPLAINT THE UNDERSIGNED COMPLAINANT (NAME) :;,t:i:''~ :: '.. : PERSONALLY APPEARING BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED DISfRICT JUDGE AND BEiNG DULY SWORN, STATES THAT ON OR ABOU! THE ' ( DAY OF Af OR NEAR (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) ALASKA, THIRD JUDICIAL D(SfRIC]: ' ANCHORAGE, !NAME OF DEFENDANT) " , [ COMMIT file FOLLOWING OFFENSE (NAME OF OFFENSE) TO WIT: (DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE) DID UNLAWFULLY WHICH IS IN vIOLAflON OF SECTION . .4 '1 , : GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH, THE COMPLAINANT STATES THAT fills COMPLAINT IS BASED ON SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME fills , CODE OF ORDINANCES, DAY OF. 19 LE-O02 THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHORAGE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION F'~,~.~ ~'!: i%11 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ALASKA DEFENDANT CASE NO. /,.. : i ... ; CR. SUMMONS GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR BEFORE THE DISTRICT COURT, 941 FOURTH AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ON THE ' ' DAY OF :' ' 19 AT THE HOUR OF / "' 21 .M. AND ANSWER THE COMPLAINT OF THE PLAi~TiFF, WHiCH IS FILED IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED COURT CHARGING YOU WITH THE CRIME OF PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN SAID COMPLAINT, AND TO ANSWER AND BE FURTHER DEALT WITH ACCORDING TO LAW. UPON YOUR FAILURE TO ARREST WILL BE ISSUED. DONE A'~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, THIS SO APPEAR AS HEREIN REQUIRED, A WARRANT FOR YOUR DISTRICT JUDG~ THE nISTRICT COURT'FOR THE STATE OF ~LASKA ~'~ .~RD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT ANCHO~Li-~,~,GE EATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF OEFENOANT($) CASE NO, eR, COMPLAINT THE UNDERSIGNED COMPLAINANT (NAME) PERSONALLY APPEARING BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED 'DISTRICT JUDGE AND BEING DULY SWORN STATES THAT ON OR ABOUT THE ~:'l ' ' ,'",::: ~ DAY OF Al OR NEAR /APPROXIMATE LOCATION) ~, ALASKA, rHIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT 19 ANCHORAGE, (NAME OF DEFENDANT) COMMIT THE FOLLOWING OFFENSE (NAME OF OFFENSE) .... TO WIT: /DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE) DID UNLAWFULLY WHICH IS IN VIOLATION OF SECTION [(i,{}:~ ': ) ' ' GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH, THE COMPLAINANT STATES THAT THrS COMPLAIN'[ IS BASED ON · ':~" C : "'" }~': !' . , CODE OF ORD NANCES SWORN 1-O AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF MUNICIPALITY OF POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION DIVISION A/pat Co. 8920 Golovin Street Anchorage, Ak. 99507 ANCHORAGE 99502 Oct. 13, 1975 Subject: 9~0OREHAND SUBDMSION - S~NITARY SEWER 0165-208 72/46 Gentlemen: Sewer operations and maintenance personnel performed a final inspection on the above subject sewer system on October 8, 1975. At the time of the mnspection the system appeared to meet specified standards, and therefore it may be accepted for maintenance during the one-year warranty period subject to the following conditions: 1. A complete set of asbuilt reprcduciblemylar drawings must be submitted prior to acceptance. 2. All costs incurred by the Municipality for plan checking and inspection must be paid prior to acceptance. We are in recexpt of a conmitment of guarantee from the First National Bank of Alaska in lieu of the 50% warranty bond which is acceptable fort_he one-year warranty. If you have any questions relative to this matter, please do non hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Construction Coord i nator CFC/ec cc: Chuck Rainer Ray Blackman George Paulsbe~g__~ o. ~au~h~k~o-n ,~ e-J~y ~b D~iel ~ ~wis for ihi~ subdivl~ion. Alp~t Company 274 Flower Street Anehot'age, Alaska SUBJECT.: Sewer Line - Moorehand Subdi¥isiou This office r~entty investigaled a complaint regarding illegal sewer conneotion~ to ~rtions of the p~vate s~wer l~e iu M~>reh~d Subdivision. The eompla~t wa~ v~lM as t~s line h~s never been aoeepted by th~ ~orough. Thi~ o~i. ee has issued wa~ning citations to ~ve~l property owners and inte~ to t~ue ~ver01 adtit~n~ oi~tio~$ ~or us~ of ~ i~p~oper ~stem, The Borough building sexton has been noticed to l'of~s~ f~t~ applications fo~ buildin~ pe~mit~. Greater Anehm'age Area Borough Code of Ordlnsncea, Section 16.049,20 (A) r~quires proper and approved dispos~I of ldl sewn~. U~e of ~t~ sowe~ Hne, or ~nflici with the a~ve se~ion. In ad~tion you ~e in ~<oiotion of Section 1.0~,880 of the Code ~ Or,antes, w~eh states; "The prohibition of any act ~ ~i~ C~o, aid~ff or abetting of another po~on to do such act". R app~r~ obvi~9 that the assi~tauo~ f~m your company, You a~e hereby officially notified that you are to immediaiely e~ase ~ueh ae~iviiies ~o~tions aRer t~s notification. $~nitarian I Ken Noz. man, Borough Atiorney Sam Miller, Consuma:e Protee-tton GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Received Time of Inspection.~ Date of Inspection~-c>~? REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR 1o Approval Requested By: ~ ~ ~/~z~7~ 2. Property O~ner: ~ ~-~ q, ._~/~,:~.~/-~- Phone.' 3. Legal Description: Location: 5. Type of-Facility to be Inspect~d:_~ Number of Bedrooms: ?°:z%~FD, :Bacterial Analysis' A. Instalte'd - B. Installer C. - eptic Ta . ~ ~ D. .eepage Pit: '1.~ /o'~ ~ 2. Material E. Disposal Field: Total Length of Lines 8. Distances: A. Well To: Septic Tank , Absorption Area · Sewer Lines , Nearest Lot Line · Other Contamination B. Foundation to Septic Tank '~- Ab§orption Area C. Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line . ~eques. t for Approval of Ir% 'zidual Sewer & Water Facilitfe~ ~ Pag¢~ Two ~ ~ 9. Comments: Approval Valid for One Year From Date Signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGP, AM OF SYSTEM I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities located at: Signed Date H,,~rch 30,.1~73 Re your request for Cb!RO approval, this office has reviewed tho s~vter an~ wa~er factll:ies ~o)vinq the ~bove .'tot. As you staled, the seb~ur systeJ.~ for this lot coJ, lsists of a . ....... )ubiic sewer syst~r~, ~d'~ich cessF~ol arid is ~aiLin~: ~ouKuv 'to ~ , ..... priv~t~ fi r~ -the L,i~cLertolo,.]ic~l analysis is -..,. sfactory, is iocwce~i in a ' · . -q~ ~"- ~Or~n ~rl Il{~ -¥' "~'* ....... · · COi t~le~,: plalls have no'~ been subr;;itt~:d to this Dep t for approvo, t. For t~ese reasons, we cannot give approval for ti~e sewer and ~atcr facilities as,reques'te~i by =h~ CHgO office for this lo~. . If vOa have a~'~y q~iea'~lo~s, pl,~se do no~ hesttg~te to co~ttacg ' ~ 74 -456 ] this office at Sincerely, De~lise C. Bashaw Environ;;tental Control Officer j$ cc; C FIP, O office TO: SUBJECT: GREATER A~,CrtORA~E AREA 80R(~UGH Departmeni: of Envi .... *. ~ r~,nn?£n ~a, Quality .... OLA Pb~, /~lan Scheen Pl ann i il g PeF, ar-Unent Roll Stric[;land,~ R.S. Chief Sanitarian Comments in regards to (a new plat) S~2P15; ~-ioorehand Subdivision ' Al, our commel~ts on t;-)e ne~-:ly revised plat for S~915 will be exactly the same as they were on t)~e previous plat. We recommend a note on tt)e plat statinQ "no develon~ment until public sewer a~)d water is available fo~ connection' to each lot". Our feeling on this is that sewer is being put into this area by U')e develo):,er, ~Ir. )ia~'~d, this y~ar aad ~ill pass this property. eiei~ter later ti'~is ·year or at ti~} beginning of t e constructio:) season, 1973. hir. Ha)id is also developin(l his own public water syste~:) whiclq will also serve th(se lots durino the ~omino con- struction season. ~' ,' September 1, 1972 Alaska Planners, Engineers and Surveyors 712 East 9th Aw.~nue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: ~r. Johnson Subject: ~qoorehand Subdivision ~tater and Se~,~er Plans Dear ~,ir. Johnson: The Greater Anciqorage Area Borough, OeparCment of Environmental quality i~as reviewed th~ sewer and water plans for the subject project. We find tha't ti~-~ ~lans ~eet with all co;-~ditions with which this Oet)artment is concerned provided the following conditions are met: l) That easements for the full 200' protective radius around this public well are recorded against each 1o~6 and copies provided to this office. 2) That all sewer lines between ti)e lO0' and 200' radius as si~own on these plans sn~ll be cast iron. Tt)is is~also including all house connects from the main sewer lateral and all sewer lines used under the foundation of all i~ouses within the 200' radius. 3) W: nave no plans and specifications on the wellhouse, ti'~e pressure tanks, the valving, the piping, the pumps, etc,, a):d wilt expect to receive these prior to approving the well. 4) We will expect tO receive chemical analysis and bacterial analysis on the well once it is completed. Nr. Johnso~t September l, 1972.' Page Two 5) ~te will ~xpect Co receive as-built engineering plans once the entire project is complete. This completes our review of the plans as submitted on this date. Should you i~ave any questions regarding our review of the plans, please con~act the undersigned. Sincerely, Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian bb cc: ~.ir. Kyle Cherry, SCRO Mr. Pat Hand ALASKA PLANNERS, ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS FOUNDATION CONSULTANTS STREET & HIGHWAY DESIGN MOBILE HOME COURT DESIGN SOILS INVESTIGATIONS GREATER ANCHORAGE AR/EA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3~O0 TUDOR ROAD ANC HOR3.GE, ALASKA ATTN: I'll. R. STRICKI~ND 2MAY 1972 GENTLEbfl~N: THIS IS TO INFOR/M YOU THAT, AS OF THIS DATE, OUR FIP~I HASB'~wEN AUTHORIZED' TO COMMENCE %~ITH THE DESIGN OF A WATEi{ AND S~'fER SYSTEM TO SERVICE "MOOREHAND SUBDIVISION, ADDITIONS 2, 3 AND h. THIS AUTHORIZATION WAS RECEIVED FROM MR. E.P. HAND REPRESENTING THE DEVELOPER, ALPAT COI~AN~. IF WE CAN BE OF ANY FURTHER ASSISTANCE, PLEASE FEEL FP~EE TO CONTACT US. SINC ER=LY ~ WEJ/sl !,~TILLI.~/~ E. JOH~,~ON RECEIVED, DEPT. OF ENVJI{ONMENTAI QUALITy Anchorage, Alaska 2 ~y, 1972 TO: Ralph Stri ckland Director of Environmental Q~ality Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska This is to inforra your office that I am in the process of developing the following described real property for residential housing: MOOREHAND SUBDIVISION, ADDITION # 2 M00REHAND SUBDIVISION, ADDITION # 3 TRACT # 5, STRUTZ SUBDIVISION ( Tract # 5, Strutz Subdivision is in the process of being sub- divided. GAAB approval is expected 9 May 1972. ) I have engaged the company of William E. Johnson & Associat~ to do the engineering of a GAAB sewer system to tie intb the ex- isting borough system and to do the engineering of a public water system for said area° It is anticipated that the sewer and the water systems for said area will be installed and in use by 15 November 1972 or Earl P. Hand 8920 Golovin Street Anchorage, Alaska ZIP 99502 S-2648 PLAT STATUS: Final GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 DATE: April 18, 1972 BOROUGH: Platting Engineer Public Works Department ~~ pf Environmental Quality Fire Department Street Names Tax Appraisers School District CITY OF ANCHORAGE: Fire Marshal Municipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility OTHER: Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Alaska Department of Fish & Game DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Moorehand Subdivision, Addition #4 OWNER: Earl P. Hand Gentlemen: A petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning Department for the proposed Subdivision of subject property for the May 10, 1972 Planning Commission Meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If we do not hear from you bye2 do not wish to submit any comments. , we will assume that you If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it with your comments. Planning Department Enclosure RECEIVED GREATER ANCHORAGE AIWA BOROUGIt 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 2645 PLAT STATUS: Final ])ATE: March 1, 1972 BOROUGH: Platting Engineer Public Works Department Department of Environmental QualJ~y ~ire Department -- Street Nantes · Tax Appraisers School District CITY OF ANCHORAGE: Fire Marshal Municipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer Public Porks Department Telephone utility .Traffic Engineer Water Utility OTHER: Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. 'Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails 21~ska Department of Fish & Game DESCRIPTION O~ PROPERTY: Sub: Moorehand Subdivision Addition #4' OWNER: Northwind Corp. Delmar G. Sumner, Pres. Gentlemen: A petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning Department f~r the. proposed Subdivision of subject property for the March 29, 1972 Planning Commission Meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If ~e do not hear from you 'by March 16, 19~2' do not wish to submit any comment's. , we'will assume that you If you have no further use for the attached print, Please return it with your comments. Planning Department }~nc lo sure Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attn: Rolf Strictland January 26, 1972 Gentlemen: This letter is to agree that no habitable dwellings will be ccnstracted cn the lets which I am platting cn Tract 3B, Moorehand Subdivision until such time that a sanitary sewer line has been constrao%ed to serve Lots 1 through 8, Traot 3B, Moorehand Sub- division. Y.~rs vex.y traly, Willie M. Hamersly 9007 Gelevin St. City 99502 GREATi,,,,: ANCHORAGE AREA Bg._J~OUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O, BOX 968 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PHONE 279-2~11 ,)'uly 21., 1970 TO I','}'tOfq IT ¢qAS' C(I~4CIiRN: SUBJECT: },'looreha;~d SubdiVision, Addition # 2 anti ti 3 An agreement has been made tha~ shall limit development of the subject land tmtil public sewer or water are available. This agreement is as follows: Single fm~ily on-site sewer and water systems shall be installed on the following lots only: 1.' Addition #2 - Lots 6 through 14 and 2 6 3. 2. Addition #3 - Lots 6 through 13 and 2 & 3. The remaining Lots in this Subdivision shall only be developed when public sewer or water becomes available. Should either of these utilities become available, the owners of these properties shall contact this Department to affect a new agreement prior to development. This agreement is signed and agreed to by both the Creater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department and Hr. Earl P. Itand, current owner of the subject land. Sincerely, Roll R. Strickland, R.S. Environmental Health Supervisor Earl P. timid This is to certify that on the 21st day of July 1970 before me, the m~dersigned Notary Public in aad for thc State of Alasla, duly commissioned and sworn, per- sonally appeared Roll R. Stricklm~d and Earl P. Hand, known to me and to nm known to be the individuals nmmd in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me, each for himself ,and not for the other, that they signed and sealed the same as their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. 1N WITNESS ii~Ht!lzJi()F, [ i~ave hereto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above ~'ritten. Nota~ru~-ii*c in 'h~n-d For '~Tas--Ia ,~' Eommiss ion Expires AIR MAIL TO ALASKA IS FASTER July 7, 1970 b~. Nilli~a E. J~nnson Star Rt. A, Box 4060 And~orage, Alaska 99S02 SDBJECT: b~orehand Subdivision Addition #2 ~ #3. Dear Mr. Johnson: 'l~is letter is a reminder that alt agreement l~garding the total development of *2~e subject lm~d ~t be read~ed prior to final filin~ of this plat. ~is Department shall not arbitra~ly designate whid, lots will or will not bo develot~d. ~1 agreement whid~ is notarized m~d recor~d with the plat ~t be nmde between this [~pa~nt ~d the developer. Colmideration of this matter at your earliest convenieRce would be appreciated. Sincerely ~ CLIFFORD P. J[.iDKINS, R.S. Administrative Director RRS: rn cc.' Planning Department BY: ff6ii? ~', StriCkiand~ R,S, Environmental Health Supervisor GREATER A~CHORAGE AREA West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 2O22 Plat Status: preliminary BOROUGH: Engineer Eealth De artment Public Works Department Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax A~sessor Alaska Department of Eighways ~laska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association Date~ 6/h/?O · CITY' OF ~i~iORAGE: Fire ~iarshat Municipal Light & Power Departmen~ Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer : Water Utility · GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent.of Mails ~m: Subdivision / ~~t~ / X~ DeScription'of Property: See attached plat Owner: Earl P. Hand Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed Su_b. of subject property. Attached is a copy of ~e proposed plat. Uill you please submit your comments in wrtting, specifying any easements or other r~quiremants that your department or agency may need. If we do noc hear from you by 6/19/70 you do not wish to submit any comments. , we will assume that If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it with ~o~ co~ents. ~n¢losure Pla~nin~ Department GREATER A~CHOP~GE AREA 104 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 S- 2021 ' Flat Status: Preliminary BOROUGH: Engineer Health De:~rtment__ Public Works Department Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchoraga Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association Date; 6/h/70 CITY OF A~ORAGE: Fire Harshal Municipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electrtc Association ~latanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Fro: ~~ ! Resubdivtsion / Description'of Property: See a~tached pla% Owner; Earl P. Hand Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Pl~nnj,n~ and Zoning Commission for the proposed Res~ub. of subject property. Attached is a copy of~e proposed plat· Will you please submit your comments in wrfting~ specifying any easements or other r~quire~nents that your department or agency may need. If we do not hear from you by 6/19/70 , we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. If you have no further use for the.attached print, please return it with your co~ents · Plannin$ Department ~nclosure