HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEWLAND Gov Lot 3 General InformationINF , property. ~ivi~icn of Lands Sept. &5, 1969 MI% ~, T~ Heath 618 Wo 68i;h Cou~t SUBJECT~ Jerry Watem System Dear M~. Heath: Pursuant to ~, St~iakl~id~s letts~ to you of Auiust 8m 1969s We have aE~eed with th~e homeowners that we will waive the p=esent violations of ~he wate~ system pendtnE installation This letten, tberefoz~, ~acinds Hz.. §trlckland's letter of laaust 8tho If you have any questions cone~mnin~ this matter, please feel DAVID R, L. DUNCAN, M. Do Medical Directo~ EnvimonmentalHealth Director CPJ: ~ cC~ Lou[~ A~ee, Public Service Co~,mission NEWLAND SUBDIVISION SEPTEMBER 4, 1969 The attached letter was sent to the following people: Leonard C. Ford /'Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Earl J. Johannes P.O. Box 1782 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 John B. Heafer, Jr. 605 W. 86th Court Anchorage, Alaska 99502 James M. Perry 8604 Vernon Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Charles Laraux 621 W. 86th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Lee B. Grant 8636 Vernon Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Clyde E. Rhodes~ Jr. 531 E. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. C. Pointer 6017 Austin Anchorage, Alaska 99502 George C. Boster Star Route A, Box 1245 ..~?o~ag~, Alaska 9950~ James Sanders General Delivery Anchorage, Alaska 99501 William Heath , ~'7!~ /~ Anchorage, Alaska 9950~.~ James R. Wise Box 1619 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Jack K. Laub 606 W. 86th Court Anchorage~ Alaska 99502 Dennis DeLong 8604 Vemnon Street Anchorage, Alasha 99502 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 279-2511 September q~ 1969 SUBJECT: Newland Subdivision, Water Supply and Sewer Disposal Facilities it hae recently come to the attention of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department that some rather serious health hazards exist regarding the subject facilities in Newland Subdivision. More specifi- cally, there are a number of cesspools located extremely close to the water supply system and further, following our letter of August 8, 1969 which was sent to a nun~ber of homeowners in the area, at least three persons have started to drill their own wells thinking that this would alleviate the problem. After studying a plat of the area and the location of the various sewage facilities, it becomes quite obvious that it would be impossible to safely locate a well on any of the lots in such a manner tha% it would not be subject to contamination from at least one cesspool. The minimum requirements by law for the distances between various portions of a sewage disposal facility and well are as follows: For a semi-public well, i.e., a well serving more than one single family dwelling: 40' to any sewer line; 80' to any septic tank; 120' to any seepage pit; 150' to any cesspool. For a private well serving only one family, the minimum distances are: 10' to the closest sewer llne; 50' to the closest septic tank; 120' to any seepage pit; 150' to any cesspool. The sewage disposal codes of both the State of Alaska and the Greater Anchorage Area Borough require a minimum of septic tank treatments for domestic waste; in other words, a cesspool in itself is not a legal method of sewage disposal. Of course, the purpose of this requirement is to insure that domestic wastes are subjected to at least the minimum degree of treatment rather than just dumped into the ground as raw %rntreated sewage. Since the ~e of a cesspool is a violation of the law, it is punishable by fine and imprisonment as is any other misde- meanor. Newland Subdivision September ~, 1969 Page Two To clarify the above; even though an individual drills h~s own well on bis-own property which is in turn served hy his own sewage disposal facility also on his own property, the well and the sewage facilities muSt still he in compliance with Borough Ordinance, including tbs min- imum distances stated above, Consequently, anyone who is using a sewage disposal facility that is located closer than those distances sPecified above or using a cesspool, would he in violation of the law and subject to appropriate recourse. While at first glance these laws may seem somewhat severe, they are the absolute minimum that are necessary to protect your health and the health of your friends and neighbors as well as that of the general public. We have discussed this situation with a number of the residents in the area and have suggested, as a possible alternative to the expense of reconstructing all of the sewer systems in the subdivision and drilling a number of private wells, that the residents of the area should consi- der the possibility of connection to the BOrough sewer system. After discussing this with the Borough Public Works Director, we find that it is in fact possible that sewers could be installed in the area in the spring. Of course, under the present policy, the Borough is not installing sewers in any area where the public has not Shown a ~desire to have the sewers~ Should the homeowners desire sewers, they should sign a petition asking the Borough to install sewers in the a~ea~ If a petition wlth sufficient signatures is received, the Health Department will work with the owne~ of the existing well to get a chlorinator installed and wilt waive any requirements of further modifications and expense pending the installa- tlon of the sewer system. The petition should be signed and brought into the Borough Health Department prior to September 15th. We certainly hope that this suggestion proves satisfactory to the home- oWners iu the area as it appears to be the only alternative available at the present time. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, M. D, Medical Director BY: ~iif~ord P~ ~udki~'~, 'R.?S. Environmental Health Director CPJ:rn Plat Status: Final GREATER ANCHOP&GH AREA BOROUGH i04 West Northez'n Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Date: 1/28/71 2233 BOROUGH: Engineer Public lVorks Department Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Departuent o~ ttighways Alaska Railroad Pdmhorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Associatim~ CITY OF ANCHORAGE: Fire ~{unicipat Light ~ Power Property ~anagement 0ffiee~ Public IVorks ~lephone Utility Traffic Engineer Wa~er Utility GAB Tel~co~mnm~icazions, Matanuska H!ectric Matanuska T~le~mm Association Assistant Superin~nd~n~ of Re: >~x~,U~t / Resubdivision / Description of Property: ,-, See attached plat. George & Donna Hanm~ond Gentlemen: ~RKATER ANCIIORAGE AaiiA ~ORO~GH--HEALTH Petizio~l has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zonillg Commission for the proposed Resubdivision of subjec~ proporw. Atta.'~}:.ed is a copy of the proposed plat. [~J. ll you p/ease submit your ce>:~,~ents in writhing, .specifying any easements or other requirements that your depart~ merit or agency may need. If w~ do not hear from you do not wish to submit any comments. · we will assume that you If you have no further use for the attached print, please retmm it with your com~en~s. Enc!ost~e Planning D~pax c,a;~t GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET ~CHORAGE, ALASKA 279-25il September q, 1969 SUBJECT: Newland Subdivision, Water Supply and Sewer Disposal Facilities ir has recently come to the attention of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department that some rather serious health hazards exist regarding the subject facilities in Newland Subdivision. More specifi- cally, there are a number of cesspools located extremely close to the water supply system and further, following our letter of August 8, 1969 which was sent to a number of homeowners in the area, at least three persons have started to drill their own wells thinking that this would alleviate the problem. After studying a plat of the area and the location of the various sewage facilities, it becomes quite obvious that it would be imoossible to safely locate a well on any of the lots in such a manner tha% it would not be subject to contamination f~om at least one cesspool. The minimum requirements by law for the distances between various portions of a sewage disposal facility and well are as follows: For a semi-public well, i.e., a well serving more than one single family dwelling: 40' to any sewer line; 80' to any septic tank~ 120' to any seepage pit; 150' to any cesspool. For a private well serving only one family, theminimum distances are: 10' to the closest sewer line; 50' to the closest septic tank; 120' to any seepage pit; 150' to any cesspool. The sewage disposal codes of both the State of Alaska and the G~eater Anchorage Area Borough require a minimum of septic tank treatments for domestic waste; in other words, a cesspool in itself is not a legal method of sewage disposal. Of course, the purpose of this requirement is to insure that domestic wastes are subjected to at least the minimum degree of treatment rather ~han just dumped into the ground as raw untreated sewage. Since the use of a cesspool is a violation of the law, it is punishable by fine and imprisonment as is any other misde- meanor. Newland Subdivision September 4, 1969 Page Two To clarify the above~ even though an individual drills his own well on his own property which is in turn served by his own sewage disposal facility also on his own property, the well and the sewage facilities must still be in compliance with Borough Ordinance, including the min- imum distances stated above. ConsequentlY, anyone who is using a sewage disposal facility that is located closer than those distances specified above or using a cesspool, would be in violation of the law and sub~ect to appropriate recourse. While at first glance these laws may seem somewhat severe~ they are the absolute minimum that are necessary to protect your health and the health of your friends and neighbors as well as that of the general public. We have discussed this situation with a number of the residents in the area and have suggested~ as a possible alternative to the expense of reconstructing all of the sewer systems in the subdivision and drilling a number of private wells~ that the residents of the area should consi- der the possibility of Connection to the Borough sewer system. After discussing this with the Borough public Works Director, we find that it is in fact Possible that sewers could he installed in the area in the spring. Of course, under the present policy~ the Borough is not installing sewers in any area where the public bas not shown a desire to bare the sewers. Should the hOme°whirs desire sewers, they should sign a petition asking the Borougb~tO install sewers in the area. If a petition with sufficient signatures isre~eived, the Health Department will work with the owner of the existing well to get a chlorinator ~nstalled and will waive any requirements of further modifications and expense pending the installa' tion of the se~er system. The petition sb6uld he signed and brought into the Borough Health Department prior to sePtember 15th. We certainly hope that this suggestion p~oves satisfactory to the home- owners in the area as it appears to he the °nly alternative available at the present time. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN~ M. D. Medical Director BY: ~lifford P. jUdkins, R~ S.- Environmental Health Director CPJ:rn