HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEW MCRAE Block 1 Lot 3 FHA Form No. 4573 ~. ~/ '~_ ,,~ Form approved. Budget Bureau No. $3-R296.$. FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA ONLY (Serial number) FIRST NATIONAL _ _4!~.C_H_0_ ~.O!!;L .~._~ ~A .................... BA~...o.~_.~t_'_/O~ _o___~_. _6.~ ............... Z!_~Ug,_..~a~tdmm .............. (Insflring office) (Mortgagee) (Mortgagor or sponsor) Property address .............. _2_.6_06___33rcl _Ave~e ...................................................................... i .............................. Subdivision name ............ l~.q.l~olt~ ............................ Block No ....... fl ................. Eot No ........... _~ ............. City .............. : .................... A~{fiItGR~O~ County .................................................... State ........ .t~A _~.& ............ Total mlmbe~: Living units .......].._ Bedrooms ...... 2 .......Baths __ :L ..... Basement ~Yes [] No Can attic or other area be converted to additional bedrooms? [] Yes ~: No How many? .................... Water supply by [] Public system [] Community system [] Individual Sewage disposal by [] Public sewer [] Cotnmunity system [] Individual System desig, ed for--Number.bedrooms ......... 2 ....Garbage grinder [] Yes [] No Automatic washing machine [] Yes [] No PART II TO BE COMPLETED BY THE HEALTH AUTHORITY The individual [] water supply [] sewage disposal system installed at the above address is [] approved [] disapproved by [] State [] County [] Local department of' health. Date_ .28 OC£o_her__1958__L Signed Sanitarian I ........ Great esr__ ~cho~: age--HeaLth-- Dis tr-£ c C ........ (Title) ~ Regional t)ii~fl&~e }[~tllt~l(~0£ £ice ~ ' GPO 928089 SANITARY INSPECTION Name of Establishment ~ -- ~ ~' ~ '°~,,~' ? Address /7~ ,/ Name of Manager~...~-J~-~ "~'*~ .~'J~.. ~ Location ,~ ~ ~ g Sir: An inspection of your plant has this day been made, and you are notified of the defects marked below with a cross (X) in column marked with (U). The defects noted should be corrected. $ U C OIg~iEN~$ ON CONDITIONS 2. Building [] [] 3. Ventilation [] [] 4. Heating [] [] 5. Lighting [] [] 6. Plant Layout [] [] 7. Rodent Control [] [] 8. Insect Control [] [] 9. Water Supply [] [] 10. Waste Disposal [] [] H. Refuse Disposal ~ ~ ~ /'/~'~;'i~ ) 12. Toilet Facilities [] [] 13. Hand-washing facilities [] [] 14. Equipment [] [] f 15. Construction [] [] 16. Cleansing [] [] 17. Sterilization [] [] 18. Storage [] [] 19. Handling ' [] [] 26. Refrigeration [] [] 21. Wholesomeness of food and drink [] [] 22. Storage, Display [] [] 23. Personnel, Cleanliness [] [] 2'4. Communicable disease control [] [] 25. Labeling [] [] 26. Adulteration [] [] t 27. Misbranding [] [] 28. Premises Clean [] [] has reviewed this inspection with me ~ANAGEMENT SANITARY INSPECTION Type ,. '~'~' '~(,~' Date ~me--o~,Esvab148t~enr ~, 0 <:. ;-~' , _~ .-.' ~' Address Name of Manager./&o ~-,~'. '~.-5 .z.-m,* q .4.,?,,~- Location S~r: An mspecuon of your plant ~as tlns day been madgand you are nonfied o~ the defects ma~ea'~elow w~th a cross (X) in column marked with (U). The deEects noted should be corrected. S U C OI~II~iENTS ON CONDITIONS 2. Building [] [] 3. Ventilation [] [] 4. Heatihg [] [] 5. Lighting [] []i 6. Plant Layout [] [] 7. Rodent Control [] [] 8. Insect Control [] [] 9. Water Supply [] [] -Z? ,-, ~-~ <- ~ ~'~,),' ) 11. Refuse Disposal 12. Toilet Facilities 13. Hand-washing facil'ties 14. Equipment 15. Construction ~ ~ ~2 %'~ "~ 20. Refrigeration 21. Wholesomeness of food and drink ~ 22. Storage, Display 23. Personnel, Cleanliness 24. Communicable disease control 25. Labeling 26. Adulteration 27. Misbranding 28. Premises Clean REMARKS: has reviewed this inspection with me POSTMARK FOIl IWf[RN~TION~L U~IL (See other ~ide) return receipt requested ~ · SENDER: Complete items 1, 2, anti ~,. ' oTM Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on ~ I. The following service is requested (check one). ~ [] Show to whom and date delivered ............ 15¢ ~, [] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 35¢ ~ [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered ............. 65~t [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of d~4iver~i'85¢ JK/lj~ Sewer and,Wate~ o 2, ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: ~ Lester Black 2706 West 33rd AVenue ,: Anchorage, Alaska 99503 3, ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTEREO NO' / CERTIFIED NO.I INSURED NO. 102333 __ (Always obtain signature of addreslee or agent) I have received the article d~s~ribed above. ~ SI~UATU"~ '¢ [~//Add,ressee [31 A~t hqdze~l..~gen t 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: CLERK'S INITIALS Septer~%ber ~ ~ 1977 Lester Black 2706 West 33rd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Lot 4 Block 1 New Mc Rae Subdivision I% has been brought to our attention that public sewer is available to the above subject property° According to ~e Municipal Code of Ordinances "Sewa~$e Disposal Practices Chapter 15~ Article 15.65~ Section 15.65.030: Septic tank seepage syste~ disposal facil_t~es shall not be used or installed where sanitary sewers are available, o ." "o o . sanitary sewers are available to a parcel. when that parcel borders a right of way or easement ~ontaining a n%unic~pal sewer main and when the main ex. tends at least ten feet inside a per~ pendicular line drawn from the set. er main to any corner of the parcel which touches the right of way or easement°" The Municipality of~chorage Department of Public Works has ~hecked their records a~d they indicate that your structrue(s) is not connected to the sanitary sewer. Would you please check your records to verify that the structure(s) is or is not connected and notify us immediately if your records indicate that a connection has beer made. if we do not hear from you within seven (7) days, we will assume that our records are correct. We, therefore, request you connect any and all structures located on the subject property to public sewer, by the end of the 1977 construction season° You must apply for a connection permit fro~% the permit officer.for the ~4%micipalityof Anchorage, 3500 East Tu¢~or Road. ~f you have any q~estions r~garding the above, please do not hesitate to con,act the permit office at 279~656, extension 259 or the Department of ~ealth and Environmental Protection at 264-4720. S~%cerely~ Jo~% Kennedy Principal Code Enforc~aent 0~icer JK/ljh . MUNICIPALI': ANCHORAGE DYETEST TAX CODE: OWNER: DATE: MAILING ADDRESS: USER/TENANT: PROPERTY ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: BLOCK I LOT I DYE TEST: [] POSITIVE [] NEGATIVE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: OFFICE: FIELD: ADMINISTERED BY: 31-026 (9~76)