HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEW MCRAE Block 2 Lot 8
104 IVest Northern Lights Boulevard
Anchorage, Alaska 99S05
Plat Status: Final
Date: July 21, 1971
BOROUGH: Engineer
Public Works Dep~rtment
Sand Lake Fire 0epartment
School District
Street Names.
Tax Assessor
Alaska Department of Highways
Alaska Railroad
Anchorage Natural Gas Corp.
Central Alaska Utilities
Chu~ach Electric Association
~{unicipal Light ~ Power Department
Property Management Officer
Public ~Vorks Department
Telephone Utility
Traffic ~ngineer
Water Utility
GAB Telecommunications, Inc.
Matanuska Electric Association
Matanuska ~lephone Association
Assistant Superintendent of Matl~
Re: Subdivision
Description of Property:
Sub. Of Lot 8, Blk. 2, New McRae Add.
John Marquardt
Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning
and Zoning Commission for the proposed Subdivision of subject property.
Atta~.ed is a copy of the proposed plat. ~ill you please submit your comments
in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your depart-
ment or agency may need.
If we de aot hear from you by August 6, 1971
~o not ~ish to submit any comments.
, we will assume that you
If you have no further use for the attac~ed print, please return it with
your cements.
Planning Department
mg/1 me/1 /~ mg/1 [ me/1
"' NCO 3 "
SiO __mi Dili /cc, mi /.J, 5' mi H2SO4
Al __ml Dil CO3 .... ml ml HaSO~
For Al, Fe, ~ Total ~ in soln.~ Total Alkalinity as CO3 T-~: I
Fe Dil SOq /b ml
~ Dil__~OS~ C1 ~ ml Dil ~
ABm [ i [ ~,/b ml Hg(NO3)2,,~o--/t=~.fW
Ca Dil ~ ~
F ~-~ .mi Dil
Scale l,~%
Mg Dil "~ ~"= : '~ NO3 /(> ml
. Scale ~ 0'7~ ABS .' ,, <,< ,, [
Sr Dil
PO~ ml Dil
...... Scale ~ ABS
Na Dil :.
Pe.~cent Scale Total anions
Trans. /~- ,v ~ Specific conductance ~mhos at 25~)
, .f4~ .... °C
......' '' '~='' T .
K j Dil
Percent Scale /,e ~z = /,~ RKCL~Rsample /~'~
Trans. /~, <~ ~ ~ Total Hardness ~ ml
- Alka-
Li Dil~ linity as CaCoa (calc.)
Total Cations ~,.%~
Dissolved solids (residue on evap. at 180"C)
m~ ~"~ ~o. ~ I ~ ~ I I ~,,e,~=~. m~/~
Dissolved Solids (calc.) [ [ [ [ ] [ Percent difference
mg/1 me/1 mg/1 [ me/1
SiO ~ mi Dil HCO3 ~70 mi ~o, mi H2SOq
_: pH ~-r,>°- /
A1 ~ml Dil'__ CO3 ........... ml ml HaSO~
For Al, Fe, Mn Total[-] in soln.l' Total Alkafinity as C03
Fe Dil , SOq mi
^Bs I I'"'"i I ml ~aCl2 .o~,~
Mn Dil C1 -b'o mi Dil
ABS [ I I ~./~. ml Ha(N03)2 ,¢~'-~=..Y.~'
Ca Dil ~x'zc
F ~ ml' Dil
Scale /,~ ~,,:~ ABS
Mg Dil :': ~'~c W,q NO3 /~' ml Dil
Scale ~ ~'Tg ABS ,:~*'/
Sr Dil PO~ ml Dil
..... Scale ~ ABS
Pe. mcent Scale Total anions
TraBs. f.~ ~r' ~ ~ ~?, Specific conductance ~mhos at 25°)
K ¢ Dil RKCL Rsample '1
Percent Scale /~./= z/
Trans. /~, ~ ~ .~ Total Hardness
Li Dil linity
~=a~ Il'Il ~o~on~ Cc~.>
Total Cations .g
Dissolved solids (residue on evap. at 180°C)
ml Dish No, ~ Difference, me/1
Dissolved Solids (celt.)