HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEW MCRAE Block 4 Lot 1 Veterans Administration Loan (~ua~anty 7th Avenue and Olive ~ rsoen$ in~o~ion at I,~% 1} ~loek 4, ~ ~?m~ae AddiT,{on) ~ponard, Ataska~ showed 'that the well. has be~n ba~kfiited, With th~ ~o~ pletion of this item the v~ater supply is approved. Sincerely [%lvin %~?ine¥~ Jr. i~e~ionat Sanitery FnKfn~er ec~ T~r~ John Nerbst ~ox ~oun~ain V~,ew, Ata~ka 7th A~e~iue am~ Old. ye 1:,,aO, ~ -~ aeen ~,ns'~,l~.od an~ ~he old ~e~rmool ~,~ ........ .~ prove~ant.n wore nm,; septie tank ~vstom was !ns?cereal it ,vas no-t~ced that the we!~ still had not beml ~ ~-~' ,-~ ~c~ u-~ Old WOOd-- eribb!n6 had not been i'e~ed. ?ue to 'Une~e eondi'bionb February Veterans A~inistration Loan Guaranty Division 7th Avenue and Olive Way Seattle l, Washington Reference No: Case I~Oo 16130 Attention: ~'Mr~0 S. Travis Staff Appraiser Dear Sir: With reference to your [Letter of February A, 1953~ the Alaska Depar~uent of Health does not approve of a cesspool as a means of waste disposal. For approval the property should have an approved type septic tank system° I ~n sorry that I did not make ~is point clear in my letter of Januaz~ 7~ 1953 to Mr. G. H. Danielson, Chief~ Appraisal Section. Ve~-' truly yours, Calv~ Winey, Jr. Regional Sanitary Engineer CW/acb AIR MAIL VETERANS ADMINISTRATION REGIONAL OFFICE TOWER BUILDING 7TH AVENUE AND OLIVE WAY SEATTLE 7, WASHINGTON ~ebruary ~, 1~5~ IN R~PL~ ~R ~o: 30~6-4B0 Case No. 16130 Alaska Department of Health Post Office Box 960 Anchorage, Alaska Attention: Calvin Winey, Jr. District Sanitary Engineer Gentlemen: Your letter of December 23, 19523 addressed to Bryan Allen, Direct Loan Agent, regarS~g Lot l, Block 4 of Lot i of the New McRae Addition, Donald W. Goodman, has been referred to this Section for determination. It is not clear to us whether you are going to accept the existing cesspool or require the installation of a septic tank system. Prior to our approving any loan iht he Territory, it is required that we first obtain the approval of the Department of Health with respect to water and s~ge disposal. Therefore, it is necessary that you advise this office of your decision in the above case. Very truly yours, M. S. TRAVIS staff Appraiser An inquiry by or concerning ~n ex-sex~ice man o~ woman should, i~ possi~ole, ~ive veteran's name and ~ile number, whether C, XC, K, N, V, or H. I~ such file number is unknown, service or serial number should be given. Veterane 7th Avenue and ~l~ve Wa~ Seattle l, Attention: ~. , ~. Da~e-~s ~ection Dea~ 8ir~ Th~ ~ ~h for yOU~ ~ter of Dece~er ~l, 1952. . . ~.. ~ '_~ mUOration is g ~at~ ap~reeiatod. A9 of D~e~Ser ~., 1952 the ~a Depa~ment of Me,th has accepted the ,,~n~ Req~r~ents for In~vtdual Water Supply and Sewage Dis~esal Syst~8"~ ~ese requir~ent9 ar~ a ~*~ of the Ft~ ~Nin~ P~e~y R~qUirem~t9 * md ~ su~e~eede the A~ska DeDart- merit of Mealth ~doc~ent, HSE - 15, ~ eur work with FMA ~nd VA hous- ing. I ~ll ~a~ly ~end you a copy of the n~ requirements as soon ae they beene ava~ab~e for dit~t~bution. The reaSOn fe~y ~i~Y ~o ~. Wesley H. Heoft, Offieer ~ Charge of the Vete~ua A~m~ni9t~tion in ~chorage, wa~ that tn ~ opinion the real estate dealer~ a~d 9ems veter~ se~ to feel the A~i~stration will aecept any ~Y~e of waste ~9~eal syst~ long a9 th~ buyer feel9 it wi~ ~u~ffll his ne~d9. Therefere we · ~ve ae~ ~e ~8 ih9 .,eetione on ~ prepe~ies which the /~ ~etat8 dealers En~ ~hey ~zz ~t meet our req~rement9 and effS~ L~ ~de %0 ~prove them. W~h ~fe~''~ ~o ~O~6-~BG, Ca~;e ~1~0, Do~ W. GOo~, the ~~~ent ~f He.th doeJ ~[c "app~ve of a cess~ol as a ....... '~' ' - -mll ~of' ~te ~s~sal, ~ in~u~ sewage~sal sys%~ ,uele% of ~ ~G~se eewer (from a poin% 5 feet ~tside the fo~dation '.1) and a septic t~ system. The s~pbic ta~ eyst~ shall con- ~t o~ 9eptic t~ ~ effluent di~charg~g ~ a subsurface- ~W ~iela, er eee~ge pits~ or completion of the two. e~lat~ .... t~te t~t no du~ or bored well eup~ s~l be P ~n a loo~ity were see~ge pits or cese~ols are used as .~a o~ ~.~a~ ~9~aal and no d~ed or d~v~ we~ st~ll be ~ ~ witb.~ 150 feet of an e~et~ ,.'~,-a WINET , JR. c~r!ct s~ ,ita~ E~ineer VETERANS ADMINISTRATION REGIONAL OFFICE TOWER BUILDING SEATTLE 1~ WASHINGTON December 31, 1~2 Alaska Department of Health Post Office Box 960 Anchorage, Alaska Attention: Gentlemen: ~. Calvin Winey, Jr. District Sanitary Engineer YOUR FILE REFERENCE: (~OD~j~, DONALD W. S.E. Co~er of ~th Block Anchorage, Alaska Case #16130 Your letter of December 23, 1~%2, addressed to the attention of Bryan Allen, Direct Loan Agent, has been referred to this Section for determination. Your letter refers to Lot I of Block 4 of Lot i of the new ~cRae Addition, Donald W. Zt is not clear to us whether you are going to acceot the existing cesspool or require the installation of a septic tank as required in your regulations. We understand you have approved the water supply. If it is your opinion that a septic tank should be required, we shall make the same stipulation on our Certificate of Reasonable Value. On the other hand, if you wish to accept the present cesspool as satisfactory, please advise us to that effect° 'We have also received a letter from Wesley H. Hoeft, Officer in Charge of the Veterans Administration in your city, dated December 23, 1~2. Nr. Hoeft requested that we v~ite you on two points upon ~&ich you have ex- pressed some doubts: ~i_l the Veterans Administration accept a cesspool in lieu of a s~otic tank as a satisfactorysewage disposal system? The answer is yes, but it is desirable that minimum requirements be bettered where possible, particularly in new or proposed con- struction. Zn existing, used properties cesspools are acceptable provided they are so situate and constructed that they v~ll not contaminate water dra~ from any well, or other natural source, for domestic use. Zn new or proposed construction a septic tsmk should be required unless the systems in general use in that particular area are some other fon~ of Ymste disposal, for example: munic~l or community disposal units, cesspools, or even pit privies. Any system, other tt~n regularly established systems, must be approved by the agency of the Alaska Public Health Service having jurisdiction. An inquiry by or conce~nlng c~ ex-service man or woman should, i~ possible, give veferan's name and ~ile nUmber, whefher O, XC~ I~, ~, I~, or PI. Zf such ~ile number/s un~:nown, service or serial number ~,,1~1 ~ _: .... Alaska Department of Health What is the proper distance to be required between a well and a waste disposal unit? This is a matter of determination by the local health authority. We are of the firm conviction that the agencies of the Alaska Public Health Service are in a much better position to determine what should be a proper distance between the two in any given case. We have been provided a sketch sho~ng distances as outlined in Alaska Public Health Department Bulletin HSE l~. This is satisfactory to the Veterans Administration. It is the aim of the Veterans Administration to cooperate fully with the Alaska Public Health Service in promoting better water and sewage disposal systems. We do, and~rlll continue, to place great reliance on your judg- ment in these matters. It is clear thatyour knowledge of soil conditions peculiar to Alaska is greater than ours and you.are therefore in a better position to detsrmine which system will prove better in any given location. Vfnere you have discovered a condition which does not meet your requirements but can be corrected and made to confon~, we v~ll, upon receipt of your requirements, incorporate the requirements in our Certificate of Reasonable Value and insist on compliance before any loan is made. W'e shall continue to request certification from your authority 'concen4ming sewage disposal andtnrity of water supply. It will be ve~y helpful if you will make your statements on conformity definite. Please be assured of our cooperation and do not hesitate to write on a subject you may feel beneficial to you and to us. G. H. DANIELSON Chief, Appraisal Section Veterans A~'md.nistration Loan Ouarantl¢ Division 7th ~.w~nus and Olive, Way Seattle ].~ 'i-iashington Attention: i:~rfgn All~n Oir(~ct Loan A~i:ent Dear 5iz': ~,'~ requested bb ~r. ;Donald ',~. doo"~,an~ a~ ir~.pectzon was made of '~ water supi:iy and waste disposal faciiltie~ at Lot 1 of ~!ock t~ of Lot 1 of the New ~icf~ae ad~.~ition. The property has a cesspool~ but does not have a septic tank a~¢ is required ,, our re~lations. Th~ c~ss~mol m~ approximately 85 feet z~,o~,~ the well. Our minimm~ r~quired distance is lO0 ~h~ well is of an approved type A ~ater sampls taken from the ~,~1i conta,~ination at the time of coll~ction~ "~ar ~ t~ly yours~ Calvin Win,~y, Jr. · District Smnita~? .;;k~_.;in'~er 30' · $4th AVE. _/ 8E2 8El .TF PARCEL SEE DETAIL A LOT 8E2 294.D0 LOT 8El 14Z00 LEGEND LOTS 8El 8, 8E2 NEW McRAE ADDITION HENITT ¥. LOUH~BURY & ASSOCIATES /-' jo IT I Anchorage~.Alas_ka~ . FOR I~CO_r, tD. dj~',.~;.,~.. ~. ~ ~. ?! D~'trict RecOrder. ROeJ~RT E. RUTLEDGE J LIGH'~S Z6 It 30 WEST THIRTY WEST BLVD. THIRTY FOURTH AVENUE SIXTH AVE ACCEPTANCE OF DF. DICATION BY THE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH LEGEND E MITY MAP 'DTIO01 - ~: s ,PLAT APPROVAL PIm ~ by the 60roa~ I~offi~ Bbard .~ SUR~OR'S CERTtFICA~ ~ 17~ ~y d ~ said Subdiw mn ogre~e~t. ~OCK ~ ~ MC RAE ~BDi VI~ · ' ' ~'~ee -- ~Boulevard 6A West Thirty ~ Fifth Ave~'ue ~ West Thirty Sixth AVe~ NOTES= L Direct vehicular access fo Wisconsin Street and West 35th Avenue is prohibited by the filing of this plat 2. There wJ~l be a maximum of two ingress and egress points onto West 34th Avenue no closer than 60 feet from Wisconsin Street. LEGEND: · ) C/A BC Monument Existing ~ D/O BC Monument set this survey All other corners are 5/8" x 30" Rebar SURYEYOR~S CERTIFICATE, the undersigned registered surveyor, hereby certify that ~,o VICINITY MAP I = I MILE~ CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP 8~ DEDICATION~ We hereby certify thcl we are the owners of ~e property shown and described hereon. We hereby request approval of this plat, showing such easements for public utilities, roadways and alleys dedicated by us for public use. Dote: ~' :' NOTARY'~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, My commissio~ expires PLAT APPROVAL: Plat approved by the Borough Planning Commission this ~ ~ ~ day of ~o~. ~ ,t9~ LOT6A, BIk.2 NEW McRAE SUBDIVISION