HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTH SPARKS LT 1Onsite File Date Received STA —1-37 OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSER17ATION DOCUMENTATION OF CONSTRUCTION I, GENERAL INFORMATION Legal Description of the Location - o 1 ®j L'�--,+ 1 Submitted by: (Check one) 0 Certified installer 0 Approved Homeowner Registered Engineer Installer Name: 10psite Wastewater System Serves: 0 Single Family. Number of Bedrooms QL Duplex. Number of Bedrooms 0 Small Commercial Facility With Estimated Design Flow of less than 500 GPD. Mailing Address ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS. INC. 6901DERARD On - 0TjTn-q-- —n-- AN`---'1C.--'10E, Ad. D-9504 11. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM (SECTION 11 IS OPTIONAL) Source of Water and Containment (Check all that Apply) Well (Drilled or Driven) 0 Surface (Identify) Roof Catchment 0 Holding Tank 0 Other (identify) Type of Water Supply System 0 SF/Duplex Public Treatment of Water (Check all that Apply) 0 None E] Chlorination 0 Filtration C] Mineral Rrm6val 0 Other: Well Data Is the height of the well casing more the 12" above the ground? 0 yc,�-' El No Is a sanitary seal or well cap installed an the well casing? E57Yes 0 No Is drainage directed away from or around the casing within a radius of 10 feet of the well casing? ❑ Yes 0 No Is well wire enclosed in conduit? ❑ Yes 0 No Drum j Depth of Well (Feet) available) Static Water Level (Feet) Yield (0� available) 'Pump Rate (Ilavailable)Date (If ng11rih on Lot Sewe, Lincs on Lot lAbsurpno,-, Fecal !-�.La on Lot FCct, Closest S.-ptic/Holding Tank on Ad'acent Lot Feet Closest Server Lines on A went Lot Feet Closest Edge of an Absorption Area on Adjacent Lot: Feet Indicate separation distance from toxic materials including fuel tanks, paints,lijbr' fits and other petroleum based materials, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides to well casiner, On Lot Feed On Adiacent Lot Feet Water Sample Taken by: (Name) Sampler 6. Buyer 171 Engineer [3 Banker C] Government Official Address Water Samnle Requltq: Attach Copy 0 Satisfactory - Date E3 Unsatisfactory -Date Comments/Recommendation Ice At f Q—t;— TV is Signature TypedfPrinted Name Title Date Note: 1. This section should be signed by a Certified Installer, Professional Engineer, DEC staff, or Owner/Builder 2, All public water systems must receive ADECp1an approvalprior to construction. See ISAAC80 State of Alaska Drinking lf'ater Regulations for specific requirements. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL Legal Description: - i"� I I So-L-rks -SIA, �91 Septic Tank with Conventional Soil Absorption System 0 Package Treatment Plant (requires engineered design) 0 Holding Tank: Material Type: Size in Gallons: Manufacturer: 0 Other - Specify Type 0 Alternate Onsite (requires engineered design) 0 Small Commercial System (< 500 GPD) With Estimated Daily Wastewater Flow of. Gallons Per Day (GPD) Criteria Used to Estimate Daily Wastewater Quantity: 0 NEW SYSTEM REPAIR TO EXISTING SYSTEM Certified Installer Installation Notification Date: T _ Name of Installer: L eoi-r r, k IDate Installed: System Installed: 0 By a Registered Engineer With Inspection by a Registered Engineer 0 By Ap2roved Homeowner (attach copy of ap2roval letter) 0 By a Certified Installer/Installer Number Septic Tank: Material: Manufacturer: Size (Gallons): Number of Compartments: Type of Soil Absorption System: 0 Deep Trench CR Shallow Trench 0 Seepage Pit 0 Bed 0 Mound 0 Other, Specify Soil Classification: Soil Rating: 17-S- Dimensions/Size of Absorption Area: 5 Grading/Size of Distribution Rock: i Il ^ 4-1, Thickness/Depth of Distribution Rock: Percolation Test Results, Attach Copy of Report: PercolationTest Performed by: R 0)b Minutes 2er Inch SS, ft. per bedroom 1percolation test results must be scaled/signed by a registered engineer 1- List Eound cover in feet over: Septic Tank 't t- Absorption Area t i- Sewer Pi es tj ; Cleanout Pipes/Ca ps Installed: 5 Foundation Cleanout:Lz,� Septic Tank: Monitor Tubes: Y-5 Indicate separation distances from septic tank or absorption area, whichever is closest, to all nearby: jPublic drinking water sources within 200 feet: Private dririking -water sources wi"In"r. 1001 fect: IN.-arest water bcd;cs (see IS AAC 722.020(b)): t00 -Ir Lot line: Se2aration Distance from Onlot Sewer Lines to Public Drinking Water Source i a0 t-4- Private Sources: ic'O"ei L Separation Distance From Bottom of Distribution Rock to: Groundwater Table: Bedrock: Separation Distance from Absorption Area to Slope exceeding 25%: '50t A- Comments/Recommendations I certify that de a gformaArt, and that provided in Section IV, is correct: i CY Cnatu Typed/Pn*nted Name Title, Reg./Cert No., Inst. No. Date NOTE:Hu. Vybs; by a Cert � Ins Her, Professional Engineer. DEC staff, or Approved Homeowner. Ifengineering se Sg:i.�'V41nJ regist±n nd is signed, those blocks need not be coriplatcdfor engineered submittals. Registered Professional Engineer v e arscaasa�c-siva vas .,z.�. INSTRUCTIONS FOR DIAGRAM in a plan view, locate and identify each of the following: a) Well b) All Structures e) Surface Water 0 Sources of contamination h) Closest well on adjacent property j) Closest edge of an absorption field on adjacent property c) Septic Tank d) Soil Absorption System g) Property Line (Include dimensions) i) Closest septic tank on an adjacent property k) All cleanouts and monitor tubes ?. Show distances between the well and each of the sources of contamination listed in 1. 3. Show distances between water bodies and each part of the onsite system listed in 1. 4. In a cross section view of the soil absorption area, identify each component and show the depth (thickness) of the following: a) Soil Cover b) Absorption Material c) Water Table d) Bedrock e) Discharge pipes 0 Insulation AS -BUILT DRAWING ST1 28.7 43.7 ST2 34.2 53.5 DBL1 35.4 55.4 DBL2 35.4 56.3 COC 35.0 56.6 FS 35.5 56.5 C01 30.8 58.0 MT1 46.5 74.4 CO2 53.3 90.8 NEW DRAJNFIELD. SIZED FOR 1 BEDROOM EXISTING DRAJNnELD. PASSED ADEQUACY TEST FOR 3 BEDROOMS ON 10/12/2001.-7 INSTALLED SPLITTERS SEE DETAIL A r NOTE: PIPING CONFIGURATION BEFORE THE TANK WAS NOT INSPECTED R" AKVV'VVC- INC. TRENCH CSEPTIC AR � TH#1 -DBL2 -DBL1 \—EXISTING 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK. INTEGRITY WAS VERIFIED AND FOUND M BE OF GOOD INTEGRITY A50�40 � 1isew� DATE: 12/20/2002 DRAWN BY: C.J.G. ALASIU WATER & WASTE NVATER CONSULTANTS, INC. SCALE:401 6901 DE-BARR ROAD. SUITE 2B * ANCHORAGE, AK 99504 _' PHONE (907)337-6179 * FAX (907)338-3246 PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: TOM WEBSTER (907) 696-6999 2 OF 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NORTH SPARKS SUBDIVISION; LOT 1, l'i?E OF WORK: AS—BUILT DRAWING OF SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE DF-iAll Qr' FI QVV SPITTER DIAGRAM f—DOUaLE CLEMOUTS FMU TAW o Zo~ ? 't '- M o Al A 5 PLOT PLA N TERY ~ ~0 S¢,,le I"= 5'0' IL-I-.& t,/o ~ohe ~'¢ Ho~n~h,/~ RE. RO. F3ox 772865' Eo~le Rive ,.,, Al&al. to. / / 4~4 ./ //4¢ A.2 Bt4 I L T~ Yes I Go~F. L~L %7, Se[. 30, TIJ'~v, F~] W, $.M. iq/< P.O. Z3ox 772 865' ?,.o?o~ed ' A/OR'TH 5PA-RN $ ,51.z~DIVISIDM PLOT PLA N M 0 IV A 5 T E R Y ce r? 0 A D ~ DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN OISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 / ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR 274-2533 July 7, 1987 Mr, Robert S. Hornsby PO Box 772865 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 SUBJECT: Lot 2, NORTH SPARKS SUBDIVISION, Eagle River 8721-DA-151 Oear Mr. Hornsby: The Department has reviewed the Engineer As-built plans for the subject project. Final approval is hereby given for the sewer system and the "Certificate of Approval" zs attached. Any future expanszon of the subject project will requzre additional approval from this of Fzce. MPL:pkk Sincerel y~/.} ~ Michael P. Lewis Environmental Engineer ENCLOSURE L i STATE OF ALASKA '~'E. PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPROVAL OF ON-SITE RESIDENTIAL WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot. Block & Subdivision or U.S. Survey This approval does not constitute a guarantee of any kind, explicit or implied, as to the performance of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems. WATER SUP~ recea~~nmental Conservation drink- WASTEWATER DISPOSAL The domestic wastewater system wa~: [] inspected by the Department of Environmental Conservation and found to be in compliance with:~ applicable requirements of 18 AAC 72; ,,J~qnspected by a Professiona Engineer who certifies that the system complies with applicable re- quirements of 18 AAC 72; installed by a Certified Installer who certifies that the system complies with applicable requirements _ .. of 18 AAC 72; or - · tested by a Professional Engineer who certifies that the performance of the system is satisfactory and that the system complies with the minimum separation distances specified in 18 AAC 72. This approval is valid for a [] single family/J~., multi-family unit with a total of -~ bedrooms. 18-0404 (Rev. 8/85) DISTRIBUTION: WHITE--BANKJLENDING INSTITUTION; CANARY--APPLICANT; PINK--DEPARTMENT DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/UESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE ! 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 / ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 June 30, 1987 STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR 274-2533 Mr. Robert S. Hornsby PO Box 772865 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 SUBJECT: Lots 1 & 2, NORTH SPARKS SUBDIVISION, Eagle River 8721-FA-137 Dear Mr. Hornsby: The Department has reviewed the Engineer As-built plans ¢or..the subject project. Final approval is hereby given ¢or the.~{er.__..er~ system and the "Certi?icate to Operate" is attached' Please note that upgrading work ?or the septic system on Lot 2 will require departmental approval prior to construction. Any ?uture expansion o? the sub. ect project will require additional approval ?rom this o??ice. MPL:pkk ~/~~Sincerely ~.. Michael P. Lewis Environmental Engineer ENCLOSURE "-~" STATE OF ALASKA ~_.l' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION. AND OPERATION CERTIFICATE [or PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT in by /J~ approved. , Alaska, submitteC in accordance with 18 AAC 80.100 have been reviewed and are [- conditionally approved (see attached conditions). BY TITLE DATE If construction has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contract order no. or descriptive reference) Approved by Date 184)40? {R~. 11/83) The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be completed and signed by the Department before any water The construction of the ~'¢ public water system was completed on --~ ' Idate). The system is hereby· granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date.. ?~- .- - , -.~....- As-built plans submitted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the Department, has confirme~ the system was constructed according to the approved plans. The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. - '. ' ' ' . - . 2. YELLOW - WATER SYSTEM FILE {Comple e Section C) · -. · '-"%?. 4. GOLDENROD. MDNFBOROUGH (Complete Section A) '," CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABO~TORIES OF ALASKA, INC. TEEEPHOHE (907~ 562-2343 5633 B Str~ot Anc~orao~, Ala~Ra 995~8 Drinking ,Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria TO BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER /!~ PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM Name Phone No. Mailing Address Oily State Zip Code' Mo. Day Year SAMPLE TYPE: [] Routine [] Check Sample (for routine sample with lab ref. no. [] Special Purpose [] Treated Water [] Untreated Water SAMPLE NO. 4 I LOCATION Time Collected Collected By TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY Date Received Time Received Analytical Method: ;taslySis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: atisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Sampletoo long in transit; sample should not be over 30 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample via special delivery mail. Membrane Filter * No. of colonies/100 mi. Lab Ref. No. Result* F-~ FTq FD ' J Analyst BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE Membrane Filter: Direct Count Verification: LTB Final Membrane F[k~ Results Reported By ,~/~~~ INIC = 1oo ~umberous To Count BGB Date Time: Coilform/100ml O ColJform/100ml ~ ~-/~,,/~2 OB = Other Bacteria CHEMICAL & GEOLOGIC~ LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. /~", ~-'o-~\~",-'-'"~ FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 5a~ote~ec'o : ~A¥29 ~? keq ~: 19347 .U .STE.'/DR EASLE PJ\.'ER Al(, 99577 Special ~OUTI[E SAMPLE COLLEt~'EDBY T. WE~STE~5/29/87 0930 instruct: Chemlab~e~ ~: 6396 EaDSmp{ iD: I NatEs×: Wate~ Allo~r~le ?ar~e~erTesteO ~esult/'U~its ~etn0a m~mts TO'fAL COLIFORM 0 col/lOOmi 'g iests Perzormea See Special lnstructlonsADove See $arnpie RemarKs A~ove L'f=Less Than. ~J'=greater ~han .. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVl RONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG-- PERCOLATION TEST [] PERCOLATION TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DATE PERFORMED: ~,~rAy //~, ;~'/~7 11 12 13 14 15- 16- 17 18 20- WAS GROUND WATER .~0 ~L~ ENCOUNTERED? E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ~ebc~rt 8. H, 72-008 (6/79) PERCOL/~ )N RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND = FT CERTIFIEDBY:'"'~L'~'~-~Lo~'H~'I~' DATE: ~'~"~,/~d~'~/~,,,~ MUNK_;IHALITY OF ANCHORAGE ,' ~ DF ~TMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SER' ES i~ "~ J Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT ~ - ' ~ DISTANCES Address ~ TO SEP TIC ABSORPTION TANK FIELD WELL Phone(s). J Permi, No. / No. of Bedrooms WELL ~ (~-~1 ~ ~ ~ / LEGAL DESCRIPTIO. LOT LINE ~ O C ~ ~,~ Township, Range, Section j ~'~ / ~, '~ ~) AS-~UILT D:~RAM (Show ,oc~hon o: well, septic system, property, ..... ,OUndatlor / driveway, water bodies, elc.) TANKS ~ oEPTIC ~ HOLDING Material ¢~¢¢J NOI O' Compadments % ~ENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER / original grade ~ Fill added above original ~rade Gravel depth benealh pipe Gravel length Gravel~ldth ~'~ ET ~' ~ ET Total absorphon area Installer Date Installed WELLS ~ PRIVATE ~THER fldenlilv) Classification (A,B,C) ~ Total Depth I Cased to FT~ FT REMARKS: Inspections Pedormed by: ,' - DE,r -tTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SER'"~.ES · · ,, , ~-.j Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502. Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT ' ' ___-~-..~. TO SEPTIC ABSORPTION ^dd,es~FflU~ ~' TANK FIELD WELL -3Y 7 Ol57 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT LINE A~BUILT DIAGRAM (Shpw Io~hon of well, septi~ system, property hnes, Iouneahon, J ~ I ~, ~ ¢ ,r,veway. water ~d,es. etc.) ~ENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN D OTHER CL.,,C~.,,. X Fill adOea a~ve or,g,nal grade Gravel aepth ~nealh p[~ - , Total abso~phon area ] D~st~ce ~lween hnes ~, ~, Q PRIVATE ~THER fldentifv) -~¢ / I~- ~ ' FT FT REMARKS: ' ~ I I I I I I I Inspections Pedormed by; DE,' ' RTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SEP'"CES , , ,, ~ Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 . ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT /~. ~ v <. ~, v)~*5' DISTANCES . SEPTIC ABSORPTION Add~s~ ' TANK FIELD WELL A~BUILT DIAGRAM (Shpw ocat on o we . sepl EPTIC ~ HOLDING · ~,,~ ~.~, ~.~,~ r+ / - '"'"' TYPE OF SYSTEM - ~)~'""' "" ~"' ..... I ~ENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER c~,,, c~.,,. X ~ ~ ~e I - _ ~ -- ,~ -~ , _~ ~ ~' ong,nai~pth'° p,pe ~nom ,,Omgraoe a' ~ FT To/aldeplhlrom ong,na, grade~ -- /~ FT _~ L.* ]~ Fill aadeO above o..mal graOe Gravel aepth ~nealh pipe ' ' ~ ' WELLS . ~ , ~ PRIVATE ~THER {Identify} ~ / i~.._.~ -~,. ~,.,,c .... ~EMARKS: Inspections Pedormed by: 7/) Health Depa.ment Approvah ' ~ ~~ Dale: ~--'~ ;:i'! 72-013 (3/85) 19347 Monastery Drive Emgle River, AK 99577 Subject: Abandonment of On-Site Sewage Disposal System Dear Sir: Reference is made to the On-Site Sewage Disposal and/or Well Inspection Report, dated 7-14-B7, and the As-Built, filed with your office, which notifies you of the completion of the new Septic System established under Permit #870157. Further, the old On-Site Sewe~, established in 1984, under Permit #840580, was abandoned with the following procedure: 1. the septic tank was pumped-out by Sanitary Pumpers, 2. septic tank was uncovered, 3. the deteriorated steel tank was thoroughly crushed, 4. back-filling was accomplished using a sandy soils(mostly SW), and on-site gravels, 5. all standpipes were severed below grade and back~` filled. Sincerely, Robert S. Hornsby, P.E. " "~ ...... "~'~ ......... ~ii:. ~:. t, ~:.: ..... ~.h ~. v.,~::. ~.,~:.~ ~ ~...~.~.~..~:::..~.~; (;~;':~) ,-,,-' ,' ' ~ " MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEAl-TH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street,, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST [~"SOI LS LOG . [] - PERCOLATION TEST 6 7 8 9 10 3 4- OATEPEREOR ED: 3z.y//, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. 20 144e. COMMENTS WAS G.OUNO WATER ENCOUNTERED;) ~.cl,~:l¢~J ~.y z r~ IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH?: Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLA IN RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN' BETWEEN FT AND FT ' 72-OO8 (6/79)