HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK #2 BLK 1 LT 206:. 1 ...k..',.,'" ~ 349-6561 ~ N' ~'~mot,,~oN TE£T SOIl_.'-; LOG - PERCOLA'iI(.)N T£ST ' t'.o,:'.' (¢w) ~,,,~ it-?.' t',,',S GIIOU/40 WAT [ R -t gbfJL) TUOUR ROAD a,'~CHORAG E, ALASKA 99502 ~ OBEAIER ANCHO~A~.~ ~ BOROUGH ~ ~ IkO} ...... Al; ' V~t.[T? ~owner-MikeOuinn) Date Performed 07~06/7t Legal Description: 'lot 2 ~]ock]~l SubdiviSion R~bbitCreek~/,,~' ~ .... This Form Reports Soils~g x-- J~at~on Test Depth Feet Soil Characteristics Brown and gray sandy silt (~L) / W /scattered gravel w/silty gravel pockets below 3' . Becoming more sandy by 7' -~ ~ , ._water___ W2s Ground Water Encountered?__yes If Yes, At What Oept'h? Reading Date Gross Time Proposed Installation: Depth Of Inlet COMMENTS: tqi n~ I ; Net Time i Depth to H 0 J Seepage Pit × Drain Field Depth To Bottom Of Pit ~n Trench We can'~-8-~mmeh~ an on site sewer system at this location - - ,--~.r. iJ.~qj~ _ D~'-t a'"' C e r t i~q~6-g-F[~'': ALASKA MINERAL & MATERIALS LAB, INC. Dater~u]j'y 12. 1,c~7,1 RI~PLy R~TF~:~'i'~). 4S 472 SIGNED SEND PARTs 1 AND 3 WITN CARI~ON INTACT PART 3 WILL BE RE'rURNED WITH REPLY. DETACH AND FIll: rr~o c,"~, ........ DATE / //