HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK #2 BLK 1 LT 3Rabbit Creek #2 Block 1 Lot 3 #017-063-36 Municipality of Anchorage Page 1 of 3 Development Services Department On -Site water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number: SW040206 PID Number: 017.063.36 DavName: id Cobb Wastewater System: Upgrade Address: 7160 Our Own Lane Anch, AK 99516 ABSORPTION FIELD Phone: Number of Bedrooms: 345.0522 Three 3 Shallow Bed LEGAL DESCRIPTION Soil Rating: Total Depth from original grade Block: Lot: Subdivision: 1 3 •� GPD/Ft' Depth to pipe bottom from original grade: 2.5 Ft. Gravel depth beneath pipe: Rabbit Creek No. 2 2 F,. 5 Township: P: Range: Section: Fill added above original grade: Ft. Gravel Length: 5-1 Ft. 40 Well: Existing Gravel width: 15 Number of lines: Distancebe ween lines: Classification (Private. A, B. C : Total Depth: Cased to: FL Total absorption area: 3 5 Ft. Pape Material: Ft. Ft. Driller 600 Ft, ASTM 3034 PVC Date Drilled: Static Water Level: Installer Date Installed: Yield Ft. : Acres e S stems 7/13.1512004 Pump Set at: Casing eight Above Ground: GPM Ft. Ft. TANK SEPARATION DISTANCES STEP - To From Septic Tank Absorption Field Lift Station Holding Tank ublic/Private Sewer Line Manu acturer: apacity in Gallons: Anchorage Tank 1,000 Well >100, >100, NIA N/A >25' J Material Number of Compartments: Steel Two (2) Surface Water >100' >100' N/A N/A LIFT STATION Lot Line 1' >10, N/A N/A �e: Manu acturer: Gal. Foundation >5' >10, >5' NIA "Pump on" level at: •Pump off' level at: High water alarm at: in. in. Curtain Drain on Noted Pump Make & Model Electrical Inspections performed by: Remarks: BENCH nsu a wace ver an an e , LpcafipnandDeapriplpm Back Door Porch Stoop Assumed Elevation: 100.0 Ft. Engineer's Stamp *'glw%h OF ♦���P� ...♦tS♦r♦ Inspections performed by: MEA Dates: tat 7/14/047 49th i .... ..... .. ... ....................r 2"d 7/15104 ................... Department of Health and Human Services approval .. :.MICHAEL E ANDEesov Reviewed Date: C7— vwed and approved by: /� Re e % NO. CE -4381 ; �♦ ��.� 0,, Ott, F Municipality of Anchorage Permit No. DEVEOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SW040206 4700 South Bragaw Street Anchorage, AK. 99519-6655 - 343-7904 Page 2 of 3 On -Site Wastewater Disposal System or Well Inspection Report PID No. 017-063-36 SANE \I GRAVEL WELL pUR pWN �. Zo5.a7 ASPHALT DRIVEWAY OB • ul A Throe Bedroom House Quonset Hut 3 LLJ cA Tt+°`-EPSEM�NT C SS a,N p4EF N j15• PCGE GQNZaQ�Ep olll-- I' PGC�5S6, P'tEa j 15 i Existing Septic Tank Pumped, Crushed and Backfilled. d�0 no A B 51 60.6 74.2 52 66.9 80.6 C4 107.4 121.5 C6 106.0 120.8 M1 80.3 95.0 In V\ -\W AS -BUILT PLAN SCALE 1" = 40' LOT 3, BLOCK 1, RABBIT CREEK SUBDIVISION NO. 2 rA 49th W MICHAEL E. ANDERSON N0. cE-0381 Municipality of Anchorage Page 3 of 3 DEVEOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 South Bragaw Street Anchorage, AK. 99519-6655 - 343-7904 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System or Well Inspection Report Permit Number: SW040206 PID No. 017-063-36 8,2 U N in y UU 2' Insu(. 1,000 Gallon Septic Tank 93,7 9NM3,6 z 98.0 U —_ — — — — — —Geotextile Fabric_ _ 95.3 Dralnfleld Rock 95,3 94,8 40' (Bed Length) 6.0.0 98.0 2' Insulation and Geotextile 5� O O O .5 Drainfield Rock 95.3 94,8 2.5' S' S' 2.5' ••••.rrpr •OF 49th^�'; ♦♦ ........ PROFILE AS-BUILT =MICHAEL E. ANDERSON Scale: 1" = 10' ♦S No. CE-43e1'..`� ♦♦♦•� ESo •••••�. , MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Upgrade Permit Number: SW040206 Legal Description: RABBIT 'CREEK 1ff['X_ LT`"37 Design Engineer: 0014 Anderson Engineering Owner Name: David Cobb Date Issued: Jun 18, 2004 Expiration Date: Jun 18, 2005 Parcel ID: 017-063-36 Site Address: 007160 OUR OWN LN Lot Size: 51178 SQ. FT. Owner Address: 7160 Our Own Lane Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 Anchorage , AK 99516-3731 This permit is for the construction of: ❑✓ Disposal Field ❑✓ Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑ Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3, The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907)343-7904( 24 hours). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By: C Date: Z Z O� Issued By: Date: Municipality of Anchorage • *� Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. 017.063.36 Permit Number SW Property owner(s) David Cobb Day phone 345.0522 Mailing address (1) 7160 Our Own Lane Anchorage AK 99516 Mailing address (2) Zip Code Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'd.) Lot 3, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Subdivision No 2 Legal description (Section, Township & Range) Lot Size 1 , —1� Acres THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Number of Bedrooms Three (3) Sewer Only ❑ Well Only ❑ Sewer and Well ❑ Water Storage ❑ Sewer Upgrade THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub ❑ Jacuzzi ❑ Swimming Pool ❑ Water Softening Unit ❑ Therapy Pool ❑ I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) 0o s. Permit Fees: 3 Waiver Fees: V75' Date of Payment: IF- 7JC"/ O `r Receipt Number: b (Rev. 12100) .. Date of Payment: /o -/ % - D Receipt Number: June 11, 2004 Municipality of Anchorage Development, Services Department On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Subject: Lot 3, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Subdivision No.2 Septic System Design and Permit Application Impacts to Adjacent Properties Dear Onsite Services Engineer: The existing septic system on the subject lot has failed and must be upgraded to serve the existing three-bedroom home on the property and to obtain a Certificate of Health Authority Approval. We are therefore requesting a permit be issued for the construction of a new septic system. The attached Site Plan and backup documentation identify the location and configuration of the existing and proposed septic systems. Also identified on the plans are the locations of the existing well. No conflicts exist between the proposed septic system and existing well and those on adjacent lots. Drainage arrows are shown indicating the current drainage patterns. The drainage patterns will be maintained after construction. The existing septic tank will be pumped, crushed, backfilled and abandoned in place. In addition, a portion of the existing bed will be properly abandoned to provide sufficient area for the new septic tank. The existing tank is currently located within the 100' protective radius of the well. The location of Rabbit Creek bisecting the lot diminishes the area available for an upgrade site. A lot line waiver is required to allow construction of the new absorption bed at approximately 1' from the lot line. The test hole placed on the lot indicated poorly graded sands with gravel with varying amounts of silt in the area of the new absorption trench. The percolation rate for this material is between 1 and 5 minutes per inch. No groundwater was found during placement of the test hole, and none was noted during the monitoring period. Some groundwater has been found in the past in the area at 8' below the surface. We are therefore proposing to place a new 1,000 -gallon septic tank and a 38' long by 15' absorption bed to treat the effluent generated in the house. The elevation of the distribution line in the absorption bed will be 2' below the surface and the total depth will Lot 3, Block 2, Rabbit Creek Subdivision No. 2 June 11, 2004 Page Two be 2.5'. Sufficient fill will be placed over the bed and septic tank to prevent frost penetration and possible freezing. The ground surface on the lot slopes at shallow grades from east to west and north to south toward Rabbit Creek. The bed will be constructed parallel with the slope as much as possible in conformance with Municipal requirements. The new septic system will be constructed a minimum of 100' from the existing well and any surface water in the area. If the system is constructed in accordance with our design the following statements apply: 1. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on the wells in the area or those to be constructed in the future. 2. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on existing septic systems in the area or those to be constructed in the future. 3. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on reserve space, either surface or subsurface, on any lots located in area. 4. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on drainage patterns in the area. The current drainage pattern will be maintained. Sincerely, wj'-'k � Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments ,�7. 49th MICHAEL E. ANDERSON No. CE -4351 pUR pW N a pbsoRl'�� i puonsel Nul �-p,NE Gravel OWER UNEP—�"� Asphalt ODM.? Driveway Er�� eeK D SaF� OW Gel. Se tics o°0ea�e F WptER OO�RO�EpsEMEN� 15'PGGE`.es& r Go 'Solo M 'Ep5 &NIS R\ \ Lu 5P O O <V 4?. Crush, Backfill and Abandon Existing Tank. Demolish Existing Absorption Provide Area for New Septic Tank., 0 SITE PLAN SCALE 1" = 40' LOT 3, BLOCK 1, RABBIT CREEK SUBDIVISION NO 2 ' .49th MICHAEL E. ANDERSON No. ci: ami LOT 3, BLOCK 1, RABBIT CREEK SUBDIVISION NO.2 DESIGN FACTORS: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Three Bedroom House Shallow Bed System Perc. Rate: 1-5 Min.Anch 1,000 Gallon Septic Tank Application Rate:.8 GPD/SF 3 Bedrooms X 150 GPD/.8 GPD/SF (A plication Rate) = 562.5 SF Absorption Area 562.5 SF/15 SF (Width) = 37.5 LF Bed Length THEREFORE: Construct a 38' Long x 15' Wide Shallow Bed as Shown Below. Place Distribution Piping at 2' Below Original Ground Surface. Provide 2" of insulation and 2' of Cover Over Bed. Maintain 100' Separafion From All Wells in the Area. 1.5' .5' NOTE: 2.5' 2" Insulation & 2' Cover (Min.) O O Drainfield Rock 4" FVC Underlying GP/GM 5' 5' 2.5' TYPICAL BED SECTION (NO SCALE) Grade Area Surrounding Bed to Drain Away. Minimum 6' Separation From Bedrock. Minimum 4' Separation From Groundwater. Minimum 100' Separation From Wells in the Area. Minimum 100' Separation From Surface Water or Streams. Minimum 10' Separation From Water Service Line. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4700 SOUTH DRAGAW STREET, ANCHORAGE, AK99519-6650 SOILS LOG - PFRC01 ATION TF -CT PROJECT # PERFORMED FOR: Dave Cobb DATE PERFORMED: 6/2/2004 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3 Block 1 Rabbit Creek Subdivision No. 2 TEST HOLE # 1 SLOPE SITE PLAN Organic Material OL d' ,�,..•: Poorly Graded Gravel With Sand and Silt GP/GM e' • d: y. s '4 p WAS GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? No S L IF YES, WHAT DEPTH? 0 DEPTH OF WATER None P AFTER MONITORING: E •. Bottom of Hole DATE: 6/10/2004 49th••. MICHAEL E. ANDERSON �1c ` No. cE-4mi SEE SITE PLAN AND SUBDIVISION CONTOUR MAP READING DATE GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH OF WATER NET DROP Start 6/2 4:15 8.0" 1 4:25 10 Dry 8" Recharge 4:26 8,01, 2 4:36 10 Dry 81, Recharge I 1 4:37 1 1 8.01, 3 4:47 10 Dry 8" PERC RATE: 1.25 MIN./INCH PERC. HOLE DIAMETER: 6" TEST RUN BETWEEN 3 FT. AND 4 T. COMMENTS: Test Hole Pre Soaked Prior to Percolation Test. TEST PERFORMED BY: MEA I, MICHAEL E. ANDERSON, CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES ON THIS DATE: 6/11/2004 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT: LOT 3, BLOCK 1, RABBIT CREEK SUBDIVISION NO. 2 GENERAL: The scope of this project includes the procurement and placement of a new 1,000 -gallon septic tank at the location shown on the Site Plan. Work also includes the construction of a new absorption bed 38' long X 15' wide also at the location also shown on the Site Plan and at the configuration shown. The distribution line in the bed will be placed at 2' below the existing ground surface. The existing septic tank must be pumped, crushed, backfilled and properly abandoned. In addition, the existing absorption bed must be properly demolished to provide sufficient area for placement of the new septic tank. The new tank must be placed outside the 100' protective radius of the well on the lot. 2. Construction shall be in accordance with the approved site plan, design drawings, Municipal Permit with any special provisions or conditions, and all applicable State and Municipal Wastewater Disposal Regulations. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all underground utility locates and for the layout of the septic system and verification of the location of all lot lines. 4. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the contractor shall be responsible for final grading areas subsequently depressed from soil settling. Property owner shall be responsible for revegetation of affected areas unless specifically agreed otherwise. 5. Contractors installing wastewater disposal systems must be certified by the Municipal Department of Health and Human Services for system installations. Owners installing their own systems must receive prior approval from D.H.H.S. before beginning system installation. SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION A new 1,000 -gallon septic tank must be procured from an approved source and installed at the location shown if the existing septic tank is found to be defective. 2. A septic tank is to be constructed by a certified septic tank manufacturer. Construction shall include two 4" cleanouts for pumping access. 3. The septic tank shall be sufficiently bedded to prevent settling or shifting of the tank. Lot 3, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Subdivision No.2 June 11, 2004 Page 2 of 3 4. Ali standpipes on the septic tank shall extend a minimum of 12 inches above final grade. 5. Tanks installed without 4' of cover shall have a minimum of 2" of direct burial insulation. 6. A foundation cleanout shall be installed one to four feet from the building foundation. Two cleanouts are required between the tank and the drainfield. 7. Final grading over the tank shall be such that a positive slope exists away from the septic tank. DRAINFIELD CONSTRUCTION: 1. The drainfield shall be constructed to the dimensions shown on the design. The bottom of the bed shall be within 2" of level. 2. Distribution piping must be placed level with perforations down atop a level bed of drainfield rock. Rock should then be placed over the pipe to provide a minimum of 2" of cover. 3. A silt barrier or geotextile fabric must be placed between the drainfield rock and the natural soil backfill. 4. Monitor tubes must be 4" in diameter and installed at the locations shown on the design. The portion below ground must be perforated. 5. Contractor shall verify the septic tank and drainfield are a minimum 100' away from any private water wells in the area, 150' from a Class "C" Well or 200' from any community well. 6. Direct bury insulation must be placed over the distribution system if less than 3' of backfill depth is available. Finish grade over the trench must be mounded to prevent settlement or depressions. 7. Grade area surrounding the absorption trench to drain away. 8. A minimum 2' of accepting soil is required below the drainfield rock for a 5' wide trench. Contractor shall verify this condition prior to placement of the rock. All pockets of unacceptable materials must be removed and replaced. Lot 3, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Subdivision No. 2 June 11, 2004 Page 3 of 3 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Septic tanks must be constructed by a municipally approved septic tank manufacturer. 2. The following pipe materials are approved for use in septic system installations in the Municipality of Anchorage: Cast Iron (perforated and solid), ASTM D3034 or P.V.C. (perforated and solid), ASTM F810 or H.D.P.E. (perforated, but not solid) and ASTM D2662 or A. B.S. (perforated and solid). 3. Insulation shall be at least 2" thick extruded direct burial polystyrene (Dow Chemical Co. Styrofoam HI or equal). 4. Septic tank inlets and outlets shall be fitted with watertight couplings (Caulder, Fernco, or equal). 5. A permeable geotextile fabric (Typar, Mirafi or equal) must be installed between the final drain rock layer and the native soil layer. 6. All drain rock shall be .5" to 2.5" in diameter with less than 3% passing the #200 sieve. COARSE SAND: 1. Coarse Sand must be graded as follows: 50% Passing No. 4 Sieve 3% Passing No. 100 Sieve 1% Passing No. 200 Sieve INSPECTIONS: Municipal Ordinance requires a minimum of two inspections. These inspections must be conducted under the supervision of a professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The first inspection must be conducted after the excavation of trenches, beds or pits and before the installation of any gravel. A septic tank may be set in place, but may not be backfilled. The second inspection must be conducted after the placement of the geotextile fabric, gravel, distribution piping, standpipes, cleanouts and insulation. No backfill should be in place at the time of inspection. Contractor shall provide a copy of all field survey layout and construction notes for use in preparing the certified as -built of the completed system. June 11, 2004 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department On -Site Water and Wastewater Program P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Subject: Lot 3, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Subdivision No. 2 Separation Distance Waiver Absorption Trench to Lot Line Dear On Site Services Engineer: The septic system on Lot 3, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Subdivision has failed and must be replaced. Unfortunately, the area available for an upgrade is limited due to the presence of Rabbit Creek bisecting the lot near its midpoint and the location of the existing well. We are requesting a waiver to place the absorption bed within 1' of the north and west property lines. This is the only area remaining on the lot suitable for an upgrade to the existing septic system. Placement of the new absorption trench at the existing location does not impact wells or adjacent septic systems. We therefore recommend a waiver be issued allowing the new trench to be constructed at V from the north and west property line. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. 49th MICHAEL E. ANDERSON N0. CE -4381 • Municipality of. ' P.O. Bos 196656 • Anchors re 9l ska 99,519-6650 • Telephone (907) 343-8301 •Pam (907) 343-8200 4700 Bra rine Strect • Anchorage, Alaslw 995107 "1 ° T Y nntm�.muni oiq Magor Mark Begich Building Safety Division 6/15/2004 Anderson Engineering P.O. Box 240773 Anchorage, AK 99524 Subject: Waiver Request for Rabbit Creek #2 Block 1 Lot 3 Waiver Request #WR040038 Parcel ID #017-063-36 Dear Mr. Anderson: Your request for a waiver of the required 10 feet horizontal separation from the Absorption Field to the Property Line has been approved. The approved separation distance is 1 foot. This waiver approval applies to the existing Absorption Field to the Property Line separation only. Any future upgrade to the on-site wastewater disposal system will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. If there are any further concerns or questions regarding this waiver, please call our office at 343-7904. Sincerely, 0 oodall it Engineer II On -Site Water & Wastewater Program Community, Security, Prosperity o MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE NO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT 'PHONE ❑NEW NAME M} � UPGRADE MAILINGADDRESS q f) p) ti c ltm vrt Cr; b LEGAL DESCRIPTION (fit, -1 b � I` r: e C r • y, 1 f— NO. OF BEDROOMS LOCATION - �ell'.�-� m W Absorption area Dwelling rt PERMIT NO. djCh DISTANCE TO: �.-' n�'t- Uy F- Z Manufacturer Material y., �a S'ICC No. of compartments �� y ✓e-Zr in gallons Inside length Width IF HOMEMADE: Liquid depth Well DwellingPERMIT EDISTANCE NO. TO: _ O Z Q Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons W O Well Foundation Nearest lot line _ PERMJT NO. ''1 DISTANCE TO: /CJI n.�•I-- it 5 %<-t�`�''"'' Luy Lu J W Z No. of lines Length of each line /E; /ii Total length of lines Trench width } ) 8 C) inches Distance between lines Sy f- Z a Q N 3 J 2q— To of tile to finish grade p Material beneath the Total effective absorption area _ Z fg J) inches - Length Width Depth PERMIT NO. w O Q F- Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area °- w° tJ Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: _ Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. J — J w Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) DISTANCE TO: OTHER PIPE MATERIALS P V C C I SOI L TEST RATING INSTALLER l%f�r is6l� REy—MA R—KS- S16i 16 6_-'med 6y ILA 7� P K -1 — X S led d' t!� 1 ve 1 a r( alit (amu•i �{'n WnI've: 'iDr Well ab:1 iuliec- eJhc wle- '-L LEGAL !e• ole i'yrtec/dy �'ad�:i�co,� . �Ve r '�-.at.,/�7�// sl,�Sk'�i-! v.,/_�'.9rce i1c;t APPROVED DATE � 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) 11 -- ...- _ —11 -1— 'i--) � re --i P-1 :r. �� ���I~� �lF� � DEPARTMENT k HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL - OTECTIUN , HNCHORHGE/ HK� 99501 825 'L' STREET 264-4720 VD V-4 FE 0-�E_- II.pj E:::, III -0 P' E:-: FZ '11 1'T PERMIT NO. ( 822-0070 ) �PPLIC�NT ��VI� COBB LOCHTION LEGAL L]B1 RABBIT CREEK S/) BX 408 C SRH HNCH �44~4]27 LOT SIZE 999999 SQUARE FEET TYPE OF SOIL HBSORPTION SYSTEM DRHINFIELD ^ MHXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS � ] SOIL RHTING (SQ FT/BR)� l�m T E REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION 5-Y5TEM ������� ' -���� ����� � �� ^ T|1E LENGTH C/IMEN��ION IS THE LENGT|�1 (IN FEET) OFTTHE NTRENCH ORDRHI/NFIELD- THE �EPTH OF H�T-ENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTHNCEFB�TNED/nc SURFACE `F GHOUuD HND THE B'TTOM OF THE EXCRVHTION (IN EE/). ������ ��������_ /'� �'"V-0�� ~�^��"~'�P~UK�- VA �^U][�»-�~8^~U ][�� !:»^TWEENTHE O||TFF||| PIPE n �� EE P-1 THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRHVEL BE ~ -~ THE GRHYEL DEPTH IS THE EXCHyF|TION (IN FEET). HND THE BOTTOM U ~ ���� �����~�� ~�������� PERMIT HPPLICHNT HAS THE RESPONSlBILITYDTOC�m INFORM THIS DEPHRTMENTNDURING THE D THE INSTHLLHTI-N lNSPECTIONS OF HNY WELLS M JA / /v THIS .�.~�_ NUMBER OF uESIDENCES THAT THE WELL WILL SERVE. ���������� ����4� ����� H���������� —^-- ~-^-~-- ' SY5TEM WITHOUT FINAL DEPARTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION- MINIMUM DISTHNCE BETWEEN H WELL HND H�Y0ON~SITEFSEWHGEpDISPOSRLSYSTEMDEPENDING 100 FEET FOR H PRIYHTE WELL OR 150 TO 200 FEE/ ny,/ .. ~~L^~WELL. UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL�R TO A PRIVATE SEWELINE IS 25 FEET AND MINIMUM DISTHNP CE FROM H RIVHTE WELL TO H COMMUNITY SEWER LINE IS 75 FEET. ONS', HND CONSTRUCTION DIHGRHMS ARE OTHER REQUIREMENTS MHY APPLY. SPECIF ICHT HYHILHBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. -T~ F—::-������ �E������� ��.' I CERTIFY THAT HR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON�S�T� SEWERS HND WELLS HS SET 1�RIHHMYFHMIL1UNICIpHLITY OF ANCHORAGE.NCE WITH THE CODES ru / W"LL^'I'�S^HLL T�E SYSTEM IN HCCOR�HSySTEM MRy REgUIRE�E�NLHRGEMENT IF THE �' / U�DERS~H�D THAT THE ON-SITE SEWER ] BEDROOMS 3� � umCE I/ "EMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE TI - RESIDEN S x SIGNED: AWLIFFINT A --/'7��.�� V4.. 0 ISSUED G pan, )r ,r r_,;! ii111 .. _ orF_ .Permit #4: 821.069 January 31, 1983 TO: Permit Applicant Subject: Lot 3 Block 1 Rabbit Creel:Subdivision A permit issued by this department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1982. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as staged on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this department for documentation of the installation date and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-buil_ts for our files and documentation. 7'f there are any further questions, please call. this office at 264-4720. Sincerely Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Acting Program Manager Sewer and Water. Program RCP/ljw enc: Copy of Permit. SWP/057 DEPARTMENT u HEALTH FIND ENV , .0TEi TIOr•-I ,D25 't._' '�TF:EE 7, ANC:HORAC9E, AK:. 9950:1. PERMIT Nil 821.069 ', A'F'L I ANT DAVID C:CIBE; BO'ex: 408-C: '::;RA AkIC:IH 9951",-17 -:44•-43-:27 LO")CATION LEGAL L" E,:1 RABBIT CREEK S.,'D LOT SIZE 999999 SQUARE: FEE]" TYPE OF-' :_OIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM :C'=.: DRAINF= IELD 11K%UM IC•1 NUMBER OF BEDROOMS = 'SOIL F:ATIhIG �:_,Q FT/Ec;R:,.-= 1.5:7 THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE .=,OIL- ABSORPTION SYSTEM I S : I_- L_. F-" " r" I A =' -4- 1_ E= PA ID " If- ILA :.— �:91-79a_; F? 1 i''"° C L._ �d � N=.' ...N _ I A �'Wn THE L_EPA iTH DIMENSION is THE I_Er•ciTH ::ItI FEET;OF THE TRENCH OR DRAINF:CELD. THE Df PTI -I OF A TRENCH OR ITT IS; THE DISTArdC:E. BETI.-JEEN THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND AND THE BOT ,rom OF THE. E,•,C;FI',+AT I ON (IN FEET?. r F -I F`--:.: I' I �•_ E= I" -J 1r- IFA I;• -I l I-- -_' VA 1 15. 92e ID 10 r___ 1E.: FE ...I..... THE. i iRA4;'I .'I_ DEPTH I..-; 'T'HE MINIMUM DEF' -rt -I OF GRAVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFALL F'IF'E FIND THE BOT`rOP1 OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET:). I v " I C e:;=! J F: � �_ IE= F=' "I__ ::I: e 9 1,-4 N '-^ .= new n�Y _ x n �i o-=9 N__ N n =� N° �I PERMIT APPLICANT HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INF'OF'M THIS DEPAIr:TMErAT CIURIN13 THE INS:TAI_LArIOI%l Ird'_;PE:C:TICit•d'= FIF ANY WELLS AD:IAi:0.11' TO THIS F'ROPERT4' ANC, THE t•,il_IMBER OF RESIDEt.-I ES THAT 'THE WELL WILL. SERVE. _...- �... _..- -I"' I. -A nC�n °== ]C P -.N sas F- F--: n7 N :r cK r-4 ass, n F-! FF_ F-�° E G-! 9_1 T. N�=" FW.. I---._.-_ __...... BFIC KF I L.L I NG OF. Flr'd'r SYSTEM W I THOI_IT F' I NAL.. I S-';PEC:T I Card FIND APP :ClVAL... BY "I`H I''; DEPAR"rMENT I. -JILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. I'•1INIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN ISI IdEI__L. AND At•d'•r' ON -'SITE '_;El.dAGE DIE.F'CISAL. SYSTEM IS :100 FEET FOR A PRIVATE I.-JEL.L OR 1.50 TO 200 FEET FROM A PUBLIC: WELL DEPENDIN13' UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC I.-JEI_..L. I'1Ir•dlCIA-1 DI'_;1"ANC:E: FROM H PRIVATE- bJELL TO A F'R1:''rATE SEWER L.Ir'E IS 25 FEET IAND TO A C OVICrU.. N I `I-'SEbJER LINE I = FEET. OTHE.F: F.E:�TJUIREMEP-M MAYIMP'E'L',•'. SPEC: I'FIi�ATIC N'S; AND C:Otd�;Tf'I_IC:TICMrd D:CIIi�F:AC'1_ FIRE TO INSURE FF'CiF'ER Itd'_TAL..L_HT:COr•d. I" n F;�: I'° I 1 -1- � o � � � Imo° � =: Ic. F w _ � I"" -I �• F:, Imo° �- '_� ..t . I C:EE'"r I F',•' THAT l: I AM FAMILIAR w I TH THE. REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SE LIERS AND kIELL.S AS SET FORTH BY 'THE h1UNIf-IPFIL-ITY Of= ANCHORAGE:. I WILL. I risTAI._L TI -IE ' YSTEC4 IN AC C:ORDANC:E WITH THE CODES. _ . -IND _r,:WF ThlPll' THE ON-SITE E FI.dEF' SYSTEM C1Ar' F:EG!LIIk:E EhdL.h9lm:iaEC'1ErdT IF TE1E. RE'_,IDENC:E I'S,.REr'1ODE:L.E D TO INCLUDE MORE: THAN 3 BEDROOMS. � ......... �_..__..._SC�3rdE[;/c. 1P(CANTDAVID DAti� ID COBB Pe.- _T ��/ 'v 4. Epi z SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE - DE=PARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 a� d% = SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: -o7t C' k"3 DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: R. o.� 'i� C 't'{ -'C- '^ B P F SLOPE SITE PLAN - f(!- if ET 1 0(u,lr_f—F I 1 1MELA 1 2 3 —04 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS y ;'�'\ 5'1 1� CtiM�.�gJce iAei r. lune b>> WAS GROUND WATER tACS ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT (, / DEPTH? Il a. t P{c I\D1e 6" S L 0 P E Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 3'os'4.S Ip ," .96 ,.1-6 t i� •. V. i"ik;�rJ "3'16`3/a 43� q h 9 ttIV7J 3' l.lv Lf I. 1.3s 3 5 00 f3 PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN �. ,Vj; AN �,�!�,,m beil ccn 1 cutid y j �� PERFORMED 8Y: u +GtL.I; r'�-r�?�'l�i':J iJ•�� _CERTIFIED 7 2-00 8 (6/79) 3j (minutes/inch) �'ti72 FT AND 7 FT DATE: Z --- ❑ SOILS LOG t- sheet 2 L 7_ S heet MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: f✓7r�� t1c, b'b ! 7 DATE PERFORMED: —lq'� LEGAL DESCRIPTION:u-b�—� Usi DEPTH SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? s L O P E Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop -t d j •I 10 ti 60 - -1N,_O 4.1q — a (1S0 yt30 YR Li 4D t'i zU q" _ to �. �' ;, )'1 iii .n�✓i �'� 15 PERCOLATION RATE JJJ TEST RUN BETWEEN Jlh 6 e-Vw PERFORMED BY: trt�z _CERTIFIED BY: 72-009 (617 9) r 3 (minutes/inch) FT AND FT DATE: V Municipality of Anchorage • Development Sero -ices Department Building Safety Division z `� On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St.. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907)343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ¢ Parcel I.D. 17-063.36 HAA # DR lJLL Expiration Date: 1A — / — 0 l 1 i. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Lot 3 Block 1. Rabbit Creek Subdivision No. 2 Location (site addressor directions) 7160 OurOwn Lane Current Property owner(s) . David Cobb Day phone 345,0522 Mailing address 7160 Our Own Lane Anchorage, AK 99516 Lending agency Day phone Mailing address Real Estate Agent Day phone Mailing Address Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held by DSD for pickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: Three 3 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual Well Individual Water Storage Community Class Well Public Water System TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: ® Individual On-site ❑ Individual Holding tank ❑ Community On-site ❑ ❑ Public Sewer 7 The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department (DSD) Issues Certificates of Health Authority Approval (HAA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. Certificates of Health Authority Approval are required for the transfer of title (except between spouses) for properties served by a single family on-site wastewater disposal and/or water supply system. DSD also issues HAAs upon request to homeowners. Certificates of Health Authority Approval are valid for 90 days from the date of issue for properties served by a private or Class C well and may be reissued with new water sample results less than 30 days old. (Certificates may be reissued for a'period of up to one. year with valid water samples.) Certificates are valid for one year for properties served by Class A or B wells or a public water system. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. —O N BY ENGINEER 4. STATEMENT OF INSPEC i i As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Health Authority Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on- site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Firm Anderson Engineering Phone 522.7773 Address P.Q. Box 240773 Anchorage AK 99524 Engineer's Printed Name Michael E. Anderson. P.E. Date 8/2812004 5. DSD SIGNATURE L-`� Approved for bedrooms Disapproved. Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the following stipulations: OF qti�;��,� J N G� Additional Comments ��IATFR AND ,WASTEWATER . i/I71N Attachments: HAA Checklist X Maintenance Agreements Septic System Advisory Supplemental Engineer's Report Well Flow Advisory Other By: /� Original Certificate Date: C ^ �' (Re,. 12M) Mune Develapsr rI- n.- tt(iiage F p� j�3jip' 4 pgtMent rogram w .avui� v�een ouuurvkmon rvo Faroe[ ID 097 D63 "38 M � �� w ,,�, � ti ��� 1.a5�ng nelgni (above ground) 24 In ..�.ia.u��ke,,:<e'.•�.aa.:a'a�.:.ca.x��w-xw�s.»ee.«.a.-......��v».,,.�:».;':n .-. ^.,„s.._ : ......... :. .. .�, v. .. �"� YM 8/2812004 ft. 74 's",r"�u-.'.'��",F��'fe✓t'?:.��..,A`a''�F^em''.;-:,fir_''",f"e.:�„w"'a'"�A;a'�'iari`'tv�'v-, gPm 8�8 8p'm .,��eei�q� � mate installed 7I13)2b04 Number of,�Compartments 2 Cleanouts (Y(N) Y Y"` Depressaon'overtavk {Y/N N High water alarm' (Y/N) N Pumper New Construcfion ti Results (Pass/Fail) " i A,4 i � e e oretest in. Water ac iP� gar " "' uk bedrooms ,a iepth in. 9�Pd [•vt in. t records that the above systems are i . .............. i ... .. fOA HAA guidelines in effect on th s date ` ... §' y f :MICHAEL E. ANDERSON a ne Michael E Anderson. �P E �� s`:, No, cE ase Not p®S Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment �, •_ �/ Receipt Number Jul W 0 N N 20 04 10:05a SUR OWN §5 5 - 5 5 S 1 11 1 Gfl FA Dave Cobb 907-345-0522 LANE WELL GRAVEL\` ja ACR IVEWAY \` N 124.9 5' 5 IyI— J 1 D - D Ilc } N DECK N 3 _ o / / / DCNTPCL EASEME„1t \ \ \ Z 5 / �h• pCCES \ \ Ileo- N �P > O N G� v THE INFORMATION HEREON IS FOR THE USE OF LENDING INSTITUTIONS SPECIFICALLY TO SHOW ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN EXISTING STRUCTURES AND PLATTED LOT LINES OR EASEMENTS AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR POSITIONING ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES OR FENCELINES. EASEMENTS OF RECORD, OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT. ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. NOTE: ANY FENCELINES SHOWN ARE LOCATED APPROXIMATELY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO DETERMINE PROPERTY LINES OR LOCATE STRUCTURES. ANY PAVING SHOWN MAY BE APPROXIMATE DUE TO SNOW CONDITIONS. P. 4 o ;c OF na .SHANE A. HOLT.- LS-69 OLT:LS-69 1 4 ASG 4�.eo ..... Ap AS -BUILT SURVEY SCALE : 1 "^ 40' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERFORMED A MORTGAGEE'S INSPECTION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY. LOT 3. BLOCK 1, RABBIT CREEK SUB. NO, 2 ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT. ALASKA AND THAT THE VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS SITUATED THEREON ARE WITHIN THE PROPERTY LINES AND THAT NO VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS EXIST OTHER THAN NOTED. DATED AT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THIS 16TH DAY OF JULY 2004 HOLT LAND SURVEYING 4192,F838-30, 113-t 0,GPS.1 TEL. 345-5513113.31 8-28-04;10:49AM; SGS Ret:# 1045411001 Client Name Anderson Engineering Project Name/4 Lot 3, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Client Sample ID Lot 3, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Matrix Drinking Water Sample Remarks: ;907 5675301 All Dates/Times are Alaska Standard Time Printed Date/Time 08/27/2004 6:43 Collected Date/Time 08/24/2004 14:30 Received Date/Time 08/24/ 004 15:10 Technical Directo�Ste n C. Ede Releasee A- 2 Parameter Results P L Allowable Pre Q Units Method Container ID Prep Analysis Init --- ts Date Date Waters Department Nitrate -N 1.01 0.100 mg/L EPA 300.0 B(<=10) —10) 08/24/04 J7B Microbiology Laboratory Total Coliform 1 OB, No Coli coUl00mL SM20 9222E A�- ( I) 0824/04 DKC