HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK #2 Block 1 Lots 1-9 Block 2 Lots 1-8 Plat# 84-101 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMEN'F OF HEALTH & FNVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: 84-101 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: A request to rezone (/4,/~/) PUBLIC'WATER AVAILABLE · . ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: DATE RECEIVED: July 10, 1984 COMMENTS DUE BY: July 16, 1984 approximately 40 acres from R-6 to R-lA SL. ~/// ( /~ PUBLIC ;EWER AVAILABLE k NO. MUNICIPAL PLANNING DEPARTME:~T Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 264-4215 A request to rezone approximately ~ acres from ~-~. to A-lA 3~ A request to amend Title 21 to A reque~.t for concegt/final approval of a conditional use to permit a in the zone. A request for an amendment to a conditional use A site plan review fo~ CO,i~IE~,TS: Planning & Zoning Commission Public 'He..ring= ' Date, ~o~=~_~_~__~_~_e_.._ .......... 7-- '~ -- ~'~'_ ................. DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) Urban Beautification Commission (Ordi~~end3~ents~) Hunicipal Attorney's Offfice '_~~ ~' Community Council Federation of Community Councils PETITIONER: REQUEST: TOTAL AREA: LOCATION: .... 'C ~'~' ''' ' '---' q -- (-~ -- mmunL ~y Council) ( ' ~ ti ~ Fe~ra on o= Ccmmunity Councils) MAILOUTS COMMISSION ASSE:4BLy Mailed Favor Against Unclaimed Othe~ B C ~ :,4~ Ih AV ~. N U ~- E 147 th AVENUE lB TR 8 TR Al TR C Ct iq-I01 TR ~ 160th ZONING AMENDMENT Municipality of Anchorage Planning Oepartrnent Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 -"/erificalion ot Ownership The undersigned hereby applies to ihe Municipality of Anchorage for a zoning map amendment. Amendment initiated by: ~ CtleCk one ~ the owner or owners of a majority of the land in the petition area for zoning map amendment ( ) Planning Commission ( ) Assembly ( ) depamment or agency of the Municipal[b/- specify department II, Description: (uae reverse side or additional paper if necessary) Legal description of the area requested to berezonedRABBIT CREEK ESTATES SUB. Area (square feet or acres) of t~e petition area APPROX, 4 0 ACRES >,'~ Section 21.20.015 of t~e Zoning Ordinance specHies t~at t~e area must ~e a m~nimum of 1.75 acres unless it is contiguous to ~ zoning district of t~e same classification as ~hat being proposed) ~isting Zoning Classification: ~-~ Proposed ~oning Classification: ~ *~ S~ NOTE : "SPECIAL LIMITATIONS' A) CONTINGENT ON PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE TO PROPERTY AT THIS SUCH SEWER IS PROPOSED TO BE BUILT ~D PRIVATELY FUNDED BY THE DEVELOPER (~ETITIONER) B SEE ~EVERSE iii. Jus Jflcatlonror the rezonJng: (use reverse aide or additional paper if necesse~) ~plainpublicneed~nd justification fort~erezoning ~D ~V~[LAB[~ O~ OF HO~ES!TES WHICH MAY ALLOW FOR ~O~ A~FO~ABLE HOUSING ~opsmy THE pR~TTIONER WILL INTROOUCE ?UBLIC SE~'~ER TO AN AREA OF ~RGIN~ GROUNDS~ A HISTORY OF ~AILING SEPTIC SYSTEMS IN HAS PROVIDED THE AREA WITH A WIDE RANGE O? ZONE CLASSES,THIS HESITATION. Explain how ~e proposed mad amendment will ~u~er t~e goals and objectives of t~e FOLLOW AND WILL BE SUB~ITTED AT A LATER DATE. availableproper~ ~q~ T~ ~ OE~TNAT~ T,T'ITmA~TON ON ~HR ~'iO[~T OF AVAILABLE LA'iD WHICH DOES NOT HAVE ~ARGI~IAL SOILS, THE SOILS SEPTIC SYSTEm'S WILL NOT WORK. I? THIS L~D IS DEVELOPED IN ITS PRESENT ZONE CLASSIFICATION THE SEPTIC SYSTEC'IS WILL FAIL AND THE COST TO R~ PUBLIC SEWER TO EACH LOT ~'~ILL BE EXTREMELY UNA?FORD~BLE. V. ~a:e~ial ( )maos ( } onotographs ( ) [easibilily reports ( ) other (s0eci~) VI. lunderslandthatpaymentott~efee s)spec edistodefraythecosfofhandiingandmves[igalJonofths appfJcat on and hhe COSts Of tf~e necessary hearings by the Planning Commiss,on and Mumc~pali~y of Anchorage Assem01y. and lhat paymen~ of these fee(s) does not entifla me, nor does il assure aporoval of this application, and ~tlat no refund of lhese fees wdl be made. I hereby affirm tha£ the information submitted herein is true and correct to the best of my knowmdge. I also affirm lhaf I am t~e true and legal Property Owner (or the Authorized Agent thereofl for a majority of the property subject harem. PRINT 9ETITIONER'S NAME S'GNATUREIS) O~ THE OWNE I '0'* U^~O.~ PHONE NO. If aOpllcant i~ not owner of t~e orope~: SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT" DATE AOORESS PHONE NO. il-b) SPECIAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION TO BE GIVEN TO ALL LOTS WHICH ARE CONTIGUOUS TO LOTS LYING OUTSIDE OF THE PETITIOn! AREA WITH A BUFFER OF LARGER WIDER LOTS ON THE PERIMETER THAN MAY BE PLANNED ON THE INTERIOR OF THE SUBDIVISION. C) A LIMITATION TO THE DENSITY TO NO HORE THAN 140 LOTS OR A ,MAX- IHUM OF 3.5 LOTS OR DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE,USING ALL 40 ACRES) DI BUILDINg' SET-BACKS LIHITED TO ?~INI'{U~tS AS ?OLLOWS: ... FRONT:35 feet, REAR:25 feet, SIDEYARD:15 feet each E) MINI~UM LOT WIDTH:80 feet (excegt at cul de-sac a';eraqe at ~enter) To: The Planning Commission Att'n ~r. Bruce Phelps Re: Ammending the Hillside Wastewater Area Ammendment Dear Mr. Phelps. As Der our previous discussion, this letter is aimed at requesting your assistance-in reviewing the possibility of ammendin~ the area of the approved previous boundaries to extend north to encompass the area of marginal lands to the north side of Rabbit Creek R~ad. We will be compiling a great deal of information for you which I hope will be of assistance in helping your studies of the need for such an ammendment. I personally will be available at any time to meet you and your colleg~es with reqard to this request. If you have any questions for me please feel free to call me at 345-3854 and I will make myself available to meet you at the next possible opportunity. I hope we will be able to complete these studies in a very timely manner a~d will forward to you an~ information we find pertinent to this case as soon as it comes available. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, we will be lookinq forward to our next meetinq with you and hope to orovide you with some interesting feedback from the local community. Sincerely, Charles Haddy. EARNEST MONEY RECEII:q' AND AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE Li~lllng Olllce SO Phone .'~ ~ , ,,~. ~ ~tJ~_~t~ ~,~ ~ . ..... ACCEPTANCE BY SELLER DEMVERY TO BUYER OF COPY OF ACCEDED OFFER OATE . TIME ~