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Rabbit Creek View Heights Block 1 H Lot 8A #020-511-09 CON STRUC't2 O2,~ .... A:cm, rage, Alaska 99503 "performed 'for "craig Goodrich . 'Legal Description: Lot 7 & 8 BT-~z-0-~'-i '~"his fora' reports: , Soils l]~g i' Yes qepth , Organi? Overburden Gravelly Sandy Si'lty Gravel Date performed i2/30/75' Rabbit Creek Heiqhts Subdivisj,Qn, Percolation test Yes iT'~'C%"[ 6 '~ i B'F, iqCe. 1 Proposad installation: SATURATE PERIOD 24 H~urs GroSs Time Net T';me 4 itour s Depth ?.H. 20 3'6~, Seepage Pit ...... Drain Field '" ,_. . Depth ~o botZom of pit or. french ............ ..,..~. ,q~.~i~*,nn~ area re~ui, red per bedroom ,, · . . .......... ,^ ,/~ Ground Water Level .~ .... ,., ,,' --, [~--~--~~ '~EU . ' '. · ' ' ' ~:~t', '" , ', ~/~ ~ ~' ' ' '" X "" ' "' '" ' J2~ ~~~' P ' ~ ~ 'Y ~'~J ' Was ground wa'Sot encountered? This Form Re~orts Soils Loq ,._~ .................Percolation 'fest_~ Was (.-'round Water Encoun[ered? Pl._Cc,, d'? I F Y e s A t w h a t P e p t h ~_./~.:LZ~:~Z- / . I Proposed Instal ation: Seeoaae P~t L}ra~n I'~e4a Deoth of Inlet Deo~]~-~=~--j$~'~om Of Pit Or Trench Net Dron' T ~ D ~^ ~ o 7 ..... n~ .,...,".z~ ..... -'~ ....... ,,, ............ ~ , /' Data Certified P.O, 80× 4-1224 ~ 1310C International Airport Road (907) 274-dGt 1 ANCHORAGE,: ALASKA 99509 DRILl,lNG LOG Well Owner. ........... ~C._I.*_O=~_~ (~:~_ood rich ........................................ Use of %Vcll Location (address of: Township, Rani;e, Section, if known; or distance main road Size of casing 6 ..... I.)opth of Nc l(._ l;O ..... feet Cased to___~ ..... feet ,Static water loyal_ ~ ~L .... tr. (ab~R.¢c0 (below) land surfaco. Finish of well (chock one) open end ( x ); Screen ( ); Perforated ( ), Describe screen or perforation ................ Well pumping' test at~5_ ..... ~r¢allons per of drawdown from static level. - ..... - Date of completion WELl. LOG Depth in feet from ground surface {;Jvc details of formations penetrated, ,qize of material, color and hardness JAY S. t/AMMONO, I~I~PTo 0~1~ l~N%IRON~Ii~NTAI~ CONSI'~RVATION SO#TH££tYrRA/ #~O/ONAZ O£/qCE 339 O£NAL/ STR£ET MacKAY O///L~7/~/G, ROOM 1299 A/~£tlORAOE 99501 Mr. Les Buchholz, Sanitarian Dept. of Health & Environmental Protection 2510 East ?udor Road ANCHORAGE, Ak. 99507 March 26, 1976 Subject: Lot 8, Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision (Goodrich) Dear MR. Buchholz: It is our understanding that the present design for the sewer system for the subject project calls for the bot- tom of the trench to be two feet above the water table. If the bottom two feet of the trench is filled with sand all passing a soreen with four meshes to the inches, having an effective size between 0.25 and 0.6 mm, and with a uniformity coef~.cient less than 4.0, this office has no objection to the wastewater disposal system. Sincerely Kyl~'J. ~erry, ~. Regional Environmental Supervisor KJC:dm cc: Neil Hausam SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFF/CE JAY $. HAMMOND, Gover.or 338 DENALI STREET /.~ © (.~ MACKAYBU/LDING. ROOM~' ANCHORAGE 99501 ~arch 2, 19'76 Mr. Rolf St:Fickland, Cheif Sanitarian Dept. of Health & Environmental Protection Anchorage Munic~ipality 2510 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Subject: Lot 8, Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision (Craig Goodrich) Dear b{iz. Strickland: This office has no objection to the placement of the package sewage treatment unit 50 feet from the well, but we do object to the bottom of the seepage trench being 2 feet above the water table especially due to the coarse material normally used in their construction. Sincerely, y J. Cherry, P.E. Regional n ' .~nvmronmental Supervisor SV cc: Neal A. Hausam