HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK VIEW & HEIGHTS BLK 1H LT 11ARabbit Creek
View Heights
Block 1 H
Lot I I A
Department ~= Health arid Environmental Pr~ orion
Legal Description I,ot 11, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision
0- 2 , h Gravelly, silty sand -~ SP-SM
200 sc~are feet per bedroom
(water seep at 2 feet)
2~- 3 ' - Clay - CH
350 square feet per bedroom
3-~ 4.5' ~ Sandy, silty gravel - GP-GM
190 square feet per bedroom
4.5-9' sandy gravel, with little silk - GW-GP
il0 square feet per bedroom
- Gravelly silt - GM
275 square feet per bedroom
TD = 11 feet
Average square fdet per bedroom - 189
Perched water at 2 feet (~ossibly year round)
Test pit dug 20 feet North, 100 feet West of SW corner of lot
Net Time
Dep th
Net Drop
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December 29~ 1978
Wayne Bailey
Star Route A Box 47~.A
Anchorage ~ Alaska 99!307
Subject: Lo't 11 Block 1 Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision
A permit issued by this department for well and/or
sewer system has expired°
Permits are issued[ ena calendar year basis, as stated
on the permit, by authority of Municipal ordinance.
If you have drilled the well, a well log shou].d be
sent %o this department to document the installation
If there are any further questions, please contact
this office at 264-4720°
Les No Buchholz.
Senior Environmental Specialist
enc: copy of permit
March -31~ 19,?~
Wayne Bailey
~taJc Ro~lt~ A Bo~
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Subjeet~ Lot ll Block 1 Rabbit Creek Heic(hts Subdivision
Althou~h a %~ell poem%it has been is~ued for the subject
proper;~y~ it should be note~ that a high water 'table
exist~ in th~ area~
Th~efore~ before any inlprowements are done on the
property, soil£i test should be performed to s~e f£ tile
property is suitable for on=-site- aewer.
If there are any further questions~ pleae¢~ contact this
offiue at 264~.4720.
Robert Co Pratt
March 7, 1978
Wayne Bai2Loy
Star Route A Box 47A
~h%ohoraqe, Alaska 99503
Subject: Lot; II Block 1 ]iahbit Creek Hoi[lhts Subdivision
Acc'ordin~$ to the ~;oils test 'that was submitted to tttis
department~ ~.yater se~pa~le ;~as noted at two(2) feet with
issua an on.~.si'he s~w~r pea:mit as per Hunicipal
15~65~060 Section A and B~ and 15.65.070 S¢)ctton A,
%f there are any further questions, .please contact this
office a'k 264.~4720.
Lynn Bringle
Senior: Environm~nta! Control Officer