HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK VIEW & HEIGHTS BLK 1H LT 18ADE~ .ATMENT OF IqEALTH IF ANCFtORAGE H AND HUMAN SER~, ,:'S Health Division ska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 I AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT DISTANCES ___ TANK FIELB WELL WELL ./ LOT LINE FOUNBATION AS-BUILT DIA6RAM tShow location of welt, septic system, p[operly hnes, Ioundabon, ., -- Scale: /~'~ ~O ~ EUGINEER'S SEAL Inspechons PeHormed by s inspection was peflormed accordinD Io all Environmental 825 "L" Street. Anchorage, ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Address /~oo Phone(s) LEGAL DESCRIPTION l 'r/f~ ~3 ~d¢ TANKS SEPTIC ~ HOLDING TYPE OF SYSTEM TRENCH EI BE[) ~ W. DRAIN E1 OTHER FT Fl' SD FT SO FT MUNICIPALITY Ff WELLS ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHER fldentilv~ FT FT REMARKS: L ~',~ ~. .-lc,'~-'~*~ ~- ~.aicipal aa, State IjuJdines in 811,cl on Ihis d~le: __.~. ~ /~/~' Health Deparlment Approval: /' ~_(]).~r-,~/' 4¢'L,~' 72 013 (3/85) i{~L.C) CI.( :: :1. Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15- 16- 17 18 19 2O DATE PERFORMED: Township, Range, Section: SLOPE (ENGINEER'S SEAL) WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SITE ~LAN IF YES, AT WFIAT DEPTH? ,~.. Deplh l0 Waler After Monitoring? Dale: Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE __ Im~nutes/mch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TES,T,/[RUN BETWEEN __ COMMENTS ~,//.'~ (..¢/11,"//~ ~J~(.~ ' ' f FT AND __ FT CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) [:,Ei:E'FIF::TP1EN'[' t.IE.'FR. TH FINE;:, E.'N',,,' ii E~%II'-,tHEi'.,FIh::IL.. O'T'ECT I ON ',!i:25 '" L '.~i;T R EiE T., FIN E:I-IOIq'.RC~E., FIK. 99~::,(~'1 264-.q. 721ZI ,:D~ li"..,.~ ....... '.'E!;; 2[ 'T ~::~:: :E:'; EE: It..,,.~ E: Ifq." 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Sl:i~ TEl ~.::(:1() F:'E:ET FRCIH l:fi I::'I._IBL_IC I.,.tELL DEF'ENE:,.:NG UF'ON THli:': T'gPE Eft:: I:::'LIEU... :[ E: HEL. L. I"!:[NZHLIH E:,ISTFINCE F'F::OP1 FI F'[;:]:',,,'FiTE I.,.IE:LL 'TO FI F'F.'.Z',,,'F:ITE: ::;E[,.IEF: LINE ~'_:..1 25 FEET F~I",!D TL3 F:I C:Cff'IHI...IN]:T'¢ :SEI.,.IE:[;t LINE I'.5 ';::'5 FE:E:'T'. OTHE:[;:: [;:: E: 6.:d_l I F:E:HE:NT:E; I"IE'W FIF'F'Lltr'. SPE:C I E'I [:::R'I"Z ON?:, F:If',![::' F:I',,,'I::I ]: LRDLE TO :[ NSI...II::::E: F'I:~:E:F'E:iR ]: i",I:i!;TEILL. FI'I" :[ or.,!. I C:E:F:T I F:"r' '[*HFIT i: I l:':ll'"l F'F:fl"I]:L.:[F:ff;: I.,.I]:TH THE IR[E~:J:!IJ]:IRE:HE'::Nfi'I-.'.; F'OF:: Cd",I-SI'T'E '..::.,EI.,.I[.EF::'!5 FINK:' .t,.IELLg~; FI:.':, SE::']" F::OF::'!'H E',"r' THE: ~'I[.IN :[ I::: :[ F'I::IL I '1"'¢ OF: F'llqE:HEIF:'.f:ff::iE:. 2: :1: I.,.I:[L~L. IhlF:';TEILL ']"FIE: S'9?I'IEH IN FIE:COE:'.DFff'4C:E PJ:[fi"H THE: C:OE:'E::;. L"::: I I..tNC'[/I~i:'.:~;fi'FINI::, THF!T THE OI",I-".'5ITE: E¢E:!.,.IE[;:: %"r":STEM I"'lf-"l"r' F.':E:6!UIF'.IE F-:'NLFt[;::GEMEI",IT :[t:: THE: F::ff.:'S :J: E:,ENI::::E: I fi!; I:;::EHEH::,ELE:D TO :[ I'.,IC:I...LI[::,E i'"IOF,::E' THFff.,I i:: I='E:l:::ff'l :[ T Iq(]. F;IF:'I::'L, t (:::l:::lI',t T L, (' "F:I T :[ IEIi",l I...E(iiRI LENI::~TH :[ I'"IE I',tf~; 0 FEE~;T. ]i I~[;~:]"'~:T :[ F'IT~ Tt'IFF'f' :t.: ]; F:tP1 F'I:::Ii"1;[L..]iF:IF]: I.,.I;[TH 'I"HEi ;:;~::]; H ;[ I..J,. ]; J"4%T~qL.I... THE; ~;"r'S:;'I'IEH :[ N RE:C:O~ff::'RNC:E I,'.1Z TH THE E:C)I;:'I~;%. ;;~:: ]; [.,IN[;¢E~I:;~::~;'TI::~NE:, 'FHI::IT THE OI"4""'~;;['TE 1~:f.751 [:,[CNC:E :[ % I;~:E]"IOI::,IEI...EE:, TEl "'*EATER ANCIIORAGE AREA BOROI" tmen~' of Envirorlmental Qu. 3330 "¢" Street i',Anchorage, Alaska 99503 · :~'' :, 'i ,: ~,1 SOILS LOG ~ PEROI,ATION TEST : P~ rf?rm~(~l for g~-~ .................. Percol at,on tes~ Depti~ Feet i-':- ............. :: ........ Was ground water encountered? Reading Date Gross l'ime Net Time .... ~bf_) ...... If yes, at what depth? / t Depth to Water Net Drop minute. Proposed ins[a]la~W~n-i--'SYei~ite Pit Drain Field 3ei)UI of Inlet _. . Dept~(--[~O- b~o~)~ii'-oy--i)i t or trench ..................... ,~ o4o ~,~,,~ ~-:" -~ ....... '~ ........... ''-~ ALASKA er/UIROhm [1TAL COI TROL ~n~i~eerinq $ ~nui~onm¢,tQI ~l~dies March 4, 1986 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 Attn: Steve Morris Subject: Holding Tank Permit for Lot I8, Block 1, Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision - TllN, R3W, Section 1 Dear Steve: Our office is requesting that a holding tank permit be issued for tbe subject lot. Please review the attached site plan and soil test data. Based on our soil test and our experience with the soils in this area, this lot is unsuitable for an on-site septic system. BAC KGROU ND: The applicants, Mr. & Mrs. Haygood applied for and received a well and septic permit in 1976 (#76301) from the Greater Anchorage Area Borough based on a soil test by Gary Player, dated 6/5/76. It is unclear why the permit was issued as the testhole was un-referenced and did not identify suitable soil 4 feet above the observed water table (copy attached). The well was drilled, log filed with the MOA and residence built. Due to monetary reasons, the septic system was not installed. The applicant currently has an incinerator type toilet and disposes of wash water in an unl~own crib type system. The Haygoods received a letter from Les Buchholtz, Sanitarian for the MOA, dated July 6, 1977 (attached). The letter informed them the septic permit had expired and "The original soil test may be used to obtain a current permit". The Haygoods took this to mean they could obtain a septic permit any time in the future. In 1986 they applied for a new permit and were told they needed a new percolation test. At this time they contacted our office° SITE CONDITIONS: %h~.=6Dch~o_r_~e~?_o__a&~j_R~qso~ce~_~%~1980) in its Flood Plain and Wetlands Section described this area as "non-patterned elongate-complex wet~ land". The lot is located south of the Little Rabbit Creek. Drainage is to the North and West, slopes are 2 to 5%. A drainage ditch is dug along the south and west property lines. At the time of inspection, it was iced over. Reportedly it has water in it most of the year, probably because there is no place to drain the water. The existing house is built on piling. AECS soil test on February 28, 1986, found 3 feet of PEAT (Pt) over GRAVELLY SILT (ML) to 10 feet, bottom of hole. The SILT is described as tight, gray with red mottles~ and moist to wet. Water was encountered at 9.5 feet. We interpret the soil mottles to indicate seasonally saturated soil. CONCLUSIONS: We identify three conditions that make the soils unsuitable for on-site septic systems, PERCOLATION RATE; no soils was observed with a percolation rate of 60 minutes or less per inch. GROUNDWATER; no soil was found that was not at least seasonally saturated. DRAINAGE; site conditions do not permit a curtain drain system be installed as there is no place to dispose of the water. RECOMMENDATIONS: We reco~end that you approve the holding tank permit for the following reasons. 1. Drainage ditches on property perimeter probably are classify{ed as surface water by the Municipality of Anchorage and require 100 foot setback. 2. Even if GW soil existed as identified by the questionable percolation test in 1976, it would require a sand lift (150 sq ft bed) to provide 4 foot separation to groundwater. There would be insufficient area on the lot for a system and replacement area according to Criteria for New On-site Systems, proposed by MOA, DHHS, December 5, 1985. 3. Based on our soil test and experience, soils in this area are unsuitable for on-site septic systems. 4. A holding tank would prevent environmental degredation until city sewer can be constructed in this area. 5. The holding tank would be a solution to a problem that will continue to exist and probably be aggravated if this request is denied. 6. Not set a precedent for approving holding tanks for new construction because this is an existing house built in 1976 and the owner had obtained the required well and septic permits before construction. 7. Correct errors made in the past by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough when it issued a septic permit for this lot. If you have any questions please call. Attachments Sincerely, Dennis Roe Fie id Engineer Approved by: Preside~ / f Gerald V. Randall Jr. NO. 4053~S //VtI~ L L EXCLUSION NOTE: It Is th~-ow.~ers' responsibility to determine the existence of any easements, covsnants, or restrictions which do not appear en the recorded subdivision plat. '~IGINEEF1B · PLANNEREi · ISURVEYORIS WEST BENSON BLVD, 272-9231 ICHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 562-5291 SURVEY CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that I have lurveyed the property shown and de- Icrlbed hereon end that the Improvornentl Iltullted thereon are within the property lines and no encroachmen~ ex lit other than noted. PLEASE NOTE: It Is the contract -or's responsibility to check top of foundation In relation to flnlah grade and building ~et- backl In relation to lot line* 3AL DESCRIPTION: /,,ow LEGEND: SET FOUND 5/8" REBAR · 0 HUB & TACK ~] [] MONUMENT AL-CAP PK NAIL ' X IRON PiPE L--___~ = E LEVS. - DATUM ASSUMED ..... 1 "-- MunicipalitYof Anchorage P.O. BC . 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MA YO,R DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES June 23, 1986 A.E.C.S., Inc. 1200 West W. 33 Avenue, Suite B Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Lot 18 Block I. Rabbit Creek Heigbts Subdivision On-site Sewer Permit Upgrade #860070 - Issued March 12, 1986 On May 20, 1986, Tile Anchorage AssembJy approved a new ordinance regulating on-site wastewater d:[sposaI systelns (septic systems). All septic systems constructed after the effective date of this ordinance are subject to the provisions of this ordinance. Our records show that you currently bold a permit for tile installation of a septic system. We strongly urge that you contact th:is office prior to constructiug your system. Any changes in tile code that could impact the constructioa requirements of your septic system will be identified and brought to your attention. Please contact tile Environmental Services Division at 264-4720. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Susan E. Oswalt Program Manager On-site Services SEO/SSM/ljw January 4, 1982 Gary E. Haygood Box 4-2025 Anchorage, AK 99509 Permit ~ 810376 Subject: Lot 18 Blk 1 Rabbit Creek Hts. A permit issued by this department for a well and/or sewer system ]las expired as of December 31, 1981. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If an engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files . If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz~_~D~. Program Manager ~ Sewer and Water Program Enclosure: Copy .of Permit ~uly 6, 1977 ~76301 Mr. Gary Haygood Box 4--2025 Anchorage, .Alaska 99509 Subjeat: Permit Expiration Dear [4ro Haygood~ A pe.~md.t issued by this department for well and/or on-site sower installation on Lot 18 Block i Rabbit Creek Heights has expired since the issue date exceeds one (1) year. in the ew.~nt you still plan to in~Jtall the wellL and/or on-site sewer system~ a new permit is required., The original soil test may be used to obtain a current permit, If the we. ll has been drilled~ a well lo9' should be sent to this department to deaL~ment the installation date. If you have any ¢~lestions regarding the above matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office il~ae({iatel¥ at 279~ 2511~ extension 224 02: 225. Sincerely~ Les Manitarian .~:.,~ .. -~[X :~C,~,~AT~. WEL~ DRILLED AND CASED,OUT TO THE O~PT~ OF Gravel wit~ several small b~t~ers. ?, ': ~:,6,f~,--,~?.*. '~ ~ ,e~. .'._