HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK VIEW & HEIGHTS BLK 2H LT 12ARabbit Creek View & Heights Block 2H Lot 12A #020-551-11 'Destruction Test Lab for ge, Ai i,r.� `i9iO3 Performed for Mr. Les Smothers Date performed 1.2/30/75 Legal Description: Lot 12, Block 2 Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision This form reports: Soils log Yes Percolation test Yes Depth Feet 2- 3- 4- 5 - 6- 7- m- Grey Gravelly Silt Silty Sandy Gravel 4- i/ Bottom of test hole Was ground water encountered? No If yes, at what depth? Reading ' Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H2O Net Drop _ 12/29,`75 12 30/75 SATURATE 24 PERIOD Hours 60" 85" -- 25", 12/30777 0 60" -- 3-172" 3 Hours 63--1/z. 4 Hours 64-1/2" 1" percolation rate 1" 60 minute.s 'roposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field )epth of Inlet . Depth to bottom of pit or trench ;OMMENTS: 330 S uare Feet drainage regu red per bedroom Performed 1y; James D. Mack Certified By: ConstructionDate: 12 30 75 T.a nraory Manaaer Test Lab