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NAME ~'AI LIN G ADDRESS '~GAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION ] ..... ] Well I AbsorPtion area I DISTANCE TO: ~ ~ I Manufa~urer _ ~ ILiq, ca~ying~ OhS H~ME DE' nsde e~gt~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTIV,,:N'rOF HEALTH&ENVlRONMENTALPROTb 'ION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT .~-~ ~ I Manufacturer DISTANCE TO: I -' No. of lines.: I Length of each line Length Width ~ Type of cri~ ---- Crib d~amete~-- ~ DISTANCE TO: IClass Depth PHONE.¢~ [~ NEW [] UPGRADI= Dwelling Foundation Total length of lines ~ 'Z.. (~ ' Material beneath tile Dwelling..~l~: Material Width IMaterial Nearest lot line~ Trencl~ width NO. OF BEDROOMS PERMIT NO. No. of com~!~.t~ments Liquid depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons Distance b~e-t weentin ~s inches Depth PERMIT NO. Crib depth Total effective absorption area Building foundation Nearest lot line Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) Total effective absorption area OTHFR PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING ~'3 ~ INSTALLER REMARKS , i 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) RF'IZ'L. I CFINT L. OC:FIT 1 ON L. EGRL E,L,, ff. OlSd. F CLFIIRE STEFFENS F'O - q' B7 L:L7 F.:FtE:E:IT CREEl< FIEIGHTS LOT SIZE "I"'¢F'E OF F:;OII_ FIE:SOF4:F"FIOI"~ .:T::IEII IS E:'RRINFIEL[:' t','IFi::-:iTHUr,'I I'-,It...IHE:EF:: OF E:EE:,F..:r"ff"d',IS = :~ ~..'L. ':2 ::.: '2: ':~ '£.~'~ SC!UFtF.':E FEE'I" SOIL F.:FITII'.,IG ,"E.3 F'l%.."BF.:)= THE F::EC!UIF.:E:E:, L:;IZE OF THE SOIL IqE:SOF.:F'TION S'T'STEH THE LEI",IGTH [)IHEN'.5ION IS THE LEi'.,IGTH ,::IN FEET> OF ]"HE TF:'.EI".tCI~I OF.: [:,F,'F:IINF'.t:EL.[). THE [:,EF'TH OF Ft TF.:ENCH O1~: PIT :IS THE DISTlaI'.,IE:E BETI.qEEN THE SLIF..'FFIE:E C)F THE G[~:IDIJi'.,I[) FII'.,I[i:, THE BOTTOH OF:' THE E::-::CFIVFI'FZI"Ii'.,I ,:: Z N FEET>. THE GF::FI',,,'EL [:,EF'TH IS THE HINIHUH DEPTH (]iF GF.'.fl',,,'EI. E:ETHEEN 'rilE OI_ITFRI...I_ PIF'E RNI:) THE 8OTTOH OF THE EXCFt',,,'IqTION ,:: IN FEET::,. I:::'EF.:HI-F FIF'F'LICRI",IT HI::IL:; THE F.:ESF'ONSIE:ILIT'T' TO INF:'Cff;.tH THIS [:,EF'FIF.'Ti"IEI"4T [:,LIF~:]:NG THE Z NSTFILLFIT Z ON I NSF'EF:T l' O1'.,1"~; OF 1:11'.4'.,.' HELLS FI[:,JFIE:[-::NT TO TH 1:5 F F. _ F ER1 'r FINE:' THE _,EF.., E. t'.,IUHE~EI:;~: OF RESTE:,EIqF:ES THFIT THE HELL HILL ':-"-'"' .............. 'T' II..-Jt C, ,:: 2: -':, :[ ["-.l "_-r~; F:' liCC "Z.:: '1'- :][ ~Z" t".t '_-'~; F31F;': E: F-: E: l::.:-~ IL.it Z I:,H_.F..F ILt_ING-'-i ....... QF. FIN"r' .:' ....... ': rErl I.,]ITI-ICILIT FINFIL ]:NSPEC:TION RN[::, RI:'F'F.:O',,,'IaL EW' TH:[ DEF'I::IF.:TMEI'.,IT 1.41 LL E:E ':~;UE:._TEC:T TO F'F::OSECUT Z ON. H I i'.,I I P'IUH E:, 15.;TRNCE E:ETHEEI'.,t FI HELL. F:INE:, FII'.,I'T' Oi',1-.~; I TE '.:SEI.4RGE E:, I ~;POSFIL S'¢STEPt I :.5 ±OE~ FEE']" FOt~'. FI F'F.:I',,,'IaTE HELL O1;: ±50 'FE~ 2E~F'I FEET FF.'.OH R PUBLIC HELL DIEF:'ENE:,ING UPON THE T'¢I::'E OF PU[:_.':L. IC NELL HINIr'IuM E:,ISTFti'.,IE:E FF.:OH FI F'F..'IVFtTE HELlo_ TO R F'F:IVFITE SEHER LINE I:.-5; 25 FEET I::llq[.', "FO FI cor'IHUNIT"r' SEHEF;: I_INE I2; 75 FLEET. OTHER F,::EC!t..t I F.:EHEI'.,ITS I'IR'T' laPF'L'T'. SF'EC: 1' F I cR'r ]: o~45 AND, CCiNS'f'Fi'.UCT ]: ON E:, I FtGRFtt'dS FiRE R',,,'R ].' L..FIBLE TO I NSUF.:E F'ROF'EF: Z I'.,tff;'['RLL. F~T Z ON. I CEF.:T I F'"r' 'FHRT J..: I Rhl F'FIHIL:[R['? HITH THE REQL.IIF.:EHENTS FO[;..' ON-SITE SEI.'.IERS fiN[:' HELLS 1:t:5 SEq" FORTH B'¢ TFIE r,'IUNIE:IF'FtI_I'T"¢ OF FtNCHOF.:FIGE. 2: I HILL II'.,ISTtqLL THE :F..,'¢STEr,'I TN FICCOF...'E:,RIqCE 1.4ITH THE CODES. 2i:: I I..II'.,t£:,ERSTFII'.,IE:, THFI'F THE ON-SITE SEFIEF: S"r'STEI"I MFI'T' REQLtI'RE ENLRRGEi"IENT ZF THE ¢:ESIDENCE ZS REMOE:'ELED "FEi ZNE:LUDE r,'IOF.:E THFIN ~ BEE:,ROOM21. FIF'F L. I CFII'.,FI" C.L..J~ Z I~:E~ ¢STEFFEI.,IS /9 0 'TE,' April 2, ]49:2 Mr. Les Bucho].z, Program Manager Municipal Sewer and Water Office f~25 "L" otreet, Anchorage~ Ak 9950]7 Dear Mr. Bucholz, I am requesting a waiver from the requirement of installing a septic system sufficient for a three.~bedroom house. I have a ~$0 square foot house in Rabbit Creek Hills subdivision, Lot 17, Block ?, which consists of one room and a loft bedroom° The lot itself is a bit over one-half acre. The house is not the kind of dwelling which will ever be expanded to a full-sized house: it would be more cost effective to construct an entirely new dwelling than to try to tack on additioaal spae~. Therefore, this letter petitioas a waiver of the requirements which would normally apply and requests permission to build the smalle~st~ shallowest leach f~eld that can be hand dug and to .knstall the smallest septic tank permissible. I understand that the leach field will be determined in part by the results of a soil/percolation test° Itowever, a 'two foot deep trench, four feet wide, gravelled and topped with sty~ofoam~ which would be of a suital~le ].ength~ sounds like what would work best up · there given my constraints of small house and hand-dug ].each field. If the waiver is granted, I will then proceed to ~ger the required au~er of perc holes about seven feet deep. That is assu~ng the tank will be buried four feet above the water table at least, and three feet ,k~to the earth. If this is not a correct assumption on my part, please inform me. Thank you for considering my request. Please respond-to 'the address below. Thank you for sending the information sheets with engineering companies listed on them. Sincerely, ~ ,~ Claire Steffens P.O. Box ].847 ~nchorage, Ak 9951.0 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 8 I982 RECEIVED April 19, 1982 Claire Steffens Post Office Box 1847 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Subject: Lot 17 Block 7 Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision The Department of Health and Environmental. Protection has reviewed your request dated April 2, 1982. Since the size of the house is 480 square feet, the department would allow a hwo(2) bedroom absorption drainfield at shallow depths with insulation. The minimum tank size will be 1,000 gallons. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, R.S. Program Manager LNB/1 j w MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTFCTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ~'"/$O1 LS LOG ~'~PERCO LATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS £ ?FFF 4 SLOPE II DATE PERFORMED: E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop ~/-/~ d 3 ..18 i:4z I /:,cz 1~ ~?.O'.Z. 4 Z~ zz.~ tO 2.0'3 PERFORMED 9Y: "~C~'/.~/¢/~/ /~'/?~,/~ __CERTIFIED BY: PERCOLATION RATE /¢ (~-? (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN 2 //.~., FT AND 23 FT PERM I T AF::'PL I CANT L. OCI'-'I f' I ON L. EGI:~L. [:,EF'RRTMENT ( HEFILTH FINE.', EN',,,'IROIqMEhlTFIL 825 '"L' STREET., P~NC:HORF~GE., 264-4720 ( 83:DC~14 ]:, C. E;TEFFENS F'O E:,O 1'.40"r USE HITHCiUT FIF'F'RCk,'EI], :~EF'TIC L±TB7 I;.:FIBBIT CREEK HEIGHTS 276-3:550 LOT SIZE 9:~992~9 SC..!URRE FEET MINIMUM [:,ISf'FtNCE BETHEEN R I.,.IEL. L FINE:, FIN'T' EIN-SITE L-]EI4FtGE [:,ISPOSFIL S'¢STEM tS :L~.~O FEET F'OF.'. B PR I',,,'RTE HELL OF.'. ±50 "FO 2C~0 FEET FROM FI PUBL. IE: HELL DEPEN[:,Ii'.,IG UPON ]"HE: T'T'PE OF' PUBLIC: HELL. MINII'tUM [:'ISTRNCE F:ROM FI PRIVRTE HELL TO Ft PF.':I',/RTE SEHER LINE IS 25 FEET RN[:' TO F~ COMMUNIT'¢ 9EI4ER LINE IS 75 FEET. HELL LOGS RF.'.E REg!UIF.:E[:' laNE:, MLIST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPRRTI'tENT HITHIN }]:E~ [:'Ft"r'S OF THE HELL COMPLETION. OTHER F.:EL:.!UIF.:EMENT'::i MR'¢ IBPPL'¢. SF'EE:IFICRTION'":; FIND CONb';]"F-'.UCTIOIq B'IFIGRRt'"I:E; FIRE Ft',,,'FIIL. RBI_.E TO INSURE PROPER INSTFILLRTION. F" [E ~R l""'l Z -T E'.: ::'--: F" ][ F-: [E ~; [:" E C: E: i-"i E: E [~: ~: ::IL., "IL La :E: ~: I CEE.:]~ I F"r' THFIT ±: I FtM FF~MILIFIR t.4ITH f'HE REQUIREMENT'-':; FOR ON-SITE SEI.4ERS laNE:' 14ELLS FIS SET F'ORTH B'¢ THE MLINICIPI~LIT'¢ OF ANCHORFIGE. 2: I HZLL INSTFtLL THE S'¢STEM IN BCE:ORB'laNCE 1.4ITH ]"HE C:O[:'ES. S I GNED: ............................................................ FtPF'L. IE:FINf' C. STEFFENS ]: SSLIEE:' E:"¢~_(/) '_ __[:'FtTE 0¢ FH¢ P~LL VR[~BL~ t'O ~N~UR~: PROPER Date Drilled: 6-1R-$3 WELL LOG Static Water Level 59 feet ])raw Down ~/\ feet Tyoe Material Drilled: Gallons Per Minute: Total Feet of Casing_. 0 feet 50 F~ to Hefty Drilling S.R.A. Box 155~ H Anchorage,Alaska 99507 MUNICIPALITY OF .~qCHORAGE DIVISION OF EN1P£RONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARrMEN~£ OF HE.f Ht AND ~qVIRONM~TAL PR~ECTION APPLI~TI~] ~R [~AL~ ~32~Ol~TY ~PROVAL CE~IFI~TE 1. ~reral Info~mtion Application Date (a) regal ~s~'iptJ.on (include lot, block, subdivision, section, t~ship, range Location (adc~ess or directions) (b) Applicants Narre (%.L ¥.j~%._ '~~l-~ ~ leoho~ Applicants Adduess ~0% %~ %~, ~{~-~ ~ <c) Applicant is (check opm) r~nding Institution (d.) lending institution Address Telephone (e) Bgal Estate Co. & Agent Adcl~eso Multi--Family I~. Other (describe) Note: If c~rgmnity v~;ll system~ must have ~¢~itten cQnfi~nation from the State ~pa=b~ent: of ~viront~ntal Conservation attesting to t~ legality ~d status. Is dm.~,,~ll ade~ate for the n~n~r of ~,~ s~cified in this ~ (Y~) ~%~w~_ 4. ~ ~a_g9 pi¢~~ Onsite ~ ~b.lic C2 ~=~unitF f-~ Holding Tark ~ Is the wastewate~ dis[~sal system adequate f~ ~e ~r of }~dr~ ~) [Page 1 of 2] 2-15-84 .~!n_gineerin~. Firm ProvidincL~_Ins_~oe_oections, Tests, Data and Information I certify that I have checked, verified, or confound to all MOA HAA Guidelines in effect on the date of this inspection° ' Nears of Fi~un .... ~.~%(2~ 6. OHEP .AOpprova____j[ ., ~]e Municipality of ~c~o~a~ ~p~t~nt of ~balth and Envi~onmntal ~ctection d~s not ~a~antee t~ continued satisfacto~y ~fc~,n~n~ of t~ wate~ supply and/or the was*~te~ disposal system. ~is approval indicates ~at, as of the validation shc~.m a~, ~d cn tl~ ~ta and [nfozmation f~nished ~ an engi~er registered in the State of ~aska, v3~e ~te~ sup~ly and wastewater disposal system is safe and func~ ticnal fo~ the mm~ of ~ ~d ty~ of struct~e indicated. (~EP SEAL) Mail the HAA to the following address: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL!Tq DE?ARTME~ OF HEAL%7~ AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR ~I~L%%I ~JTHORITY APPROVAL CErtIFICATE 1o General Infornmtion Application Date (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Lot 17 Block 7 Rabbit Creek Iteiqhts Subdivision Location (ad¢l~ess or directions) Post Office Box 10].847 Anchorag_q~_ _A_lask~_a_ 9_~9510 (b) Applicants Nan~ Claire Steffans Telephone Applicants Address Post Office Box 101847 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 (C) Applicant is (che~ o~e) Lendin9 Institution ~..~_~; Owner/builder t]~-~-[; (d) ~nding Institution Telephor. e Ad,ess (e) I~al Estate Co. & Agent Address Mult i-Family [~, two Other. (describe) Individual Well ~x~]i Cca~mlnity [-~-i i~blic Note: If conm~nity well systenb must have writ~n ~nfir~tion ~n ~e State l~parU~nt of ~virommntal Conservation attesting to t~m legality a%d status~ Is the ~11 adequate for the n~mr of ~s s~cified in this ~ (Y~) Onsite ~1 I%lb].ic ~][ ~n~n:[ty ~ Holding Tank Is the wastewatek, dist~sal system adequate f~ the ~%~r of ~dro~s (Y/N) [Pag~ 1 of 2] 2-].5-84 5. E_n~qineerin~l_F_irm__~P}'ov__j[d__in=gjt_I~s_pections, Tests, Data and Information I c~rtify that I have checked, verified~ or c~Dnfomm,~d to all YOA ~%A Guidelir~s in effect on the date of this inspection. Signed Date Nan~ of Fi~n Telephone Address Signed by Da te This Department has received confirmation from the engineerin( firm(A.E.C.S.) ~hat the well has been upgrade and now meets with Municipal ordinances. ( ENGINEER S~L) 6. DHEP_AD_pprova 1 Ap[~ove d for two Terms of Conditional Approval Conditional~_~ Date June 20, %he Municipality of Anchorage Deparb~nt of Ybalth and Envirorm~ntal I~rotection d~ms not guarantee the continued satisfactory perfornmnoe of the water supply and/or the wastewate~ disposal system. This approval indicates that, as of the validation chte shown above, ba..~d on the data and information furnished by an engineer registered in the State of Alaska, the water supply snd wastewatez' disposal system is safe and rune= tional for the nu~,ber of bedrca~%s and type of structu_~e indicated. ( DHEP SEAL) 7. Mail the ~[AA to time follc~;ing address: KB2/d5/s [Page 2 of 2] 2-15-84 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOPAGE ~MOA~UNI? HEALTH AUI~{ORI'Ff APPROVAL ( HAA~N\q~:;?':''"~ ,.:ix4 Pxo'~ ~;ct IoN CHECKLIST - F~BRUARY 1984 ~,,/i? : ~.:-.-,' Well Classification ~_:U¢'c~' ~ If A, B, c~ C, D.E.C. ApProved(Y/N) Total Depth ~k~4~t~k%~;' Cased to k3~-~qOc~ . Depth of G~outing Static Water Level _%)~\W~otz~ ..... Pump Set At Casing Height Above Ground /,,~ '/ in Conduit ~)~(~ Electrical Wi~in~ v Separation Distances f~ Well: ~ ! To Septic/Holdin~ Tank em Lot ~.~ To Nearest Edge of Absc~tion Field on Lot Sanitary Seal on Casin~ ~N) Depression Around Wellhead (Y~/~) 2 ; On Adjoinin~ Lots ~/o©" ' ; On Adjoinin~ LOts >tOo To Nearest Public Sewer Line A3/:~ To Nearest Publi6 Sewer C leanout/Manhole Wate~ Sample Collected By Wate~ Sample Test Result~ B. SE~IC~O~I~ TANK DATA Date Installed ?/q 3 Standpipes (~.Y~N) De'p~ession over Tank (Y/~ .. Size / Oo cD Air-tight Caps ~/N) Date I~st Pumped Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N)A3!k ; for Holdin~ Tank High-Wate~ Alarm (Y/N) ~"3IA Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) ~d(,~ ,9:~ .- Separation Distano~s f~cm Sg. ptic/Holdin~ Tank.' To Water-Supply Well To P~operty Line T6' ~ M,a,, .,~i n/servi ce Line To B~ildin~ Foundation ,J:2' ' To Disposal Field D~t TO Stream, Pond, r~ke, em Majom D~aina~e 2-15-84 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Sttrata 3 ,.~, .~Ty~,z,,~Type of System Design Date Installed ~/~'~ Length of Field ~o / Width of Field ~(,}/ Depth of Field 4 ! & 1Q/~ ~'~ ....... "~'' Gravel Bed Thickness Square Feet of Absorption A~ea ~>L~ ~ Standpipes P~esent ~) Results of Last Adequacy Test Separation Distance f~c~ Absorption Field: To ~ate=-Supply ~11 >fOO To P~operty Line , To Building Foundation ~-o' To Existing or Abandoned System cn ~ot ~Ot~ ; On Adjoining Lots ~30~ To Wate~ Main/Service Line ~;[~A-- TO Cutbank(if p~eSent) To Stream/Pond/Lake/or Majo~ Drainage Course To D~iveway, Parkin~ Area, or Vehicle Storage Area ~ ~ LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level at · eeted ./3//% Electrical Codes (Y/N) Dimensions "Pump Off" Level at Vent (Y/N) /~/.~ Pumping Cycles ~ing Adequacy Test. Meets ~4DA Ccr~ents ** Check Permitted Bedrocm ]~ating Against HAA Request I certify that I have checked, Varified, c~ confc~red to all MOA HAA Guidelines in effect on the date of this inspection. KB1/d5/s [Page 2 of 2] ..... 1 2_'15_84 ALASKA ENVIRON[ ~TAL CONTROL SERVICIE=, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-1361 SHEET NO, CALCULATED BY OF CHECKED BY SCALE DATE - ANCIIO.qAGi Al ASKA 99.%02 0650 '.,.}{},'} 2(54-.i! ! i Lot 17 Block 7 Rabbit Creek Height's tt830146 Af>ril 21! ].983 Claire Steffens Post Office Box 10184F Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Subject: Rabbit Creak Heights Subdivision Rabbi k Creek View Subdivision According to our records, your were recenhly 5_ssued a permit for "enrsite sewage disposal." in either the Rabbit Creek View er Rab}~]t Creek ileights Subdivision, and have noL yet cemp].eted construction of the disposal system. !}L~e to d:iscrepanc%es in the original survey, there may be app:eciab]e errors in; lo{~ lines, lot corners, streets, right- oil-ways, etc., whSc~ would result in improper placement of tho washewater disposal syskem. We are nob, at this kJ.me, rescinding your permit. However, we de wish to caution you te be ceri-aJn ef youF lot lines, corners and cen]iguration be[ore knsta]ling you~ wastewater disposal sysh;m. If such a system were installed and subsequeht lot line changes · Ce ,q:r ~ JS were ne .~s. a~ ~, J.t ti!on possible that the system would have be be relocaked. view oA these exSsking problems, with the original survey, tl~J.s o[i'ice has discontinued the issuance of on-site sewage di:~posal permits until khe problems have been addressed and cot !i'.L! cl ted. If there a:e any further questions, pi_ease call this office at 264-4720 . Sincerely, Robc, rt W. Robinson Nn'.;ironme:~ta] F, ngi coring Manager a t t'.achmen h