HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK VIEW & HEIGHTS BLK 7H LT 28ARabbit Creek View& Heights Block 7H Lot 28A #020-571-29 F'EF. ff''EIT NO. DEF"E:IR]"HENq- E,, HIERI...]"H FIND I:J.~,,,IR_I',HEI'.,I'EHL- -Ii .... F'ROTECTIOi'.,I 825 '"L"' STREET., FINCFIOF.:FIGE., 2~54.-4 ';'"';~ E~ ,' 82:022: .E ', FIP'E:'L Z C FtI'.,FF L C ": Fi T :[ 0 N LEGFIL J 3HI'-,1 L" SHFICKELFORD 2::LE'd. FI'TI.,.IOr]E:, L.28 87 i:..HE, E,.[1 CF.:Et;.~EHE.i:EiHTff; LI']T 2'?E;-2871 99'2'~'E'~, :SQLII::IRE FEET ]"¢F'E C'F ':'~;OIL. FIE:2';ORPTION S'T".::;TEH ~9' E:'RFIJ:NFZEL[:, HFIXIHUM i",tlJHE:ER OF BE[:,RC,3HS = d- 90IL RFFFiNG ,':SQ E'T,.."E:R)= THE REg!UIRE[:, 5ZZE FF. THE SE'IL HBz, J~.FTIUN E:, E~ F" 'ql"" H ....... :'EE~ L E: N ~:~ ]'- ~.~ ....... ~;' ~" ~ ,-.. ~., - ,~= l :. ~..~ ,,-" E-- L E::, ~: F" T' ~.~ == 4 THE; LENGTH I::'Zi"IENSZON Z:5 THE L. ENGTFI ,::ZN FEET) EF THE TRENCH EF? DRFIZNF'ZELD. THE DEPTH CF El 'f'REI",IE:H CdR: F'ZT ZE; THE DZSTFINCE BETWEEN THE SURFFICE OF THE GR Z. NJ:, Rt",ID THE Eff}TTOH F F THE E:,-::IZ:FI',,,'R'T' I CIN ( Z N FEET ). THE GRFI'v'E:L. DEPTH ZS THE 1"'III'.4IHUH DEF'TH OF GREI',/EL E~E:TP.IEEN RND THE BO'TTOH OE' THE EXCFI',,,'FITZ iN ,::ZN FEET). Ii::;;:: E: ,.]-:~ LlI % ~.':: E E::, :E'; E F" -IF' Z ~l:.]: 'T" E::~I E-.i ~-:::: ..... F'ERHtT f:IF'PLtCFINT I...IFIL'E; THE F,':EE?;F'OI",IE;IE¢ILIT'-r' TE ZNFORM THI'.E; E:'EPF~Rq'HEI',FF E:'URZNEi THE IN::,IHLL..Id ZJI", II".!E;PECTIOt'.,IS OF RN'¥' HELLS RE:'JFtE-:ENT TO r r: _ r r...r.. ~ ~ FIND THE NLIHBER F~F RE:L'XIE:'EI"4CEE; TFIFIT TFIE .WELL klZLL 5EF.:',2E. ................ IF lb.'Et ,::~ "::'; 2 ::' .E ~'-,1t f¢ F" E: EZ': -'ii"' ][ C" lP,t E; tF'~ F-: IE leo': EE BEICI<F]:LLING OF FIN"r' -"',r.:,fEII HITHOUT F]~NFIL ZNSF'ECTION RNE:' HF'FF._,HL 'THIff; DE]::'FIRTHENT 'E4ILL BE E;IJBJEC'F TO HINIMLIM DI.E;TF:INCE E:E:'FI.qEEI",I Ft HELL. FIND FIN'T' OI",I-E]ITE L=;E:HFIGE r':,ISF'CISRL S'9:g"I'EM IS · .'LO.9 FEET FOR FI F''E~:I',,¢FITE [4EL. L OF:: t50 TO 2E'~e~ FEET FROM FI PLIE:LIC HEL. L I}EF'EI'.,IE:,:[I'.,IG IJ'E:'OI'.,I THE T'¢F'E OF' F'UE',L I C WELL. HINIHLIM E:,I'_:;]"Ri'.4E:E F'F..:OM R F'.F...'I',,,'FI'FE I.,.tELL TO FI PRIVF:ITE SE!.,.IER LINE :[2.:;, 25 F'EET FIN[:, TO FI COMHUI'.,IIT'T' :E, EI.,.IER LINE tE; 75 FEET. [,.IEk.[.. LOG'.E; FiRE REQUIREID RNE:, MUST E:E RETURNEE:, TO THE E:,EPFIRTMENT HITHZN ]:0 E:,FI'¥':5 OF THE HELL COI','IPI._ETZON. OTHER I';-:Eg!LIiF.:EHENq"E; HFI'T' RF'F'L"r'. SPEE:IFI:CFITZONS FIN[.', CONSTRLIE:TIOI'.,I E:,I. IrflGRRI',I:5 RF..:EE F:I',,"FIILFtDLE TO IN2.;U'E',.':E F'F.:C~PE'E;: IN'E, TRLL.RTION. I E::ERT I F'T' THFIT t: I EIH FFIMILIFIR kI~TH THE F.'E'~ ZF.'EHEN]'C; FOR Fff.,I-gZTE .:,E.LtER::, FIND klELL:.E; FIE:; '.:JET F'ORTH E,~' q'HE HUN][ CIF'FIL I q"Y OF FINCHORFIGE. ;2: I FIIL. L II'.,t:.E;TFILL THE '..E;'¢:STEH IIq I:I]']ZF'[,FII'.~'.'E I.,.IiTH THE CCI[:'E~'~:; 74::RE:SiE:,EI,.4CEI UNDE:RSTFIN'E} 'THFIT THE~OI".!-SZ['FE !:,L"'!-,.IEF.: '.E;'¥"STEH HFI'T' REC.:!UIF.:E ENL. FIRGEMENT IF THE' ,, -" ¥ -,~ m-r -~'~J ;".z".--%*~;/-'''' _ -~i~'~r'Fi'.' ..... ~FN r': '=,,HFI-FE[ F'"~"[', .EZ, E','. C/'/E' ,.-1 ........... ........................ 77, SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PFRCO LATION TEST 3 4 5% ?/4 -1- L SLOPE 10 1I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERFORMED BY: DATE PERFORMED: SiTE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop ~I /0 o ,s-s- o, oz PERVO LATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN CERTIFIED BY: (minutes/inch) DATE: 72-008 (6/79) Lot 28 Block 7 Rabbit Creek Heigh. ts #830238 John C. Shackelford 2101 Atwood Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Rabbit Creek Iteights Subdivision Rabbit Creek View Subdivision ~',ccording Lo our records, your were recently issued a permit for "onrsite sewage !isposal" in either the Rabbit Creek View or Rab~}[.t Creek Hoighks Subdivision, and have not yet completed censtruction ef hhe disposal system. Due to discrepancie:~ in the original, survey, there may be appreciable errors ln; lob lines, lot corners, st~eeLs, right- of.~way:~, otc., which would result in improper placemenk of '.h,~ waskowator d:Lsposal s/stem. We are ~ot, at hhis time, Fcscinding yoLtr peFmit. [[owever, ~,,lO dO wish tO cauLJ_on you to be cerhain ef your ].o~ iines, cerners and cenfigucation befere installing yeur wastewaker dispesal system. If such a system were installed and subsequent lot line changes we.re necessary, it is then possible that the syshem would ]lave ko be relocahed. .rn view of these e;<istJng problems, with the original survey, this o~f~ce bas disconLinued the issuance of on-site sewage dksposal permi ks until hhe problems have been addressed and corrected. If there are any further questions, please call this office ah 264-4720. Sincerely, P. ohert W. Robinson ENvirenmental Engineering Manager a L tachme.¥~t April 21, 1983 E. Lee Browning, Municipal Engineer Public Works Department Engineering Division 3500 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99 07 Subject: Rabbit Creek IIeights Subdivision, and; Rabbit Creek View Subdivision It was'recently brought to our attention that many of the lot lines, lot corners, streets, right-of-ways, etc~, as shown on the subdivision plats for the Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision and Rabbit Creek View Subdivision may be incorrect. In an attempt to confirm this information, this office contacted the Municipal Surveyor, Mr. Jack Stanley, and Mr. Jerry Weaver of the Planning and Zoning Department. Mr. Stanley confirmed that several survey closure checks made by his office, on these subdivisions, did not close satisfactory. Mr. Stanley further indicated that several other subdivisions surveyed by the same registered surveyor(Mr. William Johnson, whose stamp ~14825 appears on the subdivision plats) are also in error. Numerous other professional surveyors have refused to conduct as-built surveys in these areas, due to the discrepancies in the original surveys and the related subdivision plats. According to Mr. Weaver, Mr. Johnson received a registered letter but did not respond, and the matter has since been turned over to the Municipal attorney. In view of the confirmed fact that there are many known discrepancies on the lot lines, lot corners, streets, right-of- ways, etc., in the Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision and Rabbit Creek View Subdivision; this department will discontinue the issuance of on-site water and sewer permits or health authority approvals for bank financing in both subdivisions. We will E. Lee Browning, Municipal Engineer April 21, 1983 Page Two lift this discontinuance at such time that we have some form of acceptable assurance that lot lines and configurations are correctly shown on an approved subdivision plat. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Robert W. Robinson Environmental Engineering Manager RWR/ljw cc: Public Works Department Bob Daniel, Permit Office John Bishop, Building Official Jack Stanley, Municipal Surveyor Frank Huber, Construction Engineer )Michael Kerr, Zoning Enforcement Officer Planning Department Don Alspach, Manager of Zoning and Platting Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer Health and Environmental Protection Lynn Lindquis t John Kennedy Robert Pratt John W. Lynn