HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK VIEW & HEIGHTS BLK 9H LT 4ARabbit Creek View &Heights Block 9H Lot 4A #020-581-20 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, t Department of Health & Human Services p DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES M} j 343-4744 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. # -ill ` ~ I 1 \ - Y� _ HAA # 10'9 Q I_ BIL) _ 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (Must be completed prior to submittal) (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) �-o-T A- C�') ) '7_Af;70j-- GeeC_V 1��.tG�1tTS �Je�o�JiyiorJ, Location (address or directions) iCA8OO 8�(eorJ `Drctv�, — (b) Property owner �oP)Telephone: (home) Business °) -418 Mailing Address 'F 0. pox (c) Lending Institution Telephone Mailing Address (d) Real Estate Company and Agent Address Telephone (e) Mail the HAA to the following address: (or check here if hold for pick up.) List contact person and day phone number below: 1_aNe��_ f,yo�s 2c�q-4taS ov_ Da, w� 258 - 29 20 2. TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single -Family Number of bedrooms �3 " 3. WATER SUPPLY Individual Well Community ❑ Public ❑ Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to th legality and status. 4. SEWAGE DISPOSAL On-site ❑ Public ❑ Community ❑ Holding Tank Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legailty and status. 72-025 (Fie,. Tree) Page 1 of 2 5. ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING INSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DATA AND INFORMATION As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm AuaKK.A Telephone 2SS-2A2,c:� Address 15� i 3zit kojw Syrm- ?lo AN , I QIz_ aalsos Date 4+ - Sal; gt[a�r�Eo t1 1-1���t9 � o��J •pe•ea•oo�Li�� AW ee •4 H �00 a 000000 oe000e0. ••••d Engineer's Seal 0000eeo 000eo o•e •e •�•Y� -13933 6. DHHS APPROVAL Approved for Al :i�ledrooms by / ✓ Date— Approved Disapproved Conditional Terms of Conditional Approval ' l ! J / A my- 2 , 4a,, 161 / CAUTtQIW. ; The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval cerificated based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88) Back Page 2 of 2 Municipality of Anchorage • Department of Health & Human Services HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST Legal Description: _ —�� i�_Y_ '� ZA- -- ja! c9 -6e-9- Parcel I.D. H ��t r.e., voq�ckv��ior� A. WELL DATA Well type If A, B, or C, attach ADEC letter. ADEC water system number Log present (Y/N) —��-5 Date completed II- Iq - 313 Driller Total depth �e5 r --T- __Cased to Casing height Sanitary seal (Y/N) Date of test Static water level Well flow Pump level Wires properly protected (Y/N) I -ROM WELL LOG 11-Iei-�8 � +2.5 w Z_ -I- g.p.m. SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL TO: i Septic/holding tank on lot A Absorption field on lot Public sewer main t� Public sewer service line AT INSPECTION 0 + 2.5 t= r 6 z>-�\ g.p.m. o rn •m cu n n o M adjacent lots ZO6� �� z MOn ; On adjacent lots _ 2-00+ tT Public sewer manhole/cleanout _ AoNrL Petroleum tank _ N - WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform "�"� I -O -Nitrate b ��� Other bacteria Date of sample: — 4--m -` 7 Collected by: B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date installed I°t�g _Tank size '? 1000 n Compartments I Cleanouts (Y/N) — `�— Foundation cleanout (Y/N) `C Depression (Y/N) l4 High water alarm (Y/N) Alarm tested (Y/N) Date of pumping (2oly r:owT"=� SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK TO: 1 1 1` 1 Wells) on lot 14'>) • 4 —On adjacent lots 17-w To property line 33� Absorption field Surface water/drainage iso DtTGFk 41,, n Foundation Water main/service line "'40 72-026 (Rev. 3/91)Front MOA 21 CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE C. LIFT STATION Date installed �Aor)e, Manufacturer Size in gallons Vent(Y/N) High water alarm level "Pump on" level at Meets MOA electrical codes (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM LIFT STATION TO Manhole/Access (Y/N) "Pump off" level at Cycles tested Well on lot On adjacent lots Surface water D. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed 0aic, Soil rating System type Length Width Gravel thickness Total depth Total absorption area Cleanouts present (Y/N) Depression over field (Y/N) Date of adequacy test Results (pass/fail) for bedrooms Peroxide treatment (past 12 months) (Y/N) If yes, give date SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD TO: Well on lot On adjacent lots Property line To building foundation To existing or abandoned system on lot On adjacent lots Cutbank Water main/service line Surface water Driveway, parking/vehicle storage area Curtain drain E. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION 1 certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in t 7hidatetbj4his inspection. o � �.49— e ' 1 49TH*,06 Signature - X11 1 too so .9000v•. Engineer's Name V= V Ao- ,mom O •.ii�11111 011...1• •� e, iaMe Y. AUWN # Date Z-4-9?-CE'1393 v. V 4iCiXa' HAA Fee(t /70 '40 Date of Payment Z`" 2 I 72 - Receipt Number ;Z 3t 4 C67,l/ ) 72-026 (Rev. 3/91) Back MOA 21 Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Receipt Number c) -� r) - \ � \ - _') `l rteA CAAJ \2 AFFIDAVIT My name is Susan Oswalt. I have worked for the Municipality of Anchorage since April, 1971. Currently I work in the On -Site Services Section of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). On or about February 25, 1.992, Laurie Lyons called our office concerning the refinancing of her and her husband's home. She explained their need for a Health Authority Approval Certificate for their well and sewer system. I reviewed our files and informed Laurie that we had no information on permits and/or inspections on their property located at 16800 Byron Drive. The property is described as Lot 4, Block 91 Rabbit Creek Heights. I explained that installation permits for on --site wastewater systems have been mandatory since 1968. Well permits have been required since June of 1975 when the well ordinance was enacted. On site disposal systems (and wells drilled after 1975) which are found to have been installed without benefit of permits are considered illegal installations. These permit requirements apply to all areas of the Municipality of Anchorage, which is bordered by the Knik River on the north and Portage on the south. Prior to unification in 1975, this same geographical area was known as the Greater Anchorage Area Borough. There was never a break in the enforcement of regulations pertaining to on-site disposal systems and wells. In certain areas only land use permits are required for construction, rather than building permits. However, regulations enforced by DHHS apply uniformly to both building areas. It has been a long standing policy, and is now written in code, that permits for holding tanks would not be issued for new construction. In addition, DHHS coordinated with Public Works, Building Safety Division, in writing permits for new construction. In cases where soils would not support a water carried wastewater disposal system, DHHS frequently wrote a memorandum to Building Safety which certified this and allowed the installation of an earth privy. When a privy was allowed, DHHS would not allow a public or private well, or other source of potable water, to serve the residence. In this case all potable water would have to be hauled to the dwelling, and greywater hauled away to proper disposal. Prior to the issuance of a :Land use permit, an applicant had to show that a proper permit has been issued by DHHS, or that DHHS had written a memo of non -objection to a privy. Page 2 Oswalt Affidavit At the time the referenced house was built, no application for a permit was ever made to this department. We have no record of any soils information or of any correspondence to Building Safety. Subsequent to this conversation, Mrs. Lyons has attempted to document the existing illegal wastewater system, which consists of a holding tank. During this process, an engineer determined though soil testing that the referenced lot does not contain an area suitable for a wastewater system which discharges effluent from a septic tank into an absorption field. Based on the soils information we now have, I would have to state that if application had been made in 1978 for an on-site wastewater permit on the referenced lot, DHHS would not have granted one. In addition, since a water carried disposal system would not have been allowed, we would have also not granted a permit to drill a private well. A land use permit, if applied for, should have only been issued if the landowner were willing to install an earth privy and properly dispose of all greywater. AFFIDAVIT My name is Daniel N. Bolles. I am an Engineering Tech. III for the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health and Human Services, On -Site Services section. I have worked for the Municipality since April, 1972. In the latter part of February, 1992, Mrs. Lyons contacted this office to see about refinancing the Lyons' home located at 16800 Byron Drive. This home is located in south Anchorage on Lot 4, Blk 9, Rabbit Creek Heights. Upon learning that the well and septic system were installed illegally the Lyons obtained the services of a civil engineer, Earl Ausman, P.E., of Polarconsult Alaska. This was done to obtain certification of the well and holding tank. It should be noted that the municipality does not issue a permit for the illegally installed system. Rather the engineer confirms the existing system was built to the code requirements at the time of construction and does not now present a health hazard. This procedure permits the department to document the well and wastewater system and provide certification to the lending institution of code compliance. The testing performed by the engineer verified the lot cannot support an on-site wastewater disposal system. Groundwater was found to be at or near the organic layer and soil interface. The soil was determined to be a tight blue clay which is impermeable. As such the department would not have issued a permit at the time the lot was developed. Mrs. Lyons explained to me that the prior owner had obtained a soil test near the location of the test performed by Polarconsult Alaska. This test apparently indicated a gravel strata existed at that location. However, given the saturated condition of the area, it would seem that such a deposit would be subject to groundwater encroachment thus rendering it unusable for wastewater disposal. Following several conversations and letters between me, the engineer and the Lyons concerning the steps necessary to obtain certification of the illegal well and holding tank, an inspection report was received by the department. A conditional health approval was subsequently granted on May 15, 1992. However, the expiration date of June 30, 1992, to effect the necessary changes to bring the holding tank into compliance has passed with no work being done. The Health Authority was subsequently disapproved. AFFIDAVIT My name is Daniel N. Bolles. I am an Engineering Tech. III for the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health and Human Services, On -Site Services section. I have worked for the Municipality since April, 1972. In the latter part of February, 1992, Mrs. Lyons contacted this office to see about refinancing the Lyons' home located at 16800 Byron Drive. This home is located in south Anchorage on Lot 4, Blk 9, Rabbit Creek Heights. Upon learning that the well and septic system were installed illegally the Lyons obtained the services of a civil engineer, Earl Ausman, P.E., of Polarconsult Alaska. This was done to obtain certification of the well and holding tank. It should be noted that the municipality does not issue a permit for the illegally installed system. Rather the engineer confirms the existing system was built to the code requirements at the time of construction and does not now present a health hazard. This procedure permits the department to document the well and wastewater system and provide certification to the lending institution of code compliance. The testing performed by the engineer verified the lot cannot support an on-site wastewater disposal system. Groundwater was found to be at or near the organic layer and soil interface. The soil was determined to be a tight blue clay which is impermeable. As such the department would not have issued a permit at the time the lot was developed. Mrs. Lyons explained to me that the prior owner had obtained a soil test near the location of the test performed by Polarconsult Alaska. This test apparently indicated a gravel strata existed at that location. However, given the saturated condition of the area, it would seem that such a deposit would be subject to groundwater encroachment thus rendering it unusable for wastewater disposal. Following several conversations and letters between me, the engineer and the Lyons concerning the steps necessary to obtain certification of the illegal well and holding tank, an inspection report was received by the department. A conditional health approval was subsequently granted on May 15, 1992. However, the expiration date of June 30, 1992, to effect the necessary changes to bring the holding tank into compliance has passed with no work being done. The Health Authority was subsequently disapproved. Municipality ®f Anchorage lv�� Department of Health and Human Services dh1�5 Tom Fink, 825 "L" Street Mayor P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 October 22, 1992 Robroy & Laurie Lyons PO Box 113054 Anchorage, AIC 99511-3054 Subject: Lot 4, Blk 9, Rabbit Creek Hts,, PID #020-111-37 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lyons: This letter will augment the information contained in my letter of May 11, 1992. The subject lot does not appear to be able to support an on-site wastewater disposal system. The factors involved are: high groundwater, impermeable soils and the presence of numerous streams. These same factors are present throughout the area and have resulted in a number of holding tank installations and a few experimental wastewater systems as well. Attached are some examples from neighboring lots. It should be noted, the lots selected for experimental systems were determined to be undevelopable by conventional means. Alternative or experimental designs have been approved for three lots in this area. However, these systems are very costly and involve a one year testing period, after which they may receive certification by ADEC and DHHS. To date none of these systems have obtained certification. If you should need any further information please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely DaniWl N. Bolles On -Site Services cc: John Smith, P.E., Manager On -Site Services db/198 Page 2 Oswalt Affidavit At the time the referenced house was built, no application for a permit was ever made to this department. We have no record of any soils information or of any correspondence to Building Safety. Subsequent to this conversation, Mrs. Lyons has attempted to document the existing illegal wastewater system, which consists of a holding tank. During this process, an engineer determined though soil testing that the referenced lot does not contain an area suitable for a wastewater system which discharges effluent from a septic tank into an absorption field. Based on the soils information we now have, I would have to state that if application had been made in 1978 for an on-site wastewater permit on the referenced lot, DHHS would not have granted one. In addition, since a water carried disposal system would not have been allowed, we would have also not granted a permit to drill a private well. A land use permit, if applied for, should have only been issued if the landowner were willing to install an earth privy and properly dispose of all greywater. AFFIDAVIT My name is Susan Oswalt. I have worked for the Municipality of Anchorage since April, 1971. Currently I work in the On -Site Services Section of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). On or about February 25, 1992, Laurie Lyons called our office concerning the refinancing of her and her husband's home. She explained their need for a Health Authority Approval Certificate for their well and sewer system. I reviewed our files and informed Laurie that we had no information on permits and/or inspections on their property located at 16800 Byron Drive. The property is described as Lot 4, Block 9, Rabbit Creek Heights. I explained that installation permits for on-site wastewater systems have been mandatory since 1968. Well permits have been required since June of 1975 when the well ordinance was enacted. On site disposal. systems (and wells drilled after 1975) which are found to have been installed without benefit of permits are considered illegal installations. These permit requirements apply to all areas of the Municipality of Anchorage, which is bordered by the Knik River on the north and Portage on the south. Prior to unification in 1975, this same geographical area was known as the Greater Anchorage Area Borough. There was never a break in the enforcement of regulations pertaining to on-site disposal systems and wells. In certain areas only land use permits are required for construction, rather than building permits. However, regulations enforced by DHHS apply uniformly to both building areas. It has been a long standing policy, and is now written in code, that permits for holding tanks would not be issued for new construction. In addition, DHHS coordinated with Public Works, Building Safety Division, in writing permits for new construction. In cases where soils would not support a water carried wastewater disposal system, DHHS frequently wrote a memorandum to Building Safety which certified this and allowed the installation of an earth privy. When a privy was allowed, DHHS would not allow a public: or private well, or other source of potable water, to serve the residence. in this case all potable water would have to be hauled to the dwelling, and greywater hauled away to proper disposal. Prior to the issuance of a land use permit, an applicant had to show that a proper permit has been issued by DHHS, or that DHHS had written a memo of non -objection to a privy. CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY A DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL TESTING & ENGINEERING CO. TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 5633 B Street WOMI'OR Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Drinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria I +� TO BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER ❑ PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM I.D. # C� PRIVATE: WATER SYSTEM -I- 2 TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to t)e: Satisfactory Name 1,150 3 l `; 3 r Ci 2, I 1e 31b�- ❑ Unsatisfactory C] Sample too long in transit; sample should � not over 30 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send s�a�e ziPCv00 new sample via special delivery mail. CRY [Tk3] Date Received SAMPLE DATE: Mo Day Year Time Received SAMPLE TYPE: Analytical Method: Membrane Filter ❑ Routine ❑ Check Sample (for routine sample with lab ref. no. ---� ❑Trea ted Water Untreated Water No. of colonies/100 ml. Special Purpose C] Special SAMPLE Time Collected Collected By Lab Ref. No. Result' Analyst No. LOCATION L� (OCR CLC), ", crn _ _ —J M �Z v2,1541 2 3 4 6 6 Z_BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD A.D.E.C. �. READ INSTRUCTIONS Membrane Filter: Direct Count Coliform/100 mi Verification: LSB BQB -- BEFORE Fecal Coliform Confirmation COLLECTING SAMPLE ults Final Membrane Filter Results /' Coilform/100 ml — Q Date Reported By TNTC e Too Numerous To Count FART ONE p.m. OF TWO OB = Other Bacteria REMAINDER TO FOLLOW ��cP u � CIIEAIICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY A DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL TESTING & ENGINEERING CO. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA SKA 9 iINVOICE TELEPHONE E (9 7) 562-2343 FAX: (907) 561-5301 ANALYSIS Cliomlab Ref.l 92.154!. Sample t 1 Matrix: WATER Client Sample ID 16000 MON DR PWSID OA Collected APR 13 92 e, 09:00 hre. Received APR 14 92 d 1'7:00 his. pzesezved with AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed APR IS 92 Laboratory Supervleot 5?EP NEN , EDE Released By Client Name POLAR CONSULT Client Acct :POLARCO BP01 AeyE : Ordered By :MIKE DAHL Send Reports to: 1)POLAR CONSULT 2) P01 :NONE RECEIVED • Parameter Results Unite Method Allo -it ---- Limits-- imite -..------------------•--- NITRATE N 0.20 mg/1 EPA 353.2 1 Sample ROUTINE SAMPLE COLLECTED BI: H.D. Remarks:....«........................................................... .............. ..........'..«.......... 1 Teets Por:ormed .+ee Special Instructions Above UA•Unavallable No. Nona Detected See Samplo Remarks Above NA- Not Analyzed LT -Lass Than. GT -Greater Than re)SE38 Member of the SGS Group (Soc!W Gdndrale de Surveillance) Department of Health and Human Services d11P15 Tom Fink, 825 "L" Street Mayor P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 May 11, 1992 Robroy & Laurie Lyons PO Box 113054 Anchorage, AK 99511-3054 Subject: Lot 4, Blk 9, Rabbit Creek Hts., PID #020-111-37 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lyons: Per our conversation of May 5, 1992, I have researched the available records concerning your property. The tax records for Lot 4, Blk 9, Rabbit Creek Hts. indicate the house to have been constructed in 1979. This is substantiated by the well log from Syren Brothers Drilling, Inc. which bears a November 18/19, 1978 date. At that time a well and septic permit would have been necessary as would inspection and approval of the holding tank installation. Both the permit and inspection would have been accomplished through this department. A permit for on-site well and septic should have been required prior to issuance of a land use permit. A comprehensive search of our files revealed no permits or inspection for Lot 4, Blk 9, Rabbit Creek Hts. in 1978 or any other year. Before the department can grant approval for the existing holding tank concerns of separation to surface water must be addressed. Approval may be possible if a waiver to the upstructure drainage can be obtained and the ditch below the tank is filled to a point 100, from the tank. A waiver application must be submitted by a registered civil engineer. Attached for your review is a copy of Anchorage Municipal Code 15.65. If there is any other information you need please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, Daniel N. Bolles On -Site Services 179/db LOT 10 / BLOCK 9 \ / \ I�XI`�T1n1LF D TC�i- IUD' R--` �' (\ • FOUND 5/8' REDAR 1 ,\ LOT 3 p �e .'T .1=4t� v v4 ..q .... 9 . 9 ... ° . ° . e eeaoee s... oo..e.v aeeao o.® EARLE V. AUSMAN\ 4 CE - 1393 opQ.sv A Iss o6\ \ LUT cJ I (W) EXISTING WEU- TP ELLTP TEST GIT \ / C.Do EXISTING SEPTIC \\ LOT 4 BLOCK 9 \ R 6611 CREEK' jl ler) Tn 1oo' N� \- / / SII P\/Z- P Yrs / / � F2o1`1 --j0 ZD rjOl y4" a LXISIiNG 2,001.) wC\ % HOLDING TANK a EXI sTi IJy Ca�u p �X�hT1NL1 DIY6-N FII..T F� f✓A�QIto. 6"Pve• rwe kll-slt..-TY Q)gGLL F I l.l.. T`(P_ Tv-e►aGW 5-"D Gov e�eEo"1-- 5A.e-wFILA- 6" rue. m42p. 71 pe- w I (it_Ea J ` 9, rvc F'EKI= PIPE LOT 13 BLOCK 9 T�y >JITe-A ?SRF. PIPe- LOT 1" DATE: ''�� �a/r F oorE REyslOrs � �--� DESIGNED:-- polarconsulf alaska, inc. I SHEET 1 DRAWN• uDDI ( ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS - ENERGY CONSULTANTS Il I CHECKED:-- i5LI3 vEST 33RD AvE. SuTTE 3iu PM. <901) 298-2.20 SCALE: 1"=40^ l _ ANCHORAGE, .ALASKA 99503 , AX, ,90+. =72 -=_qt= J OF 1 p®larc®nsult alaska, enc® ENGINEERS a SURVEYORS a ENERGY CONSULTANTS Municipality of Anchorage Health and Human Services On -Site Services 825 L Street Anchorage, Ak. 99501 Attn: Mr. Dan Bolles C- it ! V D May 13, 1992 MAY 1 33 19(')2 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. Health & Humari Services Re: Rob & Laurie Lyons application for Certificate for Health Authority Approval at Lot 4 Block 9 Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision. Dear Dan: Enclosed. is a revised site map for the property to be included in the application for certificate. As we discussed, we are proposing to install drain pipe and gravel in both ditchs on the South and West side of the property, and install silty material to cover the balance of the ditch, as shown in the attached site drawing. This pipe will begin in the existing trench uphill of the holding tank, and continue to 100 feet downhill of the holding tank according to your recommendations. The client requests a conditional certificate to allow them to pursue refinancing of their property. They will be securing a bid from a contractor to do the proposed corrective work this summer after the roads in the area firm up. Work would be completed by the end of July. Sincerely Yours Michael D. Dahl Staff Civil Engineer SHMQsu1.02M1)0C 1503 WEST 33RD AVENUE a SUITE 310 a ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 a TELEFAX (907) 258-2419 polarconsult alaska, inc. ENGINEERS e SURVEYORS e ENERGY CONSULTANTS Municipality of Anchorage May 10, 1992 Health and Human Services On -Site Services 825 L Street Anchorage, Ak. 99501 Re: Rob & Laurie Lyons application for Certificate for Health Authority Approval at Lot 4 Block 9 Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision. Dear John Enclosed is a revised site map for the property to be included in the application for certificate. This map includes the drainage ditches which were covered with snow during our inspection of the existing system for the client. The ditches intercept ground water to the South and West of the property. These ditches then East to Byron Drive and North to Nickleen Street into existing ditches along these roads. As we discussed, we are proposing to install drain pipe and gravel in the ditch on the South side of the property, and install silty material to cover the balance of the ditch, as shown in the attached site drawing. This pipe will begin in the existing trench 30 feet uphill of the holding tank, and continue to 100 feet downhill of the holding tank according to your recommendations. We request a waiver for the ditch on the West side of the property which is within 100 feet of the holding tank. This existing holding tank is downhill from a grade break in this direction. Possible effluent from the tank would flow East towards Byron Drive, not toward the ditch on the West side of the property. For this reason, we do not believe that this ditch would need to be covered. The tank has a high level alarm installed, with an audible alarm inside the house. The owner also has the tank pumped on a regular basis by Roto Rooter. The client requests a conditional certificate to allow them to pursue refinancing of their property. They will be securing a bid from a contractor to do the proposed corrective work this summer after the roads in the area firm up. Work would be completed by the end of July. Sincerely Yours Earle V. Ausman, P.E. SEn1QSLLL011aU)0LC 1503 WEST 33RD AVENUE • SUITE 310 e ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 e TELEFAX (907) 258-2419 �ees o00 00 ooee .=,eo� EARLE V. AUSMAN CE — 1393 � e LUT 10 BLOCK 9 \ �xJ19�rc� J � � , �\ LOT 3 O At Je tI�f �. ii VV e O J �44 00°00 00066060° aO.OReO® iaee+o ° mase •�� °°°� :I VAARLE V. A�iS�A/>,Id ry GF -1393 ^ 0 FOUND sle REBAR \\ LO 1 5 I @) EXISTING WELL \ TP TEST PIT C.0.0 EXISTING SEPTIC \ ✓� r-Ror( 5bl To too r 4� LOT 4 BLOCK E FA661I Cl \ 1` — HEIGHT S! IBD, � u> Y Exl s -n nlG7 7 cq w4a Ij p ExlsTlrJ�j vrre—k SILT.'( A I Q)p.GLCFi LI. �y1IPV� ptP� W `'�LT'Y SAGK FIt.I. e Q" PVC, PflLF. PI VE, u1 f CLP -41,1) [I -T--(P-TRe�1c v4 1 _17� P q PV4 P P� �eo17 -3o m Sol EXISIING 2,000 GAL / HOLDING TANK \ / LOT 13 BLOCK 9 �,��� �CISIIN(� j m7c,4 s LOT 14 /CATCDATE kEV151uN5DESIGNED:—j polarconsult alaska, inc. SIIIEET DRAWN:�dD(L ENGINEERS — SURVEYORS — ENERGY CONSULTANTS CHECKED:-- 1 i5a3 'vEST 3380 AVE. SUITE 310 SCALE: 1"-40 PH. (907) zee-e+ea J ANPunpA_E, ALASKA 9950? I Municipality of Anchorage Page—t—_of__Cf? DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 ! Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 ® Telephone: 343-4744 On -Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report `ppLAddress Permit Number: PID Number: �� G, — 111- 2D _ L.`��e�fFi Wastewater System: O New Upgrade ABSORPTION FIELD f Bedrooms: ��� G Deep Trench 'El Shallow Trench C Bed ❑ Mound ❑ Other LEGAL DESCRIPTION Snil Raring Total Depth from original grade Lot: GPD/Sq. Ft. Block: �y,, Subdivviisiion: 11 -- Depth to pipe bottom from original grade: Gravel depth beneath pipe VA13r51-r Ce ,1°. IruflA15 e FI. Ft Township: Range - Section: Fill added above original grade: Gravel length: —� FI. Ft ALL: D New LJ Upgrade Gravel width Number of lin=D,,Inc,tweenlines: Classification (Private. A.B C Ft_ Ft. 1 r Total Depth: C sed To: Total absorption area: ' 1 - Pipe material: Ft 1 fp Ft So. Ft. Driller: �• "r ' Date Drilled: State Water Level: Installer: Date installetl: Yield. Pump Set at Casing Height Above Ground: GPM f 6 Ft - Zo`:�; FL TANK SEPARATION DISTANCES septic Holding ❑S.TE.P. To Septic Absorption Lin Holding Pubhe nnvale Mantdacturer: From Tani, Fieie Station Tank Sevmr Lines From in gallons: Nk- Tna 2 o Well Material. i Number of Compartments: 24'' sIY�P' L Surface Water _ _ -� LIFT STATION Lot -3 ( Size in gallons: Manufamrer. Line Foundalion I "Pump on level at: 'Pump off" level al: High water alarm at Curtain Pump A1ake & Model Electrical Inspections performed b Drain — Remarks: BENCH MARK H Location and Description: INs�.t.,��p Ir, I��i� %'a � tJG_,Vt_I nWt•inr..2. el Assumed Elevation: ENGINEER'S. /t s: 7 °499 °e * 4 Inspections performed b r-r-� , ,k °°°°°° 0000°°°°°0°°�a Y Dates: 1st a lo- ty !•I •000000 0000000°00 0°0° 0 2nd 3 Z� y d ° A , ' V. Avs�ww51 Department of Health and Human Services approval 14 ^•.CE e 1343; Reviewed and approved by: Date: eSso'n ®f ° ��� 72-013 (Rev. 9/911 I:filA 25 `— I. r. LbT v LUT 10 BLOCK 9 j \ >z0b FOUND Ve' REBAR /G \ L01 5 M-0EXISTING WELL TP /`r \ \ \ J �J TEST PIT EXISTING SEPTIC \ \\ LOT 4 BLOCK Y ' I f \ RA6o^i T CnEEiK j t� \126.0 7 E%IS11NG 1,000 GAL\ / I / -yam n0ij)itJG TANK ° ;! I I � LOT 3 \ \ o\ �XISTIf`,1L � I I LOT 13 I i BLOCK 9 I Hba.lx�ty \ / ®® TA11t6. vim', •..��p4 / L t y °Trp {•e a e°e°/e//.�j�j��e�°�°°°/�°°�/Z9°/°�A /� / I waa V. AUSUM ® / CE - 1393 v DEsicNEe: I UAIE REVISIUPIS - " —_ 1( -- polorconsult alaska, inc. I DRAWN: LIDD ---i SHELF\ CHECKED I h� r I I ENGINEERS — SURVEYORS — ENERGY CONSULTANTS -WL.1T ° � ISCALE:---1=4➢_,I �— I IiUJ 33RD AVE. SUIT !IU PH. C90)> 25B-2920 UYII.; pN!'HfIRp�F' pl ACkP ggsC'� I I I • :r Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR:_ c� l9eat.I(�� I l�e•�, / DATE PERFO LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lo7- 6/ L�f oGi, u�irf' Township, Range, Section: DEPTH -- - 1( 11 1� 1� 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -7 000 4.9 Ay 0 t o°• a o 49TH* '. 9.0 9000011 000001 / �^ �V so u00e WLE V a ou: �H osoeo•� CGE • 139w31 ��®3 2MFD: fFFFT1-f.-i}15, SLOPE SITE PLAN :OMMEN-rS A-TA ,,-.qj, 1IC-t�1 j j'3[,d� i 0TT-Y) Z WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? _ `%=, PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT PERFORMED BY:VC�'_ YA, ks t-_ -,> d-, CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL TATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE. 3110/5;f 72-008 (Rev. 4,85) j, rIUKHIM , 11 . I ;1.% ; g I r�n '4A: A CD lk nrl !, -ytl M i{. .�S'!�*���friv"��i1 .A�;: ...� f - .r.. r ";v. ^' b'ti.' , . L14 -n -1-1 , 1, 04 ok ov, 51, 's"Al