HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK VIEW & HEIGHTS BLK 10H LT 27A MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT 'T'ti N.~ ~.'~oZ% TANKS TYPE OF SYSTEIVi [] TRENCH ~ BED [~ W. DRAIN [] OTHER FT FT FT sO FTj SO FT DISTANCES TANK ADSORPTION FIELD WELL WELL LOT LINE ~"~0 FOUNBATION AS-BUILT DIAGBAM /Show Iocat,on ol well, sepuc system, ploperly hnes, Ioun(lat,orl, FT FT F'r WELLS PRIVATE [] OTHER (Identify} ~5'li}C~lt~(~I~-iA'B C) /Tolal Dop[h Casco to FTI FT REIViARKS: 72 013 (3z85) ALASKA [ I1UIROllllleI1TAL COI1TROL SE RUICES, IBC. I~n(lin¢~ri~~ ~ ~nuir0nm~nto[ $1uaiCs SPECIFICATIONS FOR HOLDING TANK LEGAL: LOT 2?, BLOCK 10, RABBIT CREEK HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Ail materials and workmanship shall meet the requirements of the Municipality of Anchorage, the conditions of the permit, and all applicable rules and regulations currently in effect. 1,2 The Drawings, pages 1 through 2, and ADEC application are a part of this specification. 1,3 All excavations and depths are advisory, and are to be verified or modified in the field by the Engineer or inspecting agency. 1.4 It is the responsibility of the property owner or installer to adhere to approved designs for the installation, to maintain the specified separation distances, and to have the appropriate inspections. 1.5 It is the responsibility of the property owner or installer to report to the engineer any observed conditions which would put the system in violation of state regulations. 1.6 If the installation is not inspected by an AECS engineer, AECS will not be responsible for the installed system. An engineer at AECS should be consulted prior to construction, to determine the number of Inspections that will be required and to explain what these inspections will involve. 3.0 HOLDING TANK 2.1 A holding tank must conform to the corrosion prevention standards for septic tanks under the Uniform Plumbing Code, as amended. 2.2 A holding tank shall be located ne less than 2.2.1 five feet from any property line or building foundation; 2.2.2 10 feet from any water main or water service line; Drt-,~~ ........... ,4~, ....... -;~5~o~ (907) 279-5553 2.2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 75 feet from surface water or any source of domestic water supply. The capacity of a holding tank may not be less than 2,000 gallons and must be increased by 500 gallons for each bedroom over three. A holding tank must be installed in an area that is readily accessible to a pump truck at all times and where overflow during operation or spillage during pumping will not create a health hazard. The access site for the pump truck must not be more than 100 feet from the holding tank. The elevation of the site must not be more than 11 feet higher than the bottom of the holding tank. A holding tank must be secured against flotation under high water table conditions. A holding tank must have a four inch diameter standpipe with an airtight' cap to provide pumping access. The standpipe must extend at least 12 inches above the surface of the ground. A holding tank must have a watertight manhole to provide access to the interior of the ,.tank. The manhole must be at least 20 inches in diameter. If a holding tank is not buried or is buried at a depth of four feet or less, the tank and standpipe must be insulated. A holding tank must be equipped with an approved high water level alarm which registers both visually and audibly inside the dwelling. The alarm must be positioned to allow not less than 300 gallons additional storage after the alarm has been activated. ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 SHEET NO. ~/ OF ~ CHECKED BY DATE SCALE C, REID, CE- 2251 %. AS-BUILT NO CORNERS SET THIS DATE I hereby certL~y that I have pe. rforn~ a ~ott4a~ee'~ L'~sp¢ctlon of t~e fol]owinl described LeT ~-7~ E'LOC~'- lO, ..~ · ,' *-, Anehoraee Re~inl P~e~i~., Aluk~, ~d ~at ~ ,~ ~ impmvemen~ situat~ ther~n ~ ~n ~e ~ /' ' ". -,'z, lir.~ and do not ova, lap or enoch on ~e p~ r. ~:~*~ ~: ; . . ., ,.,. ~, ]~n~ ad}~c~nt thereto, that '~ ~pr~n~ ~ P~ e~y ]ytn~ adJa~nt thoro en~ch ~.~ in ~uestto~ ~ that ~e~ a~ .~o ~waT~ ~- [" ;""xc~'''~ 's" ',", ~;= ~ .' ' ,,' I *~ ~E ALASKA el]UIROI]me[1TAL CO[1TROL SeRUICe$, II]C. ~nqin~rieq D ~nuironmtnlel Studies P. 0. Box 240668 Anchorage, AK (907) 279-5553 *** Marston Realty 2804 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99!517 ATTN: Klm Lane RE: 99524-0668 FAX (907) 276-8706 July 10, 1990 Lot 27, Block 10, Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision 8106 Robert Drive Dear Kim: Here is the status report on the sewer system for the above referenced lot. On July 22, 1988, Alan Wien performed an adequacy test and a well flow test on the subject property. We found that the system was adequate for a 3 bedroom house but not for a 4 bedroom house. Al%o, we noticed a discrepancy in the separation distance from the well to the drainfield. It was only 98 feet, even though it was reported to be 100 feet on the original Municipality of Anchorage inspection report. In looking at Alan's report, noted that he just filled the system up to the top of the 4 inch pipe. Therefore, it would give a total test to the system. As I stated earlier, it was adequate. I then applied to the MOA for a waiver to allow it to go as a 4 bedroom system since it was 48 shy of a 4 bedroom system. Also, the adequacy test showed that it was adequate for 4 bedrooms. The MOA denied the request that the system ................... - ~,~ 27~ 5553 be approved for a 4 bedroom because there was inadequate reserve area on the lot. In reviewing the inspection that was done by the Municipality, it was noted that there had been some water in the trench. The owner had dug the curtain drain to the east of the system, and both trenches then became dry. Lynn Linquist, the inspector for the MOA, made a note 'that "this is a marginal system at best." This is a peculiar note to see on an inspection form. In 1983. the house was apparently sold, and an adequacy test was done on the property. The test was adequate. In looking at the way the report was conducted, it appeared that there was liquid within 4 feet of-the top of the sump pipe at the end of the drainfield. At the time it didn't occur to me that this was significant. Later, I found that this was a clue to what had happened. Since it was 4 feet from the top of the sump pipe, they had filled the system to 32.5 inches from the top of the sump pipe, which in reality caused the system to be flooded. Even though it took the water, it was totally flooded at the time the adequacy test was done in 1983. Instead of passing the system, which they did, the system should have been failed. In looking back through the soil test records of 1979, the report showed a brown silt to 15 feet, and groundwater at 15 feet. This soil test was done 40 feet from the north side of the house. It had a very good percolation rate. When Alan did his soil test on July 21, 1989, to verify the water level of the MOA, he dug to 15 feet in the test hole, which would be 38 feet from the system stand pipe. The water level was at 15 feet, which placed it 4 feet below the bottom of the system at that point. That day there was 3 feet of water in the trench. Our surmise was, since the house was unoccupied, that water had to be coming into the system from another source. At that point, I recommended that we install a curtain drain around the system in order to drop any water level that would occur. This was done in October, 1989, and during the excavat'ion to the southwest and south of the system, we encountered five spots where water was coming through and getting into the septic tank. There was a broken line that had occurred between the house and the tank. From the sewage stains it appeared that his line had been broken for some time. During the winter of 1989, the septic system went dry, and it appeared that the curtain drain had worked. I decided that were it to stay dry in the winter, we would again test it in the spring after breakup. If the system were still adequate, the MOA would issue a health authority. During the winter of 1989-9'0, we had a very heavy snow pack. I watched the system several times during the winter, and the system stayed dry. When the snow melted, the system filled with water. I checked the system and .the water level remained constant. Apparently, water is getting into the system by flowing upwards through the ground below the curtain drain and entering the system. Or, there is a source of water that we have not identified. Earlier, I spoke with you about using a bucket auger to dig a test hole between the two systems to see if we could understand what was happening. I tried it and was not able to drill a hole using that approach. In June, 1990, I had a backhoe which was doing ~ome work just down the street from Robert Drive, so I had the operator dig a hole between the two systems. When the hoe dug down, we found, to my surprise, that the soils where the system is installed have no relationship to that in the test hole 38 feet away, nor to the test hole that was done in 1978, nor to the inspection report. The first 4.5 feet of ground over the top of the septic system consisted of peat and roots. From 4.5 to 6 feet there is a wet silty sand, and then from 6-8 feet is a mottled silt that is tan and blue. The water table was at 4.2 feet, which is just about at the top of the peat. When Alan tested the system, he had filled the system to the top of the pipe, which would have put him right at the interface of the silty sand and the peat. The earlier test, done in 1983, had filled the system to 32 inches from the top of the pipe which would make it approximately 2 feet into the peat. Water flows well through drained peat. In fact, peat is a good medium for treating septic tank effluent. The system is not in the type of soils that the original soils test shows, nor is it in the type of soils that our test hole, located just across the driveway from the system, shows, It appears that this system shoul~ never have been approved, to start with. The fact that the MOA approved it is a shock to me. Sometime between 'the time we started the work and the system was installed, the drainage along has been greatly changed. Someone has apparently changed the drainage of the water system coming down off of Carl Street to drain down Robert Drive. Since 1988, the ditch along the road has been cut down from a couple of feet below ground level to 5-8 feet below ground level. This runs year round, and as such, can be classified as a stream, This means that the sewer system is now within 100 feet of a stream. Were the system to be working properly, I would say that it would be worth while to apply to the MOA to waive the distance to the stream. However, because the system is in the type of material it is. I don't believe that anything we can do to get a soil absorption system approved. RECOMMENDATIONS ' The alternatives are very limited. The chances of rebuilding this system to a functional system is probably nil. The only other alternative is to install a holding tank on this property. A problem with this option is that during the winter months, Robert Drive becomes very difficult to reach with a pump truck. Therefore, the installation of a holding tank of normal size would be very difficult. If a holding tank were to be }nstalled, it is recommended that a very large holding tank, on the order of 9,000 gallons total capacity, be installed. The reason for this is that there are periods as long as 6-8 weeks during the winter months during which a pump truck could not get to service the tank. This is because of the icy road conditions that can develop in the Rabbit Creek Heights area. I recommend that two 4,500 gallon holding tanks be installed on this lot. The piping could be arranged so that one tank fills first, and then flow goes into the second tank. If you have any questions, please call me. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Leroy C. Reid, Jr. PhD, PE, DEE LCR/sr PERFORMED FOR: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST · '/ 2 . . , , q LEGAL DESCRtPTION: ~.~2,4~¢~ ~2~ ~.~,,¢~,.,,.¢ ¢, ,,~,,/~,./¢. ~. Township, Range, Section: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -- 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19- 2O COMMENTS SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? s IF YES, AT WHAT / L DEPTH? ?. Z pO E I N Del]Ih to Water Aller ¢ Moniloring? .. '~', ~ Date: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE -- TEST RUN BETWEEN (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ FT AND FT PERFORMED BY: ~/~ /~ ' ~ -'¢ '~ I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ,~,/~':,'¢, .o 72-008 [Rev. 4~85) / / InC. 1412 W6SL 33~6 ~,V61~U6 · Ancl~o~,(~¢, Al~$k2, 99503 · (907) 279-5553 ON-SITE SEWAGE DIS;;~O~AL SYSTEM A,~DIOR WELL INSPEL, tO~ R~RT _ ~ /~-b~ ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Well ' ' ~ ~'~ ~o ~i.,,~ ~,~, -~ - - ~.. ,"~- ~ ~ PERMIT NO. ~ ~ ' Depth Driller D,stance tO tot lin. ~ DISTANCE TO: Building foundati~ ~ S~r line ~p~C tank OTHER ~PIPE MAT~'RIA~ SOIL TES~RATIN~ ........................ J ~PP~OV ~ O_ ~ DAT~ L~%AL t \ \ C. REID, JR, d~ A~BUILT No CORNERS SET THiS DATE ' L~sptction of the followlnl ~c~ 2~ eLoC~ ~o, .... Anchorage lmp~vemen~ situat~ ther~n ~,e ~,a~ncc~ thereto, that e~ ]yln~ t~. ~uestjon mEss]on e~y ex.pt Dated mt ~ch~a~e. [ 2 ~ ' ' Ene~r,~r~ f;~'es-orf & ~.nr, e~ Date.~ Owner ?~i:J ) '-' ,,-, ~,, .~' Location~ r'?,? ~"] City . ~/C/~ Total Depth- Casing Size /~ /'' Drill Log of Well Pipe Depth Casing ~3 [) >'l~L - Bit 1 -- 1 2 -- 2 3 -- ~,~ 7 ~,~. -- --- 5 6 ~ _ ~ 6 7 -7 8 -- ~ -- 8 9 ~oo_ g~f ~ 9 :~0 -- ~mO~ - 11 12 ~ ~ - 12 13 - - 13 14 T~o ~sa 1 4 1 5 _ _ _ _ 16 ]7 ~ ~ 17 8 20 533 '": ~ DOLLARS 5 !27 .... ~ ~o ~ ~) 31 f Screen Size _, Kind of Wire Estimated Capacity Kind of Pump Length Gauge _,I: gals./mJn. :.., ,toro/ ... Depth of Pump Setting . m,.._- ~.. "."~ :,', Ft. H.P. _ Voltage -. ,:.D . Phase C ~ '"":: '-- Size of Tank · :.4 2r OLAF. ROLLINS ADL 0377850 P. O. BOX 10-651 344~3628 ANCHORAGE~ ALASIC& 99511 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICA..A LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B ST '~'r ,,,,,~ ........ ~ ~~h REET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ~ FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order S 7886 Date Report Printed: JUL 18 88 t 16:16 Client Sample ID:L27 BIO RABBIT CREEK HEIGHTS PWMID :UA Collected JUL 13 88 @ 16:00 hrs. Received JUL 14 88 ~ 16:30 hrs. Preeezved with :4 DEO C. Client Name : AECS Client Acct: AHECSRP P.O.~ NONE REC'D Req $ Ordered By : Analysis Completed :JUL 15 88 Send Reports to: Laboratory Supervisor :STEPHEN C. EDE I)AECS Releaeed By : ~ ~. ~ 2) Special Instruct: Chemlab Rof $: 1792 Lab Smpl ID: 5 ){atrix: Water Parameter Tested Result/Units Allowable ............. Hethod Limlte ................................................................ T ................................. NITRATE-N 0.82 ms/1 EPA 353.2 10 Sample ROUTINE SABLE Remarks: SAMPLE COLLECTED BY A. WEIN. i Tests Performed ' See Special Inetructions Above UA-Unavailable ND- None Detected "See Sample Remarks Above NA- Not Analyzed LI-Less Than, GT-Greater Than ALASKA eF1UIROFlmEI1TAL COF1TROL SeRUICe$, IFlC. ~n§incerinq $ ~nuironmcnM ~tu&s 1200 U~¢sl 33r61 M~%%p~l~¢~..~ek, 99503.I907) 561-5040 : ,: DEB]',~E~.f~QF HEALTH~TE~ & TO ENVIRO : RECEIVED I reply [] No reply necessary -. T CONTROL SERVICES, INC, 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 CALCULATED BY_ DATE__ SCALE__ ALASKA eDUIROF/meDTAL CODTROL:iBHUICB:5', ' OFi .t : o, ~n~Jn~erin~ 6 ~nuironmcnlal StuJies ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~. o. ~ox ~4o~ ~:7201989 Anchorage, AK 99524--0668 RECEIVED September 20, 1989 ~iunicipality of Anchorage Department of [leaJth and lluman Services 825 L Street, 5th Floor Anchorage, AK 99501 Attn: Dan Roth RE: Lot 27, Block 10, Rabbit Creel( Heights Subdivision Dear Dan: Since Alan has left to go back to school, i have been trying to unravel the problem with the water levels tn the septic system at the subject lot. I know that you and Alan have visited the site and you had some concera that there was possihly a groundwater problem, even though the test hole we had dug was dry. Nearly two weeks ago I had Isaacs pump all the water out of the standpipes, and then I installed floats in each of the standpipes to determine the rise of water. In five days, the water had risen about 12 inches in the up stream trench and about 6 inches .in the downstream trench. I have come to the conclusion, after looking at some of the original inspection reports, that there is a very stroag possibility that water is entering the system at the southwest end. When the system was installed, there was water shown at 3.5 feet, but a curtain drain had alledgedly been installed to drain the water away. I have walked over the hillside, and have tracked that drain down over the bank and have co,ne to the conclusion that it was never properly installed. Or if it were installed, it does not work properly. Also, were it to have been workiug properly, it would have drained water onto the adjacent lot. I am proposing to install a curtain drain along the northwest/southeast axis of 'the house, and to connect it into the drain which goes north along the driveway, aud then discharges into a ditch that is adjacent to the property line. See attached site plan. It would be very difficult to obtain the 80 foot distance between the curtain drain and the upstream edge of the field. However, since the slope of the ground is about 13 perceut or more, our curtain drain probably will be at about the bottom of the system. [Iowever, from a hydraulic standpoint with the way the water flows in that area, it would probably re,hain upstream. Where possible, I have kept the curtain drain 80 feet from the extreme end of tbe system, ltowever, if I were to go the full 30 feet it would probably cause structural damage to the building. The solid pipe would then run aloag the driveway, discharging into a rock outfall along the drive. I would therefore request that the distance in that section of pipe where it is within the 30 foot distance of the trench, be waived to 20 feet. Construction as proposed would not divert the drainage to the east but to the northwest and into a ditch which is along the north lot line. 'rills should solve the problem of water trickling into the trench system in the vicinity of the house. If you have no objections please let me know, and I will start construction. And then as soon as coustruction is completed I will send you the final location details on a plat map and then we'll go ahead with the health authority. I helieve that this should be; the last problem we are facing on that lot. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely yours, President LCR/sr /',, ,C -0 I:'~qD ~/&' F-~'P~AF- G. ,,-% / I-- AS. BUILT NO CORNERS SLUr THIS DATE I hereby twrtif7 that I have performed Ln~ection of t~e foll~,ln¢ des~ LOT ~7, ~LOCI~ I0, AJ~chora~e Recording ~z.~mct, AJ~Jka, and thai the tmprovement~ situated thereon are wiLkin the prope~'y lir.~s and do not overlay or encroach on the propetW lying adJaccnt thereto, th~ ",o improvements er~y lyin¢ adj3cent thereto encroach on the i~w~n~lJ ~1 q'Jest.ign a.-,d test Lhere are no roaclway~, tram- ss[on nn~ c~' o~h~" ~'isible euernenta o¢~ said pro~ e:'ly exeep: s, Lndscated hereon. Dated et ~4~chc~ace. AJssks t.h. JL, /-'-day of. lJ._~ ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 5'~8 al?y- ~F.r,~ JOB ~ SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE DATE P. O. Box 240668 Anchorage, AK 99524-0668 907) 279-5553 RECEIVED Mr. Norman J. Hude~~' Project Development Supervisor Engineering Division Municipality of Anchorage P. 0. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 October 23, 1989 RE: Lot 27, Block 10, Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision Dear Mr. Hudek: Here is a copy of the letter that I sent to the Department Of Health and Human Services regarding the curtain drain. The bottom of the curtain drain is at the elevation of the inlet pipe to the septic tank. The intent is to collect any subsurface water entering from the southwest part of the lot where the road drainage for the east side of Jacqueline Circle drains toward the house and down the easement. The rock fill end of the drains ends on the north property line in the drainage ditch. The expected flows are very small compared to the normal flow in that ditch. In the winter it will be nil and during the spring and summer it will be insignificant compared to the normal ditch runoff. I do not see any potential source of pollution as the seepage trenches are downslope of the curtain drain as well as being hydraulically above the drain. I would appreciate a letter of non-objection to the placement of this drain on the lot so that water can run into the drainage ditch. Thank you for your assistance. LCR/sr Sincerely yours, PhD, PE, DEE President Municipality of Anchorage P. O. BOX 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 786-8160 TOM FINK, MA YOR October 31, 1989 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (3500 East Tudor Road) Mr. Leroy C. Reid, Jr., PhD, P.E., DEE Alaska Environmental Control Services, Inc. P.O. BOx 240668 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-0668 Dear Mr. Reid: RE: Lot 27, Block 10, Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision Curtain Drain Installation This letter is in response to your letter dated October 23, 1989 concerning the installation of a curtain drain to separate sub- surface water from the septic system. There are two items of concern with the system as installed. The first relates to the proximity of the curtain drain to the septic system. It is my belief, after looking at the lot that the installation of the curtain drain should help protect the septic system despite the fact that it cannot meet the Health and Human Services require- ment for a 30 foot separation. The second matter of concern regards the outfall of the curtain drain into the roadside ditch. Normally, a permit would be required for construction of the curtain drain with an outfall into a Municipal right-of-way. However, your letter implies that the outfall was existing prior to your new construction, there- fore a permit will not be required. However if additional work is required around the outfall in the future, a permit will be required. Based on my field observation, the amount of flow from the out- fall is insignificant compared to the amount of water flowing normally in the ditch, therefore the existing culvert is suf- ficiently sized to handle the water. Sincerely, Hudec Project Development Supervisor Engineering Division NJH/cjk wp/nih/43 cc: Street Maintenance  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchora§i~, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEIVl AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ DISTANCETO: Well ~ ¢ Absorption ~area ~ Dwelling ~ I PERMIT NO'.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ No. of compacts Liq. capa~y'~n gallons Inside length Width Liquid ~ ~ DISTANOE TO: Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. ~--~ Material / ~u~city in ~ Weli'- Foundatim~ Z~ / ~earest lot line PERMIT NO. Lenoth,o 8 oh 7 Total length Trenoh wi?J~ '~nches No. ofii~ /O Distance betwF&line, ~ ~ ~ Top of tile to finisl] grade Material beneath tile TotaJ effective 8bsorption area ~ Length Width " Depth PERMIT NO. <~ e Type ~ diameter / ~D Total eff ~ ~,TANCETO: ~/" Building found(ion ~ ~ot line --- ~ DISTANCE TO: Building foundation ~ Sewer line Septic tank OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING -~ m INSTALLER'__ ~ ~;'~j APPROVED._ /~ ' ' ' DATE . LEGAL t. f' '1- 51; I Zfi~ "= 4 ;' ? ;Of I:::II:;;:IF' l'"r't:::'[Z O1:::' 5::;0 ): L. I::IE:E;CIt:;.'ff~F'I" :[ ON E;"r'E;'r'FCN :1: E,: I"II::IF:r ]: r, IUI',I I'.II...Ir,'l[ii:E:t:;i: Cfi::." I~[[:J:l".:,l:;i!ol)r,15.5:; :!i: 'Ei).).'L. [:iffZlT.'l.'l'.,ll3 ,::5:;g! 'Il.II::: ,riliE:IS:!l.)I r;i:E:[::, 5!; :1: 2!:[:{ O[:' THE; 50 1 L. 1::I[~:5:;OI:ii:F'T :[ CIt'.,I '-:i.';'r'!STE:P'I :[ 5;: ~Z:., iE:_:i I1'::" "'11'" IF'"!t ...... :::~... :::1} .... L. EF:: }'-'-,,IJ C:~ 'T' IF-ti ...... ',',!73: ;;Z'~:. 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[~:JE ...... ::it... ,!;~5, ~!ii l,;i!~ ,L~!ii f:::ll IL..... L ,Ci, II"..,.~ 5!!;; 1::'1:.21:;i:1','1 't: T I:::lf:'l':'L. ]: IS:FII'.,!T I It .::, THE: I<:E:E;F'C~N':'!i; :[ 1!:;: ~ L. :1: T"r' 'f'C :[ NF ;: F.'I'"I ']'H 1 5!: [::,I--ZF:'I:::tt::;:Tr,IE:I'.,IT [:,1 I;? f I'.,I ':i 'THE: ~[NS:TI::I[..I...I::ITION I i',l.::,F.t:i:... I)lqS:; Cfi:' FIN"r' I-,~!I!:L.I....5':; FI[>.)'FII~:[!":I'.,IT TO TH I5:; l-::'f:i:Cff:'Eil:;ur".r' F:II'.,ID l'.,ll...ltvlli.~li~!:l-i.: r' i:::' [;.':E:5i; :[ [.:,Ii '.,I{::E:5 "f'Hf::lT TH[i: ,[,.1[.~:1~.1_ I,.I i L.L. ' ....... ',' '"' ... , ,[::.F:., [:.. " ' · .............. II iJ :. 1} :::.. IF;g:: [r555~ C:.;:.." 11....1t ~ It::;;ii." IEii!!~ t[~i:: ........................ Ei:t:::lC:b::l::':[L.l~.]:i",ll~'!i O1:::' l:::ll",l"r' 'Jfi;"r'5;TIS!'Fl I.'.II'I"I'I('JIJT F:'INF:IL IIq'.E;P[EC:T.~OI'.,I l:::li'-,l[::, :::' I Ill Fr~ ,FL. F,, THI::5 lr::'['5;F'l::tf;i:']"ivj[ii[",l']" H I I...L. 1:31::{ ':: . F: TF_'" T TO f:'f,~:O5{,Eif:(;i:t..l'l" :1; ON. I"l I i'.~! I I"11.11"1 [::, 1 51TI:::iI'.,IC:IC [i!:[.Z-.i'THEIE:N F:I !-,-It./L.I~. FIN[::, l::ll'.,l'.r' O?.,!..~.55 ]: r'f'[5 5[C1"'11::1~31:~ £::' I 5F'L")'.'51'al.. :5 j:'I'E:p1 :t. Zg!: F'llii:lS':T F'OI:R I::t F'[;'i.., -'~ [£ I'"l[il...l...; Cfi: '1 ::i:3 TI" ::::'!'::U.':'"~ l:::T_.'i:?Tr' I::'1:;?.Oi',1 1::t I::'l..l[ii:l...]:lj: I.t[:!:tJ.. [:,li.:l::'Ei:lq[::,]:NG UF":I'.I THE: -f'"rff:'E: O1:::' F:'t...IEI. Il7 )'l"l'-II!i!:l;[: [ii: [:.:: g! lJ :1: I:;.':[~:I"I[~f",IT'.L'q i-"lFtS'" .... I'1[' I- I... r. :iSF'[i.'".C: :[ 1:::' :{ I.'::I:IT ~£ ON5 I:::liql) C:~7)N'."::;TI:;?.UC:T :[ CIt'.,I [::, i f::llJiF..':Ftl'"l:i5 " I'1 .. I.J"Ibt [:. TO '[ lq'!: .JRIi~: F:'f~:OF:'I:!!:Fi: ]: i",IS!iTI::II_.I.~FIT :1: ON. Il::::,, [5{: 11::~'.: D-II X '"IU IE~5!.' :::..=;' F::" :ti: IF'"" ~'""'" ...... . .............. lt..r., tt ] [:::,, [:. ~ "=. :75~: ::J'l ........ ~. 5: ~ ~;::=" '~'::.. 11::::'....:~::. 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ITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99602 276-2221 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION 'rEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST Z.. 27 /3/o P, ,d /2 ~ / r' SLOPE DA'!-E PER FORMEr):, 7-~/y ~7 ¢ SITE PLAN ENCOUNTERED? _ IF YES, AT WHAT E '. /£' DEPTH> · Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop I ?- 19' ¢,'~, o,*,~ 2 ~ 2. 2 7-.1'/ £.,ao ~,0 q / ¢, PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN · ,~ "' FT AND (minutes/inch) (~ ~-- FT PERFORMED BY: G,'"C/~-Y J"' -- DATE: Total Depth Static Water Level / ,, Casing Size /~? ?/ Screen Size , Kind of Wire Gauge Estimated Capacity gaJs./min. Deplh of Pump Setting ~' ,' Ft OLAF. ROLLINS Drill Log of Well Pipe Depth Casing -- , !:.~ .,~ T' 30~0 Shoe -- 1 -- 2 3 7 8 ~ 8 9 ~o DE~ ~ 9 10 - ~ - 1 12 ~ ].x >,9 ~~' 2 13 - -- ~13 14 _ -- 15 16 _ _ 16 17 _ _ 17 18 533 ao 21 ,$ /~.~o ",' ~ DOLLARS m o 26 ~ 28 ~ 29 ¢ 30 P, O, BOX 10-651 344-5628 ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99511 DATE SIGNED Redi~/orm ® 4S 469 SEND PARTS I AND 3 WiTH CARBON INTACT PART 3 WILL BE R~URNED WITH REPLY ~FTArH Ahdlh FII F FOR FOLLOW-UP MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 343-4744 Parcel I.D. # CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWEL. I,ING 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (Must be completed prior to submittal) (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address or directions) . Clog RoBE ¢-~ (b) Property owner ~ ~ FC Telephone : (home) Business Mailing Address 'P.O, [~ox (c) Lending Institution Crc(C,/¢n ~¢z// /le¢'/~'~2~'~-- Telephone Mailing Address (d) Real Estate Company and Agent ~'l/~l~$-roN ~, ~,¢ KIP1 LANE Address '&8~5/ I,Z/. /~/o~l~gr~ /~'~/~ trZ/~¢~/ /~c4or~'¢ /~ c/?,-C:]~7 Telephone :2. ~ ~' - 2. 20~ (e) Mail the HAA to the following address: (or check here ~, if hold for pick up.) List contact person and day phone number below: 2. TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family~ Nurnber of bedrooms - -~ xi 3. WATER SUPPLY Individual We[l'¢ Community [] Public [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to th legality and status. 4. SEWAGE DISPOSAL On-site [] Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [~ Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. Page 1 of 2 5. ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING INSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DATA AND INFORMATION As certified by myseaJ affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my[nvestigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional.and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage flies and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm FL/~TTOp T'ECIq '~k"C 5 Telephone '~,S'-- Address 1~530 ECHO ST. ~/~db/. c~¢,5' / Date 6. DHHS APPROVAL Approved for .~ __bedrooms by Approved_ .~'~ _Disapproved Terms of Conditional Approval Conditional Date The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services(DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval cerificated based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHSdo not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The MunicipalityofAnchorageis not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88)Back Page 2 of 2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) Health Authority Approval (HAA) CHECKLIST- FEBRUARY 1984 343-4744 Legal Description: /- 2-7 ~ /D RABP~ tT CE'~:k' A. WELL DATA Well Classification P~I v',/:l TE. Well Log Present (Y/N) _ 'Y _ Date Completed Total DepthS2. (~ , Casedto ?~0' Depth of Grouting Static Water Level _~/I (..I/2.* /ql) Casing Height Above Ground 1.5'" Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL: To Oept~/Holding Tank on Lot (~,.5'~ "FO ~',O. To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot. To Nearest Public Sewer Line ~,~ - To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot _ Water Sample Collected by ~'ZATTOP T/~Ct¢ WaterSampleTestResults ~;/)71SFRCTO~¥' 0 CoLIFo~°I1 /IOO Comments ~15' G/~L. GALV', PC, E.~SuRE 7l~Hk ~g " If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved (Y/N) ~',//¢'// Yield J./ ~Ptd ME4S Pump Set At 12~ ~ Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) '¢ Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) ; On Adjoining Lots "Z /~O ; On Adjoining Lots '7 /5'O' To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole ~,/~ B.-6EP, TIC~NG~ANK DATA Date lnstalled II/~/C/O Size ~0Oo ~ No. of Compartments Standpipes (Y/N) ~ Air-tight Caps (Y/N) Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) ~' Depression over Tank (Y/N) Pumping/Maintenance Contact on File (Y/N) Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) Y SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM~SFPT~-6~oLDIN-~TANK: To Water-Supply Well ~.5 To Property Line ~ ~'O To Water Main/Service Line ~ .5'0 To Stream, Pond, Lake or Major Drainage Course Comments ~OLBiN~ ~f"I~NK ~l~t~ Lgl/EL Date Last Pumped N.A, ; for N. A. Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) To Building Foundation I-/ FROM C.D. To Disposal Field N,/~ . F ~'of~ C .O, 72-026 (Rev. 7/88) Fronl Page 1 of 2 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA N.A. soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed Width of Field Type of System Design Length of Field Depth of Field Square Feet of Absortion Area Depression over Field (Y/N) Results of Last Adequacy Test SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD: To Water-Supply Well To Building Foundation Lot To Water Main/Service Line To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Course To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area Comments Gravel Bed Thickness Statndpipes Present (Y/N) Date of Last Adequacy Test To Property Line To Existing or Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots To Cutback (if present) D. LIFT STATION N .A, . Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level at. Tested for Meets MOA Electrical Codes (Y/N) Comments Dimensions Manhole/Access (Y/N) "Pump Off" Level at Vent (Y/N) Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. **Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request** I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HA.A-,'gulc~etCdb§.qo,.effect on the date of this inspection. Date ~-~,n Z// !¢~'/ MOA No. Receipt No. Date of Payment Amount: $ 72-028 (Re','. 7/88) Back \'"-' "% Receipt No. Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Page 2 of 2 Engineer's Seal CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL I~4BORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STRF_ET , ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 · TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX I.D. #92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE for Work Order g 31622 Date Report Printed: JAN 31 91 @ 11:32 Client Sample ID:LS? BIO RABBIT CREEK }ITS' PWSID :UA Collected 3AN 29 91 @ ~2:00 h~e. Received JAN 29 91 @ 14:10 hrs, Preserved with :AS REQUIRED Analysls Completed :dAN 31 91 Laborato[y Supervisor ~S.~EPHEN C. EDE Releaeed By : ~ C~, ~ Client Name Client Acct BPO ~I Roq I~ Ordered By FLATTOP TECHNICAL SRV FLATTOT PO ~ NONE RECEIVED TED MOORE Send Reports to: i)FLATTOP TECHNICAL SRV 2) Chemlab Ref ~: 910313 Lab Slnpl ID: 1 Matrix: WATER Allowable Parameter Tested Result Units Method Limits NITRATE-N 0.53 mE/1 EPA 353.2 10 Sample ROUTINE SAMPLE COLLECTED BY: CHRIS Remarks: 'PRESSURE TANK HOSE BIB Tests Performed See Special Instructions Above UA=Unavailable None Detected "See Sample Remarks Above Not Analyzed LT=Lees Than, GT~Greater Than Properly Owner Mailing Address Buyer Address APPLIC' NT FILLS OUT UPPER HAl, - ONLY Zip Code ; i~.t jl Phone Zip Code Lending nstitution Address Realty Co & Agent Adaress , - ',. V",. Legal Description Street Location Type of Residence E~ Single Family (q Multiple Family ~ Other Zip Code Zip Code No. of Bedrooms__L, Water Supply ] ~ Individual D Community ~ Public Utility Sewer Disposal [] Individual E~ Public Utility [] Holding Tank Phone Phone ATTACH WELL LOG. A well Icg is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wells drilled prior 1o that date, give well deplh (attach Icg if available). Year Individual Installed:_ When Connected to Public Ulility: NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIAI'ED. ~' 1,~ r Time Time Time Time Date [)ate Date Date Inspector Field Notes: Inspector Inspector Inspector · 1- --n~ ~, ' ~- -(~) APPROVED BEDROOMS ( ) DISAPPROVED ( ) CONDITIONAL APPROVAL* DA E [o 7 Well To Absorption Area /' 0 .~ IJ Well Log Received Well to Tank ' ; '~ I Septic Ta~qk Size Soils Rating Date Sewer Installed k ~e II (rio AS-BUILT NO CORNE~ hat ~ h~e ~onn~ a I hereby ce~y t. ~ ' ~ ' inspection of the following describ~ p~rty: ~chorage Recording ~ct, ~ask~' and that the improvernents situated thereon ,~e wit~n the prope~y lines and do not overlap or encroach on the property lying adjacent thereto, thet'no improvements on pro~ erty lying adjacent thereto encroach on the premises THOoE SHOWN ON THE : ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. in questioP, and that there are no roadways, trans- mission lines or o~.her visible easements on .~aid prop- erty except as indicated hereon. Dated a*. Anchorage, Alaska t~s_:-/- -f_day of -, ItEWIT~%. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES Engineers, SurveyoYs & Planners BOX 4-2964 ANCHORAGE, Al'.:: 995C)9 Legal: Loc aT:ion: Own er": I:'?e si dent e: ,Sewer: **SL:i:WER ADEQUACY 'f'EST** L..ot 27, Block 1(), Rabb:i.'h Creek Heights 8:1.()6 Rober'~:s Driw~ (Hillside) Br:i. an and Kathy 3 bed,"oom, two story On site (From Mun:i. cipal Ret:orals) Tank~ :1. r, 000 Absorption sys'hem~ 88 .Foot drain trench So~l Rat:i. rlg: 320 sfpb (:1.979) ]: r'l S'I':. a ]. 1 ed: 1979 The sep'L'.ic tanl,' was pumped in ,September" :l. 98:::'.';. The system was inspected Oct. ober 10, 1983, T'he t. anl.:: had r-e~::i. 11 e:,d and 'l:.her"~.= was 1 J. qui d wi 'hhi ri .four .f i¢~.-".~'~.: .J:l,~[)m 'lobE.:, top o.F the sump pipes at t. he end o'f dr'a:[n .field. October 12, :1. 98:::.!;. The system had been used heav:i, ly a].]. ~--~:"',:~ cie,,,, ]"he owner' had :i.r'rfc)rmed me t. he,/ had done 'hhree or ~ ~ .. ~,z~ .,,y- ,~, .............. = .......... , ' ~ '~"'.,a ........ ~¢ was 3:;::.-.~/2 inclnes .From the top D't' sump p*p*a ~ · ~ ......... ~7' ~/~ ....... ).. ~'~4 ', -' ~3 " ~2'!, ........................ :' " " = '~ ..... gallons o.f wa'her was added at. the rate o.f 2 gpm, The l:i. quid ].evel was 32...-1/4 :i. nches .From the 't:op o.¢ the sump pipe a.f'her water was added,, "1' e s'tl IR ~-:.., s u 1 t s: The sys't:em accepted 5()() ga:l. lons crf: water in t, wo c(:~nse('.:u'~::ive da,/s with the system recovering to s'ha'hic ]. E'V[~I 8.f:'E6er 20 hour"s, "['he system :i. s rt.~r]l]i rl(::J i'1[¢~1'- ~:1.11 blt'['. :[~D acc:lcff:)table and should 12(:~ approved a~;, mmE.)'E:i,r~g 'hhe Mun:i. cSpalSt, y o.f Arlchorage r"equ:i, rem~nts. 'l'h:i.~ system marginal mhen :[ns'kal].ed and rema:[r~s rnar~3:i, nal. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE  ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION:''l':;~'j ']~' ;'4i,'~.L ;:,,(,:, LC/ION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501  ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION ~EOUEST FO~ APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATE~ AND 8EWE~ FACILITIES )IFIEOTIONS: Complete all parts on page ~, Incomplete requests will not ha processed. Please allow ten (10) days for processing. ~. P~OPE~TY OWNE~ PHONE MAfLIN~ ADDRESS 2. BUYER - ''" PHONE MAILINg'ADDRESS ~, k~Dl~a INS?I?~TIO~ ....... PHONE MAI'LINGADDR~S~ -- '' ' ' '' 4, ~ALT~R/~E'NT~.~ , · _ PHONE MAI ~G ~DDRESS !~. LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET LOCATION .,.,) ~.~_ ~' 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] One [-'] Four ~ SINGLE FAMILY [] Two ~] Five [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] Three r-] Six [] Other 7, WATER SUPPLY 'J~. INDIVIDUAL* [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTI LFI'Y ATTACFt WELL LOG. A well Icg is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach Icg if available.) 8, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~ INDIVIDLJAL/ON-SITE*~ ~ PUBLIC UT LI'I'Y **If individual/on-site, give installation date If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required Dy this Department, NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUFST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010(3/78) ~ , THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR I NSPECTO R DIRECTIONS: 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER ~[~ MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2, WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER []INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED [~]PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified INSTALLER []Septic Tank or []Holding Tank Size: [O~-~ f Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4. DISTANCES Se0tic/I-Iolding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line I Nearest Lot Line WELL TO: [03-- /0 Absorption Area to nearest Lot Lina 5, COMMENT8 {~--"~'APPROVED FOR ~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED 72-010 (Rev, 3/78) \ / ~.0 -" .OfI ,,f. ~ ~ ~. LOT Zb o ~l, ~ I0 The following described m'm,erty .... o . /~o~ ~.? $ ._ . : ', [ he~eb'v ce~t.{~y t. hak this map is a true ': "' ~" ~ and cor;-ect representation nf' lands actu ' ~.~ ,, ._'k_~ ,,~ ~./ hearings are ~hown thereon '' , x'~,'~t~, ::~ *~ and the core'ers have beenCound~sshowt~,  ....... ~*"z ............ ~ Dated at Anclmrage, a~aska ~ '. ?, :~., ,. ,.~-, ,, ....... 0 ~ou~,O ~ ?.~bar ~/e~lO~k~-- Engineers & Sdrveyor's & Planners Field Book No.,