HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLEASANT VALLEY BLK 5 LT 1007- oql I_0~ I '71 t. or Sub~ec~ P!easan~ Valle~ - ~at~Test :{eil tha~ th~s wI1~ ~,et conditions ~ft~ ~h~ch ~hts ~eparl~-~t ~s con- ~oh~ ~. L~nn E~vlron~n~al Engineering PLEASANT VALLEY SUBDIVISION Lot W 1/2 6 & 7 Blk 12 1959 Lot 8 Blk 12 1959 Lot 1 Blk 12 1960 1965 Approved Approved Disapproved Subdivision disapproved December 10, 197§ David J. Harman, P.I1. B.B. & S. Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 4'-I152 Anchorage, Alaska 99509 SUBJECT: Pleasant Valley Subdivision Well ltouoe and Well i~nignse~Ing Plar~ The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental (~uality has received and reviewed tho pla~ fo~ ~e subject p~jeet. We find these plus meet ~th all co~ditlons with wht~ th~ department ts eonce~ed with the followi~ exception: All easements surrounding these two well9 shall be recorded by notarized documents assured over all lends for which the radii fall. These documents are to be recorded against the property in tho district racorder*a office with copies brought to this office for filing. Should you have any que~tion~ regarding our review of this project, please contact the tmdersl~ned. Sincerely, Rolf Stvickland, R ,S. Chief Sanitarian RS/Iw May 8, 1975 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Public Works 3500 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Subject.: Pleasant Valley LID #76 Gentlemen: The plans and specifications for the subject proj, ect are approved for the features with which this Department is concerned. This approval is given with the understanding that proper attention will be paid to any water sewer line crossings encountered as they are not shown on the drawings. We request that this successful bidder be informed of the require- ments of the Alaska Water Quality Standards with regard to the handling of dewatering effluent from excavations. Yours truly, Cher~y, P.E. Regional Environmental Supervisor cc: Roll Strickland December I I 1974, / MA£1(~YBUILDING--ROOM,~5~7 Mr'. David J. Harman, P.E. B B & S Construction, Inc. P. O. Box 4-I252 Spenard, Alaska 99509 SUBJECT: Proposed Wells & Well House -Pleasant Valley Subdivision 1975 Construction Dear Mr. Harman: The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for the features with which this department is concerned. 7'his approval is given with the understandihg that the department will be furnished the following: Evidence that the well house and wells are not within the flood plain of Chester Creek or that sufficient elevation has been planned in so that they will not be Affected by floods. This approval will be deemed final when this office is furnished with copies of the well log, pumping tests, chemical tests and bacteriological analysis of the well water when this information is .available. We shall look forward to the receipt of this information.. Yours truly, Kyle J. Ch~'rry, P.E~ Reg iona I Env i ronmenta~[ Eng i neer cc: Rolf Strickland, DEQ~ Mr. David J. Harman, P.E. B B & S Construction, Inc. P. O. Box 4-1252 Spenard, Alaska 99509 Certified Return Receipt Requested SUBJECT: Pleasant Valley Sub..-division Water D stribution System Dear Mr. Harman: On July 15th, plans were submitted to this department for review and approval for' the subject water system. On July 22, 1974, Mr. Kirby Skavdahl of this office was involved in a pollution incident involving the subject project. From Mr. Skavdahl's obervations it would appear that construction has been in progress for some time on this project. It is not our intent to review after the fact plans. No project is to begin construction until the plans have been reviewed and approved by this department. We would seriously question how de- ficiencies that we detect could be corrected after the pipe is in the ground. I feel that it is not unreasonable to request two weeks to one month for plan review. TheT'efore, I would suggest that if time is of the essence, plans be submitted tp this office in such a manner that an orderly review process can take place. Prior arrangements can b~ made for a more expedient review if requested;at such a time we are willing to sit down with the engineer and go over the plans in detail and most likely will be able to issue an approval on completion of the conference if our requirements have been met. As stated above, it appears to us that thig project has proceeded without plan approval. We would request a report from you in no less than ten days from the date of this letter,an explanation of these circumstances. If we are in error please advise us, but at this time It woul~ appear that our' approval is being considened a rubber stamp, and this is not our intention nor will we permit it to happen. Yours truly, KylCJ. ~rry, eLn~n Regional Environmsn~al Engineer Rolf Strickland, DEQ ~/ Alaska Public Utilities Commission CC: July i6, 1976 David J. liarman, P.E. & S Constructton~ I{tcorporated Bo>; 4.-1252 Si;chard, Alaska 995U~ SUBJECT: Pleasant Valley Subdivtgion ~ DaZer Digtrtbution System Dear i,lr, '~h(.~ Greater' Anchorage Area Borough Depar'~l~-~J~t of Envirom~n~a] quali ~y has r~;ce{ved and revie~ied ~he engiueering plans for '~he subject l~rojec~,. >;e find :he~ plans meet ~vith al I condi ~'ions with which ~his department Is concerned. ~lu, v~'il'{ expec~ &o receive, at your earliest convenience, cous~ruc&ion plans and drawings 'For the proposed vlater supply porZion of this project. Should you have quesCions regarding dur revie~t of these plans, con~ac'~ '~he undersigned. Sincerely, i<o'If Strickland, R.$. Chief Sauitarian RS/I~ Con ue ion, CONTRACTORS SPENAR D, ALASKA ~B9~03 ~204 MAIL P.O. BOX 4-12§2 SPENARD, ALASKA 99509 GENERAL CH UGACH WAY, Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Bnv~rornnental Quality 3330 ~C' Street Anchorage, AK 99503 July 8, TELEPHONE~ or Attention: Rolf Strickland Dear Mr. Strickland: The attached plans for the~~l~c~y~i~gD water distribu- tion system are hereby submitted for your review and comment. As recently discussed with you, we are currently in the process of forming an independent utility district for the purpose of providing water service as indicated. Since the Alaska Public Uiilities Commission requires that we furnish them with statements of approval from your office, and since we are planning on 1974 construction, we would appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience. We are currently preparing to develop underground sources in the north- west portion of the Subdivision. You will be kept advised of our progress and furnished with drawings as soon as the well site has been decided upon. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, B B & S Construction, Inc. David J. Harman, P. E. DJH/zlb cc: Dennis Gardner, GAAB Public Works Dept.