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S-.-~I PLEASANT \,-IL,-~, SUBD., BLOCK 1i, LOTS 1,\ ,?¢ 2A AND BLC LOTS 12A & 20A The "' '-' ~" '' n~s pennon from J L.~ppo, Sr. to resubdivlde ~p~roxim~ely .82¢ ~cre from Four lots into four The petition ~re~ is [oc~[ed on ~he norzh ~nd soud~wes~ corners of Nor[hw[nd A, Pussywii[ow 5L., e3s~ of M~l~oon ~o~, epproxim~[eiy ?~ mfie nor[h of Tudor Postponed ac the request of the petitioner to June 16, 1977. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NUMBER S-4441 ~ETITION FOR DATE RECEIVED REZONING SPECIAL EXCEPTION VACATION REGUBDIVISION COMMENT TO PLANNING BY OF May 20, 1977 R.C. Johnson, R.L.S. for Preliminary Plat of Lots 19A & 20A, Blk 6 & Lots lA & 2A Blk 11Pleasant_~Valley ~Kbdivision_.- a subdiv of Lots 1 & 2,~~9t~-'20~"151k 6 PYSudiv NE 1/4, Sec 25, T13N R3W, S.M. Ak containing 0.824 acres + FOR MEETING OF ~une 2. 1977 COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: PUBLIC WATER~ AVAI LAB LE Cases PUBLIC SEWER.J~F AVAILABLE TO SERVICE PETITION ARE~.~¢~ ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: 71-014 (9/76) BARNARD - MARTH ERNEST A. MARTH, L. S, ASSOOIATES 203 WEST 15TI'I AYE, ANCHORAGS, ALASKA 99S01 SOILS REPORT PLEASANT VALLEY SUBDIVISION LOCATION The area under consideration includes the east one-half of Pleasant Valley Subdivision. The area is located in the SE~ ~ Section 25, T13N R~W, Seward Meridian, Alaska, and includes approximately 41 acres of land. GEOLOGY The area is located approximately one-quarter mile north of a drainage divide. Drainage for this area is northward and starts the headwaters for a tributary of Chester Creek. Additional water is provided by the northwesterly slope of the mountains to the east. A terminal moraine drumlin is exposed along the westerly side of the area and terminal moraine lies at greater depths throughout the lower elevations of the area. The glacial till is dense with angular rock fragments, rounded gravel, coarse to fise sand, silt and traces of clay. Glaciofluvial ice-contact deposits extend into the area and extend eastward for a mile or more. The consistent presence of round gravel in the lower part of the area under consideration indicates that the more recent deposits were placed by water from the receding glacier. This is further substantiated by the absence of clay in the soils. The presence of erratic sand and gravel lenses verifies the fluc- tuations and changes in stream action which results from changes brought about by alternating summer and winter conditions. The erratic locations of ground water also verifies the source of more recent depositions in the area. Following the recession of the glacier and a marked reduction in water action, the peat deposits started forming. The relatively uniform depth of peat indicates that there was sufficient glacial stream action and deposition~to provide a uniform fill over the area. The relatively high moisture content of the inorganic soil underlying the peat can be attributed to the low evaporation and high absorption characteristics of the peat. Peat formations to the north of the area also provide a aam effect to this area. D~]~ELOPMENT Successful development for residential use can be accomplished by the application of good engineering and construction procedures. Two basic adversities exist which will primarily affect the economics of the development. First, the peat overlying streets and building sites will have to be removed. Secondly, the depth of peat excavation will require from two to four feet of inorganic backfill. The above conditions exist on an estimated 50% of the area. Of equal importance but of less economic significance is the requirement for perimeter drains along the south, east and north sides of the area. Drainage of the area will be partially accomplished by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Sewer Trunk Line which is scheduled for 1974 construction. Initial development Work will include excavation of the peat from street rights-of-way and the construction of perimeter drainage. Perimeter drainage will benefit all adjacent privately-owned property. A study of methods for peat removal indicates tlmt winter removal would be the best. Equipment selection would include a dozer for clear~ ing and grading, a large size backhoe for excavation and end-type dump trucks for hauling. A sizeable disposal or storage area.for peat will also be required.· Consideration should also be given to commercial processing of the peat for yard mulch in the area. There appears to be a good market for processed mulch; therefore this approach would partially offset the cost of excavation and backfill. CONCLUSION The area is located favorably relative to both topographical and geological features. Removal of peat from streets and building sites will provide a means of stabilization through drainage and evaporation. Construction 0f underground utilities will provide additional subsurface drainage. The exact extent of an open-joint storm sewer system cannot be determined at this time; however this storm sewer system would be designed to provide the remaining subsurface drainage requirements. It is anticipated that when the streets have been excavated, specific .drainage requirements will be revealed. The area under consideration includes approxfm~tely 40% good-to- excellent building sites~ 20% fair and 40%which will require from 4 to 6 feet of excavation and from 2 to ~ feet of backfill in order to develop suitable building sites. The availability ofall public utilities is a significant benefit to the development. Date, JaD,,a~y 25, 1974 Earl R. Ba~nard, P.E. S,T. / 0F.Z-~. LOG OF SOIL TEST 7~/-/' x~/_. DATE: ',/-'~/~, BY: ~ ~-~'~ ' TYPE BORING:~ ~' ~" ~ ' ~ m SOiL DESCRIPTION o ~URFACE: ELEV;~/~' ~ ~~ ~/~'~ 5- ~.~ . . ~:.% . . , -10. ' .: "..: . -20- " ' ' '"' ' ' ' ' ' ~5- ' ' :. ,. .. ~. '=, . ,, ' .~o- ' ' ' ' . . .~5- ' ANCHORAGE dARD--MARTH ~ES--20~ , ~ r LOG OF SOIL TEST 801~ DESCRIPTION . ' " · BAflNARD--MARTH & ASSOCIATES---203 WEST 15TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE LOG OF SOIL TEST ?- BY: ~ ~&~,~ ~ 801~ DESCRIPTION . ~ SURFACE: ELEV; ~'-~ "' ~/~ ~ ~-..~ '.;.~: ....... , ...... _ I~- ' '/ " '" ' -20- ., ~ '.." ', ' · - · ~5- , , .,~ ', .....',. ,. . . . ,'. . .''. : · ,' ".:",' . '. ,~0- · . - ' .. . ~5. BARNARD--MARTH & AS$OCIATES"~20~, WEST II)TH AVE.''ANCHORAGE · Slit ~OF /6 ~ ~ = SOIL DESCRIPTION ' ~ ' · .. .' .' . : ... , .~ .. ' ...,. ." , - ~. · MARTH & ASSOCIATE$--20~ WEST 15TH AVE.'-ANCHORAOE , I Slit '.~,, 0 F.L.~-.. LOG OF SOIL TEST DATE:_[~/.4.~j' .c~., / BY: ~ TYPE BORING:- '-- · - - ~: LOCATIONt ,~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION o SURFACE: ELEV: ~/~'~ ,,~,~2~ '~.~'~ - 15 ~ ~:~'~ ~::..~6~~._:~:::~ ~;~o~~-: ~, ~ ...... . . - · '- -=' ----'-: ::'Z/.:'Z::.:;::'::.. :./;-~::.__.;.:._.'_:Z:: :....' .... -20. / . 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' $0i · . . . · · BARNARD--MARTH & ASSOCIATES--P-.03 WEST 15TH AVE;.--ANCHORAGE " LOG OF SOIL TEST TYPE BORING; ~/~ ~~ LOCATION~ ~ 801~ DESCRIPTION ~ ~URFACE: ELEV,' , ~ ~ ~'.~ ~.~ · . · .. I~ - .~ - ~. .~0- · ~. BARNARD--MARTH & ASSOCIATES--20~ WEST 15TH AVE.--ANCHORA{3E LOG' OF SOIL TEST 801~ DESCRIPTION , . .BARNARD--MARTH & ASSOCIATES--20~ WEST I§TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE LOG OF SOIL TEST ?, '~/', ~-~ DATE: _~ ,/,~/-,,', ~, TYPE BORING: .,~"~-/.,~/-/7" .,z)/~,,F...~__.. LOCATION; '~'z~/'~' /~/?z~'~ _./~,z~-' ~ m 801~ DESCRIPTION ~ SURFACE: ELEV; fi- .~-~ ~',~-. ~/~ ..~~ _:~.'~~-': . . -.. -I~- .............. . .~. . · . . --' . . BARNARD--MARTH & A$SOCIATES--20:~ WEST I§TH AVE?-ANCHORAi~E LOG OF SOIL TEST DATE: (/~h,,', -~ , TYPE BORING:-'~'-/-,/~.7~- ~c~ LOCATION: ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ SURFACE: ELEV; ~ ' -_'. ':. .-/.i'i'. _ .',.~'~.: ' .- ';:"". - lO. ~.,.~, . ~/~ :'~0-:-' ..... '_:,_5..... 15 X ~r~/ . "" ' " -~0. " ' 25, ,... . , . .. -~0- · $5- BARNARD--MARTH & ASSOCIATES--20:~ WEST II)TH AVE.--ANCHORAOE LOG OF SOIL TEST TYPE BORING:~/~ x ~'~ ~ ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION '$0' ~ ~ ' '. ~ . . BARNARD--MARTH 8, ASSOCIATES--Z05 WEST I§TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE · LOG OF SOIL TEST--~.~5- DATE: ~/,~ /'/, ,~ , / ~' ~'~- TYPE BORINg: -~/4?/ ~ ~ ~ ' SOIL DESCRIPTION o SURFACE: ELEV; ~/~ ~-,g ~/~,., ~ . ~' ~~ ,.' ;' ' ~.~. · .. ,~ .... ~ · . ,25- : · . ' ' BAflNARD--MARTH & ASSOCIATES--20~ WEST 15TH AVE.--ANCHORAgE LOG OF SOIL TEST DATE: cJ/~v; ~c~ , /,7 ~,;~ TYPE BORING: ~/F~ ~~ LOCATION~ ~ ~ : ,. ~ SURFACE: ELEV; ,,~ 2 ~ ,~- .~n.~ ' . . · ~- . BARNARD-MARTH & ASSOCIATES--20:~ WEST I§TH AVE."ANCHORAGE: ~ ~ S H T. / ";"0 F /~G ~LOG OF SOIL TEST DATE':-c/'~F~ ?~3 /~"/'~" TYPE BORING: ~pe~ ~ LOCATION~ ~ ~ q = SOiL DESCRIPTION ., o SURFACE: ELEV; ~/~ ~/~ ' ' z~ '"'-:-:':~:'::-.'--/~ .-: ' ' ' , ~... ~---~ g ~' '~:.__~'-':'~._.~.;22~ ...... ' ":.'. : .... ~.. , . - 5 - ,e°:,~ 10- . ' ' . ~,~ ~v"~- ~' " ' ' ': " ' ' ' ' .~-~. , ~ ,., . .$0- " · BARNARD--MARTH & ASS~OCIATES--20:5 WEST I§TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE LOG OF SOIL TEST f , h _J ..j m© " SOIL. DESCRIPTION BAflNARD--MARTH & ASSOCIATES--ZO$ WEST IllTH AVE.--ANCHO · ~