HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOGGAS BLK 21 LT 8 N2IZ% 03- DEPARTi"]EIq]" OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONME]'4TAL PROTECTION 825 1... STREET, ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 264-4720 PERMIT 1.0. DATE 1 ,.1,.I ..tE .... APF:'L. I CAN'T "= ¢~.DDRES,C;: C.:)lq [ AJ.., [ F:'HONE ~ DOROTHY I KOMAKHUK 13300 OL.D SEWARD HIGHWAY ANCHOF~AGIE, AK 99515 345-6755 L..EGAI... DESCRIP: SUBDIVISION: F'OGGAS LOT: N 1/~-8 BL..(]CK: ~?.1 SEC'.TION: 29 TOWNSI4IF'~ :I. 2N RANGE: 3W L..[)T SIZE: 1~5()0 (SQ.F-I". OR ACRE~) I.OT LE]C]A']"]:ON: :[3:];()0 OL.D SEWARD HIGHWAY I ceP'Lify that.-". 1. I am familiar' 3. ~;i'[..h t. he Pequir, ements eom on-.site seweps and wells as set ¢,-.)r~'Lh by the Municipal:[ty o£ Ancl"le~age (MOA) and the State of' Alaska. I will install the system in accePdance wit. h all MOA codes and ~-egulat:i. ons, and in compliance with {he design cn'iter':i.a of' this per'miL. I v~i].], adhepe to all MOA and State of' Alaska ~equi~-ements fop the set back distances [pem any existing w~e:l. 1, wastewater' disl::losal system op public sewer~age system on th:i.s o~- any adjacent ,::i I AF F' L .f. C, AI,I1 . 1SSUED ~:: r WELL GONSTRUCTION LOG [3rilli,g Co. Alaska Now-Well/Vern' s Drilling 0ri~er Vern Type of rig Rotary We~l owner Dorothy Komakhuk We]l location: (address & legal description) L N1/2-8 B 21 Poggas Sub. Permit # 860?72. Date well completed June 14, 1986 Anchorage Nearest community ri Depth of well 93' ft, Casing: depth. 93' ft. diam. in. Static water level. 58 ! ft. (above, below) land surface. Date Finish of well: (open-end, screen, perforated, open-hole, other) Describe intervals and size: Well yield tested by (pumping, bailing, air) at 5 gpm gal/min. far 14 hours with ft. of drawdown from static level, Location sketch or remarks MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RECEIVED DRILLER'S MATERIAL LOG Depth below land surface in feet 0 to 45 45 to 50 50 to 68 68 70 __fo 7o 8o __to 80 __to 91 to 93 __to --to --to --to __to __to --to --to --to Give description of strata penetrated (size of material, color, hardness of drilling, and water content) gravely sil~y sandy silty gravel gravely-~ se epage silty sand & gravel heavy silty sand & gravel-with water silty sand & gravel with t{20