HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOGGAS BLK 21 LT 9-, ..... ', ...,.;4~., .. :,. _.~,¢ · -,.~' , -.-. ..... A[.,..[I:. ,,LASKA TE Box ¢66 ..... -, Ar cnar.~g¢ F a i r;b'sr PERCOLAT ION T~ST, D,A,TA .,ii ,; J ' -~ Block ~,J Subdivision Z}RAL L .~ Hole ,Lo8. Locdflon'.S ~i~AV£.LLy .SILT (MLI SANDY ' PE'RC;OLATION' RCATE: ' I"/ J EMARK5 I. Soil Class -.Vlsuel nlC'i'~d , ' INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Tmipliea%e) ~.. ~,la~ of p~son p eques%ing approval ~ ~~ "- " X ~, N~e~,,'~. ~'ooms in house ~ . ' ~ ~ ~ · 5. ate~..Analy~ ~s: b. Deter,gen~ ' ('~ ' Well data: a. Type · Casing Size 1. Sewe~ linetank,, ~. S~p~e Ar~.../¢~ 4. Cesspool'. 5. Property Line houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. Sewage disposal system. h. Other sources of pqssible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, Age of system /0 Septic tank capacity in gallons,,, Name of septic tank manufactu~.r.. 1. If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form. d.' Disposal field or seepage pit size and type . 1. Distance to property line to house foundation e. Pereolatio~ Te'st ~restults ....... . f. Percolation Test performed by ~-~ Use the reverse .side of this form to show diagram. Dza=ram should include ~'-~he foJ~lowing information: ~operty lines~.well location, house location, ~{c tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, an~ direction of ground slope. 9. The~: ~o~ ~'on .on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. S~gnature of Applicant Date Signed T~O, BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART~]ENT PERSONNEL [---~he[ above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subject to the ......... ~llowin? con~i~onsi Conditions: The above described sanitary facilities are disspproved for the following reasons: ' SiC. natUre of ~.f.~i¢i'~lg' ~.~' '~,'~q.'.'--.!. Date Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ: cw ADAMS · CORTHELL · LEE CONSULTING FNGINEERS August 18~ 4960 3359 Mr. Art Dralt¢ Anchorag¢~ Alaska SUBJECT: PcrcolaJiol~ To,st .- Lot 9, Block 21, Poggas Subdivision Transmitted here,In arc, thc, resutfs of' the pc,rcol~tion f~,.;f rc,quc,sted by you af I'h¢ subjc, cf site, The percolation fesf was performed In the cc,sspooJ logged in accordance, with the tJnl~ied Soils Classification ~ccordanc¢ ~Jfh thc, method pr~$¢ribed J~ thc, FHA public~fion Minimum Propc,rfy Sf~ndaro~, The fesf data ere sho~n o~ Thc, soils bc,lo~ 6 f¢~f w¢rc, gravelly silty sands percolafio~ c8f¢ was I i~ch pc,r lO mlfluf~s, Should you have, quc,sflons rc,garding fh~ results of this pteasc, do not hesitate fo contact I'his office,, \lc. Ky truly yours¢ ADAMS - CORTfiELL ~ LEE. PIRL/m~ Enclo il} ~11 ~lth a ~ood c~lbb~d pi~ a~oun~ the sa~l, A wat~ sap~le Ala~a~pa~a~aR o~ ~l~lb upon ~mOv~I of ~h~ ~o~ pt~ : ~nd th~n b~k ti11~n~. A~Ch~ H. Drall~ = = = GREATER ANCHORAGE HEALTH ANCHORAGE, ALASKA DISTRICT Vete~'~s Adminis t~Bi~n Avenue & Olive Way Seattle 1, Wasbin§ton At the' request of I, lcs. ~loward $oule~ a~ in~pe¢~i~ The pcivat~ water ~ppl7 system i~ m dritted 58 well with a wood cribbed pit around the seal. A water Ata~ks Oepar~mer~t of l~ealgh, upon romoVal o~ the ~ood pig of a ~uhl~ setup~. ~ ~ e~m b~ bright to ~mg mi~i~ req~tre~c~ of the Alaska ~partment of Health by ia~ta!ling m~ ~pproVeg 750 gallon liquid capacity s~Bi~ 8zncerely ~e Sa~i~a~ia~ Arthu~ ~- D~alle % AnChorage iter sala~ 4501 pal~r Mlghway