HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROSPECT HEIGHTS #3 S-3676 4040 "B" STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PHONE: 007.272.2581 June 13, 1975 W.O. 17342 Bell & Herring 405 W. 27th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Prospect Heights Soils Gentlemen: 99503 Transmitted herewith are the test hole logs for the explor- ation placed at the requested locations. The data has be~n considered with respect to current Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environment. Quality criteria f.or on-site individual sewerage treatment systems. The data appears as: I,ocat:Lon sketch Test Hole Logs Standard F.>:planator~ Infor]nation Figure 1 Table A Sheets 1 to 3 The exploration was accomplished with a track mounted ?-lobile B-50 drill fitted with /loll. ow and solid stem auger. The drill was provJ, ded }Dy Denali Drilling, Inc. The work was supervised by 0.?4. Hatch, senior technician of our staff. The test holes were examined by falling head percolation where tl[e soils appeared questionable. One case, ?est Ilole #20, was in proximity to an adjacent drainage feature that caused the hole to fill with water. The soils in that hole generally were sufficiently dry to indicate the ¥..'ater level to be a local feature rather t.b. an significant to the general area. In general, with the ~oregoing exception, the free water, j.f any, encountered J.n the exploration, is believed to be related to the sprJ.~.g thaw and its associated near surface runoff, and due to the proximity of that cycle to the time. of this work, .... the exploration may show the more-or-less wettest conditions. The soils as described by the Unified Classification, have been correlated by the Greater Anchorace Area Borough to have the fol].owir~g appro>:imate Dropertiles. Bell & Herring June 13, 1975 Page Two Unified Class seepage Area Required in Square Feet/Bedroom GW-GP 85 GM 225 SW 125 SP 150 SM 250 ML* 275* CL_Cti~ 350'~' * Generally considered to be non-acceptible unless field percolate.on test shows acceptabl~ rate of flow. The unified classification is included in the soil des- cription. The water table snouid be 4' or more below the system. In this case, only in.hole #19 is a "water table" reasonably certain. ~$_~ams' of free water are sometimes encountered in the several test holes. We trust the foregoing is sufficient to your i~mnediate needs, though not necessarily exhaustive of the possi- .bilities. If we may be of further service, do not hesitate~ to contact the writer. Very truly yours, HRL: p f Attachments Test Hole 16 Date of Exploration: Depth in Feet From To ' 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' 2.5' 2.5' 7.0' 7.0' 14.5' 7_qA- ' 14.5' 15.0' 15.0' 20.0' Bottom of Tes~ Nolo: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 6/3/75 W.O. 17342 SOIl, DESCRIP'.n]'ON Brown oeat, damp, soft:, Pt F-4, brov?n sandy o~ .- ' .......... ........... .:._IL v;.ltn a trace of gravel, damp, stiff, F-2, brown ~_L'_a_v_e_l.j.I .?'..!t2.Z ..7_a..n_{[, damp, medium density, 2"-, f;P.l F-4, olive qravelly sandy silt, damp, stiff, ?.]P, 2"-, ML F-2, brown silty sand, dry, medium density, SP/SM F--4, olive gravelly sand}' si]t, damp, ¢'~'~¢ Nrc ] "- St',! to 20.0' None observed None observed ~ample 1 2 3 Remarks: Depth Type of Sample 5.0 ' Grab 10.0 ' Grab 15.0 ' Grab Percolation. rate: 6/4/7~ = 7 min./in, or 150 ft. /bedroomS>,/ \~ut most going into sand 'layer at 15.0' .,ABLF A Test Hole 18 Date of ]£'xploration: Depth in Feet From TO 6/3/75 W.O..'17342 SOIL DES_.RIP:ION 0.0' 1.5' 1.5' 2.5' 2.5' 8.0' 8.0' 16.0' Bottom of Test Hole: Brown DCa%, c~am[., soft, Pt F-4, brown sandy silt with a trace of travel, damP, stiff, NP, ML F-2, olJ.ve silty sand with traces of gravel, wet, medium density, SM F-2, olive grave!lv silty sand, damp-dry, medium density, 2"-, SM 16.0' Frost Line: TraCe Free Water Level: See remarks Sample Dept~ 1 5.0' ~ ' .~rao 2 10.0' Grab 3 15.0' Grab Type of Sample Other Remarks:~ .-s~asonal frost residual wetness 2.0' %o 6.0'. perC018t-i~on-i 'rate: 6/4/75 = .10 min./in, or 165 ft'-/bedroom Test IIole 19 Date of Exploration: Depth in Feet Prom To 6/3/75 W.O. 17342 SOIL DF., .RIP.PIO~I 0.0' 1.0' 1.0' 2.0' 2.0' 5.0' 5.0' 12.0' 12.0' 16.0' Bot-tom of Test Hole:, Frost Line: Free Water Level: Sampie 1 2 3 Remarks: ~gEth _. 5.0' Grab 10.0' Grab 15.0' Grab Water ].eve]. in hole Brown peat, damp, soft, Pt F-4, brown sandv silt, damp, stiff, NP, ML F-2, brown si].tv ~c_~'ravel].v sand, damp, medium d.ensity, 3"-, SP/SN to SM F-l, brown very silty very damp te wet, medium ~o high density, 3"-, GM F-2, brown-Co olive ~?avelly silt~ sand, wet, medium density, 3"-, 16.0' ~rhce ~Spe of Sample Other ML Test IIole 20 Exploration Date: . 6/2/75 Depth in Feet From To W.O. ].7342 SOIL DE,,CRI] .IO~ 0.0' 2.0' 2.0' 4.0' 4.0' 8.0' 8.0' 10.0' Brown ~_e£~._t and wood, damp, soft, Pt F-2, brown c3. ravel]y sJ.].tv sand, damp, medium clensity, 1"-, SH F-l, brown silty sandy qravel, d.amp to saturated, medium to high density, 3"-, G~q F-2, tan gravelly sJ.!tv sand, damp to wet, medium d. ensity, '2;r-, SM Bottom of Test Hole: 10.0' Frost Line: 0.5' to 2.0' Free water level: S amp i q D_e_rLt_ h Type of Samo!e 1 5.0 ' Grab 2 10.0 ' Grab Remarks: .~Hole filled with water to 2' so cease~--~7!~g~. (,.~Bote next ~o minor stream. , ......... - ........ e~%~ Ho le 2]. of Exploration: Depth~in .Feet From k To 0.0' k 3.0' / Brown peat, dr/, soft, Pt F-~., brown sahdv si!%, with a trace of gravel, dam.~-wet, stiff, NP, ML F--2, tan qr.~ve!].V 'very sJ.~t~ ~and, damp to vre/~, m.o([ium density, 2" S~~ 6/2/75 6.0' 13.0' Bottom of Test Hole: ~[16.0' Frost Line: Free Water Level: Sam~]_~ 1 2 3 Depth 2.0' 10.0' 15.0' F-i, brow,~ silty gravelly sand, damp to wet, med~Jum density, 2"-, .c;~'! ' ~0 3.0' / X Grab,./ ~rab Gra \ / / T~BLE A Test Hole 2lA Date of Exploration: Depth in Feet From To 613/75 W.O. 17342 SOIL DE.,CRIP :. IO..J 0.0' 1.0' 1.0' 2.0' 2..0' 3.0' 3.0' 7.0' 7.0' 16.0' Brown peaL, damp, soft, Pt P-~, brown sandy silt, damp to wet, soft to stiff, NP F-2, brown silt~ sand with a trace Of gravel, damp, medium density, SNI ~FS/F-2, brob~n sand with a trace of silt, damp, medium density, sP to sP/sM NFS, brown gravelly sand with a trace of si!t, dry, medium density, 2"-, SP 16.0' Bottom of Test Hole: Pr o~Y--L iii'e: .................. Tr a'c~ ........... Free Water Level: None observed Sample 1 2 3 Depth Type of Sample 5.0' Grab 10.0' Grab 15.0' Grab / "ONE TEST IS WORTH A THOUSAND OPINIONS'~ 3919 SPENARD ROAD, SUITE A · ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99503 · 277-O231 June 18, 1975 Bell, Herring & Associates Engineers & Land Surveyors 405 West 27th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Herring Re: A Subsurface Soils Investigation in Prospect Heights Subdivision Addition #2 Gentlemen: --~ As per your request we have performed a subsurface soils investigation on this Project in order to determine the suitability of the existing soils for on-site sewage systems. Our Company initially excavated four (4) test holes on this Project in May, 1973. On this subsequent test hole program we drilled ten (10) test holes with a Mobile B-50 drill mounted on a tracked Nodwell. Grab samples were taken at each change of soil condition for moisture analysis and visual classification. The results and locations of test holes #5 through #15 are enclosed with 'this report. In general, we encountered silty sandy gravels (GM) and silty gravelly sands (SM) through out this site. A majority of the test hole locations were placed in depressions and swales or at the lowest point adjacent to a proposed home location. These low areas are generally more poorly drained than the surrounding terrain, therefore, the subsurface soils were in a we~ter condition %hah would be found in adjacent higher slopes. Actual ground water was encountered only on Lot 5, Block 2. This lot appears to be in a natural drainage channel. An on-site sewage system is not recommended for this lot unless the natural drainage waters are diverted, thereby allowing the sub- surface soils to properly drain. Bell, Herring & Associates 6/18/75 Page 2. The soil types encountered on the remainder of this sub- division are suitable for on-site sewage systems. We recommend placing the sewage systems as high on the slopes as possible for maximum efficiency. Mechanical analysis tests were performed on the grab samples taken in test holes #11 and #15 along Schuss Circle and are enclosed with this report. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Very truly yours, CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB James D. Mack Laboratory Manager JOM/dt enclosures Performed for Legal Description: This form reports: Depth Feet 2- 3 - 4- 5- 6- Moisture = 8.5% 7- @-7 ft. 8- ~-~ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROU'~"~ Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~O[LS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Herring & Bell Lot 1, Block 2 Soils log. Yes Date Performed Prospect Heights Subd. Addition #2 Percolation test 6/16/75 Wet 'GravellY Silt (ML) Gravelly Silty Sand (SM) 10- !2- 13- Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) Moisture = 8.5% @-12 ft. 14 - /~ -- Bottom of test hole Was ground water encountered? .. I~I0___ If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time ]Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate minute. -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field 'depth of ~nlet Depth to boctom of pit or Lrench CO~.II-!E~TS: ..... 2_50 S_q~u~r_e __f~e.e_t_re~uired p~r--bed~JDom .............. No bedrock or ground water encountered ............... ~James D. Mack LAB Performed for Legal Description: This form reports: Depth Feet 2- 3- 4- 5- Moisture = 5o6% 6- 7- ~' GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROV~'~, Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Herring & Bell Date Performed 6 1~ Lot 2, Block 2 Prospect Heights Sub. Addition ~ Soils log Yes Perc0]ation test ' Gravelly Silt (ML) Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM) lO- ll - !2- Grey Silty Sandy Gravel GP-GM Moisture = 6.6% 13- ]4- ~-- Bottom of test hole Was ground water encountered? ~ If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate · Proposed installation: ~;~,apth of Inle~ minute. See?age Pit Drain Field Depth to bottom of [)it 'or trench Co , ,t TS..__ _ 2_0_0_S_q_u~ar_e~_F~e_~g. _d_r_a_i_n_a~e__ area required R.e.r__b~¢dr_QQ.m_ ..... 6~-~ .... ~-N~°-r~-cl, z.!~,~-~k_o_r__ 93CQ.u_nd_ =_~_ake_r .e.,p~gunt ~e_cl_ ............... ~_ ................... ~' ertor~ned uy-_~_~_~=!o_ __..,i'2_-_./~_--~__~,~,.__Ce r t 1 fl ed By :--CONS-TR[ICTION_ '2E,,~T-}TM tO.: _.6/_l. 6.ZYz5 EO-040 ({;/74~ f ames D. Mack LAB Performed for legal DescripTion: This form reports: Depth Feet I - '/-" GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO: Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, A1 aska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST LoS ..5, Block 2 So'ils ]og.. YES Topsoil 3- Soft-Wet Silt- (ML) 6- 7- 8- 9- Sandy Gravel Saturated (GP-GM) Date Performed .... Prospect Heiahf~SA~iD~ ~2 ~ Percoration test ' lO 12- YES 13- 14 - /5~ Bottom of test hole Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? -5 ft. Reading i Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate minute. 'Proposed installation~ Seepage Pit Drain Field ~3epth of Inlet ............ Depth to bottom of pit or Lrenci~ ~-.. ,.~F~ ..................... ~0,.h,_,JTS..__Grg_und_wtte~_ encounCe~e~L~-n%~nus-_5 ftc-. ........................ James D. Mack. e Performed for Legal Descrip't~on: This form reports: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO?'~, ~ Department of Environmental qu~iity 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Herring & Bell Lot 1, Block 1 Soils log YES Date Performed Prospect Heights Subd. Addition #2 Perc0] ati0n test 6/14/75 Depth Feet . . 'TOpsuil --' Wet Brown clayey Silt (ML) 3 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- II - 12- 13- Brown Gravel'ly Silty Sand (SM) (Moisture Content = 10.2%) Wet Coarser Silty Sandy Gravel Wet (GM,SM) Becoming GW-GM Below 13 feet Silty Sandy Gravel Moisture 7.8% @-10 ft. Moisture 3.2% @-13 ft. 14- ./~,~ Boi-tom of test hole Was ground water encountered? NO If yes, at what depth? i Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Percolation rate · Proposed installation: :)epth of Inlet mi nute. Seepage Pit Drain Field Net Drop COMMENTS: .___2~2_5 _Equa_r_e__ _fge_ ~_ _d_r~ .in_a_g~__ ~_r_e_a_~agui Performed F~y: _/~./,'__~.~3<_~., ~-_~_/~.~__~Certified By: ................. --~/'- ~lam~ -bl- -i~I~ ~5~ ..... Depth to bottom of pit or trench GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROL'~'~'', Department of Environmental Qu~,ity 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Performed for Legal Description: This form reports: Depth Feet i SO[LS LOG -PEROLATION TEST Herring & Bell Lot 2, Block 1 Soils log. YES 3- 4- 5 6- 7- 8- 9- Silt (ML) Wet Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) Moist Moisture = 13.7% @-5 ft. Moisture = 5.3% @-10 ft. II - 12- 14- //~-- Bottom of test hole Was ground water encountered? Wet from -11 to 13 ft. Becoming Sandier below 11 ft. NO Date Performed 6/14/.7.5 Prospect Heiqhts Subd. Addition ~ Percolation test If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Percolation rate -Proposed installation: mi nute. Seepage Pit Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Drain Field ;)cpth of Inlet Depth to bottom of [~O;'II'.~[~ITS: ..... _2_2_5_~__~t~_a_-~_~--~ drainage area required pe_r No~edrock or ground wa~er encountered /James D. Mack EQ-040 (6/74) Performed for Legal Description: This form reports: ~-'" GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROL Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST. Herring & Bell Lot 3, Block 1 Date Performed 6/14/75 Prospect Heights Subd. Addition #2 Soils to9 YES Percolation test Depth Feet 1 - 2 -- Organic Overburden Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) Moisture = 9.2%' Coarse Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) Wet to Saturated below minus 10 feet. !2, 13- Silty Gravelly Sand Moist to Wet (SM) 14- 'WS/?a-- Bottom of test hole ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop .............. _N_~__b_ej~_. _o_c__k. _ _o~__qr_o u_n_d_ __w_a_t.e..~.¢]3.caurLte]:.ecl_ ................ ?erformed By:_ .~/_//_~:~_~.~.__~3/_~_~__Cert]fied By:cQNST~_TES~_.LAB Percolation rate minute. -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field ....................... ~ ~,1 of Inlet Depti~ to bottom of pit or trench ........................ COMFIE[~TS: ___2.5_O__S_qu_a_r_e__ _f.e_e_t__ _d_r_a_i_.n__a_E[~__area .r_e__q_llir_ed__per_J~e_dr.coan ................. Performed for Legal Descript'ion: This form reports: Depth Feet Topsoil /-'" GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA Department of Environmental Qu~,ity 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLA'FION TEST Herring & Bell Lot 4~ Block .1 Soi 1.s' ']-o'g YES (SM) Gravelly Silty Sand MOisture = 11.3% @-7 ft. Date Performed 6/14/75 Prospect HeiohJ~bd. Add~iJ~i_on ~2 Perco]-ation test 9- Moisture = 13.0% @-9 ft. l0- (Wet to Saturated) II - 12- 13- Bottom of test hole Was ground water encountered? YES If yes, at what depth? -12 feet Reading Date Percolation rate Gross Time minute. Net Net Drop -PropOsed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field ......................... '.)epti~ of Inlet Depth to bottom of pit or trench ...................... C01 l[ lENTS: . _SaJzur~e_d _ soil s_ ~nu s _ 1 2 -f~~dr~en~n~6~ed- 250 s~uare feet drainage area required~er bedroom EO--040 (li/741 James D. Mack Performed for Legal Descrip'~'ion: This form reports: :-" GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO['/~, Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Herrinq & Bell Lot 6z Block 1 Soils log. YES Depth Feet Dry Gravelly Silt (~LL) 3 4 - Dry Sandy Silty Gravel (GM) 5- M°is~ure : 922% @-5 ft. 6- Moisture = 12.1% @-7 ft. Moisture = 12.4% @-9 ft. Becoming Gravelly Silty Sand Below 6 feet. l0 - Wet between 8 & 10 feet ohly II 12- Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) 13- Date Performed 6/14/75 Prospect Heiqhts Subd. Addition ~2 Percolation test 14- Bottom of test hole Was ground water encountered? NO If yes, at what depth? Reading Da te Gross Time Net Time tDepth to Water Her Drop Percolation rate minute. -Proposed installation: Seepage P~t Drain Field ...................... ~]~>th of Inlet . Deptl~--to bottom of pit or ~rench ...................... ~ '~ :"" ---~'2-5--~i~6 feet drainage area required per bedroom CO~, ;L~TS.. ................. _ .................................. ~NO bedrock or ground water ............... -~--~a~-I~'-~ack ....... /-~' GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO[ ~ Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Performed for Herring & Bell Legal Description: . This form reports: Date Perforated Lot 7, Block. t Prospect Heiqhts Subd_, .Add__it__ion fL2 Soils log YES Percolation test 6/,14/75 Depth Feet ] - Topsoil 2 - -Wet Gravelly Sandy Silts (ML) 6- 7- 8- Silty Sandy Gravels Moist to Wet (GM-GP) 10- Saturated between 10 and 12 ft on~l/~e 12~ 13- Silty Gravelly Sands (SM) 14 - 7~--- Bottom of test hole '~Tas ground water encountered? NO If yes, at what depth? Reading Da te Percolation rate Gross Time minute. Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field ~)epth of Inlet Depth to bottom of [)it or ~rench COt-li'.!ENTS: .... _22__5___Sfhu~r~_e_.f_e__e_t. ~_r_a_._i_n_a~e_ area required pe__r No bedrock or ground water encounterD_~d ........................................ '~- ~-'~--- -~;-'- W7 ..... ='~ ..................................