HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK VIEW & HEIGHTS BLK 1V LT 11ARabbit Creek View Heights Block 1 V Lot I I A #020-511-18 , ~ ' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEcTIoN ENVIRONIVIENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME . IPHONE ~EW MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATIQN NO. OF BEDROOMS Well Absorption area D~elling __ PERMIT NO. ~ Z Manufacture~ Vat'iai ~ No, of compartments Liq. capacity in gallons Inside length Width Liquid depth ~ ~ DISTANUE TO: Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. O Z ~ Manufacturer Materia, Liquid capacity in gallons Q Well - F~ndation z Nearest Jot lin~ PE.RMIT~ No. of lines Length of each line Total I~ngth of lines Trench width [ Distance between lines ~~ Top of tile to finish grade Material beneath tile Total effective a~sorption area Length Width Depth PERMIT NO. ~ ~ Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area ~ Well Building foundation Nearest lot line ~ DISTANCE TO: M Cla~, , ~ D~pth Driller I Distance t~ lot line PERMIT NO. Building foundation Sewer line f Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATIN~ INST~ELE~% REMARKS APPROVED DATE . LEGAL N/unicipality Anchorage PO L,,_,Pi 6-650 ANCHOF:~AGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLS$ MA Y OR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Permit ~: 840006 January 31, 1985 TO: Permit Applicant ~^O SUBJECT: Lot ]] B]0ck ] Rabbit~irc!e View SubdJvi$i0n A permit issued by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1984. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authority of Municipal Ordinance. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, the original as-built inspection report and the yellow copy must be sent to this office for review and approval, and for documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Keith E. Bandt, SupeYvisor Environmental Engineering Program KEB/ljw enc: Copy of Permit SWP/057 F:'EF, d"i I T NO: DRTE ISSUED: 4/84 FI F:'.F':' L. Z C R N ]': I:tE:'DF;:ESS: CO[-,FFI::I" T F',L](]NE: [']fiT'NE E'.. E;R Z LE~T' F'. Ri BO::".'; :1.±:~.:_:.':_-..':."~: RNCH., !::fi( LEI]Fti_ [:,ES ': F' I F': LO'T SIZE: ""~ c'r'T' 1':. -N .:..,c,...... ,. ..... I.. : FiFIB[:3ZT CR. 'v'IEl.,.I SECT I C H: ::L TOt.,Ii"ISH I F' ' i:LN 5677'4 ,:: SLT. i. FT. OF: Ftl;]:RES LOT: ::I..-1 BLFIL-:K' J. RRNGE: ]:14 i CER'I"IF'¢ THFIT d... :[ RH FF:IMiL.:[F!F: F!ITH ]'HE: F.:EC!LtiREMENTS FCIIR ON-SITE SEI.,.IERS RNE:' WELLS RS SET FORTFI E','T' THE HI.JN!C'IF'F!L]:T'T' OF F:INCHOF:FIGE ':.'MOFI) I:tND THE SI'RTE OF RLFISKFI. 2. t !4iLL iNSTFILL THE S"¢STEH II",l FIC:CORDI::INCEE I.,.IITH FILL I"10F:I CODES FIND .F'.EGLtLRTIONS., RND IN COHF'L!RNCE k!ITH THE DESIGN CRITERIIa OF 'THIS PERHIT. Z.':. I t.,.!ILL RDHEi'.:..'E TO RLL MOF! FiND STRTE (;IF FILFISKFt F.:E:E:!UIREMEN]'S ,FOR THE SET BFICK [:,iSTIhNCES FROM RN'¢ Ei:.::ISTiNG WELL., I.,.tFISTEWFITER [:,ISF'OSRL S'T'STEM OF: PUBLIC SEI.,.!ERFIGE S'¢STEH 137-,! THIS 13F: FIN'T' RDJFtCENT. OR NERF.:B'¢ LOT. ]:F R LtF'T STFI]'!O?.,i IS; it'qSTRLLED IN RN FIRER COVERED Dh-' FlOR BUILDING CODES., THEN <i::, Rhl EL. ECTRZCRL. F'ERHt'T' RND INSF'ECT:[ON MUST' E:E OBTRINED.; (2::, RS-Bt._tIL.]"S i4IL. L NOT DE RF'F'ROVE[:, .WITHOUT FIN ELECT'RIE:FiL IHSPE:CTION F:EPORT.; RN[.', ,::]:) ]'HE ELECTRICRL 14OF'.K FIUST ,r'3E DONE Bh" R LIE:ENSED ELECTRICIRN. ::]; t GIqED RPPL I CFtNT' ' !.4F:I'.¢NE F:. E',R i LE'T' DFITE ' [:,R'TE · Permit ~ Applicant: ~O Location: ~ _;! .~ i .A~2~;;~'(~'' ~,'~x)_ Phone Nu~er: Legal Description: ~ ~ ~,'~ //~-~ ~ Lot Size: Type of Soil ~sorption System~Is: ~D~-O~ Trench: Drainfield: ~ Seepage Bed: Holding Tank Maxim~ N~ber of Bedrooms: ~~~oil Ratin~(sq.ft/br) The Required~Size of the Soil ~sorption System Is: DEPTH ~ LENGTH 30 ~ GRAVEL DEPTH / WIDTH ~-~.MUN I C I PAL I TY OF ANCHORAGE J~'?rotectionQ~i Department~ ~ Health and Environmenta' 825 L Street, Anchorage, AK. g9501 264-4720 * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * W~===~N~;'~B~R- ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the groqnd and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel de~th is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bott om of the excavation(in feet). ~~S~ * * REQUIRED SEPTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE = Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * Backfilling of any system without final inspection.and approval by this department will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion. Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are a~ailable to insure proper installation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31; 1 9 * * I certify that: 1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. 2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. 3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if the residence is remodeled to include more thab 3 bedrooms. Applgcant Date: I-- 17--F SWP/024 (1/81) THE L. ENGTH DiHENE;IO!'-,! iS '!"HE LENGTH ,:: :iN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR [)F~:F!iNFZELE:,. THE C,E:PTH OF Fi TRE:NCH OR PIT ZE; "FHE: DZ:5'f'FiNCEE DE'T'i.,.ffZEN THE Eq...IRFFtCE; OF THE GREfl...iF, E~ ~N[) THE DOT'"FOH OF' THE EXCFiVRT!ON <Zl'.,! FEE'.T). YHE GRF!~,,'E:L. DEF'TH ~E; THE i',iEN:EHLiH DEPTH OF GRFI',?E:L E~E'T'k~EEN THE OLrT'F'FiL. L. P ZF:'E FIND THE BOTTOH OF THE E::'::CFF?F!TZON (ZN FEET). ?ERM I T i:~F'F'L i' C:f:d'.~'T HFiE; "FHE REE;F'ONS I Ii3:[ L. I'l-? TO :[ NFORH TH Z 2~; E:,EF)R!;;:THENT DUR I NG 'T'HE I i'.,ISi;TF~LL. Fa'r'Z ON Z N~E;PEC:'T'I ON:5 Of:' FINk' klELL.:5 F!E:,.:rFiCEN"F TO 'TH Z :5 F:'F~%IF:'ER T'.r' f::if.,l[:, ]"FIE: N!.Jf'!E~ER OF:' F'.E~5:[[:,E:NCES 'THFFF "FHE WELL F.!ILL EzFIC:KF':[ LL ]: NG OF FI:NY' '-E;"RE:TEh'i F.i]: THOUT F :[ NRL.. ! NfL:;PECT .T. ON FINE:, F!PPF:0',,,'F::tL E','¢ 'Th.! E:'EF:'!:~RTHENT i.,.!):LL BE: ZL.IE:..!ECT TO i'"iiNIPiUM D]:':_::'TRNCE: DE'T'F.IEEN F:! i.,.IEL. L FINE:, RN? ON-SITE SE].,!.P!C_~E DiL:.:;F'O:SRL. ::];YSTEH IS ::LE:.tO FEZET FOE: !::l F'F.':!VR'I"E i,.!EL..L (]iF'. Z:'.':;E! TO 2(ii1~.~I r.:'EET F'ROH F:i PL!E',LIC !.,.E:L.L I.'::,EF'E'NE:,iNG UF'ON THE: T'-?F'E OF F'UBL. iC !.,.IELL. MZN!'HUH DZfSTfZ~i'.~E:E F'ROH F:t PF::[VFITE:: 14E:L.L TO F! PRIVRTE :/EF.IE:F.': Li'NE :[~7; 25 F'EET FIN[:.' TO FI CO?'ff'1LIN !' ¥'¢ SEHER LINE !2:; 7'.::::, F'EE:T. OTHER F.:EE-:!L.i:f. REHENTE; MF?T' FIF'PL.'?'. SF:'ECZF'ZCFITI'ONS FINE) COF,F_z;TF?.L!CT:rON !:::, .]: F:!G,[:::F:!I-,15 !:aRE F~',,,'FI):LF~E:LE ]"O INfSLJRE': PROPEi:~.: ZNE;TFE_LF!T:EON. :[ E:ERT!F"r' 'THRT Z: I RM i::F:iH:EL. IRR !.,.iZ]"H 'THE: REE:!I...t!REHE:NT'.'5 FOR C).N-~;ZTE SE!,.IE:F?.:F:; i::!!qL':, !...!ELL:5 FIE; SET ECLRTH EW THE t'iUN :.t.' C :[ PF!L. Z T? OF 2: t HILL. INS]'FILL 'TFiE 2;'.¢!:.E;TEH ZN ,~:'~;C(:.':O,~:E:,f~NCE NZ'T'H; THE CODE:E;. :ii:: ! !.JNr}ER!STFIN[:, THF!T THE: Oi'.,!-'.'E;:[TE :SE,:.,.!E:F:~ S'.FETTE]',! HP,? RE:~;!LiZF...'E ENLF:IF:GEH.:EN]' IF' THE RE::.~;]:E:,ENCE: :[.L:, RE:f"ICC:,E:LEL':, TO INC:L. UE:,E MORE THRN ::::: :,74. 0 January 4, 1982 Wayne Bailey P.O. Box 10-1333 Anchorage, AK 99511 Permit ~ 810010 Subject: Lll Bi Rabbit Creek View A permit issued by this department for a well and/or sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1981. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If an engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, p r og~AmB~aChnha~lerZ ~/~' Sewer and Water Program Enclosure: Copy of Permit F'ERHIT NO. ,' 8i00iE~ ) RPPL I CFINT LOCRT I ON i._EGRL DEPRRTMENT ?'-""'qERLTH RN[:, ENVIRONMENTRL" '-']TECT ION 825 '"L STREET., RNCHORRGE., BK. 9D ...... i 264-4720 I.,.IR'¢NE E:F~ I LE'¢ FRRNCESF:R r)R I',,,'E L11 B2L RRBBIT E:F.:EEK VIEH PO c'F¢' ~ .... F" .... · -, 10-tg]:Z..': HNL. HOF..RtJ_ LOT SIZE._,~,._= .-=" .R -~,_ _. _':-;EH IFIF.:E. _ FEET TYPE [DF SOIL. HE,=,.IFFTIUN =,~=TEM IS: DRRINFIEL[:, MR::.~IMUM NL1MBER OF EEDRCOMS = 3: SOIL RRTING ,"-- =,b! FI'..,'BR) =~.,°5~ THE REQLIIRED SIZE: CF THE SOIL HE,=,URFTIUN =,~=,FEi'I IS: THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET:) OF THE TRENCH OR DRRINFIEL[,. ]'HE DEF'TH OF FI TRENCH ]iF.' PIT IS THE [:,iSTRNCE BETWEEN THE SURFRCE OF THE 3ROJND F4N[) THE Bm]TTOM OF THE E',:.:;CRVRtlO(~t-'<(IN FEET). TFIE GRRVEL DEF'TH IS THE MIN~HLI~_~)EP~H ~J~-GRRVEL BETNEEN THE OUTFRLL PIPE RN[:, THE BOTTOM OF THE E;:.:;CR%;'BTZON (IN FEET:). PERMIT RPPLICRNT HRS THE F..Ez, FuN_,IE, ILITT TO INFDRM THIS DEF'F~RTMENT [)LIRING :"FIE INSTFtLLRTION INSPECTIONS OF RN'¢ WELLS R[:,JRCENT TO THIS PROPERT~r' FIND THE NLIMBER OF F.'.ESIr:,ENF:r:'-] THRT THE HELL WILL ¢'~'P."'"' T [-.!,3 .:'..--2' .':, Z ~'-~ ~_-] F' EC: T T C, ~"-~ S Fl F-: E F-' E,::, ~. _. _11 E:RC:KFILLING OF FIN~' .-,~:,TEH NITHOUT FINRL IN'~PECTIF~N FIN[:, RPPR]',,,'RL E:b' THIS DEF'BRTMENT WILL BE StlE]E]T TO PROSECLITION. MINIMLIM [:,ISTRNC:E E:ETWEEN B NELL RND RN'¢ oN4S!-FE SEWRGE [:,ISF'OSRL SYSTEM IS i08 FEET FOR R PRIVRTE WELL OR 158 TO":)200~:~.EET FROM R PUBLIC WEL.L DEPEN[)ING LIF'ON THE T~'F'E OF PUBLIC: WELL ~ ~":'"~ ,~ MINIMUM [)ISTRNCE FROM R F'RI',,,'RTE N~ML TO R PRIVRTE SEWER LINE IS '2'~ FEET RN[) - - ~ - ' , .= FEET. TO R ROMMIIN~T'¢ =,EWER LZNE ZS ~ OTHER REQUZREMENTS MR'Y RPPLY. SPEC~FZCRTZONS RND CONSTRUCTION DZRGRRMS FIRE R',,,'RZLFIE:LE TO ZN:,LIRE FRJFER ZNSTRLLRTDDN. RES [) E £: E ~"-IE: E F,' I CERTIF'Y THRT i: IRM FRMILIRR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS RND WELLS RS SET FORTH B'¢ THE MUNICIPRLIT'¢ OF RNCHORRGE. 2: I WILL INSTRLL THE S'¢~TEM IN' RCCCmRDRNCE WITH THE CODES. ~: I UNDERSTRND THRT THE ON-SITE SEWER S'¢STEM MR'¢ REQUIRE ENLRRGEMENT IF THE RESIDENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THRN 3: BEDROOMS. ...................... RF FtJI C:RNT WR'¢NE _E:R I~E~' / ................... : .................... :: ...................... _ ....... /\N(JlI()I(/\(~I., t\l t\l'h,t\ (~07) 2~4-4111 GLr©RG£ M. SUL LI VAIV~ MA DEPAFiTMENT OF HEAl_TH AND [~NVIRQNMENTAI. Pt1OTECTION Dece~er 31, 1980 Wayne Bailey Post Office Box 10-i333 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Permit ~ 800042 Subject: Lot 11 Block 1 Rabbit Creek View Subdivision A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired as of this date. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. if you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If an engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please' have them send us the as-builts for our files. If there are any further questions, please call. this oz_lce at 264-4720 Sincerely, ~i~ EBnU~hro°nlmZ~n~'a~alist LNB/ljw enc: Copy of Permit SWP/057 E)E'iF~ ~:~,iR'T'i¥iE]~~'F' HEALTH ¢~i",iC, E"3xlV' ~: RE)NhtEN'T :~ Ri3"FE:-'C'T' I lIN 2 ~E, 4""4'7E~O E2~li'"qi ....... E'E!B ]E -if-E!:;; .*..'Ei.:;,E:%~,~ EEF:R tF:::~' Eii:."::E::~'. ]t'"~ll ]E ""ti .... PERffi:[T lxt!3. ( ~%)00/:~¥.! ) ..... CICA'TI: C)N 1:::!:~ ANC EE!K] A, E)F,.'. ,. L.E(;;,41 .... 'L :l:i. B 1 RAE~BZT [;REEl,< b"FT'. LEFf' S]:ZE 'Ty,r..'.E, o-F so:i. 1 ~'~d::,soPpf.:i. ort s>.'s±em :i..s,1 FEET ;:II ..... S The r'e,':!L~:Lred s:i. ze o.F 'U'[e so{1 ,~!'d:,,?xor'l., ..... c:i. on s>'E.±em .... -irs" i12.) ,X.~;~- l.r.::,)- '~: ~'"'~ ..... ~ L... ~> '~"'~ tg;f "~::: ff"~ == :~;.:~ !EiB ~Z;;; ~-"-..,E:'~ %,- ,~..-*.., % The ].e~'tgi:h d{'men~:i.c.m j.~, "t:he ].e~'if..!±h (:i.n .Fee±) o~;' 't:he ±r'ei'l,::h or' alta{ri.Fi, etd, The del:>'(h o-F- ~pouf!d and !:he and E:he bo±±om o~-: E:he F'e!-"rr.:i.'~:: ...-:.'ff.~p! :i. c:an"k has ±he r'(;.:,s,r.:,ons:Lb:i. 1 {%/ i:o :~t'l.For'i'i'~ t:hJ.s del:.;-a:.ir'"t:'m,::.:n± dur':i.'rtg 1:he J.i"~,:¢'~::al]....:~±j. oi'~ J.n:-':H:;er.:~:i. ol'Js o'f': any we'J.]..~ ¢a(:l.j~::Ic6~F~"~: ±o ±h:i.s pr'Ol)er'±y ~-~'i'i.~:t 1:he ~': Lu'n b ~ r' o .F r- e:, s :i. d ei~ c e s i: h a ± !: h e w~:.:, i i w :i. t :!. ~.i e r' v E, ,, Elact-¢.F:i.:i.l:i.'n(! d'r' a~",k' '.-~.y'.-:-;"i:ei"~ w:i.±hou± .F:i. na'i. ....... ~.~..,!....c!::i. on and approval by E:h:i.s ,4 ~.t::, a r' "b:n e n i: ~,~¢ :i. I :t. b e s u.l:,'..j e ,:: ~" ± o 1:> P'.':~ s e c: :.,. ~ :i. o n. Ivl:i.¥'iJ.'mum -,':.i:i.'~±ati'!,:::E.:' I')e±KE'.E'i~ ~:'..1 we:i..]. ,~i'id al'ny ofi-s&'~e se~..~Ei-ge ',:lJ.f.:.l:)OSa'~:i. S,YE~.±ei'fi ;i.f~- :1.00 "' ..... · i.. ~: e ,..F (2 r" a p r' :i. v a i: ~.:,~: .... .,_' :1. o r' :t. E;O I: o ¢.:.~0<) 'F e e i: 'F r' ,.:)'iii ~] !::' u b 1 :i. c ~,,~ e :t. :1. d e I:) e n d :i. f"., g t -i '~ .i ........ .,... J~...¥,...mU.u'l d.i.:~'~',:'~to:'¢ ~':POi"Ji aa ~:>r'i.v,-"2'e we].i ,..d ~ [.)r'J.v,~'~:E: f~.r...:,weP ].:i. Tie :i.f~. E]E~ .Fee± ,. a:~ CO~¥ff¢lL!f'i:j.~~}..'' S,:'.'-.'We!" I:i.'ne :i.s FB .Fo.,e±,, O*.!'er' PE:.'."CILt:i.P(.RTftC. tTF'!:fi li'l~',-" ~i[:-'[t.;].;/. Sf.)e~:::[..F:i. caE::i.e~'/s [ii'id COTI!B±f"i..LC±J.O'ft ';:J:i--Ei(..Ltl"¢Sfi'JS Eiv,~a:i. ].able I:o &TI'SU.I"e [.'.r'ol::---er" :i. ns",'-:E:ll :[ ,:: e r 'f: :i..F y ± ha 't: :t.; ]: ami 'Fa'iTni.].:i.~c wJ.'f:h ±he r'equJ, reme'¢!:s 'For' on.'"'.:~:i.±e sewer's~ ~,~i'ld wells ¢.'..Is seE: ~E!; .'[ ~,,.~J.].]. :i. flf~'~aJ.]. ±he sy.s"Eem :i.n acr.:orda'nce wJ.±h %he codes,, '-"i)I~ Z undeP.s±st-~d ±ha't: E:he on-s:i.±e sewec 5),'5"i:el'n m-.%¢ Pequ:i.r'e .ei'~].aPgemeTl't &-F !:he ne-..'~:i, dei"ic6'. J.,.:~ r'em(:,deied 1:o :i.i'~.,.:::l.t.Lde more 'f;l-~ai') V4.0 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-2224 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: DATE PERFORMED: SLOPE SOILS LOG [] PERCOLATION TEST SITE PLAN 10 11 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED7 IF YES, AT WHAT Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 14 15 16 17, 18- 19- PERCOLATION RATE ~ i ,,- ~tes/inch TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ ~t~A~J~ .-f ~'_:' FT 72-008(7/76)