HomeMy WebLinkAboutHYLEN CREST #1 S-5268ylen C resk MLINIClPAI_ITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [~ PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER S-~268 Subdivision Unit ~3 DATE RECEIVED : September 26, 1979 i COMMENT TO PLANNING BY October 24, 1979 NAME Stewart FOR MEETING OF CASE OF ;- E3 PUBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA ~ PUBLIC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVlEWER'SCOMMENTS: ~,~ 71-014 IRev. 2/78) 4040 "B" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 278-1551 August l, 1979 W.0. Hylen Realty. c/o DOWL Engineers 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. John Houk Subject: Preliminary Soils Investigation, Proposed Eagle River Subdivision ,.,r. Houk: We have completed a preliminary soils investigation for the proposed Hylen Realty subdivision on Eagle River Road. The proposed subdivision is located on the north side of the road and approximately three miles from the town of Eagle River. The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the suitabiZity of the area for onsite wastewater disposal systems and to obtain soils information to be used in planning road and utility improve- ments. To accomplish this purpose, we excavated 18 'test pits at the locations shown on Figure 1, attached to this letter. The test pits were dug on June 18 and 19, 1979 using a backhoe mounted on a tracked carrier. Mr. O. Hatch, Alaska Testlab senior field technician supervised the operation, ].ouged the soils encou.ntered~ and obtained disturbed soil samples for laboratory testing. In general, soils encountered were predomJ, nately sands and gravels with a trace to some silt. Occasional silt layers were encountered, usual].y near the ground surface. No bedrock ~as found at the test pit locations. Ground water seepage was noted at a depth of eight feet in Te~t Pit 3, approximately 3 to 3.5 feet in Test Pit 6 and Test Pit 8, and nine feet in '2est Pit 14. Base~']_ on the information obtained to date, it J.s our opJ. nJon that the area is generally suitable for one, ire wastewater disposal systems constructed in accordance with municipal and state regula- tions. The seepage noted in four of the 18 test pits is due to water mov:ing through the soil downslope and is not indicative of an actt~al static water table. While bedrock was not encountered, the fterrain s~iggests that bedrock may be near stir.face ou the steeper part of '[~.he site. exploration %~as condt~ctcd in this area. No Hylen Realty August 1, 1979 Page Two Soil samples of similar color, texture and particle size distri- bution were grouped together. Grain size analysis was then performed on composite samples of selected groups. These groups are listed on.the boring logs. A general description of each group is given below: Group A - is a brown fine to coarse Sandy Gravel with a trace of silt. The soil is well graded and has a Unified Classi- fication of GW-GM and a frost classification of F-1. Group A soils were encountered in 13 of the test pits. Group B - is a brown Silty fine to medium Sand having approximately 15 percent particles passing the No. 200 sieve. Its frost classification is F-2 and the Unified Classifica- tion is SM. This soil was encountered by Test Pit 9 from a depth of four feet to eight feet. Group C - is a clean brown Sandy Gravel having a Unified Classifi- cation of GW. This soil is non-frost susceptible. Group D - is a brown fine. to coarse Sand with a trace of fine gravel and silt. Its Unified Classification is SW-SM and the frost classification is NFS to F-2. This group was encountered by Test Pit 13. Group E - is a brown Silty Sandy Gravel containing approximately 30 percent silt. Its 'Un~-~d Classification is GM and frost classification is F-1. The following are attached and complete this report: Site Plan and Test Pit Locations Test Pit Logs Standard Explanatory Information Grain Size Distribution Curves Figure 1 Tables A-R Sheets 1-3 Sheets 4-7 Hylen Realty August 1, 1979 Page Three We trust this information is sufficient for your present needs. If you require additional information or have any questions, ..please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely yours, ALASKA TESTLAB James R. Finley, Jr. Geotechnical Engineer Approved: Melvin PE Laboratory Manager JRF/ms Attachments Test Pit #1 Table A WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, stiff NFS/F-i, brown Sandy Gravel with trace of silt, (GW/GM), well graded, few boulders, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, sharp to subrounded particles to 18" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 14.0 Feet None Observed None Observed Remark's: Depth 7 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified 1. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. 2. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. 3. Group refers to similar material, this study only. '4. General Information, see Sheet 1. 5. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3.. 7. More cobbles and boulders with depth. -- 6. ! G M-L A GW/GM Test Pit #2 Table B WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 O.5 1.0 1.0 13.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, stiff F-4, br'own Sand~ Silt (ML), damp, stiff, NP NFS/F-i, brown Sandy Gravel with trace silt, (GW/GM), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium to high density, sharp to subrounded particles to 9" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 13.0 Feet None Observed None Observed. Sa. No. Depth 1 8 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% S~mple Strength -- 8.1 G M-L Group A Unified GW/GM Remarks: 1. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. 2. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. 3. Group refers to similar material, this study only. 4. ~General Information, see Sheet 1. 5. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #3 Table C WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 1'3.'0 Soil Description F-4, brown Sandy Silt with trace gravel (ML), damp, stiff, NP NFS/F'i, brown Sandy Gravel with trace of silt, GW/GM, well graded, occasional boulders and cobbles, all sand sizes, damp to saturated, medium to high density, sharp to subrounded particles to 18" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 13.0 Feet None Observed 8.0 Feet Sa. No. Depth 1 9 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified -- 7.7 G M-L A GW/GM Remarks: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. 'General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Saturated and running water 8 feet to 9 feet, only wet below that. Test Pit #4 Table D WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch D~pth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, soft, stiff F-i, br'own Sil~y San.dy. Gravel (GM), poorly graded, few boulders, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium to high density, round to subrounded particles to 18" NFS/F-i, brown very Sandy Gravel with trace silt, (GW/GM), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, round to sub- rounded particles to 12" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed None Observed Sa. No. Depth 1 5 2 9 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified -- 4.9 G L A GW/GM -- 9.3 G M-L A GW/GM Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #5. Table E WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5~ 0.5 2.5 2.5 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, stiff F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt (ML), damp, stiff, NP NFS/F-i, brown sandy Gravel with trace silt, (GW/GM), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium to'high density, sub- rounded particles to 12" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed None Observed Sa. No. Depth 1 9 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample St~en.gth Group Unified -- 7.6 G M A GW/GM Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #6 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 6,0 6.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 Table F WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, soft F-4, brown Gravelly Sand~ Silt (ML), poorly graded~ few cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, stiff, NP NFS/F-i, brown Sandy Gravel with trace silt, (GW/GM), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp to saturated, medium to high density, rounded particles to 12" F-i, brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), poorly grade~, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, high density, subrounded particles to 12" NFS/F-i, brown Sandy Gravel with trace silt, (GW/GM), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium to high density, rounded particles to 12" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: 'Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed 3.0 Feet pepth 6 Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Dry Blows/6" M% ~ample Strength ~roup -- 9.0 G .L A Unified GW/GM Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=Non~, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #7 Table G WO #Dl1789 Date': 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, soft to stiff F-4, brown Sandy Silt (ML), with traces of gravel~ damp, stiff F-i, brown Silty Sandy Gravel with random NFS layering (GW/GM), well graded, occasional boulders and cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, subrounded particles to 18" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Peet None Observed None Observed No. Depth 1 8 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified -- 5.0 G L A GW/GM Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #8 pepth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 '2.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 12.0 Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Sa. ~iO' Depth 1 9 Remarks: 1. Table H WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, soft F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt (ML), damp, stiff, subrounded Particies to 3" F-i, brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), poorly graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp to saturated, medium density, sharp to subrounded particles to 12" NFS/F-i, brown Sandy Gravel with trace silt, (GW/GM), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, round to subrounded partic%¢s to 12" 12.0 Feet Non ~_ _Ob s e~¢~_d - - ~ 5 to 4.0 Feet Type of. Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength 7°5 G L Group Unified A GW/GM Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. 2. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. 3. Group refers to similar material, this study only. 4. General Information, see Sheet 1. 5. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. 7. Water seepage 3.5 feet to 4.0 feet. Siltier layer 4.0 feet to 5.0 feet. Test Pit #9 Table I WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 2.5 4.0 4.0 8,0 8.0 10.0 10.0 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, soft F-4, brown Sandy Silt (ML), damp, stiff, NP NFS, brown Sandy Gravel, well graded, few cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, rounded particles to 6" F-2, brown Silty Sand (SM), poorly graded, fine sand, 'damp, medium to high density NFS, brown Sandy Gravel (GWi, all sand sizes, damp~ medium density, rounded particles to 3" F-4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt (ML), damp, stiff, subrounded particles to 6" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed None Observed Sa. No. Depth 1 6 2 9 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified -- 17.0 G N B SM -- 5.7 G N C GW Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type ~f Sample, G=Grab, SP = ~tandard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to siDilar material, this study only. General .Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #1.0 Table J WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/18/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5' 0.5 1.5 1.5 7.0 7.0 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, soft F-4, brown .Sandy Silt (ML), damp, stiff, NP F-i, brown Silty. Sandy'Gravel (GM), with occasional NFS layering to 4 feet, poorly graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, sharp'to subrounded particles to 12" NFS, brown Sandy Gravel with trace silt (GW), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, rounded particles to 9" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed None Observed 'Sa. No. Depth 1 9 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified -- 5.5 G L C GW Remarks: 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #11 Table K WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/19/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 '1 .'5 1.5 4.0 4.0 7.0 7.0 12.0 Soil Description Brown P~eat (Pt), damp, soft F-4, brown Sandy ~ilt (ML), damp, stiff, NP NFS, brown Sandy Gravel (GW), well graded, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, rounded particles to 3" F-i, brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), poorly graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, subrounded particles to 9" NFS/F-i, brown Sandy Gravel with trace of silt (GW/GM), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium to high density, rounded particles to 9" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed None Observed Sa. Depth 10 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified -- 6.2 G L A GW/GM Remarks: 1. e 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #~2 Table L WO ttDl1789 Date: 6/19/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5' 0.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, stiff F-4, brown Sand~ Silt with trace gravel (ML), damp, stiff, NP NFS, brown Sandy Gravel (GW), well graded, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, rounded particles to 6" F-i, brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), poorly graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, subrounded particles to 9" NFS, brown Sandy Gravel (GW), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium to high density, rounded to subrounded particles to 9" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost' Line: Fre~ Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed None observed Sa. No. Depth 1 9 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group -- 4.2 G L C Unified GW Remarks': 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low,' M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #13 Table M WO #Dl1789 Date': 6/19/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 8.0 8.0 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, stiff F-4, brown Sandy Silt (ML), damp, stiff, NP NFS, brown very Sandy'Gravel (GW), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, rounded particles to 9" NFS/F-2, brown Sand with traces of silt and gravel (SW/SM), well graded, few cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, rounded particles to 6" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water L~vel: 12.0 Feet None Observed None Observed Sa. No. Depth 1 7 2 10 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample ~trength Group Unified -- 4.3 G L C GW -- 6.6 G L D SW/SM Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U TM Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group. refers to similar mater'iai, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #14 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 .1 ..5 1.5 4.0 4.0 12.0 Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Table N WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/19/79 Logged by: o. Hatch Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, soft F-4, brown Sandy Silt with trace gravel (ML), damp, stiff, NP F-i, brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), poorly graded, occasional boulders and cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium, round to subrounded particles to 24" NFS/F-i, brown Sandy Gravel with trace silt GW/GM, well graded, all sand sizes, damp to saturated, medium density, round and sub- rounded particles to 3" to 7' and 9" to 12'~ 12.0 Feet None Observed 9.0 Feet Sa. NO. Depth 1 6 2 10 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified -- 7.7 G M A GW/GM -- 6.5 G M A GW/GM Remarks: 1. e 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Water seepage from layer at nine feet on uphill side only. Test Pit #15 Table 0 WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/19/79 Logged by: O. Hatch pepth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, soft F-4, brown Sandy Silt (ML), damp, stiff, NP NFS, brown Sandy Grave~ (GW), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, rounded particles to 12" NFS/F-i, brown slightly Silty very Sandy. Gravel (GW/GM), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, round and subrounded particles to 9" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed None Observed Sa. No.- Depth 1 9 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified -- 10.7 G L A GW/GM Remarks: 1. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. 2. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. 3. Group refers to similar material, this study only. 4. General Information, see Sheet 1. 5. Frost and Textural Classification,' see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Classification, see-Sheet 3. Test Pit #16 Table P WO ItDl1789 Date: 6/19/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 3.0 3.0 9.0 9~0 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, soft F-i, brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), poorly graded', occasional cobbles and boulders, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, round and subrounded particles to 36" NFS/F-i, brown Sandy Gravel with trace silt (GW/GM), well grade~, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, round and subrounded particles to 9" F-l, 'brown very Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), poorly graded, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, saturated to damp, medium density, round and subrounded particles to 6" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed 8.5 Feet Sa. No. Depth 1 7 2 10 Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Dry Blows/6". M% Sample Strength Grou~ Unified -- 7.3 G L-M A GW/GM -- 11.7 G M-H E GM Type ~f Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see'Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Pit #17 Table Q WO #Dl1789 Date: 6/19/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 ·3..0 3.0 12.0 Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt), damp, stiff F-l, brown Silty ~andy Gravel (GM), poorly graded, few boulders, occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, roUnd and subrounded particles to 24" NFS, brown Sandy Gravel (GW), well graded, occasional cobbles, all sand particles, damp, medium density, rounded and subrounded particles to 12" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed None Observed Depth 8 Type of Dry Blow~/6" M% Sample Strength Grou~ Unified -- 6.1 · G L C GW Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. NFS/F-1 below nine feet. Test Pit #18 Table R W© #Dl1789 Date: 6/19/79 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet FrQm To 0.0 0.5 0.5 .1,5 1.5 12.0 Soil Description Brown peat (Pt), damp, soft F-4, brown SanSy Silt with trace gravel (ML), damp, stiff, NP NFS, brown very Sandy Gravel with traces of silt (GW), occasional cobbles, all sand sizes, damp, medium density, round and subrounded particles to 9" Bottom of Test Pit: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 12.0 Feet None Observed None Observed Sa. No. Depth 1 8 Type of Dry Biows/6'~ M% Sample Strength Group Unified -~ 7.5 G L C GW Remarks: 1. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. 2. .Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. 3. Group refers to similar material, this study only. 4. General Information, see Sheet 1. 5. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. 6. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. ~,~eet Io$ 7 Test Hole Lo~l - Description Guide. The soil descriptions shown ou the logs are the best estimate of the soil's characteristics at the time of field examination and as such do not achieve the precision of a laboratory testing procedure. If the log includes soils samples, those samples receive an independent textural classification itl the .laboratory to verify the field examination. The logs often include the following items: Depth Interval - usually shown to 0,1 foot, within that zone on significaut change in soil type was observed through drill action, direct observation or sampling. Frost Classification - NFS, Fl, F2, F3, F4, see "Soil Classification Chart" Texture of Soil -- An engineering classification of the soils by particle size and proportion, see "Soil Classificatiou Chart", nute die proportions are approximate and modifications to the soil group due to stratification, inclusious and changes in ~roperties are included. Moisture Content -. this is a qualitative nleasure: d.~, no ur little apparent surface moisture, damp, moisture forms portion of color, less than plastic limit, wet, no free water, often soft, if cohesive soil, saturated, free water may be squeezed out, if a free draining soil; dflatent at natural moisture content, ifa non-plastic silt or fine sand, (The moisture content is further defined by reference to PI, LW, NP, M'?o or dilatency.) Density - refers to more-or-less non-cohesive soils, such as sand gravel mixtures with or. without a fine fraction, derived from drilling action and/or sample data: usually described as: very loose, loose, medium dense, very dense. General intent is to portray earthwork characteristics. Stiffness - refers to more-or-less cohesive soils and fine grained silts of ~ clay-silt groups. Derived from drill action and/ur sample data. Very soft, soft, stiff, very stiff and hard are commonly used terms. Pariiclc size ~- The largest particle recovered by the split spoon is 1-3/8", Shelby tube 3", auger flights (minute-man) 2', Auger flights (B-SO hollow stemJ 6"-8", Larger particles are described indirectly by action of thc drilling and arc referred to as cobbles, 3" to 8", or boulders 8"+. Therefore whcu reviewing the gradation sheets, if any, the description on the hole log must be considered for an:indication of larger particles, Unified Soil Classification - This is a two letter code, See Unified Classification sheet /'or further definition, In some cases AASHO aud/or FAA soil classifications may be shown as well as the unified. Atterberg Limits - useful for fine grained and other plastic soils, natural moisture content believed to be less than plastic limit PI+; natural moisture content believed to be between plastic and liquid ITmit s L..__~; natural moisture content believed to be greater than liquid limit N.__Ei non-plastic, useful as a modifying description of some silty mat~:rials, Dilatency - is tile ability of water to migrate to the surface of a saturated or nearly saturated soil sample when vibrated or jolted .- used as an aid to determine if a fine grained soil is a slightly or non.plastic silt or a volcanic ash, Rock flour -- finely ground soil that is not plastic but otherwise appears similar to a clayey silt. Organic Content - usually described as Peat, PT, sometimes includes discrete particles such as wood, coal, etc. as a modifier to an inorganic soil. Quantity described as; iraee, or all estimate of volume, or, in case of all organic, - as Peat, This may include tundra, muskeg and bog material, Muck - a modifier used to describe very soft, semi-organic deposits us-'~y occuring below a peat deposit, 'Amorphus peat -- organic particles nearly or fully disintegrated. Fibrous Peat - organic particles more-ur-less intact. Bottom of Testhole - includes last sample interval Frost Line - seasonal frost depth as described by drilling action and/or samples at the time of drilling, Frozen Ground - other than frost line, described by samples, usually includes description of ice 'content, often will include modified Unified Classification for frozen soils - this is a special case related to permafrost studies. Free Water Level - The free water level noted duringdcilling. Thisis not necessarily tbe static water table at the time of dri]lingor at other seasons. Static water table determination nl other than very permeable soils requires observation wells or piezometer installations, used only in special cases. Blow/6" - The number of blows of a 140 weight free falling 30" to advance a 2" split spoon 6"; the number of blows for a 12" advance is, by defiuition, the standard penetration. ,,4% - natural moisture c6ntent of the soil sample, usually not pe~r ormed on clean sands or gravels below tile water table. T~- SP, toters to 2" split spoon driven into the soil by 140 pound weight, a disturbed sample, S, thin wall tube, "Shelby" used to obtain undisturbed samples of flue grained soil, G, "gsab" disturbed sample from auger flights or wall of trench, C, cut sample, undisturbed sample from wall of trench. .Dry Strenl~t~ - a useful indicator of a soil's clayey fraction, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=Higb - The samples are placed auto apparently similar groups based or and texture and are arbitrarily assigned a group letter. Further disturbed tests including Atterberg Limits, grain size, moisture<Icnsity relationship, etc. may be performed on the group and are assumed to reflect the general distrubed characteristics of the sods assigned to the group. This is an importaut phase of the soil analysis and is used to standardize the various qualitative determinations and to reduce the number of quantitative tests necessary to describe the soil mass. SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART 30% GRAVEL CLAYEY OR SILTY SAND CLAY CLAYEY CLAYEY SI LTY GRAVELLY SAND SILTY SANDY GRAVEL CLAYEY SILTY GRAVEL SAND GRAVELLY SAND DY GRAVEL GRAVEL \ \ \ \ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ' GRAVEL (+~4 SCREW-N) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm, GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: F1 GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0,02 mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN 0,02 mm. F3 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. b. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS, F4 a. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE Ti4AN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. c, LEAN CL. AYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12. d. VARVED CLAYS, ROBERT C. JOHNSON Registered Land Surveyor P. O. Box 4§6 EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 HYLEN CREST SUBDIVISION, UNIT NO. III Case S5268 April 7, 1983 To whom it may concern: Lots 4, 7 and 11 of Block 4 and Lots 3 and 4 of Block 5 all have an area of at least 10,000 square feet with slopes of 25% or less. Due to the lack of sufficient area of less than 25% slope on the eastern portion of Block 5, I have eliminated one Lot and enlarged the remaining 4 Lots so all have in excess of 10,000 square feet of area of 25% or less slopes. Lots 13 thru 17, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 11, Block 4; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 5; and Lots 1 thru 13, Block 6 all have 10,000 square feet of area having slpoes of 25% or less. Robert C. Johnson, R.L.S. #880S 694.2543 or 694-9210 / .a cipa ity cfi Anchmage MEMORANDUM DATE: June 24, 1982 TO: Planning Department - Jerry Weaver FROM: Health and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: S-5268: Stewart Subdivision Units #3, and ~4 This department has reviewed the soils test for the above subject, as submitted, and all lots tested indicate soils will support on-site septic systems(rating 125 - 150 sq.ft. per bedroom). John W. Lynn Environmental Specialist JWL/ljw 91~010 (5/78)