HomeMy WebLinkAboutHYLEN CREST #1 BLK 3 LT 16Hylen Cees, lock Lot 16 050-474 -12 Permit Number: Tax Code Number: Work Type: On-Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit OSPl11319 05047412000 Septic MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road, PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-7904 Upgrade Permit Effective Dates: November 07, 2011 to November 06, 2012 Design Engineer: PANNONE ENGINEERING SERVICE Subdivision: HYLEN CREST #1 Site Legal Address: HYLEN CREST#1 BLK 3 LT 16 G:0057 Owner/Address: HACKENMUELLER JOSEPH M & GREENINGER SHIRLEY K 10129 RAVENCREST CIRCLE EAGLE RIVER AK 995779511 Lot Size in Sq Ft: 20021 Site Mailing Address: 10129 RAVEN CREST CIR, Eagle River Total Bedrooms: 4 This permit is for the construction of: Y Disposal Field Y SepticTank N Holding Tank N Privy N Private Well N Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80). 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer must notify the Development Services Department at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24 hours). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must either: A. Open and Close on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Special Previsions: Prior to the submittal of the Inspection Report, the existing field will be located accurately. If needed, a waiver request and fee will be submitted for the proximity to the lot line and foundation. Received By: Issued By: Date: Date: UNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Community Development Department Development Services Division On-Site Water & Wastewater Program Phone: 907-343-7904 Fax: 907-343-7997 Mayor Dan Sullivan ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. (:~'-O- ~ 7/-1/- rZ-- ..... Property owner(s) .-~'~E. Cg I.,I,4¢../(¢',U~ U~LL~ /$. uay pnone Mailing address lOl?..':f F,,/D~.,4/ ~--,~-~T cl,~u.~-~ ~".4/,-Le" ¢1~'~.. Site address 101'Z.q J~.4'aK.,Cc-_~T ~.--! Legal description (Sub'd., Block & Lot) Legal description (Township, Range & Section) Lot Size 2,-0) ~2.~ Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: ([~ all that apply) Absorption Field Septic Tank Holding Tank Privy Private Well THIS APPLICATION IS AN: Initial [] Upgrade J~ Renewal [] Water Storage [] THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE / WAIVER REQUEST FOR: I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Singl...e F.amily Dwelling/and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Sign or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Permit No. Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: Waiver No. G:\Building\On Site\Forms\Client Forms\Permit App_010411 .doc (Rev. 1/11) Pannone Engineering Services LLC Steven R. Pannone, Principal Re§istered Professional En§ineer E-maih steve@panengak.com October 31, 2011 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 S. Bragaw Street P. O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Subject: Hylen Crest #1, Block 3, Lot 16 Septic System Permit Upgrade Request Ladies and Gentlemen: I am writing to request a permit to construct an upgraded septic system be issued for this property. The proposed systems will serve an existing four-bedroom house. Currently the lot is developed. The existing drain field is in failure and will be re-used as a reserve. The existing septic tank will be abandoned per code and a new 1250g septic tank will be installed. The lot is served by AWWU Public Water. The surrounding lots are served by AWWU Community water. 1. Soils. A single test hole was excavated by PES in October of 2011, and the ground water monitored for seven days. Bedrock was not encountered in the test hole. It is my opinion, based on the results of the percolation tests and overall soils appearance; an application rate of 1.2 gallons/day/square feet should be used for a conventional waste water system. Soil Absorption System Design. a. See Sheet 2 of the design package 3. Surface Water: There is no surface water within 100 feet of the proposed septic tank and the existing drain field. The proposed drain field upgrade will maintain at least 100 feet from all surface water and drainage ditches. 4. Topography: The topography in the area generally slopes to the south at 10 to 12% in the area of the proposed drain field. Page 2 of 2 5. Drawing Markings: The Drawings are marked "For MoA Review Only". When written notification that the review is complete and that there are no further comments is received from MoA On-Site Department, the note will be removed and "Issued for Construction" drawings will be issued. The proposed installation will not affect the future development of the surrounding or existing lots. There are no wells or septic systems within 100 feet of the proposed septic location. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 272-8218. Sincerely, Steven R. Pannone, P.E. Owner/Civil Engineer Attachments Maititl8: ?~O~ Bo}.,'. 1002178 Ancho~-aS~e~ AK 99510-0217 Telephone: (907} 272-82t.8 FAX: (907} 272-82i. 1 4 5 6 1250g SEF~TIC TANK (P) --, ~; INSTALL DCO AND DV ~' ~ ........ . ............ %/' '/~' 50LFx5'EDx3 W, 9 ID DRAIN FIELD (E) ~~¢HL~" , H E ~.0~[ (~07) 272-8218 [~X (~07) 272-8211 ~..'~ HYLEN CREST ~1, BLOCK 3, LOT 16 ~~ P.I.D. NO dOSEPH HACKEN~UELLER & ~- onnoae ~ 050-474-12 SHIRLEY GREENINGER '~~$~ ~ERMIT NO. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 i~oEss~9,~ Sheet SPECIAL PROVISIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED IN THE MOST CURRENT EDITION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (MASS) FOR COMPONENT PARTS AND MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION OF ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. 2. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE W~L~,u THE AI~ACHED SPECIFICATIONS. 5. SCOPE OF WORK: INSTALL NEW ~0,~,0,~ GALLON SEPTIC TANK AND NEW SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. 4. GROUNDWATER WAS NOT OBSERVED TO A DEPTH OF 15 FE~ BELOW EXISTING GRADE DURING EXCAVATION OF THE SOIL TEST HOLE. IF AN APPARENT WATER TABLE IS OBSERVED IN ANY OF THE EXCAVATIONS LESS THAN 15 FEET BELOW EXISTING GRADE NOTI~ THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. -0.5 ~ OR 4.0 j ~ FILTER FABRIC 0.5~ ~.~ ~4" ~ ~ PERF PIPE GM/ 5.0 NO GROUNDWATER SM o~w~ ~ ~ ~oc~ 6.0  - 5.0 - z -15.0 o~ ~g s ~ SECTION z ~ o ~ 4.0 ,, - PROFILE SEE SECTION & PA~METERS DESIGN PARAMETERS PRIMARY SEPTIC SYSTEM NO. BEDROOM: 4 (600 gpd) ABBREVIATIONS TANK SIZE: 1250g CU COPPER SOIL RATING: 1.2 GPD/SF DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE AR~ RQD: 500 SF TH TEST HOLE SYS. ~PE: DEEP TRENCH 5' E.D. FC FOUNDATION CLEAN OUT MIN LENGTH: 50 LF T~ TANK CLEAN OUT NO. USE: C~ CLEAN OUT NO. LEGEND 50 LF X 5' WIDE, 5' E.D., 9' TD M~ MONITOR TUBE NO. ~ W. WATER LINE/ TOTAL AREA: 500 SF R.I. RIGID INSU~TION WELL RADIUS DCO DOUBLE CLaN OUT DV DIVERTER VALVE ~ SS NEW SEPTIC FS FLOW SPLICER NOTES: P~O~ ~G ~C, L~ -.-~'~xxx", _. ~t. ~_ O~ AL*'~ ~/4/~ ~o~ co~,~CT, ON P.O. ,OX ~oo~z ,,C,O,,~. ,X e,~O ~_~. ....... Scale NTS ,YL N LOCX ;, LOT P.I.D. NO JOSEPH HACKENMUELLER ~ SHIRLEY GREENINGER ~¢.. CE 8149 '~~ PERMIT NO. DESIGN DETAILS 10129 RAVENCREST CIRCLE ~.~;.. ..~ osp~5~ ~ ~¢~ ....... ~, ~ Sheet EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE 1 6 -- SILTY GRAVEL / "' AND SAND SM SOFTER AND ...... DEPTH TH o , 10 -- WAS GROUND WATER SLOPE 14 -- ENCOUNTERED? N 15 BOH IF YES, AT WHAT TH 16 -- DEPTH? -0-' X 17 -- DEPTH TO WATER AFTER MONITORING? -0'~ 18 ! DATE: 10/18/11 DATE PERFORMED: 10/11/11 READING DATE CLOCK WATER TIME NET TIME LEVEL NET DROP READING 1 10/11/11 10:47 --- 5.17 --- 2 10:57 10 MIN 7.52 2.35 3 10:58 -- 5.17 -- 4 11:08 10 MIN 7.36 2,19 5 11:09 -- 5.17 -- 6 11:19 10 MIN 7.29 2.12 PEROLATION RATE 4.7 (rain/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6 inches TEST RUN BETWEEN 6 FT AND 7 FT COMMENTS: Test hole excavated by FLINTSTONE ENTERPRISES. Prec hole was presoaked. Test run for one hour. Last 3 readings reported PERFORMED BY: Steven R. Pannone~ P.E. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDLINES IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS TEST. NOTES: PAN-NONE ENG SVC, LLC FOR CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 102954 ANCHORAGE, AK 99510 ~.~....o..F..A../.._.~ i~' 11/4/11 PHONE (907)272-8218 FAX (907)272-8211 ~.¢r..~4~..~. ".~'~ NTS HYLEN CREST #1, BLOCK 5, LOT 16 ~;; .....~ P.I.D.050_474_12NO JOSEPH HACKENMUELLER & -"¢'~"~¥n"~."C'~'n'n'$~&'~, PERMIT SHIRLEY GREENINGER ¥~%].. CE 8149 ..~,~ NO. SOILS LOG 10129 RAVENCREST CIRCLE ,~/~.~ .... ...,~_~.~ 0SP111519 EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 ~'~.~{~o~s's(o~.~ Sheet READING DATE CLOCK WATER TIME NET TIME LEVEL NET DROP READING 1 10/11/11 10:47 --- 5.17 --- 2 10:57 10 MIN 7.52 2.35 3 10:58 __ 5.17 __ 4 11:08 10 MIN 7.36 2,19 5 11:09 __ 5.17 __ 6 11:19 10 MIN 7.29 2.12 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4,720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME E MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION L lb ~3 LOCATION _~ v DISTANCE TO: Well ~[~'~ ~ Manufacturer ~ ~ ¢ ~Liq. c~)aclty in gallons I )~,~ IF HOMEMADE: ~ ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: Well ~¢~ Manufacturer Well ~= I DISTANCE TO: ~ No. of h s I I Len,th of each~ne ~--~ ' ' ' grad~, I  Top of tde to hmsh ~ Length Width ~ ~ ~~ Crib diameter ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: Building foundation IAbsorption area I Dwelling Material Widt h.~ '~ PHONE ~NEW I ,~.~'y -504'o [] UPGRADE NO. OF B~ROOMS Material Nearest Iot~ '.~'~ ~line 1 widt. hil Total lenqth o[ lines Trenc ~ inches Material beneath the Depth PERMIT NO, No. of corrt~rtments luside length Liquid depth Dwelling PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons Foundation Crib depth Building foundation Driller Sewer line PERMIT NO, Distance ~Zi.~linos Total effective absorption area PERMIT NO, Total effective absorption area Nearest lot line Distance to lot line Septic tank PERMIT NO. Absorption area(s) OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING 13 t~ INSTALLER Lot,/&, REMARKS DATE LEGAL L I~ ~-73 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) DEP~RTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAl_ PROTECTION I']25 L STREET, ANCHORAGE, AK ~79501 264-4.720 CD tP~.! ~ ~ ][ T' IE:'~ E~ EL"-.. WEE ~:~ F" tF_': tF~. IP'lt :[ T PERMIT NO: DATE IGSUED: 840479 06/19/84 APPI_ I [rANT: AI)DRESS: C[)N'T'ACT PHGNE: I...EGAL DE:SCR I F': AEBS 12}(' 33RD W. AVE. ANDHDRAGE~ AK 99560 561-5040 ~.~ SLIBDIV1SION. HYLE,:N ~ SEBTZON~ 8 TONNSHIF': 14N LOT SIZE: 20D21 (SD.FT. OR ACRES) LOT: RANGE: 16 BLOCK:._,'~ 1W Listed below are the options available tc~ y~u in designing you~ s~p't::i.c system. Choose the option that best Fits youp sit. e. T IF4: IE£ ~,~1 il:],':. HI :lB: F~ ~} W. :E), [F~: ¢:~ :'.E DEPTFI TO P]:PE BOTTOM (FT.) .].r,. 0 .~,* 4,. 0 4,, 0 GRAVEl_ DEF']'H (F:'T,,) 4,. 5 0,, 5 3,, 5 TOTAL DEPTH (FT,.) 7.5 4,,5 '7.f5 GRAVE[.. WIDTH (I=T.) 2.5 E)-:L.O ~.0 GRAVEL LENGTH (FT.) 62,,0 40.0 60.0 GRAVEl- VOLUME (CL.I.YDS.) 28.7 3;[,,1 44.4 TANK S I ZE (GAt_S) 1,250.0 .~.~. 1,250,, 0 .~- 1,250. C' '~..~;' SGIL RA]'ING (SQ.FT,/BR) 1~8 138 138 ~ DEPTH TO F'IPE BEITTOM < .'."].5 FT. RE[,!UIREG INSUL.ATIOIq ** DEPTH TO FIFE BOTTOM'< 4.() F'"T. MAY REQUIRE: A L:[F'T ~TAT.I, ON ~.~- TAI'.,Ik: ML,I~T FhAVE A'f' LEAST TWO COMPARTMENTS I certify that: 1. I am Camiliap with the Pequirements t'c;l', on-.site sewePs and wells as se.t for'th by the Municipality o£ Anch~page (MOA) and the State tit' Alaska. 2'. I will install the system in accordance with ali. MOA c(odes and regulationei, and in cempliance with the design cr'iter'ia of this per'mi'l.'.. '3. I will adhere t.~.~ ali. MOA and State ~.~f Alaska requipemerlts for the set. back distances ~rom any exist, lng well, wastewat, er' disposal system [~r' publ:i.c sewepage system on this er' any adjacent., or near'by lot.. 4. I understand that t. his per'mit is valid for a maximum e¢ 4. bedr'ooms and any enlargement, will pequil*e an additional penmit. IF A LIFT STATION IS INSTAl_LED IN AN AREA CGVERED BY MOA BUILDING CODES, THEN (1) AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT ANI) INSPECTI[IN MUST BE OB'f'AINED; (2) ALS,-...BU~L'TS WILl,.. NOT BE APPROVED WI"I"HOUT AN ELECTRICAl,,.. INSF'ECT'ION I'.~EPGRT; AND (3) "t'HE EI_EE;TRICAI_ WORK IdUST BE DONE BY A L:[CEIxlSED ELECTRICIAN,, ~) I GNI=D DATE: APF'I_ I CANT: AECS I~.~I:IE-D BY DATE: PERMIT' NO: [:,FITE ISSUED: [:,EPFtRTMENT OF HEFILTH FIN[:, EN',,¢IRONHENTFtL PROTEE:T ION 825 L STREET., RNCHORRGE., 264-4728 840479 F FLI _-HIqT: FtDE:,F.:ESS: "1 CONTRCT F~4DNE: HE, _.=, Z200 ~.~.Rg H. RYE. RNCHO~RGE., ~::: 99560 56t-5040 LEGFtL B!E:SCRIP:' SUBDI""J;SION: HYLEN LOT: t6 BLOCK: SECTION: 8 TOWNSHIP: ' 14N RRNGE: LOT SIZE: 2002± <SQ. F-T: OR FtCRES) MRX BEDROOMS: 3: LISTED BELOH. RRE THE OPTIONS FI',?RILRBLE TO YOU IN DESIGNING YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM. ~ "CHOOSE THE OPTION THFtT BEST FITS YOUR SITE. TREI%IE:H BE[:, DEPTH TO PIPE BOTTOM (FT.) -?.... 0 *:+: 4. 0 GRFIVEL DEPTH <FT. ) 4. 5 0. ~ TOTFIL DEF'TH (FT.) - 7. 5 4. 5' GRFIVEL WIE:'TH' (FT'.) 2. 51 '.t. 8. 0 GRRVEL LENGTH (FT. ') 46. 0 2:5. 0 GRB',,,'EL VI]LUME <CU. YDS. ::, 2:1.. 2 2--".':. _~ TI=INK SIZE ':.'GRLS> :t., 000. 0 ** t., 000. 0 SOIL RFtTING <SQ'. FT, ,.'"BF.':> i~8 13:8 E:" I~." 4.0 3.5 7.5 5.0 45. 0 000, 0 t2:8 :+:* DEPTtLI TO PIPE E, UTTOM < ? 5 ~.. FT. REQUIRES INSULRTiON *.~+: DEPTH TO PIPE BOTTOM .::: 4. 0 FT. MRY REQUIRE FI LIFT STRTION :+::+: TFINK MUST-HFt',,,'E FIT LERST THO CZMPRF.'TMENTS I CERTIFY THFtT: IRM FRMILIRR HITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEHERS RND WELLS AS SET FORTH BY ]:HE I"IUNICIPRLITY OF RNCHORRGE (MOB) RND THE '-:;]'ATE OF RI~RSKR. 2. I WILL iNSTRLL THE SYSTEM IN RCCORDSNCE WITH BLL MOB CODES RN[:, REGULFFTIONS, AND Ii'4 COMPLIFtNC:E HITH THE DESIGN CRITERIR OF THIS PERMIT. 3. I WILL R[:,HERE TO RLL flOR FIND STRTE OF RLFtSKR REQUIR[-"MENTS FOR THE SET E:FtCK DISTANCES FROM RNY EXISTING WELL, P.IF~STEHFtTER [:,IL--iPOSRL SYSTEM OR F'UBLIC SEHERROE S'?!STEI'!I 0~ "[HI'.:-] OR 8N"r' RDJRCENT OR NERRBY LOT: 4. I'UNDERSTRND THRT THIS PERMIT IS ',/RLID FOR R MRXIMUM OF '~ BEDROOMS RND RNY ENLRRGEI"IENT HILL REQUIRE RN RDDITIONFtL PERMIT. IF R LIFF STRTION IS I, NS'rRLLED IN RN RREFt COYERED BY MOFt BUILDING CODES., THEN (t) RN ELECTRICRL PERMIT RND INSPECTION MUST BE-OBTRINED.~ (;2) ~S-BUILTS HILL NOT BE FIPPRO',/ED HITHOUT tan ELECTRICRL INSPECTION REPORT.~ RND (]:) THE ELECTRICRL WORK MUST BE DONE BY R* LICENSED ELECTRICIRN. PERMIT NO: DBTE ISSUED: RPF'LICBNT: RDDRESS: C:ONTRCT PHONE: LEGRL DESCRIP: [.',EPRRTblENT OF HERLTH RND ENVIRONMENTRL F'ROTEC:TIOH 825 L STREET.,. RNCHORRGE., RK L-~'_=.~501 264-4720 C, [.~ 2; I T E '.:.=; E I...] E; 84047'_~ 06/';L'_~/84 AECS :L2¢'~0 ~]:R[) I.,.I. AVE. RNCHORRGE., RE E~q. 560 56±-5040 LOT SIZE: MRX BEDROOMS: SUBDIVISION: H'¢LEN SECTION: 8 TOWNSHIP: i4N 20021 (SQ. FT. OR RCRES) LOT: t6 RRNGE: %N BLOCK: LISTED BELOW RRE THE OPTIONS BVR!LRBLE TO YOU IN DESIGNING VOLIR SEPTIC: SVSTEM. CHOOSE THE OPTION THRT BEST FITS '¢OUR SITE. DEPTH TO PIPE BOTTOI'd (FT.) 4. 0 4. 0 4. 0 GRRVEL DEPTH (FT. ::, S. 5 0. 5 ]:. 5 TOTRL DEPTH ,.'.FT. ) 7. 5' 4. 5 7. 5 GRRVEL WI[:,TH (F'T.) 2. 5 ;-26. 0 5. 0 GF.:R',,,'EL LENGTH (FT.) 156. 0 ,+.+, 5i. 0 iiT. 0 GRRVEL ',,,'OLUME (CU. '¢DS. ) 57. 7 49. '& 86. 6 TRNK SIZE (GBLS) ±., 000. 0 ,+,~, i, 000. 0 :+.'~. t., 000. 0 SOIL RRTING (SQ. FT. ,."BF.'.) Z.'.62 2~0 .S62 ,+,m GRRVEL LENGTH > 75 FT. REQUIRES MULTIPLE RUNS (NOT FXC:EEDING 75 F% ERCH) ,~.~ TRNK MUST HRVE BT LERST TWO COMPRRTMENTS I CERTIF~¢ THRT: ,I. I RM FRMIL. IRR WITH 'rile REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS RND WELLS RS'SET FORTH B'Y THE MUNICIPRLITV OF RNCHORRGE (MOR) RND THE STRTE OF RLRSKR. 2. I WILL INSTRLL THE S'¢STEM IN RCCORDRNCE WITH RLL MOR CODES RND REGULRTIONS., RND IN COMPLIRNCE WITH THE DESIGN CRITERIR OF THIS PERMIT. _:'..I WILL RDHERE TO RLL NOR RND STRTE OF RLRSKR F.E~;..IIREMENT=,' -~ ' '- FOR THE =,ET'-~ BRCK [.,I=,TNNL. E_, FR"M_ RN'¢ L,.-,Iz, TING WELL., WRSTENRTER [.I=,FO_~RL SVSTEM _]F.' PLE, LIC' ' " SEWFRRGE S'¢STEM ON THIS OR RNV RDJRCENT OR NERRB't' LOT. 4. I UNDER'-]TRND THRT THIS PERMIT IS VRLID FOR R MRXIMUM OF ~ BEDROOMS RND RN~r' ENLRRGEMENT WILL REQUIF.'.E RN RDDITIONRL PER. MIT. IF R LIFT SI'RTION IS INSTRLL.ED IN RN RRER COVERED BY MOB BUILDING CODES., THEN (2L) RN ELECTRICRL PERIdIT RND INSPECTION MUST BE OBTRINE[:u (2) RS-BUILT':; NiLL NOT BE RPPROVED NITHOUT RN ELECTRICRL INSPECTION REF'ORT.~'RND (-..':) THE ELECTF.:ICRI_ WORK I',iUST BE DONE." B',' R LICENSED ELECTF.:ICIRN. SIGNED RFFL~~ECS / / MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST .ERFORMED FOR: _J~-~ O'_l~r~ 3 ~m ~ .6 SLOPE SITE PLAN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O ENCOUNTERED? P IF YES, AT WHAT ---, E DEPTH? fo" = ')~S¢'rO'kc-F' .......... Gross Net /¢//ii~ Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop +t/~o /.We , PERC~f_ATION RATE ¢~'~" ~ 7 (minutes/inch] '~ - FT AND ~ FT T ESTRUN BETWEEN _ /~/~,¢ PERFORMED BY: / 72-008 (6/79) ALASKA e~UIROnm%TAL CONTROL Sei4OlC%, I~C. PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET CLIENT ~o~r~ L.~v~.~ DATE ADDRESS - ZIP CODE LEGAL LOCATION ~-~ ~ 1~0 Lgy~- TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE TESTED ~ ~ ft TO ZONE ft. ~--~ ~ ~' ft READING # CLOCK TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO DATUM NET DROP PERFORMED BY ~ RATE (min/in) (rain/in) ALASKA xnutRonmei1T tL COF1TROL S 4UICES, ~n§in¢¢rin§ 8 ~nuir0nmcnlol ~tudies June 25~ 1984 Department'- of Health ¢~]d Envirorm~ntal Protection 825 L Str6~t Anchorage, A].aska 99503 Att]]: Keith Brandt Dear Keith: On June 14, 1984, AEC~S used drill rigs to lcx3 and ~x~rc soils in Hylen Sul~ivision, Block 3, Lots 15 and ].6. The soil was found, t~) be C~, ~d perked out at 324 sq. ft/bd, for Lot ].5 and 290 sq. ft/bd, for Lot 16o T~ excavator, John Long, w~s concerned with these high perk rates, because the lots are small and it was going to be difficult to fit both the house and septic syst~n on either loto So [~ dug test ~oles ~]jacent to the holes drilled by ~AECS and theught that the soils looked better than what they were rated at. He cut through the drilled holes with his backhoe and discovered that the action of the rotating augers had smeared silt against the sides of the drilt holes, this leading tx) an erroneously sl~ perk. He brought a s<~ple of the soil iu to shc~ how good it was, and it w~s decid~t to re-perk the soil using a post hole digger in a ~]ckhoe-cut trench. The soil in both test holes w-as the s~une - a C~ with tremehdous ~ounts of gravel, although not clean enough to) visually rate. The gravel is loosely held, r~stly P-gravel and larger in size, and s].oughs continually. Each perk test used aleut 15 gallons of water. On Lot :~5~z. the soil tested out at ~.22~!.q. ft/bd, on [~o_~16, it is 1~.~0_~ Sqo ft/bd. The tests acc~npgu]y this letter. Both tests were done within a number of feet of the original drilled holes~ so that I felt an entire new log was not necessary, just a new test. ~le dimensions of the systea%s have been re-desJ.gned accordingly~ as have written next to the original permits, which I am also enclosing for your approval° Sincerely, Engineering Geologist Enclosures Approved By: ~'('J~/ 1200 ~J6st 33r~{ t~ue.uc. Su,le L{ ., /~nchoro§~,. ~laska 99503 ~ [907) 561-50,40 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL JUL 2 8 1988 OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY 264-4744 Application [)ate GENERAL INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL) (a) LegaJ~)escription (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address or di.d.d.~ctions) ' (b) Property-owner ~....-/ Telephone: Home .Mailing Address RECEIVED Business . (c) !.Lending Instituti0~ .... Telephone Mailing Address .... . -' (d) Real Estate C(~m.anv and'/~gent Telephone (e) Mail the HAA to the followina address: or: Check here.~, if hold for pick List contact person and day phone number below. S & S ENGINEERING ~70~4 Eagle River Loop Road No. 204 Eagle River, Alaska 9gS77 TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family,~' Number of Bedroom~ WATER SUPPLY Individual Well [] Community [] Public ~ Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Onsite,J~' Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. Page 1 of 2 72-025 fRev 8,86~ Front ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING INSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DATA AND INFORMATION As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm Address Date 17034 Eagle Ri~er Loop Road No. 2~ ~Je ~Jver~ Alaska ~77 Telephone DHHS APPROVAL Approved for .~- ~/2 bedrooms by Approved ~/~._ Disapproved Terms of Conditional Approval Conditional CAUTION The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval certificates based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. Page 2 of 2 72-025 (Rev 8/86/ Back WELL DATA MUNICIPALITY OF ANC~:i~i~iPALi-1-Y OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) E'. DEPT. OF HEALTHI~ALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) NVIRONMENTAL PROTECT1C~i~ECKLiST. FEBRUARY 1984 264-4744 JUL 8 1988 RECEIVED Legal DescriptOr,/~ Well Classification Well Log Present (Y/N) Total Depth Static Water Level Cased to Casing Height Above Ground Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) Separation Distances from Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot ~ To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot "~c::> To Nearest Public Sewer Line Cleanout/Manhole If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved ~',1) _ Date Completed Yield Depth ct Grouting Pump Set At Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) ; On Adjoining Lots ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot Water Sample Collected by ; Date Water Sample Test Results Comments B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed Standpipes ~TN) y Depression over Tank (Y~ Size Air-tight Caps 4~/N) Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N),d / Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) Separation Distances from SepticPc4e. tdj~ Tank: To Water-Supply Well "'-2_~-4~E:~ /.1~ To Property Line To Water Main/Service Line f(;.~ /..¢.~ Course / ~0 /'/"- No. of Compartments y Foundation Cleanout [~ate Last Pumped J-'~'7 ~ ~:~ ; for pa / Temporary Holdin9 Tank Permit (Y/N) To Building Foundation To Disposal Field ./ To Strearn, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Page 1 Of 2 72-026 tRey 8~861 Front C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata \";':~ ~ '~/~ Type of System Design Date Installed ~'/i~ Length of Field '~ I / Width of Field Depth of Field ~ Gravel Bed Thickness '~, Square Feet of Absorption Area ~"~ ~ ~ Standpipes Present (¢~:N) Depression over Field (Yd:~P /"--J Date of Last Adequacy Test Results of Last Adequacy Test ~.~'~'~(~-/~____.~-~-<~¢4.~ ~ ~ ~.., Separation Distance from Absorption Field: To Water-Supply well '~--4~ /"~'~' / TO Property Line / "~ / To Building Foundation/,j//~ / ~.. , S-' To Existing or Abandoned System on Lot , ; On Adjoining Lots '~2c;;> ~ To Water Main/Service Line / O ]"¢-~ /~d/,z~ To Cutbank (if present) To Stream/Pond/Lake/or 'Major Drainage Course ./ ~:2~ ~ / To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area ~' ~ Comments /'~ O/",-,/,~ "Pump On" Level a~_ High Water Alarm Level at ~ Tested for Electrical Codes (Y/N) Comments Dimensions Manhole/Access (Y/N) "Pump Off" Level at Vent (Y/N) ~"~TTrC~_~Cycles during Adequacy Test. Meets MOA ** Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request ** I certify that l have checked, verified, or conformed to all/~.OA/a~(~ H~ guideli nesin effect on the date of this inspection. Signed5 &$ ~.i4Gi~,~F.'~,~.?,;.G Date ~Z .~. ~/'/ CompS34 Ea~le River Loop Road No. ~A No. ~ ~¢~ Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Receipt No. Date of Payment ~ --~-- Page 2 of 2 72-026 fRev 8/861 Back DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE t 3601 C STREET. SUITE 1334 / ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 / STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR 563-6775 DATE: July PWSIO: 213289 To Whom It May Concern: According to the records on file ir[ this office, the HYLEN CREST SUBDIVISION Water System is in compliance with the State of Alaska Drinking Water Regulations, SWE:pkk Sincerely,  i Eng, PE Engineer MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DIVISION OF ENVIROnmENTAL [LEALTH DEPARTMENT OF [D]ALTI! AND ENVIRO~ENTAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR I~ALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATE 1. Genera]. Information (a) Legal Description (incIude Application Date ~Z/O ~--//- c~3~z' lot, bIock, subdivision, _ ./~7~,./c~Z__..~]~/ section, to,reship, range) Location (address or dire~i-Jpo~ns) ~ "" '--~_~ Telephone - Itome ' Business Applicants Address (c) Applicant is (check one) Lending Institutioj~ Bnyer ~__.~ ; Other.~ (explain); (d) Lending Institution /¢~:~__~ Address Tele.p. hone (e) Real Estate Co. & Agent Address Telephone ~'}J'O'" "> f~ g' (f)' ~Nai~i.thc I:btA to the following address: Nnmber of Bedrooms 3. Individual Well Multi-Family Other (describe) Community ~__~ Public ~! Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. Onsite l'ublic E75] Community LSLq ,,=nk 17~ Note: If co~munity wail system, must have ~itten cmffirmation from the State Department o( Environmental Consa~ation attesting to the legallty and status. [Page 1 of 2] E~.ineerin_~_~Firm Provid_~i[?~jij~ctions,j[.e__s_t3j2 File Search, Data and Information As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the om-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that, based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regula- tions in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm Address ........ Date (ENGINEER SEAL) Apl)roved for -/L .... bedrooms Approved -w~ Disapproved Terms of Conditional Approval ....... Condi tlouo~l CAUTION THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOIG%GE DF. PAR~NENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRO~dE. NTAL PROTECTION (DHEP) ISSUES HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATES BASED SOLELY UPON THE REPRESENT- ATIONS GIVEN IN PARAGRAPH 5 ABOVE BY AN INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER KEGISTERED IN T}iE STATE OF ALASKA, THE DHEP DOES THIS AS A COURTESY TO PURCHASERS OF HOMES AND THEIR LENDING INSTITUTIONS IN ORDER TO SATISFY CERTAIN FEDERAL AND STATE REQUIRE-- MENTS. EMPLOYEES OF DItEP DO NOT CONDUCT INSPECTIONS OR ANALYZE DATA BEFORE A CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. THE MUNICIPALITY OF zhNCHORAGE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR EKRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE PROFESSIONAl, ENGINEER,S WORK~ (DHEP SEAL) RR4/ej/D18 [Page 2 of 2] MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 Date Completed A. WELL DATA Well Classification Well Log Present .(Y/N) Total Depth Cased to Static Water Level Pump Set At Casing Height Above ground Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) Separation Distances f~cm Well: To Septic/~~Tank on Lot ~o To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot To Nearest Public Sewer Line C leancut/Manhole Water Sample Collected By Water Sample Test Pesults C(~u~nts If A, B, or C, D.E.C. Approved(Y/N) Yield Depth of Grouting Sanitary Seal on Casing (q/N! . Depressior~Around Wellhead (Y/N) ; On Adjoining Lots ~ ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot ; Date Be S E PT I C/~L~LTANK DATA Date Installed ~ Size //Z ~-~D No. of Ca,%~artments Standpipe~/~!/~- Air-tight Caps~/~ Foundation Cleanou~/N9 Depression over Tank (A~N~ Date Last Pumped Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N)FV/~ ; for Holding Tank High-Water Alarm .(..Y/N)~;/~- Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) Separation Distances frcm Septic/Holding Tank: To Water-Supply Well ~dOO ~i, To Building Foundation To Property Line //~ ~-~ To Disposal Field /Z To Water ~---i~/Service Line ~ ~ Course /~ o ~ To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Counts /t3 o ~3 ~ [Page 1 of 2] 2-15-84 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed ~//~?W,~_ Width of Field ,~ Square Feet of Absorption Area ngth of Field_ , 7/' Depth of Field ~ yL! Gravel Bed Thickness ~- ~ ~ Standpipes Pr'esent~9 Depression over Field (~N~ Date of Last Adequacy Test Results of Last Ad~quacy~Test /C),/~ Separation Distance from Absorption Field: / To ~ter-Supply Well ~ uA To Property Line To Building Foundation ~__~ ~ / To Existing or Abandoned System on Lot. /J/~ ; On Adjoining Lots ~ ~-- To Wate~ M~//Service Line /Z~ ~ To Cutbank(if present) To Stream/Pond/Lake/o~ Majo~ D~ainage Course /~ o ~ To Driveway, Parking Area, o~ Vehicle Storage Area ~'~- ' Comments /~ ~ ~ ~ D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Ala~,~ Level at Tested for Electrical Codes (Y/N) Dimer~ions , . Mqnhole/access _(,Y/N) ~/ /~)ff" Level at Vent (Y/N, Pumping Cycles du~ing Adequacy Test. Meets MOA Cor~r~nts ** Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Again%st HAA'Request I certify that I have checked, verified, o~ conformed to all MOA HAA .~nes ih-effect on the date of this inspection . , ~ .... .~: ..:~ KB1/dL/s 2,.15-84