HomeMy WebLinkAboutHUFFMAN #1 BLK 3 LT 2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT N~me DISTANCES ~'/"~&'4::~'/~ ~ ~,~,~~ ~ SEPTIC ABSORPTION WELL H~~ ~ { FOUNDATION ~ 5/~- ~ ~ ~O / T/~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ driveway,AS'BUlLTwaterOiA~RA"bodies, etc.)(Sh°w location of well, septic system, prope,y lines, foundation, / TANKS ~ SEPTIC D HOLDING Matedal No. of Compedments TYPE OF SYSTEM ~Vl~), U TREUCH ~BED ~ W, DRAIN ~ OTHER .~,~ Depth to pipe bot'°" fr°m . Total depth "°m °riginal grade Fill Gravel depth beneath pip~ added above original ~e + FT /n,~ Number °~ S°il rating Pipe material w ccs I '/ Classifi cation (A,B,C) ~/ Total Depth I Cased 'o Scale: ' E~G~E~'S SEAL INSPECTION REPORT MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION NAME f'"- - / BLOCK / ~ SUBDIV~ ~4~ ; / DATE FOOTING [] EI~EC. TEMP· FOUNDATION --I ELEC. SERVICE BOND BEAM [] ELEC. ROUGH FRAMING [] ELEC. FINAL' "~___~_~__ INSULATION [] OTHER "~" '//-~'~ ~ SHEETROCK. [] STRUCT. FINAL [] FIRE FINAL ...... OTHER [] ZONING /~O NONCOMPLIANCE OBSERVED [] WILL REEXAMINE AT NEXT INSPECTION PLBG. UNDGR. PLBG. ROUGH GAS TEMP. GAS MECHANICAL MECH. FINAL __ PLBG. FI NAL OTHER [] CORRECTIONS ESSENTIAL AS EXPLAINED BELOW [] DO NOT CONCEAL UNTIL REINSPECTED . COMMENTS 'DATE ~/ ~' INSPECTOR W~EN CORRECTIONS ARE MADE. PLEASE CALL FOR INSPECTION 84-oo2 (Rev, 2/85) DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE & associates,inc. Consulting Eingineers P.O. Box 230608 · ^nchorage, ^laska 99523-0608 * (907) 279-8866 · ~:^×; (907) September 18, 1990 Mr. John Smith Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services On-Site Services Department 825 L. Street, Fifth Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: PERMIT REQUEST AND LOT LINE WAIVER REQUEST FOR LOT 2, BLOCK 3, HUFFMAN NO. 1 SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Smith: Enclosed are the sewer system location plan and soils test for the above referenced property. This project involves the upgrade of a failed sewer system on the lot. The upgrade requires the new replacement system to be placed in the rear (SW) corner of the lot in order to achieve separation distances. It also involves removal of the existing trench material and replacement with existing native sand material available at the site. The lot line waiver is necessary in order to provide 100 ft. separation from the well. We are requesting a waiver to allow for a 5 ft. distance to the lot line rather than the 10 ft. distance required. Should you have any questions or need any other information, please let us know. Ve.~ l truly ~..o. urs, enclosures ..5 And Locations Must Be Field Verified Prior To Construction ER SYSTEM 'LOCATION PLAN NORTH =¢'~I, = lbo' · Munk~ipafity of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN 825 "L" StCeet. Anchora9e. Alaska 9950243( SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION ( EN GIN,~E.q'S $ ~J-LJ 2 4 8 10 12- - ZbH 15 16 17 18 19- 20~ /~L~.~.~/,lTown~hip. Range, Sed, ion: SLOPE ENCOUNTERED? S IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? -:~,- . pO / E S(TE PLAN · ' G¢o~ Net Oe~th to Net Read[~J Date T~rr, e ~ ~a~ Drop COMMENTS -- ' PERFORMEO BY: A~O~CE ~TH ALL STA~ AND MUN~PAL GU~O6U~S fN EFFEO~N THIS OAT6 DATE. 72~ (R~. Tom Fink, Mayor Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 September 28, 1990 Bruce J. Corwin, P.E. Corwin and Associates PO Box 230608 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-0608 Subject: Waiver RequeSt for Lot 2 Block 3 Huffman Subdivision Waiver Request ~WR900041, PID ~108-161-21, SW900318 Dear Mr. Corwin: Your request for waiver of the required 10 foot separation between a septic system and a lot line has been approved. waived distance is 5 feet. The This approval applies to the existing septic system lot line separation only. Any future upgrade to the septic system will require all separations be met or another approval from th'is department. Sincerely, Daniel N. Bolles On-site Services Concur: Susan Oswalt Acting Program Manager On-site Services DNB/ljm NOTE: All Dimensions ~d Locations Must Be Field Verified Prior To Construction SE~E~ SYSIEM'LOCATION PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT PHONE ~NEW NAME 'PY'RAIf41D EX C A VA T/,,V & 5/,, I-2.'Ig4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION NO. OF BEDROOMS~ AVE. ~' DISTANCE TO= Iwell /00 ~ Absorptiogr, a Dwellin2 ¢, PERMIT~,~ OOZ,~.0. ~ Z Manufacturer Material<~l~ E NO. of compartments Uq~bY in gall°ns IF HOMEMADE: Inside length NA Width ~ Liquid depth ~O~ DISTANCE TO: Well NA Dwelling PERMIT NO. ~ -- ~ Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons Q Well/ F°undat'? ¢, Nearest~e, :~ Nc.DISTANCE TO:of lines,' Length¢~i~e Total ,en~o¢~es Trench width~__~" inches ' D~a~:Xetween lines. . ~ ~ ~ Top of tile to finish grade~-- ,__~ ~--' ~terial beneath tile ~ 7~lI Tbt~l effete ~s~tion area Length Width ~epth I PERM IT NO. ~ ~ T~pe of crib Crib diamet Crib depth Total effectiue absorption area m Well ~ ' ' " Building foundation Nearestlotline ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Class Depth Driller [ I~ Distance to lot Hne PERMIT NO. ~ Building foundation Sewer lin~ V ¢ ~ Septic tank Absorption area(s) ~ DISTANCE TO: OTHER PIPE MATERIALS REMARKS - S & ENGINEERS, INC. S 7125 OLD SEWARD HIGHWAY * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950'2 November 7, 1983 Municipality of Anchorage Attn: Mr. COry Willis A4U~tCtPAL~T¥ OF ANCHOP, A(~E Department of Health and Environmental Protection ~NVIRONM[N~'AL P~OTECHON Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502 Re: Revisions to Septic System InspeCtions &Perc Tests R E C E!ME D Gentlemen: 1. LeVar Subdivision~ Lot 7: Your letter~ of November 1~ 1983~ refers to our ins~ction report which states that the septic system was installed tO a depth ot 11.0'~ while the permit was tot a 10.0' deep installation. The system was installed level on a 2-3% natural slope~ which has resUlted in the system being installed slightly deeper than allowed at the southern end~ No groundwater is Present'at this site which is located on an isolated hill ot glaCi~ origins. The hill is &Om~sed ot tree-draining sandy gravel and is used in part as a gravel pit. We feel that tMs is a minor discrepency and ask that this system be approved since only a small part ot the system is attected and since soil conditions are favorable. 2. Bear Valley Subdivision~ Lot 3~ Block 3: Your letter ot November:l~ 1983 refers to our ins~ction report which shows that the system was installed one foot too deep. Surface grading was done at this site between the time ot the percolation test and the final ins~ction. The grading resulted in the addition ot approximately one toot ot fill being placed at the location ot the system. This information was inadvertantly left oft ot the inspection re,rt. A revised report is attached. 3. H~tman #1 Subdivision~ LOt 2~ Block 3 The percolation test and ins~Cti0n report were originally submitted with the wrong subdivision name (Huttman HillS). Revised reports are attached. WASILLA ANCHORAGE SOLDOTNA (907) 376-3770 ! (907) 349-6561 (907) 262-9534 ' ~ , MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~. ~~' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH& ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEEfllN~-DiVISION ~ 825 L Street - Anchorege~ Alalka 9~;I ;~;iephone 2~720 ON,SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL sYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT PHONE ~NEW MAILING ApDR~S LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION NO, OF BEDROOMS ~ z ' No. of compartments Manufacturer Liqi~by in gallons IF HOME.D6: Inside leith . N~ Width N ~ Liquid depth ~O~ DiSTANCETO: welI p4/5 Dwelling PERMIT NO. ~ ~ ~ Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons ~ Well/00 Foundatio2 ~, Nearest ~e, PERMIT ;~ DISTANCE TO; ~ ' Dj~:Xet~en lines~-- -- No. of lines/ Length oZ~gi,e Total len~j~es Trench 4~width ,1 inches "~ Top of tile to finish grade ¢,¢~ ~, *,erial~neathtile Length Widih ~epth · ' PERMIT NO. ~ ~ Type of crib Crib diamet Crib depth Total eff~ti~ absorption area Well ~  DISTANCE TO: Building foundation N~t.lot line Class Depth Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. ~ ~ Driller ~ Building foundation Se~r lin~ V · I Septic tank Absorption area(s) ~ DISTANCE TO: OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING REMARKS . . ~ . ~~eee~ ~;~ ~ ~0FESS~ LEGAL PERMIT NO~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 ~L'" STREE% ANCHORAGE~ AK. DD50~ ~4-47~0 ( B~0627 ) APPLICANT LOCATION LEGAL PYRAMID EXC SPECKLING L2 8; HUFFMAN HILLS · 048 W INTL. AIRPORT SU. iO~ 99 5622484 .LOT SIZE 555555 SQUARE FEET TYPE OF SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS: TRENCH MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS = 4 SOIL RATING (SQ FT?BR)= 250 THE F.'.EQUIRED SIZE OF THE SI;ilL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS: [:,EF"TI It= 2t_¢=J LEZ~-~,_~iTH'= ~ nZ~iF-:R s- EL [::,EF'TH= 6 THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRAINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF A TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET). 'THERE iS NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GRAVEL. DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFALL PIPE AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET). PERMIT APPLICANT HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THIS DEPARTMENT DURING THE iNSTALLATION INSPECTIONS OF ANY WELLS ADJACENT TO THIS PROPERTY AND THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES THAT THE ~iELL WILL SERVE. T~.JIL--, (: -2: > I ~'-~'_----]F'EE:T I C,f-~L5 F~F~:E F..:Ei]~Ltl I BACKFILLING OF FINY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION FIND APPROVAL BY THIS DEPFIRTMENT PiILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. MINIMUM DISTANCE BETi,iEEN A P-IELL. AND ANY ON-':'-";ITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM IS ±00 FEET FOR A PRIVATE I.iELL OR ±50 TO 200 FEET FROM R PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE T'¢PE OF PUBLIC WELL MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM A PRIVATE !.iELL TO A PRIVATE SE!.iER LINE IS 25 FEET AND TO A COMMUNIT"F SEWER LINE; IS 75 FEET, OTHER REQUIREMENTS MAY APPLY. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAMS ARE A'¢AILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. I CERTIFY THAT ±: I AM FAMILIAR klITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SiTE SEWERS AND WELLS ~S SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2: I WILL. iNSTALL THE SYSTEM iN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODES. ~: i UNDERSTAND THAT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM FlAY REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF THE RESIDENCE IS REMODELED 'TO INCLUDE MORE THAN 4 BEDROOMS. SI ONE[:,: ._~~~~ ........................... APPLICANT PYRAMID E::'::C I_,:.UED BY ","4. 0 & . i:NGiNEERS, INC. 7125 OLD SEWARD HWY. ~' ~lag,~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950:3 549-6561 S(;ILS I_OG PEt~C()I. AII()N FE~I t 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 SI OPE SITE PLAN I,O'-z,$' 5:RAV~LUy <jA/dD 10 WAS GROUND WATER 1 1 ENCOUNTER E0) 12 iF YES, AT WHAT 1:~ 1 4 Read,rig / ~s OF 16 4 ~8 JOHN E SWAN~II ll~l~.E 8 19 2O PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMI~ N T:~ W ~ s L o P E T,me Time ?:58 lot oO 2. ~,',q. i)EPFIF.:THENT t3F HEF!LTH t'%iD Ei'.,IVIF.:OI'.,IHENTFIL PROTECT ZOi'.,t :325 "L "' 5'TF:EET., f:ff'~ l H"Z [~'FIGE F-II< ;;-!54-..-.i72E~ : FINCHORRGE 59,4-213:1 : EFIGLE RIVER L th.,, -- _-:... :[ T ~-3 11..,-11E tL E F' ['--- F.: 1I"-1 1". ""IF' F'EFd"I i T NO. RF'F'L i CflNT: H .~I~' '[ ZI'_"tN HOHEZ F'HONE: ;:...:,:.l."Z:' RE:,E:,F.:E:.'.C,S' 2,:.!.E~2 i'"IE:F.:RE FI N '.:: H 0 F.' Fl[3 E., R K 99..5 E~ 2: . LE(3FtL t.",E_"~ZF.:IF'TI(:H - :.".:;UE:E:,IVZE;IE~i'.,t: HUFFI"IFII'.,t ~1 E, LUL. I- .... L. 0T '.'5iZE ~..3:5g!. FT. TOHN:.SHZF': - RFtNGE: - '.E, ECTiON: - t CEF.:TiF'-/ THRT: fi... i Fti"l FHtlILII-IF,:. t.,.!I~H THE F..:Eg!LilI~:EHENT$ FDF.' Oi'.,I-'_:;ITE: _,EI.,.IEF.._, RNE:, 1.4ELLE;, RS E;ET FORTH E:'-/ THE i"RJI'.,IIC:iPFILIT'~.: OF F-tI'.,ICHOF4:FIGE FIND THE S"i"RTE 0F F-IL.I-~SI':::FI. ' 2. i F-IILL ]:i',i:STFILL THE' :5'-r'STEI','I IN F-tC:.".EF..'E,FIIqiE I.,.IITH THE EL3[;,E'5 RI'.,IE:, HR',,,'E F~ COF"¢ OF THE CODE :SUt"iHFIF.:'¢ FIND C, IRGIRFIH FITTFICHHENT:5 1.4HIE:H IS 'F'FII~:T OF THt:5 F'EF~:I"t i - 3.. i LiNE:,EF.:'f~;TFff.,IE., THRT TFIE CN-'BITE 5E[,.IER 5'-/STEH i,lFl'¢ REg!LIIF.:E ENLFIF.'GEHENT IF' THE F::ES;IDENC:E I:.:.; F.:EHODELED Ti.") Ii'.,[CL. IJE:,E I','IOF::E THFIN *;..'~ EEDF.'llf"12"; F'EFd'IIT FIF'F'LICIRNT HFt?:, THE F.:ESF'DN:5iBiLIT'¢ TO tNFORH F'EF.:$ONNEL E:,UF.'.ING THE iN:E;TRLLFtTIE4'.,i Ii,,iE;F'EE. TION5 OF FtN'-¢ 1.4ELL2g FtE:,..IFICEI'.,iT TO THi'_-i; FF.:_FEF..'F~ FIND THE NLIHBEF..: OF F.:E:T, IE.,E:NCE"_-"; THRT THE HELL HILL SEFS,,'E. iF' Ft LIFT STFtTION IZ INi';TF¢...LEg,., FIN ELE:C:TF.:ICFtL F'EFd"/IT RI'.,tE:, IN'=;F'EC:TiON i','ILI9T [.:.'~E OBTF~INEE:,. Fi?.,-ERJiLT'_:, C. FtNNOT E:E FtF'F'ROVEB, .klITHCtLIT FIN ELEC:TF.:iCFIL IN'SF'ECTION F. EFt F..'T. THE EL. ECTF. tlCFiL HORK I',ILi:BT BE E.,ONE B'-r' F-t LILEN.=,EE ELECTI~:ICIFIi",I. ,, ,.¢? , E; I GNEL":,:_:X.: IaF'F'L I C:FINT: {I/iOR I WATER WELL RECORD STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURES Divisicn ~)f Geologicol I~ Geophysical Surgeys Drilling Permit No. LOCATION OF WELL (Pleaee complete either la, lb or lc,) ~,u.~.. __Subdlvieion Lot Block Ih.il ~/4qtrs. See. tion No. TownshiP NC~ Range Emi Meridian Street Addrese *~d Argo of Well Locotlon t:t?~¢~-o~r., DEPTH: [final) 5, D~ OF Feet Below 4. WEL~.~_~ fl, 2. WELL LOG Surface -- Material Typo Top BoHom ':~.~,.~ ~,~, (~,V,-,~,:,,J l~q 17t ..c,~.,~, 0,,,.*~" ~ Above or ~1o~ : '.~ ~ ; Equipment used: 1E.6ROUTING Well Grouted: Material: ~ Neat Cement ~ Other: DUPLICATE SIGNED DATE ] SIGNED Redi~orm e 4S 469 · Poly Pak (50~sets} 4P469 · SEND PARTS 1 AND $ WITH CARBON INTACT - PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY 4040 "B" STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE: 907-279-2581 April 11, 1977 W.O. #17998 Mr. Jim Baxter Nielsen Real Estate 606 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Subsurface Investigation for Suitability of On-Site Sewer, Lot 2, Blk%,~, 'Huffman Subdivision No. 1 Gentlemen: Transmitted herein .in accordance with your instructions are the results of the above referenced investigation as performed by us on April 6, 1977. The scope cf this project is investigation for suitability of an on-site sewerage system. Included in this transmittal are: Vicinity Map Test Hole Location Sketch Test Hole Log Explanatory Information Figure 1 Figure 2 Table A Sheets 1-3 The exploration was conducted using a Nodwell mounted Mobile Drill Model B-50 drill rig with a continuous flight solid stem auger. The rig is owned and operated by Denali Drilling, Inc. Drilling was supervised, the test holes logged and percolation test performed by Mr. Terry Barber, Geologist with Alaska Testlab. The test hole was placed at the approximate location shown on Figure ].. The log of this test: hole is included, as Table A of this report. In interpreting infor~ation contained i~ Sheets 1 to 3 of this report. When d]:-ill~ng was completed a 3/4" slotted PVC pipe was inserted in the hole to aid in determining the free water level. For the percolation test, the test hole was fi[tle$ with water and tef% oyez'night to saturate. On returnzng the next day, the hole was refilled, with water and the drop mn the water level carefully monitored over the next 60 minutes. This procedure ~s not a standardized percolation test, however, we understand that, the ~unicipality of Anchorage, Department of .. p.,.~er~ tests perfo]~]Ted Public Health and Environmental Protection '~: ,. . in this manner to evaluate a site for a proposed on--sfLte sewerage sys]~em. Mr. Jim Baxter - ~-%lson Real Estate April 11, 1977 Pa.ge 2 Using the above test, the observed minimum percolation rate was 5.0 minutes per inch. No water table was observed during drilling, but it should be noted that the free water level normally fluctuates seasonally and with precipitation. We hope this report meets your present needs. If we can be of further service, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, ALASKA TESTLAB ,~ f ~lelvin R. Nichols, P.E. Laboratory Manager MRN:gf Enclosures CAMPBELl. AIRSTRIP Rd .Bi SPECKING Avenue ~ VENETIS ,-J 7~'. ~,.~. Avenue Lot 2, Block 1 Table A W.O. 417998 Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0' 0.5' ~7~ F-4, brown gravelly~ ~and~. silt, ML, wet, skiff. 0.5I 3.0' ~~ F-i, brown silty sandy ~ravel, GM/GW, damp, high density, particles to 3.0' 6.0' t$o NFS, brown gravelly sand, SP, damp, medium density. 6.0' 20.0' F-1./F-2, brown layered silt~ sand~ gravel, GM/GW, and s_il~.y_ gravell~ sand, SM/SW, damp, medium to high density. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 20.0' 2.0' None Observed Test Hole Lo9 - Description Guide The soil descriptions shown on the logs are the best estimate of the soil's characteristics at the ti~ne of field examination and as such do not achieve the precision of a laboratory testing procedure. If the log includes soils samples, those samples receive all independent textural classification in the laboratory to verify the field examination. The logs often include the following items: Depth Interval - usually shown to 0.1 foot, within that zone no signi~ ~age in soil type was observed through drill action, direct observation or sam piing. Frost Classification - NFS, FI, F2, F3, F4, see "Soil Classification Chart" Texture of Soil - An engineering classification of the soils by particle size and--"~'(~portion, sec "Soil Classification Chart". note the proportions arc approximate and mt)difications to the soil group due to stratification, inclusions and changes itl properties are included. Moisture Content this is a qualitative measure: d.~rv_, rio or little apparent surface moisture, damp, moisture forms portion of color, less than plastic limit, wet, no free water, often soft, if cohesive soil, saturated, free water may be squeezed out, ifa free draining soil; ~'ilatent at natural moisture content, if a non-plastic silt or fine sand. (The moisture content is further definedby reference to PI, LW, NP, M% or dilatency.) Density -- refers to more-or-less non-cohesive soils, such as sand gravel mixtures with or without a fine fiaction, derived from drilling action and/or sample data; usually described as: very loose, loose, medium dense, very dense. General intent is to portray earthwork characteristics. Stiffness - refers to more-or-less cohesive soils and fine grained silts of ~ clay-silt groups. Derived from drill action and/or sample data, Very soft, soft, stiff, very stiff and hard are commonly used terms. Particle size - The largest particle recovered by the split spoon is 1-3/8", Shelby tube Y', auger flights (minute-man) 2", Auger flights (B-50 hollow stem) 6"-8", Larger particles are described indirectly by action of the drilling and are referred to as cobbles, Y' to 8", or boulders 8"+, Therefore when reviewing the gradation sheets, if any, the description on the hole log must be considered for an'indication of larger particles. Unified Soil Classification -. This is a two letter code. See Unified C-'la-'~si~tT~ sheet {~r'~ur~her definition. Ill some cases AASHO attd/or FAA soil classifications may be shown as well as the unified. Atterberg Limits - useful for fine grained and other plastic soils. P._Jl; natural moisture content believed to be less than plastic limit PI+; natural moisture content believed to be between plastic and liquid l'i-mits l..._~w+; natural moisture content believed to be greater than liquid limit . N~P; non-plastic, useful as a modifying description of some silty mat&rials. Dilatencv - is the ability of water to migrate to the surfsce of a saturated or nearly saturated soil sample when vibrated or jolted --. used as an aid tn determine if a fine grained soil is a slightly or non.pit,fie silt or a volcanic ash. Rock flour - finely ground soil that is not plastic but otherwise appears sirnfl,4r' i~-'i clayey silt. Organic Content - usually described as Peat, PT, sometimes includes ~ pa~c~ such as wood, coal, etc. as a modifier to an inorganic soil. Quantity described as; trace, or an estimate of volume, or, in case of all organic, - as Peat. This may include tundra, muskeg and bog material. Muck - a modifier used to describe very soft, semi-orgauic deposits us-~y occuring below a peat deposit. Amorphu~ pea5 -- organic particles nearly or fully disintegrated. Fibrous Peat - organic particles more-or-less intact. Bottom of Testhole - includes last sample interval. Frost Line - seasonal frost depth as described by drilling action and/or samples at the time of drilling. Frozen Ground - other than frost line, described by samples, usually includes description of ice content, often will include modified Unified Classification for frozen soils - this is a special case related to permafrost studies. Free Water Level - The free water level noted during drilling. This is not necessarily the static water table at the time of drilling or at other seasons. Static water table determination in other than very permeable soils requires observation wells or piezometer installations, used only m special cases. Blow/6:' - The number of blows of a 140 weight free falling 30" to advance a 2" split spoon 6"; the number of blows for a 12" advance is, by definition, tbe standard penetration. ,,4% - natural moisture content of the soil sample, usually not pe-'~-fr ormed on clean sands or gravels below the water table. Type of Sample - S._P, refers to 2" split spoon driven into the soil by 140 pound weight, a disturbed sample, ~, thin wall tube, "Shelby" used to obtain undisturbed samples of fine grained soil, G, "grab" disturbed sample from auger flights or wall of trench, C, cut sample, undisturbed sample from wall of trench. Dry Stren~ - a useful indicator of a soil's clayey fraction, N=None, L=Low, M =Medium, H=High Group - The samples are placed into apparently similar groups based on color and texture and afc arbitrarily assigned a group letter. Furtber disturbed tests including Atterberg Limits, grain size, moisturedensity relationship, etc. may be performed on the group and are assumed to reflect the general distrubed characteristics of the soils assigned to the group. This is an important phase of the soil analysis and is used to standardize the various qualitative determinations and to reduce the number of quantitative tests necessary to describe the soil mass. SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART 30% GRAVEL CLAY CLAYEY CLAYEY OR SILTY SAND SILTY SANDY GRAVEL GRAVELLY SAND GRAVEL \ \ 0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAVEL (+#4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm, GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: F1 GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F3 a, GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm- AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. b. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4 a. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm, C. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12. d. VARVED CLAYS, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 343-4744 Parcel I.D. # CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (Must be completed prior to submittal) (a) Legal Description (include 10t, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address or directions) (b) Property owner //'~-~_,~'/¢'27~_.? X~-~'~" Telephone: (~o~e) W/~ Business~/-~70 ~ Mailing Address ~ ~ ~- ~'~ ~ / (C) Lending Institution Mailing Address (d) Real Estate Company and Agent //~/',///~ Address /¢'"/'/~ Telephone (e) Telephone Mail the HAA to the following address: (or check here I-1, if hold for pick up.) List contact person and day phone number below: 2. TYPE OF RESIDEN~CE''~' Single-Family ~ Number of bedrooms '-~ 3. WATER SUPPLY ~ Individual Well [~' Community [] Public [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to th legality and status. 4. SEWAGE D~OSAL On-site [] Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88) Page 1 of 2 ')JJOM s,Jeeu!J~ue leUO!SSO~oJd eql u! suo!ss!u. IO JO sJOJJe JO~ olq!suodseJ leu s! o6moqouv jo/4!led!o!un iAI OqL 'ponss! s! oieo!JBJoo e eJojeq e~ep ezXleUe Jo suoBoedsu! ~,on puoo ),ou op SHHQ ~o see~oldUJ:] 's:jueLueJ!nbeJ ejl]:js pue jeJepo,t u!e3Jeo ~,tsBes o~ JepJo u! suo!ln~p, su! I~u!puei J!eql pue SeLUOUl JO sJes~qoJnd o7, ,~s~),Jnoo e se s!ql seep SHHQ oqj. 'e~SelV ~o o~mS eq~ u! peJe~,s!~eJ Jeeu!bue jeuo!sse~oJd Suepuedepu! ue ,~q ~Aoqe ~ qdl~J§~J2d U! UeA!I~ suop, e:~ueseJdeJ eq] uodn ,quo peseq peleoB!Jeo leAOJddv/q!Joq~,n¥ qjleeH senss! (SH HQ) SeO!AJeS UeLUnH pu8 qileeH jo jueLu~,J~dea eDeJoqouv jo/~$!led!o!unlAl eq/ leUO!~!puoo leAoJdd¥' leUOR!puoo Jo sLuJo/ pe^oJddes!a /~ peAoJddv Xq sLuooJpoq~ Jo~. poAoJddv 'IVAOI:IddV SHHO '9 leaS s,Jeeu!Bu3 Well Classification MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) Health Authority Approval (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 343-4744 Legal Description: ,/ If A, B, C, D.E.O. Approved (Y/N) Well Log Present (Y/N) ~ Date Completed Total Depth /~75 / /~'~ ' Cased to Depth of Grouting Static Water Level ,,//,::~ / Casing Height Above Ground ,'>/~- 1/ Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot ,/'g::2~7 I Yield To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot Pump Set At Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/HI Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) ; On Adjoining Lots ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer Line To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot _'~ /7/- Water Sample Collected by Water Sample Test Results / Cc mments ,/_.,F///~ To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole ; Date B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed /~;'~,~ Size Standpipes (Y/N) Y Depression over Tank (Y/N) ,./E~-~ No. of Compartments Air-tight Caps (Y/N) ~" Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) /(-"/ Date Last Pumped Pumping/Maintenance Contact on File (Y/N) /~./A'- ;for Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) /~//~ Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK: / To Water-Supply Well /~::~::~ To Property Line ~ / To Water Main/Service Line ~ ~-~ / To Stream, Pond, Lake or Major Drainage Course Comments To Building Foundation To Disposal Field 72-026 (Rev. 7/88) Front Page I of 2 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata ~-~' Z~z.//'//Z¢:~ Type of System Design Date Installed ~'~' . //~'~O Length of Field Width of Field '~-~'/ Depth of Field // Square Feet of Absortion Area Depression over Field (Y/N) Results of Last Adequacy Test SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD: To Water-Supply Well To Building Foundation Lot TO Water Main/Service Line / To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Course To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area Gravel Bed Thickness ~--~ /J/? · Statndpipes Present (Y/N) Date of Last Adequacy Test To Property Line /'~' / To Existing or Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots ~ ..~O t To Cutback (if present) > Go/ Comments D. LIFT STATION Date Installed ¢/'~. /c"~ Dimensions Size in Gallons ._~'~O Manhole/Access (Y/N) Pump On" Level at //& '¢~"~4~?_ 7/o/D,/ "Pump Off" Level at Z, High Water Alarm Level at 7' r~--~ -7'-z~ ~'~ Vent (Y/N) Tested for ~ Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. Meets MOA Electrical Codes (Y/N) Comments **Check Permi//Bedroom RaAAgainst HAA Request** I certify that I/ha¢~ che ed~CerifiCd, or conformed to all MOA and inspection. ///~ /// ' . Signed ///~ ~'04 / ~ Company/(~'/~;~ //,/~/~ >~~. Date MOA No. Receipt No. ~'~ ~ Date of Payment Amount: $ 72-026 (Rev. 7/88) Back Receipt Nb. Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Page 2 of 2 ffect on the date of this Engineer's Seal PROJECT: :- · LOCATIO/ OF tl~L~ (Legal Oescripcion):_ ~IELL DEPTH: ~].-~ _ FT. CAS{/~G: DATE [1RILLIIIG CO.".iPLETEO: STATIC t-lATER LEVEL (Top of Casing): FT SCREE:I: .... DR{LLER: FT 51 ock E'J~psed .Iime Sincel pumping'SCarEed/ [ Depth to ScoDped, Hin. ,t~at.er, fo. 10 7 '~ I 20 7:18 I 2-~ Ora,,~down / Recovery Pump ing Rate, GP.~ 0 I  35 · .. ~ 50 RECOYERY 5 15 zs I ~ aours I 1 £ 1 I L I CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL I~BORATORIES ~)t~ ALASKA, IN~. ~-- :' ~ 5C:x33 B STREET - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 * TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ~ FEDERAL TAX I,D. #92-0040440 Data Report ?[~ted: JUC 16 90 ~ 20:24 Collected $~ 12 ~0 * 13:50 hece~¥ed JUL 12 90 ~ 15:20 b~. Cklent ~¢ct : CORVe/N? P,O.t NON~ RBCZ[VED ~eq t O~de/ed By ; ~. C05WlN Ser~l ge~ott~ to: ~)CO~WIN ~ ASSOC. / Special Instruct; Chemlab ~e£ I; 902~09 [a~ Smpl ID: 1 Rat/tx: WAT£~, A!low~ble Parametez Tested Result '-- Unat, Method txm~t~ NIIkA~E-N 029 m~/1 EPA 353.2 10 Sampl~ RO~INE $3,EPLE. Re~atke: SA}4PLE ¢OLLECYED BY 30HN $C~O£LLE. None Detected "See ~ample ~emark~ Aboye ~ot ~nalyze~ t~-te~ Then, GT-G~eate~ ~n APPLIC--hlT FILLS OUT UPPER HAL ' "ONLY Buyer Address Zip Code Phone Address L ~'~?' ~' ~' Zip Code Phone Realty Co, & Agent Address Zip Code Type of Residence [~ SingJe Family [] Multiple Family No. of Bedrooms [] Other Water Supply ~7(i.~ ~ [~ Individual . . ATTACH WELL LOG. A well Icg is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. [] Community For wells drilled prior to that date, give weJl depth (attach log if available). [] Public Utility Sewer DisposaJ j~ Individual Year Individual Installed:. [] Public Utility When Connected to Public Utility: [] Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. Time Time Time Time Date Date Date Date Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Field Notes: DEPT. OF H=/',LTJJ ~ ~ ~ j c ENVJROHMiNI'AL PROT~O[JON RECEIVED ( ~) APPROVED BEDROOMS *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ( ) DISAPPROVED ( ) CONDITIONAL APP~V~ Soils Rating Date ~wer installed Well To Absorption Area Well Log Received ~ __ ~ ~ Well to Tank Septic T~k Size