HomeMy WebLinkAboutHUFFMAN HILLS S-5312 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE : DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [] PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME S-5312 Huffman Hills North Addition ~1 DATE RECEIVED January 3, 1980 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY January 21, 1980 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF I~PUBLIC WAT E R.4~"~"I~AVAI LAB LE TO PETITION AR EA [~PUBLIC SEWER.a~F AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) klUN~CmAL~Ty oF .... D£PT. 0~,, ANCHoRA,,,,~ "~,~o,~,&'/??, ~ '~ , -, ~CTioN JAN 8 1980 -RECE!.V D SUBSURFACE SOIL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED HUFFMAN HILLS SUBDIVISION ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA ~REPARED FOR Besse Engineering Anchorage, Alaska BY R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. Anchorage, Alaska September 29, 1977 !980 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION .................. 1 II. FIELD INVESTIGATION ............... 2 III. LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM ........... 2 IV. SITE TOPOGRAPHIC & GEOMORPHOLOGIC CONDITIONS . 2 V. SUBSURFACE SOiL CONDITIONS ........... 3 VI. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS ............. 4 VII. CONCLUSIONS AND ILECOMMENDATIONS ......... 4 A. Influence of Groundwater Conditions .... 5 B. General Site Considerations ........ 5 VIII.CLOSURE .................... 6 APPENDIX Location Diagrams ................ A-0t General Notes .................. B-01 Explanation of Selected Logs .......... B-02 Log of Test Holes .............. B-03 and B-05 Summary of Laboratory Test Data ........ C-01 September 29, 1977 R&M No. 752193 Besse Engineering 1360 East 71st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attention: Mr. Richard Besse Re: Subsurface Soil Investigation~ Proposed Huffman Hills Subdivision, ~chorage, Alaska Gentlemen: We are submitting herewith three copies of our report for the subject project. The work has been performed in accordance with our earlier discussions° The information presented herein reflects our interpretation of your general exploration requirements for this project site. Should you have any questions with regard to our investigation or this report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. James We Rooney Vlce President JWR/gld SUBSUP~FACE SOIL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED HUFFMAN HILLS SUBDIVISION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA I. INTRODUCTION The subsurface soil investigation for the proposed Huffman Hills Subdivi- sion has been completed. The proposed subdivision is located just east of the Seward Highway Frontage Road and south of Huffman Road in Anchorage, Alaska. The approximate limits of the proposed development area are shown on the Location Diagram, Drawing A-01. This investigation was conducted in accordance with a request from Mr. Richard Besse of Besse Engineering. On site excavating and sampling operations were conducted September 20, 1977, under the supervision of R & M Consultants, Inco Test Pits 1 through 6 were excavated within the boundary of the proposed subdivision at the locations agreed upon by Mr. Besse and Mr. Donald Bruggers of R & M Consultants. The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on the Location Diagram, Drawing A-01. The purpose of this report is to: 1. Describe the apparent subsurface soil and groundwater conditions encountered at the site. 2. Present general recommendations with regard to proposed site utilization, modifications, and development° II. FIELD INVESTIGATION Soil excavating and sampling operations were performed with a backhoe. Representative material was obtained by taking "grab" samples at selected depths from soil returned to the surface. All samples recovered in the field were visually identified by the field geologist and returned to the R & M laboratory for further analysis and testing. The test pits were excavated to an average depth of 14 feet beneath the existing ground surface. The logs of the test pits are presented on Drawings B- 03 through B-05. III. LABORATORY TESTING PROGPJ~M The laboratory tasting program was limited to the evaluation of general soil index properties. Particle size distribution analysis was performed on selected samples in accordance with ASTM Specification D-422. The results of these tests are shown on Drawing C-01~ Summary of Laboratory Test Data. All remaining samples will be held in storage for approxi- mately 6 months. IV. SITE TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOMORi~HOLOGiC CONDITIONS The site is bordered on the south by Turnagain View Subdivision, on the north by Birch Forest Estates Subdivision and on the west by the Seward Highway Frontage Road. Ground elevation contours obtained from a prelim- inary plat of Huffman Hills provided by Mr. Besse indicate the area slopes from the southeast to the northwest and west from an ap~roximate elevation of 230 feet to 190 feet MSL. Localized high areas and depres- sions also exist throughout the site. The elevation contours as shown on the preliminary plat are presented on the Location Diagram, Drawing A-01. It is felt that the present topography of the proposed site reflects a perigtacial deposit. Vegetation on the site consisted of tall spruce, birch, and aspen° Willow and alder brush was also prevalent. This site lies in seismic Zone 4 as defined by the Uniform Building Code. No analysis of soil-structure response to seismic loading has been performed at this time. V. SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS The site subsurface soils at the locations investigated were generally overlain with an organic mat having an average thickness of 0.5 feet. Beneath this material, a 1 to 2 foot layer of brown silty sand was encountered in all tile test pits. Sand which contained varying percent- ages of gravel and silt was then encountered to the bottom of the test pits. Occasional cobbles and boulders were detected in this stratum. Attention is directed to the soil logs, Drawings B-03 through B-05 for a detailed description of the subsurfacg soil conditions encountered. VI. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS During excavation procedures groundwater was encountered in only one test pit (TP-5) at a depth of 3 and 8 feet beneath the ground surface. This test pit was located in a swale which traverses the northeast corner of the site. Surface water was present in this area. We feel the groundwater detected in this test pit is perched on the hard, well bonded silt which was encountered at depths of 3 and 10 feet below the existing ground surface. Thusv future groundwater conditions at the site should be expected to fluctuate in depth and areal extent as a result of natural variations in hydrologic conditions and alteration of local hydrology due to site development. A discussion of possible construction and post-construction groundwater problems is presented in Section VII-Ao VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We understand that residential development is planned in the proposed Huffman Hills Subdivision during the 1978 construction season. Based on the subsurface information obtained from excavation operations, it is felt that this area should be suitable for residential development suJ~ject to the reconunendations contained herein. A. Influence of Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was encountered in only one of the 6 test pits excavated. The test pit in which groundwater was observed is located on the edge of a major swale in the northeast corner of the site. We understand that the interior area of the swale is to be designated as a "greenbelt" and will not be subject to housing development. This area is shown on the Location Diagram. Construction problems due to groundwater over the majority of the site are not anticipated in the area of land south and west of the above mentioned swale. However, housing construction on lots directly adjacent to the greenbelt could encounter some minor groundwater problems. In all cases, we feel that any water which accumulates in excavations would be removable using conventional dewatering techniques. B. General Site Considerations Based on the test hole logs, the site appears to be suitable for residential development. The general nature of the soil should allow single family dwelling construction with a minimum of site excavation and foundation preparation. However, all organic material and any loose, disturbed or unsuitable soil should be stripped from the foundation area prior to construction. Based on the field e~loration data, it is expected that roughly 0°5 feet of excavation will be necessary to remove the surficial organic material. Engineer- ing analysis and monitoring by qualified personnel should be employed throughout the design and construction sequence. We understand that all utilities will. be tied to existing public design and construction techniques are employed, such as proper bedding~ sufficient depth of embedment to prew~nt freezing, etc., no unusual problems are forseen. Excavation backfill and compaction procedures for utility trench excavations should be accomplished in accordance with appropriate local codes and specifications. Instal- lation should follow approved engineering specifications. Subdivision layout and individual lot grading should be accomplished in a manner that would tend to limit the use of minimum slopes. This will insure more positive surface drainage and avoid ponding. Depending on final grade elevations, road development should be readily accomplished without major cuts or fills. The road base should cons:Lst of non-frost susceptible (NFS) competent sands and gravels and the roadway should 1)e constructed in accordance with applicable regulations. Organic material stripped from the roadway could be stockpiled for future landscaping. VIIIo CLOSURE Because significant variation in the soil profile and possible variation in groundwater conditions between boring locations could be encountered, it is recommended that a qualified geotechnical engineer inspect the development during construction; this will permit verification that conditions are as anticipated Jn the desiqn. In add:;ki~on, be~:'ore construc- tion of indivJduaJ, unJA~s, wc rec:omm~md Lh~ ~ r~ [ll.i.~l~ el! I_est. holes at selected locations to verify the adequacy of the subsurface soils which exist at depths greater than those explored during this investigahion. We appreciate the opportunity to perform this subsurface investigation and truest that this information is satisfactory to your present needs. If you desire, we would be pleased to provide specific engineering recommendations for design development at this site. Should you have any questions with regard to this investigation or report~ please contact us at your convenience. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS~ INC. Donald E. Bruggers Geotechnical Engineer DEB/JES/gld ~ E. Swanson ~{~'n ~o~ ;!:ngincer CLASS!FICATIONz CONSISTENCY AN1) SYMJ~OLS d:[s;tz:ihution detemm~lcs c].as~;Jffication o1: thc so{lo The ~;oil is deli.ned according to major and mS, or constituents with the minor elcmcnks scrv~}~ as modifiers of} the major elemcnt,s. For cohesive solls~ the clay becomes the pr~m{pal noun with the other major soilconst{hmnts used as mod]f{e~:; i.e. Mlty clay~ when the clay particles arc such that khc clay dominates soil pxx)per[ies~ M~oz' soll constituents maybe added to the classH}icaCion breakdown ~ accordance with the particle size proportion listed below; i~ c. sandy silt w/[~ome gcavc].~ [cate clay, no call - 0 - 3% trace- 3 - [2% some - 13 - 30~'> by narmal field and labora~o~y methods these mat'e.tqals~ the inEluence of such factors as soil struckur% Le. fissure systems, shz'inl, aije crack% slickens{de% etch, mnst be taken into cons{dez'ation -h~ making, any correlation w{t:h the consistency valucs listedbelow~ [n permafrost zones, the consistency and strength o~ ~rozen soils may vary signifiicantly and uncxplainab]ywith ~ce con tena~ therma], reEime and soil t:ype. C oh c s ionl e s s iN'; (blow s/C / ) Rela t:ive Densi tM Loose 0 .. 10 0 to 40% Medium l}cn~.,c 10- 30 40 to 70% l)ensc 30 - d0 70 1 o 909(~ Vecy Dense - 60 90 to 100% :~St:and,u:d Punelrath:m ' N': l~lows per fool a 140-,-pound hammec falling 30 inches on a 2-inch OD splh-spoon exccpk whcz'e noted. C o he s J v e Ve×'y Sol t Itaz'd 0 - 0~25 0~25 - 0°5 0,.5 - 1o0 1o0 - 2°0 2.0 - 4°0 -4.0 I)RII,I,IN(; .,~ MI,()I,,," WO: Wash ()ut WI): WI,: Water Level BCR: WCi: Wet Cave in ACR: DCI: Dry Cave In AB: WS: While Sampling 'ED: While Drillint; 8e£ore Ca~ing Removal Afl_ct Casimg Removal After Boring To~al Depth Not:c: Water' ].evc]s ~dicated on the box'ing loss az'c thc levels measured in the bo~in~; at the t Jmes indJcaked, in pervious un~x'ozcn soils, t:he Mdicated elevations axe considered to represent actual ground water condit:{ons~ In impervious and f ZOZCll ~ )* c' .~c~,, accuz'atc deterr'ainutions of fjz'ound water elevations cannot he ob tafi~ed within a l~nit ed period of obsez'va~ion and othe.c evMence on ground waLez' elevations and conditions are x'cquiz'ed. [ '::--' [.';, r~ Pd IS gl L:T 7\ i\] 1i E';, GENERAL NOTES // . STANDARD SYMBOLS IGNEOUS ROCK METAMORPHIC ROCK ICE, MASSIVE ICE-SILT ORGANIC SILF SANDY SILT SILT GRADING TO SANDY SILT SANDY GRAVEL, SCATTERED COBBLES (ROCK FRAGMENTS) INTERLAYERED SAND 8~ SANDY GRAVEL SIUFY CLAY w/TR SAND SAMPLER I'YPE SYMBOLS St ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON WI~H 47¢~'." BAMMER Ss ..... 1.4" SPELT SPOON WITN 140¢¢¢ RAMMER SI ..... 25" SPLIT SPOON WF]R 140-// HAMMER Sh ..... 25" SPLIT SPOON WITH 340¢ HAMt~4ER Sx ..... 2.0" SPLIT SPOON WITI4 140¢,~- HAMMER Sz ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON WIIH 340ffi HAMMER Sp ..... 2.5" SPLll- SPOON, PUSI4ED Ns ..... 1,4" SPLll' SPOON ORIVEN WITN AIR NAMMER FII ..... 2,5" SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR ttAMMER Ts .... SHELBY TUBE Tm .... MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Pb .... PITCHER BARREL Cs .... CORE BARREL WFFN SINGLE TUBE Cd .... CORE BARREL WiTH DOUBLE TUBE Bs .... BULK SAMPLE A ..... AUGER SAMPLE O ..... GRAB SAMPLE NOTE', SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER NOTED ABOVE THE BORING LOG OR ADJACENT TO IT AT THE RESPECTIVE SAMPEE DEPTN, TYPICAL BORING LOG - FI. .¢',4M/)1-~/? I YPZ .% Ss GI'?,4D,4Z7ON,41 CH,4 F HOZE IV Ss Cd Elev 2746"~ Ail Somples Ss ORGANIC MAIERIAL ICE ~ I 90, 56,2'~, /,S'II¢~Z~ Ctt~N(]Z: SANDY SI LT -APPBOXI~¢TE" 3'ZRAT~ Liffla ~o~oV s hie Ice ~'-~0' V x ~ E, DESC~IPUON 72, 5ZI O/o, 85.9 pcf, 28~GP (CO~PS ~ ~ I~ATE-/¢ CONTENT ~ BLO~S/~OOT S~MPLE NUM~E'~ SANDY GRAVEL 9~ SQHiST ~-- LOC/~IYON ~0' I~ [2.- IV~FILE' DI~ILLliVG, EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS TH- 1 9-20-7? AA1 Samples G 0.0' OR(;ANIC ~ ,1~ ZAIERIAL 1.5' SILT W/SO~ SAND Brown,Slightly Moist, }J_~%d ~.gpe ~S~ 7.5 SAND W/SOHE GPdAVEL SOHE SILT Tan,Slightly Heist, Mod. De~ G~\VELLY SAND PI/ SO~ SILT Tan, Slightly Moist, Very Dense TH-2 9-20-77 All Samples G 0_~0' ORGANIC MATERIAL SILTY SAN'D U/T_~ICE GItAVEL __Brxlwn_~Dr~e_d_D~e. ].. 5 ' SANDY GRAVEL W/SO}~{ SILT Tan, Dry, Dense !4.0' T.D. *Refusal On Boulders Groundwater Not Encountered 15.0' T.D. Gzoundwater Not Encountered DATE. 9-2'7-7'1 / II ...................................... II TEST PIT LOG BI']SSN ENGINEERING HI JFFF[AN ESTATES TH- 3 9-20-77 Ail Samples G 0~ 0~ ORGANIC ~kTERIAL .5' GI%IVELLY SAND W/ SO?lIE SILT G}biDING TO SANt)Y GIe\VI']L SOHE SILT Tan,Dry,Medo Dense Occasional[ Cobbles And Boulders 2' to 15' TIt-4 9-20-77 Ail Sanple~'~ G 0.0' ORGANIC ~gtTERIAL SII,?Y SAND , I)¥y, ~'le toI)ense SANDY GNAWEL W/SOME Brown, Dry, Med. Dense -- -- 7°0' S~]DY SILT GRAVEL Brown~ Slightly Moist, Very Dense Occasional Cobbles 7' to 14o5' 15.0'T.D. Groundwater Not Encountered ~4.5' ToD Groundwater Not Encountered 'PII- 5 9-20-77 All SamDN~,s G 0.0' ORGANIC ~%~\TERIAL SANDY GtLA~Gj WI SOH]'] Brown ,Wet, Hedium SILT W/TtU~CE SAND Gray ,Very Hoist 5.0 SANDY GRAVEL 57/SOME SILT Brown, Very Uet, Dense Occasional Cobbles 5' to 10' 10o0' SILT W/SO~'; SAUD, TRACE GRA~I£L Broil, P{ois t, Dense 12.0' T.Do 9-20-77 All Samples G 0.0' ORGANIC MATERIAL \ ............ 5' .q I L'['Y SA[N} Brown, Dry, l'Ied0 De nsc G!~AVELLY SAND SILT GRADING TO SILT SAND [.7/TPJ~CE GlO,VEL Tan, Dry, Med. Dense Occasional Cobbles 1.5'to 14.5' 8' SANDY GRA~']L W/T~ICE SILT Tan,Slightly ~bist, Dense Occasional Boulders 8'to 14.5' 14.5' T. Groundwater Not Encountered TEST PIT LOG BESSE EUGINF. ERING August 7, 1978 W.O. #A18559 Grid #2834 Besse Engineering 1360 Eo 71st Avenue Anchorage, AK 99502 Subject: Subsurface Investigation for Frost Classification of Shallow Soils, Huffman Hills North Subdivision Gentlemen: As requested, on July 26, 1978, Mr. Terry L. Barber, Staff geologist with Alaska Testlab, on the above referenced site logged four test pits dug by a backhoe provided by yourselves. The test pit locations are included in this report as Figure 1. Each test pit was logged~ and the logs of those test pits are contained in this report as Table Ao It may prove helpful in interpreting the data on the test hole logs to review the standard explanatory information on Sheets 4-6° As the test pits were logged~ samples were recovered from the walls of the test pits° Each sample was sealed in a plastic bag and transported to the laboratory where its natural moisture content and dry strength was determined° Each sample was then visually classified with samples of similar color~ texture and grain size distribution being given an arbitrary group designation° Further laboratory analysis was then performed on a composite sample from the group rather ~han on individual samples. A total of seven groups were identified and are described below° Group_A Grou__p B is a brown Silty Gravell~ Sand that is moderately frost susceptible, being rated F-2. Its unified classification is SM. It consisted of only one sample from test hole ~1o is a grey Sand~ Gravel. It is non-frost susceptible, being rated NFS. Its ~nified classification is GW and its gradation ~s shown on Sheet 1. This group consisted of two samples, one each from test hole ti1 and #2° Grou~__q is a brown Gravelly Sand~ Silt that is highly frost susceptible~ being rated F-4. Its unified classification is SM and its gradation is shown on $5.5 1 2 FEB 61980 Besse Engineering °August 7,~"1978 Page 2 Group D Group E Group F Group G Sheet 2o It consisted of two samples one each out of test hole #1 and #4. is a grey Sand~ Gravel that is non-frost susceptible, being rated NITSo Its unified classification is GW and it consisted of one sample from test hole II2o is a brown Sand~ Gravel with a trace of silt. It is non to m~derately frost susceptible, being .:~o. ~ rated NFS/F-lo Its gradation is GW/GM. it ~consisted of one sample from test hole #3° is a brown Silty Sandy Gravel that is moderately frost susceptible, being rated F-lo Its unified classification is GM and its gradation is shown on Sheet 3o It consisted of two samples from test hole #3. is a brown Gravelly Saqd~ Silt that is highly frost susceptible~ being rated F-4o Its unified classification is ML, It consisted of one sample from test hole #4. We hope that this information is sufficient for your present needs. If you have any questions or if we may be of further service on this project, please do not hesitate to contact US. Very sincerely, ALASKA TESTLAB Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Laboratory Manager MRN:rb Enclosures Test Hole Depth in Feet From To 0.0' - 4.0' 4.0' - '7.0' 7.0' - 14.0' 14.0' - 14.5' Table A WO #A~8559 Logged By: ToL. Barber Date: July 26~ 1978 Soil Description F-2, brown Gravell~ Silty Sand, SM, damp~ low to medium density, particles to 4" Group ~ F-2/F-4, brown Sand~ Silt ML damp stiff, NP. '' ' ' ' NFS~ brown Sandy Gravel, GW, damp, mediunl density, partig~es to ~", Group B. F-4, brown Gravelly Sandz Silt, ML, damp, stiff, particles to 4", Gro-~p C. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 14o5' Remarks: None Observed 10.0'-12.0' 2.0' of water setting on hard pan at 14.0' Sample Depth 3.5' 2 10.0' 3 14.5' Type of Dry Blows/6" M% ~mple ~trengt~ G__rou~ U__n~..fied - 7.2 G N A SM - 2.1 G N B GW - 10.1 G N-L C SM Remarks: 3. 5. 6. Type of Sample~ G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L~Low~ M=Medi~m~ H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information~ see Sheet 1o Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Hole #2 _De_pth in Feet From To 0.0''- 4.5' 4o5" - 11.0' 11.0' - 13.0' Table A WO #A18559 Logged By: T.L. Barber Date: July 26, 1978 Soil D(}scrJptj on F-1, brown Silty~ p{~n__d_y_ Gravel, GM, damp to wet, medium to high density. NFS, brown Sandz Gravel, GW, damp, medium to high density, Group B. F-l, brown very Silt~ Sandz Gravel., GM, dam~, medium to high density. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 13.0' None Observed None Observed Samplq Depth 1 4.5' 2 11.0' Type of Dry Blows/6" M_~% Sample Strength Grou~ Unified - 4.9 G N B GW - 1.8 G N B GW Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab~ SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information~ see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Hole #3 From To 0o0' - 0.5' 0.5' - 4o5' 4o5' - 13o5' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Table A WO #A~8559 Logged By: ToL. Barber Date: July 26, 1978 Soil Description brown organic Silt, ~ topsoil. NFS, brown Sand~ Gravel, GW, damp to wet, Group Bo F-l, brown SiltZ San~ Gravel, GM, damp to wet, high density, Group Y. 13.5' None Observed None Observed Sample Depth 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 13.5' Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Unified - 3,8 G N F GM - 5 , 3 G N-.L F GM - 5.4 G N F GM Remarks: 1. Type of Sample~ G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undistnrbed. 2. Dry Strength~ N=None~ L=Low, M=Medi. um, II=Iligh. 3. Group refers to similar material' this study only. 4. General Information~ see Sheet 1. 5. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. ' Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Hole #4 D_~th in Feet From To 0o0' - 1.5' 1o5' - 4.0' 4.0' - 12.0' 12.0' - 14.0' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Table A WO ~A18559 Logged By~ T.L. Barber Date: July 26, 1978 Soil Description Brown Peat, Pt. F-4~ brown Gravel]~ S_andy Silt, ML, wet, NP, particles to 2", Group C. F-4~ brown Gravell~ Sandz Silt, M_L, wet, medium to high density, particles to 4" Group C. ' F-4~ brown Sandy Gravelly Silt, ML, hardpan, high density. - 14.0' None Observed Sample Depth I 3.0' 2 9.0' Type of Dry Blows/6" M% ~gmple Strengt~ Group Unified - 22.6 G L G ML - 6.7 G N-L C SM Remarks: 1. 2o 3o 4. 5o 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar materials this study only. General Informations see Sheet 1o Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3o II Z I I ~.LJTU The soil descriptions shown o~ the logs are th¢ beat estimate of thc coil's characteristics at the time of fidd examination and as such do not achieve the precision of a laboratory tcsti,g procedure. If tire log includes soils samples, those samples [cce~vr an independent textural classification in the laboratory to verify the field exarninatlon. The logs often inclu.de the following items: De t~lnterval -- usually shown to 0.1 foot, within that zone no ~n~:-~ ~h~ge in soil type '.','as observed through drill action direct observation or sampling. Frost Classification - NFS, Fl, F2, F3, F4, see "Soil Classification Texture of Soil - An engineering classification of the soils by particle size and proportion, see "Soil (;lassification Chart", note the propt)rtlolls ,*re approximate alld nlndifications to the soil group due to stratiflcati~m, inclusions and changes in properties are included. Moisture £/,m!_?~p_t this is a qualitative measure: _dry,., ilo or little apparent surface moisture, d~_~?~, moisture forms pomon of color, less than plastic limit, ,.vet, no frt'c water, tlftcn si)fl, il' cohesive soil, 2a~_t tl_~at3)_d, tree water may be squeezed out, ifa free draining soil; ddatcnt at hat.al inoistule content, If a non-plastic silt or fble sand. (The moisture content is further definedby reference to PI, LW, NP, M,% or dilatency.) [}5~sity triers to more-or less non-cohesive soils, such as sand gravel mixtures with or without a fine fraction, derived from driHiug action and/or sanlple data: usually described as: very loose, loose, medium del'ese, very dense. General lrltent is to portray earthwork eharacterimes. Stiffness -- refers to more-or-less cobcsive soils anti fine grained silts of t-h~:7 clay-salt groups, Derived t'ro*~ drill actio~ and/or sample data. Very soft, soft, stiff, very stiff' and hard arc commonly used terms. Particle size - Thc largest particle recovered by the split spoon ts 1-3/8", S/selby tube 3", auger t]ights (minute*man) 2", Auger flights (B-go hollow stem) 15"-8". Larger particles are described irid,u'ectly by action of the drilling and ate referred to as cobblc~, 3" to g", or boulders 8"+, Therefore wh,:n reviewing thc gradation sheets, if any, the des, criptton on the hole log must be considered for an indication of larger particles. Unified Soil (21assification - This is a t;vo letter code. See Unified ~'~asst~tcatton sheet tc~-r t~'~her definition. In some cases AASHO and/or FAA soil classifications may be shown aa well as the unified. Atterberg Limits - useful for fine grained and other plastic soils. IP~l; natural moisture content believed to be less than plastic Ii,nit PI+; natural moisture content believed to be between plastic and liquid ~[~nits natural i'noisture content believed to be greater than liquid limit ~*o*}-plastic, u*eful a~, a modifying description of some liilty ~Djj_at~en_~.v - is the abdity of water to migrate to the surface of a r.:~turated or nearly s.~turated soil sample wheu vtbrnted or jolted --- t~sed ~.~s ,ar, aid to deter*nine if a fine grained soil ia ~a slightly or non.plastic ~ilt or a volcanic ash. Rock flour .-- finely ground sod that is not plamc but othetfwi$e appears ~ clayey silt. Organic Content -- usually described as Peat, PT, ~,olnetimes includes ~,~sc-r~'e. p~[~I'd~ ~uch as wood, coal, etc. as a modifier to an inorganic soil. Quantity described as; trace, or lin estimate of volume, or, m cage of all organic, -- as Peat. Th=.~ ,'nay include tundra, muskeg and bog material. Muck -- a modifier used to describe very soft, semi.organic deposits ~'~iaa~l]y occuring below a peat deposit. Amorp2ms pea~ -- organic particles nearly or fully disintegrated. Fibrous Peat - organic particles more-or-less intact. Bottom of Testhole - includes last sample interval. Frost Line - seasonal frost depth as described by drilling action and/or samples at the time of drilling, Frozen Ground -- other than frost line, described by samples, usually includes description of icc content, otten w/Il include ~nodified Unified Classification for frozen soils - this is a special case related to permafrost studies, ?_rede W_at¢~r._lr~([t Thc free water levt:l noted durPtg drillings. 'l'hi~ ~a IIOt necessarily the ,itatlC water table ,it the time of drilling or at otbe~r seasons. Static water table determination in othe~ thai1 very permeabte soils requires observation wells or plezm'~teter irlstallations, used only Ul special cases. l~_j.lo~_6'_i - The number of bio;rs of a 140 weight free falling 30" to advance a 2" split spoon 6"; the number of blows for a 12" advance is, by definition, the standard penetration, natural moisture content of the soil sample, usually not ~-~:}'ormed on clean sands or gravels below the water table. S , ret~rs to 2" split spoon driven into the soil by 140 pound ¥,~eight, a disturbed sample, ~, thin wall tube, '~Shelby" used to obtain undisturbed samples o£ fine grained soil, .{~., "grab" disturbed sample from auger flights or wall of trench. g., cut sample, undisturbed sample from wall of trench. D_ff.rE_~e_n~:~[l~ - a useful indicator of a soil's clayey fraction, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, Iq=High o coor aid cx r~'a ti re,~iitr, rilyaisil,ncdal~oupletter, l:urther distt~bed felts inchldinR Atterbcrg Limits, graul size, moisturc4ensity reflect the general distrubcd characteristics of the sollu a~sil{ned to the group. This ~s ~n important phase ol the soil a~alysis a~ld is ~lscd to ~tat~dardize the various qualitative detcrminatlon~ and to reduce the numbe~ of quantitative tests necessary to describe the soil ma~s. SOIL CLASS FICAT ON CHART 30% GRAVEL CLAYEY OR SILTY CLAYEY CLAYEY CLAYEY SILTY SILTY \ SILTY SAND SAND 0 10 GRAVELLY SAND SANDY GRAVEL GRAVEL / GRAVELLY SAND SANDY GRAVEL GRAVEL 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 I 00 GRAVEL (~-~4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROSTSUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESSTttAN 3% FINER THAN0.02 mm, GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: F1 GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING [$ETWEEN 3AND20% FINER IHAN 0.02 mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BEIWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN0.02 mm, F3 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONFAINING MORE ¥tIAN 20% FINER TITAN 0.02 mm. AND SANDY SOILS (E×CEPT FINESIL~Y, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE TtIAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. b, CLAYSWIItt PLASIlCITY INDE×ES Ot MORE I'tlAN 12. EXCEP1 VARVEDCLAYS. F4 a, ALL SILTS INCLUDIN(} SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE fftlAN 15% FINER ]HAN 0.02 mm. c. LEAN CLAYSWtTtt PLASTICITY INIJI_XESOF' [_ESS TITAN 12. d. VARV[:{3 CLAYS. SUBSURFACE SOIL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED HUFFMANHILLS SUBDIVISION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PREPARED FOR Besse Engineering Anchorage, Alaska BY R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. Anchorage, Alaska September 29, 1977 S460 6 NOV MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMEJ'JT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PRO1 ECTION OCT ,., I. RECEIVED TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION .................. 1 II, FIELD INVESTIGATION ....... , ........ 2 III. LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM ........... ' 2 IV. SITE TOPOGRAPHIC & GEOMORPHOLOGIC CONDITIONS . . 2 V. SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS ........... 3 VI. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS ............. 4 VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......... 4 A. Influence of Groundwater Conditions .... 5 B. General Site Considerations ........ 5 VIII.CLOSURE ................... 6 APPENDIX Location Diagrams ................ A-0t General Notes ........... B-01 Explanation of Selected Logs .......... B-02 Log of Test Holes .............. B-03 and B-05 Summary of Laboratory Test Data ........ C-01 September 29, 1977 R&M No. 752193 Besse Engineering 1360 East 71st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attention: Mr. Richard Besse Re: Subsurface Soil Investigation, Proposed Huffman Hills Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Gentlemen: We are submitting herewith three copies of our report for the subject project. The work has been performed in accordance with our earlier discussions. The information presented herein reflects our interpretation of your general exploration requirements for this project site. Should you have any questions with regard to our investigation or this report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. James W. Rooney Vice President JWR/gld MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG~ DEPAR]'MF-i'IT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PRO [ECl-ION SUBSURFACE sOIL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED HUFFMANHILLS SUBDIVISION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA I. INTRODUCTION The subsurface soil investigation for the proposed Huffman Hills Subdivi- sion has been completed. The proposed subdivision is located just east of the Seward Highway Frontage Road and south of Huffman Road in Anchorage, Alaska. The approximate limits of the proposed development area are shown on the Location Diagram, Drawing A-01. This investigation was conducted in accordance with a request from Mr. Richard Besse of Besse Engineering. On site excavating and sampling operations were conducted September 20, 1977, under the supervision of R & M Consultants, Inc. Test Pits 1 through 6 were excavated within the boundary of the proposed subdivision at the locations agreed upon by Mr. Besse and Mr. Donald BrUggers of R & M Consultants. The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on the Location Diagram, Drawing A-01. The purpose of this report is to: 1. Describe the apparent subsurface soil and groundwater conditions encountered at the site. 2. Present general recommendations with regard to proposed site Utilization, modifications, and development. II. FIELD INVESTIGATION Soil excavating and sampling operations were performed with a backhoe. Representative material was obtained by taking "grab" samples at selected depths from soil returned to the surface. All samples recovered in the field were visually identified by the field geologist and returned to the R & M laboratory for further analysis and testing. The test pits were excavated roan average depth of 14 feet beneath the existing ground su~rface. The logs of the test pits are presented on Drawings B- 03 through B-05. III. LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM The laboratory testing program was limited to the evaluation of general soil index properties. Particle size distribution analysis was performed on selected samples in accordance with ASTM Specification D-422. The results of these tests are shown on Drawing C-01, Summary of Laboratory Test Data. All remaining samples willbe held in storage for approxi- mately 6 months. IV. SITE TOPOGRAPHIC A1TD GEOMOP~PHOLOGIC CONDITIONS The site is bordered on the south by Turnagain View Subdivision, on the north by Birch Forest Estates Subdivision and on the west by the Seward Highway Frontage Road. Ground elevation contours obtained from a prelim- inary ~lat of Huf£man Hills provided by Mr. Besse indicate the area slopes from the southeast to the northwest and west from an approximate MUNICIPALFD( OF ANCHORAQE DEPARTMEJ'IT OF HEALTH & FNViRONMENTAL PROTECTION OCT d RECEIVED elevation of 230 feet to 190 feet MSL. Localized high areas and depres- sions also exist throughout the site. The elevation contours as shown on the preliminary plat are presented on the Location Diagram, Drawing A-01. It is felt that the present topography of the proposed site reflects a periglacial deposit. Vegetation on the site consisted of tall spruce, birch, andaspen. Willow and alderbrush was also prevalent. This site liss in seismic Zone-4 as defined by the Uniform Building Code. No analysis of soil-structure response to seismic loading has been performed at this time. V. SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS The site subsurface soils at the locations investigated were generally overlain with an organic mat having an average thickness of 0.5 feet. Beneath this material, a 1 to 2 foot layer of brown silty sand was encountered in all'the test pits. Sand which contained varying percent- ages of gravel and silt was then encountered to the bottom of the test pits. Occasional cobbles and boulders were detected in this stratum. Attention is directed to the soil logs, Drawings B-03 through B-05 for a detailed description of the subsurfac~ soil conditions encountered. MUNiCIPALiTY OF ANCHORAGI~ DEPARTMEi',iT OF HEALTH & I::bIVIRONMEN'TAL PROTECTION OCT 6 1~,f RE~¢EIVED VI. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS During excavation procedures groundwater was encountered in only one test pit (TP-5) at a depth of 3 and 8 feet beneath the ground surface. This test pit was located in a swale which traverses the northeast corner of the site. Surface water was present in this area. We feel the groundwater detected in.this test pit is perched on the hard, well bonded silt which was encountered at depths of 3 and 10 feet below the existing ground surface. Thus, future groundwater conditions at the site should be expected to fluctuate in depth and areal extent as a result of natural variations in hydrologic conditions and alteration of local hydrology due to site development. A discussion of possible construction and post-construction groundwater problems is presented in Section VII-A. VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We understand that residential development is planned in the proposed Huffman Hills S~bdivision during the 1978 construction season. Based on the subsurface information obtained from excavation operations, it is felt that this area should be suitable for residential development subject to the recommendations contained herein. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAQI~ DEPAR'EMEi'~T OF HEALTH & [NVIRONMENTAL PROJECTION A. Influence of Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was encountered in only one of the 6 test pits excavated. The test pit in which groundwater was obse~ed is located on the edge of a major swale in the northeast corner of the site. We understand that the interior area of the swale is to be designated as a "greenbelt" and will not be subject to housing development. This area is shown on the Location Diagram. Construction problems due to groundwater over the majority of the site are not anticipated in the area of land south and west of the above mentioned swale. However, housing construction on lots directly adjacent to the greenbelt could encounter some minor groundwater problems. In all cases, we feel that any water which accumulates in excavations would be removable using conventional dewatering techniques. B. General Site~Considerations Based on the test hole logs, the site appears to be suitable for residential development. The general nature of the soil should allow single family dwelling construction with a minimum of site excavation and foundation preparation. However, all organic material and any loose, disturbed or unsuitable soil should be stripped from the foundation area prior to construction. Based on the field exploration data, it is expected that roughly 0.5 feet of excavation will be necessary to remove the surficial organic material. Engineer- ing analysis a~d monitoring by qualified personnel should be employed throughout the design and construction sequence. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMEi'~T OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PRO l ECl'ION We ~nderstand that all utilities will be tied to existing public services. Based on the subsurface soil conditions utility design and installation should be conventional. As long as standard design and construction techniques are employed, such as proper bedding, sufficient depth of er~bedment to prevent freezing, etc., no unusual problems are forseen. Excavation backfill and compaction procedures for utility trench excavations should be accomplished in accordance with appropriate local'codes and specifications. Instal- lation should follow approved engineering specifications. Subdivision layout andindividual lot grading should be accomplished in a manner that would tend to limit the use of minimum slopes. This will insure more positive surface drainage and avoid ponding. Depending on final grade elevations, road development should be readily accomplished without major cuts or fills. The road base should consist of non-frost susceptible (NFS) competent sands and gravels and the roadway should be constructed in accordance with applicable regulations. Organic material stripped'from the roadway could be stockpiled for future landscaping. VIII. CLOSURE Because significant variation in the soil profile and possible variation in groundwater conditions between boring locations could be encountered, it is recommended that a qualified geotechnical engineer inspect the ~UNICIPAUTY OF ANCHORAG~ DEPARTMEi'~T OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO~ REC, E~VED development during construction; this will permit verification that conditions are as anticipated in the design. In addition, before construc- tion of individual units, we recommend the drilling of test holes at selected locations to verify the adequacy of the subsurface soils which exist at depths greater than those explored during this investigation. We appreciate the opportunity to perform this subsurface investigation and trust that this information is satisfactory to your present needs. If you desire, we would be pleased to provide specific engineering recommendations for design development at this site. Should you have any questions with regard to this investigation or report, please conuact us at your convenience. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. Donald E. Bruggers Geotechnical Engineer DEB/JES/gld John E. Swanson Senior Engineer MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGI~ DEP/\RTMEi'[T OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PRO]ECTION OCT ~.; SOILS CLASSIFICATION~ CONSISTENCY AND SYMBOLS CLASSIFICATION: Identification and classifica'tion of the soil is accomplished in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Normally, the grain size distribution determines classification'of the soil. The soil is defined according to major and minor constituents with the minor elements serving as modifiers of the major elements. For cohesive soils, the clay becomes the principal noun with the other major soil constituents used as modifier; i.e. silty clay, when ~be clay particles are such that the clay dominates soil properties. Minor soll constituents may be added to the classification breakdown in accordance with the particle size proportion listed below; i.e. sandy silt w/some gravel, trace clay. no call - 0 - 3% trace - 3 - 12% some - 13 - 30% SOIL CONSISTENCY - CRITERIA: Soll consistency as defined below and determined by normal field and laboratory methods applies only to non-frozen material. For these materials, the influence of such factors as soil structure, i.e. fissure systems, shrinkage cracks, slickensides, etc., must be taken into consideration in making any correlation with the consistency values listed below. In permafrost zones, the consistency and strength of frozen soils may vary significantly and unexplalnably with ice content, thermal regime and soil type. Cohesionless Cohesive N*~lows/ft) Relative Density Loose 0 - 10 0 to 40% Medium Dense I0- 30 40 to 70% Dense 30 - 60 70 to 90% Very Dense - 60 90 to 100% *Standard Penetration "N": Blows per foot of a I40-pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-{nch OD split-spoon except where noted. T- (tsf) Very Soft Soft Stiff Firm Very Firm Hard 0 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.5: 0.5 -I.0 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 -4.0 -4.0 DRILLING SYMBOLS WO: Wash Out WD: WL: Water Level BCR: WCh Wet Cave In ACR: DCI: Dry Cave In AB: WS: While Sampling TD: While Drilling Before Casing Removal After Casing Removal After Boring Total Depth ~Note: Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the boring at the times indicated. In pervious unfrozen soils, the indicated elevations are considered to represent actual ground water conditions. In impervious and frozen soils, accurate determinations of ground water elevations cannot be obtained within a limited period of observation and other evidence on ground water elevations and conditions are required. L, D.S~ 6.L.B. INC. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAOI~ DEPARTME~'iT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, OC'i' c; 19, f RECEIVE, D EL'D'S~ G.L,B. ~ ORGANIC MATERIAL ~ ~ CLAY ~ ~ GRAVEL ~ STANDARD SYMBOLS COBBLES 8 BOULDERS CONGLOMERATE SANDSTONE MUDSTONE LIMESTONE IGNEOUS ROCK METAMORPHIC ROCK ICE, MASSIVE ICE-SILT ORGANIC SILT SANDY SILT SILT GRADING TO SANDY SILT SANDY GRAVEL, SCATTERED COBBLES (ROCK FRAGMENTS) INTERLAYERED SAND 8~ SANDY GRAVEL SILTY CLAY w/TR. SAND St ..... 1.4' Ss ..... 1.4" SI ..... 2.5" Sh ..... 2.5" Sx ..... 2.0" Sz ..... 1.4" Sp ..... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON SPLIT SPOON SPLIT SPOON SPLIT SPOON SPLIT SPOON SPLIT SPOON SPLIT SPOON, SAMPLER TYPE SYMBOLS WITH 47# HAMMER WITH 140# HAMMER WITH 140~'t~ HAMMER WITH 340./~ HAMMER WITH 140-/~ HAMMER WITH 340~ HAMMER PUSHED Ts .... SHELBY TUBE Tm .... MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Pb .... PITCHER BARREL Cs .... CORE BARREL WITH SINGLE TUBE Cd .... CORE BARREL WITH DOUBLE TUBE Bs .... BULK SAMPLE A ..... AUGER SAMPLE Hs ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER G ..... GRAB SAMPLE H I 2.5" ..... SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER NOTE: SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER NOTED ABOVE THE BORING LOG OR ADJACENT TO ~T AT THE RESPECTIVE SAMPLE DEPTH. SAMPLER TYPE~ Ss WATER TABL, GRADATIONAL TYPICAL BORING LOG BORING NUMBER,,~T H. 30- 15 Elev. 274.6 ~ ELEVATION IN FEET D, ZlTE DRI/..LE'D..e,,IO. 21- 70 All Samples Ss.,*'''SAMPLE'R TYPE O' ORGANIC MATERIAL Consid. Visible Ice 0'-7' ICE+ML I' LT ;e 90, 56.2% /STRATA CHANGE ?' FROZEN Ss Cd SANDY SILT APPROXIMATE STRATA CHANGE 12' (~ttle toNoVisible Ice 13L50' Vx '~---ICE, DESCRIPTION ~ CLASS/F/CATION 72~ 57.1% ,85.gpcf, 28°~ Gp_ (CORPS OF ENGINEERS METHOD) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~UN/F/ED DP FAA CLASS/F/CATION ~ ~ D~Y D~NSITY ~ -- WAT~ CONTENT B~OWS~FOOT . ~AMP~E NUMBE~ SANDY GEAVEL 95 SCHIST ~ GENERALIZED SOI~ 0~ ~OCK DESCRIPTION ~OCATION ~0~ ~D~I~ DEPTH ~ ~YD.-WHILE DRILLING, A.B-AFTER BORING EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS (,DWO. O. B-02 j MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAQE DEPARTML-UT OF FtEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROI ECTION OCT ,; '~, RECEIVED TH-1 ORGANIC MATERIAL \'" 1.5' SILT W/SO~AND Brown ,Slightly Moist, ~ed. Dense. 7.5 ~SAND W/SOME GRAVEL SO~E SILT Tan,Slightly Moist, ~ Med ~_~Dense GRAVELLY S~DW/ SO~ SILT Tan, Slightly Moist, Very Dense TH-2 ORGANIC ~.TERIAL SILTY SA.ND U/.'.RACE GRAVEL SANDY GRAVEL ¥';/SO~ SILT Tan, Dry, Dense 14.0' T.D. *Refusal On Boulders Groundwater Not Encountered 15.0' T.D. Groundwater Not Encountered _C_KD. ~DEB I "' TEST PIT LOG BESSE ENGINEERING H~FMAN ESTATES GRID. PROd. NO 75 MUNICIPALIT'{ OF ANCHORAGE DEPAltiM."iT OF HEALT'~ & [~NVIRONMENTAL PRO I ECTIOIq OC;T O RECEIVED 9-20-77 Ail Samples 'G 0.0' ORGANIc ~%ATERIAL S.ILTY SA~D --% . Br°wn'Dry'Med'Dens~.0, GRAVELLY SAlaD W/ SO~IE SILT GRADING TO SANDY GRAVEL W/ SO~.~ SILT Tan,Dry,Med. Dense Occasional Cobbles And Boulders 2' to 15' TH-4 9-20-77 Ail Samples G 0.0! ORGANIC ~tTERIAL SILTY SAI;D Brown, Dry, Med. Dense ~ 5 ' SA~IDY GRA~rEL W/SO~IE SILT Brown, Dry, Med. Dense ........ 7.0' SA~DY SILT ~'~SO~ GRAVEL Brown, Slightly ~ist, Very Dense Occasional Cobbles 7' to 14.5' ]5.0'T.D. ]4.5~ T.D. Groundwater Not Encountered Groundwater Not Encountered DEB 9-27-77 1 ~~S' 1~4~' I BESSE ENGINEERING MUNICIPALIT'f OF ANCHORAQ~ DEPARTMZNi' OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMF_NTAL PRO] ECTION 3'WD 8'W TH-5 9-20-77 Ail Samples G 0.0' ORGANIC ~ATERIAL ---~--DY GRA~--L W/ SOME SILT Brown, Wet, Medium __Dense~ . 3.0' SILT W/T~CE SAND Gray,Very Moist - 5.0' SANDY G~L W/SO~m SILT Brown, Ve~ Wet, Dense Occasional Cobbles 5' to 10' 10.0' SILT W/SOME SA~D, TRACE" GRAVEL Brown, Moist, Dense 12.0' T.D. TH-6 9-20-77 All Samples G 0.0' ORGANIC MATERIAL SI£TY SAN6' Brown, Dry, Med. De ns e 1.5' GRAVELLY SAND W/SO~E SILT GRADING TO SILT" SAND W/TRACE GRAVEL Tan,Dry,Med. Dense Occasional Cobbles 1.5'to 14.5' SANDY GRAVEL W/TRACE SILT Tan,Slightly ~ist, Dense Occasional Boulders 8'to 14.5' 14.5' T.D. Groundwater Not Encountered CKD. DEB J ~JTS, IIMID. TEST PIT LOG BESSE ENGINEERING MUNICIPALHY OF ANCHORAG~ DEp;kP, TME~'IT OF HEALTH & [~NVI RONMF:-NTAL PROI ECl'ION OCT ~; RECEIVED 0 bJ (D 0 MUNICIPAUT¥ OF ANCHORAGE DEP/S,R'i'MZ?41 OF H!EALTH & [NViRONMENI'AL PROi ECTION OCT ,; 'i~,,." RECE~\!~F~ R" C E IV "':: [~: August 4, 1978 Richard Besse Besse Engineering 1360 E. 71st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subje i ~uffman HillsSubdivision_~__~--~ Dear Mr.~-~s~. We have received and reviewed the "as-built" drawings per- taining to the water distribution system installed in the subject development. Enclosed with this letter is a certi- ficate granting approval to place the distribution system in service. Sincmrely, James O. Starr Environmental Engineer cc..~DHEP Enclosure GML DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION $OUTIi~.E~lTIAL FIE~IO~L OFFICE 338 DENALI SREET MACKAY BUILDING, ROOM 1206 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 June 29, 1979 Robert W. Kranich, Jr. DOWL Engineers 4040 B Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Huffman Hills Test Well Dear Mr. Kranich: We have received and revi'ewed the contract specifications per- · taining to the subject test well. The test well location is hereby approved for the features' with'which this department is concerned. If sufficient water exists for a production well, then engineered plans of the facility must be approved by this office prior to construction. A production well at this site will most likely prohibit any construction on the adjacent lot 14. In addition, it may be necessary to obtain an easement from the person who owns the property just east of the well tract. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions re- garding our review of this project. CC.' b~h Sincerely, James O. Start Environmental Engineer DHEP -John Lynn MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORACz'-r: DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO ;'., JUL 0 6 June 26, 1979 W.O. ~Dl1841 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Environmental Protection 825 "L" Street Anchorage, AK. 99502 Attention: Subject: John Lynn Central Alaska Utilities Test Well & Huffman Hills Subdivisi0n Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith for your review and approval are contract specifications for the construction of subject test well. Included in the back of the specifications are vici- nity and site location drawings for the well. The well location and its resulting protective radii have not been formally dedicated and recorded at this time. It is our understanding that although this portion of the subdivision has been designed and preliminary approval granted by Municipal Planning & Zoning, the plat will not be recorded until after January 1, 1980. The well should be completed by that date, and if a usable supPly has been discovered, the well location and protective radii stipulations will be included on the plat. We trust that this provides the information you require. If not, please advise. Yours very truly, DICKINSON-OSWALD-WALCH-LEE, ENGINEERS Robert W. Kranich, Jr., P.E. RWK:pok Enclosures cc: Jim Starr, ADEC Tom Peetz, CAU SPEC IFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ~FOR :1979 ~{UFFMAN HILLS TEST WELL OWNER: ENGINEER: CENTRAL ALASKA UTILITIES, INC. 2700 E. Tudor Rd. Anchorage, Alaska DICKINSON-OSWALD-WALCH-LEE, ENGINEERS 4040 B Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~NDEX TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Title INVITATION TO BID ...... INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS ..... SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS . BID FORM ......... AGREEMENT . . . PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS. GENERAL CONDITIONS. OF CONTRACT SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS. . o DIVISION 1 GENERAL P~QUIRE~NTS o TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 2 SITE WORK 0250 - TEST WELL. DRAWINGS Location Sketch - Huffman Hills Test Well Page . i . 1 thru 2 SIB-1 BP-1 thru BP-4 1 thru 3 1 thru 4 .1 thru 25 · SC-1 thru SC-4 GR-1 thru GR-4 0250-1 thru 0250-11 XNVITATION TO BID Central Alaska Utilities, Inc. will receive bids for the drilling and development of a test well seeking commercial quantities of water. Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., ADT, on the at the office of Dickinson- Oswald-Walch-Lee, Engineers, 4040 "B" Street, Anchorage, Alaska, 99503. At that time and place, all bids will be publicly opened and read. Specifications may be obtained at the office of Dickinson-Oswald-Walch-Lee, Engineers. This project consists of the drilling of a test well to be located in Tract A-4, Huffman Hills Subdivision. The well is to be drilled to a depth of 500 feet, testing the pro- .duction capabilities of all significant aquifers located within that depth under the direction of the Engineer. Bids must be signed and submitted on the Bid Forms supplied by the Owner. Any bids containing or accompanied by or submitted upon or with any condition, qualification, or material alteration may be rejected at the Owner's option. Bids may be held by the Owner for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days from the date of opening for the 'purpose of reviewing bids and investigating the qualifica- tions of the bidders, prior to awarding the contract. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a contract Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the contract price, written on Owner furnished forms. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all of the bids. Central Alaska Utilities 2700 Tudor Road Anchorage, AK. 99507 INSTRUCTIONS }:ridders which arc defined m d:c Niandard (}micra[ Con- (litians of Iht ('on:,Iruct.m Co:~tract, NSPI{ 19i0-8 (19%1 cditi(m} tmve thc meanings assigned Ihcm in the General Conditions. 2. Qunlificnfion~ of Bidderg. '1'o demonstrate his quali- fications for lhe PmjecL each Bidder must he prepared submit wid~in five days of Owner's rcquesl v,'riltcn evi- dence of thc types scl forlh in Ihe Supplementary Condi- lions or Generld Requirements {Division 1), such as cial data, previous experience anti evidence of aulhorilv lo conduct Business in dm jur/sdictlon where dm ProjeCt located. 3. Examination of Contract Docmnen~s and Site. 3.1. Be:ore suLn~ilting his Bid. each Bidder nmsl (a) examine d~e Comract Documents flmroughly, (b) visit. the site lo famil/arize himseli'w.h local conditions thal may in any manner afl'oct pclformance of lhe Wm'k, (c) familiarize himself w/th federal, state and local laws ordinances, rules and regulallons affecling per- refinance oI thc XVork: and (dl carefully correlalc his obscrvalions wifl~ the rcqu/remems of the Conlract 3.2. Reference is made tn tho General Requi:emcnts (Division i} of the SpecJfical/ons for Ihe [del:lificadon of latent physical condilion~ at the site or othemvise affect- ing performance of Ihe XVork which have been rc/ied upon by Engineer in preparing the Drawings and Specifi- cations. Owner will make copies of snch surveys and reports availablc to an} Bidder requesung them.'Bclore submitting his Bid each Bidder x~:ll, at his own expense. make such addhi,~nal surveys and mves~;gations as he may deem necessar5 :o detemfinc his Bid price for per- refinance of thc Work w.hin the lerms of Iht ('ontracl 3.3. The submissiot~ of a Bid will consdlule an controg'crliblc rcFresenlal:on by lbo Bidder Ihal he has corel'lied wilh cvcr} reqmrement of Ibis Article 3. 4. lnteilprefationg, All questions about thc re(tuning or inlci't of the Comracl Doctnncntx shall be submilled to ].{nginccr in writ:ag. RcFI,ex xxi[l he ISXtlctl by Addenda mailed or dclivclcd lO all parlms recorded hv l{ngincer cfi'cci S. IJid gCCllril)'. Thc amotm~ lind lypc of Bid Security Acceplablc on I:cdc:al JJondx" as published in file Fed. ' ] I ' ( ) BID1)EP'S eral t,:eglster by Ibc Audit ,gmf'f l:hlrcau of Aceotlnl',;, U, $. Tlcasnry Dcp;.llment, Thc Bid Scctn'ily (II1 thc sn{_'cessl[}[ l!:iddcr will be I'elained until he has execuled Ihe Agiec- men[ and furnished Iht tlcqui?d Coll{lilcl gCCtlrily, whcre- upon il will be rclurned; il' Im Fails Io cxccmc and deliver Iht Agl'ecn/Cllt and finnish-Ibc rcquiccd ('ontracl Scculily %ilhin 15 days ol Iht Nolicc of A5vard. ()wncl may annul Iht Notice of Award and ll~c BM Security of lhal'lliddc~ will be forfched. The Bid Seculhy of any Bhtdcr whom Owner believes Io have a reasonable chance of rcccivml~ thc award may be rclaincd hy Owner nnlii thc earlier c~ Iht scvcnlh day aflcr Iht cxcculcd Ag~ccmcnl is delivered by Owner lo Contraclor nnd Iht required Conlracl Security is fm'nishcd or Iht sixty-first day afire Ibc Bid opening. Bkl Secur/ly of ofl'~er Bidders win be returned whhin seven days of Iht Bid opening. 6. ConIracl Time. The nmnber of days for Ibc complc- tlon of Work (Ibc Conlracl l'imc) is scl Forth in thc l]id Form and win be hacludcd in thc executed Agrccmenl Any provisions for Hquidalcd damages arc scl forfl~ m thc Contract Doctmlenls. 7~ Subconlractors, etc. require lbo Jdcnhly oi certain Subcontraclors a[id Ol/lcr persons and organizations to be snbmhted to Owner m advance of lhc Notice of Award. lhe appa:'enl Iow Bidder, and any other Bidder so requested, will seven days after lhe day of the Bkt opening snbmil Owner a list of all gubconlrnctors and olher persons ami orgnnizalions (including those who are Io furnish Ihe principal ilcms of malerial and equJpnv.mtI proposed for lhose pordons of the Work as Io which such idendfi, fion is so required. Such list shall be accompanied IB an experience statement with perdncnl informnlion as similar projccls and other evidence of qo:dificafion for cach such Snhconlraclor, person and organization if quested by Owner. If Owner or Engineer after due in- vesligation has reasonable objcclion to any pFoposed Sub- contraclor, elbe:' persoll or organizalJon, he mav before giving Ibc Nolicc of Award request lt~e apparent Iow Bidder lo stlbmJl an acceptable substitute %vJthol[I an increase in his Bid price. If Ibc apparenl Iow Bidder declines lo. make any such subslilufion, he will i~ol by sacrifice his Bid Securhy. Any Subconlraclor, oIher 15~ginccr docs nol make wrillen objection prim' lo g}vi:u[ of thc Nolicc of Award will bc deemed acceptable lO ()wncr and I{nginccl'. 7.2. In COII{FaClS W]ICI'e lhe Conlrilcl Price is on basis of ('esl el tl:e Work t)lu~ a Fee. ('Ol~[rnclor, prio~ lo the Notice of AWal'd. mum identify m writ/ira lo Owner {hoso poi'lions ol Iht Work Ih;Il h0 proposes '1o ll'hCl and ill(el the Nolice oF Aw:ltd [nilv tln]v stlhconllacl olhcr pOlliOnN of Iht ~Vol'k ;t ilh ()wncr's Wl'illcn COl/sonl, 7.3. COlIDllclor shall not hc I'cquircd to cm[doy any Stl}~COIIII'i{~IOI', other poi son or Ol'}~alli/a[iOll a~lilillNI ~ hOl~l hc Il:c; reasonable ohjcclkm, ~J, J~i(I J;nrln. 8. t. The Itkl Form is i'ncludcd in the ('onh'acl Docu- 8.2. Bid I:ol'ms n/tiM be cOn~l)leied ~n ink or by type- writer, The Bid prier el each iJel/i Oil lb0' torln illllM be SlilJctJ ill x~nrds add /llltlloraJs; ill cllsc of a conJJicJ, words will lake precedence. 8.3. Bids I)y corporations must bc cxectHcd in Ibc corpor;ttc n:tmc by the ptcsidcnl or a vice-president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority ~o sign} and thc corporate seal ~hall be affixed Thc corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the signatnre. 8.4. Bids Ivy partnerships, must be executed in the partncrshil~ name and signed by a partner, his title must apl~ar undcr his signature and the of Bcial address of the partnership must be shown below the signature: 8.5. All names must be typed or printed below the signature. 8.6. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgment of re- ceipt of all Addenda (thc numbers of which shall be filled in on the Bid Form). 9, Sulm~ission of Bids. Bids shall be submitted at time and place indicaled in the Invitation to Bid and shall be included in an opaque sealed envelope, marked w/th the Project title and 'name and address of the Bidder and accompanied by the Bid Security' and other reqnired !0. Mod;~egflon and WRhdrawal of Bid~. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by air appropriate document duly executed (in the manner that a Bid must be executed) an~ delivered to tl~e place where Bids are to be submitted at any tim~ prior to the qpcning of Bids. 11. Ot:ening of Bids. Bids will be opened as indicated in the Invitation to Bid. 12. Bids ~, I:temaln (!~pen. All Bid'; shall remain open for sixly tJil}s ~[ICl Ibc day ~1' Ibc Bid Sccul'~ty pr~or lo [JiLl[ date. 13; Award of Conlracl. 13.l. O,,vncr reserves lhe righ~ Io rcjcci any i~nd Ihds and ~(aivc any al~d all inl(u';ll;JJlDcs, ;Hid thc lo disregard al[ tlOllCon[Ol'lllill~ or Colldlll{llliiJ JJld~ t3.2. In evalnafing Bids. Owner shall considc~ Ibc qnaJi. Jicalions o[ the Bidders. whclhcr or not the }lids prices ir leqttcMcd in thc Bid forms. Ilo may con~ldct thc I~rsons and organizations (including lhosc xxho arc to furnish Ibc principal items of mat0rial or proposed for those portions of the XVork a~ Io which the identity of Snhcon{ractors and other persons and orgam- zations mLtst be submitted as specified in the nlcn(ary Conditions or Specifications. He may snch invcsligations as he deems necessary to cshdqjsh the'responsibility, qualif]calions and financial abdi~y of lhe Bidders, proposed Sobco~llrac~ors and other person~ and organizations to do the Work m accordance with the Contract I)ocun!cnls to Ow~m's satisfaction within prcscribcd time. Owner reserves lhe right to reject lbo Bid of any Bidder who does not pass any such evaluation to Owner's satisfaction. 13.3. If a contract is to be awnrdedl it will be awarded to the lowest responsible Bidder whose cvahmtion by Owner indicates to Owner that lhe award will be in lhe best interests of tbe Project. 13.4. II the conlract ~s ~o be awarded, Ownc~ will givc the apparent st~c~ssfol Bidder a Notice of Award within sixty days after the day of the Bid opening. 13.5. Simultane~nsly with delive'ry of the executed shall deliver to Owner the required Contract Security. E E E E. [ E [ SUPPT.RMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS CONFLICT WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS This Section supplements the Instructions to Bidders, NSPE Document 1910-12 (1971 Edition), and if in conflict, super- cedes the conflicting item. Article 2, "Qualifications of Bidders", strike out the phrase: "of the types set forth in the Special Conditions or General Requirements (Division 1)" Article 8, "Bid Form" paragraph 8.2, add: In case of an incorrect extension of Unit Price to bid item amOunt, the Unit Price in words shall govern. Article 12, "Bids to Remain Open", change "sixty calendar days" to "thirty calendar days" SIB-1 BID PROPOSAL DATE: TO: SUBJECT: Central Alaska Utilities, Inco 2700 E. Tudor Rd. Anchorage, AK. 99507 Test Well on Tract 4A, Huffman Hills Subdivision Pursuant to and in compliance with your Instruction to Bidders, and other contract documents relating thereto, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish all labor, equipment and materials and to perform all work for the construction of the above referenced project as required and in accord- ance with the Contract Documents at the prices shown in the tabulation following herewith. The undersigned agrees that, if awarded the contract, he will commence and complete work within the time specified in DIVISION I of these Contract Documents. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of addenda as indicated on the Bid Schedule Recap Sheet. BY TITLE COMPANY BP-1 ~BID ,SCHEDULE TEST -WELL AT HUFFMAN HILLS SUBDIVISION ITEM DESCRIPTION (WITi! UNIT PRICE ESTImaTED UNIT AMOUNT NO. WRITTEN IN WORDS) QUANTITY~ PRICE 101 MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZA- tION LUMP SUM PER LUMP SUM '102 DRILLING AND CASING 8 INCH (0 to 300 FOOT DEPTH) 300 L.F. PER L.F. 103 INSTALL 6" CASING IN OPEN HOLE 300 · PER L.F. 104 DRILLING AND CASING 6" (300 TO 500 FOOT DEPTH) 200 L.F. PER L.F. 105 FURNISH AND~INSTALL 8" WELL 9CREEN 15 L.F. PER L.F. 106 ?URNISH AND INSTALL 6" WELL ~CREEN 15 L.F. PER L.F. 107 :PULL CASING BACK 4O L.F. PER L.F. 108 ~UT CASING EACH PER EACH 1 BP-2 -BID SCHEDULE (Continue) TEST WELL AT HUFFMAN HILLS SUBDIVISION XTEM DkSCRIPTION (WIT~! UNIT PRICE ESTImaTED UNIT 'AMOUNT .NO. WRITTEN IN WORDS) .. QUANTITY PRICE 109 REMOVE 6" CASING FROM OPEN HOLE (CREDIT) 250 L.F. ., PER L.F.' 110 SURGING WELL 60 HOURS ., PER HOUR 111 "INSTALL ANb REMOVE TEST PUMP 1 ·EACH PER EACH .112 TEST PUMPING, 300 GPM @ 200 FOOT HEAD 50 HOURS PER HOUR · 113 REMOVE WELL SCREEN - EACH PER EACH 114 SEALING WELL ,,. LUMP 'SUM .... PER LUMP SUM 115 STANDBY TIME HOURS PER HOUR '~OTAL BID $ BP-3 BID SCHEDULE (Continued) TEST WELL AT HUFFMAN HILLS SUBDIVISION CONTRACTOR: BUSINESS ADDRESS: BUSINESS LICENSE NO: SIGNED BY: DATE: The above signed bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDA INITIAL IF RECEIVED NO. NO. NO. BP-4 STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT -BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR THIS AGREEMENT made as of the ......................................................day of in the year 197 ........ by and between ........................................ Central Alaska Utilitiesw Inc. 2700 Tudor Road .Anchorage, AK. 99507 (hereinafter called the OWNER ) and (hereinafter called the CONTRACTOR ) -WITNESSETH THAT the OWNER and CONTRACTOR in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1. WORK. The CONTRACTORS will perform all Work al shown in the Contract Documents for the completion of the Project generally described as follows: Tract 4-A, Huffman Hills Subdivision. Article2. ENGINEER, The Pmjecth~beend~igned by DICKINSON-OSWALD-WALCH-LEE, ENGINEERS 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, AK. 99503 -who will act as the ENGINEER in connection with completion of the Project in accordance with the Contract Documents. Article 3. CONTRACT TIME. The Work shall be completed within 60 calendar days after the date which the CONTRACTOR is to start the Work as provided in the Contract Documents. NSPE 1910--8--A ( 1970 Edition) 1970, N~tlooal :~ety o~ Page I of .....3_ pages ./ c3 A~ieb 4, CONTRACT PRICE. The OWNER will pay the CONTRACTOR for performnnce of the Work and eom- · pletion of the Project in accordance with the Contract Documents subject to adjustment by lVlodiflcations as provided :~{herein in current funds ns follows: . -M Inert · lump mm, unf; prices or both, nttachios exhibit- if mc~eary) Payment shall be made at the 'contractor's unit prices bid for the actual quantity of each item of work accomplished. .-A.qiele S, PROGRESS AND FINAL PAYMENTS. The OWNER will make progress payments on account of the -Contract Price as provided in the General Conditions as follows: Payments shall be made in accordance with Article Conditions. Application for payment shall be made be provided by the Engineer on request. 14, of General on forms to ~,tlele 6. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract Documents which comprise the contract between the OWNER -.~'md the CONTRACTOR are attached hereto and made a part hereof and consist o! the following: 6.1. This Agreement (pages I to ...... 3.., inclusive), 6.2. Exhibits to this Agreement (pages .noD. co ........... inclusive), 6.3. CONTRACTOR's Bid consisting of 4 pages. =6.4. Specifications consisting of: -'Instructions to Bidders (pa.~ges ....~ ..... t.o ..... .2....,,inclusive.)_ Supplementary ±ns~ructlon to ~laaers - 1 page. '~Oenerai Conditions (pages ...'] ...... to ._.2_5., inclusive), -Special Conditions (page~.~..-...'].. to .~..'.C...-..~., inclusive),. Division 1 T:chn'-'c~.! P.'c;'i:!cn= (pagesGR..-..'J. to J2R..-..4 inclusive). J~ivision 2 (Paqe 0250-1 to-0250-11., inclusive) 6.5. ~rawin~ - Location Ma'p.' "' 6.6. Addenda numbe~ ............ to ............. incisive, and 6.7. Any Modifications, including Change Orders, duly delivered aftei' execution of this Ai~reement. ]Pa{e 2 of .....~..... pa~s _'~Anl¢ie "/. MISCELLANEOUS. ~7.1..Terms used in this Agreement which are ~dcf~ned in Article I o! tho General Conditions shall have the mean- .~.ings-indlcated in the General Conditions. .?.2. Neither the OWNER nor thc CONTRACTOR shall, without the :prior written con~nt of the other, a~.~ign sublet in whole or in part his interest under any of thc Contrnct Documents and. specifically, the CONTRACTOR ~bali not assign any moneys ducat to become due without thc prior written con,eat o[ I1~¢ owner. 7.3. The OWNER and the COI'4'TRACTOR each binds him~lf, his partners, successors, atssigns and legal repre- -~ent&tlves to the other party hereto in respect to nil covenants, asreement~' and obligations.'contained in the Conuact 7.4. The Contract Documents constitute the entire agreement between the OWNER and Ibc CONTRACTOR ~nd may only be altered, amended or rcpesded .by n duly executed written instrument. Article 8, OTHER PROVISIONS.. NONE IN WITN~ WHEREOF, t~e pa~ties hereto have executed thi~ Agreement the day and year tint abeve written. OWNP..R CENTRAL ALASKA UTILITIES, INC. CONtt~.CTOI~- .... By-_ . ROBERT SMITH :[COR.POI~TI~ SEALI [CORPORATE SEAL] THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A317 Performance Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that fHere insert full name and address or legal title of Contractor) as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor, and, (Here Insert full name and address or legal title.of Surety) as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto . (Here inse;t lull name and address or legal lille of Ownerl .as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the amount of Dollars ($ ), for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement dated '19 , entered into a Contract with Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by (Here insert full name and address or legal l~lle of Architecl] which contract is by reference .made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AIA DOCUMINI A311 · I'II,:It)RMAN(I IN)NI) ^N[) IAII()R ANI) MAll. RIAL I'AYMINI II()NI) tEIIRUAg. Y lq?O I.[) · 'Ill[ AMI I,:I(',,\N IN~;II UI[ [.)1 ARCHII'IC]~, 171'~ N.Y. AVL.. N.W., WA~IIINt;ION. [). NOW, Ttt£R[FORE, THE CONDITION OF TI. tIS OI1LIGATION is such that, if Contractor shall promplly and faithfully perform said Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety hei~eby waives notice of any alteration or extension of time made by the Owner. Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by Owner Io be in default under the Contract, lhe Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly 1) Complete the Cont,'act in accordance with it~ terms and condition~, or 2) Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon de- termination by Surety of the lowest responsibfe bidder, or, if Ihe Owner elects, upon cie.termination by the Owner and the Surety jointly of the lowest responsible bidder, arrange for a contract between such bidder and Owner, and make available as 'Work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaulls under the contract, or contraci.s of completion arranged under this paragraph) ~ufficient funds to pay the cbst of completion le~,s lhe balance of tile c(intract price; but not exceeding, including either costs anti d,'~mages for which the Surety may be liabl,.., hereunder, the amount ~,et forth in the first paragraph herer)f. The term "balance of tke contract price," as used in Ibis pa~a~4raph, shall mean the total amount payable by Owner to Contractor under the Contract and any amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by Ov,,ner to Contractor. Any suit under this bond must be lost.fluted before the expiration of two (2) years from thetdate on which final payment under the Contract falls due. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Owner named herein or I.he heirs, executors, adminis- trators or successors of the Owner. . Si§ned and sealed this day of 19 Witne.~) iPrincipal~ t[itle) I I AIA. I)()('UMIN! A,III · I'IRI()RM^N(i l((INI) ANt) tAll(IR ANI) MAIIRIAI I'AYMINI II()NI) · AIA ',,"" IIIIRtlARY I'l;'l) II).,, IIII AMIKI('AN IN%llltlll ()1 AR(IIIIICIh, 17t'iN.Y. AVI., N.W,,WA%IIIN(~I(IN, I). t', ;.qllRl(,~ 2 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond THIS BOND !S ISSUED SIM LJ[TANEC~USLY W~TH PERFORMANCE BOND IN FAVOR OF THE OWNER CONDITIONED ON THE FULL AND FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (Here insert full name and address or legal title ol Contractor) as Principal, hereinafter called Principal, and, (Here insert full name and address or lesal title of Surety) as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto (Here insert full name and address or legal lille or Owner) as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, for the use and benefit of claimants as hereinbelow defined, in the amount of (Here insert a sum equal lo al least one-half of the conlract price) Dollars ($ ), for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assi§ns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated 19 , entered into a contract with Owner for in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and 'is hereinafter referred to as the Conlract. AIA I)OCUM[Nr A:III * I'IRI()RMAN('I. II(')NI) AN() IMII)R ^NI) K1AIIRI^L I'AYMINI III)NI) · AIA (.,3 I'IIiRUARY 197() [D.o file A&II)~ICANIN~.IIII. JI[ ~.)r ARCIIIILCIS. 171'iN.Y. AVl. N.W..W^~IIIN(;JON. I). ('. 20ii(Ih 3 NOW, IIIlrfl()rl, 1111' ('()NDIrI()N ()l Tillc, OITII(;ATION is S~lCh that, if Prindpal ~hall promptly make pnym(,t~t to nil cldimant~ a~ hefeJlt,dt('r d(,hned, (()r all labor anti fnaterial LIMtd or reasonably required f()r u~u in the perJorman~e o~ the Contract, then tbi~ obhg,tlmn ~hall be vuid; otl~erwise it shall remain in lull force and effect, subject, however, to the roi- lowing conditions: 1. A claimant is defined as one having a direct con- tract with the Principal or with a Subcontractor of the Principat for labor, material, or bodb used or reasonably required for use in the performance ol the Contract, labor and material ~eing construed to include that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental of equipment direcdy applicable to the Contract. 2. The above named Principal and Surety hereby jointly and severally agree with the Owner that every claimant as herein defined, who has not been paid in full before the expiration of a period of ninety (90) days after the date on which the last.of such claimant's work or labor was done or performed, or materials were furnished by such claimanl, may sue on tt~is bond for the use of such claimant, prosecute the suit ~ final judgment for suct~ sum or sums as may be juslly due claimanl, and have execution ~hereon. The Owner shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses of any such suit. 3. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any claimant: a) Unless claimant, other than one having a direct contract wi~h Ihe Principal, shati have given written notice Io any two o~ the following: the Principal, the Owner, or the Surety above named, .within ninety (90) days after such claimant did or performed the last of the work or labor, or furnished the last of the materials for which said claim is made, stating wi~h substantia~ accur, acy tile amount claimed and the name of tile party to whom II~e materials were furnished, or Ior whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such notice shall he served by mailing, tile same hy registeled mad or certified maib postage prepaid, in an c. nvelope dressed to tile Principal, Owner or Surety. at any place where an office is regularly mainlained for the trans- action of business, or served in any mannc'r m which legal, process may be served in the state in ~hich the aforesaid project is located, save that sucll service need not be made by a public officer. b) After the expiration of one (1) year following tile · date on which Principal ceased Work on said Contract, it being understood, I~owever, that if any limitation em- bodied in this bond is prohibited by any law controlling the construction hereof such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be' equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by sucil law. c) Other than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in and for the county or other political subdivisinn of the state in which the Project, or any part ti~ereof, is situated, or in the United States District Court for the district in which the Project, or any part thereof, is sit- uated, and not elsewhere. 4. The amount of this bond shall be redticed b.v and to the extent of any payment or payments made in goocl faith hereunder, inclusive of the payment by Surety of mechanics' liens which may be filed of record a~ainst said improvement, whether or not claim for the amount of such lien be presented under and a§ainst this bond. Signed and sealed this day of 19 fPrincipal) tlith9 f.~,ttr*qy) t I ~th') AIA I)(ICUMINT A311 · I'IRI()RNIAN(I IN)NIT AND IAtI(IR AND MAIIRIAI I'AYbAINI II()NI) · ,\IA ~,~x IIIIRtlARY I't,'ll II),. IIII AMII.:I( AN INslIIIJII t)l AR( II111( Is, I?l'i N,Y. A~,,I,, N.W., '~/AslIINI,I{ )N, I). I. , .q)(}lll, 4 ~ A-6 ~ERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ~-~ Insurance shall be provided as required under Section 3.04 of the General Provisions and as required or ammended in the Special Provisions. This is to certify to: That the following described policy or policies have been issued to: {Name and address of insured) By the (Name and address of insurance company) 'Description of contract: r Y P E O F C O V E R A G E POLICY NUbtBER EXPIRATION LIMITS'OF LIABILIT~ DATE 1. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Statutory 2. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY . - $ 3~ COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY .. Bodily Injury A. Premises & Operations $ B.. Blanket Contractual .$ C. Independent Subcontractors $ D. Products Liability ~ $ Completed Operations ~roperty Damage* $ A. Premises & Operations $ B. Blanket Contractual $ C. Independent Subcontractors $ D. Products Liability & $ Completed Operations $ *Indicate the following property damage liability features:' 1. "Broadform" fncludi~g occurrence and care, custody and control ' * 2. Explosion, collapse, and underground damage exclusions Certificate of Insurance Page I of 2 Yes No ~ Y'P E 0 F C'O V E R A G E POLICY NI)blBER EXPIRATION I,I[IITS OF LIABILrI'~' DATE x ' AUTO~IOBILE 4. CO, IPREtlENSIVE LIABILITY Bodily Injur~. $ $ A. Owned Automobiles $ B. Hired Automobiles iS $ C. Non-owned $ Property Damages $ A. Owned Automobiles $ $ B. Hired Automobiles $ $ C. Non-owned $ .... $. OTHER The insurer agrees that it will notify, in writing, of any material change, expiration or cancellation of the above described policies not less than 30 days before such change, expiration or cancellation becomes effective. It is further agreed the above named owner, his officers, agents (including the Engineer) and employees are included as additional named insureds but only as respects the performance of the above de- scribed contract. (Name of Insurance Company) Authorized Representative Certi. ficate of Ins.tahoe Page 2 of 2 ~. its completion or modification. STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE a practice division o[ the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS These General Conditions have been prepared for use with the NSPE Owner-Contractor Agreement (Document 1910-8-A-1 or 1910-8-A-2, 1974 edition) and with the NSPE Instructions to Bidders (Document 1910-12, 1974 edition). Their provisions are interrelated and a change in one may necessitate a change in the others. NSPE 1910-8 (May 1974 10M) Reprinted 12-74 18M 2029 K STREET, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 © © TABLE OF CONTENTS OF GENERAL CONDITIONS Article Number 1 2 3 Title Page DEFINITIONS ........................................................................... 8 PRELIMINARY MATTERS ............................................................. 9 CORRELATION, INTERPRETATION AND INTENT OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ...................................................... 10 4 AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS ................................................................... 10 5 BONDS AND INSURANCE ............................................................... 10 6 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................ 12 7 WORK BY OTHERS ....................................................................... 15 8 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................... 15 9 ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION ....................... 16 10 CHANGES IN THE WORK ........................................................... 17 11 CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE ............................................. 17 12 CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIME .......................................... 19 13 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE; TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK .................................... 20 14 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION ............................................... 21 15 SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION .......................... 23 16 ARBITRATION ...................................................................... 24 17 MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................ 24 INDEX TO GENERAL CONDITIONS rticle or Paragraph Number Access to the Work Addenda--definition of (see definition of Specifications) Agreement--definition of Agreement, Execution of Application for Payment--definition of Application for Payment, Final Application for Progress Payment Approval of Final Payment Approval of Payments--in general Arbitration Availability of Lands Awffrd--Notice or--defined 13.5 1 1 2.1 1 14.12 14.2 14.13, 14.14 14.4 thru 14.7.5 16 4.1 1 Before Starting Construction Bid--definition of Bidder--definition of Bonds, Additional and Insurance Bonds and Insurance--in general Bonds--definition of Bonds, Delivery of Bonds, Performance and Payment 2.7 thru 2.9 1 1 5.12 5 t 2.2 5.1, 5.2 Cash Allowances 11.9 Change Order--definition of 1 Changes in the Work I0 Claims, Waiver of 14.16 Clarifications and Interpretations 9.3 Cleaning 6.29 Completion, Payments and 14 Completion, Substantial 14.8, 14.9 Contract Documents--definition of 1 Contract Price, Change of 11 Contract Price--definition of 1 Contract Time, Change of 12 Contract Time--Commencement of 2.5 Contract Time--definition of 1 Contractor--definition of 1 Contractor May Stop Work or Terminate 15.5 Contractor, Neglected Work by 13.12 Contractor's Continuing Dbligation 14.15 Contractor's Fee 11.6 Contractor's Liability Insurance 5.3 Contractor's Pre-Start Representations 2.4 Contractor's Responsibilities--in general 6 Contractor's Warranty of Title 14.3 Copies of Documents 2.3 Correction or Removal of Defective Work 13.9 Correction Period, One Year 13.10 Correction, Removal or Acceptance of Defective Work--in general 13 Correlation, Interpretation and Intent of Contract Documents 3 Cost of Work I 1.4, 11.5 Costs, Supplemental 11.4.5 Day--definition of Defective Work, Acceptance of Defective Work, Correction or Removal of Defective Work--definition of Defective Work--in general Defective Work, Rejecting Definitions Delivery of Bonds Disagreements, Decisions by Engineer Documents, Copies of Drawings--definition of Drawings, Record Eme. rgencies Engineer--definition of Engineer's Responsibilities, Limitations on Engineer's Status During Construction--in general Execution of Agreement Fee, Contractor's Field Order--definition of Field Order--issued by Engineer Final Application for Payment Final Inspection Final Payment, Approval of General--Miscellaneous Provisions Giving Notice Gnarantee Indemnification Inspection, Final Inspection, Tests and Insurance--Additional Bonds and Insurance, Bonds and--in general Insurance--Certificates of Insurance, Contractor's Liability Insurance, Owner's Liability Insurance, Property Interpretations and Clarifications Labor, Materials and Equipment Laws and Regulations Limitations on Engineer's Responsibilities Local Conditions--Contractor's familiarity with Materials and Eqnipment--fnrnished by Contractor Materials or Eqnipment, Substitute Miscellaneous Provisions Modification--definition of Neglected Work by Contractor Notice, Giving of Notice of Award--definition of Notice to Proceed--definition of Notice to Proceed--giving of 1 1-3.11 13.9 9;4 13 9.4 1 2.2 9.9, 9.10 2;3 1 6,19 6.22 I 9.11 thru 9.13 9 2.1 11.6 1 10.2 14.12 14.11 14.13, 14.14 17.3 thru 17.7 17.1 13.1 6.30 thru 6.32 14.11 13.2, 13.3 5.12 5 2.9 and 5 5.3 5.4 5.5 thru 5.11 9.3 6.3 thru 6.6 6.15 9.11 thru 9.13 2.4 6.3 6.7 17 1 13.12 17.1 1 1 2.5 "Or-Equal" items Owner--definition of Owner May Stop Work Owner May Suspend Work, Terminate Owner's Liability Insurance Owner's Representative--Engineer to serve as Owner's Responsibilities--in general Partial Utilization Patent Fees and Royalties Payments and Completion--in general Payments, Approval of Performance, Payment and other Bonds Permits Physical Conditions--Surveys and Reports Physical Conditions, Unforeseen Preconstruction Conference Premises, Use of Price--Change of Contract Price--Contract--definition of Progress Payment, Applications for Progress Schedule Project--definition of Project Representative, Resident--definition of Project Representative, Resident--provision for Project, Starting Property Insurance Protection, Safety and Record Drawings Reference Points Regulations, Laws and Rejecting Defective Work Removal or Correction of Defective Work Resident Project Representative--definition of Resident Project Representative--provision for Responsibilities, Contractor's Responsibilities, Owner's Royalties, Patent Fees and Safety and Protection Samples Schedule of Shop Drawing Submissions Schedule of Values Shop Drawings and Samples Shop Drawings--definition of Site inspection--by Contractor Site, Visits to--by Engineer Specifications--definition of Starting Construction, Before Stopping Work--by Contractor Stopping Work--by Owner Subcontractor~efinition o1[ Subcontractors--in general Substantial Completion--certification of Substantial Completion--definition of Substitute Materials or Equipment Subsurface Conditions 6.7 1 13.8 15..1 thru 15.4 5.4 9.1 8 14.10 6.13 14 14.4 thru 14.7.5 5.1 thru 5.2 6.14, 6.15 4.2 4.3 2.9 6.17, 6.18 11 1 14.2 2.8, 14.1 1 1 9.8 2.6 5.5 thru 5.11 6.20 thru 6.21 6.19 4.4 6.15 9.4 13.9 1 9.8 6 8 6.13 6.20 thru 6.21 6.23 2.8, 14.1 14.1 6.23 thru 6.28 1 2.8 9.2 1 2.7 thru 2.9 15.5 13.8 1 6.8 thru 6.12 14.8 1 6.7 4.2, 4.3 Supplemental Costs Surety--consent to payment Surety~qualification of Suspending Work, by Owner Suspension of Work and Termination--in general Superintendent--Contractor's Supervision and Superintendence Taxes Termination--by Contractor Termination--by Owner Termination, Suspension of Work and--in general Tests and Inspections Time, Change of Contract Time, Computation of Time, Contract--definition of Uncovering Work Use of Premises Values, Schedule of Visits to Site--by Engineer Waiver of Claims Warranty and Guarantee--by Contractor Warranty of Title, Contractor's Work, Access to Work by Others--in general Work, Cost of Work-~definition of Work, Neglected by Contractor Work, Stopping by Contractor Work, Stopping by Owner 11.4,5' ' :', 14.12, 14.14 5.1, 5.2 15.1 15 6.2 6.1, 6.2 6.16 15.5 15.2 thru 15.4 15 13.2, 13.3, 13.7 12 17.2 1 13.6, 13.7 6.17, 6.18 14.1 9.2 14.16 13.1 14.3 13.5 7 11.4 1 13.12 15.5 15.1 thru 15.4 GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1---DEFINITIONS Wherever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract Documents, the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: Agreement--The written agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR covering the Work to be performed; other Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement. Application for Payment--The form furnished by ENGI- NEER which is to be nsed by CONTRACTOR in reqnest- ing progress payments and which is to include the sched- ole of values required by paragraph 14.1 and an affidavit of CONTRACTOR that progress payments thereto/ore re- ceived on account of the Work have been applied by CON- TRACTOR to discharge in full all of CONTRACTOR's obligations reflected in prior Applications for Payment. Bid--The offer or proposal of the Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. Bidder--Any person, firm or corporation submitting a Bid for the Work. Bon&--Bid, performance and payment bonds and other instruments of secnrity, furnished by CONTRACTOR and his surety in accordance with the Contract Documents. Change Order--A written order to CONTRACTOR signed by OWNER anthorizing an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time issned after execution of the Agreement. Contract Documents~The Agreement, Addenda (whether issned prior to the opening of Bids or the execution of the Agreement), Instructions to Bidders, CONTRACTOR's Bid, the Bonds, the Notice of Award, these General Con- ditioos, the Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications, Drawings and Modifications. Contract Price--The total moneys payable to CONTRAC- TOR under the Contract Documents. Contract Time--The number of days stated in the Agree- merit for the completion of the Work, computed as pro- vided in paragraph 17.2. CONTRACTOR~The person, firm or corporation with whom OWNER has cxecnted the Agreement. Day--A calendar day of twenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. Drawings--The drawings which show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by ENGINEER and are referred to in the Contract Documents. ENGINEER--The person, firm or corporation named as such in the Agreement. Field Order--A written order issued by ENGINEER which clarifies or interprets the Contract Documents in accordance with paragraph 9.3 or orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 10.2. Modification--(a) A written amendmet~t of the Contract Documents signed by both parties, (b) a Change Order, (c) a written clarification or interpretation issued by ENGI- NEER in accordance with paragraph 9.3 or (d) a written order for a minor change or alteration in the Work issued by ENGINEER pnrsoant to paragraph 10.2. A Modifica- tion may only be issued after execution of the Agreement. Notice o/ Award--The written notice by OWNER to the apparent successful Bidder stating that upon compliance with the conditions precedent to be fulfilled by him within the time specified, OWNER will execute and deliver the Agreement to him. Notice to proceed--A written notice given by OWNER to CONTRACTOR (with a copy to ENGINEER) fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to ton and on which CONTRACTOR shall start to perform his obligations under the Contract Documents. OWNER---A public body or authority, corporation, as- sociation, partnership, or individual for whom the Work is to be performed. Project--The entire construction to be performed as pro- vided in the Contract Documents. Resident Project Representative The authorized repre- sentative of ENGINEER who is assigned to the Project site or any part thereof. Shop Drawings--All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, brochures, schedules and other data which are prepared by CONTRACTOR, a Snbcontractor, manufacturer, sup- plier or distributor and which illustrate the equipment, material or some portion of the Work. Specifications--Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workman- ship as applied to the Work. The specifications are custom- arily organized in 16 divisions in accordance with the Uniform System for Construction Specifications endorsed by the Construction Specifications Institute. [Note: the term "Technical Provisions" formerly described what is now re/erred to as the Specifications. For uniformity with the asage of other pro/essional societies the term "Project Manual" is used to describe the volume formerly referred to as "The Specifications." The Project Manual contains documents concerning bidding requirements which in gen- eral govern relationships prior to the execution o/ the Agreement (sach as the Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Bonds and Notice of Award) and the other portions of the Contract Documents.] Subcontractor--An individual, firm or corporation having a direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with any other Snbcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. Substantial Completion--The date as certified by ENGI- NEER when the construction of the Projecl or a specified part thereof is sufficiently completed, in accordance witl~ the Contract Documents, so that the Project or specified part can be utilized for the purposes for which it was intended; or if there be no such certification, the date when final payment is due in accordance with paragraph 14.13. Work Any and all obliga.tions, duties and responsibilities necessary to the successful completion of the Project as- signed to or undertaken by CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents, inclnding all labor, materials, equip- ment and other incidentals, and the furnishing thereof. ARTICLE 2 PRELIMINARY MATTERS Execution o! Agreement: 2.1. At least three counterparts of the "Agreement and such other Contract Documents as practicable will be executed and delivered by CONTRACTOR to OWNER within fifteen days of the Notice of Award: and OWNER will execute and deliver one counterpart to CONTRAC- TOR within ten days of receipt of the executed Agreement from CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER will identify those portions of the Contract Documents not so signed and such identification will be binding on all parties. OWNER. CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall each receive an executed counterpart of the Contract Documents and additional conformed copies as required. Delivery of Bonds: 2.2. When he delivers the executed Agreements to OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall also deliver to OWNER su~:h Bonds as he may be required to furnish in accord- ance with paragraph 5.1. Copies of Documents: 2.3. OWNER shall furnish to CONTRACTOR up to ten copies (unless otherwise provided in the Snpplementary Conditions) of the Contract Documents as are reasonably necessary for the execution of the Worn. Additional copies will be fnrnished, upon request, at the cost of reproduction. · Contractor's Pre-Start Representations: 2.4. CONTRACTOR represents that he has familiar- ized himself with, and assumes full responsibility for having familiarized himself with, the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordi- nances, rules and regulations that may in .any manner affect performance of the Work, and represents that he has correlated his study and observations with the require- ments of the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR also represents that he has studied all surveys and investigation reports of subsurface and latent physical conditions re- ferred to in the General Requirements (Division 1) of the Specifications and made such additional surveys and investigations as he de~ms necessary for the performance of the Work al the Contract Price in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and that he has correlated the results of all such data with the re- quirements of the Contract Documents. Commencement o! Contract Time; Notice to Proceed: 2.5 The Contract Time will commence to run on the thirtieth day after the day on which the executed Agree- ment is delivered by OWNER to CONTRACTOR; or, if a Notice to Proceed is given, on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed; but ~n no event shall the Contract Time commence to run later than the ninetieth day after the day of Bid opening or the thirtieth day after the day on which OWNER delivers the executed Agreement to CONTRACTOR. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time within thirty days after the day on which OWNER delivers the executed Agreement to CONTRAC- TOR. Starting the Project: 2.6. CONTRACTOR shall start to perform his obli- gations under the Contract Documents on the date when the Contract Time commences to run. No Work shall be done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run. Before .Starting Construction: 2.7. Before undertaking each part of the Work, CON- TRACTOR shall carefufiy study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. He shall at once report in writing to ENGINEER any conflict, error or discrepancy which he may discover; however, he shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for his failure to discover any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Drawings or Specifications. 2.8. Within ten days after delivery of the executed Agreement by OWNER to CONTRACTOR, CONTRAC- TOR shall submit to ENGINEER for approval, an esti- mated progress schedule indicating the starting and com- pletion dates of the various stages of the Work, and a pre- liminary schedule of Shop Drawing snbmissions. 2.9. Before starting the Work at the site, CONTRAC- TOR shall furnish OWNER and ENGINEER certificates of insurance as required by Article 5. Within twenty days after delivery of the executed Agreement by OWNER to CONTRACTOR, but before starting the Work at the site, a conference will be held to review the above schedules, to establish procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submissions and for processing Applications for Payment, and to establish a working understanding be- tween the parties as to the Project. Present at the confer- ence will be OWNER or his representative, ENGINEER, Resident Project Representatives, CONTRACTOR and his Superintendent. ARTICLE 3--CORRELATION, INTERPRETATION AND INTENT OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 3.1. It is the intent of the Specifications and Draw- ings to describe a complete Project to be constrncted in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contract Docoments comprise the entire Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR. They may be altered only by a Modification. 3.2. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. If CONTRACTOR finds a conflict, error or discrep- ancy in the Contract Docnments. he shall call it to ENGI- NEER's attention in writing at once and before proceeding with the Work affected thereby: however, he shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for his failnre to dis- cover any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Specifica- tions or Drawings. In resolving soch conflicts, errors and discrepancies, the docnments shall be given precedence in the following order: Agreement, Modifications, Addenda, Supplementary Conditions. Instructions to Bidders, Gen- eral Conditions, Specifications and Drawings. Figure di- mensions on Drawings shall govern over scale dimensions, and detailed Drawings shall govern over general Drawings. Any Work that may reasonably be inferred from the Speci- fications or Drawings as being required to produce the intended result shall be supplied whether or not it is specifically called for. Work, materials or equipment de- scribed in words which so applied have a well-known tech- nical or trade meaning shall be deemed to refer to such recognized standards. ARTICLE 4--AVAILABILITY OF LANDS: PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS ,4 vailability of Lands: 4.11 OWNER shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents and not later than the date when needed by CONTRACTOR, the lands upon which the Work is to be done, rights-of-way for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of CONTRACTOR. Ease- ments for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by OWNER, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR believes that any delay in OWNER's furnishing these lands or easements entitles him to an extension of the Contract Time, he may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 12. CONTRACTOR shall provide for all additional Iands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. Physical Conditions--Surveys and Reports: 4.2. Reforence is made to the General Requirements (Division 1) of the Specifications for identification of those surveys and investigation reports of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the Project site or otherwise affect- ing performance of the Work which have been relied opon by ENGINEER in preparation of the Drawings and Specifications. Unforeseen Physical Conditions: 4.3. CONTRACTOR shall promptly notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing of any subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents. ENGINEER will promptly investigate those conditions and advise OWNER in writing if further surveys or subsurface tests are necessary. Promptly thereafter. OWNER shall obtain the necessary additional surveys and tests and furnish copies to ENGIN. EER and CONTRACTOR. If ENGI- NEER finds that the results of such surveys or tests indi- cate that there are subsurface or latent physical conditions which differ materially from those intended in the Con- tract Documents, and which could not reasonably have been anticipated by CONTRACTOR, a Change Order shall be issued incorporating the necessary revisions. Re/erence Points: 4.4. OWNER shall provide engineering surveys for construction to establish reference points which in his jt~dgment are necessary to enable CONTRACTOR to proceed with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be re- sponsible for surveying and laying out the Work (unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions), and shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocmions without the prior written approval of OWNER. He shall report to ENGI- NEER whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations. CONTRACTOR shall replace and ac- curately relocate all reference points so lost, destroyed or moved. ARTICLE 5--BONDS AND INSURANCE Performance, Payment and Other Bonds: 5.1. CONTRACTOR shall furnish performance and payment Bonds as security for the faithful performance and payment of ali his obligations under the Contract Docnments. These Bonds shall be in amounts at least equal io the Contract Price, and (except as otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions) in such form and with such sureties as are licensed to conduct business in the state where the Project is located and are named in the current list of "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds" as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Department. 5.2. If the surety on any Bond furnished by CON- TRACTOR is declared a bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do bosiness is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located is revoked, CONTRAC- TOR shall within five days thereafter substitute another Bond and surety, both of which shall be acceptable to OWNER. 10 Contractor's Liability Insurance: 5.3. CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect him from claims under work- men's compensation laws. disability benefit laws or other similar employee benefit laws; from claims for damages be- cause of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of his employees, and claims insured by mual per- sonal injury liability coverage; from claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than his employees including claims in- sured by usual personal injury liability coverage; and from claims for injury to or destruction of tangible prop- erty, including loss of use resulting therefrom--any or all of which may arise out of or result from CONTRAC- TOR's operations under the Contrac! Documents. whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be legally liable. This insurance shall include the specific coverages and he writ- ten for not less than any limits of liability and maximum deductibles specified in the Supplementary Conditions or General Reqmrements (Division l) or required by law. whichever is greater, shall inclnde contractual liability in- surance and shall include OWNER and ENGINEER as additional insured parties. Before starting the Work. CON- TRACTOR shall file with OWNER and ENGINEER cer- tificates of such insurance, acceptable to OWNER: these certificates shall contain a provision that the coverage afforded nnder the policies will not be cancelled or mate- rially changed until at least fifteen days' prior written notice has been given to OWNER and ENGINEER Owner's Liability lnsarance: 5.4. OWNER shall be responsible for pnrchasing and maintaining his own liability insorance and. at his option. may purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect him against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract Docnments. Property Insurance: 5.5, Unless otherwise provided. OWNER shall pur- chase and maintain property insnrance upon the Project to the frill insurable value hereof. This insnrance shall m- clnde the interests of OWNER. CONTRACTOR and Snb- Contractors in the Work. shall insure against the perils of Fire, Extended Coverage, Vandalism and Malicious Mis- chief and snch other perils as may be specified in the Supplementary Conditions or General Reqoirements (Di- vision I), and shall include damages, losses and expenses arising out of or resulting from any insured loss or in- curred in the repair or replacement of any insured prop- erty (including fees and charges of engineers, architects. attorneys and other professionatsl. 5.6. OWNER shall pnrchase and maintain such steam boiler and machinery insnrance as may be required by the Sapplementary Conditions or by law. This ~nsurance II shall include the interests of OWNER, CONTRACTOR and Subcontractors in the Work. 5.7. Any insured loss under the policies of insurance required by paragraphs 5.5 and 5.6 is to be adjusted with OWNER and made payable to OWNER as trustee for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to the re- quirements of any applicable mortgage clause and of para- graph 5.11. 5.8. OWNER shall file a copy of all policies with CONTRACTOR before an exposure to loss may occur. If OWNER does not intend to purchase such ihsurance, he shall inform CONTRACTOR in writing prior to com- mencement of the Work. CONTRACTOR may then effect insurance which will protect the interests of himself and his Subcontractors in the Work. and by appropriate Change Order the cost thereof shall be charged to OWNER. If CONTRACTOR is damaged by failure of OWNER to purchase or maintain such insurance and so to notify CON- TRACTOR, then OWNER shall bear reasonable costs properly attribntable thereto. 5.9. If CONTRACTOR requests in writing that other special insnrance be included in the property insurance policy, OWNER shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost thereof shall be charged to CONTRACTOR by appropriate Change Order. 5.10. OWNER and CONTRACTOR waive all rights against each other for damages caused by fire or. other perils to the extent covered by insorance provided under paragraphs 5.5 through 5.1 I. inclusive, except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance held by OWNER as trustee. CONTRACTOR shall require similar waivers by Subcontractors in accordance with paragraph 6.12 5.11 OWNER as trustee shall have power to adjust and settle any loss with the ~nsurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within five days after the occurrence of loss to OWNER's exercise of this power, and if such objection be made. arbitrators shall be chosen as provided in Article 16. OWNER as trustee shall, in that case. make settlement with the insurers ~n accord- ance with the directions of such arbitrators. If distribution of the ~nsurance proceeds by arbitration is required, the arbitrators will direct such distribution. Additional Bonds and Insurance: 5.12. Prior to delivery of the executed Agreement by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. OWNER may require CON- TRACTOR to furnish such other Bonds and such addi- tional insurance, in such form and with such sureties or ~nsnrers as OWNER may require. If such other Bonds or such other insurance are specified by written instructions given prior to opemng of Bids, the premiums shall be paid by CONTRACTOR: if subsequent thereto, they shall be paid by OWNER (except as otherwise provided in para- graph 6.7). ARTICLE 6--CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES Supervision and Superintendence: 6.1. CONTRACTOR shall supervise and direct the Work efficiently and with his best skill and attention. He shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, tech- niques, sequences and procedures of construction, but he shall not be solely responsible for the negligence of others in the design or selection of a specific means, method, tech- nique, sequence or procedure of construction which is in- dicated in and required by the Contract Docoments. CON- TRACTOR shall be responsible to see that the finished Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. 6.2. CONTRACTOR shall keep on the Work at all times during its progress a competent resident superinten- dent, who shall not be replaced without written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent will be CONTRAC- TOWs representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of CONTRACTOR. All communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to CONTRACTOR. Labor, Materials and Equipment: 6.3. CONTRACTOR shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey and lay out the Work and perform construction as required by the Contract Docu- ments. He shall at alt times maintain good discipline and order at the site. 6.4. CONTRACTOR shall furnish all materials, equip- ment. labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliaoces, fuel, power, light, heat, tele- phone, water and sanitary facilities and ali other facilities and incidentals necessary for the execution, testing, initial operation and completion of the Work. 6.5. All materials and eqnipment shalI be new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If re- quired by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and qoality of materials and equipment. 6.6. All materials and equipment shall be applied, in- stalled, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manu- facturer, fabricator or processors, except as otherwise pro- vided in the Contract Documents. Substitute Materials or Equipment: 6.7. If the General Requirements (Division 1)of the Specifications. law, ordinance or applicable rules or regu- lations permit CONTRACTOR to foroish or use a sub- stitute that is eqnal to any material or eqnipment specified, and if CONTRACTOR wishes to furnish or use a proposed substitute, he shall, prior to the conference called for by paragraph 2.9 (unless another time is provided in the Gen- eral Requirements), make writteo application to ENGI- NEER for approval of soch a substitute certifying in writ- ing that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions called for by the general design, be similar and of equal substance to that specified and be snited to the same use and capable of performing the same function as that specified; stating whether or not its incorporation in or use in connection with the Project is subject to the pay- ment of any license fee or royalty; and identifying all varia- tions of the proposed substitute from that specified and in- dicating available maintenance service. No substitute shall be ordered or installed withont the written approval of ENGINEER who will be the judge of eqoality and may reqoire CONTRACTOR to furnish such other data about the proposed substitute as he considers pertinent. No sub- stitute shall be ordered or installed without such perfor- mance guarantee and bonds as OWNER may require which shall be furnished at CONTRACTOR's expense. Concerning Subcontractors: 6.8. CONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcontrac- tor or other person or organization (including those who are to furnish the principal items of materials or equip- ment), whether initially or as a substitute, against whom OWNER or ENGINEER may have reasonable objection. A Subcontractor or other person or organization identified in writing to OWNER and ENGINEER by CONTRAC- TOR prior to the Notice of Award and not objected to in writing by OWNER or ENGINEER prior to the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER. Acceptance of any Subcontractor, other per- son or organization by OWNER or ENGINEER shall not constitute a waiver of any right of OWNER or ENGI- NEER to reject defective Work or Work not in conform- ance with the Contract Documents. If OWNER or ENGI- NEER after due investigation has reasonable objection to any Subcontractor, other person or organization proposed by CONTRACTOR after the Notice of Award, CON- TRACTOR shall submit an acceptable substitute and the Contract Price shall be increased or decreased by the dif- ference in cost occasioned by such substitution, and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. CONTRACTOR shall not be reqoired to employ any Subcontractor, other person or organization against whom he has reasonable objection. CONTRACTOR shall not without the consent of OWNER and ENGINEER make any substitution for any Contractor, other person or organization who has been accepted by OWNER and ENGINEER unless ENGI- NEER determines that there is good cause for doing so. 6.0. CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for all acts and omissions of his Subcootractors and of persons and organizations directly or indirectly employed by them and of persons and organizations for whose acts any of them may be liable to thc same extent that he is respon- sible for the acts and omissions of persons directly em- ployed by him. Nothing in thc Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between OWNER or ENGlNEER and any Subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contract with CONTRAC- TOR, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of 12 © OWNER or ENGINEER to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any Subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. OWNER or ENGINEER may furnish to any Subcontrac- tor or other person or organization, to the extent practi- cable, evidence of amounts paid to CONTRACTOR on account of specific Work done in accordance with the schedule of values. 6.10. The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control CONTRACTOR in dividing the Work among Subcontrac- tors or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.11. CONTRACTOR agrees to bind specifically every Subcontractor to the applicable tdrms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of OWNER. 6.12. All Work performed for CONTRACTOR by a Su6contractor shall be pursuant to an appropriate agree- ment between CONTRACTOR and the Subcontractor which shall contain provisions that waive al1 rights the contracting parties may have against one another for damages caused by fire or other perils covered by insur- ance provided in accordance with paragraphs 5.5 through 5.11, inclusive, except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance held by OWNER as trustee under paragraph 5.9. CONTRACTOR shall pay each Sub- contractor a just share of any insurance moneys received by CONTRACTOR under paragraphs 5.5 through 5.11, inclusive. Patent Fees and Royalties: 6.13. CONTRACTOR shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the Work of any invention, design, pro- cess, product or device which is the snbject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, de- sign, process, product or device is specified in the Contract Documents for use in the performance of the Work and if to the actual knowledge of OWNER or ENGINEER its use is subject to patent rights Or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by OWNER in the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER and ENGINEER and any- one directly or indirectly employed by either of them from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (in- cluding attorneys' fees) arising out of any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the per- formance of the Work or resulting from the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device not specified in the Contract Documents, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alleged infringement of such rights. Permits: 6.14. CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all con- struction permits and licenses and shall pay all govern- 13 mental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prose- cution of the Work, which are.applicable at the time of his Bid. OWNER shall assist CONTRACTOR, when neces- sary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. CONTRAC- TOR shall also pay all punic utility charges. Laws and Regtdations: 6:15. CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and com- ply with all laws, ordinances, roles and regnlations appli- cable to the Work. If CONTRACTOR observes that the Specifications or Drawings are at variance therewith, he shall give ENGINEER prompt written notice thereof, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by an appropriate Modification. If CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to ENGINEER, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom; however, it shall not be his primary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with such laws, ordinances, rt{les and regulations. Taxes: 6.16. CONTRACTOR shall pay all sales, consumer, use and .other similar taxes required to be paid by him in accordance with the law of the place where the Work is to be performed. Use o/Premises: 6.17. CONTRACTOR shall confine his equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of his workmen to areas permitted by law, ordinances, per- mits, or the requirements of the Contract Documents, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with mate- rials or equipment. 6.18. CONTRACTOR shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded with weights that will endanger the structure, nor shall he subject any part of the Work to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. Record Drawings: 6.19. CONTRACTOR shall keep one record copy of all Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, Modifications, and Shop Drawings at the site in good order and annotated to show all changes made during the constrnction process. These shall be available to ENGINEER and shall be de- livered to him for OWNER upon completion Of the Project. [Note: Further provisions in respect of snch record draw- ings may be included in the General Requirements (Divi- sion 1).] Safety and Protection: 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiat- ing, maintaining and supervising all safety precai~tions and programs in connection with the Work. He shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: ' 6.20.1. all employees on the Work and other persons who may be affected thereby, 6.20.2. all the Work and all materials or equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, and 6.20.3. other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, road- ways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any public body having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or prop- erty or to protect them from damage, injury or loss. He shall erect and maintain, as required by the conditions and progress of the Work, all necessary safeguards for its safety and protection. He shall notify owners of adjacent utilities when prosecution of the Work may affect them. All dam- age, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragraph 6.20.2 or 6.20.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor or any- one directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by CONTRACTOR: except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of OWNER or ENGINEER or anyone employed by either of them or anyone for whose acts either of them may be liabIe, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR's duties and responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until snch time as all the Work is completed and ENGINEER has issued a notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance with para- graph 14.13 that Work is acceptable. 6.21. CONTRACTOR shall designate a responsible member of his organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be CON- TRACTOR's superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by CONTRACTOR to OWNER. Emergencies: 6.22. In emergencies affecting the safety of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, CON- TRACTOR, without special instruction or authorization from ENGINEER or OWNER, is obligated to act, at his discretion, to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. He shall give ENGINEER prompt written notice of any significant changes in the Work or deviations from the Contract Documents caused thereby, and a Change Order shall thereupon be issued covering the changes and devia- tions involved. If CONTRACTOR believes that additional work done by him in an emergency which arose from causes beyond his control entities him to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, he may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. Shop Drawings and Samples: 6.23. After checking and verifying all field measure- ments, CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for approval, in accordance with the accepted schedule of Shop Drawing submissions (see paragraph 2.8) five copies (or at ENGINEER's option, one reproducible copy) of all Shop Drawings, which shall have been checked by and stamped with the approval of CONTRACTOR and identi- fied as ENGINEER may require. The data shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to dimen- sions, design criteria, materials of construction and the like to enable ENGINEER to review the information as required. 6.24. CONTRACTOR shall also submit to ENGI- NEER for approval with such promptness as to cause no delay in Work, all samples required by the Contract Docu- ments. All samples will have been checked by and stamped with the approval of CONTRACTOR, identified'clearly as to material, manufacturer, any pertinent catalog numbers and the use for which intended. 6.25. At the time of each submission, CONTRACTOR shall in writing call ENGINEER's attention to any devia- tions that the Shop Drawing or sample may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6.26. ENGINEER will review and approve with rea- sonable promptness Shop Drawings and samples, but his review and approval shall be only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. The ap- proval of a separate item as such will not indicate ap- proval of the assembly in which the item functions. CON- TRACTOR shall make any corrections required by ENGI- NEER and shall return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and resnbmit new samples until approved. CONTRACTOR shall direct specific attention in writing or on resubmitted Shop Drawings to revisions other than the corrections called for by ENGINEER on previous submissions. CONTRACTOR's stamp of ap- proval on any Shop Drawing or sample shall constitute a representation to OWNER and ENGINEER that CON- TRACTOR has either determined and verified all quanti- ties, dimensions, field construction criteria, materials, cata- log numbers, and similar data or he assumes full responsi- bility for doing so, and that he has reviewed or coordinated each Shop Drawing or sample with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. 6.27. Where a Shop Drawing or sample submission is required by the Specifications, no related Work shall be commenced until the submission has been approved by ENGINEER. A copy of each approved Shop Drawing and each approved sample shall be kept in good order by CONTRACTOR at the site and shall be available to ENGINEER. 6.28. ENGINEER's approval of Shop Drawings or samples shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from his re- sponsibility for any deviations from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR has in writing called ENGINEER's attention to such deviation at the time of submission and ENGINEER has given written 14 approval to the specific deviation, nor shall any approval by ENGINEER relieve CONTRACTOR from respon,si, bility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings [Note: Further provisions in respect to Shop Drawings and samples may be incbtded in the General Requirements (Division 1).] Cleaning: 6.29. CONTRACTOR shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work, and at the completion of the Work he shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus mate- rials, and shall leave the site clean and ready for occupancy by OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall restore to their original condition those portions of the site not designated for al- teration by the Contract Documents. [Note: Fttrtber pro- visions in respect of cleaning may be included in the Gen- eral Requirements (Division 1).] Indemnification: 6.30. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harm- less OWNER and ENGINEER and their agents and em- ployees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or result- ing from the performance'of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable to bodily iniury, sickness, disease or death, or to injnry to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of nsc resulting therefrom and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omis- sion of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, anyone di- rectly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified beretmder. 6.31. In any and all claims against OWNER or ENGI- NEER or any of their agents or employees by any em- ployee of CONTRACTOR; any Subcontractor. anyone di- rectly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnifica- tion obligation under paragraph 6.30 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor onder workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 6.32. The obligations of CONTRACTOR under para- graph 6.30 shall not extend to the liability of ENGINEER, his agents or employees arising out of (a) the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, Change Orders, designs or specifications or (b) the giving of Or the failure to give directions or instructions by ENGI- NEER, his_ .agents or employees provided such giving or failure to giv'~ is the primary cause of injury or damage. 15 ARTICLE 7--WORK BY OTHERS 7.1. OWNER may perform additional work related to the Project by himself, or he may let other direct con- tracts therefor which shall contain General Conditions similar to these. CONTRACTOR shall afford the other contractors who are parties to such direct contracts (or OWNER, if he is performing the additional work himself), re.asonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execntion of work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his Work with theirs. 712. If any part 'of CONTRACTOR's Work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any such other contractor (or OWNER), CONTRACTOR shall in- spect and promptly report to ENGINEER in writing any defects or deficiencies in such work that render it unsuit- able for such proper execution and results. His failure so to report shall constitute an acceptance of the other work as fit and proper for the relationship of his Work except as to defects and deficiencies which may appear in the other work after the execution of his Work. 7.3. CONTRACTOR shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of his Work that may be required to make its sev- eral parts come together properly and fit it to receive or be received by such other work. CONTRACTOR shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of ENGINEER and of the other contractors whose work will be affected. 7.4. If the performance of additional work by other contractors or OWNER is not noted in the Contract Docu- ments prior to the execution of the contract, written notice thereof shall be given to CONTRACTOR prior to starting any such additional work. If CONTRACTOR believes that the performance of such additional work by OWNER or others involves him in additional expense or entitles him to an extension of the Contract Time, he may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. ARTICLE 8--OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1. OWNER shall issue all communications to CON- TRACTOR through ENGINEER. 8.2. In case of termination of the employment of ENGINEER, OWNER shall appoint an engineer against whom CONTRACTOR makes no unreasonable objection, whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former ENGINEER. Any dispute in connection with such appointment shall be subject to arbitration. 8.3. OWNER shall furnish the data required of him under the Contract Documents promptly and shall make payments to CONTRACTOR promptly after they are due as provided in paragraphs 14.4 and 14.13. 8.4. OWNER's duties in respect of providing lands and easements and providing engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.4. Paragraph 4.2 refers to OWNER's identifying and making available tO CONTRACTOR copies of surveys and investi- gation reports of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting performance of the Work which have been relied upon by ENGINEER in preparing the Drawings and Specifications. 8.5. OWNER's responsibilities in respect of liability and property insurance are set forth in paragraph 5.4 and 5.5. 8.6. In addition to his rights to request changes in the Work in accordance with Article 10, OWNER (especially in certain instances as provided in paragraph 10.4) shall be obligated to execute Change Orders. 8.7. OWNER's responsibility in respect of certain in- spections, tests and approvals is set forth in paragraph 13.2. 8.8. In connection with OWNER's right to stop Work or suspend Work, see paragraphs 13.8 and 15.1. Paragraph 15.2 deals with OWNER's right to terminate services of CONTRACTOR under certain circumstances. ARTICLE 9--ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION Owner's Representative: 9.1. ENGINEER will be OWNER's representative dur- ing the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of ENGINEER as OWN- ER's representative during construction are set forth in Articles I through 17 of these General Conditions and shall not be extended without written consent of OWNER and ENGINEER. Visits to Site: 9.2. ENGINEER wilt make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the executed Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is pro- ceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. He will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. His efforts will be directed toward providing as- surance for OWNER that the completed Project will con- form to the requirements of the Contract Documents. On the basis of his on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional, he will keep OWNER informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the Work of contractors. Clarifications and Interpretations: 9.3. ENGINEER will issue with reasonable prompt- ness such written clarifications or interpretations of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or other- wise) as he may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable from the over- all intent of the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification and interpretation en- titles him to an increase in the Contract Price, he may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. Rejecting Defective Work: 9.4. ENGINEER will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which is "defeca~ve" (which term is herein- after used to describe Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or defective, or does not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents or does not meet the require- ments of any inspection, test or approval referred to in paragraph 13.2 or has been damaged prior to approval of final payment). He will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in paragraph 13.7, whether or not the Work is fab. ricated, installed or completed. Shop Drawings. Change Orders and Payments: 9.5. In connection with ENGINEER's responsibility for Shop Drawings and samples, see paragraphs 6.23 through 6.28 inclusive. 9.6. In connection with ENGINEER's responsibility for Change Orders, see Articles I0, 11 and 12. 9.7. In connection with ENGINEER's responsibilities in respect of Applications for Payment, etc., see Article 14. Resident Project Representatives: 9.8. If OWNER and ENGINEER agree, ENGINEER will fnrnish a Resident Project Representative and as- sistants to assist ENGINEER in carrying out his responsi- bilities at the site. The dnties, responsibilities and limita- tions of authority of any such Resident Project Repre- sentative and assistants shall be as set forth in an exhibit to be incorporated in the Contract Documents. Decisions on Disagreements: 9.9. ENGINEER will be the interpreter of the require- ments of the Contract Documents and the judge of the performance thereunder. In his capacity as interpreter and judge he will exercise his best efforts to insure faith- ful performance by both OWNER and CONTRACTOR. He will not show partiality to either and will not be liable for the result of any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the execution and progress of the Work or the interpre- tation of or performance under the Contract Documents shall be referred to ENGINEER for decision; which he will render in writing within a i'easonable time. 9.10. Either OWNER or CONTRACTOR may de- mand arbitration with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter that has been referred to ENGINEER, except any which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided in paragraph 14.16, such arbitration to be in accordance with Article 16. However, no demand for arbitration of any such claim, dispute or other matter shall be made until the earlier of (a) the date on which ENGINEER has rendered his de- cision or (b) the tenth day after the parties have pre* 16 sented their evidence to ENGINEER if he has not rendered his written decision before that date. No demand for arbitration shall be made later than thirty days after the date on which ENGINEER rendered his written decision in respect of the claim, dispute or other matter as to which arbitration is songht; and the failure to demand arbitration Within said thirty, days' period shall result 'in ENGINEER's decision being final and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR. If ENGINEER renders a decision after arbitration proceedings have been initi- ated, such decision may be entered as evidence but shall not supersede the arbitration proceedings, except where the decision is acceptable to the parties concerned. Limitations on ENGINEER's Responsibilities: 9.11. Neither ENGINEER's authority to act under this Article 9 or elsewhere in the Contract Docnments nor any decision made by him in good faith either to exercise or not exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of ENGINEER to CONTRAC- TOR, any Subcontractor, any materialman, fabricator, sup- plier or any of their agents or employees or any other per- son performing any of the Work. 9.12. ENGINEER will not be responsible for CON- TRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and he will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform the 'Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9.13. ENGINEER will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of CONTRACTOR, or any Subcontrac- tors, or any of his or their agents or employees, or any other persons at the site or otherwise performing, any of the Work: ARTICLE 10---CHANGES IN THE WORK 10.1. Without invalidating the Agreement, OWNER may, at any time or from, time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work; these will be authorized by Change Orders. Upon receipt of a Change Order, CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the Work involved. All such Work shall be executed under the applicable condi- tions of the Contract Documents. If any Change Order causes an increase Or decrease in the Contract Price or an extension or shortening of the Contract Time, an equitable adjustment will be made as provided in Article Il or Article 12 on the basis of a claim made by either party. 10.2. ENGINEER may authorize minor changes or alterations in the Work not involving extra cost and not inconsistent with the overall intent of the Contract Docu- ments. These may be accomplished by a Field Order. If CONTRACTOR believes that any minor change or alteration anthorized by ENGINEER entitles him to an increase in the Con, tract Price, he may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. 17 © 10.3. Additional Work performed by CONTRACTOR · without authorization of a Change Order will not entitle him to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.22 and except as provided in paragraphs 10.2 and 13.7. 1014. OWNER shall execute appropriate Change Or- ders prepared by ENGINEER covering changes in the Work to be performed as provided in paragraph 4.3, and Work performed in an emergency as provided in para- graph 6.22 and any other claim of CONTRACTOR for a change in the Contract Time or the Contract Price which is approved by ENGINEER. 10.5. It is CONTRACTOR's responsibility to notify his Surety of any changes affecting the general scope of the Work or change in the Contract Price and the amount of the applicable Bonds shall be adjusted accordingly. CONTRACTOR shall furnish proof of such adjustment to OWNER. ARTICLE II--CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE 11.1. The Contract Price constitutes the total com- pensation payable to CONTRACTOR for performing the Work. Ail dnties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or nndertaken by CONTRACTOR shall be at his ex- pense without change in /he Contract Price. 11.2. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order. Any claim for an increase in the Contract Price shall be based on written notice delivered to OWNER and ENGINEER within fifteen days of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim. Notice of the amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within forty-five days of such occurrence unless ENGINEER' allows an additional period of time to ascertain accurate cost data. All claims for adjustments in the Contract Price shall be determined by ENGINEER if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree on the amount involved. Any change in the Contract Price resulting from any such claim shall be incorporated in a Change Order. 11.3. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an increase or decrease in the Contract Price shall be determined in one of the following ways: 11.3.1. Where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of unit prices to the quantities of the items involved. 11.3.2. By mutual acceptance of a lump sum. 11.3.3. On the basis of the Cost of the Work (determined as provided'in paragraphs 11.4 and 1 I..5) plus a Contractor's Fee for overhead and profit (deter- mined as provided in paragraph 11.6). Cost o/the Work: 11.4. The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs necessarily incurred and paid by the CON- TRACTOR in the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by OWNER, such costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project, shall include only the following items and shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph 11.5: 11.4.1. Payroll costs for employees in /he direct employ of CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Work tinder schedules of job classifications agreed upon by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. Payroll costs for employees not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall include, bnt not be limited to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits which shall include social security contribu- tions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, work- men's compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay appli- cable thereto. Such employees shall include superin- tendents and foremen at the site. The expenses of per- forming work after regular working hours, on Sunday or legal holidays shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by OWNER. 11.4.2. Cost of all materials and equipment fur- nished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and manufac- turers' field services required in connection therewith. All cash discounts shall accrue to CONTRACTOR unless OWNER deposits funds with CONTRACTOR with which to make payments, in whic'h case the cash discounts shall accrue to OWNER. All trade discounts, rebates and refunds, and all returns from sale of stir- plus materials and equipment shall accrue to OWNER, and CONTRACTOR shall make provisions so that they may be obtained. 11.4.3. Payments made by CONTRACTOR to the Subcontractors for Work performed by Subcontractors. If required by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall obtain competitive bids from Subcontractors acceptable to him and shall deliver snch bids to OWNER who will then determine with the advice of ENGINEER, which bids will be accepted. If a subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work Plus a Fee, the Cost of the Work shall be determined in accordance with paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5. All subcontracts shall be subje~:t to the other provisions of the Contract Documents insofar as appli- cable. 11.4.4. Costs of special consultants (including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors, lawyers and accountants) employed for serv- ices specifically related to the Work. 11.4.5. Supplemental costs including the following: The proportion of necessary transpor- tation, traveling and subsistence expenses of CON- TRACTOR's employees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. 1 Cost, including transportation and main- tenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, ma- chinery, appliances, office and temporary facilities at the site and hand tools not owned by the work- men, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost less market value of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of CONTRACTOR. Rentals of all constrtlction equipment and machinery and the parts thereof whether rented from CONTRACTOR or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by OWNER with the advice of ENGINEER, and the costs of transporta- tion, loading, unloading, installation, dismantling and removal thereof--all in accordance with terms of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machinery or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work. Sales, use or similar taxes related to the Work, and for which CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by any governmental authority. Deposits lost for caoses other than CONTRACTOR's negligence, royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. l Losses, damages and expenses, not compensated by insnrance or otherwise, sustained by CONTRACTOR in connection with the execu- tion of, and to, the Work, provided they have re- stilted from causes other than the negligence of CONTRACTOR. any Subcontractor, or anyone di- rectly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written con- sent and approval of OWNER. No such losses, dam- ages and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining Contractor's Fee. If, however, any such loss or damage requires recon- stroction and CONTRACTOR is placed in charge thereof, he shall be paid for his services a fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph 11.6.2. The cost of utilities, fuel and sanitary facilities at the site. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone service at the site. expressage and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. Cost of premiums for bonds and in- surance which OWNER is required to pay in ac- cordance with paragraph 5.12. 18 11.5. The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following: 11.5.1. Payroll costs and other compensation of CONTRACTOR's officers, executives, principals (of partnership and sole proprietorships), general managers, engineers, architects, estimators~ lawyers, auditors, ac- countants, purchasing and contracting agents, expeditors, timekeepers, clerks and other personnel employed by CONTRACTOR whether at the site or in his principal or a branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the schednle referred to in subparagraph l l.4.1--all of which are to be consid- ered administrative costs covered by the Contractor's Fee. 11.5.2. Expenses of CONTRACTOR's principal and branch offices other than his office at the site. 11.5.3. Any part of CONTRACTOR's capital ex- penses, including interest on CONTRACTOR's capital employed for the Work and charges against CONTRAC- TOR for delinquent payments. 11.5.4. Cost of premiums for all bonds and for all insurance policies whether or not CONTRACTOR is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except as otherwise provided in subparagraph 11.5.5. Costs due to the negligence of CONTRAC- TOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may.:lSe liable, inclnding but not limited to, the correction of defective work, disposal of materials or equipment'wrongly sup?lied and making good any dam- age to property. 11.5.6. Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included in paragraph 11.4. Contractor'x Fee: 11.6. The Contractor's Fee which shall be allowed to CONTRACTOR for his overhead and profit shall be deter- mined as follows: -11.6.1. a mutually acceptable fixed fee; or if none can be agreed upon, 11.6.2. a fee based on the following percentages of the various portions of the Cost of the Work: for costs incurred under paragraphs 11.4.1 and 11.4.2, the Contractor's Fee shall be ten percent, for costs incurred under paragraph 11.4.3, the Contractor's Fee shall be five percent; and if a subcontract is on the basis of Cost of the Work Plus a Fee, the maximum allowable to the Subcon- tractor as a fee for overhead and profit shall be ten percent, and no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under paragraphs 11.4.4, 11.4.5 and 11.5. 11.7. The amount of credit to be allowed by CON- TRACTOR to OWNER for any such change which results in a net decrease in cost, will be the amount of the actual net decrease. When both additions and credits are involved in any one change, the combined overhead and profit shall be figured on the basis of the net increase, if any. 11.8. Whenever the cost of any Work is to be deter- mined pnrsnant to paragraphs I 1.4. and 11.5, CONTRAC- TOR will submit in form prescribed by ENGINEER an itemized cost breakdown together with supporting data. Cash Allowances: 11.9. It is understood that CONTRACTOR has in- cluded in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be done by such materialmen, suppliers or Subcontrac- tors and for such sums within the limit of the allowances as ENGINEER may approve. Upon final payment, the Con- tract Price shall be adjusted as required and an appropriate Change Order issued. CONTRACTOR agrees that the original Contract Price includes such sums as he deems proper for costs and profit on account of cash allowances. No demand for additional Cost or profit in connection therewith will be allowed. ARTICLE 12--CHANGE OF THE CONTRACT TIME 19 12.1. The Contract Time may only be changed by a Change Order. Any claim for an extension in the Contract Time shall be based on written notice delivered to OWNER and ENGINEER within fifteen days of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim. Notice of the extent of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within forty-five days of such occurrence unless ENGINEER al- lows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Time shall be determined by ENGINEER if OWNER and CON- TRACTOR cannot otherwise agree. Any change in the Contract Time resulting from any such claim shall be in- corporated in a Change Order. 12.2. The Contract Time will be extended in an amount equal to time lost due to delays beyond the con- trol of CONTRACTOR if he makes a claim therefor as provided in paragraph 12.1. Such delays shall include, but not be restricted to, acts or neglect by any separate con- tractor employed by OWNER, fires, floods, labor disputes, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, or acts of Go& 12.3: All time limits stated in the Contract Docu-, ments are of the essence of the Agreement. The provisions of this Article 12 shall not exclude recovery for damages (including compensation for additional professional ser- vices) for delay by either party. ARTICLE 13--WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE; TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORREC- TION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK Warranty and Guarantee:. 13.1. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees to OWNER and ENGINEER that all materials and equip- ment will be new unless otherwise specified and that all Work will be of good quality and free from faults or de- fects and in accordance with the requirements of the Con- tract Documents and of any inspections, tests or approvals referred to in paragraph 13.2. All unsatisfactory Work, all faulty or defective Work, and all Work not conforming to the requirements of the Contract Documents at the time of acceptance thereof or of such inspections, tests or approvals, shall be considered defective. Prompt notice of all defects shall be given to CONTRACTOR. All defec- tive Work, whether or not in place, may be rejected, cor- rected or accepted as provided in this Article 13. Tests and Inspections: 13.2. If the Contract Documents, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction require any Work to specifically be inspected, tested, or approved by some public body, CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility therefor, pay all costs in connection therewith and furnish ENGINEER the re- quired certificates of inspection, testing or approval. All other inspections, tests and approvals required by the Con- tract Documents shall be performed by organizations ac- ceptable to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and the costs thereof shall be borne by OWNER unless otherwise specified. 13.3. CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER timely notice of readiness of the Work for all inspections, tests or approvals. If any such Work required so to be inspected, tested or approved is covered without written approval of ENGINEER, it must, if requested by ENGINEER, be uncovered for observation, and such uncovering shall be at CONTRACTOR's expense unless CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER timely notice of his intention to cover such Work and ENGINEER has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to snch notice. 13.4. Neither observations by ENGINEER nor inspec- tions, tests or approvals by persons other than CONTRAC- TOR shall relieve CONTRACTOR from his obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Access to Work: 13.5. ENGINEER and his representatives and other representatives of OWNER will at reasonable times have access to the Work. CONTRACTOR shall provide proper and safe facilities for such access and observation of the Work and also for any inspection or testing thereof by others. Uncovering Work: 13.6. If any Work is covered contrary to the written request of ENGINEER, it must, if requested by ENGI- NEER, be uncovered for his observation and replaced at CONTRACTOR's expense. 13.7. If any Work has been covered which ENGI- NEER has not specifically requested to observe prior to its being covered, or if ENGINEER considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be inspected or tested by others, CONTRACTOR, at ENGINEER's request, shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observa- tion, inspection or testing as ENGINEER may require, that portion of the Work in question, fornishing all necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is defective, CONTRACTOR shall bear all the ex- penses of such uncovering, exposure, obserx;ation, inspec- tion and testing and of satisfactory reconstruction, includ- ing compensation for additional professional services, and an appropriate deductive Change Order shall be issued. If, however, such Work is not found to be defective, CON- TRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, di- rectly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observa- tion, inspection, testing and reconstruction if he makes a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. Owner May Stop the Work: 13.8. If the Work is defective, or CONTRACTOR fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen or suitable mate- rials or equipment, or if CONTRACTOR fails to make prompt payments to Subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment, OWNER may order CONTRACTOR to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of OWNER to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of OWNER to exercise this right for the bene- fit of CONTRACTOR or any other party. Correction or Removal o[ De/ective Work: 13.9. If required by ENGINEER prior to approval of final payment, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and as specified by ENGINEER, either correct any defective Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by ENGINEER, remove it from the site and replace it with nondefective Work. If CONTRACTOR does not correct such defective Work or remove and replace such rejected Work within a reasonable time, all as specified in a written notice from ENGINEER, OWNER may have the defi- ciency corrected or the rejected Work removed and re- placed. All direct or indirect costs of such correction or removal and replacement, including compensation for ad- ditional professional services, shall be paid by CONTRAC- TOR, and an appropriate deductive Change Order shall be issued. CONTRACTOR shall also bear the expenses of making good all Work of others destroyed or damaged by his correction, removal or replacement of his defective Work. 20 One Year Correction Period: 13:10. If, after the approval of final payment and prior to the expiration of one year after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be pre- scribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and in accordance with OWNER's written instructions, either correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by OWNER, remove it from the site and replace it with nondefective Work. If CONTRAC- TOR does not promptly comply with the ter. ms of soch in- strnctions, OWNER may have the defective Work' cor- rected or the rejected Work removed and replaced, and all · direct and indirect costs of such removal and replacement, including compensation for additional professional services, shall be paid by CONTRACTOR. Acceptance of Defective Work: 13.11. If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, OWNER (and, prior to approval of final payment, also ENGINEER) prefers to accept it, he may do so. In such case, if acceptance oc- curs prior to approval of final payment, a Change Order shall be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents, including appropriate reduction in the Contract Price; or, if the acceptance occurs after approval of final payment, an'appropriate amount shall be paid by CONTRACTOR to OWNER. Neglected Work by Contractor: 13.12. If CONTRACTOR should fail to prosecute the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, includ- ing any requirements of the progress schedule, OWNER, after seven days' written notice to CONTRACTOR may, without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, make good such deficiences and the cost thereof (incloding com- pensation for additional professional services) shall be charged against CONTRACTOR if ENGINEER approves such action, in which case a Change Order shall be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract. Docu- ments including an appropriate reduction in the Contract Price. If the payments then or thereafter due CONTRAC- TOR are not sufficient to cover such amount, CONTRAC- TOR shall pay the difference to OWNER. ARTICLE 14--PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION Schedules: 14.1. At least ten days prior to snbmitting the first Application for a progress payment, CON~FRACTOR shall submit a progress schedule, a final schedole of Shop Draw- ing submission and a schedule of values of the Work. These schedules shall be satisfactory in form and substance to ENGINEER. The schedule of values shall include quanti- ties and unit prices aggregating the Contract Price, and shall subdivide the Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during 21 construction. Upon approval of the schedules of values by ENGINEER, it shall be incorporated into the form of Application for Payment furnished by ENGINEER. Application for Progress Payment: 14.2. At least ten days before each progress payment falls due (but not more often than once a month), CON- TRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by CON- TRACTOR covering [he Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such data and sched- ules as ENGINEER may reasonably require. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another location agreed to in writ- ing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by such data, satisfactory to OWNER, as will establish OWNER,s title to the material and equipment and protect his interest therein, including applicable insurance. Each subsequent Application for Payment shall include an affi- davit of CONTRACTOR stating theft all previous progress payments received on account of the Work have been ap- plied to discharge in full all of CONTRACTOR's obliga- tions reflected in prior Applications for Payment. Contractor's Warranty o/Title: 14.3. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to OWNER at the time of pay- ment free and clear of all liens, claims, secm'ity interests and encumbrances (hereafter in these General' Conditions referred to as "Liens"). Approval of Payments: 14.4. ENGINEER will, within ten days after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writ- ing his approval of payment and present the Application to OWNER. or return the Application to CONTRACTOR indicating in writing his reasons for refusing to approve~ payment. In the latter case, CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. OWNER shall, within ten days of presentation to him of an approved Application for Payment, pay CONTRACTOR the amount approved by ENGINEER. 14.5. ENGINEER's approval of any payment re- quested in an Application for Payment witl constitute a representation by him to OWNER, based on ENGINEER's on-site observations of the Work in progress as an experi- enced and qnalifled design professional and on his review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules that the Work has progressed to the point indicated; that, to the best of his knowledge, infor- mation and belief, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning Project upon Substantial Com- pletion, to the results of at~y subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents and any qualifications stated in his approval); and that CONTRACTOR is entitled to payment of the amount approved. However, by approving any such payment ENGINEER will not thereby be deemed to have represented that he made exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or the quantity of the Work, or that he has reviewed the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction, or that he has made any examination to ascertain how or for what purpose CONTRACTOR has used the moneys paid or to be paid to him on account of the Contract Price, or that title to any Work, materials or equipment has passed to OWNER free and clear of any Liens. 14.6. ENGINEER's approval of final payment will con- stitute an additional representation by him to OWNER that the conditions precedent to CONTRACTOR's being entitled to final payment as set forth in paragraph 14.13 have been fulfilled. 14.7. ENGINEER may refuse to approve the whole or any part of any payment if, in his opinion, it would be incorrect to make such representations to OWNER. He may also refuse to approve any such payment, or, be- cause of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any such payment previously approved, to such extent as may be necessary in his opinion to protect OWNER from loss because: 14.7.1. the Work is defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacement, 14.7.2. claims or Liens have been filed or there is reasonable cause to believe such may be filed, 14.7.3. the Contract Price has been reduced because of Modifications, 14.7.4. OWNER has been required to correct de- fective Work or complete the Work in accordance with paragraph 13.11, or 14.7.5. of unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work, including failure to furnish acceptable submittals or to clean up. Substantial Completion: 14.8. Prior to final payment, CONTRACTOR may, in writing to OWNER and ENGINEER, certify that the entire Project is substantially complete and request that ENGINEER issue a certificate of Substantial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter, OWNER, CONTRAC- TOR and ENGINEER shall make an inspection of the Project to determine the status of completion. If ENGI- NEER does not consider the Proiect substantially com- plete, he will notify CONTRACTOR in writing giving his reasons therefor. If ENGINEER considers the Project sub- stantially complete, he will prepare and deliver to OWNER a tentative certificate of Substantial Completion which shall fix the date of Substantial Completion and the respon- sibilities between OWNER and CONTRACTOR for main- tenance, heat and utilities. There shall be attached to the certificate a tentative list of items to be completed or cor- rected before final payment, and the certificate shall fix the time within which such items shall be completed or cor- rected, said time to be within the Contract Time. OWNER shall have seven days after receipt of the tentative certifi- cate during which he may make written objection to ENGINEER as to any provisions of the certificate or attached list. If, after considering such objections, ENGI- NEER concludes that the Project is not substantially com- plete, he will within fourteen days after submission of the tentative certificate to OWNER notify CONTRACTOR in writing, stating his masons therefor. If, after considera- tion of OWNER's objections, ENGINEER considers the PROJECT substantially complete, he will within said fourteen days execute and deliver to OWNER and CON- TRACTOR a definitive certificate of Substantial Com- pletion (with a revised tentative list of items to be com- pleted or corrected) reflecting such changes from the tenta- tive certificate as he believes justified after consideration of any objections from OWNER. 14.9. OWNER shall have the right to exclude CON- TRACTOR from the Project after the date of Substan- tial Completion, but OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list. Partial Utilization: 14.10. Prior to final payment, OWNER may request CONTRACTOR in writing to permit him to use a specified part of the Project which he believes he may use without significant interference with construction of the other, parts of the Project. If CONTRACTOR agrees, he will certify to OWNER and ENGIN,EER that said part of the Project is substantially complete and request ENGINEER to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Project. Within a reasonable time thereafter OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make an inspec- tion of that part of the Project to determine its status of completion. If ENGINEER does not consider that it is substantially complete, he will notify OWNER and CON- TRACTOR in writing giving his reasons therefor. If ENGI- NEER considers that part of the Project to be substan- tially complete, he will execute and deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a certificate to that effect, fixing the date of Substantial Completion as to that part of the Project, attaching thereto a tentative list of items to be completed or corrected before final payment and fixing the responsibility between OWNER and CONTRACTOR for maintenance, heat and utilities as to that part of the Project. OWNER shall have the right to exclude CON- TRACTOR from any part of the Project which ENGI- NEER has so certified to be substantially complete, but OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list. Final Inspection: 14.11. Upon written notice from CONTRACTOR that the Project is complete, EN.GINEER will make a final inspection with OWNER and CONTRACTOR and will notify CONTRACTOR in writing of all particulars in 22 which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. CONTRACTOR shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to remedy such deficiences. Final Application for Payment: 14.12. After CONTRACTOR has completed all snch corrections to the satisfaction of ENGINEER and deliw ered all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules. guarantees, Bonds, certificates of inspection and other docu- ments-all as required by the Contract Documents, he may make application for final payment following the proce- dure for progress payments. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied by such data and sched- ules as ENGINEER may reasonably require, together with complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfac- tory to OWNER) of all Liens arising out of the Contract Documents and the labor find services performed and the material and equipment furnished thereunder. In lieu there- of and as approved by OWNER, CONTRACTOR may furnish receipts or releases in full; an affidavit of CON- TRACTOR that the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Lien could be flied, and that all payrolls, material arid equipment bills, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which OWNER or his property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied; and consent of the Surety, if any, to final payment. If any Subcontractor mate~ rialman, fabricator or supplier fails to furnish a release or receipt in full, CONTRACTOR may furnish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to OWNER to indemnify him against any Lien. Approval of Final Payment: 14.13. If, on the basis of his observation and review of the Work during construction, his final inspection and his review of the final Application for Payment--all as required by the Contract Documents, ENGINEER is satis- fied that the Work has been completed and CONTRAC- TOR has fulfilled all of his obligations under the Contract Documents, he will, within ten days after receipt of the final Application for Payment, indicate in writing his ap- proval of payment and present the Application to OWNER for payment. Thereupon ENGINEER will give written notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR that the Work is acceptable snbject to the provisions of paragraph 14.16. Otherwise, he will return the Application to CONTRAC- TOR, indicating in writing his reasons for refusing to ap- prove final payment, in which case CONTRACTOR shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Appli- cation. OWNER shall, within ten days of presentation to him of an approved final Application for* Payment, pay CONTRACTOR the amount approved by ENGINEER. 14. t4. If after Substantial Completion of the Work final completion thereof is materially delayed throngh no fault of CONTRACTOR, and ENGINEER so confirms, OWNER shall, upon certification by ENGINEER~ and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed 23 and accepted. If the remaining balance:for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have been furnished as required in paragraph 5.1, the written consent of the Surety to the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be sub- mitted by the CONTRACTOR to the ENGINEER prior to certification of such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final pay- ment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. Contractor's Continuing Obligation: 14.15. CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform the Work and complete the Project in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. Neither approval of any progress or final payment by ENGINEER, nor the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion, nor any payment bY OWNER to CONTRACTOR under the Con- tract Documents, nor any use or occupancy of the Project or any part thereof by OWNER, nor any act of acceptance by OWNER nor any failure to do so, nor any correction of defective work by OWNER shall constitote an accep- tance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments. Waiver o! Claims: 14.16. The making and acceptance of final payment shall constitute: 14.16.1. a waiver of all claims by OWNER against CONTRACTOR other than those arising from unsettled Liens, from defective work appearing after final inspec- tion pursuant to paragraph 14.11 or from failure to comply with the requirements of the Contract Docu- ments or the terms of any special guarantees specified therein, and 14.16.2. a waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against OWNER other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled. ARTICLE 15--SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION Owner May Suspend Work: 15.1. OWNER may, at any time and without cause, suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety days by notice in writing to CON- TRACTOR and ENGINEER which shall fix the date on which Work shall be resumed. CONTRACTOR shall re- sume the Work on the date so fixed. CONTRACTOR will be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an exten- sion of the Contract Time, or both,, directly attributable to any suspension if he makes a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. Owner May Terminate: 15.2. If CONTRACTOR is adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, or if he makes a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a trustee or receiver is ap- pointed for CONTRACTOR or for any of his property, or if he files a petition to take advantage of any debtor's act, or to reorganize under the bankruptcy or similar laws, or if he repeatedly fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen or suitable materials or equipment, or if he repeatedly fails to make prompt payments to Subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment or if he disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any pnblic body having jurisdiction, or if he disregards the authority of ENGI- NEER, or if he otherwise violates any provision of the Contract Documents, then OWNER may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving CONTRAC- TOR and his Surety seven days' written notice, terminate the services of CONTRACTOR and take possession of the Project and of all materials, equipment, tools, construc- tion equipment and machinery thereon owned by CON- TRACTOR, and finish the Work by whatever method he may deem expedient. In such case CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds the direct and indirect costs of completing the Project, including compensation for additional pro- fessional services, such ex':ess shall be paid to CONTRAC- TOR. If such costs exceed such unpaid balance, CON- TRACTOR shall pay the difference to OWNER. Such costs incurred by OWNER shall be determined by ENGI- NEER and incorporated in a Change Order. 15.3. Where CONTRACTOR's services have been so terminated by OWNER, said terminations shall not affect any rights of OWNER against CONTRACTOR then ex- isting or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys by OWNER due CONTRACTOR will not release CONTRACTOR from liability. 15.4. Upon seven days' written notice to CONTRAC- TOR and ENGINEER, OWNER may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the Project and terminate the Agreement. In such case, CONTRACTOR shall be paid for all Work executed and any expense sustained plus a reasonable profit. Contractor May Stop Work or Terminate: 15.5. If, through no act or fault of CONTRACTOR, the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety days by OWNER or under an order of court or other public authority, or ENGINEER fails to act on any. Ap- plication for Payment within thirty days after it is sub- mitted, or OWNER fails to pay CONTRACTOR any sum ap/proved by ENGINEER or awarded by arbitrators within thirty days of its approval and presentation, then CON- TRACTOR may, upon seven days' written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER, terminate the Agreement and recover from OWNER payment for all Work executed and any expense sustained plus a reasonable profit. In addition' and in lieu of terminating the Agreement, if ENGINEER has failed to act on an Application for Pay- ment or OWNER has failed to make any payment as afore- said, CONTRACTOR may upon seven days' notice to OWNER and ENGINEER stop the Work until he has been paid all amounts then due. ARTICLE 16--ARBITRATION 16.1. All claims, disputes and other matters in ques- tion arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement or the breach thereof except for claims which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as pro- vided by paragraph 14.16, shall be decided by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then ob- taining. This agreement so to arbitrate shall be specifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitration law. The award rendered by the arbitrators shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 16.2. Notice of the demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the other party to the Agreement and with the American Arbitration Association, and a copy shall be filed with ENGINEER. The demand for arbitra- tion shall be m~ide within the thirty-day period specified in paragraph 9.10 where applicable, and in all other cases within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen, and in no event shall it be made after institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim, dispute or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. 16.3. CONTRACTOR will carry on the Work and maintain the progress schedule during any arbitration pro- ceedings, unless otherwise agreed by him and OWNER in writing. ARTICLE 17--MISCELLANEOUS Giving Notice: 17.1. Whenever any provision of the Contract Docu- ments' requires the giving of written notice it shall be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. Computation of Time: 17.2. When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it shall be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of'any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such day shall be omitted from the computation. 24 General: 17.3. All moneys not paid when due hereunder shall bear interest at the maximum rate allowed by law at the place of the Project. 17.4. All Specifications, Drawings and copies thereof furnished by ENGINEER shall remain his property. They shall not be used on another Project, and, with the excep- tion of those sets which have been signed in connection with the execution of the Agreement, shall be returned to him on request upon completion of the Proiect. 17.5. The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder, and, in particular but without limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon CON- TRACTOR by paragraphs 6.30, 13.1i 13.10 and 14.3 and the rights and remedies available to OWNER and ENGI- NEER thereunder, shall be in addition to, and shall not be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to them which are otherwise imposed or available by law, by special guarantee or by other provi- sions of the Contract Documents. 17.6. Should OWNER or CONTRACTOR suffer in- jury or damage to his person or property because of any error, omission or act of the other or of any of his em- ployees or agents or others for whose acts he is legally liable, claim shall be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. 17.7. The Contract Documents shall be governed by the law of the place of the Project. 25 'l~ --~UPPLEMENTS: The following supplements modify, change, delete from ~or add to the "Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract", NSPE Document 1910-8, 1974 edition. Where any Article of the General Conditions is modified or any Paragraph, Subparagraph or Clause thereof is modified or deleted by these supplements, the unaltered provisions of that Article, Paragraph, ~$ubparagraph or Clause shall remain in effect. Article 1: DEFINITIONS ~Add the following definitions: "BONDS--Bonds shall be submitted on the standard foxms of. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS." ~,PRODUCT--The term "product" as used in these Supplementary Conditions includes materials, systems, and equipment." "SPECIFICATIONS--The term "specifications" as used in these Supplementary Conditions includes the Bidding Requirements, Conditions of the Contract and the Specifications." 3~rticle 2: PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.5 ~Under COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME; NOTICE TO PROCEED: delete paragraph 2.5 and add the following: "2.5. The Contract Time will commence to run on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time within thirty days after the day on which OWNER delivers .the executed Agreement to Contractor. When in- dicated on the Notice to Proceed and prior to -commencing work CONTRACTOR shall obtain appro- priate Municipality or Central Alaska Utilities .signatures affixed to the Notice to Proceed and return a fully executed copy to ENGINEER. Article 5: BONDS AND INSURANCE 5.2 Add to Section 5.2, after the last sentence, the follow- ing: "CONTRACTOR to use form AIA Document A311 for the Labor and Material Payment Bond and Performance Bond. Each bond to be in the amount of 100% of the contract amount". SC-1 ~UP~MENTARY CONDITIONS 5.3 .~Add the following sub-paragraph to 5.3 CONTRACTOR'S T~IABILITY INSURANCE: "5.3.1 CONTRACTOR'S Public Liability insurance .~shall include coverage for: 1. Premises and Operations 2. Independent Subcon- tractors 3. Completed Operations 4. Blanket Contractural 5. -Contingent Employers or Stop Gap (where appli- sable) "Broad Form" Property Damage including cover- age for: ~'X" Explosion Damage "C" Collapse Damage ~"U" Underground Damage Owner, Non-owned and Hired Vehicles -8. Personal Injury Article 10: CHANGES IN THE WORK Minimum Limits Bodily Injury $500,000 Each Occurrence Property Damage $500,000 Premises, Operations, Protective, Products, and Contractural (Bodily Injury $500,000 Each Person) (500,000 Each Occurrence) (Property Damage $500,000 Each Occurrence) $500,000 General Aggregate" '10.6 After paragraph 10.5 add paragraph 10.6 as follows: "10.6. The quantities listed in the Bid Form for unit price work are estimates only. Quantities ~ay increase or decrease based on final measure- ment of actual quantities incorporated in the work. No renegotiation of unit prices will be -considered unless: (1) the total quantity changes result in a total contract cost increase or de- crease of twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the SC-2 original contract price, or (2) the actual quan- -~ity for any major item differs by more than · twenty-five percent (25%) of the estimated quan- tity. A major item is any item for which the original contract price amounts to ten percent (10%) or more of the original total contract :price. Either party to the contract may make a demand for negotiation of a new unit price for the affected item(s) which deviate from the original contract as qualified above. The basis for ne- gotiation of new unit prices shall be to maintain the CONTRACTOR'S fixed costs at the amount originally allocated. Jkr~icle 11: CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE '11.5 Delete Paragraph No. 11.9, CASH ALLOWANCES, in its en- tirety, ._Article 12: CHANGE OF THE.CONTRACT TIME After Paragraph 12.3, add Paragraph 12.4 as follows: "12.4 The damages accruing to the OWNER due to the CONTRACTOR'S failure to comply with the time of completion requirements of these specifications shall include losses due to interference with the general development and sales program of the OWNER, and other items for which accurate amount of loss would be difficult to determine. The CONTRACTOR and his sureties shall be liable for and shall pay to the OWNER as fixed and agreed _Liquidated Damages in the sum of $100 for each and every calendar day from the specified com- pletion date, as may be revised in accordance with these specifications, until the actual date of 'Substantial Completion' as certified by the ENGINEER." Article 13: WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE; TESTS AND INSPECTIONS: CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE ~ORK 13.2 Add the following to Section 13.2., TESTS AND INSPEC- TIONS, after the last sentence: SC-3 ~SUP.~MENTARY CONDITIONS -"The OWNER, through the ENGINEER, shall provide construction inspection. Agencies having interest in the Work shall have full access to the work for inspection. All communications to CONTRACTOR ~regarding inspection of the Work and correctiOn of .defective work are through the ENGINEER~ Article 14: PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION -~Delete Paragraph No. 14.1, SCHEDULES, in its entirety. 14.2 APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS Add new Subparagraph: 14.2.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Agreement, the OWNER will retain, until Final Payment, 10% of the amount due the CONTRACTOR on account of progress payments. ~4.8 Delete paragraph 14.8, SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. SC-4 De · ~DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SCOPE OF WORK This project consists of a contract to furnish all labor, equipment, supervision, and materials re- quired to drill, develop, and test pump an exploratory well seeking commercial quantities of groundwater. Proposed depth of the test well shall be as called out by the bid schedule.. The Owner shall be allowed to make observations, study hydrologic and geologic conditions, and make special tests and studies as provided in these specifications. EXISTING FACILITIES The Contractor shall coordinate with any other con- tractors working in the general area. TEMPORARY FACILITIES Light and Power. The Contractor is responsible for making all necessary arrangements and payment for temporary light and power that he may require on the project. Toilet accommodations. Toilet accommodations shall be provided for the use of workmen and.kept in a clean and sanitary condition in conformance with local health ordinances. Removal of temporary facilities. Remove temporary facilities from the site as soon as progress of the work permits, and restore that portion of the ~te occupied by these facilities to an acceptable conditioh. Before final completion of the project, the Contractor shall remove all equipment trash and excess material from the site. Drill cuttings need not be removed. ACCESS AND SITE PREPARATION The Owner shall provide a driveable access road to the well site. Any snow removal required subsequent to initial entry to the site shall be the responsi- bility of the contractor. The Owner shall prepare the well site for the work, including any required clearing and site grading. WELL LOCATION AND ELEVATION The Owner shall stake the location of the well within the general area shown on the loCation map. In addition, a "Drilling Datum" bench mark will be set flush with ground level within 2' of well location. This bench mark shall be used as a reference eleva- tion for all measurements of drilling, and water levels in the well. SOIL CONDITIONS AND GEOLOGY It is expected that the test well will be drilled in sand, silt, clay and gravel strata similar to that ~of other wells drilled in the area. Some stratigraphic information from the area may be available for review at the U.S. Geological Survey office loCated'~t 1209 Orca Street, Anchorage, Alaska. Contractor iZ responsible for familiarizing himself with site condi- tions and must be prepared to drill '20 feet'into bed- rock. No adjustment will be made in the contract prices on account of materials encountered. RECORDS AND LOGS .2. The Contractor shall keep an accurate'and current daily log or record of all work accomplished. Logs ~hall include time of start-up and shut-down, the type of work (drilling, test pumping, surging, standby, etc.) number of men and type of equipment on the job, location (referenced from "Drilling Datum") of the top and -bottom of each stratum penetrated, type of material -encountered, depths at which water was lost or en- countered, record Of all shut-down or standby periods ~ith reasons therefore, well static water level at the beginning of each shift and at any other time when static level is noted to change, 'number and location of samples taken, and any other pertinent information concerning the work accomplished. The log shall also · include an accurate record of the grade, size and length of the individual pieces of casing as assembled and installed and the exact position of the bottom end of casing after each drive. Daily logs shall be kept current during the progress of the day's work in a neat and legible form and shall be available for examination by the Owner's representative at any time during the work. The log shall be submitted to the inspector upon comple- tion of work each day. The form of the daily log shall be approved by the Engineer prior to the start of work. SAMPLES The Contractor shall set aside and label all ma- terials removed from the water bearing zones for the use of the Owner. From these materials, the En- gineer shall select samples as required for testing. ~esting of samples shall be done by others at the Owner's expense. GR-2 SCHEDULED HOURS The Contractor may work beyond no£mal working ~hours or days if he so desires; however, the ~Owner's authorized representative must be notified the prior day at shutdown when the Co~tractor intends to start up earlier than normally scheduled .and four hours prior to ~ontinuing work later than ~normally scheduled hours. The foregoing shall not 'be interpreted as prohibiting continuing work to complete some phase or operation that precludes -shutdown at scheduled hours. The Owner and the -Owner's consultants agree to conform (within reason) to the Contractor's schedule as far as -~unusual working hours are concerned, including evenings and Sundays, when adequate advance notice is given. AUTHORITY OF ENGINEER The bid quantities as listed in the Bid Schedule are for estimating purposes and are for use in determing a low bidder. It is understood by the · Contractor that such items as screen dimension .selection, screen location, surging and testing time required, etc. are to be performed at the discretion of the Engineer and the Contractor is to review and coordinate this work with the Engineer. ABANDONED HOLE If the Contractor fails to complete the well according to the Specifications, the hole shall be declared abandoned. If the Contractor vol- -untarily stops work and/or fails to complete the well in a satisfactory manner within the .overall time limit set by the contract or as may be extended under terms of the Contract, it shall be considered abandoned. me No payment will.be made by the Owner for any part of the drilling or pumping of or the casing -or screen used in an abandoned hole. The Con- tractor may salvage the materials installed by him in an abandoned hole. The Contractor is reminded that any hole which is abandoned must be sealed, protected, or filled up as required to secure the approval of State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation. GR- 3 Le DIVISION CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Commencement of work. Contractor may commence -work on this project only upon the issuance of a Notice to Proceed by the Owner and completion of submittal and approval of all required insurance, bonds, etc. Before any work is commenced on this project, the Contractor ~ust provide the Owner and the Engineer with a minimum of three (3) days 'written notice on intent to commence wor~ at the site. COntract Time. Following the issuance of a Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall have sixty (60) calendar days to complete the drilling and testing of the well. GR-4 Ce ~IVISION 2 - SITE WORK _0250 - TEST WELL GENERAL This section covers all work'required in the .construction of the water test well including ,drilling, casing, furnishing and setting the screen, developing and testing the well, and all other related work involved in satisfactorily oompleting the subsurface exploration at the loca- tion. The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, equipment, supplies and material, and perform all operations necessary to satisfactorily -complete the work. The limit of work shall be ~ithin a fifty (50) foot radius of the well unless shown otherwise on the drawings. EQUIPMENT & PERSONNEL General: The ~ontractor shall maintain the equip- ment in good operating condition for the life of the contract and provide experienced personnel necessary to conduct efficient operations. In the event that during the course of the work, the equipment or personnel, judged on the basis of work completed to date, is considered unsatis- factory by the Engineer, the Contractor shall replace such equipment or personnel to the satis- faction of the engineer. Time lost during such replacement will not be the basis for a time extension and will be accomplished at no cost to the Owner. Drill Rig: Drill rig shall be either rotary or -cable type capable of satisfactorily drilling to the specified diameters and depths. Test Pump: The Contractor shall furnish a suit- able test pump and related equipment, to test the aquifers encountered. A test pump shall be capable of a steady flow at the capacity indicated on the Bid Schedule. Equipment, such as a circular orifice weir or water meter, shall be provided for accurately measuring flow of water. Pumping equipment shall be of a type which will allow measurement of the water level in the well during pumping. MATERIALS Casing: Conform to ASTM A 53, Specifications for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe. Pipe shall be black, Schedule 40, Type S, Grade A or B. 0250-1 2 - S TE 0250- ,'~ TEST WELL De Drive Shoe: Shall be manufactured of high carbon steel, and the cutting edge shall be hardened. The drive shoe shall be specifically designed for -welding to the size and grade of pipe to be used in this well. Used drive shoes may be used at the Contractor's risk if they are in apparent good condition. Screen: Welded, continuqus slot design as manu- factured by Universal Oil Products Co. - Johnson ~Division, or approved equal. Screen shall be stainless steel, or approved equal, and shall be equipped with a closed bottom and lead packer top -.or approved equal. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION General: The Contractor shall be paid under a ~separate pay item to cover all costs for mobiliza- tion and demobilization of this project. 'These costs shall include all fixed costs anticipated by the Contractor to accomplish mobilization and demobilization for the project. Measurement: Measurement for mobilization and demobilization shall be a lump sum for this work. Payment: Payment shall be full compensation for the Contractor's mobilization and demobilization as specified, and shall be made at the lump sum price bid for: "MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION--- LUMP SUM". DRILLING AND CASING 1. General: During drilling, no sand, dirt, rock, drill cuttings, drilling mud, or any foreign material whatever, other than fresh water, shall be introduced into the well except with the prior knowledge and consent of the re- presentative of the Owner. The Owner shall be entitled to make measurements at any time with his own equipment at no extra cost for standby time, provided actUal drilling or pumping time lost does not exceed 30 minutes. b® Since the test well may be used temporarily as a production well, the hole shall be drilled straight and as nearly vertical as possible in order that it may accommodate 0250-2 Casing: _DIVISION~- SITE WORK ~.0250 - TES'£ WELL pumping equipment in accordance with manu- facturers recommendations. Each size of casing used in the well shall be drilled to alignmen't tolerances required for the in- stallation of pumping equipment specified for that casing size-as follows: (1) For casing size of 8". Pump Type - Vertical Lineshaft Turbine Pump Size - 8" Nominal Pump Column Pipe - 5" Threaded Air Line - 1/8" Galvanized Steel Pipe (2) For casing size of 6" Pump Type - Submersible Turbine Pump Size - 6" Nominal Pump Column Pipe - 4" Threaded Pump Cable - #10 Submersible Cable (3) Prior to completion of the work, the Contractor shall demonstrate in the ,presence of the Engineer that the well ~meets the above conditions. This shall -be done by lowering a mock-up of at Ieast 40 ft. total length closely appro- ximating in size and stiffness of the appropriate pump, column and cable combination as called out above. The mock-up shall be lowered to the top of the well screen without binding in the casing. In the case that the mock-up binds in the well at any point above the well screen, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with an alignment survey performed by an independent consultant such as Eastman-Whipstock, Inc. This work shall be considered as incidental to the contract and as such, no separate -payment will be made for it. Steel casing shall be installed in the well as drilling progresses in order that a screen can be set in the aquifers to test their production potential. The minimum size casing acceptable for use in the test well is 6" inside diameter. The casing shall not be so deformed or crooked as to prevent the installation of a telescope size well screen of the same dimension as the casing size or the pumping equipment as called out above. 0250-3 /)I~;ISION~- SITE' .WORK -.'!5{)250 - Ti- ~f WELL 0 The Contractor shall coordinate and con- tinually inform the Engineer of drilling progress and stratigraphic information and shall not drill beyond the depth authorized by the Engineer. The finished top of ~a'sing shall be four (4) feet above ground level and shall have a temporary cover welded in place. Measurement: Measurement for drilling and casing shall be the number of lineal feet of hole drilled and accepted, measured from the existing surface to the bottom of that size casing at its deepest point. In the case of a reduced casing size, measurement shall begin from the maximum depth of -the next larger size casing and continue to the full depth of the smaller casing. Any open hole drilled beyond the bottom of the smallest size casing shall be measured for payment purposes, at one half the distance of open hole actually drilled. Similarly, when a well screen is removed from the well and the contractor is directed to continue drilling deeper, the redrilling to the previous ~extent of drilling shall be measured for payment purposes at one half the actual distance redrilled. No consideration will be given for oversize casing, however, the Contractor is cautioned that he must be prepared to drill through and test pump any .aquifers located within the depth called for by the bid schedule. Note that the drilling and installation of the surface casing is included as -~art of SEALING WELL work. Payment: Payment shall be based on the number of lineal feet of drilling and casing measured, and shall be full compensation for all labor, equip- ment, materials and related items required for the work. Payment shall be made at the unit price bid for: "DRILLING AND CASING---PER LIN. FT". INSTALL CASING IN OPEN HOLE General: The work involved in installing a smaller 'size casing through a previously drilled and cased hole is to be considered a separate item of work. Included in this item of work is the furnishing of the well casing, and all labor;,- equipment and materials for connecting the individual sections Of casing and lowering them to the bottom of the previously drilled hole. 0250-4 ..-:.~IV~P~ON 2 - SITE WORK ~0256- ~ TEST WELL 2e Measurement: Measurement of installation of casing through open hole shall be the number of feet of each size actually installed through hole .of a larger size previously drilled and cased. .Payment: Payment for installation of casing through open hole shall be based on the number of 'lineal feet measured and shall be full compen- sation for all labor, equipment and materials including casing required for this work. Payment shall be made at the unit price bid for: "FURNISH AND INSTALL (size) INCH CASING THROUGH OPEN HOLE - PER LINEAL FOOT". -WELL SCREEN 1. General~ The Contractor shall be prepared to furnish and install telescope well screen of nominal diameter and length as indicated by the Bid Schedule. Slot size and exact total length shall be determined by the Engineer from test data and material samples taken from the ~.aquifer. The Contractor shall furnish the -specified screen as directed by the Engineer. be The contractor shall allow the Engineer three (3) working days (excluding week-ends and holidays) after the bottom of the aquifer is reached to provide him with the design size and location of the well screen. This period shall be considered as incidental to the contract and shall not be basis for a claim for contract time extension. Neither shall · the time required for delivery of the screen be allowed as the basis for a time extension claim, except as provided for under Article 12 of the General Conditions of these specifications. 'The Contractor shall adhere to the following procedure for installing the well screen: (1) Backfill the inside of the casing with -clean gravel to the depth of the bottom of the well screen. (2) Pull the casing back to the elevation of the bottom of the well screen or cut the casing at this elevation with a shaped charge specifically designed for cutting 025O-5 .DIV~ON 2 - SITE WORK " ~ :0256 ~ TEST :WELL e well casing. The contractor will be instructed by the Engineer on which of the above procedures to employ. (3) Place the well screen in proper posi- tion. -(4) Pull the casing back to provide the amount of overlap at the top of the screen as required by the Engineer. (5) Using a swedge, expand the well screen lead packer against the inside of the well casing to provide a sand-tight seal .above the well screen. Measurement: Measurement for well screen shall be the number of lineal feet of specified well screen satisfactorily installed. Payment: Payment for well screen shall be based on the number of lineal feet of well screen measured and shall be full compensation for the screen, fittings, packers, and related items of work. All -backfill material used and it's placement shall be considered incidental to the cost of this pay item. Payment shall be made at the.uni~ price bid for: "FURNISH AND INSTALL WELL SCREEN---PER LIN. FT. PULL CASING BACK me General: During constructicn of the well it may be necessary to pull the casing back for the screening and testing of a zone bypassed during drilling. Also, it will be necessary to pull the casing from the bottom elevation of the screen to near the top of the screen. This work shall be done as directed by the Engineer, however, the actual method to be employed is left to the Con- -tractor. Any method selected, however, must be guaranteed successful by the Contractor. Measurement: Measurement for casing pullback shall be the number of lineal feet of casing pullback authorized by the Engineer. It shall include the pullback required to bring the casing from the bottom elevation of the screen to the top elevation of the screen. 0250-6 .I. DIVISION(~- SITE WORK -0250 - TL~-£ WELL Payment: Payment for authorized casing pullb~gk work shall be based on the number of'lineal f~t --of casing pull-back actuaily accomplished,~and? shall be full compensation for all labor, equip- ment and materials required to accomplish'the authorized casing pullback. Payment shall be made at the unit price bid for: "PULL CASING BACK--- PER LIN. FT." CUTCASING General: When casing pull-back required is ex- cessive, it may be more economical to cut the .casing near the desired bottom elevation. This .may be accomplished by the use of an explosive charge especially shaped to concentrate it's explosive force in a thin line capable of cutting through the casing around the entire perimeter, or by use of a mechanical cutter. The decision on ~whether the casing shall be pul.!ed or cut sha!l be made by the Engineer. The choice of the method to be-employed for cutting shall be the contractor's. me Measurement: Measurement for cutting casing shall be on a lump sum basis for all operations required to sever the casing at any particular location. Payment: Payment for cutting the well casing shall be at the lump sum price bid for "CUT CASING--- LUMP SUM" and shall include payment for all labor, equipment and materials required to sever the casing. REMOVE CASING FROM OPEN HOLE General: When excessive depth requires the use of two sizes of casing in the drilling of the well, the smaller size will normally be removed to a depth near the bottom of the outer casing. The Owner will pay for the work required to cut the casing under the item "CUT CASING", however, the Contractor will be expected to propose a credit to the Owner for the removal of the casing from the open hole, as the casing removed will become his ~property. Measurement: Measurement of casing removed from the open hole shall be on a lineal foot basis and shall include all casing of the size indicated by ;the bid schedule removed from the open hole. This measurement shall not include the casing removed during pullback operations. 0250-7 'DIVISION~- SITE WORK ~0250 - T~.3 WELL Payment: Payment for removal of casing from the ~open hole shall be based on the number of lineal feet measured, and shall be full compensation (credit to Owner) for all labor, equipment, .materials and related items required for this work. Payment shall be made at the unit price bid for: "REMOVE (size) INCH CASING FROM OPEN HOLE (Credit)---PER LINEAL FOOT". SURGING WELL General: The Contractor shall surge the well to develop a natural gravel pack around the screen. This shall be accomplished by a surge plunger (cable tool rig) or high pressure air'operated intermittently as directed (rotary rig). Surging work shall continue until it's termination is _directed by the Engineer. Measurement: Measurement of surging work shall be the number of hours of work satisfactorily performed, including time required for removal of sand. Payment: Payment for surging shall be based on the number of hours of actual surging time accom- plished, and shall be full compensation for per- sonnel, equipment and related items required for this work. Other tests required by the Engineer which utilized the Contractor's drilling rig and personnel shall also be paid for under this item. Payment shall be made at the unit price bid for: "SURGING WELL---PER HR". L. 'TEST PUMPING 1. General: ae The Contractor shall furnish the necessary pump and other needed equipment including power to test the well. The Contractor shall also provide a splash block or other suitable means of dissipating energy from the pumping discharge stream in order to convey the water away from the well site without significant --ground erosion. The Contractor is cautioned tha~ there may be building and site work under contract at the site during the life of this contract and that coordination with other contractors in the area regarding routing of waste water from test pumping 0250-8 Q250 - TE~'~' WELL operations may be required. Minor grading and ditching work may also be necessary and will be considered incidental to the pumping work. · he Contractor's test pump program shall be reviewed and coordinated with the Engineer. Test pumping shall be accomplished under steady flow conditions at a rate as called for by the Bid Schedule or less as determined by the Engineer. Continuous and accurate measurement of discharge rates shall be maintained and any changes of rate noted in the records. The water level in the casing shall be continuously and accurately measured and the depth re~orded on a scheduled basis to.provide an accurate account of water drawdown, pumping rates, and time. Well casing water level shall be measured with an air line ~nd gauge with a reset type dial, or other acceptable measuring device capable of providing continuous measurements. Test p~mping shall be continuous and without interruption until data is obtained to determine well yield; however, the Contractor will not be required to maintain over thirty (30) hours of continous pumping. No payment for test pumping will be made for that pumping time performed in which the operation of pumping and measurement equipment does not meet these requirements. Measurement: ae Measurement for the installation and removal of the test pump shall be the number of each "round trip" (in and out ) of test pump installation, hookup and removal. Measurement of test pumping shall be the actual number of hours of acceptable test pumping performed as specified. Payment: ae Payment for the installation and removal of the test pump shall be based on the number of "round trip" installations made. Payment shall be made at the unit price bid for: "INSTALL AND REMOVE TEST PUMP---PER EACH". 0250-9 DIVi%./ON. 2 - SITE WORK ~0250 -TEST WELL Payment for test pumping shall be the actual -number of hours of test pumping measured. Payment shall be made at the unit price bid for: "TEST PUMPING---PER HR". REMOVE WELL SCREEN General: After testing of an aquifer is completed the Contractor may be required to remove the .screen and continue drilling to explore for possi- ble deeper aquifers. Measurement: Measurement of well screen removal · shall be on the lump sum basis for each removal, and shall include all work required to remove the well screen from.the well. Payment: Payment for removal of well screen shall be based on th~ number of screen r~movals made and -shall cover payment for all materials, labor and equipment required for removal of the screen. .Payment shall be made at the unit price bid for ~REMOVE WELL SCREEN---PER EACH". SEALING WELL 1. General: The ground runoff water and any artesian pressure encountered will be sealed off by grouting around the well casing from the surface to a depth of 30± feet. The Con- tra~tor shall install a 30± foot surface casing at least one size larger than that planned for the well. After the well is 'completed a grout mixture will be introduced by an appropriate method into the annular space between the surface and main casing. ~Grout introduced below the water level should be placed from the bottom up by methods that ,will avoid segregation or dilution of material. The surface casing will then be removed and additional grout introduced to bring the seal up to existing ground elevation. Removal of surface casing shall be considered as incidental to the sealing work. Surface casing removed, including Drive Shoe, shall remain the property .of the Contractor. During the drilling operations, the annular space between the casings shall be protected from entrance of ~mud, sand and water. 0250-10 " DIVISI~.2 - SITE WORK ~ -0250 - dST WELL O® The grout mixture shall consist of Portland cement and water mixed in the ratio of 5 to 9 gallons of water per 94 lb. sack of cement, with bentonite added in a ratio of 3 to 5 lbs. per sack to improve the fluidity of the mix. Use of chemical grout, natural clay, etc., will be considered if proposed by the Contractor. . 'Measurement: Measurement for sealing the well shall be made on a lump sum basis. Payment: Payment for sealing the well shall be full compensation for all material, equipment~ ~abor, and all work required to satisfactorily grout and seal the well and remove the surface casing as specified. Payment shall be made at the lump sum price bid for: "SEALING WELL---LUMP 'SUM". STANDBY TIME 1. General: It shall be the Contractor's responsi- bility to closely coordinate his entire work schedule with the Engineer and to provide the Engineer with adequate advance notice whenever an engineering decision must be made based on an on- site inspection of conditions. However, if during the progress of the work it becomes necessary or desirable for the work to be temporarily suspended due to reasons unforeseen or unpredictable by the Contractor, the Inspector shall have the authority to direct the Contractor to suspend the work -temporarily. During this suspension, and for those normal working hours that the Contractor has personnel on the job and prepared to continue with the work, the Contractor shall be paid standby time. At the time of work suspension, the En- gineer shall be immediately advised by the Con- tractor of the conditions surrounding the delay and the Engineer shall render a decision so that the work may proceed. All requests for standby time shall be approved by the Inspector. 2. Measurement: Measurement of standby time shall be the number of approved hours of standby time experienced by the Contractor. Payment: Payment for standby time shall be made for the number of approved hours measured at the unit price bid for: "STANDBY TIME---PER HOUR". 0250-11 ,~ TRAI RABBIT CREEK SCHOOL LOCATION MAP SITE OF TEST WELl .TR 'A-$ Greenbelt 1'7 , C,~4o /I 17-- 15 (//~oo~ TR A-4 )elt /I ~0~' lOB' L~oo~ 13 I I I I I ! I I I I I CURVE DATA ~;TEEP~E i~ ...~ .......... -NB 9~ 50'26"E- 660,18 ................. · ..~..---.'."~ (N ~°~'o~"E- ~o.~o - ~ ~ o) \ / NOTES . Existing zee/rig 5/$"x 30" iron rebar to be set of all lot corners. All street centerline RC. and P.T,'ss ~freet 'Intersections, and cul-de-sac centers IhOll be manure,anted ~lth I I~" .Ic~p survey monument on ~ 5/8' x6"rebor.set flush with the ~sphalt. Monuments to be set Within 60 ~y. of.f~ completion of the t/reef ~provements. Driveway accelt for Loll Lake Otis Parkway. Recoed ~bdtvlslon bound;ry is Plat No. 72-2~0. t (74174) (71 ~0} (7475} (7475) = z t~498), 5 (?{50) SUMMER CIRCLE 9 ~,5o9) DRIVE 24 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ' of la.ds actually ..... ~d and that the distances and ~arin~s are shown correctly and that afl per.anent exterior control monuments, al/ monument, and lot corners have been set and staked, or if final completion~ is a~ured by subdivision ag~m~t~ they wifl be ~et as sp~ified ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICA T/ON The Mun/c/paffty of Anchorage hereby accepts for public uses and for public purposes the real property dedicated on this p/at i~c/ud/ng, but not //m/ted to the easements, rights-of, way, alleys, roadways, thoroughfares and parks shown hereon. Dated at Anchorage, Alaska this ~ day of 19~/. (ri Dado LEGEND Existing '5/8" steel feb? Existing monum?nt serf';by others. Denotes lot area In equ~re /eet~ Denotes line redla! to curve. All other lines Bra ece-;re~lah Dickinson and Oswald~ Plat No. 72-240. Underground utility easement. lO' wide unless oth'erwtse noted. Typical Aicap Mor~ing 'CER T/F/CA TE OF OWNERSHIP and DEDICA T/ON / (we}, hereby certify that'/ (we) hold the herein speclfiedproperty interest /n the property de~cr/bed hereon. / (wej hereby dedicate to the Mun?clpab'ty reservation easement sufficient to contain cut a~d fill slopes of 1.5 feet horizontal for each I foot vertical (1.5 to 1) of cut Or f/fi for the purpose of lateral support, at approved by the Municipality. / (we) hereby agree to this plat, and to any restriction or cove~en~adng hereon and any such restriction or covenant shall be biodin~and e~forceab/e Huff man Hills Development Company l~60 East 71st Avenue ~choroge, A{aaka 9950~ -'William C. Prosser ' dated '~obert A. Prosser ' ' ~ d~ted NO TAR Y A C~NO WL EDGEMENT Subscribed and sworn to before me this I ~ day.o[ . ..-~.-~ 19~0~ "::"~ ~ ~,H~',~ ~ PlUt Contains, -U/IUUU'OU '[.als I - 24s-Block { VlCINITY MAP SCALE; /#= i~O ~o 2 22 23 u. ..... HUFFMAN HI&6S ~BTH ADD/T/ON No.I BESSE, EPPS ~ POTTS ' 22z0 E, 88th A~ TAX CERTIFICATION paid. APPROVALS DEED OF TRUST BENEFICIARIES //~dack V. Huffmm~ /./'NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Subscribed end Sworn to before me this~.._Z~doy of ~ 19~. .. ~-~-~ ~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ARY A~NOWLED~MENT ~bscrtbed ~nd sworn to bede me thls/~ d~ o 1980. ~F~CIAL S~AL ~ ~, ~ ,' ~ ELL EN ~KARDT-KERT~ J~a E, Smith,, ~ Tbomol A. Morrison NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Subscribed ond sworn to bef~-e me ~Judlth L. Morrlson N~Y ACKN~LED~ENT ~bscrlbed ond sworn to ~fore methis '~e ~ ' E'leen C, Mar~tn A~daca~ Isoac~ Apod~a NOT~ ACKNOWLE~ ~bscrlbed end sworn to before me NOTARy ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Seblcrlbed: =~SW°r~,.fo bofom Title Code. Date __ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~Pi Municipallty of Anchorage ~/~J/h '~n~ ] NOTARY PUBi'iC HeJe~ Brusher J STATE OF ~SKA N~ARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Subscribed end sworn tO before me this~ey o~ ~ ~ .... / I o. ~r~d ' ' ~ ' ~gTAEY ACKNOWLED6EMENT olo 'DT1000731 Plot of .HUFf'MAN NIZ,/ $ NOBTH ADDle'ION No./ NEll4 SEll4 NEll4 $ection29,T~2N, R~W BESS.E, EPPS & POTTS 2220 E. 88th AVE, ANCHORAGE, AK. 9950'~ I"= lO0' ' ~are F//~/Vo, 80-109 WONo. 5846 S/leer 2 of 2 NOTES [ _ LEGEND OWNERS. E~tate of Evedn G. Huffm~n NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEOGE~[NT ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION "DT10-0073-2- HUFFMAN HILLS SUBDIVISION, ADD. N~ ~ .............................................................................................. ' q,~o,~ : 1979;',£25 :':,