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HULSE S-5370
MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [~ PLATTING BOARD ~ PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME S-5370 Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Hulse Subdivision DATE RECEIVED 3rd Addition, resub of Tract B-1 April 30, 1980 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY May 21, 1980 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF .... [~'~JBLIC WATER NO~T AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA ~¢~LIC SEWER ~AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) MATERIALS TESTING · QUALITY CONTROL SOILS ENGINEERING i 2204 Cleveland Ave. ! P.O Box 10-1126 / Anchorage, Al<[ 99510 / 277-032,1 ,~,~,[C?,© 710 3rd Ave. / P.O. Box 2540 / Fairbanks, AK 99706 1 452-11~fh~-,~6~5~5~5 ~UTM .~ C)?' ~, :'~ . ~RWb "' March 25, 1980 Mr. Max Hulse P.O. Box 881 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Re: Hulse Subdivision ' #2 Tract B-1 Dear Mr. Hulse, Enclosed are the results'of the test holes excavated by backhoe on March 19, 1980. The soils, encountered in all fou~ %est holes consisted of GP soils and have a soils rating of 150 square feet drainage a~ea .required per bed- room. It is my understanding that the test holses are to be located during the survey of this property. CC: Very truly yours, CONS~R~CTIO~ T~EST LAB, TNC. · Lab Manager Alaska Land Development Services, Inc. DP/bl $5370 JUN 41980 · "?rofessio~als working to de.sign al;d b;fild a better .-1 laska" ~'~CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 ~erformed for Max Hulse ,egal Description: Lot 'Block 'his Form reports: SOILS TEST YES Depth Fee~' Soil Characteristics Test #1' 12" Peat -- Brown Slightly Silty Sandy Gravgl (GP) D~te Performed 03-19-80 SubdivisionHulse Sbdvn#2 Tract B-1 PERCOLATION TEST -- 16' Bottom of Test Hole '1 T~st olLe t( t e l¢,c~tt~:d b~ tr¢lject E~.g:.n~:e~.. as'Ground Water Encountered E YES, What depth? .~ading Date Gross 'TJ~ne I Net TLme Depth to H20 ~et Drainage i ~rcolation Rate .~4 inute "' Proposed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN WIELD Depth of Inlet Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench L'~4ENTS: 15~ ~q_ ff.' rlr~in~ ~q~a p~r h~rnom, st Perfor.ed by )/Z(,5~, '~ Data Ce.tif~::eBY:~%~~ ~-~CONSTRUCTION TEST L~B ~ "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 Performed for Mr. Max Hulse 5egal Description: Lot - 'Block Phis Form reports: SOILS TEST YES Date Performed 03-19-80 SubdivisionHU~Se Sbdvn #2 TJact PERCOLATION TEST - ~ep~? ~e~t Soil Characteristics Test Hole #2 6" Peat Brown slightly sandy gravel, occasional cobbles (GP) 17' Bottom of Test Hole '1 T~.~s~ lo] e t( he l(~c~t~d bl !r(j~c~ E~g:.n .~e~ . as Ground W~ter Encountered ~ No' f YES, What depth? .~ading Date I Gross Time Net 'TLme Depth to H20 Net Drainage .~rcolat ion Rate Proposed Installation: Depth of Inlet )~4~4ENTS: 150 sq ft per bedroom ;st Perfor.med by ~..g ~J Minute -~ SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench 2204 Cleveland Performed for Mr. Max Hulse Legal Description: Lot - Fhis Fo~n reports: SOILS TEST ,~-ACONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 'Date ?~rformed03-19-80 · Block - Subdivisio~ulse Sbdvn #2 Tract B-1 . YES PERCOLATION TEST Depth Fee~' Soil Characteristics Test Hole #3 6" Peat Brown slightly silty sandy gravel (GP) 16' Bottom of test hole as Ground Water Encountered NO f YES, What depth? 'l Te ~tl roi-= ~o bi.~ tccated oy Pro! e~.~t Engi leer ~ading Date I Gross Time ' N~t TJ~me Depth to H20 Net Drainage i , , ~rcolation Rate Proposed Installation: Depth of Inlet C~4ENTS: ' ~- 150 s~ .ft o~r st Performed by _~4inute ~ SEEPAGE PIT 'DRAIN FIELD Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench '~CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 ?erfo~ned for Mr. Max Hulse Jegal Description: Lot _ ~his Fomn reports: SOILS TEST Block 03-19-80 Date Performed SubdivisionHulse Sbdvn #2 Tract B-] PERCOLATION TEST Depth Feet' Test Ho~il Characteristics #4 3" - 6" Peat 2' Frost (seasonal) ~rown slightly silty sandy gravel occasional cobbles & boulder (GP) 16' Bottom of Test Hole '1 %es h ncle t) )e loc~tJ~=d by )ri)j~c: t nc~i~ _=er. as Ground Water Encountered f YES., What depth? No ~ading Date J Gross Thne! J Net TLme Depth to H20 Net Drainage I I i j , :rcolation Rate Minute -- Proposed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD · Depth of. Inlet Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench ~f4f4ENTS: "150 ~ ~=+ c~= ~r~n~g~ ~r~ p~r bedroom. Date : ~- ~/~'/~-- ' l~lj~'._~ ' Jepartment of £nvironmental. Qu~. '-S _ ~ ~-~ 3330 "C" Street ~ _- -- Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - SOILS LOG - PE~OLATION TEST ' Performed for ~//~_~o~ · _' . -~ : Date Performed Legal Descrip'tion: ~ 7 /~j~t_ .~r_ .. . ,_ : _~]Z~o~_~t~ -" This form reports: -Soils log -. ~'... Percolation test _ · ~:!:~:i:~i'~:.,!.::'. '.:.:',?i': ' '": ''~ : Depth ' ' ' ,' "- -" - : "-' "' -': _.'" -7 :'.:":::.:" . . ~ -'~..'" ." ~Feet ' --. ground water, encoun ere If yes~ at M~at depth? Re'din9 Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Wa~er Net .Drop EQ-O~O (6174) . Percolation rate minute.. - x. ' -Proposed installat-To-n~ Seepage Pit o~T~ Drain F.~eld "" ---- :':;';~i'--: Depth of Inlet Depth t of pit or trencho_~j~p_~jt/_~,~.~__!_' ~ :]-" ' co~.~.~r.~s: ._~_~%~ ~_:_ o~ _~~d__~~ ' . - .. - . ' :' ..-:,,Z:: :_ ].-)~-" '~