HomeMy WebLinkAboutHULSE Soils Log - Percolation1-iuise S; p Soils Log Perc.ot0J jon Gkci~TER ANCtIORAGE AREA 6Ot(b Department of Environmental Qua,ity 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Performed fo~' /_/D ~~LS LOG - PEROLATION TEST_ pate Performed~"' Legal Description: ~'Y~;~ /'/t2/',$~ ,J"u,~,. Y-Y~,/)~'7' ~ This form reports: ' Soils log Percolatioff test __ Depth Feet ,,~ ,,~ 7- /.,. 8- 9- 10- -11 - 12- - ~-14 TWas ground water encountered? ,,~/~ _ , If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to W,a)er Net Drop PercolationF~te ...... minute. Drain Field -Proposed installat-i-~'n? Seepage Pit __._~_ --.-.-- .. - ench ......................... Depth of Inlet . Depth t~bottom ot p~t ~r ~r Performed for ~/m Legal Descript~on:~~ b}~/~o ~. This form reports: S~ls~tog Depth Feet T- Department of Environmental Qu~ 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Perc°ia~iop Il -' ~(g 13 Ob~l~7 /lu pol)d round water encountered? Date Performed__~ test If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate minute. ...... t-'TYne-' See-a-e Pit ~'~ Drain Field -vroposeu lns~a~an o : I, .'~ .... -.~e~_~ ..... -.--. . ',)epth of Inlet '. Depth t~ bottom ot p~to~ ~rencn Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Performed for___ ~~_AY .......... Legal Description: 'I'+[ ~ /4t~f~e ~0/~, ~'~.~)CT.~ ~_.... This form reports: Soils log__ ~ ~ ...... Percolation test lO- ll - 12- 13- De pth Feet '/0% Date Performed ~/.~/'~= I ground water encountered? - _ Y~/o ,. If yes, at wi~at depth? · Reading Date Gross Time Net Time ._Depth to Water Net Drop PeFcolation rate minute. . '~'-- " · Drain Field Proposed installation' Seepage Pit ~ .................. Oepth of Inlet ' . ', Depth""t-o-~-U~'~-~--o-f--pi t o,r trench -~_7--- ...... ~ Performed By:_~]~-~.~.~._ . ._._Certi fie~ Department of Environmental, ~ 3330 "C" Streei~ AnchOrage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TiBeT Performed for /nJ/k~ ~ ~-~/ .... Date Performed Legal Description:..~q ~~ ~U~. ~C~ ~ This form reports. So}ls ~}q~ ~',~'~ .' ' ' ' ~'Pe~C61a~ion test Depth Feet 8 10- 11 -' 12- 13- 14l- ,, ._._ ~ .. , Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time .DePth to W_ater Net Drop Percolation rate minute. .Proposed installat~o'--~-n-:---S~-eP~'ge Pit ~ Drain Field .......................... Depth of Inlet . Deptl-(--~o-b-o~ttom of pit or trench GREAiER ANCHORAGE AREA L~RG Department of [nvironmental Q~a]ity 3330 "C" Street ' Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST ~ Performed for, /~-y/~~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ Date Perfomed Legal Description: ~ ~/~m ~, ~c~ This form reports: So~Is 10g ,. ~ Percolation ~est , Depth Feet 12- Was ground wa~r encountered. If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Ti me Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate ~__ , minute. Drain Field Proposed installat]o~ See~-~ge Pit ~..... : i)enth of Inlet '. Depth to'-L~o-~'t-~m of pit,or trench ~_~ ........ Department of Environmental 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska ~9502 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Perfor~d for ~~ , Legal Description: ~ :~o~~~, This form reports: ' SSils tog~]~~ Depth eet 12- Was ground water encountered? Date Performed Refcpl atiOn test If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop mi nute. Pe rco~-~'~-~ rate .Proposed installat-~'o-n-:' Seepage Pit ~ Drain Field ' Dept~--t-~-b-o~--([f--Pi t or trench Perfomed By:~~.~.__ Certi fie'd- Department of Environmental Qu~,ity 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 SOILS LOG - pEROLATION TEST Performed for , ,,~.~ Legal Description: m 7 ~m/Je ~ ~_]~;~/L,/~J This form reports: "Soils lo§ . .~ ...~_..Depth Feet +' l- 8- 9- 10- 12- Was 9rouna water encountere'd? Date Performed .~'/~-/~]~' Percolation test If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate minute. ,Proposed installat-l~-n? Seepage Pit ~._~L~. Drain Fie'ld ....................... Depth to'bottom o-f--pit or trench ............ Performed By:.~,~__~E.~._~._ C'erti fieJ" B~'~~-~- '~.~:~-'~'~ Paul Car~, DEQ Comments Page Four )lay 22, 1975 38. 39. 40, 41. 43. $-3681 Hulse Subdivision ~2 The softs on this subdivision are acceptable. The well information received shows that the probability of obtaining water is good, It is recommended that lot $ be combined with one of the other lots since the slope on this lot is so steep that sewage may come out the side of the slope where a sewer system would be installed. Also, a small stream of water flows through lots 1 and 2. This stream of ' water should be located on lots 1 and 2 before a determination of whether lot Z should be allowed to exist or not. S-3682 Juhnke Subdivision Approved water and sewer systems already exist on the proposed lots and the lots meet our requirements. S-3683 Bob Wells Subdivision The preliminary soils information was good and a field check showed that while parts of the steeper lots would be too steep for installation of on-site sewers enough of each of the lots had acceptable g~ound to meet our requirements, The one exception to this is Lot 1, Block 2, which does not meet the state requirements for lot size for on-site sewer and water. If this lot exists as is it will require public sewer or water before development. A note to this effect should be placed on the plat. S-3698 Sheets Subdivi.sion Soils tests required on each lot before final approval and public water will need to be provided to each lot or the lot sizes increased to accommodate both on-site sewer and water, The preliminary soils provided are acceptable (100 to 175 square feet/bedroom to 10 feet deep). S-3684 BLM Lots l16A and l16B, Section 8, T15N, ltlW The well and sewer information provided is acceptable (two (2) homes exist on these lots). S-3672 Pellissier Subdivision Soils are good. This is in an area where many other wells have been successfully drilled. Legal.. Oescrip~ Thts form reports ~)epartment of Environmental Q~4o, 1 ~ 3330 "C" Street ~nchorage, A1 aska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Rte WIs ~ound .tt~r enCOt~tered? ~__~._ If yes, at whit dept. h? ........ .. .. Gross Time Het Time )th to Water rate mi nute. ---'-" - , Pit t)rain Field · Proposed installation: Seepage ~ ....... - ................ Depth of Inlet ----. Dept~-t'drb~6-~.~om of pt~r t~nch __~::.~L ~Z,~s: .~_~~ Z. )~--~-.~~,~~ ~--' Performed for Legal Oescrt 3330 "C' Street ~ '-"-' : ^nchorage. A1ask,: ggso~ ~.~"l~ :~. p~ra ~ :~d~/~e':'d~4." ' · - ":"' -' -'on tes't ....... ':SOils log~ ~erco~}tl .. - If yes, at what depth? 11 " · Reading Daie Gross Tine Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop ra Ce mi nut e'.--~ P~rc°lat'i~nnstallaT~O-nT--~e~'i'ge Pit ~L~ Urain Field ................ ~ · -Proposed Inlet . . Dept)~-t~-b'J'~-0-m--oTi)i t_~or trench ,. ~ .... ~ ..... " l)epth of Pe-~--~r~o'U-'~-;-~~.C/C.-- Certi fi ed l~y :. Department of Envi ronmnta' Q u,,i ty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, ~l.ska 99503 SOILS LOG - PERO~TION TEST Performed for~~te Perfomed~.~ Legal Descrip test .... This rom reports: ........ Depth .L Feet If yes. at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to W. ate~r ~-~rco'-~iJn rate minute. Urain Field .Proposed installat-i-6'n~--S-e-epa--'ge P~+~,,-to-~b-o~t-o-m, ~-f--pit or ~rench Net Drop . "-" Gi~aATER ANCitORAGE AREA ~Oi{OUG'~' Department of Environmental Qua.. 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, A1 aska 99502 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST D~te Performed Performed fort _~. ~_ ,J__ ..~ .., . ~Ac ~-~ Legal Descrip ~on test This form reports: Depth Feet 2- 3 F-. 4 11-' ,12 - .13 - 14 ~ . . · Was g~und water encountered? --'~ I V I If yes, at what depth? Readtng Date Gross Time Net Time Net Drop mi nute. ~Pe-r~~ rate ~'------S-e-e~-~e Pit ~ Drain Field · .Proposed installation: P § .... "-. bOo~t-d-m--o-f--pit or trench .... · uept~ ~o u~ -- Department of Environmental Q~.li ~ 3330 "C" Street Anchorage. Alaska 9950a ~ ~/~ ~O~LS LO~ - p~OLATION T~ST ............... ~ ~te Perfo~d Perfo~d for_~ ........ ~em~ . Legal Descrip~n: _~ ation test, This fora reports: E -' Depth W ground water encountered? $ Rea dtng Gross Time If yes, at what depth? Net Time Depth to W?ter Net Drop Performed for Y~/~ ~ ~,~ ~z_ ...... Lega 1 Desc ri pti on :. ~. 7~-~ ~-------:-~-//~j]a e ' '~ ~J ~z-~_~,~ This form reports. Soils log .... ,~ _. Depth Feet 3- $- g- lO- 11-' 13- Department of Environmental Quali ty [-/j~,~ ~/~ 3330 "C" Street ~__., .~ Alaska 99503 ~ ~f}~ ~ Anchorage, SOILS LOG- PEROLATION TEST ---"~----~'~~ .... d _/ /_ ~~ Date Performe Percolation test Was groun~ water encountered? .... ~)__~ If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water K'" Net Drop