HomeMy WebLinkAboutJEWELL Lots 1 & 2 S-8125•zt loo MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: S-8125 April 23, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lots 1, 2 Jewell Subdivision COMMENTS DUE BY: May 17, 1985 ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE ) PUBLIC SEWER AVA{LABLE :: CONSTRUCTION ANDOPERATION CE FiC . ...., .. . ~approved. .: ;.. -, :::..,, >. ~ conditionally-approved (see attached conditions). ' ' .. ~:.:-.~.*-If construction has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate.is void and new plans and . . . .. ?.. :*.,-.specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. - :' ' " '"_ ..... B.':-'APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS .........-" - .: -- Change (~ntract order no. or descriptive reference} Approved by Date. APPROVAL TO OPERATE ~The "API~ROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be completed and signed by the Department before any water - is made available to the public. The construction of the_ water system was completed on granted interim approval to operate for 90 days foliowlng the completion date. - public (date). The system is hereby TITLE DATE BY As-built plans submitted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the Department, has confirmed the system was constructed according to the approved plans. The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. ~ BY TITLE DATE DISTRISUTION: 1. WHITE - ENGINEER (Complete Section O} 2. YELLOW - WATER SYSTEM FILE (Complete Sec[ion C) 3. PINK - ENGINEEFVMUNI-BOROUGH (Comptete Section C) DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 274-2533 March 28, 1986 Peninsula Engineering 440 West Benson Boulevard Suite 206 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ATTN: Wayne Henderson, PE SUBJECT: Lot 56, US Survey 3044, 6irduood, Alaska 8521-FA-214, 8621-WA-098 Dear Hr. Henderson: The department has revieued your request ¢or temporary uaiver o¢ the existing Class C uel]. Temporary approval o¢ the existing Class C uell is hereby granted, This temporary approval ~EiE~__~Q~__~O~__12~ at ~hich time the ne~ Class C well should be in operation. Proper abandonment o¢ the old uel] uill also be required, Sincerely, SWE:pkk DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 August 22, 1985 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 274-2533 Mr. Wayne Henderson, P.E. Peninsula Engineering 440 W. Benson Boulevard Suite 206 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: Lots 56A and 56B, U.S.S. 3044, Alyeska Highway, Girdwood, Alaska (8521-FA-214) Dear Wayne: We have reviewed your letter dated August 15, 1985 and approve the As-built Plan for the new well. However, we will not be able to issue a operation certificate until the system is ready to be placed into operation and an acceptable water sample is submitted. Sincerely, Michael P. Lewis Environmental Engineer MPL/msm 444) W. Benson Blvd. PF, NINS ENG G Anchorage, Alaska 99508 (007) r -sl0 August 15, 1985 State of Alaska Attn: Mike Lewis D.E.C. 437 E Street Suite 303 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RE: Lot 56A and 56B, U.S.S. #3044 Alyeska Highway, Girdwood Alaska (8521-FA-214) Dear Mr. Lewis: Enclosed please find the following information on the above referenced well construction project. 1. As-Built Plan for new well dated August 14, 1985. 2. Well Log and Well Test data from M-W Drilling. 3. Well delivery requirements calulation. 4. Owners name and address: Allen Jewel 431 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 212 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 The status of the project at this time is as follows. The well is installed with sanitary seal in place with no power to it or service lines installed from the well to dwelling. Water sample (Coliform test) will be taken when service lines are installed. If there is anything further you need on this project please call. Sincerely, Wayne Henderson, P.E. cc: Allen Jewel Attachment ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 274-2533 June 17, 1985 Peninsula Engineering 440 W. Benson Boulevard, Suite 206 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Lots 56A & 56B, U.S.S. #3044, Alyeska Highway, Girdwood, Alaska (8521-FA-214) Dear Sir: We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project. This letter constitutes the permit required by A.S. 46.03.720(a) for approval of. the water system. Enclosed with this letter is a "Certificate to Construct" for the drinking water system. The "Approval to Operate" section of the certificate must be completed by a representative of this Department prior to placing the system in operation. It shOuld be remembered that final approval will necessitate the submission of Engineer As-built Plans and owners name, address and telephone number. This will consequently mandate that a professional engineer conduct basic inspection of this project so as to be able to sign off on as-built plans. Arrangement for this inspection work is the responsibility of the developer. Any future expansion of subject project will require additional approval from this office. Sincerely, Steven W. Eng, P. E<.~-~ District Engineer SWE/msm ENCLOSURE / / '1. Information requi'~ for plan review for Cer~if~-~ ~c Construct the sys t~.. A lot diagram showing well with protective radii and proposed water lines, keyboxes, and storage tanks. The protective radii of 75, lDO, and 15D feet must be checked and acknowledgeo by signature for points of contamination.as follows: 75' lO0' 150' (private sewer lines) {co~nity sewer lines) wastewater systems or c ~?,~ ni ty ma nhol es Info~,atio'n required' for plan review for Certificate to .Operate the system. a. Well Log b. Water Samples (Coliform) c. As-built plans detailing water system (include storaoe (~F::m~i~) tank if needed). ' - d. Pump yiela (pgm) and well'yielo (gpm) (see attached form) e. Calculations showin~ adequate yield. (1) instantaneous demand: 8 gallons per minute for 20 minutes per residence (2) daily demand: 150 gallons per day per bedroom if well is not capable of meeting demands then storage will . be required. Calculations for s~orage are as follows (example). Pump Yielo = 10 gal/min ?Residence : 5 Uni~ instantaneous demand (id) : 8 ~al/min for 20/min residence Calculate system (id) (id) : 6x2Dx5 = $00 gal Calcula.te Purap yielc: for 20 rain py: lox20: 200 .ual Ca.iculate storage required 600 - 2DO -- 600 gal Pressure ;anks supply storage but vary frcxm 25-80% available storage. Obtain available storawe data from the manufacsu, rer. ~.ss~me~ available storage ~n exa:nple ahoy.e, Calculate s~ora.oe assu~ain~u pressure ~anks will be used to provide that s tora~e. SuG : (0.40) x : s~ .cal press~,re D:-.i A 5:-.'E E ~ u,, !;ELL (L.-c.~i Desc;ipz;on): -',~E L L D-: PT.::: FT. DATE DR!LL]::O 5TAT]~ '..;LTF..~ L£V-:L (Top of FT t Log - Put.; Tes; ~ep.c.r% - Purpose - To assist 'in de~ermlnin~ ~he amOUnt of water th~s c~n he driwn fro~ ~he wel3 and ~o determine ~de~uacy for in~enC~d Test Pumpln~ Ra~e: : 1 1/2 x aver~.o.: demand Output of tes~ pur, p ~h~,.Id b~. r.,:-te:~ ~n.~ -~'°': dFring' testin~ Bailer testinc or aa- blowin: '" ccnsld~r~d ~c- ceptable. Pumping. ~s: be continuous ihrou~hout t~sl period· Dura:ion ~ hours St~c ware: level before start ~,~ue I ~O~ geplh to water m~asured at 5 ~ ' interva s , . first hour Depth to water measured at 1/2 hour intervals there- pump stopped for first hour : De,th to wa~ar measured &t ~0 m'~nu:e intervals to 2 hours : Sample form attached [11 ~9 o