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N ',: 694 271,1 ~ 688 2280 SOIL LOG £.~:~t. Mailing Address: 140 t,;. Deoro ~'~r!', ~;t.. i:;1-~::} ,3.';., . Legal Description: Tr;~.,::k 1. Donnho HonesL,.,~a.'t h-:t'til,Lor~ ~oil CharacterlsticE HL - Silt topsoil with roots ard organics, Some sards ,2r~2 gravels. 4 6~ GH - Silty Sarfly Gravol with cobbles to 6 ~nchos. Tight a~l compact material. Frost suscaptible. 8 11__ GP - Sa~Jy Gravel with cobbles to 6 inches. Materials slightly comented with silts. Non frost 1.5 16 Bobto;n of pit. I Edt~ E/hs 275 sq.t't../t. .. ::'l' fL./' !25 ,~q. fL, / Ground Water Encountered: Yes No X× If yes, what depth Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field Con~nents: Pit ma,:,.sure,~ ~ 7. 1~' in plan area. All s:id~s of :%[ !oi:]e'~ tho Performed by: ... Dav,s ~, [, .,ih? f?lw:~, Ahmka 9957! 694-277; o~ 688 2280 SOIL LOG Test. Pi'L //' 2 EO ri £//,',s 688 22 JO Legal Description: Tr'acb 1 , Don,'[ho }'Iomoste,-td A':tdition ¢i _Oepth (fee.ti Soil Characteristics 1 ltl - Si]_t topsoil with roots and organics a,d some 275 sq. Ct./b.', 2 san-is ard gr-',vols. 7__ GP-GH - Sandy Gravel with cobbles to 12 inches° Sands and g?'o.v,]!s 1~0 sq,ft,/b:'. quite cementeJ with silts accounting for 'the OH classiflcation. 8 Non frost susceptible. G},I Silty S.ardy' Gravel at 1~ feet. very tioht a~'rl ftc, st suscept, zole ?50 :sq.,, ~,./u, . Bottom of pit. Ground Water Encountered: Yes No X;( If yes, what depth Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field C0~ents: Pit measured ~' x 15' in plan area. Ali sides of the the sn. moo Performed by: Date: October 1, 1977 ( SOIL LOG l'~:st. Pit ,¢ ) E,'~rl 62,gJ 22~0 Mailing Address: Legal Descriptlon: pep,th ~ee,t) 0 'i'r'.q. ct 1.; Dor~.'~ho i~,omasbr,-v.l ,!.'bli.!,i o1~ ,:~ i Soil Characteristics ML - Si.it topsoil with roots and oz'g~nics arwJ some sarxls and graw~lso 275 S'-l. t't. / ~. SP -GP - Sandy Gravel or Gravelly Sa~x! ~th cobbles to. 6 F,~irly c].ean aid loose, Non frost suscep~ibl.~. t25 sq._r,..,,/:. '~E'6~om of pit. Ground Water Encountered: Yes No X× If yes, what depth Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit__ Drain Field Con~ents: Pit m)a~;uro:l 3' x i5' in [)]_ar~ ar,~.~. Al.]. s'l,-.to.-~ of Performed by: O D L L~EUt ~ (. I;9, ~. 2 7 7 d Davis St, Ea,ie Flivnr, A~nsk. 93577 694.2/74 ,',r (';88-228C SOIL LOG Test. ['.tt. Mailing Address: 140 L,:. Deero ~:ark (:t. Legal Description: ?raet 1, Don,~ho Homoste:zd A,:hl'i,±,tn:~ ,"/ L .D e_E.t_.h_ _ ( f_.e e t_)i Soil Characteristics 1 2 ML - Silt topsoil with roots and orga, nics ar~i so~ne ,,;ands and gravels. GM - S'l].ty Samty Gravel with cobbles to 6 inches. Frost susceptible. OF - Sa~xiy Grave]. with cobbles to I2 inches. Non frost suscept:lble. - ti 12__ GM - Silty Salty Gr,~vel with cobbles to 6 inches. Frost susceptible. Very hard at 14 feet, %b~:t~m of pit. EnrI £1hs Lam.: 27.~ ,~q..rt. 22~; sq. Ct./L,' 125 sq. £t./', 250 sq,f t., Ground Water Encountered: Yes No ×× If yes, what dapth Proposed Installation: Seepage Plt~Drain Field ~ ] ' ur,_. "~"' .~;-~:d the sa~e. Co~ents: Pit measured ]' × 1 fi' ia p]an ,area. ,,1.. sz4es o? ~"m ~ ...... Performed by: