HomeMy WebLinkAboutDENALI VIEW General Information (18)William L. McNall
H. Frank Cahill
Sandra J. Wicks
McNall & Associates, P.C.
921 West Sixth Avenue
Suite 100
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2044
Telephone (907) 276-2535
Telecopier (907) 279-8527
Francine D. Harbour
Of Counsel
Thomas Brown
Legal Assistant
November 4, 1997
Jim Cross, P.E., Program Manager
On-Site Water Quality
Municipality of Anchorage
P.O. Box 196650
Anchorage, AK 99519-6650
NOV 6 1997
Municipality of Anchorage
Oept, Health & Human Services
Well-Monitoring in Subdivisions adjacent to Denali View
Our File No. 10141.04
Dear Mr. Cross:
This is my second letter to you regarding Skyline View Corporation, and Arleen and
Paul Myers, the developers of Denali View Subdivision. The Myers submitted the preliminary
plat application for Denali View in May 1997. The Myers have repeatedly agreed to requests
by Community Planning and Development to waive their rights for a prompt decision on the
plot, pursuant to Anchorage Municipal Code 21.15.115(B). Recently, the application review
process has apparently ground to a halt over the need for an acceptable process for testing or
modeling groundwater adequacy in the proposed subdivision. The Myers and their agents have
worked with you diligently since April 1997 on initial testing, and again since July on further
testing that you requested, which required the participation of owners of neighboring properties.
You have advised the Myers repeatedly that you would obtain the participation of the neighbors
for a reasonable test, and you have orally agreed to various testing plans, but have failed to
finalize any test or modeling plan. Furthermore, you have been unable to obtain the
participation of the neighboring homeowners.
In accordance with your recommendations, the Myers have drilled two wells, performed
a pump test, and then drilled a third well. All the wells shows adequate water for the
subdivision. Nevertheless, you have avoided making a final recommendation to the Platting
Board to approve or disapprove the subdivision.
lim Cross, P.E.
November 4, 1997
Page 2 of 2
The Myers' previous agreements to waive their right to a decision, pursuant to AMC
21.15.115(B), were based largely on your requests, and on your representation that you would
obtain cooperation of local residents in a reasonable test plan. The Myers understood that if
you could not obtain such cooperation, you would agree to a test involving only the Denali
View wells, to an evaluation based on modeling. You have orally approved three separate
plans during the past three months, prepared by the Myers' engineers at considerable cost, but
apparently because you have been unable to obtain the cooperation of neighboring homeowners,
you have failed to finalize the approval of any test or modeling procedure which would permit
a determination of the adequacy of Denali View water supply. It appears that, notwithstanding
the good faith cooperation of the Myers, and your efforts to date, a majority of neighboring
homeowners are absolutely unwilling to take any action which might result in the scientific
determination whether the groundwater use by the 11 homes planned for the Denali View
Subdivision would affect their water supplies.
The Myers acknowledge that there is political opposition to the development of Denali
View by neighboring homeowners, and do not dispute that such political opposition can be
considered in the platting approval process. However, such political opposition should not be
allowed to preclude the determination of the simple scientific question whether the development
of 11 houses using wells in Denali View will "unduly affect" the water availability of
neighboring homes such that a permit should be denied pursuant to AS 46.15.080(a)(1). The
Myers' engineer, Dee High, has met with you repeatedly on this matter, as recently as October
10, and you have been unable or unwilling to provide final, written approval of any testing or
modeling to determine the answer to the question.
On behalf of the Myers, I hereby request, that On-Site Water Quality provide immediate
approval of an appropriate plan or modeling procedure for determination of the affect of Denali
View Subdivision's development on neighboring water supplies, or, alternatively, an immediate
recommendation of approval of the Denali View plat based on the initial testing. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Very truly yours,
H. Frank Cahill
Department of Health and Human Services
P.O. Box 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
Date: November 5, 1997
To: Elaine Christian, Director, DHHS
Thru: Lura Morgan, Ph.D., Manager, Environmental Services Division;/1
Fro.m: 4~rfes Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water Quality
Sublect: ~, Health Authority Approval Status with the Alaska DEC
Health Authority Approval Certificates (HAA's), which are assurances of the adequacy
and safety of on-site wastewater disposal systems and wells, are currently issued by the
DEC statewide, and by the MOA within the Municipalityof Anchorage. The following is
an outline of repercussions resulting from the DEC's decision to stop issuing Health
Authority Approvals on December 1, 1997:
The existing procedure within the state is that single family, multi-family, and
commercial buildings with on-site wastewater disposal systems, in areas outside of the
Municipality of Anchorage, receive HAA's from the DEC. Within the Municipality of
Anchorage, multi-family and commercial buildings with on-site wastewater disposal
systems receive HAA's from the DEC, and single family homes receive HAA's from
Due to the unavailability, after December 31st, of HAA's for all buildings throughout the
rest of the state, and for multi-family and commercial buildings within MOA, mortgage
underwriters will no longer require the HAA certificates for new mortgages and
refinances. They are replacing the HAA certificates with either an engineer's report, if
there is some sign of a problem, or no certification at all.
The On-Site Wastewater Technical Review Board is currently discussing options for
dealing with this change. The Board has sent a letter to Janice Adair, Director of
Environmental Health at DEC, asking DEC to reconsider its plan to stop providing
HAA's after December 1, 1997. A letter also was sent to lenders and realtors around the
state asking for support on the Board's position. The Board has also drafted a change to
the Anchorage Municipal Code which would mandate HAA's within the Municipality for
single family homes. Further discussions on this code change will occur at the Board's
November meeting.
Health Authority Approval Statns with the Alaska DEC
Page 2
It appears now that the only way for HAA's to be continued for multi-family and
commercial buildings within the MOA is for DEC to delegate responsibility for these
systems to MOA. Discussions on the feasibility of DEC's delegation and MOA's
acceptance of responsibilities have taken place, but to date, no concrete action has
happened. A Memorandum of Understanding between the DEC and the MOA has been
initiated, but DEC personnel have informed us that they are moving forward with changes
to their on-site regulations, with a projected completion date of January 1998, prior to any
further action with the MOU. Code changes which would incorporate the multi-family
and commercial systems would be necessary for the MOA to accept responsibility. No
code changes are required at the state level to delegate this responsibility.
NOV-04-189? 10:04 MCNRLL&ASSDCIATES 2?9 8529 P.01/03
William L. MoNaII
irL Frank Cahill
Sandra J. Wicks
Mc. Nail & Associates, P.C.
921 Wmt Sixth Avenue
Suite 100
Anehoraae, Ataska 99501-2044
Telephone (907} 276-2535
Fax (90/) 279-~$27
Franelne D, Harbour
Of Counsel
Thomas ]Brown
Legal Assistant
Fax #:
Total Pages Sent
Including Cover Sheet
NOV 4 1997
Momc.pah[y ol Anchorage
Oept, Health & Human Services
File #:
Original Sent Yes ~(~' ,..
By Mail No
Please call 276-2535 if the fax you receive is incomplete or illegible.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The do¢uments ae~:ompanyin$ ilks far. shana tr~iou may ~a~n ~fa~nfioa that ~
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If you a~ no~ ~e n~ ~on(~), you a~ heruby notifi~ ~t ~ ~losl~re, eopyhlg or ~tfibu~oo, or the ~ia8 of ~y aefioa
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NOW-B4-199? 10:0~ MCNALL&ASSOCIATES 279 8S27 P.0270~
William L. McNaI!
H. Frank Cahtll
Sandru J. Wlek~
McNall & Associates, P.C.
921 West Sixth Avenue
Suite 100
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2044
Tehphone (907) 2q6-~3~
Telecopier (907) 279~527
Francine D. Harbour
Of Counsel
Thomas Brown
Legal Assistant
November 4, 1997
Jim Cross, P.E., Program Manager
On-Site Water Quality
Municipality of Anchorage
P,O, Box 196650
Anchorage, AK 99519-6650
Well-Monitoring in Subdivisions adjacent to Denali View
Our File No. 10141.04
Dear Mr. Cross:
This is my second letter to you regarding Skyline View Corporation, and Arleen and
Paul Myers, the developers of Denali View Subdivision. The Myers submitted the preliminary
plat application for Denali View in May 1997, The Myers have repeatedly agreed to requests
by Community Planning and Development to waive their rights for a prompt decision on the
plot, pursuant to Anchorage Municipal Code 21.15. 115(B). Recently, the application review
process has apparently ground to a halt over the need for an acceptable process for testing or
modeling groundwater adequacy in the proposed subdivision. The Myers and their agents have
worked with you diligently since April 1997 on initial testing, and again since July on further
testing that you requested, which required the participation of owners of neighboring properties.
You have advised the Myers repeatedly that you would obtain the participation of the neighbors
for a reasonable test, and you have orally agreed to various testing plans, but have failed to
finalize any test or modeling plan. Furthermore, you have been unable to obtain the
participation of the neighboring homeowners.
In accordance with your recommendations, the Myers have drilled two wells, performed
a pump test, and then drilled a third well. All the wells shows adequate water for the
subdivision. Nevertheless, you have avoided making a final recommendation to the Platting
Board to approve or disapprove the subdivision.
Now-tuber 4, [997
The Myers' previous agreements to waive their right to a decision, pursuant to AMC
21.15.115(B), were based largely on your requests, and on your representation that you would
obtain cooperation of local residents in a reasonable test plan. The Myers understood that if
you could not obtain such cooperation, you would agree to a test involving only the Denali
View wells, to an evaluation based on modeling. You have orally approved three separate
plans during the past three months, prepared by the Myers' engineers at considerable cost, but
apparently because you have been unable to obtain the cooperation of neighboring homeowners,
you have failed to finalize the approval of any test or modeling procedure which would permit
a determination of the adequacy of Denali View water supply. It appears that, notwithstanding
the good faith cooperation of the Myers, and your efforts to date, a majority of neighboring
homeowners are absolutely unwilling to take any action which might result in the scientific
determination whether the groundwater use by the 11 homes planned for the Denali View
Subdivision would affect their water supplies.
The Myers acknowledge that there is political opposition to the development of Denali
View by neighboring homeowners, and do not dispute that such political opposition can be
considered in the platting approval process, However, such political opposition should not be
al lowed to preclude the determination of the simple scientific question whether the development
of I1 houses using wells in Denali View will "unduly affect" the water availability of
neighboring homes such that a pein'tit should be denied pursuant to AS 46,15.080(a)(1). The
Myers' engineer, Dee High, has met with you repeatedly on this matter, as recently as October
10, and you have been unable or unwilling to provide final, written approval of any testing or
modeling to determine the answer to the question.
On behalf of the Myers, I hereby request, that On-Site Water Quality provide immediate
approval of aa appropriate plan or modeling procedure for determination of the affect of Denali
View Subdivision's development on neighboring water supplies, or, alternatively, an immediate
recommendation of approval of the Denali View plat based on the initial testing. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Very truly yours,
H, Frank Cahill
William L. McNall
1t. Frank Cahill
Sandra J. Wicks
McNall & Associates, P.C.
921 West Sixth Avenue
Suite 100
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2044
Telephone (907) 276-2535
Telecopier (907) 279-8527
Francine D. Harbour
Of Counsel
Thomas Brown
Legal Assistant
October 17, 1997
Jim Cross, P.E., Program Manager
On-Site Water Quality
Municipality of Anchorage
P.O. Box 196650
Anchorage, AK 99519-6650
OCT 2 7 1997
Municipality of ,qnC/~ora e
Dept. Health ~,Hum~ ~, g
'"'~" oerVices
Well-Monitoring in Subdivisions adjacent to Denali View
Our File No. 10141.04
Dear Mr. Cross:
At the request of developers Arleen and Paul Myers, I have reviewed a letter directed
to Mr. Dee High dated October 13 from some of the residents of Scimitar, Chugiak Park
Estates, and Petersgate Subdivisions, and their proposed agreement form authorizing Mr. High
to monitor their wells during test pumping of Denali View wells. The purpose of the well-
monitoring project is to evaluate whether the development of on-site water supplies for Denali
View Subdivision will unduly interfere with water quantity in neighboring subdivisions. In my
opinion, the agreement form proposed by the homeowners does not reasonably protect the
developer, the hydrologist, or the engineer in charge from potential claims which such
homeowners could make as a result of the test monitoring. The professionals have reasonably
and properly insisted on a "hold harmless" clause protecting them and their agents from
liability for their non-negligent u~ of the neighboring properties for the well-monitoring
Since this extra testing and well-monitoring was designed specifically to meet objections
by these homeowners to an existing hydrology study provided by the developers, the
homeowners should be willing to make the level of effort needed to establish the well-
monitoring. I understand from the Myers that, even with Mr. Williams' letters, there are not
enough participants for a complete test.
Very tntly yours,
H. Frank Cahill
H. Ffznk Clhill
Sandr:~ J. Wi¢i~
Mc,Nall & AMociates, P.C.
West $1.xth A'~enul
}'r~,nc~ne D, Harbour
Thom~ Brown
O.,e: qlzJ. q"'l
To: ¢Ja,,;I c,, co~ao
Total Pages Sent
L,~cJudmg Cover Sheet
Pies.se call 276-2535 if the f~.x you receive is incomplete or illegible.
~ L. Mc. Jqa~l
McNall & Associates, P.C.
921 Wut $1~h A,v~ue
Suits 100
Twlwpho~e (90"0 2"7~
Frlnctne D. Harbom'
Of Ceumel
Th~mm Brm, u
~ s~ma~
Augus~ 29, 1997
Re: Denali View Subdivision
Our File No. 10141
Dear Ms. Selicreg$:
Tlgs office rcpleseuls Paul and Arleen Myers, and the Skyline View Corporation. the
developers of Denali View Subdivision in the Peters Creek a~-ea of ~he Municipality of
Anchorage. In May 1997, the Myers mbmitted a prelim~aty plat application for the
sulxtivision of a 37.4/acre p'an~l (now dc~n'bed as Unit 3,.Trnct 1, Scimitar Subdivision) into
an 11 lot subdivision to be known as ~ View. The proposed lots ',viii avcragc thrcc acres
Following public ~ of ~he proposed subdivision, several residc~ of subdivisions
sd~acen~ m (a~d ~merally down stope from) d~e proposed Denali View ~ubdivi$iou i~lica~ed
their disapproval of ih~ pmpos~ subdivision to Rm pi_..i~_~ authoti~. Om of these residents
was Sharon Minsch, a rmtl c~a~ agent and homeowner in ~he atra, who serves as ~
the proposed developm~ wilt reduce bo~h waler av~ilabiUty and water quality for adjacent
homeowners. F. ssentially all homes in the area ate served by on-site water and wastewamr
Sheila Selk, ress
August 29, 1997
Page 2. of 2
disposal (generally wells and septic tanks). A few residents that their wells have run city under
certain ci~,m~tances, and slightly elevated nitrate levels (well below legal lim~) have been
In response m these concerns, the Myers hired Bri~ot Envirom~en~al Services
Corporation to evaluate and assess the water supply and quality i~t of the proposed
subdivision on nelghbori~ walls. After test pumping a well in the proposed Denali view
Subdivision, and observing the effect on wells in thc sun'ounding at-ca, Bristol Environmental
Services concluded that ample quanfi~s a~e available for the proposed subdivision, without
significant effect on most surrounding homeowners. The repo~ noted that wells of some of
the eleven homes in the new subdivision may tap a bedrock aquifer, which could cause some
aquifer. The report concluded this will not "unduly affect thc ext,~tmg homes such tidal a
permit for a water appropriation for the new wells should be denied pursuant to AS
d6.15.0~o(aX1). It is my understating ,hat a wal~r survey of dm ~ by Terrasat, Inc. has
been completed at the reqtmst of local residents, and offered no scientific evidence to dispute
this essential finding. Only anecdotal evidence has been offered m refute the Bristol
Enviromnental report.
Although Den~i Vie~ l~s been prese~ed to th~ platting bo~d on font prior o~_~_ n_~on,~-, ~.~
but tee plnttin~ bo~d has not taken a vote on the pl~t. The Myet~ have asr~ed to several
~ Most recently, the Myra und~t~d tha~ staff had indicated its totem to recommend approwl
~ of the pl~t, but yoll ~ pm~t~iy ~d die. ted ~ to recomn~nd }'et nnod~r
At some point, as I am sure you understand, justice delayed may be justic~ denied. The
biyets a~e unwillin~ to stipulato to ~ postponmnents of'~t~e consideratimx of ~ plat. Thc
proposed sulxtivision will permit only eleven houses to be built; this is just ten more than
would be permitted by the existln_q land use. Of tho~ ten, it is clear that son~, at least, will
~ able to utiliz~ the gravel sand aquifer having no aff~ct on dowu slol~ homes. At least one
such well has already been drilled on a Denali View lot. Tbe~ is no reason to believe rlmt
others could not be drilled. Iu shoxl, t~ is evet~ reason to expect that this new subdivision,
comprisin~ neatly forty a~re~, will result in fewer thlm nine new wells servins single-family
homes, mppin~ into the bedrock aquifer which might affect down slope home~.
The Myetl have pou~ed teas.of-thou.lands of dotlars (nto ea~iae~rb~ ~d hydm-
teologlcal studies of tt~e l~)posed site. No scientific evidence has supported the purely
personal objections of a few of the aei~hborh~ homeowner's. The Myers have rc[~.atcdly
responded [o $,~ff rcquesu for [ufonnadon on a 'good.faith basis, but are concerned ttmt
Communi~ Pl~"i'~E aM Development is no lonser ~ Sood-failh ~eque~ for infomudon,
ba[ Es, iastead, simply ~ the projec~ hi re, pome to political pressure from a few
homeowners in thc a~ca. The Myen ~xe ~o lonser su~ what specific problems preveltt staff
from ~ccommcndin~ approval. They are ao lon~e~ sure that the problems r~c s~aff is
aaemp~in~ to address are wi~hln municipal jvzisdictton (the state has aircady indicatad
approval). The Myers intend to request that gle platfiag board take some action on th~ Denali
View Subdivision on i~ September ~ mee~ln_e; with or wkhou~ staff approval. Thc Myers
believe thcy have done cvet~r,.hing lzasol~le within their powe~ to colllply widl municipal
requirements, such tha~ there is no jusl causc for withholding staff approval.
Very truly yours,
BI~: _ .
H. Frank Cahill
TOTP~- P. 04