HomeMy WebLinkAboutDENALI VIEW General Information (13)Rick Mystrom,
Municipality of Anchorage
Department of Health and Human Services
825 "L" Street
P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
Mr. Paul Myers
P.O. Box 670351
Chugiak, AK 99567
Dear Mr. Myers:
After discussions with Dan Young of Terrasat and Dee Hi and Jim Munter
representing you, I ask that you postpone the public hearing for Denaii View
Subdivision before the Platting Board scheduled for September 3, 1997.
An agreement on a stress test to determine the two existing wells effect on the
surrounding subdivisions seems quite possible. With this information, a sound
decision can be made regarding this main concern of the neighboring
homeowners. I am sure that you, as well as the residents of these subdivisions,
have an informed decision as your highest goal.
In addition, I will make every effort to educate and coordinate information with
neighbors to this subdivision, other interested parties, and other agencies
concerning this development.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 343-4360.
~) ~,[rely,
James Cross, PE
Program Manager
On-Site Water Quality
Mr. Paul Myers
P.O. Box 670351
Chugiak, AK 99567
Dear Mr. Myers:
After discussions with Dan Young of Terrasat and Dee Hi and Jim Munter
representing you, I ask that you postpone the public hearing for Denali View
Subdivision before the Platting Board scheduled for September 3, 1997.
An agreement on a stress test to determine the two existing wells effect on the
surrounding subdivisions seems quite possible. With this information, a sound
decision can be made regarding this main concern of the neighboring
homeowners. I am sure that you, as well as the residents of these subdivisions,
have an informed decision as your highest goal.
In addition, I will make every effort to educate and coordinate information with
neighbors to this subdivision, other interested parties, and other agencies
concerning this development.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 343-4360.
James Cross, PE
Program Manager
On-Site Water Quality
Prior to the approval of plat #S-10054 Denali View the Chugiak Conununity Council requests answers
and solutions to the following questions and concerns.
There arc serious water quality and quantity issues as well as traffic safety concerns that need to be
addressed in order for responsible development to occur.
The health and safety of existing neighborhoods must be considered. Surrounding ureas and problems
need to be looked at when determining what development is appropriate for rural ureas with known
Denali View platting action- questions from residents to date
· =,-1. What will they do about water?
~,,'2. What happens if our wells are drawn down by the new development?
~' 3. What steps are being taken to prevent nitrate contamination in my well from the septics in tile
new subdivision?
What happens if nitrates show up in my well after the subdivision is built? Who will be
,,~'5. Will there be plat notes about water quality and quantity issues so that people do not buy in here
without knowing what the problems are like I did.
· -- 6. If I have well problems after they build above who ,~411 help me? Who is responsible to protect
my water?
~7. Are there any rcqnirements to prove that these lots have water before they arc platted?
· =, 8. How will all the bedrock affect more septic systems? Are there septic systems that prevent
nitrates from getting into our drinking water?
~' 9. Is DEC or MOA responsible for this subdivision when we have problems?
i0. Why isn't Seika drive being continued to reach the lots that are fight there?
11. Doesn't new development have to provide safe secondary access for emergency vehicles?
12. What are the requirements for development in these mountainous areas? We have needed another
safe way down this mountain for years.
13. What happens when Chugach Park Drives falls offthe side of the mountain and therc is no way
for all those families to get home?
14. What happens to tile sledding hill? Does historical use year round prove any type of need or right
to the old road?
15. Will tile people and kids on bicycles who have used that access to get to their homes or the park
now be on Chugach Park, Kulberg, and Snilins? These roads are narrow and dangerous for people
walking and riding bikes. Now we will have the kids sledding on the road!
16. Will these roads be upgraded to handle the additional traffic and make room for the pedestrains
who will now be forced out onto the main road?
17. Since the old road has always been access to the top can they just cut it off? Can the city buy the
road so we do not lose the access?
18. What is being done about providing another way down tile moantain? Look at how often tile road
is blocked and no one on this side of the mountain can get home.
19. Tow trucks have a hard time pulling people back up the cliff when they can't get around them on
the mountain. The car that was across tile road with the boat hanging over the cliff is a good exan~ple.
20. Will this mean that the Muni is going to fix our roads and widen them so that people are safe?
21. Does the developer have any responsibility to upgrade the roads to get to tile new lots?
22. If the road is suitable for further development than why can't we get the road widened and
improved with guard rails like other area roads?
23. Will buyers be warned about having to walk home up the mountain in the spring when the
bottom falls out of Sullins?
24. Does this mean that we will get better roads before someone gets killed?
DEC-05-9? FRI 09:29 RE/Nh" *~ EhGLE RIVER Fh× NO, 9076960214 ?,01/01
Decemhor 4, 1997
Jim Cross
At the Tech Board meeting you and Lam mentioned memo's and drafts regarding phase 2 of the nitrate
study .I would like to know o,xaetly what is going on,
I was told months ago that the con~xact was about to be let anal as yel has not, Why not? What ia going on'?
Why has it been d~layed?
As you know I hav~ quostlons about Phase I and Phase 2. I haw been wai~lg for die Tech Board w g~t
cau~t up ~a ~e ~ls ~ssue up Ibr discussion, I ~ve ou~in~ my Concerns to you on s~veral occasions. I
sent you and the Bnard memhar~ a letter la~ Au~ demdbing my quadro ~ co~e~. I ~mod
~t fl~ey n~d~ to b~ ad~s~d at ~o Te~h Eoard,
What is the status of phase 2 of the nitrate study? Who will handle it with Mark Little leaving? What are
the memos about thal: are not ready for the Tech l~oard to see? I would llke to see any current
correspondence lltat relates to tho nitrate study. If you camaot get me ¢opio* of thc correspondence relating
to thy questions then please forward on this written request for the tnfomdon to the appropriate person..
Who ts rasing issues and concerns about the project? What are the issues being raised? What is MOA
doi~g about it? Has il: been decided not to do Pha~eC?
Tile tfitsal~ issue eaxmot bo igxtored. There are probtcms and we need to begin to deal with them. I have
been pustung tbr t~s lbr so long and I am frustrated.
My questions and concerns mis~i in my August ,q ]otter to you still }rev, not been adds'c~sed. Thc nitxaW
issue did not g~t deal[ witl~ a~ Wednesday's meeting and l~as been lelt offthe agenda for next week, It is old
business that has not be~n ar. Mresscd.
I will bc requesting a work session to got tho nitrate ,mxdy phase i and 2 issue on the robie. Wc emmet
~onl/nu¢ to drag fl~is out.
Slk~on Mlnscll
P,S. It would be halpful to have a copy of thc MOU with DEC m review borer* we gcC to the m~etlng m~
Wednesday. Is there a:ly hfformation y~:t about how many wells we are talking about? How does the Board
respond to Elaine's request to have a position on the trmffer when we do not know anything about it? i hope
Art has lots of answers.
What ia ~tatus of MOA HAA ordinmtc~? Hope wc can get an update on Wednesday.
Rick Mystrom,
Municipality of Anchorage
Department of Health and Human Services
825 "L" Street
P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
October 10, 1997
Mr. James A. Munter, CGWP
Principal Hydrogeologist
Bristol Environmental Services Corporation
P.O. Box 100320
Anchorage, AK 99510
Dear Mr. Munter:
Thank you for your letter of October 8 stating the proposed details of an aquifer
test plan for the well on Lot 3 of the proposed Denali View Subdivision. I wish to
make the following comments:
As I have stated numerous times, I believe the best and most accurate
method for determining the affects of the appropriation of water from the
proposed Denali View Subdivision on the surrounding properties is an aquifer
test involving the existing surrounding wells. I am not prepared to approve a
modeling concept at this time, for discussions with homeowners and with Dan
Young lead me to believe that the possibility of homeowner participation to a
useful degree may still occur. I will make that decision by Tuesday, October
I have attached comments by Dan Young concerning your proposed test. I
believe very little compromise is needed to conduct a test on Lot 3 that is
agreeable to all parties. I request that you read Mr. Young's comments and
respond as soon as possible. I realize that time is of the essence, and I will
address your concerns as quickly as possible. I am convinced that it is
possible to conduct a test on Lot 3 sometime next week (October 13 through
Concerning your proposal to prepare a model to determine the affects of the
well located on the proposed Lot 9, I cannot approve this plan at this time.
Homeowners should reach a decision early in the week as to their
participation level, and a meaningful review of that information will determine
the path to follow. Again, I urge you to read Dan Young's comments
concerning this testing and to attempt to reach a test design that will be a
meaningful compromise and will be acceptable to all parties.
I will talk to you early next week, and will give you a more definitive decision by
Tuesday, October 14.
Case S-10054
Denali View Subdivision
Platting Board Meeting
October 1, 1997
If at the conclusion of the public hearing, the Board approves the
preliminary plat, the following conditions are recommended:
Approval of the plat subject to:
1. Resolving utility easements.
2. Entering into a subdivision agreement with the DPW for:
a. providing improvements on Kullberg Drive, Thornton
(Sullins) Drive and Solleret Drive to a rural 24 foot wide
gravel standards.
b. providing street signs and traffic control devices.
c. constructing the trail.
3. Dedicating Kullberg Drive to a 60 foot width.
4. Providing a turnaround at the northerly terminus of Thornton
(Sullins) Drive. Resolve the need to dedicate the turnaround with
DPW, Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning.
5. Providing a trail easement on the plat along the west boundary of
Lot 11 and extending along the lot line between Lots 10 and 11 to
the Kullberg Drive cul-de-sac. Resolve a 12' or 20' width for the
trail easements with Division of Parks and with Transportation
6. Resolving drainage and drainage easements with Project
Management and Engineering, DPW.
7. Obtaining ADEC approval for development within this subdivision.
8. Demonstrating that minimum lot area and minimum lot width
requirements of the R-10 district based on the average slope of
each lot are met with Land Use Enforcement.
Page 2
Resolving with DHHS the need for additinal hydrologic testing or
modeling to ensure that the appropriation of water by the proposed
Denali~ View Subdivision will not unduly affect the existing
surrounding residential wells.
Resolving with DHHS the need to place a note on the plat requiring
the installation of nitrate reducing septic systems.
Correcting street name: Sullins Drive north of Malcolm Drive is
now Thornton Drive.
12. Correcting the title block information to read: Grid NW 1261.
Oct-O1-97 01:35P Community Planning & Deve 907-343-4220 P.03
Dellali View Subdivision
Case S- 10054
Page 2
June and
July, 1997
The applicant completed the following:
completion of the hydrology report which was forwarded to thc
Chugiak Corr~Bunity Council, tile Municipal DHHS and State
· review and discussion of the hydrology repmt at both the June
and July community council meetings.
Following the July Chugiak Community Council meeting.
residents from some of the surrounding subdivisions contracted
wiLh a second hydrologist to have another water study performed,
The second water study and comments from state agencies
arrived shortly before the scheduled August 6, 1997 public
At the request of the petitioner, the case was postponed to
September 3, 1997 as only 6 Board members were present of
which only 5 could hear and vote on the application.
At the request of the petitioner, the ease was postponed to
October 1, 1997 £o a.llew time for the hydrologists to establish
parameters for additional testing of water availability,
Throughout the analysis of this plat there have been tltree main issues: (i)
water quality and quantity; (2) Wadi'lc circulation, and (3) trail colmections.
The trails issue has been resolved. The petitioner will provide a trail
connection between Seika Drive a_nd Kullberg Drive which will follow the south
boundary of proposed Lot 11,
There have been requests from neighbors to provide an easement for a trail
coimection from Setka Drive oil the south to Sullins (Thornton) Drive on t_he
north which runs along the common lot line between Lots 6 and 7. This trail is
commonly referred to as the sledding trail. This ti'all is not on the recently
adopted Areawide Trails Plan and t]~ere is no authority to require that this trail
0ct-01-97 01:35P Community Plannin~ & Dev~ 907-~43-4220 P.04
DcnaliVlcw Subdivision
Case S-10054
Page 3
easement be provided. The applicant has stated his intention of maintaining
this trail as close to the existing alignment as possible. However, the actual
trail alignment will depend upon Lhe final plat design givcn thc need to provide
for on-site tlti]ities- The final trail alignment is not know~l at Ohs time and
easements for the trail are proposed to be recorded by docunlent. St'all'
concurs that this is a reasonable alternative.
Traffic cir--:
The issue o£ a secondary, access has been raised over the last twenty yeaxs and
has been raised again with this subdivision, Road cmmections havc
suggested /'rom Sollcret Dr/ye to Sullins {Thornton) Drive ~-md Ikom Kullberg
Drive to Seika Drive.
The Solleret-Sullins route is steeply sloped and it is doubtful that a road could
be constr~mted t~ current Municipal standards. The proposed Kullberg-Seika
alignment is steeply sloped. Therc is an outcropping of bedrock that would
need to be blasted having possible adverse effects on existing hon~es and wells
in close proximity to the road. Large amounts of fill would be required to
construct the road to municipal standards. Due to the steep grades of Seika
Drive, residenls park their vehicles at the north end of the turn a~ld walk to
their homes in winter, Given the slope, the question has been raised whether
fire trucks could use this proposed rotxtc in winter,
Neither Department of Public Works nor Tral'flc Engineering are requesting
eil3mr dedication or construction of a secondary access, Traltlc Englnecring
has stated that there are limited benefits to be gained from requiring this road
At the July l Y, 1997 Chugiak Community Council meeting a motion was
passed not to support a road connection between Seika Drive and Kullberg
Water quality a~:d ouantitv:
The proposed subdivision Is located in an area where some of thc surrounding
property owners have experienced shortage of water, Initial testing of two wells
indicated that there was sufficient water to support the proposed subdivision,
But a critical issue is what impact the addition of 11 new wells will have on
water availability within the surrounding subdivisions, most nolably Scimitar.
Ti%ere is a Municipal consensus that additional testing is needed in order to
Oct-01-97 01:36P Community Plannin~ & D~ve 907-343-4220 P.05
Denali View Subdivision
Case S-]0054
Page 4
assess water availability and what impact this subdivision will havc on existkxg
Since thc developmeilt of the two hydrology reports, there have been on-going
meetings Ln an attempt to establish the pa_fanciers lbr additional testing,
This cased has been scheduled and postponed several times in order to resolve
the issue of water availability. There is a recognized need to conduct additional
testing of wells. But the applicant has not brought forward any testing
me[hodology that will provide enough data to approve such a water availability
test and ultimately approve the subdivision design,
AMC 21,75.010 states that the platting authority may approve a preliminary or
final plat only ff it fLnds that the plat:
'promotes the public health, safety and welfare," and
"furthers the goals and policies of the comprehensive developrnent
One of the goals of the comprehensive plan [AMC 21,05) is to 'create a living
environment of the highest possible quality based upon comprehensive
planning for the population and its growth potential, mad addressing the
ecological, economic, health, social, public safety and physical development
needs of the municipal area,"
Water is a critical issue for both the proposed subdivision and for the
surrounding neighborhood. The subdivision is proposed in an area where
there are known water problems. Although the water problems may not have
been quantified and have been described as anecdotal evidence, these
statements of water shortages cannot be Ignored.
The submittal requirements of AMC 21.15.110,4,b demonstrating an adequate
water source have not been met. At this time it is not known whether the
subdivision will develop individual or shared wells. And It is not known if the
subdivision will affect the water supply of residents down slope. Public health,
welfare and safety are basic concerns when reviewing a proposed development,
A safe. potable and adequate water supply is fundamental to a healthy
community. The responsibility for ensuring adequate water is not limited to the
boundary of the proposed plat. The responsibility extends to the surrounding
area as well. The availability of water is a fundamental need lbr both Denali
View Subdivision and for the neighboring subdivisions.
0ct-01-97 01:36P Con~unity Plannin9 & D~ve 907-343-4220 P.06
Denali View Subdivision
Case S- 10054
Page 5
Tile Depar'tment recommends that the plat. be returned for redesign and not be
reschedulcd for public hearing until a plan has been developed lbr additional
les[lng arid the water testing plarl has becn approved by the Department eF
Health and Hurnarl Services, The plan must Include dates for comp]etlon of all,
required testing arid submittal of the test results to the Department of Health
and Human Serviccs.
Oct-01-97 01:36P Community Plannin~ & D~ve 907-343-4220 P.05
Denali View Subdivision
Case S-]0054
Page 4
assess water availability and what impact this sl~bdivision will have on existkxg
Since thc developmei~t of the two hydrology' reports, there have been on-going
meetings Ln an attempt to establish the parmlletcrs lbr additional testing,
This cased has been scheduled and postponed several times in order to resolve
the issue of water availability. There is a recognized need to conduct additional
testing of wells. But the applicant has not brought forward any testing
me[hodology that will provide enough data to approve such a water availability
test and ultimately approve the subdivision design,
AMC 21.75.010 states that the platting authority may approve a preliminary or
final plat only ff it fknds that the plat:
'promotes the public health, safety and welfare," and
"furthers the goals and policies of the comprehensive development
One of the goals of the comprehensive plan fAMC 21,05) is to 'create a living
environment of the highest possible quality based upon comprehensive
planning for the population and its growth potential, al~d addressing the
ecological, economic, health, social, public safety and physical development
needs of the municipal area,"
Water is a critical issue for both the proposed subdivision and for the
surrounding neighborhood. The subdivision is proposed in an area where
there are known water problems. Although the water problems may not have
been quantified and have been described as anecdotal evidence, these
statements of water shortages cannot be ignored.
The submittal requirements of AMC 21.15.110,4,b demonstrating an adequate
water source have not been met. At this time it is not known whether the
subdivision will develop individual or shared wells. And It is not known if the
subdivision will affect the water supply of residents down slope. Public health,
welfare and safety are basic concerns when reviewing a proposed development,
A safe. potable and adequate water supply is fundamental to a healthy
community. The responsibility for ensuring adequate water is not limited to the
boundary of the proposed plat. The responsibility extends to the surrounding
area as well. The availability of water is a fundamental need lbr both Denali
View Subdivision and for the neighboring subdivisions.
Department of Health and Human Services
P.O. Box 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
Zoning and Platting, CPD
James Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water Quality
S-10054 Denali View Subdivision
Following the submission of my July 25 memo regarding the Denali View Subdivision, a
great deal of information has been assembled and submitted by various agencies and
members of the public. Review of this information has generated questions concerning
the affects of the development of this subdivision on the wells of the existing surrounding
The original aquifer tests conducted on the wells in Denali View Subdivision did show
that adequate water could be produced within the subdivision to support the requirements
of the subdivision.
Due to the concerns of agencies and homeowners alike, efforts have been made to define
additional pumping tests on the two existing wells in Denali View Subdivision. These
additional tests will monitor the affects of long term water usage by Denali View
Subdivision on the existing wells on surrounding properties by modeling this long term
usage in a short term pumping test.
In addition, a third well has been drilled within Denali View Subdivision to be used as an
observation well during the additional pumping tests.
Currently, evaluation guidelines are being developed to determine the rules for evaluating
the testing prior to starting the test.
The results and conclusions drawn from these tests will be forwarded as soon as possible.
Tuesday, September 23, 1997 12:54 PM To: ~ross From: Jeff r" Williams
Page: 5 of 6
The Municipality of Anchorage has requeszed that additional information be collected in order to
make a better infofmed decision about Denali View Subdivision. The following questionnaire will
be used to help determine the number of residents in surrounding Subdivisions who would be
wilting to participate in a testing program for Denali View Subdivision, The questions are designed
to help the hydrologist determine the feasibility ced logistics of the testing program, Tl~e success
of the testing program very much depends on the cooperation and involvement of the surrounding
property owners.
Please answer the following questions, The questionnaire can be returned by faxing it to one of
the following numbers: 686-1238 or 344-1383. No cover sheet is required, Or you may call 688-
1236 or 34441386 and we wlll send a courier to pick it up, We would appreciate a response by
Thursday, September 25th.
1) Name: Phons;
2) Physical Address:
3) Legal Descriptiom Lot Block Subdivision
4) Do you have more than one well on the property? Yes No
15) If yes, do they both have pumps in them and are they both being used?
6) Do you hays a holding tank7 __ Yes No Size
7) Do YOu know any of the following ~lbout
a) Depth of Well feet
b) Rata of recovery or yield __ gpm
c) What depth is your pump set at? __teat
8) Would you be willing to let the water level in yo~Jr well be monitored?
Yes No
9) Would YOu bo willing to go a day or more without pumping your well?
Yes No
10) How many days?
--__ I day __ 5 days
__ 2 days 6 days
--. ;3 days 7 days
4 days
11) What days of the week are best for you not to pump your
12) How many people use your well on a daily basis?
13) Are you willing to participate in the testing program if your well pumping can be scheduled and
monitored to minimize impacts on you and still provide useful data for the test?
__Yes No
14) Would'you be willing to sign the enclosed Hold Harmless Release? Yea No
If you have concerns or revisions that you would like to see concerning the Hold Harmless Release,
please write tile changes on the form.
Tuesday, September 23, 1997 12:54 PM To: Dross From: Jeff L William9 Page: 4 of 6
IN CONSIDERATION of hold harmless release and other consideration described below
do hereby agree as follows:
FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
."Releasers' individually and for their heirs,
executors, administrators, successors in interest, trustees and assigns, have released and do
hereby release and forever discharge and hold harmless Bristol Environmental Services
Corporation, Jim A Munter, DHI Constructing Engineers, Dee High, Michelle E. Myers, Paul V.
Myers, Arleen E. Myers, MM&M Contra~ing Inc. and Skyline View ][nc. and their successors
and assigns, heirs, personal representatives, and vessels from all aeti~, c,%Os~.s_of.~c~ion~ suite&
eontro~'arsii~fi; claims~' ~geS"i'~-~d ~emand~s 6~ ~:~ve~jl~in--~"~'~'x~t~ and for and by reason of
any claims demands, injuries, damages and complaints accrued or hereafter to accrue, arising out
of any and all aspects of hydrology study, well static level and flow tests for Denali View
Subdivision and
your well located at
except for negligence. ~,
This HOLD HARMLESS RELEASE does not and is not intended in any way to affect
releasers water rights.
understands that this
agreement is voluntary and acknowledge that they have had an opportunity ob obtain legal
counsel before signing in regard to this HOLD HARMLESS RELEASE and further declare
that the terms of this HOLD HARMLESS RELEASE have been carefully read and are now
fully understood and voluntarily accepted for the purpose written above.
This HOLD giARMLESS RELEASE centains thc ENTIRE AGREEMENT between the
parties hereto and the terms oftha r~lease are contractual and not a mere recital.
WITNESS our hands on the dates below written
Municipality of Anchorage
P. O. Box 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 99519~665~
(907) 343-4215
The Municipality of Anchorage Platting Authority will consider the following:
Skyline View Corp.
To subdivide 1 tract into 11 lots.
· UUNIL;~&.ffv L~' ~u~urlUHAGE
September 13, 1997
As msident's of this mountain commlmity we have personal knowledge of Scimitar's water quality and
quantity problems and the heartaches they have caused. We have known many of the families who have
been financially devastated due to quality or quantity problems.
While the Terrasat report pro'4des substantial hard documentation and scientific conclusions, it does not
identify many homes ~vith water problems on a seasonal basis, (November-March). There is no way to
document what the residents deal with when it comes to seasonal water problems.
The available documentation from MOA and residents regarding nitrates cannot be ignored. Scimitar has
problems. Ne~v development on top of Scimitar will make the problems worse for Scimitar and most likely
have negative impacts on Denali Vie~v. The existing and proposed subdivisions must be protected.
Prelhninary plat approval for Denali View should include plat notes requiring public or hanied water and
septic systems that provide substantial nitrate reduction due to existing documented problems..
Additionally, the upper trail that follows the original road should be platted as a pedestrian access in it's
current location OR the developer provide similarly developed access in another location to be
determined before the final plat is approved. Why should tile community give up existing access they have
had for 20 years on the original roadbed?
Tile Seika-Kniberg connection nmst be addressed for the long-term safety of this commmtity. There is no
intent to have a road placed in this location unless access to the upper motmtain is permanentiy blocked. A
pedestrian trail only along file existing alignment of the original road bet~veen Kulberg-Seika with a ROW
when and if needed solves all the issues.
Developlnent of this property will help to bring a stop to the illegal snow machine traffic in the winter that
historicalh' access's the State Park via the existing road/trail. Residents ride miles from subdivisions across
the highway to access the purk via this road/trail.
It ~vould be most helpful if Board members would come out and take a look at this proposed dcx elopment
~md where the proposed Seika~Kulberg easement is plammd. Surely file developer would provide
pcrmission for the Board to cross the no trespassiog signs. Possibly Board members will have ideas abou!
bow to get tile motmtam children 1o fl~e bus stops in Scin'dt,'u' without the existing road/trail access.
Tim. Sharon aud Tmvis Minsch
W.O. 96298
Date: 9-3-97
Meet the objective of 21.15.110.B.4.b. To substantiate the availability of a
safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes.
2) Show now substantial effect on the surrounding neighborhood.
1) Test should be conducted using "established engineering practices".
Test should be scientifically sound results so that other agencies,
practitioners or boards can rely on the results.
3) Criteria for evaluating the test results should be clearly defined.
A) Lower Well (Sand & Gravel Aquifer)
Pump the well at 15 to 25 gallons per minute for 24 hours. This is 16 to 26
times greater than the average flow rate that the well will ever experience.
This portion of the test will validate objective # 1(to substantiate the
availability of an adequate supply of water.
Monitor existing well in the surrounding neighborhood that are in the same
static water level zone. This assumes that the wells are hydraulically
connected and therefore pump test should show some effect on the
monitoring well. This portion of the test should allow conclusions to be
drawn about the potential effect on the surrounding wells. Wells on other
static water levels should not be effected since they are presumably not
hydraulically connected.
B) Upper Well (Bedrock Aquifer)
Pump the well at 1.5 to 3 gallons per minute for 24 hours. This is 2 to 3
times greater than the average flow rate that the well will ever experience.
This portion of the test will validate objective # 1(to substantiate the
availability of an adequate supply of water.
Monitor existing well in the surrounding neighborhood that are in the same
static water level zone. This assumes that the wells are hydraulically
connected and therefore pump test should show some effect on the
monitoring we~L This portion of the test should allow conclusions to be
drawn about the potential effect on the surrounding wells. Wells on other
static water levels should not be effected since they are presumably not
hydraulically connected.
Wells within 1000 feet of the subject well that are within the same static
water level need to be verifiably shut down for several days before, during
and after the test. This is to allow the aquifer to recover to near static
conditions before the test begins, to prevent uncontrolled pumping of the
aquifer during the test and to allow for accurate data collection during
recovery. This should result in data from which valid conclusions can be
Further testing needs the cooperation of the adjoining neighbors. Lots
adjoining the subdivision need to have their wells test pump prior to and
during the flow tests of the subject wells. These tests need to be
conducted in accordance with DHHS test procedures for Health Authority
Approvals under the direction of a Professional Engineers. This will help
quantify the number of wells that are below the Municipal Standard before
the test and it should help to answer questions about the effect of the
subject wells on adjacent lot owners that are not hydraulically connected.
By limiting the well to a 24 hour test, we have a much better chance of
getting the cooperation of the neighbors. Their well will need to be down
for a much shorter time (approximately five days).
The test doesn't over stress the aquifer to the point that recharge becomes
a problem in the evaluation of the aquifer. The 24 hour test is standard
The flow rates suggested should not damage the sand and gravel aquifer by
over pumping. It is very likely that the higher rates of pumping (70 gpm)
that have been suggested will permanently damage the well.
The data collected from the above test will be technically sound. Strong
conclusion can be drawn from the data. Departments, Agencies, and Boards
should be able to rely on the information to make informed decisions.
What is the criteria for evaluating the effects of pumping on adjacent property
owners? The standard for the Municipality is defined as "substantial". I assume
that substantial would mean that the results clearly show that wells in Denali View
reduce the supply of water available in the aquifer such that neighboring well
production rates fall below the minimum standards of MOA and that effects must
be felt by substantial number of the property owners and that the existing well
owners cannot reasonably obtain the water by drilling deeper or by hydrafacturing.
Therefore, having an effect on two or three wells wouldn't constitute a substantial
effect unless it can be shown that there is a water shortage the aquifer. If the
homeowner can reasonably drill deeper or hydrafacture his well and still obtain
water then he has not been substantially effected.
This definition will coincide with current state law. It is presumed that all property
owners have a right to water within an aquifer as long as there is an adequate
supply of water. It is presumed that as long as there is water available, then it is
reasonable to expect existing well owners to deepen or hydrafract their wells
inorder to access the water,
Denali View Subdivision
Case S- 10054
Meeting of August 13, 1997
Water availability
a. Two hydrology reports
Water quality
a. Nitrates
Detaile' Pumping Test to Characterize
a Fractured Bedrock Aquifer
a . b
by Jeffrey D. Gernand and Jeffrey P. He~dtman
Bedrock fractures and results of a 24-well, 21-day pumping test were analyzed to characterize a low-yielding fractured gneiss
aquifer. Several analytical techniques for evaluating aquifer tests in fractured bedrock are reviewed and applied. The time-drawdown
curve for the pumping well and the early time-drawdown responses at several nearby observation wells indicate linear flow through a
single fracture. In contrast, analysis by radial flow techniques of the late time-drawdown responses at all observation wells suggests
that flow occurs through interconnected fractures. Taken together, these time-drawdown responses are consistent with a model
incorporating linear (single fracture) flow at the pumping well and radial (interconnected fracture) flow in an outer region.
The elliptical cone of depression reveals a direction of enhanced drawdown which closely parallels one of five observed fracture
sets. However, this fracture set comprises fewer than 15 percent of all fractures present. The drawdown response should not be
extrapolated to characterize the entire aquifer, because it does not result from an overriding structural feature which would influence
the aquifer-w/de hydraulic response.
The results indicate the advisability of performing structural analysis along with aquifer analysis to characterize a bedrock
aquifer. Further, the results indicate that in an aquifer where the hydraulic response at a pumping well suggests linear single fracture
flow, if more obsevation wells or later time data are available it may be found that the aquifer responds with radial flow. The results
also suggest that in certain bedrock aquifers, the larger the area of investigation, the more likely the aquifer will be shown to behave
consistently with radial flow analytical techniques. In order to obtain the appropriate data, the goals of a bedrock pumping test and
the structural data should be carefully considered before the test duration and observation well network are planned.
Pumping tests are sometimes proposed to characterize a
bedrock aquifer. No analytical method can be universally ap-
plied to fractured bedrock pumping test results (Walton, 1991),
and economic constraints generally limit the number of observa-
tion wells and the duration of the test. Perhaps as a consequence,
convincing field examples of thoroughly characterized bedrock
aquifers are lacking in the literature (Walton, 1991).
Drawdown contour maps are frequently used to evaluate
anisotropy, and may sometimes be used to make predictions
regarding ground-water flow elsewhere in the aquifer. In this
paper it is assumed that in order to generalize the results of a
pumping test to regions beyond the tested area, there must be a
strong correlation between the drawdown contours and the
geologic structure. If there is a direction of maximum draw-
down, it must correlate to the orientation of a dominant trans-
missive fracture set or intersection of sets, to allow the conclusion
that similar drawdown would also occur in regions beyond the
tested area. Presence of these dominant transmissive fractures
could impart hydraulic anisotropy to the formation on a large
Time-drawdown data from individual wells are also typi-
cally evaluated for most bedrock pumping tests. There are sev-
aGannett Fleming, Inc., Suite 200, East Quadrangle, Village of
Cross Keys, Bat more, Maryland 21210
bF · .
uss & O'Nedl, Inc., 146 Hartford Road, Manchester, Connecti-
cut 06040.
Received March 1995, revised January 1996, accepted October
eral analytical models that can be used to evaluate fractured
bedrock pumping test data. A given set of pumping test data may
sometimes be equally wellinterpreted by several dtifemnt models
(Gringarten, 1982). Equivalent porous medium (EPM) models
(Schmelling and Ross, 1989; Pankow et al., 1986; Long et al.,
1982) assume that at the scale of interest the fractured aquifer
behaves identically to an unconsolidated medium. If a bedrock
aquifer can be characterized as an EPM, then pumping test data
may be interpreted by methods such as Theis curve matching.
Single fracture models (Gringarten and Witherspoon, 1972;
Gringarten, 1982; Karasaki, 1986) consider the pumping well to
be intersected by a single fracture that is significantly more
transmissive than the rest of the aquifer (Figure la). These
models characterize that fracture based on drawdown data from
the production well that typically plots as a straight line on a
log-log scale at early time, merging with a Theis curve tithe test is
sufficiently long (Figure lb). Drawdown in observation wells
beyond the elliptical zone of linear flow may be interpreted by
radial flow methods for large distances or after long periods of
pumping. The single fracture itself is sometimes referred to as an
extended well (Jenkins and Prentice, 1982). The double porosity
approach (reviewed by Moench, 1984 and Streltsova, 1988)
characterizes the fractured aquifer as two components: high
transmissivity, low storativity fractures, and low transmissivity,
high storativity rock blocks (Figure lc). In the classic double
porosity response, the early and late time-drawdown data plot
on separate Theis curves (Figure ld) connected by intermediate
time data correlating to the beginning of flow out of rock blocks
into the fractures. Very early time data at the pumping well may
plot linearly as single-fracture flow (Streltsova, 1988) if not ob-
scured by wellbore storage effects.
Vol. 35, No. 4--GROUND WATER--July-August 1997
Vet,. ~1 Fracture Curve
Theis Cu/ve tD
s °;°o~ /,/. ,~ ....J _~ ,~
Fig. 1. Comparison of conceptual geologic models for bedrock ground-water flow and their respective type curves for pumped wells.
la/lb~Single fracture model (after Jenkins and Prentice, 1982) and a type time-drawdown curve in the production well with early time linear
response and late time Theis response (after Gringarten and Witherspoon, 1972). lc/ld~Double porosity model (after Streltsova, 1988), and
type time-drawdown curves with various fracture skin factors (after Moench, 1984).
Project Considerations
An incinerator ash iandflll was proposed on a 30-acre site
overlying metamorphic bedrock in eastern Connecticut. Siting
policy dictated that the area of influence of any potential leach-
ate plume be predicted before disposal, and given the thin over-
burden at the site, it was recognized that the bedrock aquifer
could be impacted by a leachate release. With the above models
as a backdrop, an evaluation of ground-water flow within the
crystalline bedrock was undertaken using structural analysis and
an extended aquifer test. A number of observation wells at a
variety of distances and azimuths from the pumping well were
used, and an indefinite pumping period was planned.
Site Description
At thesite, bedrock is mapped as a fine to medium-grained
equigranular gneiss (Goldsmith, 1967). Geologic mapping indi-
cates a consistent foliation attitude approximately N70W, 55NE,
with no folds or faults mapped within 2000 feet of the site
(Goldsmith, 1967). This trend is conformable to regional folia-
tion (Goldsmith, 1985). Site-specific observations were consis-
tent with the published descriptions, except for the identification
of a more marie lithotype that occurs in 1 to 10-foot thick layers
parallel to the foliation. This lithotype is fine-grained, more
easily weathered than the granitic gneiss, and appears to consti-
tute 5 to 15 percent of the rock.
Piezometric measurements at 40 bedrock observation wells
revealed that the bedrock aquifer has a hydraulic gradient which
ranges from 0.16 to 0.32 ft/ft, closely mirroring the surface
topography and suggesting low overall transmissivity. Yields
estimated during drilling ranged from 0.25 to 18 gallons per
minute (gpm) for the 6-inch bedrock wells, with an average
estimated yield of 5 gpm. Seven of the wells have been pumped
for periods of one to four hours, with yields ran~ing from 2 to 8
gpm (specific capacities of 0.01 to 0.67 gpm per foot of draw-
down). A borehole geophysical investigation consisting largely
of fluid and rock resistivity, temperature, and sonic logging
indicated that in each 6-inch bedrock well (up to 305 feet deep)
there were from one to seven producing zones. This was gener-
ally consistent with the logs for the wells, which showed on the
average one producing zone (greater than 0.25 gpm) per 40 feet
On-Site Fracture Orientations--Core Data
Rock cores from MW-13B, MW-23B, and MW-30B2 (see
Figure 2 for locations) were selected for intensive inspection and
fracture analysis. In all, 98 feet of rock core were inspected,
including 60 feet at MW-30B2. A total of 215 fractures were
analyzed. RQD ranged from 0 to 100, with an average of 63.
Fracture density diminished only slightly with depth.
Because the cores were not oriented, all fracture orientation
measurements in rock core were based on a comparison, to the
orientation of the foliation. Two critical but apparently valid
assumptions were made in order to obtain accurate fracture
orientations from rock core: (1) no faults or folds are present,
and (2) the foliation has a consistent orientation. In addition to
the fact that no folds are mapped within 2000 feet of the site
(Goldsmith, 1967), in over 250 feet of rock core, nearly 1700 feet
of downhole video imagery, and in on-site outcrops no faults or
folds were observed. Published orientations of foliation in the
vicinity (Goldsmith, 1967) are very consistent. Twenty-four mea-
surements of foliation in an outcrop 500 feet northwest of the
pumping well PW revealed an average strike of N60W, with a
Fig. :2. Site map, drawdown contours, and fracture rose. The fracture
rose is based on a weighted average of 157 fractures measured in rock
core and 80 fractures measured in outcrop.
standard deviation of 6 degrees. Average dip was 58 degrees NE,
with a standard deviation of 5 degrees. Based on these data, it
appears that local variations in deformation are not significant.
Each fracture was classified in terms of apparent hydraulic
significance based on criteria adapted from Jones et al. (1985).
X-type fractures are those that appear to be major flow channels,
with deep weathering of the fracture surface. A-type fractures
include those that appear to be open to water flow but show little
or no weathering on portions of the fracture surface, and frae-
tures that have locally measurable aperture (greater than
1/32#), but that remained unbroken in the core sample. B-type
fractures include those that are mineralized, limiting present-
time flow but indicating past flow. C-type fractures are those that
remain unbroken in the core sample and show no visual sign of
A total of 15'~, ,xes to X- and A-type fractures were plotted
on an equal area net. The distribution of poles was contoured
(Figure 3a), based on guidance provided by Billings (1972). There
are three predominant sets of X- and A-type fractures present in
the rock cores. One set parallels foliation with an average atti-
tude of N60W, 58 NE, and comprises 28 percent of fractures.
Another set comprises 23 percent of fractures and has an average
attitude of NSOE, 43 S. A third set comprises 16 percent of
fractures and is essentially fiat-lying, with an average attitude of
N80E, 2 S. Approximately 33 percent of the X- and A-type
fractures in the rock cores do not fit into any fracture set.
On-Site Fracture Orientations--Outcrop Data
Fractures observed in recently exposed outcrop were used
to compensate for the inherent bias against steeply dipping
fractures in rock cores. Two 30-foot transects trending N20W
and N40E along outcrops located 600 to 700 feet northwest of
the pumping well (PW) were established, and all visible fractures
along each 30-foot horizontal transect were measured. In addi-
tion to the two outcrop transects, an outcrop was uncovered 200
feet northeast of PW during excavation for the landf'fll. Although
too small to establish a transect, this outcrop was so close to PW
that all 10 visible fractures were measured and added to the
outcrop fracture data base. There was no dominant fracture set
in this outcrop.
Based on these observations, poles to all 80 measured out-
crop fractures were plotted on an equal area net and contoured
(Figure 3b). Three predominant sets of fractures were identified
in outcrop. Approximately 38 percent of fractures measured in
outcrop do not belong to any of these defined fracture sets.
Structural Synthesis
Outcrop data depict the distribution of steeply dipping
fractures at the site, while core data depict gently dipping frac-
tures. Each data set has three primary fracture sets. The only
~i[. 3. ~1 ~i~sr~m~ of pole~ to ~eture pl~,e~. ~eteent~le of tot~l fr~ctu~e~ me~ure~ ~d ce,frei tende~c~ for e~eh fracture ~et ~re li~ted.
3~-- Contour ~i~m ofpole~ to ]~? X- ~,d A-type f~cture~ measured 1~ ~ock eore~. ~b-- Contour ~i~lr~ml of pole~ to 80
1, outcrop. Note that the N4W. 86~ f~etu~e ~et plo/~ i, t,o lutetium o, the ~tereo~m due to ~dom ~ri~tiom i~ dip ~
f~cture ~et. 3e--~i di~m of pol~ lo ]~ X-~pe ft~ct~ me~u~ed 1, ~ock core. Note that the ~ro~p of ~ pole~ to foli~tion-p~llel fr~ctur~
the lo,et left of Jc i~ ~,ei~ll? clu~tered due to the ~umption that ~11 foliation ~e~ N~0~. I~ outcrop foliation ~ke measu~ement~ bad
Table ,ummary of Well Construction and Pumping Test ,~esults
Distance Early Total
Bedrock Diameter Depth from Type tirne Lag Theis drawdown
well (inches) (ft) P IV (irt) curve slope: time ~ lag3 Oft)
PW 6 303 0 Linear 0.3 0 NA · 170.55
8B 6 67 145 Theis NA 30 30 4.87
13B 2 65 275 Jacob 1.0 300 NA 1.61
17 6 200 250 Theis NA 150 150 5.57
18B2 2 32 320 Jacob NA 18,000 NA 0.12
23B 2 42 50 Jacob 0.7 80 NA 0.61
23D 6 301 60 Hantush4 NA 50 50 2.59
29B 6 62 85 Theis 1.6 3 150 10.38
29D 6 302 85 Theis 1.7 4 50 7.90
30B 2 37 100 Theis NA 4,000 4,000 1.47
30B2 2 80 110 Jacob NA 800 NA 0.26
32B 6 101 130 Hantusha NA 40 40 6.16
32D 6 301 130 Hantush4 1.4 I 30 21.59
33B 6 102 37 Theis 1.2 1 60 10.38
33D 6 305 37 Hantush4 1.2 0 0.3
Defined as straight-line segments on log-log plots, slope = log cycles of drawdown/lo,, c,,cle of tim~ ,.fA. 4. . . 19
~ -, ~. ~,'~ mmcates no early time drawdown, or
early time slope did not deviate from the matched type curve.
Unul drawdown begins, in m nutes.
Until drawdown is matched by a Theis or Hantush curve, in minutes.
nHantush type curves for leaky aquifers.
fracture set that may be common to both outcrop and core data
is the set trending N60W, 58 NE in core and N65W, 70 NE in
outcrop, approximately parallelling foliation. The remaining
four identified fracture sets are clearly dissimilar. The two addi-
tional sets observed in outcrop are steeply dipping and therefore
woul.d be underrepresented in the core data. One set observed in
core is nearly horizontal and therefore would be underrepre-
sented in outcrop. Based on the available data, it appears that all
five fracture sets are present in the rock matrix in the area of the
pumptng test.
Considering only X- and A-type fractures in cores and all
fractures in outcrop, no fracture set comprises more than 28
percent of total fractures measured. Fracture density is greater
than one per foot in cores; this combined with the variety of
fracture orientations leads to a high degree of fracture intercon-
nection in the aquifer. However, if a single fracture set were to be
hydraulically dominant, it was expected to be the foliation-
parallel set. Approximately 66 percent of the X-type fractures in
cores, the apparent mai or flow channels, were from this fracture
set (Figure 3c).
The pumping test was designed to determine how the struc-
tural geology affects the hydraulic response. The structural data
led to two principle working hypotheses. The first held that the
aquifer could be characterized by radial flow via interconnected
fractures, while the second held that the foliation-parallel fea-
tures would control the hydraulic response during pumping.
Pumping Test
A six-inch diameter, 303-foot deep open hole bedrock
pumping well PW was installed in proximity to a number of
bedrock observation wells (Figure 2). The location was chosen to
be along foliation strike from four nearby observation wells, and
along strike of the N80E, 43S fracture set from four other
observation wells. This alignment was proposed to promote the
probability of measuring enhanced drawdown along the strike of
one of these fracture sets. On the other hand, the cluster of wells
around the pumping well allowed measurement ofdrawdown in
many directions, allowing determination if the aquifer could be
evaluated as an isotropic EPM.
During a three-day background period and throughout the
test, water levels were measured continuously at PW and 23
observation wells, including several overburden and remote
background wells not shown in Figure 2. The pumping test
lasted for 21 days at an average yield of 6.5 gpm, ranging from
6.0 to 7.2 gpm. Yield declined slightly as drawdown increased.
After 21 days, the shape of the drawdown contours had stabi-
lized (Figure 2). All 14 of the bedrock observation wells within
300 feet of PW experienced drawdown during the pumping test.
A summary of the key information pertaining to these wells can
be found in Table 1.
Discussion/Analysis--Relationship of Drawdown to
Fracture Patterns
Drawdown contours were mapped for both the shallow and
deep bedrock zones and found to have similar configurations
(Fuss & O'Neill, 1991). For ease of presentation, these results
were composited and presented as a single cone of depression
(Figure 2), in essence showing flow in the aquifer as two-
dlm. ensional (horizontal) with vertical flow components regarded
as inconsequential relative to the goal of predicting the area of
potential plume influence. The cone of depression in Figure 2 is
elongate along a N86E trend, essentially parallel to the strike
direction of two fracture sets. The hydraulic response at the
pumping well is controlled either by a master fracture belonging
to the N80E 43S set, or by the intersection of fractures of that set
with the fractures of the NSOE 2S set. The NSOE 2S fracture set
alone is not likely responsible for the drawdown development,
because that set is essentially flat-lying and would have produced
more circular drawdown contours. Drawdown was measured in
all wells within 300 feet of PW, and this along with consideration
of fracture observations indicates that fractures are well-
connected spatially at the scale of the test.
Neither of the two principal hypotheses based on structural
control of ground-water flow were completely supported by the
observed drawdown. In the first hypothesis, relatively circular
drawdown contours deriving from radial flow via diversely
oriented interconnected fractures should develop. In the second
hypothesis, elongate drawdown contours parallel to the N60W
trend of the foliation should develop. The data suggest that (1) at
the scale of the well, ground-water flow is likely governed by a
master fracture (extended well) striking approximately N86E,
and (2) at the scale of the test the aquifer is heterogeneous and
flow occurs through diversely oriented interconnected fractures.
The results of this test cannot be extrapolated to characterize
other regions within the aquifer because of limited correlation
with a dominant structural feature. Aquifer heterogeneity inval-
idates both principle hypotheses of structurally controlled
ground-water flow at the scale of the aquifer.
Discussion/Analysis--Evaluation of Time-Drawdown
The timc-drawdown data for PW display an approximate
slope of 0.3 log cycles of drawdown per log cycle of time up to
3000 minutes (Figure 4a). The data after 3000 minutes are not
amenable to analysis due to periodic pump adjustments to main-
tain flow rate as drawdown increased. This drawdown curve
cannot be matched to a Theis curve or other radial flow solution.
Overall the PW drawdown curve is consistent with linear flow in
a single fracture or fracture set which is significantly more
transmissive than the remaining fractures. Wells with single
fracture flow typically have drawdown curves consisting of
straight lines with slopes of 0.25 to 0.5 (Streltsova, 1988). A slope
of 0.25 would be attributed to a relatively low-permeability
master fracture, while a slope of 0.5 would be attributed to a
high-permeability fracture (Gringarten, 1982).
The early time-drawdown data for observation wells near
PW cannot generally be matched to a radial flow solution such
as a Theis curve. Where early time deviations from Theis type
curves occur, the data can be instructive in evaluating a pumping
test where flow at the pumping well occurs dominantly through a
single fracture or extended well. Wells that intersect the extended
well should have a drawdown response similar to that at the
pumping well, or identical if there is no well loss (Jenkins and
Prentice, 1982). If the early time data have a lower slope than the
Theis curve but greater than the pumping well (Figure 4b), it
indicates that the observation well is in proximity to the master
fracture but does not intersect it (Krnseman and de Ridder,
1991). Interpreting the early time-drawdown data for MW-29B,
MW-29D, and MW-32D with type curves and formulae pre-
sented by Kruseman and de Ridder (1991) suggests the extended
well at PW is 140 feet long (Figure 2). At this site, all observation
wells within 50 feet of the interpreted extended well have early
time-drawdown curves that deviate from the Theis solution,
indicating they have an early phase of linear flow. All wells
greater than 50 feet from the extended well have early time data
amenable to radial flow solutions (Table 1), with the exception of
The late time-drawdown data for all bedrock observation
wells within 300 feet of PW were interpreted by radial flow
methods, as is appropriate for wells outside the zone of linear
flow after long periods of pumping (Jenkins and Prentice, 1982).
This indicates that at that scale the aquifer is characterized by
spatially well~connected fractures. Most of the observation well
responses were matched to Theis curves (Figures 4b and 4c).
Late time Theis curve matches are typical of observation wells
responding to pumping from an extended well (Gringarten,
Based on the drawdown curves, the single fracture model
appears to be an appropriate model for this aquifer test. The
aquifer test is dominated by linear flow in a single fracture at PW
extending approximately 140 feet in an east-west direction. Con-
sistent with the single fracture model, at the observation wells
radial flow through interconnected fractures dominates after the
first hours of the test.
Implications for Smaller Scale Pumping Tests
The abundance of data collected allowed a detailed por-
trayal of the bedrock aquifer at this site. However, a typical
pumping test would not be nearly as long, nor would there be as
many observation wells. Some of the data collected highlight
how a smaller scale test may have provided an erroneous aquifer
characterization. In many crystaLUne bedrock aquifers character-
ized by fracture flow and minimal primary porosity, it is likely
that pumping wells will obtain water from relatively few fracture
zones. It is typical practice to complete a well after a single
moderate- or high-yielding fracture is encountered, with addi-
tional drilling only to add storage to the well. Due to economic
constraints, the observation wells for a pumping test are typically
Time (min.)
Fig. 4. Time-drawdown curves for the pumping well PW (4a), and observation wells MW-29B (4b) and MW-17 (4c).
few and the aquifer tests of limited du, .on. A test with only
three observation wells would possibly have revealed the same
orientation for the extended well, but would have failed to show
the degree of interconnection at all azimuths. Time-drawdown
curves developed from an 8-hour or even 72-hour test may have
suggested a strictly linear flow domain, because the early time
data at many wells suggest linear flow. Although drawdown in
most wells was matched to a radial flow type curve after the first
150 minutes of the test, it takes approximately two log cycles of
time thereafter to correctly identify the type curve. With less time
the later time-drawdown data may also appear to plot linearly.
It is vital to characterize the geology and define the goals of
the pumping test before completely planning the observation
well network and test duration. In planning a test to demonstrate
the behavior ora bedrock aquifer, as opposed to the behavior of
a single well, one should consider detailed structural analysis, a
more elaborate observation well network, greater pumping
duration, and more comprehensive analysis of drawdown
The pumping test and structural analysis reported herein
are based on abundant data, and different portions of the data
set when viewed independently support different aquifer charac-
terizations. Fracture analysis revealed five fracture sets of var-
ious orientations, with no fracture set comprising more than 28
percent of fractures; these observations suggest that radial flow
may develop via intemonnected fractures. However, one fracture
set parallel to foliation included 66 pement of the fractures
inferred to be highly transmissive in rock core (Figure 3c); if the
aquifer could be characterized as anisotropic, the direction of
maximum drawdown was anticipated to be parallel to this frac-
ture set.
Drawdown was experienced in all directions from the
pumping well and at all wells within 300 feet, suggesting radial
flow in an intemonnected fracture matrix. For the observation
wells experiencing drawdown, ali time-drawdown curves could
be interpreted by radial flow techniques. However, time-
drawdown data from the pumping well and early time-drawdown
data from the observation wells within 50 feet of the extended
well suggest linear flow in a single fracture. These observations in
sum am consistent with the single fracture model, where radial
flow dominates outside the area immediately around the master
fracture intersecting the pumping well. Drawdown contours
(Figure 2) support the model. The axis of maximum drawdown
does not parallel the most abundant fracture set, demonstrating
the limited correlation between the hydraulic response observed
during the pumping test and the major structural features. The
elongated drawdown contours observed at PW cannot be
extrapolated to characterize the entire aquifer, Taken in context
with the available geologic data, the pumping test portrays an
aquifer that is heterogeneous and composed of many intercon-
nected low-permeability fractures in a relatively impermeable
The r~sults indicate the advisability of performing structur-
al analysis along with aquifer analysis to characterize a bedrock
aquifer, particularly_ ,ow-porosity crystalline bedrock where a
single fracture zone may yield most of the water to a well. The
results also indicate that, while response at a pumping well may
suggest linear single fracture flow, ff more observation wells or
later time data are available it may be found that the aquifer
responds with radial flow. The goals of a bedrock pumping test
and the structural data should be carefully considered before the
test duration, observation well network, and data collection and
analysis programs are planned.
We thank Dr. Paul Hsieh and three anonymous reviewers,
along with our colleagues Robert S. Potterton, Jr. for his review
of previous drafts, and Arthur Zahradnik for his review of the
discussion of time-drawdown curves.
Billings, M. P. 1972. Structural Geology. Prentice-Hall, Englewood
CIiffs, NJ.
Fuss & O'Neill, lnc., 1991.21-day Bedrock Pumping Test, Potential
Residue Disposal Site, Fort Shaatok Road.
Goldsmith, R. 1967. Bedrock Geologic Map of the Uncasville Quad-
rangle, Connecticut. Reston, VA. U.S. Geological Survey Map
Goldsmith, R. 1985. Honey Hill Fault and Hunts Brook Syncline.
Guidebook for Fieldtrips in Connecticut and Adjacent Areas of
New York and Rhode Island. State Geological and Natural
History Survey of Connecticut. Guidebook no. 6, pp. 491-507.
Gringarten, A. C. and P. A. Witherspoon. 1972. A method of analyzing
pump test data from fractured aquifers. In: Int. Soc. Rock
Mechanics and Int. Ass. Eng. Geol., Proc. Syrup. Rock
Mechanics, Stuttgart. v. 3-B, pp. 1-9.
Gringarten, A. C. 1982. Flow-test evaluation of fractured reservoirs.
Geological Society of America Special Paper 189. pp. 237-263.
Jenkins, D. N. and J. K. Prentice. 1982. Theory for aquifer test analysis
in fractured rocks under linear (nonradial) flow conditions.
Ground Water. v. 20, no. 1, pp. 12-21.
Jones, J. W., E. S. Simpson, S. 1~ Neuman, and W. S. Keys. 1985. Field
and Theoretical Investigation of Fractured Crystalline Rock
Near Oracle, Arizona. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC. NRC FIN B5753.
Karasaki, K. 1986. Well test analysis in fractured media. Univ. of
California, Berkeley. Ph.D. dissertation.
Kruseman, G. P. and N. A. de Ridder. 1991. Analysis and Evaluation
of Pumping Test Data. International Institute for Land Reda-
marion and Improvement, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Long, J.C.S., J. S. Remer, S. R. Wilson, and P. A. Witherspoon. 1982.
Porous medial equivalents for networks of discontinuous frac-
tures. Water Resources Research. v. 18, no. 3, pp. 645-658.
Moench, A. F. 1984. Double porosity models for a fissured ground.
water reservoir with fracture skin. Water Resources Research.
v. 20, no. 7, pp. 831-846.
Pankow, J. F., R. L. Johnson, J. P. Hewetson, and J. A. Cherry. 1986.
An evaluation of contaminant migration patterns at two waste
disposal sites on fractured porous media in terms of equivalent
porous medium (EPM) model. Journal of Contaminant
Hydrology. v. i, pp. 65-76.
Schmelling, S. G. and R. R. Ross. 1989. Contaminant Transport in
Fractured Media: Models for Decision Makers. EPA Superfund
Issue Paper. EPA/540/4-89/004.
Streltsova, T. D. 1988. Well Testing in Heterogeneous Formations.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
Walton, W. C. 1991. Principles of Groundwater Engineering. Lewis
Publishers, Chelsea, MI.
Draft Comments in Response to ADNR, ADEC, and Terrasat reviews
ADNR memo to Gary Prokoseh, July 30, 1997
Responses to comments:
The sand and gravel well was test pumped because DHHS was more concerned with well impacts
fi.om that area of the subdivision. We tried to drill and test pump the area that was most likely to
cause problems. It was unexpected to encounter a sand and gravel aquifer at that location. It is of
limited areal extent, and is not present where other wells tap bedrock.
The bedrock well is located more than 500 feet from wells in Scimitar that people are concerned
about. We would not expect to see any response in an aquifer test of a few days duration. See
subsequent comments on the feasibility of aquifer testing.
ADEC letter to DHI Consulting Engineers, August 5, 1997
Responses to general comments: None
Responses to specific comments:
Analysis of Nitrates in Well Water
1. No comment.
2. No comment
3. The conclusion that the data do not demonstrate the presence of a clear increasing or
decreasing nitrate trend does not suggest that the data are insufficient to draw sound
conclusions. With the data collected to data, if a strong area-wide trend was present, the data
should show it. The absence of an clear trend is a sound conclusion. Any trend that is present
therefore must be weak or variable fi.om place to place or both.
4. A pattern has been identified. The pattern is that nitrate trends are weak or spatially variable
or both. The conclusion of the work is that this pattern should be expected to continue with
the proposed subdivision. Comments 3 and 4 seem to imply that the there is a strong trend of
increasing nitrates throughout the neighborhood, we just haven't found it with our limited
data. In contrast, the data show that we have been looking, but that it does not seem to be
there as surmised.
Aquifer Test Results and Hydrogeologic Review.
No Comment.
The aquifer test results can be used to project long term aquifer yield, at least in a general
sense. The test data allow calculation of a specific yield for the pumped well of 4.1 gallons
per minute/foot of drawdown. The pumped well has approximately 28 feet of available
drawdown fi.om static conditions. A simple calculation using these values not considering
aquifer boundaries would provide a possible well yield of 115 gpm. A similar calculation
using the Theis method yields an estimated drawdown of 25 ft after pumping for 100 days at a
rate of 50 gpm assuming an effective well radius of 1 foot and an aquifer storativity of 0.0001.
This calculation assumes no aquifer boundaries and no recharge. These calculations are more
than an order of magnitude higher than the sustainable rate of 3.8 gpm projected in our report.
This large difference is the reason why the long-term yield estimate is reasonable to make
considering the geologic uncertainties at the site. Terrasat reviewed the field data and our
conclusions and concluded that the aquifer "is capable of sustaining a long-term pumping rate
of up to several gallons per minute." This provides support that the estimate is reasonable. I
would be pleased to provide copies of the data to ADEC should ADEC wish to prepare an
independent estimate of long-term aquifer productivity.
3. We looked for wells as suggested and found none.
4. It is not clear how "the nitrate analysis" supports the statement. "Significant" in this instance
means that typical aquifer tests are too short term for defining the degree of hydraulic
separation between the two aquifers.
5. The determination of "unduly affected", as stated, is established by statute, regulation, and
practice under the authority of DNR. Other entities may rely on other means of addressing
water availability conflicts, however, I am not aware of any other regulatory framework in
Alaska that addresses these complex issues. Entities that use other means to address water
availability conflicts may contradict established DNR procedures and create greater
entanglements. It is not clear why ADEC is reporting on discussions regarding the phrase
"unduly affected" and defining the basis for decision-making. Does ADEC have regulatory
procedures in this area?
6. We disagree with this comment, and believe that the information presented in the two reports
is sufficient to support the findings that have been presented. The proposed development has
not been shown to have a significant adverse effect on area groundwater supplies. The
proposed lot sizes and development plans compared to surrounding lots results in reasonable
protection for groundwater in the area. We also believe that a substantial amount of
hydrologic work has been accomplished that supports proceeding with the development and
that sound, responsible, and reasonable decisions that adequately address the interests of all
parties involved can be made with existing information. However, in order to address the
concerns presented, we have undertaken additional hydrologic work to further substantiate
that this subdivision merits approval. These findings are presented below.
TERRASAT, INC, Letter to Margaret O'Brien, August 1, 1997
1. (p. 1) Anecdotal data from citizens is not presented in this report and has not been made part of
the public record. The findings of this study cannot be substantiated without access to those
2. (p.2, paragraph 2) It is not clear how stable trends in some of the 17 of 22 wells with multiple
nitrate data lead to the conclusion that nitrates are potential concern for nearly 80 percent of
area well owners. Stable trends should indicate that levels of concern should be low.
Nevertheless, most residents with concerns should be more concerned with developments on
or near their lot than with development in some cases over 1000 feet away.
(p. 3-top p. 4) Recent work in Ontario indicates that nitrates are the contaminant of concern in
areas where septic systems are used. The comparison is fair because the source of the nitrates
is not as important as the perspective of how levels of nitrates in Alaska compare to other
parts of North America. This allows us to scale management responses in Alaska with
management responses taken elsewhere.
(p. 3) The conclusion that "the sand/gravel aquifer tapped by the test well is capable of
sustaining a long-term pumping rote of up to several gallons per minute" supports the Bristol
conclusion that the aquifer should be capable of sustaining long-term pumping of 3.8 gpm.
(p. 3) The statement that "we have found no evidence to support a conclusion that new wells
in the bedrock aquifer within the proposed subdivision are capable of producing adequate
water" is not supportable.
· A 500 foot deep flowing artesian well tapping the bedrock aquifer was drilled on the subject
property in May of 1997, with a reported yield of 360 gallons per hour. This well has
subsequently been flow tested at 0.5 gpm with only 34 inches of drawdown. Projection of
potential aquifer yield at this well site suggests that 360 gallons per hour (6 gpm) is
· The table of data in the Terrasat report shows wells on approximately 90 properties that
completely surround the subject property that have functioning wells. Of 31 reported flow
tests on these properties, only 3 show yields of less than 0.5 gpm. The average flow test rate
is 1.93 gpm. The average age of wells drilled on these properties is 13.8 years. The
existence of this large number of wells that have successfully pumped water for many years
immediately adjacent to and surrounding the proposed subdivision is strong evidence that
the bedrock aquifer within the proposed subdivision is capable of producing adequate water.
6. (p. 3) The statements about decreasing well yields and increasing nitrate levels over the past
several years is unsubstantiated without review of the anecdotal information. We examined
publicly available nitrate analyses and summarized the results previously. Are there
additional nitrate analyses available? Is this statement based on resident's review of the
same data set that we reviewed with different "anecdotal" conclusions presented that are
repeated but not substantiated here?
7. The conclusion that 80% of current residents do not get "the quantity or quality of water
currently needed by the community" is unsupported and inaccurate. It is further stated "that
there is currently a water shortage on this part of the hillside". The physical data included in
the table of this report argues otherwise. Only 10 percent of lots show the presence of more
than one well on the lot. Only 10 percent of wells that have been tested show less than 0.5
gpm. In comparing 31 Flow Test Yields with their Initial Yields, 14 show a decrease in
yield, 10 show an increase in yield, and two show no change. Five flow tests had no
reported initial yields. The number of wells showing no change or an increase in flow rate
since the well were drilled is almost the same as the number showing a decrease. We have
conducted a further analysis of this problem which is presented below.
8. (p. 3) The recommendations for additional aquifer testing are not practical or reasonable.
Attached is a recent journal article by Gernand and Heidtman (G&H) describing an aquifer
test in a similar geologic environment. The findings of this study show that aquifer tests in
low yield bedrock aquifers:
· are rare
· are difficult to test, analyze, and characterize (G&H tested their well for 21 days with
numerous dataloggers on 13 observation wells)
· are recommended to be done in conjunction with a detailed structural analysis of the
· require careful evaluation of the goals of the test prior to planning the test.
Wells tapping the aquifer of G&H had higher average yields that in the area of Denali View, yet
a radius of influence of only 300 feet was needed to define the drawdown response almost
completely. Even a 500 foot radius from the bedrock well drilled at Denali View Subdivision
would not reach any wells west of Denali View in Scimitar Subdivision.
We observed approximately 60 feet of water level rise in a domestic well used as an observation
well during the May aquifer test. This indicates that some wells are not well connected to
bedrock fractures that supply water to other wells. In order to conduct a controlled aquifer test,
it would be important to take all pumping wells out of service within 1000 ft of the pumped well
for at least a week to allow water levels to equilibrate. Dataloggers would need to be installed
in each monitoring well.
The goals of the bedrock aquifer test proposed by Terrasat are not clear. How will the degree of
hydraulic connection between the upper and lower aquifers be used to help resolve the issues of
(potential) decreasing long-term water production and (potential) increasing nitrate levels?
The test program as outlined is likely to result in ambiguous hydraulic relationships and
uncertain long-term projects for both issues, and is likely to result in a prolonged and
unproductive process of data collection, analysis, review, and rebuttal; it is not likely to add any
material clarity to the issues under discussion.
(p. 4) We do not believe that it is appropriate to suggest that existing levels of nitrates may be
a significant threat to public health. Lots adjacent to the proposed subdivision have uniformly
low reported nitrate concentrations. Because trends of elevated nit'rates are weak and
scattered, further studies are unlikely to discover an immediate or serious health risk. Further
studies would not add material clarity to the nitrates issues. The existing quantity of data and
the analysis of data are sufficient and adequate for reasonable people to recommend approval
of this subdivision.
So what is the real story here?
There is no Peters Creek Hillside aquifer depletion going on.
· If aquifer was depleted why would a newly drilled well be flowing? This does not
make any sense.
· Water shortages are explainable by low well yields when first drilled and gradual sealing of
aquifer fractures at the well bore over time
· The solution is to rehabilitate well bores by hydrofracing
· Experience in Skyline Drive area of Eagle River: 100 wells; 16 hydrofrac jobs; hard data
shows all successful; lots of happy homeowners; no known failures; yield improvements up
to 10x, water level rises up to 191 ft.
Aquifer depletions are characterized by depressed potentiometric surfaces. The only known
ADNR-imposed ban on drilling in Alaska because of a water shortage was at Auke Bay near
Juneau where the potentiometfic surface of the aquifer was depressed below sea level and salt
water was entering pumped wells. The flowing well proves that is not the case here.
Terrasat's table shows no data regarding hydrofracing. Let's suppose that each and every well
that currently has a yield problem has not been hydrofraced. It is reasonable to conclude that 10
to 20 percent of all wells tapping a low yield bedrock aquifer of this type will need hydrofracing
at some point of their useful life. So what's the big deal? Community Planning seems to think
that there is a certain carrying capacity of the aquifer and that we may have already exceeded it.
Review of Anecdotal Data
The hard data contained the Terrasat report shows that 90 percent of wells have plenty of water.
This directly contradicts claims by residents about the nature of the problem. These data were
criticized at the August 14 meeting at Community Planning as being out of date. At the July
19°~ community meeting, Jim Cross recommended that residents have flow tests done by an
engineer to document their contentions. This recommendation was ignored. The Terrasat report
included no recent test data. Instead, we are left to review anecdotal data. We are aware of
anecdotal data where people's water problems are traced to pump problems or inadequate
storage in the home. Of the three systems tested during 1996 and listed in the Terrasat report,
all passed health authority approvals.
Of the thirty reported pieces of anecdotal data ....(Let's take a look at it)...
Some would Iikely pass a health authority approval
Some cannot be independently determined to indicate that there is any unusual problem
The rest would likely be nicely solved by hydrofracing.
Hydrofracing should be regarded as a routine O &M operation for some wells in this geologic
setting. Just like septic drainfields sometimes require replacing after about 15 years, some wells
may need hydrofracing every 15 or 20 years. Hydrofracing is less expensive than drainfield
replacement. It is a proven successful method for tapping a low-yield bedrock aquifer for long-
term successful delivery ora safe and adequate amount of water to each and every homeowner.
Find out what DNR thinks is needed to address issues
Find out what DEC thinks is needed to address issues
Find out what DHHS thinks is needed to address issues
Approach Community Planning with points of agreement.
Department of Health and Human Services
July 25, 1997
Zoning and Platting, CPD
James Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water Quality
Bruce Chandler, MD, MPH, Medical Officer
S-10054, Denali View Subdivision
As a follow up to the comments made in my April 18, 1997 memo regarding this subdivision, I
have the following additional comments:
1. Items 2 and 3 regarding soils testing and disposal system sites have been complied with.
2. An hydrologist's study was conducted as requested. The following is a discussion of the
results of this study.
Title 21, section 21.15.110.B.4.b covers the requirements for sub-dividers concerning the
substantiation of a safe and adequate supply of water. This section reads, in part: "The sub-
divider shall submit supporting written information including: all plans, data, tests and
engineering reports required by the Department of Health and Human Services to substantiate
the availability of a safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes ..."
The hydrologist's study met the requirements stipulated by DHHS in that it included the
installation of two wells within the proposed subdivision, and the study monitored the affects of
pumping one of these wells on the other well within the proposed subdivision and two existing
domestic water supply wells serving single family homes adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
The pumped well produced approximately 5.5 gallons per minute for a period of twenty four
hours, during which time the water level in the second well within the proposed subdivision
fluctuated, but these fluctuations did not correlate with the pumping. The two existing domestic
wells which were monitored during the pump test both recovered (water levels rose within the
well casings) during the 24 period of pumping. This presumably could have been caused by the
cessation of water usage by the homes they support, but also shows little or no affect from the
pumping. There is a possibility that these wells would have recovered faster if the pumping had
not occurred, but that is unknown. More details of the study can be obtained from the report
prepared by Bristol Environmental Services Corporation.
These results, taken on their own, satisfy the requirements outlined above for the availability of
adequate water to support the proposed subdivision. The question ofwhether the taking of this
water will unduly effect existing wells nearby is discussed below.
The area of the proposed Denali View Subdivision and Scimitar Subdivision to its north are
underlain by bedrock. Existing wells in Scimitar Subdivision all obtain water from areas within
this bedrock. Bedrock wells typically produce water from fractures and fissures within the
bedrock which have relatively small flows. There are numerous fractures and fissures under
these subdivisions, and they are typically not interconnected. This can be seen by comparing
static water levels in various neighboring wells, which can fluctuate by over 100 feet. It also can
be verified by the fact that the production of water from one bedrock well will not affect the
production of water in neighboring wells.
However, there is the possibility that the drilling of a new well could intersect the same fissure
that an existing well is using for its production. In this case, the existing well's production would
be affected (and the affected owner would presumably have water rights for protection). In my
professional opinion, the chance that the drilling of the 11 wells which will serve the proposed
Denali View Subdivision will affect the production of any existing well within Scimitar subdivision
is slight. The chance that these 11 wells will cumulatively effect all of the wells in Scimitar
Subdivision is remote.
Residents of Scimitar Subdivision have stated that their wells have produced less water in
recent years. Due to the fact that there has been little or no development in this subdivision in
the 90's, this drop in production is most likely caused by climatic effects (lower rainfall and
snowfall to recharge groundwater sources), as is the case within ether areas of the Municipality
of Anchorage.
Because ingestion of excessive amounts of nitrate can cause adverse health effects in very
young infants and susceptible adults, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
has established a maximum acceptable level, known as the Maximum Contaminant Level
(MCL), for nitrate in public drinking water supplies. This level is 10 milligrams per liter (mg/I)--
often expressed as 10 parts per million (PPM)--measured on the basis of the nitrogen content of
nitrate. This standard of 10 PPM nitrate-nitrogen was set to prevent the occurrence of infant
methemoglobinemia with a reasonable margin of safety. Consumption of water with less than 10
mg/I nitrate nitrogen poses no identified health risk for humans of any age.
Some neighboring homeowners have voiced concern about the potential degradation of water
quality, especially in regard to nitrate concentrations, on existing wells in the vicinity of the
Denali View subdivision. While most properties in Scimitar Subdivision have Iow nitrate levels,
some properties have moderate levels below the EPA MCL; two properties have levels which
exceed the EPA MCL. These elevations appear to be isolated and localized. There is no
evidence of widespread nitrate elevation throughout the subdivision or underlying aquifer.
Further study would be required to determine the source of elevated nitrates in each well.
Nitrate levels in water from two test wells in the Denali View Subdivision have been very Iow or
non-detectable. Based on available data, it is unlikely that responsible development of Denali
View subdivision will significantly impact the drinking water nitrate levels of neighboring
properties. Details of the nitrate concentrations and their distribution can be seen in the report
prepared by Bristol Environmental Services.
The development of Denali View Subdivision will be monitored by the DHHS, and nitrate levels
will be followed through the Health Authority Approval which includes the testing of wells. If
there is any indication of elevated nitrate levels within, or due to development in Denali View,
DHHS will require the installation of nitrate reducing septic systems for any newly developed
lots. To accomplish this, the following plat note shall be added: "Nitrate reducing septic
systems may be required by DHHS for the development of each lot within this subdivision."
I am also aware that a second hydrologist's report is being prepared by a different firm at the
request of some homeowners surrounding this proposed subdivision. I have seen no
information from this report as of this date.
Department of Healrh and Human Sen'ices
DATE: July 25. 1997
TO: Zonin~ and Platting, CPD
/q' "~ (~l~e; Cross. PE, Program Manager, On-Site VVater Quality
CONCUR: Bruce Chandler, MD, MPH, Medical Officer
SUBJECT: S-10054. Denali View Subdivision
;UL :' q ~9S7'
As a follow up to the comments made in my April 18, 1997 memo regarding this subdivision,
have the following additional comments:
1. Items 2 and 3 regarding soils testing and disposal system sites have been complied with.
2. An hydrologist's study was conducted as requested. The following is a discussion of the
results of this stucy.
Title 21, section 21.15.110.B.4.b covers the requirements for sub-dividers concerning the
substantiation of a safe and adequate supply of water. This section reads, in part: "The sub-
divider shall submit supporting wdtten information including: all plans, data, tests and
engineering reports required by the Department of Health and Human Services to substantiate
the availability of a safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes ..."
The hydrologist's study met the requirements stipulated by DHHS in that it included the
installation of two wel!s within the proposed subdivision, and the study monitored the affects of
pumping one of these wells on the other well within the proposed subdivision and two existing
domestic water supply wells serving single family homes adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
The pumped well produced approximately 5.5 gallons per minute for a period of twenty four
hours, during which time the water level in the second well within the proposed subdivision
fluctuated, but these fluctuations did not correlate with the pumping. The two existing
domestic wells which were monitored during the pump test both recovered (water levels rose
within the well casings) during the 24 period of pumping. This presumably could have been
caused by the cessation of water usage by the homes they support, but also shows little or no
affect from the pumping. There is a possibility that these wells would have recovered faster if
the pumping had not occurred, but that is unknown. More details of the study can be obtained
from the report prepared by Bdstol Environmental Services Corporation.
These results, taken on their own, satisfy the requirements outlined above for the availability of
adequate water to support the proposed subdivision. The question of whether the taking of
this water will unduly effect existing wells nearby is discussed below.
The area of the proposed Denali View Subdivision and Scimitar Subdivision to its north are
underlain by bedrock. Exisdng wells in Scimitar Subdivision all obtain water from areas within
this bedrock. Bedrock wells typically produce water from fractures and fissures within the
bedrock which have relatively small flows. There are numerous fractures and fissures under
these subdivisions, and they are typically not interconnected. This can be seen by comparing
static water levels in vadous neighboring welIs, which can fluctuate by over 100 feet. It also
can be verified by the fact that the sroduction of water from one bedrock well will not affect the
production of water in neighborinc ,ivetls.
However, there is the possibility that the ddfling of a new well could intersect the same fissure
that an existing well is using for its product on. In this case, the existing well's production
would be affected (and the affected owner would presumably have water dghts for protection).
In my professional opinion, the chance that the drilling of the 11 wetls which will serve the
proposed Denali View Subdivision will affect the production of any existing well within Scimitar
subdivision is slight. The chance that these 11 wells will cumulatively effect all of the wells in
Scimitar Subdivision is remote.
Residents of Scimitar Subdivision have stated that their wells have produced less water in
recent years. Due to the fact that there has been little or no development in this subdivision in
he 90 s, this drop in production is most likely caused by climatic effects (lower rainfall and
snowfall to recharge groundwater sources), as is the case within other areas of the Municipality
of Anchorage.
Because ingestion of excessive amounts of nitrate can cause adverse health effects in very
young infants and susceptible adults, the United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) has established a maximum acceptable level, known as the Maximum Contaminant
Level (MCL), for nitrate in public ddnking water supplies. This level is 10 milligrams per liter
(mg/I)-often expressed as 10 parts per million (PPM)-measured on the basis of the ni~ogen
content of nitrate. This standard of 10 PPM nitrate-nitrogen was set to prevent the occurrence
of infant methemoglobinemia with a reasonable margin of safety. Consumption of water with
less than 10 mg/l nitrate nitrogen poses no identified health risk for humans of any age.
Some neighboring homeowners have voiced concern about the potential degradation of water
quality, especially in regard to nitrate concentrations, on existing wells in the vicinity of the
Denali View subdivision. While most properties in Scimitar Subdivision have Iow nitrate levels,
some properties have moderate levels below the EPA MCL; two properties have levels which
exceed the EPA MCL. These elevations appear to be isolated and localized. There is no
evidence of widespread nitrate elevation throughout the subdivision or underlying aquifer.
Further study would be required to determine the source of elevated nitrates in each well.
Nitrate levels in water from two test wells in the Denali View Subdivision have been very Iow or
nan-detectable. Based on available data, it is unlikely that responsible development of Denali
View subdivision will significantly impact the drinking water nitrate revels of neighboring
properties, Details of the nitrate concentrations and their distribution can be seen in the report
prepared by Bdstol Environmental Services.
The development of Denali View Subdivision will be monitored by the DHHS, and nitrate levels
will be followed through the Health Authority Approval which includes the testing of wells, if
there is any indication of elevated nitrate levels within, or due to development in Denali View,
DHHS will require the installation of nitrate reducing'septic systems for any newly developed
lots. To accomplish this, the following plat note shall be added: "Nitrate reducing septic
systems.,may b,e required by DHHS for the development of each lot within this subdivision."
Department of Health and Human Services
July 25, 1997
Zoning and Platting, CPD
James Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water Quality
Bruce Chandler, MD, MPH, Medical Officer
S-10054, Denali View Subdivision
As a follow up to the comments made in my April 18, 1997 memo regarding this subdivision, I
have the following additional comments:
1. Items 2 and 3 regarding soils testing and disposal system sites have been complied with.
2. An hydrologist's study was conducted as requested. The following is a discussion of the
results of this study.
Title 21, section 21.15.110.B.4.b covers the requirements for sub-dividers concerning the
substantiation of a safe and adequate supply of water. This section reads, in part: "The sub-
divider shall submit supporting written information including: all plans, data, tests and
engineering reports required by the Department of Health and Human Services to substantiate
the availability of a safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes ...
The hydrologist's study met the requirements stipulated by DHHS in that il included the
installation of two wells within the proposed subdivision, and the study monitored the affects of
pumping one of these wells on the other well within the proposed subdivision and two existing
domestic water supply wells serving single family homes adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
The pumped well produced approximately 5.5 gallons per minute for a period of twenty four
hours, during which time the water level in the second well within the proposed subdivision
fluctuated, but these fluctuations did not correlate with the pumping. The two existing domestic
wells which were monitored during the pump test both recovered (water levels rose within the
well casings) during the 24 period of pumping. This presumably could have been caused by the
cessation of water usage by the homes they support, but also shows little or no affect from the
pumping. There is a possibility that these wells would have recovered faster if the pumping had
not occurred, but that is unknown. More details of the study can be obtained from the report
prepared by Bristol Environmental Services Corporation.
These results, taken on their own, satisfy the requirements outlined above for the availability of
adequate water to support the proposed subdivision. The question of whether the taking of this
water will unduly effect existing wells nearby is discussed below.
The area of the proposed Denali View Subdivision and Scimitar Subdivision to its north are
underlain by bedrock. Existing wells in Scimitar Subdivision all obtain water from areas within
this bedrock. Bedrock wells typically produce water from fractures and fissures within the
bedrock which have relatively small flows. There are numerous fractures and fissures under
these subdivisions, and they are typically not interconnected. This can be seen by comparing
static water levels in various neighboring wells, which can fluctuate by over 100 feet. It also can
be verified by the fact that the production of water from one bedrock well will not affect the
production of water in neighboring wells.
However, there is the possiu~lity that the drilling of a new well could ihLersect the same fissure
that an existing well is using for its production. In this case, the existing well's production would
be affected (and the affected owner would presumably have water rights for protection). In my
professional opinion, the chance that the drilling of the 11 wells which will serve the proposed
Denali View Subdivision will affect the production of any existing well within Scimitar subdivision
is slight. The chance that these 11 wells will cumulatively effect all of the wells in Scimitar
Subdivision is remote.
Residents of Scimitar Subdivision have stated that their wells have produced less water in
recent years. Due to the fact that there has been little or no development in this subdivision in
the 90's, this drop in production is most likely caused by climatic effects (lower rainfall and
snowfall to recharge groundwater sources), as is the case within other areas of the Municipality
of Anchorage.
Because ingestion of excessive amounts of nitrate can cause adverse health effects in very
young infants and susceptible adults, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
has established a maximum acceptable level, known as the Maximum Contaminant Level
(MCL), for nitrate in public drinking water supplies. This level is 10 milligrams per liter (mg/I)--
often expressed as 10 parts per million (PPM)--measured on the basis of the nitrogen content of
nitrate. This standard of 10 PPM nitrate-nitrogen was set to prevent the occurrence of infant
methemoglobinemia with a reasonable margin of safety. Consumption of water with less than 10
mg/I nitrate nitrogen poses no identified health risk for humans of any age.
Some neighboring homeowners have voiced concern about the potential degradation of water
quality, especially in regard to nitrate concentrations, on existing wells in the vicinity of the
Denali View subdivision. While most properties in Scimitar Subdivision have Iow nitrate levels,
some properties have moderate levels below the EPA MCL; two properties have levels which
exceed the EPA MCL. These elevations appear to be isolated and localized. There is no
evidence of widespread nitrate elevation throughout the subdivision or underlying aquifer.
Further study would be required to determine the source of elevated nitrates in each well.
Nitrate levels in water from two test wells in the Denali View Subdivision have been very Iow or
non-detectable. Based on available data, it is unlikely that responsible development of Denali
View subdivision will significantly impact the drinking water nitrate levels of neighboring
properties. Details of the nitrate concentrations and their distribution can be seen in the report
prepared by Bristol Environmental Services.
The development of Denali View Subdivision will be monitored by the DHHS, and nitrate levels
will be followed through the Health Authority Approval which includes the testing of wells. If
there is any indication of elevated nitrate levels within, or due to development in Dena~i View,
DHHS wilt require the installation of nitrate reducing septic systems for any newly developed
lots. To accomplish this, the following plat note shall be added: "Nitrate reducing septic
systems may be required by DHHS for the development of each lot within this subdivision."
I am also aware that a second hydrologist's report is being prepared by a different firm at the
request of some homeowners surrounding this proposed subdivision. I have seen no
information from this report as of this date.
Department of Health and Human Sen'ices
CATE: July 25. 1997
TO: Zonino and F!atting, CPD
/1...-,(...]~.~l~el Cross. PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water Quaiity
CONCUR: Bruce Chandler, MD, MPH, Medical Off~cer
SUBJECT: S-100.~4. Denaii View Subdivision
As a follow up to the comments made in my April 18, 1997 memo re]arding this subdivision,
have the following additional comments:
1. Items 2 and 3 regarding soils testing and disposal system sites have been complied with.
2. An hydrdogist's study was conducted as requested. The following is a discussion of the
results of this study.
Title 21, section 21.15.110.B.4.b covers the requirements for sub-dividers concerning the
substantiation of a safe and adequate supply of water. This section reads, in part: "The sub-
divider shall submit supporting written information including: all plans, data, tests and
engineering reports required by the Department of Health and Human Services to substantiate
the availability of a safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes ...*
The hydrologist's study met the requirements stipdated by DHHS in that it included the
installation of two we!!s within the proposed subdivision, and the study monitored the affects of
pumping one of these wells an the other well within the proposed subdivision and tvvo existing
domestic water supply wells serving single family homes adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
The pumped well produced approximately 5.5 gallo0s per minute for a period of twenty four
hours, dudng which time the water level in the second well within the proposed subdivision
fluctuated, but these fluctuations did not correlate with the pumping. The two existing
domestic wells which were monitored during the pump test both recovered (water levels rose
within the well casings) during the 24 period of pumping. This presumably could have been
caused by the cessation of water usage by the homes they support; but also shows liffie or no
affect from the pumping. There is a possibility that these wells would have recovered faster if
the pumping had not occurred, but that is unknown. More details of the study c~n be obtained
from the report prepared by Bristol Environmental Services Corporation.
These results, taken on their own, satis,'~/the requirements outlined above for the availability of
adequate water to support the proposed ~ubdivision. The question of whether the taking of
this water will unduly effect existing wells nearby is discussed below.
The area of the proposed Oenali View Subdivision and Scimitar Subdivision to its north are
underlain by bedrock. ~sting wells in Scimitar Subdivision ali obtain water from areas within
this bedrock. Bedrock wells tTpically produce water from fractures and fissures within the
bedrock which have relatively small flows. There are numerous fractures and fissures under
these subdivisions, and they are typically not interconnected. This can be seen by comparing
static water leve!s in vsdous neighboring wells, which can fluctuate by over 100 feet. It also
can be verified by the i'act that the production cf water from one bedrock well wiil not affect the
production of water in neighboring ',';ells.
Ho',vever, there is the possibility that the drilling of a new well could intersect the same fissure
that an existing well is using for its production. In this Case, the existing well's production
would be affected (and the affectea owner wouid presumably have water dghts for protection).
In my professional opinion, the chance that the drilling of the 11 wells which will serve the
proposed Denali View Subdivision will affect the production of any existing well within Scimitar
subdivision is slight. The chance :hat these 11 wells will cumulatively effect ell o~' the wells in
Scimitar Subdivision is remote.
Residents of Scimitar Subdivision have stated that their wells have produced less water in
recent years. Due to the fact that t~here has been little or no development in this subdivision in
the 90's, this drop in production is most likely caused by climadc effects (lower rainfall and
snowfall to recharge groundwater sources), as is the case within other areas of the Municipality
of Anchorage.
Because ingestion of excessive amounts of nitrate can cause adverse health effects in very
young infants and susceptible adults, the United Slates Environmental Protec+Jon Agency
(EPA) has established a m~ximum acceotable level, known as the M~ximum Contaminant
Level (MCL), for nit. rat=' '
- ~n public d,dnking water supplies. This level is 10 milligrams per liter
(mg/l)-O~en expressed as 10 parts per million (PPM)-measured on the basis of the nitrogen
content of nitrate. This standard of 10 PPM nitr~te-nitrogen was set to prevent the occurrence
n,~nt methemogJob nemco with a reaaonab e margin of safety. Consumption of water with
less than 10 mg/I nitrate nitrogen poses no identified health dsk for humans of any age.
Some neighboring homeowners have voiced concern about the potential degradation of water
quality, especially in regard to nitrate concentrations, on existing wells in the vicinity of the
Denali View subdivision. While most properties in Scimitar Subdivision have Iow nitrate levels,
some properLies have moderate lave s below the EPA MCL; two proper'des have levels which
exceed the EPA MCL These elevations appear to be isolated and loCalized. Thera is no
evidence, of widespread nitrate elevation throu<:hout the subdivision or u
Further ,,ud, would be requ,red to determine the source of elevated n,tr:tde:diYn'nega:hq,~
Nitrate levels in water from two test wells in the Denali View Subdivision have been very Iow or
non-detectable. Based on available data, it is unlikely that responsible development of Denali
View subdivision will significantJy impact the drinking water nitrate levels of neighboring
properties. Details of the nitrate c=ncentrations and their distribution Can be seen in the report
prepared b · .
y Bns,o Enwronmental Services.
The development of Denali View Subdivision will be monitored by the DHHS, and nitra~te leve!s
will be followed [hrouc~h the Health Au*~,-,,~.~. - '
.... ,~y Approval which includes the testino cf wells. If
:[here is any indication of elevated nitrate levels within, or due to development ir'7 Denali View,
DHHS will require the inst- ' -, - ' .
¢llat~on of n~tr~e reducing septic systems for any newly developed
lots. To accomplish this, the following plat note shall be added: "Nitrate reducing septic
systems .,may be required by DHHS for the development of each lot within this subdivision."
Department of Health and Human Services
July 25, 1997
Zoning and Platting, CPD
James Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water Quality
Bruce Chandler, MD, MPH, Medical Officer
S-10054, Denali View Subdivision
As a follow up to the comments made in my April 18, 1997 memo regarding this subdivision,
have the following additional comments:
1. Items 2 and 3 regarding soils testing and disposal system sites have been complied with.
2. An hydrologist's study was conducted as requested. The following is a discussion of the
results of this study.
Title 21, section 21.15.110.B.4.b covers the requirements for sub-dividers concerning the
substantiation of a safe and adequate supply of water. This section reads, in part: "The sub-
divider shall submit supporting written information including: all plans, data, tests and
engineering reports required by the Department of Health and Human Services to substantiate
the availability of a safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes ..."
The hydrologist's study met the requirements stipulated by DHHS in that it included the
installation of two wells within the proposed subdivision, and the study monitored the affects of
pumping one of these wells on the other well within the proposed subdivision and two existing
domestic water supply wells serving single family homes adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
The pumped well produced approximately 5.5 gallons per minute for a period of twenty four
hours, during which time the water level in the second well within the proposed subdivision
fluctuated, but these fluctuations did not correlate with the pumping. The two existing domestic
wells which were monitored during the pump test both recovered (water levels rose within the
well casings) during the 24 period of pumping. This presumably could have been caused by the
cessation of water usage by the homes they support, but also shows little or no affect from the
pumping. There is a possibility that these wells would have recovered faster if the pumping had
not occurred, but that is unknown. More details of the study can be obtained from the report
prepared by Bristol Environmental Services Corporation.
These results, taken on their own, satisfy the requirements outlined above for the availability of
adequate water to support the proposed subdivision. The question of whether the taking of this
water will unduly effect existing wells nearby is discussed below.
The area of the proposed Denali View Subdivision and Scimitar Subdivision to its north are
underlain by bedrock. Existing wells in Scimitar Subdivision all obtain water from areas within
this bedrock. Bedrock wells typically produce water from fractures and fissures within the
bedrock which have relatively small flows. There are numerous fractures and fissures under
these subdivisions, and they are typically not interconnected. This can be seen by comparing
static water levels in various neighboring wells, which can fluctuate by over 100 feet. It also can
be verified by the fact that the production of water from one bedrock well will not affect the
production of water in neighboring wells.
However, there is the pOSS~L~,,~ty that the drilling of a new well could ~, ,.~rsect the same fissure
that an existing well is using for its production. In this case, the existing well's production would
be affected (and the affected owner would presumably have water rights for protection). In my
professional opinion, the chance that the drilling of the 11 wells which will serve the proposed
Denali View Subdivision will affect the production of any existing well within Scimitar subdivision
is slight. The chance that these 1 't wells will cumulatively effect all of the wells in Scimitar
Subdivision is remote.
Residents of Scimitar Subdivision have stated that their wells have produced less water in
recent years. Due to the fact that there has been little or no development in this subdivision in
the 90's, this drop in production is most likely caused by climatic effects (lower rainfall and
snowfall to recharge groundwater sources), as is the case within other areas of the Municipality
of Anchorage.
Because ingestion of excessive amounts of nitrate can cause adverse health effects in very
young infants and susceptible adults, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
has established a maximum acceptable level, known as the Maximum Contaminant Level
(MCL), for nitrate in public drinking water supplies. This level is 10 milligrams per liter (mg/I)--
often expressed as 10 parts per million (PPM)--measured on the basis of the nitrogen content of
nitrate. This standard of 10 PPM nitrate-nitrogen was set to prevent the occurrence of infant
methemoglobinemia with a reasonable margin of safety. Consumption of water with less than 10
mg/I nitrate nitrogen poses no identified health risk for humans of any age.
Some neighboring homeowners have voiced concern about the potential degradation of water
quality, especially in regard to nitrate concentrations, on existing wells in the vicinity of the
Denali View subdivision. While most properties in Scimitar Subdivision have Iow nitrate levels,
some properties have moderate levels below the EPA MCL; two properties have levels which
exceed the EPA MCL. These elevations appear to be isolated and localized. There is no
evidence of widespread nitrate elevation throughout the subdivision or underlying aquifer.
Further study would be required to determine the source of elevated nitrates in each well.
Nitrate levels in water from two test wells in the Denali View Subdivision have been very Iow or
non-detectable. Based on available ~lata, it is unlikely that responsible development of Denali
View subdivision will significantly impact the drinking water nitrate levels of neighboring
properties. Details of the nitrate concentrations and their distribution can be seen in the report
prepared by Bristol Environmental Services.
The development of Denali View Subdivision will be monitored by the DHHS, and nitrate levels
will be followed through the Health Authority Approval which includes the testing of wells. If
there is any indication of elevated nitrate levels within, or due to development in Denali View,
DHHS will require the installation of nitrate reducing septic systems for any newly developed
lots. To accomplish this, the following plat note shall be added: "Nitrate reducing septic
systems may be required by DHHS for the development of each lot within this subdivision."
I am also aware that a second hydrologist's report is being prepared by a different firm at the
request of some homeowners surrounding this proposed subdivision. I have seen no
information from this report as of this date.
Municipalily ol Anchorage
825 'L" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 Denali View Township, Range, Section:
Organic Overburden
Frozen to 1 '
Organic Silt with Sand
and Roots to 3'
SI. Silty Sandy Gravel
Rock to 12" with
Occasional Boulders to
13 - ,~,: 4 / 3 0/_9'
14 Bottom
20 -
Time Time Water Drop
· 6"
COMMENTS 80ils presoaked prior ~o ru~nq percolation test
7~-008 (Dev. 4/85)
Vi Rw
Organic Overburden
Municipalil¥ of Anchorage
Paul Myers DATE
Township, Range, Section:
Organic Silt with Sand
Roots to 3'
S1. Silty Sandy Gravel
Rock to 12" Prevalent
Occasional Boulders to
Oeplh I, Waler AlJ)r
Monitoring? L'done'
Time Time Water Drop
COMMENTS Soils presoaked prior t~An~ Dercolation~_~t
?2 008 (Rev. 4/85;
Municipality of Anchorage
825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
6" Organic Overburden
Organic Silt wlth Sand
Roots to 3'
NFS Sand, Dry
Gravelly Sand, Dry
Occasional Rock to 8"
Township, Range, Seclion:
rleplh Io Waler After
TESI R~WE£N --4 FT AND __4 , 5 FT
COMMENTS Soils presoaked r~r ~o rufh~in9 percolation test
____ fg..
72-008 (Rev, 4/85)
Municipalily ol Anchorage
825 "E~' S[reet, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
Organic Overburden
Organic Silt with Roots
Si. Silty Sandy Gravel
Rock to 12"
Occasional Boulder to 30"
Township, Range, Sect?_n_:
_4_/30 / 97
[Jflplfl lo Waler After
Moflllering ? ~]~oIle
TESI RUN 8E]'WEEN 4 . 5 FT AND 5 . 0
COMMENTS Soils presoaked prio~o ru~u~dnqinq percolation test
Municipalily of Anchorage
825 "L" Slreet, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
10WRShip, Range, Section:
TH 5
Organic Overburden
Organic Silt with Sand
Roots to 3'
Silty Sandy Gravel
Rocks to 12" Prevalent
Occasional Boulders to 3'
§eplh lo W~ler Aller :
Monilotino? None Dale: __4/30/97
Beading [3ale Gross Net Depth to Net
Time Time Water Drop
COMMENTS _ S(~i lS Dre~o~tke~l_p]LLo~nninq_tlD_rcolation test
~2 008 IRev. 4/85)
Municipalily of Anchorage
825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
10~-- Small Seep
11 Bottom
6 Denali View
Organic Overburden
Organic Silts with Sand
Roots 2½'
Silty Sandy Gravel
lownship, Range, Se¢lion:
0ep~h ~0 Wa~e, After 4 / 3 0 / 97
Monll0rino? 6.7 ' Da~e:
Time 'rime Water Drop
T[ES'-~ETWEEN 4. 5 . FT AND 5. 0. FT
COMMENTS .q,'~ 1 ~ p]::~.SZ:ZaJ~eJ~ prio¥ to r~.,q.n±nq percola,t±on test
72-008 {Rev. 4/85)
Municipalily el Anchorage
825 "L" SIreet, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
PERFORMED FOR:~J}~ a ~_~]~V e r s
View Township. Range, Section:
Organic Overburden 1.5'
Organic Silt with Sand
Occasional Roots to 3'
Frozen t'o 3'
S1. Silty Sand
DEPTR? 1 2.0 ' p;
fleplhlo Water After 8 ~
Moniledng7 Date: 4 / 3 0/_9'7
Time Time Water Drop
COMUENTS Soils presoaked prior to .runninq perc, olation test
PERFORMED BY: Dee High ' '
72-008 (Rev 4/85)
Municipalily of Anchorage
825 "L" Sireel, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
PERFORMED FOR:_ Pall] M~(~rs
]-ownship, Range, Seclion:
1' Organic Overburden
Organic Silt with Sand
Roots to 3'
NFS Sand
Gravelly Sand
with Rock to 8"
Depth lo Waler Aller
Monilorinfl? _ lO.4~a~e: 4/30/97
Gross Net Depth to Net
Readlr~g Date Time Th'ne Water Drop
COMMENTS Soils presoaked prior to runninq perqolation test
72-008 (Rev 4/85)
Mu.icipalily of Anchorage
825 "L' Slreet. A.cho~age, Alaska 99502-0650
PERFOnMED r'~l[~ ~gul Myers
LEG^L r)E.~CR,,'I,ON L_O. t_~8_ De~.n_ali__~View~
Organic Overburden
Organic Silt with
Occasional Roots to
( E FLG ~ Er~q%5 SEAL}
Township, Ra.ge, Section: ~'N-%~ '
Si. Silty Sandy Gravel
Rock to 12"
Occasional Boulders to
13 Bottom
Time Time Wat.~ Drop
M[micipalil¥ of Anchorage
825 "L" Sheel, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
PERFORMED FOR. ~a~ul___M_yers
Township, Range, Section:
Organic Overburden
Frozen to 1'
Organic Silt with Sand
with Roots to 2'
S1. Silty Sandy Gravel
Rock to 6"
Occasional Boulders to 24"
Hit 60" Boulder
Sl. Silty
Gravelly Sand
Rock to 3"
COMMEN[$ _~_Qi!M .p._r_e_soaked prip_r_~p run~nq percolation test_ ~
.... ' ............ CERTIFY fltAT ~lllS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN
Mlmicipalily of Anchorage
825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
PERFOnMED F¢iiJ p~.U__l_. Mye. r~s___
LEGAL DESCnU'JI~ Lot 10 Denali
Organic Overburden
Organic Silts with Roots
NFS Sand
Clean Gravelly Sand
Occasional Rock to 8"
comments __SQi!s_..g~esoa_ked pr~.'~q_~_perco~at~on LO~.~
TH1 1
Municipality o! Anchorage
825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650
LE6AL UESCmPHOr,~ ..L.o..t__l 1
Roots to
Silt with Sand
Sandy Gravel,
Rock to 12" Dry
Lots of
Township, Range, Section;
1ESI~Ilff,~BETWEEN 4o 5 FTAND 5.0 FI
................... ~ h ,///
.Department of ~ealth and l~uman Services
P.O. Box 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
Date: April 18, 1997
To: (~/r~Zo~ng and Platting, CPD
From~mes Cross, P.E., Program Manager, On-Site/Water Quality
Subjec¢ Request for Comments on Cases Due: April 18, 1997
The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services Program, has reviewed the
folloxving cases and has these comments:
S-9190: Hamann.
No objections.
S-9920: Cedar Estates.
No objections.
Same comments as my memo dated 02/06/97.
Skyway Park Estates.
No objections.
Denali View.
1. A hydrologist's study and report must be conducted to
determine the availability ofpotable water for this subdivision. The
study shall include the installation and testing of a minimum of'two
(2) wells and their effects on neighboring properties.
2. Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring to
confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater
disposal systems is inadequate. All soils logs must bear the original
seal and signature of' the engineer.
3. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater
system disposal sites (reserve areas) must be identified and must
meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope setback
SEP-29-97 MO~ 20:06 RE/MA"' % EAGLE RIVER FAX NO, 9076960214
~ Depadment ol Health and~ Human Services
P.O. Box 196850 Anchorage, Alaska
/ June 2, 19~3 C~RTIF~ED
David J. & Loretta H. PYall
American Embassy
P, O2/OB
£ubjec~! No%ice of violation, LD~ 13, Blk 3, Seimlts= Subd. #2
contamination ~0 ~he potable aquifer servin~ adjacent p~operties.
As you are aware ~hi~ depar~men~ withheld approval of the
wastewater system for two weeks pen~ing ~he outcome of dy~
treeing, The dye finally appeared following a threm
interval. At this ~ime we h~¥e confirmed Posi~ivm dye tra¢~s in
~wo well~ on Lots 3 end ~, Block 3, Scimitar
In April I called your agent, Barbara Roland, an~ inf.rm~d h~r
of the s~tua~ien. She in ~u~n has con~aetmd S&$ ~nBinea~ing ~0
d~scharge of sewage effluent to groundwater is a violation of
b~th s~te and municipal codes.
Therefore, you are hereby"orde:ed to discontinue discharge ~rom
~he septic ~ank un~il such time ss a~ appropriate absorption
pumps~ on a w~kly basic. An ins~e~Eien will be r~quire~ When
You k~ve until close of bu~ine~ Wednesday, June ~, 1~93, ~o cap
the tank outlet an~ provided proo~ of pumping. Failure to
comply with this order will resul~ in Court action by this
department. A copy of ~his order has been sent to your agent
and this office will be in con,act with her to confirm
.// look_ forward %0 a ~imely solution. ~o %).i~ problem.
/ Since~el~%,
,ie2 N. Bell~s
On-Sihe Services
Robar~ Sharer, P.E,, S&~
SUBJECT: Nitrate
June 1, 1993
On-site Wastewater System Technical Review Board
D.N. Bolles, On-site Services ~
and Bacterial Contamination of Potable Wells
Since mid-1987, DHHS has been engaged in compiling information
and investigating nitrate contamination in area wells. By 1988
it had become clear that bacterial contamination was also a
factor in many of the same areas exhibiting elevated nitrate.
Whereas immediate health risks are of prime concern, the data
suggests a different approach concerning the way in which we
view wastewater disposal.
In reviewing USGS data for the past 40 years, the incidence of
nitrate and bacterial contamination was found to be very low for
the Anchorage area. By way of interviews with several federal
and state personnel, it became evident that most thought that
nitrate contamination was virtually non-existent and only rare
isolated cases were known to exist. This was due in part to the
wells monitored. Most of these wells are below 400 feet in
elevation and thus draw from soil and bedrock aquifers with
large recharge areas. This factor could lead to natural
attenuation of possible contaminants. Most wells sampled within
the Anchorage, Girdwood and Eagle River areas indicate nitrate
concentrations average below 1.0 mg/1. It is notable that
samples obtained in the mid-to late-1960's for some of the areas
which now exhibit nitrate and/or bacterial contamination,
indicated isolated wells with elevated nitrate concentrations
(USGS 1975 Open Report).
At the time of the 1975 USGS report, concern was expressed about
future development of the Anchorage and Eagle River hillside
areas. The possible contamination of potable groundwater was of
prime concern. The report noted housing density at that time
was approximately 100 homes per square mile and expected a
maximum density of four to six times that amount when the area
fully developed. At the time of the DHHS Huffman DeArmoun
investigation the three quarters of a square mile affected had a
density of 408 homes (1988 Stock Housing Maps).
Page 3
Public Health Impacts
The potential for localized groundwater contamination in the
Anchorage and Eagle River hillsides is relatively high. The
work performed by USGS (1975) and Arctic Environmental Engineers
(1981) indicates a high potential for groundwater contamination
exists due to shallow bedrock and groundwater, steep slopes and
highly permeable soils. USGS (1975) noted that the estimated
daily domestic wastewater discharge rate for the study area
alone was 1.2 million gallons. Based on available data the
current daily discharge rate for the same area could well exceed
3.6 million gallons. Given such a high loading rate, and data
showing bacterial contamination in the Toilsome Hill, Mountain
Park Est. and Scimitar subdivisions, it is apparent that
negative health impacts already exist.
Bacteria Canter, Knox and Fairchild (1988) pointed to highly
permeable soils as a major reason for groundwater degradation.
Open or gap graded soils permit the passage of biological,
inorganic and organic contaminants to bedrock or groundwater
virtually unchanged (Gerba; Rahe et al; & Viraraghavan). While
adsorption accounts for the majority of bacteria removed
temperature, pH, and soil moisture also play key roles. It is
possible for bacteria to survive for extended periods in
favorable field conditions. The availability of organic matter
seems to be the key in survival beyond a few days. Peterson and
Ward noted that some pathogenic enteric bacteria have the
"potential of being transported great distances" by virtue of
reducing their volume in nutrient poor environments. Thus
viable dwarf cells may pass through soil pores which ordinarily
would filter out the organism.
Nitrate Since nitrate possesses a negative charge it is not
readily attracted to soils which also possess a negative charge.
As such nitrates are highly mobile in both saturated and
unsaturated soils. Nitrate ions can thus move with the
groundwater, migrating long distances. Walker et al, indicated
the total nitrogen produced by a family of four to be between 70
and 75 pounds annually. They also noted that the "minimum area
necessary" to properly attenuate 10 pounds of nitrogen,
annually, to less than 10 mg/1 nitrate-nitrogen was 0.5 acres.
At that rate the average lot size needed per household is 3.5
acres. As previously noted, many of those areas served by
on-site septic systems, have a far greater density. Indeed most
lands subdivided prior to the May, 1986, changes to Title 15
permitted development of lots less than one half acre. Hallberg
and Hoyer (1982), reviewed over 16,000 test results from
northeast Iowa. Their findings noted that while bacterial
contamination was random as to well depth and geologic setting,
nitrate contamination was significantly and systematically
related to geologic settings.
Page 5
The incidence of known nitrate and bacterial contamination
should not be treated lightly, as if they were isolated or
unrelated. High density, coupled with porous soils overlying
shallow bedrock, makes for an extremely fragile environment in
which to dispose of wastes and withdraw potable water
simultaneously. Contaminated aquifers, in the DeArmoun-Huffman
and Delucia-Scimitar areas, now contain bacteria. Residents
from these areas are now having to face the consequences of
septic contamination.
within DHHS files there exists sufficient evidence to prove
contamination of potable aquifers. Those same files further
show septic systems which either lack adequate separation to, or
were constructed into, groundwater and/or bedrock. The
municipality at present still has the opportunity to act on this
The solution in some cases may be to provide public or community
water and/or sewer; other areas require upgrading offending
septic systems or sealing contaminated wells or aquifers.
Another possibility would be to identify those areas of shallow
bedrock and/or groundwater, there after requiring a manditory
sand filter for all septic system installations. I sincerely
hope you will encourage the department to take the lead in the
development and implementation of a plan to alleviate the
negative impacts of on-site sewage disposal in the Anchorage and
Eagle River hillsides.
L.W. Canter and R.C. Knox. Sround Water Oualitv Protection.
1988, Lewis Publishing, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan.
N.H. Hantzche and E.J. Finnemore. Predicting Ground-Water
Nitrate Nitrooen Impacts. Ground Water Vol 30, Number 4,
July/August 1992.
T.C. Peterson and R.C. Ward. Bacterial Retention
Journal of Environmental Health, Vol 51, Number 4,
in Soils
B.H. Keswick and C.P. Gerba. Viruses in Groundwater
Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 14, Number
November, 1980.
R.J. Perkins, Ph.D., $eptio Tanks, Lot Size and Pollution
of Water Table Aquifers. Journal of Environmental Health,
Vol 45, Number 6, May/June 1984.
June 1, 1993
On-site Wastewater System Technical Review Board
D.N. Bolles, On-site Services ~
SUBJECT: Nitrate and Bacterial Contamination of Potable Wells
Since mid-1987, DHHS has been engaged in compiling information
and investigating nitrate contamination in area wells. By 1988
it had become clear that bacterial contamination was also a
factor in many of the same areas exhibiting elevated nitrate.
Whereas immediate health risks are of prime concern, the data
suggests a different approach concerning the way in which we
view wastewater disposal.
In reviewing USGS data for the past 40 years, the incidence of
nitrate and bacterial contamination was found to be very low for
the Anchorage area. By way of interviews with se%eral federal
and state personnel, it became evident that most thought that
nitrate contamination was virtually non-existent and only rare
isolated cases were known to exist. This was due in part to the
wells monitored. Most of these wells are below 400 feet in
elevation and thus draw from soil and bedrock aquifers with
large recharge areas. This factor could lead to natural
attenuation of possible contaminants. Most wells sampled within
the Anchorage, Girdwood and Eagle River areas indicate nitrate
concentrations average below 1.0 mg/1. It is notable that
samples obtained in the mid-to late-1960's for some of the areas
which now exhibit nitrate and/or bacterial contamination,
indicated isolated wells with elevated nitrate concentrations
(USGS 1975 Open Report).
At the time of the 1975 USGS report, concern was expressed about
future development of the Anchorage and Eagle River hillside
areas. The possible contamination of potable groundwater was of
prime concern. The report noted housing density at that time
was approximately 100 homes per square mile and expected a
maximum density of four to six times that amount when the area
fully developed. At the time of the DHHS Huffman DeArmoun
investigation the three quarters of a square mile affected had a
density of 408 homes (1988 Stock Housing Maps).
Page 3
Public Health Impacts
The potential for localized groundwater contamination in the
Anchorage and Eagle River hillsides is relatively high. The
work performed by USGS (1975) and Arctic Environmental Engineers
(1981) indicates a high potential for groundwater contamination
exists due to shallow bedrock and groundwater, steep slopes and
highly permeable soils. USGS (1975) noted that the estimated
daily domestic wastewater discharge rate for the study area
alone was 1.2 million gallons. Based on available data the
current daily discharge rate for the same area could well exceed
3.6 million gallons. Given such a high loading rate, and data
showing bacterial contamination in the Toilsome Hill, Mountain
Park Est. and Scimitar subdivisions, it is apparent that
negative health impacts already exist.
Bacteria Canter, Knox and Fairchild (1988) pointed to highly
permeable soils as a major reason for groundwater degradation.
Open or gap graded soils permit the passage of biological,
inorganic and organic contaminants to bedrock or groundwater
virtually unchanged (Gerba; Rahe et al; & Viraraghavan). While
adsorption accounts for the majority of bacteria removed
temperature, pH, and soil moisture also play key roles. It is
possible for bacteria to survive for extended periods in
favorable field conditions. The availability of organic matter
seems to be the key in survival beyond a few days. Peterson and
Ward noted that some pathogenic enteric bacteria have the
"potential of being transported great distances" by virtue of
reducing their volume in nutrient poor environments. Thus
viable dwarf cells may pass through soil pores which ordinarily
would filter out the organism.
Nitrate Since nitrate possesses a negative charge it is not
readily attracted to soils which also possess a negative charge.
As such nitrates are highly mobile in both saturated and
unsaturated soils. Nitrate ions can thus move with the
groundwater, migrating long distances. Walker et al, indicated
the total nitrogen produced by a family of four to be between 70
and 75 pounds annually. They also noted that the "minimum area
necessary" to properly attenuate 10 pounds of nitrogen,
annually, to less than 10 mg/1 nitrate-nitrogen was 0.5 acres.
At that rate the average lot size needed per household is 3.5
acres. As previously noted, many of those areas served by
on-site septic systems, have a far greater density. Indeed most
lands subdivided prior to the May, 1986, changes to Title 15
permitted development of lots less than one half acre. Hallberg
and Hoyer (1982), reviewed over 16,000 test results from
northeast Iowa. Their findings noted that while bacterial
contsmination was random as to well depth and geologic setting,
nitrate contamination was significantly and systematically
related to geologic settings.
Page 5
The incidence of known nitrate and bacterial contamination
should not be treated lightly, as if they were isolated or
unrelated. High density, coupled with porous soils overlying
shallow bedrock, makes for an extremely fragile environment in
which to dispose of wastes and withdraw potable water
simultaneously. Contaminated aquifers, in the DeArmoun-Huffman
and Delucia-Scimitar areas, now contain bacteria. Residents
from these areas are now having to face the consequences of
septic contamination.
Within DHHS files there exists sufficient evidence to prove
contamination of potable aquifers. Those same files further
show septic systems which either lack adequate separation to,
were constructed into, groundwater and/or bedrock. The
municipality at present still has
the opportunity to act on this
The solution in some cases may be to provide public or community
water and/or sewer; other areas require upgrading offending
septic systems or sealing contaminated'wells or aquifers.
Another possibility would be to identify those areas of shallow
bedrock and/or groundwater, there after requiring a manditory
sand filter for all septic system installations. I sincerely
hope you will encourage the department to take the lead in the
development and implementation of a plan to alleviate the
negative impacts of on-site sewage disposal in the Anchorage and
Eagle River hillsides.
L.W. Canter and R.C. Knox. Ground Water Oualitv Protection.
1988, Lewis Publishing, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan.
N.H. Hantzche and E.J. Finnemore. Predictinq Ground-Water
Nitrate Nitrogen Impacts. Ground Water Vol 30, Number 4,
July/August 1992.
T.C. Peterson and R.C. Ward. Bacterial Retention in Soils
Journal of Environmental Health, Vol 51, Number 4, April/May
B.H. Keswick and C.P. Gerba. Viruses in Groundwater
Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 14, Number
November, 1980.
R.J. Perkins, Ph.D., $¢pti~ Tanks. Lot Size and Pollution
of Water Table Aquifers. Journal of Environmental Health,
Vol 45, Number 6, May/June 1984.
A Logical Approach to Modeling Chemical
Transport in Groundwater
Daniel R. Young
Anchorage, Alaska
Gary D. Runnells
SOTA Environmental Technology, Inc,
San Diego, California
A $ S 0 C I A T I 0 N
Si~c~ 1907
For Presentation at the
84th Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Vancouver, British Columbia
June 16 - 21, 1991
Groundwater models are an application of mathematical equations that attempt to
explain the flow of water through sot[find rock, More complex models attempt to simulate
contaminant migration associated with groundwater movement. Computer applications
are developed by assigning values to the mathematical variables.
Application of Models
Mathematical groundwater models have many applications. They can be used to:
o evaluate impacts on groundwater systems from withdrawal, injection, recharge, and
contaminant releases;
o simulate past or future responses of contaminant migration;
o identify data gaps and needs for future investigations;
o design remedlal programs and dewatering systems;
o evaluate resource limits;
o communicate technical information to nontechnical groups such as juries, judges,
and the public
o conduct environmental impact studies; and
o optimize monitoring well placement and establish monitoring programs,
Models can be very useful tools for evaluation and design. They canprovide rapid
insight about groundwater systems, They also can provide an fmportant understanding of
the processes that control contaminant migration, However, models can be expensive and
misleading, The use of computer simulated models should depend on project goals,
budget, and information that will be available during modeling.
Conceptual Modeling
A conceptual groundwater model is a summary of geological and hydrogeological
information, This information describes factors that control groundwater flow,
contaminant distribution and contaminant migration, Conceptual models are easier to
visual ze as two- and three-dimensional graph£cs than as tables of numbers.
Conceptual models are not a new idea. ecologists have been using various forms
for more than several hundred years, A good example is the use of geologic cross sections.
Code developers of mathematical models have mental concepts of geologlc models during
code building. However, many conceptual models envisionedby the code builders are
difficult for the modeling practitioner to visualize,
This paper presents a practical method for developing conceptual hydrogeologic
models as input to mathemat:cal models, Oraphical methods are used to develop the
conceptual model, These methods allow easier communication with tecl~nical and
nontechnical audiences, This approach is similar to that of Newell et al,~ who use graphical
models to select parameters, The difference is that the method presented here is more site
specific and less abstract, This method should help bridge the gap between the concepts
envisioned by coda developers and requirements of computer applications. The methods
presented here can be used for most single solute models and can be expanded to include
mniti-phase and multiple solute models,
Conceptual models re[~resent some or most properties of a groundwater system in
qualitative terms. Mathematt~al models and computer applications reflect the conceptual
model in quantitative terms and equations. Model detail depends on many factors such as
available data, budget, time constraints, and severity of contamination.
Conceptual models are graphical information that help describe and visualize
hydrogeologie conditions, These models consist of information from sketches, cross-
sections, water table contour maps, isopach maps, aerial photographs, and contaminant
contour maps.
Conceptualizhtg The Hydrogeologic Setting
Sketches And Cross Sections. Cross sections can provide information about soil types,
stratigraphy, and boundary conditions. Soil types are valuable indicators of porosity and
hydraulic conductivities when pump test data ara not available, Preliminary computer
simulations made from cross sections may help find gaps in available data. Cross sections
also can suggest when three dimensional models are appropriate or if vertical two
dimensional models can suffice.
Potentiometrlc Maes. Water table maps provide a spatial representation of groundwater
heads, the driving force behind most groundwater systems, Some boundary conditions can
be derived from these maps such as free surface conditions, recharge, and discharge.
Hydraulic gradient also can be used to estimate flow velocities. The response of
potentiometric surfaces from pumping may yield information about hydraulic conductivity.
Comparing potentiometric maps from different times may show seasonal changes.
Isooaeh Maes, These maps represent the thickness of a geologic layer such as an aquifer
or/he horizon above the aquifer. Aquifer thickness is useful to predict changes in
traasmissivity, Isopach maps of overlying material may be useful for remedial and
monitoring planning, These maps show the minimum depth to the aquifer,
Structure Contour Mans. A structure contour map shows the topographlc surface of the
top or base of an aquifer, This information can all'ow insight into boundary conditions and
may help explain irregularities in flow, These maps provide a spatial view of the cross
sectional information.
Aerial Photo~zra~)hs, Aerial photographic interpretation eon provide information about
boundaries, preferential transmisslvlty, and possible sources of contamination.
Geomorphic interpretations can imply buried alluvial channels deltaic sequences or other
deposits that have preferential flow characteristics. Lateral boundaries also maybe
interpreted, Photos often show areas nf groundwater recharge and discharge. This
information can suggest flow direction,
~, Contaminant contour maps can be used to estimate contaminant dispersion
by observing plume shape. Velocity is estimated by comparing[ two or more plume maps
from different time events. These maps may provide information about contaminant
source and give insight about timing of contaminant releases. This information is valuab}e
during litigation.
Scale. Visualizing a conceptual model on different scales is important. Small scale
features like soil texture and porosity effect dispersion and sorption. Lithologic changes
could change ionic reactions. Chemical properties like solubihty, viscosity, water partition
coefficient density, and biodegradability effect contaminant transport. Moderate scale
features like producing wells or soil changes can divert flow paths. Vertical or horizontal
conduits could alter flow direction while allowing contamination to migrate in muitip[e
Large scale features like groundwater recharge areas have an effect on flow rates
and routes. Recharge may be from irrigation streams, rivers, lakes, or regional scale
aquifers. Features such as faults paleochanneis, rock contacts, rock fractures, and well
fields can affect regional flow, Man-made features such as large paved areas may restrict
or concentrate recharge.
~, Groundwater levels may fluctuate from precipitation events, These
events may have a significant time lag. Recharge from these precipitation effects could
change transport fluxes. Changing water tables could remobilize sorbed chemicals,
Freeztng durmg winter months also affects recharge and discharge rates,
Other Considerations, Developing a preliminary computer model during early stages of
conceptual model building is often useful. Data gaps rapidly become apparent. Th~s
process forces the modeler to think of model input during field investigations. Conceptual
models help guide field investigations and evolve into more sophisticated models as new
information is integrated,
Identtf'v The Issues
Once the modeler conceptually understands the hydrologic setting, identifying the
important issues becomes the next logical step, The source of contamination may be an
unresolved issue. Perhaps remediation options need to be evaluated, By identifying these
issues before setting up the corn, purer model, the modeler can optimize the scale of the
model to give adequate resolutmn. This is important when choosing model efficiency.
Following are some examples of issues that affect model design:
o Risks to groundwater resources;
o Risks to surface water resources;
o Known source or unknown source; and
o Potential future remediation design needs
Quantifying Tha Conceptual Modal
The task of salting up and applying a mathamatical modal is a logical step from tha
conceptua modal. Numarical valuas are assigned to concaptual faatures for computar
simulations. Table 1 is a partial list of input parameters for computer modeling.
Aquifer thickness at each node,
Transmissivity is directly proportional to the thieknass of an aquifen Voluma
calculations for hydrauhe budgets and contaminant concentrations are also dependant
on thickness. Computer simulation requires a value for aqutfar thickness at each node.
Effect ve porosity
Pores ty s the ra o of the pore volume to tha bulk volume of aquifer material. This
parameter can be measured by collecting core samples in the field, processing them in a
laboratory and averaging the results for the entire area of the computer simuqation. A
more effective method s to use borehoa geophysical logging and average the results.
Initial concentration at each node.
So ute concentrations at observation wells and at source areas are used to begin a
computer simulation, Output from one simulation can be used to start a later
Initial head at each node.
Most models usa elevation head data to determine flow gradients, These data are
usually obtained from observation wells or piezometers,
Long iud hal disparsivity,
Dispersivity is a measure of the mechanical dispersion property of porous materials and
is a characteristic length describing fha ability of porous materials to disperse solutes,
Dispersion is proportional to velocity and ls directlonally dependent, being stronger in
the direction of flow (longitudinal) than in the diraetion normal to flow (transverse),
This value is estimated from the s~ze of the model and is compared with reported values
from published data.
Node identification parameters.
These parameters include leakance concentration flow or no flow conditions constant
head conditions, and recharge or discharge, Th s nformat on s der red from detai ed
site characterization,
Number of nodes in x-direction.
Number of x-direction nodes multiplied by the x-direction spacing defines size of the
s mulation. Larger numbers of nodes over a given area increase accuracy by allowing
additional defimtlon of boundaries, Larger numbers increase computational time,
Number of nndes in y-dlreetion.
Same as nodes in x-direction except in y-direction.
Number of pumping or injection wells.
Wells can be simulated as point sources with or without contamination or as recovery or
withdrawal points,
Ratio of transverse to longitudinal dispersivity.
This ratio is a scaling factor that relates to plume dispersion. This parameter is
estimated because elaborate tracer tests are often required for field estimates.
Retardation Factor.
The retardation factor is a value that represents the relative velocity of a specific solute
in the groundwater. Various chemical compounds flow and adsorb at different rates
within the same system. An understanding of the various components is necessary to
estimate the retardation factor,
Storage coefficient.
The storage coefficient of an aquifer is the volume of water released from storage per
unit surface area of the aquifer per unit decline of head. Storage coefficient is equal to
specific yield in water-table conditions, providing that gravity drainage is complete. This
is estimated from withdrawal or recovery tests.
Transmissivity at each node.
Transmissivit. y is a formation parameter that is derived from a well test. It represents
the rate a fluid of a specific viscosity is transmitted through a cross section of unit width
over the saturated thickness of an aquifer. Transmissivity is usually higher or
preferential in one direction, especially in fluvial (river origin) sediment. Well tests with
observation wells close to the production well or in one direction from the production
well do not measure regional properties of an aquifer. Computer simulation requires a
value for transmissivity at each node.
T~ito Txx ratio.
s ratio allows preferential transmissivity to be specified. Preferential transmissivity
can be calculated from an aquifer test with observation wells in several directions or
deduced from past observations of contaminant plume migration.
Width of cell in a-direction and y-direction.
The width of a cell is the simulation distance between nodes. Smaller widths generally
yield more accurate results but increase computational time.
Recharge / discharge boundaries and rate.
Boundaries are important for any aquifer simulation or parameter estimation.
Boundaries consist of seeps, sinks, rivers, lakes, trenches, impermeable barriers, or
hydraulic connections with sources of fluid. These boundaries must be represented to
specify whether fluid flows into or out of the system and the rate of flow.
Boundary Conditions. Boundary cond tons for groundwater flow systems are determined
conceptually before mathematical made ng The best method is to use,physical
hydrogeolo/~ic characteristics that effect groundwater flow. Examples ot physical
boundaries ~nclude the water tab e, mpermeable surfaces surface waters and faults. The
choice of boundaries is asua y arb trary and depends on scale. For example, modeling the
effect of extraction wells on a small hydrocarbon plume at a service station may require
exclusion of distant but rea phys cai boundar es such as major rivers. In this case, a
boundary condition that simulates the effect of recharge should be selected. Specific
app eatmns of var ous boundary cond t OhS are beyond the scope of this paper, For a more
complete discussion of boundary conditions, refer to the publication of Frank~, Reiky, and
Bennett2. A brief summary of the main types of boundary conditions follows~:
Constant Head Boundary- This ty~e of boundary condition occurs where part of
the surface of the aquifer is ma n tuned at an effectively constant equal head, The
case where a large surface water body, such as a lake, intersects an aquifer is the
cfassic example of a constant head.
Specific Head Boundary- This is a boundary condition where head is specified as a
function of position and me It is a general type of boundary (constant head is a
special case of the specific head boundary). An example of the specific head
boundary is the case of the aquifer exposed along the bed of a lar~ge stream. The
stream stage remains constant at specific locations but changes with the slope of the
stream channel.
Use caut on when the two above boundary conditions arepresent in a model.
These two types of boundaries, in effect, l?rovide un[imiteo source of water to the
system, even if not realistic in the physica~ system.
No-Flow Boundary- Geologic media can be regarded as impermeable by modeling
when the hydrau c conduetivities differ by three or more orders of magnitude.
Eaults, unfractured crystalline bedrock, and sheetpiles can be modeledas no flow
Spec f ed-F ux Boundary- This case is found when the flux across the boundary can
be specified. One example of this type of boundary is aeria~ recharge, In this
examp e, the flux is uniform in space and time and is called a constant flux
boundary. The no-flow boundary is a special case of the specified-flux boundary.
Head-Dependent F ux Boundary- As the name implies in this type of boundary,
the flux across a boundary changes n response to changes in head. As an example,
a semi-confining bed separating a surface water body and a confined aquifer would
be a head-dependen boundary, Because as the head in the surface water body or
the conf ned aquifer changed, the flux across the semi-confining layer changes.
Another examp e of th s type of boundary is evapotransptration from the wa!er _
able, In both of the above cases, the change in flux is linear until a point where me
flux becomes constant For he semi.confined layer a reduction in the head of the
confined aqu fer nearly reduces the flux across the boundary until the aquifer head
fa s be ow he bottom of the semi-confining layer. At that point the flux t~ecomes
constant (seepage). Alternatively, flux due to evapotranspiration is reduced linearly
as the water table falls until the point where the flux becomes zero.
The fo[lowing two boundaries are only applicable to systems in which gravity
drainage is a factor.
Free Surface Boundary- The surface of a water table aquifer is the most common
examp e of a free surface boundary. T~e surface of the water table can change with
time due to changes in head at other boundaries such as changes in the areal
recharge rate,
Seepage-Surface- This boundary is between the atmosphere and the zone of
saturation where water seeps from the ground and flows down hill,
Geophysical techniques are available for efficient identification of boundary
conditions. Borehole geophysical techniques are commonly( used to evaluate strat~graphic
boundaries. Many surface geophysical techniques are available to investigate lateral
boundaries, These techniques can provide information about contamlnam ])lume
geometry, lithology, aquifer thickness variations, hydraulic conductivity~ anoeffective
Potemiometric Surface, A map of equivalent heads is necessary to evaluate the flow
direction and gradiem. Most mathematical models require user input of these values. A
working map of the potentiometric surface can be made by contouring head data from
wells and l?iezometers, Information from this map provides the input values for
mathemaucal models,
Hvdraulie Conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity can be measured from well tests or
esilmated based on the lithology depending on the needs of the modeler, Hydraulic
conductivity often varies directmnafly and spatially within an aquifer, especially in alluvial
systems, Pump tests with observation wells positioned in multiple directions from the
producing wellare the preferred method for determining anisotropy and measuring the
hydraalic conductivity in different directions. If pump test data are not available,
anisotropy can be inferred frnm observations of contaminant plume migration,
~, Transmissivity is the product of hydraalic conductivlty and aquifer
thickness. Changes in aquifer thickness and hydraulic conductivity vary spatially,
Accounting for directional variation is done within the mathemattcal model by entering tile
ratio of the transmissivity in the x direction versus the y direction,
Retardation factors. Solute proCerties, biological degradation, and adsorption are factors
that affect contamination mlgratton rates. Chemical solubility limits the total
concentration nature allows m a groundwater system. These limits should be verified
during modeling. Adsorption is an important factor that retards the migration of solute.
Adsorption depends on soilproperties such as minerals and carbon content. The degree of
retardation can be estimatedby evaluating the log octanol water partition coefficient.
These coefficients and chemical solubilities are available in published llteratureTM.
Bindegradation is the process of microorganisms converting organic chemicals into
iaorganics. Biodegradation processes may retard the rate of pl,ume mtgration. Relative
rates of biodegradation are available from published literature~. Most contaminant
transport mathematical models allow for retardation factors.
Model calibration. Models can be compared to actual data and adjusted to match
observed events Changing time steps within a model creates output at the same time
interva s as the actua data For example pump tests usually have a short duration so a
mode may have one hour time steps. Plume hmto~, may have time intervals of one year or
more. If the monitoring history is at irregular time mtervals, the model may have to be run
at short time steps to match all observed events.
Pump test resu ts are useful to adjust model hydraulic conductivity, storitivity, and
boundary conditions, Plume h story maE help calibrate inflow, aquifer thickness,
d spersion, and hydraulic conduct v ty Potentiometric maps also are useful ifpumpin.g or
injection volumes are known. The calibration process is useful to observe model senmtivity
(effects from changing parameters) Time steps can be set for any desired interval after the
model is calibrated. The calibrated model can now be used with confidence to predict
future events, past events, and to design remediation.
Calibrated models can be used to dentify data gaps. Areas with missing data can be
simu ated by the mode s but may show high uncertainty. These areas may be good choices
for new monitoring wells, The need for more long term monitoring wells may become
apparent after future migration routes are predicted.
A graph ca approach to conceptual modeling is an efficient method to obtain input
for mathematical models. Graphical summaries of geological, hydrogeological, chemical,
and biological data provide a framework for model parameters. Graphicalmethods
inc ude structure con our maps, isopach maps, geologic maps ptume maps, cross sections,
potentiometric maps and aer a photographic maps. The concepts developed from this data
are easy to communicate and provide vahdation mr mathematical models. The graphical
approach to conceptual modeling provides site specific information that is easy to apply to
mathematical models.
1. C, J. Newell, L. P, .,H, opkins, and P. B. Bedient, "A hydrogeologic database for ground-
water modeling Ground Water. 28 (5): 703 (1990).
2. O. L, Franke, T E Re y, and G E. Bennett Definition of boundary and intlal
cond tons n the analysis of saturated ground-water flow systems - an introduction:
Techniques of water resources investigaations of the U, S. Geological Survey, 1.985,
Chapter B-5.
3. W. C. Walton, Practical aspects of groundwater modeling, 2nd ed., National Water Well
Association, Dublin, 1985, 558p.
4. J. H. Montgomeryand L. M, Welkom. Groundwater chemicls desk reference, Lewis
Publishers, Chelsea, 1989, 640p.
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