HomeMy WebLinkAboutDENALI VIEW water quality alertRick Mystrom, Mayor Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 htlp://www.ci.anchorage.ak.us News Release NATER QUALITY ALERT Date: The Director of the Department of Health and Human Services has declared a water quality alert for residents of the area including cross streets The quality of water in this area cannot be assured. Drinking water may be contaminated with sewage from broken sewer lines. Contact with sewage and contaminated water should be avoided, Information about drinking water from alternate sources will be forthcoming. For further information, contact Miles Fujimoto of DHHS at 343-6718. Signed: Elaine Christian, Director DHHS Rick Mystrom, Mayor Department of Health and Human Services 825 r'L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 hltp://www.ci.anchorage.ak.us News Release WATER QUALITY ALERT Date: The Director of the Department of Health arid Human Services has declared a water quality alert all residents of Anchorage on the AWWU public water supply system. Tanker trucks dispensing potable water will be available at the following locations: Residents are advised to bring their own sanitized containers. An example of sanitizing: Use only plain, non-scented household bleach. Place a capful of the bleach in a clean, plastic milk container, put the container lid on and swirl around so that the [)leach contacts as much of the inside surface, including the inside of the lid, as possible. Discard the bleach, replace the container lid. For further information, contact Miles Fujimoto of DHHS at 343-6718. Signed: Elaine Christian, Director DHHS Rick Mystrom, Mayor Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 http://www.ci anchorage.ak us News Release WATER QUALITY ALERT Treating small quantities of water Date: The Director of the Department of Health and Human Services has declared a water quality alert for the area. Officials are urging that all water for drinking or cooking purposes be treated by one of the following methods: Method 1. Bring water to boil and boil for 3 to 5 minutes, cool Method 2: Using plain, non-scented chlorine bleach such as Chlorox or Purex: Add one (1) drop of bleacl~ to each quart of water. If water is not clear, add three (3) drops bleach to each quart water. Mix thoroughly and allow to stand for thirty (30) minutes. For 5 gallons of clear water, use ~¼ teaspoon of bleach, for 5 gallons of cloudy water, use '½ teaspoon of bleach. For further information, contact Miles Fujimoto of DHHS at 343-6718. Signed: Elaine Christian, Director DHHS Rick Mystrom, Mayor Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 http://www.ci.anchorage.ak.us News Release POWER FAILURE--HOW TO PROTECT FOODS Date: The Director of the Department of Health and Human Services advises residents without power to keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to protect food. Potentially hazardous foods include all meats, fish, poultry, dairy products eggs and products containing these. Also included are soft cheeses, cooked beans, cooked rice, cooked potatoes, cooked pasta and potato/pasta/macaroni salads. Potentially hazardous foods should be discarded if held above 45 degrees F. for over 4 hours. Appearance or odor do not indicate whether the food is safe to eat. Never taste the food to determine it's safety. If possible, use a food thermometer to check food temperatures. When in doubt, throw it out. Refrigerated foods should be safe if the power is out for no longer than a few hours and doors have been kept closed. A full freezer may stay at freezing temperatures up to 2 days; a half-full freezer about 1 day. Frozen foods which are still frozen are generally safe. If potentially hazardous foods have thawed but are still cold or have ice crystals in them, they may be used, but if so, used as soon as possible. For further information, contact Miles Fujimoto of DHFIS at 343-6718. Signed: Elaine Christian, Director DHHS Rick Mystrom, Mayor Mu c ipaligr of_A t; c]l erase Department of Health and Human Services 825 "k" Street P.O, Box t9¢650 Anchorage, Alaska @@5t@-6650 h{tp://www.¢i.anchorage ak.us News Release RAW SEWAGE ALE"RT Date: The Director of the Department of Health and Human Services has declared a raw sewage alert for residents of the area including cross streets Due to recent seismic activity, several main sanitary sewer line trunks have ruptured and raw sewage may be present on the ground. Avoid any contact with sewage or contaminated water and keep children and pets indoors so that repair crews and emergency response personned can contain and repair the damage. The risk of disease as a result of ontact with raw sewage is extremely high. The quality of water in this area cannot be assured. Drinking water may be contaminated. Contact with sewage and contaminated water should be avoided. Information about drinking water from alternate sources will be forthcoming. For further information, contact Mires Fujimoto of DHHS at 343-6718. Signed: Elaine Cba'istian, D/rector DHHS