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EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS Water Line Extensions & Construction Information
EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES INC. 197~' WATER LINE EXTENSIONS EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA "CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS" Dan Renshaw~ P.E. Professional Engineering Corporation 519 Eighth Ave. Rm. 209 Anchorage, Alaska INTRODUCTION These contract documents, including specifications and drawings prepared by Dan Renshaw P.E., included herein physically or by reference., constitute the contract. Eagle River }Ieights Utilities, Inc., herewith seeks a Contractor of honest and reliable reputation to perform the construction as outlined in the contract. Consideration for satisfactory performance by the Contractor shall be determined by unit price agreenen't prior to signing the attached contract agreement (form of contract). The specifications and plans made a part'of this contract outline the scope of the project and specify construction materials and desired results. The Contractor slzall strictly adhere to the specifications and plans to obtain those desired results. CONTENTS AGRE EI'.IE NT BID SCHEDULE TECHNICAL CONDITIONS 1. -Excava~ce and backfill ditch for waterline 2. Install Owner furnished 6~inCh~and 8 inch'--'" diameter cast iron pipe and appurtenances 3. Install Owner furnished gate valves and valve boxes 4'. Install Owner furnished copper water service connections and line bleeders ..,. 5o Clean up an~ grade-roads SPECIAL CONDITIONS :. 1. Statement of Intent 2. Scope of Work 5. Owner supplied materials 4. Unit Prices 5. Time for construction and notice to proceed GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Definitions 2. Line and Grade Control $. Inspection and acceptability Contractor competence and bonds S. Liability 6. Save Harmless 7. Plans and Specifications 8. Assignment and subcontractors 9. Guarantee 10. Change orders and extr'a compensation 11. Payment to Contractor' 12. Liquidated Damages A. AC~REE,!IENT, (Form of Contract) ~> a:,reement made this day of , 1971, · -- a corporation . ~::d between ' .~:..ized and e~isting under the taws of the state of , a partnership or individual trading hereinafter called the ,'Contractor", ' ..~~ver. Heights. Utilities Incorporate, hereinafter . '.(.d the -OwBer". ~ ::..csseth, that the Contractor and the Owner for the .$~:deration stated herein mutuatl7 agree as follows: Statement of Work The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and capital necessary to perform and complete ali work required for excavating utility ditch, placing Owner supplied pipe and appurtenances, backfilling ditch, and all associated work quired, for the completion of the 197~ extensions of the Eagle River Heights Utilities Incorporated Water System, in stri'ct accordance witk the speci- fications and drawings prepared for the project by Dan Renshaw P.E. Ail specifications, drawings and future change orders are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Contract Consideration The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the strict performance of the contract, subject to additions and deductions as provided in the specifications, the sum of dollars ( )- Contract Documents The total contract shall consist of the following component parts: a) This agreement b) Technical Conditions c) Special Conditions d) Drawings e) General Conditions ~:s instrument, together with the other documents enumerated, ~:ch said other documents are fully a part of the contract as : hereto attached or herein repeated, form the contract. In 'c t'vent that any provision in any component part of tkis con- '~::t conflicts with any provision of any other component part, '~' ?rovision of th.e component part first above enumerated shall ~'.~rn,except as otherwise specifically stated. Change orders A-1 to the contract shall supercede in importance all contract provision except this agreement. In withness whereof, the Contractor and Owner have caused this instrument to be executed in three original counter- parts. Attest: Contractor Title Address Attest: Owner By Title Address A-2 Eagle Riw- ~i5hts Utilities Inc. Water Sys~z~- 1972 Extensions Sub Sched:~le i~'°' 1 F, agle River zeights- North Subdivision Quant. pay Item Name unit Bid in Wor&s 96~ hot. feet hot. ~oo~ 5 each 15 each 1 job E~cavate and,backfill ditch for waterline~ p~horizontal foot install Owner furnished ~ inch and 8 inch diameter cast iron pipe and 8oourtenances, ~--~norizontal foot install Owner furaished ~ate valve and valve boxes, ?r each install Owner furnished · ~ter service connec%ions ~.nd line bleeders, ?er each glean up and grade roads, lump sum Unit hid Item Total Sub ScneaL{ l~o. 1 Estimatel ~-: schedule price BS-1 Pay Item No. t Sub Schedule ~1o. 2 Meadow Brook Subdivision ESt. Quant. Pay Item Diame Unit Bid in Words 8OO hot. reef 800 hot. roo~ 2 each 14 e ach ExcaYa~e and backfill ditch for waterline, per horizontal foo~ Install Owner furnished 6 inch and 8 inch diameter cast iron pipe and appurtenances, p~r horizontal £ooV Install Owner £urnished gate valve and valve boxes, per each Install Owner furnished water service connections and line bleeders, per each Clean up and grade roads, lump sum Sub Schedule No. 2 Estimated sub schedule price Unit Bid Item Total Sub Schedules No. 1 and 2 Estimated total project price BS-2 C. TE CttNI CAL CONDITIONS This section of conditions is divided into five"(15)~ sub- sections. The number of each subsection is identical, with' the pay item number that appears on thc "Bid Schedule" and fully describes the work entailed.under that pay item. The pay item name column on the Bid Schedule contains a contracted work description, referring to the full description found in this section of the contract conditions. Each pay item shall be understood to include providing all labor, supervision, equipment and capital necessary to accomplish the work entailed. 1. Excavate and Backfill Ditch for Waterline. DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of excavating utility ditch to reasonable line and gr-ade limits and with quality of workmanship necessary to place water utility line to design line and grade without requiring backfill under the Utility line. Also included is the backfill of the ditch with excavated materials agd the reason- able compaction of these materials. Contractor shall be responsible'for acquiring all permits required for right of way use prior to construction. INCLUDED CONTRUCTI ON The Contractor shall excavate the waterline ditch, stockpiling all excavated materials on the right of way provided. The Contractor shall be responsible for shaping the ditch to assure safe and stable wall conditions and shall follow all reasonable safety practices. The Contractor shall maintain a dry ditch at all times disposing of surface and ground waters in a method that will minimize' the nuisance created by their presence. The Contractor shall backfill the utility ditch after completion of.pay items 2 & 3. Care shall be taken to obtain.maximum compaction possible during backfilling through use of water in the ditch and backfilling in controlled laminations not to exceed 2 foot in depth. Foreign materials of an organic nature shall be excluded from the backfill. Large rocks excavated from the ditch (larger than one foot in nominal diameter) shall not be used in the backfill but left at the surface for disposal under pay item ~.. TC-1 Culverts or other beneficial objects.disturbed by the Contractor during the course of construction shall be replaced by the Contractor to an equal or better condition than prior to construction at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall not be eligible for extra compensation due to adverse excavation conditions created by ground water or soil conditions in- cluding soil/rock size. The typical trench detail section to be approximated by the Contractor within reasonable tolerances. The Contractor is warned that he shall expect excessive ground water conditions in at least 50% of all ditch constructed. Should-the Contractor determine that clearing limits as shown on the plans are not adequate for his needs, additional clearing shall be conducted by the Contractor bu~ in no case shall such clearing be performed outside the right-of-way provided. All organic matter and soil involved in the clearing process shall be disposed of on site as directed by the Owner. The Contractor shall use extreme caution while uncoveriFg the existing water system near the intersection of Tonsina an~ C01ville ~,,~ ,,~'~ Roads so as to not needlessly interrupt service to existing water consumers. MEAS UREa, lENT This pay item shall be measured for payment by adding the total horizontal length of 6'~.inch.~nc[ ~ inc~ ~.: diameter pipe acceptably installed including valves~ bends and tees. Excavation and backfill in addition to the length above enumerated shall not be payable but shall be performed at the Contractor's expense. PAYMENT' Payment amount shall be determined by the product of the measured length of eligible excavation and backfill as determined above and the bid unit price a. ppearing on the Bid Schedule. TC-2 me Install Owner furnished <6,inch an~,8 inch." diameter cast iron water pipe and appurtenances. DESCRIPTION All cast iron pipe and fittings shall be pro- vided by the Owner. The' Contractor shall load, haul, store and install those items of material needed to complete the contract, and return for Owner credit those items unused. INCLUDBD CONSTRUCTION The Owner shall provide at Anchorage all the cast iron pipe and cast iron fittings necessary to complete the project. The Con- tractor shall receive these materials from the supplier at Anchorage, load and haul these materials to the project s%te and install all needed materials. Haterials on hand determined to be extra to the needs of the completion of the project shall be returned to the supplier by the Contractor and the Owner's account with the supplier shall be credited accordingly. The Contractor shall store the materials on the site in a manner that will not create a hazard and shall take full responsibility for liability created by the presence of the materials. Losses due to accident or theft shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall install the material as directed by the contract drawings. Ail pipe shall be installed as per detail and in reason- able tolerances with line and grade. Bends, tees and other fixtures requiring thrust blocks shall be installed by the Contractor in accordance with the plans and specifications. Installation consitute pay item 2. Installation of gate valves and valve boxes is not included under this pay item. Pressure testing and sanitizing of the completed waterline is included under pay item 2. Upon completion of water system installation and prior to complete backfilling of the system ditch, the Contractor shall test the system for leaks by pressure testing. The Contractor shall sanitize the line and flush after sanitizing. Pressure testing, sanitizing and flushing shall be conducted as described in current City of Anchorage TC-3 Utility Specifications and said procedures are hereby incorporated into this specification by reference. All water line and appurtenances shall be installed by the Contractor so as to minimize the amount o'f sand and other foreign material allowed to touch and remain inside the installed system. biEASURE:IENT The acceptably installed horizontal footage of 6 inch and ~ inch- diameter water line including bends and tees shall be t~taled and used as measurement for payment.' This measurement shall be inplace, installed length. PAYMENT The measured footage obtained above multiplied by the unit price per foot from the Bid Schedule shall provide the amount of payment. A retainage of 10% shall be withheld from the Contractor to cover testing, sanitizing and flushing. This retainage is .in addition to the normal 10% retainage withheld during payment for work partially completed. Install Owner Furnished Gate Valves and Valve Boxes DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall load, haul, store and install Owner provided gate valves and valve boxes of various sizes. INCLUDED CONSTRUCTION The Owner shall supply at Anchorage all necessa, ry 6 inch an~ 8 inch diameter gate valves and valve boxes. The Contractor shall load, haul and store these materials assuming full liability upon receipt from supplier. Contractor shall install those materials needed to complete the project in conformance with the plans and specifications. Ail materials found to be excess to the needs of the project shall be returned to the supplier by the Contractor and the Owner's account credited. After installation all gate valves shall work well and all va!ve boxes shall allow unobstructed access to the gate valves. Final top of valve TC-4 box shall be buried 3" below finished gravel road surface. Valves containing sand.or other foreign materials will not be accepted by the Owner. MEASUREHENT Bach acceptably installed gate valve and valve box combination shall be counted for payment. P AY MEN T bleasured units times price per unit from the Bid Schedule shall determine total payment. Install .Owner furnished Copper 'lfater Service Connections and Line Bleeders DESCRIPTI ON Contractor shall excavate from property line to finished watermain, install Owner furnished copper service connections, and backfill ditch after acceptance of connection by Owner. Owner to provide all materials. INCLUDED CONSTRUCTION The Owner shall provide all necessary water serv..ce fittings and materials. For water ser~}ce connections the Contractor shall excavate from property line to completed water main as per detail. The service shall be installed and inspected by the Owner prior to backfilling. Initial backfill over all fittings and line shall be placed by hand means. Caution shall be exercised using mechanical backfilling to protect the installed service. Maximum compaction obtainable using water and backfill laminations not exceeding 2 feet in thickness shall be sought. For bleeder connections, the Contractor shall excavate and install as per the Owner's direction and plan detail. I~spection and backfill shall proceed as 'described above. Contractor shall be governed by the same comments regarding excavation and backfill as were outlined in pay ~tem 1. TC-5' · ~ ~- ~,~ service connection Each acceptably compl .... ] water and bleeder shall be counted for payment. Total number o£ service connec'tions and bleeders as determined above multii~lied by 'the unit price each £rom the Bid Schedule shall yield the total payment. Clean Up and Grade Roads DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall consolidate brush and top soil in right-of-way accumulated as a result of construction and dispose of same as directed by the Owner. Large rocks excavated by the Contractor shall be removed from the subdivision and disposed of by the Contractor. Cleaned right-of-way shall be smooth graded by Contractor to provide a functional, crowned gravel surfaced roadway. INCLUDED CONSTRUCTION All b~'ush, trees and other ogranics including top soil that had to be moved by the Contractor in or, er to complete this contract shall be consolidated within the subdivision as directed by thz Owner. Ail rocks excavated and not useable as backfill shall be disposed of out- side the subdivision by the Contractor. The right-of-way used by the Contractor and cleaned as described above shall be fine graded by the Contractor so. that a pleasing and functional, crowned gravel surface road shall result. Additionally Contractor shall generally clean up the area influenced by construction so as to virtually eliminate all sign of construction. MEASUREbIENT The acceptably completed clean up of the project area shall be considered one job. PAYblENT Lump sum payment as shown on the Bid Schedule shall be made for acceptable completion of clean up. TC~6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Statement of Intent Eagle River Heights Untilities, Inc. wishes to have water service supplied within its 197~ extension area located at Eagle River, Alaska. Plans and specification for the project have been furnished by Dan Renshaw P.E. Based on these plans and specifications agreement for construction will be by a unit price B~d Schedule with an honest and reliable Contractor and the Agreement (form of contract) signed. Be it hereby fully noted that the Contractor by signing the agreement does covenant to perform the work necessary for completion of the project in a diligent, workmanlike manner in strict accordance with the plans and specifications. The Owner has made available for the use of the Contractor the right-of-way of all the streets in the subdivision to be serviced with waterline. The Contractor covenants that he will not cause equipment and material to trespass or.occupy land adjacent to the rights-of-way of the subdivision except as authorized by the Owner in writing. Scope of Work The Contractor shall furnish all la'or, equipment and capital necessary to perform and complete all work required fo~ excavating and backfilling utility ditch, placing Owner fi~rnished pipe and appurtenances including service connections, clean up as necessary and other services for construction of 197f extension of the Eagle River Heights Utilities, Inc., Water System, all in strict accordance with the specifications, drawings, and future change orders thereto as prepared by Dan Renshaw P.E. Owner Supplied Materials The Owner shall supply all material items required for this project. Where Owner supplied materials are specified only those materials shall be used for construction. Contractor shall assume liability for all materials ~received from the supplier and Owner shall check these materials prior to their use. Material of inferior quality shall be rejected and the Contractor shall supply substitute items. Tile Contractor shall inspect all materials obtained from the sup~lier prior to removal from the place of business of t~e supplier to be sure only materials of acceptable quality are delivered to the~ job site. All materials found by the owner to be 'of inferior quality shall be rejected by the Owner for use on this project. The Contractor shall then replace these rejected materials with materials of acceptable quality at his own cost, since defects in materials found at the job site will be assumed to be the fault of the Contractor. Determination of acceptable quality by the Owner shall be final. The Contmactor shall inventory all Owner supplied materials to assure that construction is not delayed due to oversite by either Owner or Contractor. Material availability at the job site shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Unit Prices The unit price bid for each item in the Bid Schedule shall include all labor, equipment, supervision and capital expenditures necessary to. complete each item according to the plans and specifications. Only items of work listed on the Bid Schedule shall be FaY items. The stated procedures for requesting extra compensation for work performed in addition'to that agreed to must be followed if compensation is desired. The ~pecific payment items listed on the Bid Schedule are fully explained in the Technical Conditions. Unit prices shall hold for all quantities in a range plus or minus 25% of the estimated quantities unless otherwise stated in the Technical Conditions. Changes in payment qmantities greater than 25% may lead to negotiation of change in unit price for that item. Time for Construction and Notice to Proceed Forty-five (45) calendar days will be allowed the Contractor for completion of the total work in- eluded under this contract. Extra work may or may not extend the completion date depending on specific negotiated settlements. Time will com- mence upon receipt by the Contractor of the written notice to proceed. Contractor shall commence construction as soon as possible after receipt of a written notice to pro- ceed issued by the Owner. The notice to proceed can be revoked at any time by issuance of a stop order by the Owner. Issuance of a stop order shall stop the running of the time for con. struction. SC-2 Work shall commence 3gain only after receipt by the Contractor of a new notice to proceed. The Owner alone shal 1 decide what conditions may require the issuance of an order to stop construction. GENERAL CONDITIONS Definitions a) The term Contractor shall refer herein to that. Contractor whose signature appears on the Agreement. b) The term Owner shall refer herein to Eagle River }{eights Utiliries, Inc. or its designated agent, such as the O~:ner,s Eng}neer. References ~o the Engineer shall mean that Engineer appointed by the Owner. c) The term Project or Contract shall refer herein to the 197¢ Extensions to the Eagle River Heights Utilities, Inc. Water System. Line and Grade Control The Owner shall provide offset line and grade stakes at 100 foot intervals and at all grade changes. It shall be the Contractor's re- sponsibility to construct the system in full conformance with the plans and specifications through use of the line and grade data supplied by the Owner. Though all reasonable efforts shall be made by the Owner to provide error free control, it is necessary for ~he Contractor to assume final responsibility that the system is constructed as required. 'It is therefore the Contractor's responsibility to check all offset line and grade stakes prior to the use of same. Should the line and grade stakes be destroyed the Owner will replace same but will back charge the Contractor for the replacement time. Only the initial set of stakes are provided free of charge. Should the line and grade stakes be · destroyed and the Contractor' not request their replacement the Owner shall make a determination of' whether the Contractor needs this control. If the Owner is of the opinion that the stakes are needed they shall be replaced at the Contractors' s expense. Every attempt shall be made by the Contractor to retain the line and grade stakes until periodic "as built" information is recorded by the Owner. The Contractor shall assist the Owner x~,hen he wishes to record such as-built information. GC-1 During the life of this contract if lot corners or other control not wholely within the right- of-way should be destroyed they will be replaced by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. Inspection and Acceptability The Owner shall from time to time inspect the progress of the Contractor. The Owner retains full authority to make value determinations of the Contractor's work and may require the Contractor to reconstruct portions of th.e work found to be faulty do to material, or workmanship. All work shall be left uncovered in the ditch until inspected by the O~:ner. The Contractor shall backfill unin- spected portions of the project at his own risk and shall uncover same at no expense to the Owner if the Owner so requests. Incremental acceptance of the line during construction shall be subject to final system acceptability after sanitizing and pressure testing has been completed. Should the Owner at any time determine that he is not receiving the quality construction he seeks he may terminate the Contractor upon written notice. Upon receipt of the termination notice, the Contractor shall immediately remove his equipment and men from the job site and cooperate in every way possible in allowing a new Contractor to commence with the project. Only then shall termination negotiations commence between the Owner and Contractor. Contractor Competence and Bonds By signing this contract the Contractor agrees that he is familiar wi~h the site and the work to be performed at the site, and further that he is fully competent i~ handling all work incident thereto. Contractor shall further assure the Owner of this level of competence by providing standard construction performance and payment bonds naming the Owner as beneficiary. ~ach bond shall have a face value equal to 100% of the estimated total contract amount. Surety and form of bond shall satisfy Owner's critical examination. Contractor shall make additions and corrections to the bonds as necessary to satisfy the Owner. GO-2 Liability Public and private property shall be honored by the Contractor and all due caution taken to preserve same. Hazardous conditions created by the Contractor shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility. 'The Contractor shall make every effort possible to minimize the hazards by barricading open trenches, l~ghting such hazards, locking securely all equipment, placing ladders in all trenches, and any other such steps possible. Proof of public liability and property damage insurance and workmen's compensations insurance shall be furnished to the Owner prior to signing Of the agreement binding the contract. (Minimum $100,000 P.L.) Insurance coverage shall satisfy Owner's critical examination. The Contractor shall make additions and corrections to his insurance coverage as necessary to satisfy the Owner. Save Harmless The Contractor shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Engineer from ail suits, actions or claims of any character brought because of injuries or damages received or sus- tained by any person, persons, or property on account of the operations of t~e said Contractor; or on account of, or in consequence of any neglect in safcguarding the work; or t~rough the use of unacceptable materials in cons~zructing the work; or because of any claims, or amounts recovered from any'infringements on patent, trademark, ordinance or decree. During the prosecu~ion of the work, the Contrattor shall be responsible for all damage or injury to any person or property of any character resulting from a~y act, omission, neglect, or mid- conduct in the manner or method or executing said work satisfactorily, or due to the nonexecution of said work at any time, and said responsibility shall continue until the date of final completion and acceptance. Plans and Specifications The Contractor shall keep on the job site a copy of the plans and specifications and shall at all times give the Owner access thereto. Anything mentioned in the Specifications, will be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in the plans. Any discrepancies between the Contract Documents shall be called to the attention of the Owner who shall make a determination. The Owner will furnish from GO - 3 10. time To time such detail plans and other information as he may consider necessary, unless otherwise provided. Assignment and Subcontractors Assignment or subcontracting of any portion of the work of this contract shall not be permitted unless circumstances make assignment or sub- contract of benefit to the Owner, circumstances to be determined by the Owner. Guarantee Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the contract documents nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the contract docu~.~ents or relieve the Contractor of liability for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear w'[thin a period of one year unless a longer period is specified. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. Chang~. Orders and Extra Compensation Requests made of the Contractor by the Owner of a nature such that changes in expense or labbr are not caused the Cont]actor may be verbal if the parties to this contract so desire. Changes to the plans and specifications that involve additional or less work, require more or less time and\involve other contract items shall be in written form issued by the Owner. Should any change to this contract cause the Contractor to believe that extra compensation is due him, the Contractor shall in writing so request that extra compensation within 24 hours of commencement of the extra work. Claims for extra compensation for work performed prior to the 24 hour period shall not be honored. The 24 hours shall be timed from receipt of written request by the Owner. Extra compensation is defined as compensation for items other than those shown on the Bid Schedule. GO-4 11. Payment ot Contractor Tile Contractor shall be eligible for stage payment 30 calendar days after receipt of notice to proceed. Request for stage payment shall be made of the Owner with the assistance of the Engineer. The Engineer shall determine extent of e~igibility for work completed. Ten percent of the stage payment amount agreed upon shall be retained by the Owner until the contract has been completed, then paid the Contractor as a final payment upon acceptance of the completed project by the Owner. Liquidated ,Damages Failure of the Contractor to fully complete the project to the Owner's satisfaction within the time allowed for construction may at the Owner's optiOn,be interpreted by the Owner as intent on the part of the Contractor to abandon the project with or without unilateral declaration of sub- stantial completion. If such a circumstance occurs the Owner may terminate the Coptractor. Upon termination the Contractor shall be paid for all work acceptably completed less the ten percent withheld for final acceptance. This amount shall be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages. GG-5 EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES INC. 1974 WATER LIKE EXTENSIONS EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA "COP~STRUCTiOIi SPECIFiGATIOi~S" Dan Renshaw P.E. Consulting Engineer 519 Eighth Ave. Em 209 Anchorage, Alaska INTRODUCTION These contract documents, including specifications and drawings prepared by Dan Renshaw P.E., included herein physically or by reference, constitute the contract. Eagle River Heights Utilities, Inc., herewith seeks a Contractor of honest and reliable reputation to perform the construction as outlined in the contract. Consideration for satisfactory performance by the Contractor shall be determined by unit price agreement prior to signing the attached contract agreement (form of contract). The specifications and plans made a oart of this contract outline the scope of the project and specify construction materials and desired results. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the specifications and plans to obtain those desired results. LID SC~tE~ULE ~I'ECm~iCAL C6~ DiTIC;:';S Excavate and Backfill Ditc~ £or ~aterline Yrovide and Install Cast iron Pipe Appurtenances Provide and install Water Service Connections and Line nleeders, Provide anm Install Gate Vaives and Valve Clean b~ and G~de Roods Encase Sewer Line at Water Line Crossing SPECIAL C0£,DITI0i~S 1. Statement of intent 2. Scope of Work Owner Supplied Materials 4, Unit Prices 5. Time for Construction anm ~ot~ce to Proceea GE~ERAL CC~DiTICNS 1. Definitions 2. Line and Grade Control inspecvion aha Acceptability Contractor Competence and Bones 5. Liability 6. Save Harmless ?. Plans an~ Specifications 8. Assignment an~ ~ubcon~ractors 9- Guarantee 10. Chan~e Orders and Exsra Compenstation 11. ~syment to Contractor 12. Liquidated Damages This aF~reement made %his day of , , , by and between ~ s corporation organized an:~ exist~n~ un4er ~ne laws of the state of .... ; a partnership or ~naiviCual ~a~le Hiver ~ei~nts Utilities inc. hereinafter called the "Owner". Witnesseth, that the Contrector amd the Owner for tae consideration stated herein mutually agree as follows: Statement of Work The Contractor shall furnish materials and all labor, ~,~.~t and can~val necessary uo perform a~,a complete ali work reoukrea lot excavauzng u~zlzuy ditch; shall place all Owner an~ Contractor supplied pipe and appurtenances; shall backfill ditch, ~d perform ~11 associated work required, for tae completion of ~ork entailed by the attached plans and s~ecm~cazzo~ in strict accords, ce with saia plans an~ specifications as prepared for toe project by Dan Reashaw P.E. All specifications~ arawin~s an~ future change oraers are incorporated herein by reference ann mane a p~t hereof. Contract Consideration. ~he Owner shall pay the Contractor for Zhe strict performance of the contracS, subject to additions and deductions as provided in the specifications, the sum of dollars ( .)- Contract Documents The total contract shall consist of the following component parts: a) This agreement b) Technical Conditions c) bpecial Conditions d) Drawings e) General Conditions This instrument, together with the ot~er documents enumerated, vhich said other documents are fully a part of the contract as il' herevo atvached or herein repeated, form the contract, in vhe event that any pruvision in any comoonent part of this contract conEiicts with %~ny p~ovision of amy otne~ component part, the ?rovision of the component p_%r~ first A 1 above enumera'~ed snell ,~overn, e:~.cept es otaerwise specii'ical[~r stated. Cl~aage oraerz to tree contract sna!i supercede ia importance all contre.¢t pr~visions except tills agreement. In witness whereof, ~ne Contractor and Owner have caused this instrument to be executed in three ori~inal counterparts. Attest: Contracuor Title ~ddress Attest: By Title Admress ~2 b. Bib SCHEDULE Eagle River Heights Utilities Inc. 1974 Water Line Extensions Eagle River, ~laska Schedule ho. 1 Eagle River Heignts-[;orth Subdivision Pay Item No. 2a. 2b. Pay Item Name Unit Price in Words Excavate and Backfill Ditch for Waterline, per horizontal root. Provide ana Install Cast iron Pipe and Appurtenance (6-¢) per horizontal foot. Provide and Install Cast Iron Pipe and Appurtenance (8"¢) per horizontal root. Provide and Install Water Service Connections, per each. Provide and Install Gate Valves and Valve Boxes, per each. Clean Up and Grade Roads, lump sum. Encase Sewer Line at Water Line Crossing, per each. Bidder By. Title Date Unit Est. Item Price Project Bid Bid Quant. Total ( 622 )= (z71o )= hot.ft. ( A~5 )= each ( 7 )= each .-- ( 1 )= job ( 2 )= each Apparent Total Schedule No. 1 BS 1 Eagle River heights Utilities inc. 1974 Water Line Extensions Eagle River, Alaska Schedule No. 2 Meadow brook Subdivision Pay Item INO. 2a. 2b. Pay Item Name Unit Price in Words Excavate and Backfill Ditch for Water Line, Unit Est. Item Price Project Oid Bid QuanT. Total per horizontal foot. Provide and Install Cast Iron Pipe and Appurtenance (6"~), per horizontal foot· Provide and Install Cast Iron Pipe and Appurtenance (8"~) per horizontal foot. Provide and Install Water Service Connections, per each. Provide and Install Gate Valves and Valve Boxes, per each. Clean Up and Grade Roads, lump sum. Apparent Total, Schedule No. 2 Bidder By, Title Date (l~. 5) = hot.ft. hot.ft. (lOlO.5)= hor.ft. ( 2o )= each ( ~ )= each ( 1 )= job BS 2 T~is section of c,~a~i~ions is aivis~ i~'~to six (6), subsectior~s, ri'ne number of eac~ subsection is iae.atical with the pay item number ~a8t a[~7, ears o~ t~e mia anu .~'u!ly describes the work entailed ur+de_~' tna~ ?ay ite~.~. The pay item name column on the mid ~cnedule con,aims a co~tracted ,,.~ork ~iescription, referrin~S to t~e full mescr-iption found in this section of the cenzract con~iitions. pay item shell be understood to include providin~ all laoor, supervision, equipment and capital necessary to ac~:omptish the work entailed. Exc~v~te and Backfill Ditch Per Wate~-li~e. Oescrigtioa This work shall c~nsist or excsvati~g utility ditch to reasonable line and grame limits and w~th quality of workmanship necessary to piece ,~,ater utizity line to design line and grede without requiring backfill under t~e utility line. ~lso included is v~e back- fill of the ~:itch with excavated materials and the reasonable compaction of these materials. Contractor shall be respo[~sibie z'or acquiring all permits required i~or ri6h~ of way use prior to construction. Included Construction The ConLracSor shall excavate t~e waterlis_e ditch~ stockpiling all way provided. The Contractor snalt be resuo:~sible I'or shaping the ditch to assure sai'e and s~able wall co:~ditions and small follow ell reasonable safety practices. The Contractor small maintain a dry ditch at all times disposing of surd'ace and ~round waters in a method t~at will mi.uimize the nuisance created by their, presence. ~fne Contrac~or £hall backfill the utility ditch after completion of pay items 2, 3, and ~. Care small be taken to obtain maximum compaction possible aurin~ bsckfil!in~ through use of ~.ster in She ditch and bscki~illi~g in c~ro~led l~;iaations not ~o exceed two feet in depth. Foreign materials o±' an organic nature shall be excluded l'rom tUe backfill. Large z. oc~s excavated from the O~itch (target taan one l'oct in nominal diameter) snail not be used ~iz~ toe back- fil[ but le±~t at r. he surf scs for ais[~osal u~der pay item 5- TC 1 Gui'var'ts or' otl~er benericlal objects distur$~:l by the Corttract. or aurir,~ the course or cor~str'u, ction shml~ be re[,iacem by the Contractor to an equ~i or b~tter condition than prior to co:;structiof~ az no addition:al cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall r~ot be eli~ib.le £or exzra compensation due vo adverse excavation cor~itions created by ground ~ater or soil conditions incluo_inS soil/rock size. P~hould the Contractor determine that cleari~;~ limits t~at exist are not a~equate I'or his needs, additional clearing sf~alt be conducted by the Contractor but in no case s~all such clearing be perf'ormea outside the riga5 of way provided. All organic maturer and soil involved in the cieari~g process s~tali be excavated ann disposem of on site as aireotel by tt~e Owner, at no au~itionc~l cos~ to the 0waer. Pieasuremant This pay item snail be me~sured for payment by addin~ the total horizontal length of wa~er main acceptably installed including valves, benas_.aaa tees. Excavation and backfill in addition to t~e length above enumerated shall not be payable but snali be performed at tse Contractor's expe;~se. ~:8~ent ~8yment amount sha!], be eeterminea by t~e prcduct of the measured len5th o£ eligible excavati$[~ an~ backfill as determined above and the bid unit price appearing on the Die ~cheeule. Proviee and lnstall Cast Iron Pipe and Appurtenances Description All pipe and £ittin~s shall be Frcvided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall load, haul, store ann inst~!t those items of material needed to comulete the Contract. inclu,[ea Construction The Contractor snail orovime a~ t.ue job site ali the pipe and rittin~s necessary to complete ~be froject. [~.aterials on hand determi~ed to be extra to the needs of the completed Fro jeer snalZ be remo~ed by ~he Contractor within ten calendar days o~' completion. TC 2 in g mur~r~eu that w~l! not create a nazar.~ en~ st;iLL nccideat or bnci'b ~holl. ~e the sole respoa~ibiki~j of ~ne Contrf~ctoz'. Th~. Contr~ctor sLall install tr~e material as mirecteri by the contract drawings. Ail pipe shall be insvatled as per detail and in reasonable ,volei'snces wi~n line ann grade. The Contractor shall not i:~clume soil~ sani or gravel in the pipe as installe~, i'~on compliance. by Contractor ma, y lead to refusal by tree Owner to accept the completes line ao~ therefore re2uction in [)a?.ment to Contractor. benas~ te,~s, ar~ otaez' fixtures requir~n~j thrus~ blocks sn~lt be installed by the Contractor in accordance :-.'itn the plans anJ specifications, lnsval!ation ccnsui~uves pay itezi two. installation of gate valves e~a valve boxes is not included under this pay i~em. £-ressure testing ann sanitizing of the comoteted waterline is inciude~ unaer pay item two. Upon completion of water systems i[~,staila~ioa aaa prior to complete backfil!i~ of the system ditch, Contractor shall test the s.ystem flor leaks by pressure testing. T~e Contractor s;:ati sanitize the line and flush after sap. itizing. ~ressure testing, sanit~_zin~.o and flushings_ shall be con,~.uo~e~ as aesc~'ibe~d in current City of AncnoraAe ~tiiity Lpecit~ications ani said procedures are hereby incorporated in~o this specification by reference. Ail water line and afpurtensnces sh~ll be ins~allea by the Contractor so as to minimize the amoun~ of sand and other foreign material allowed to touch and remain inside t~e installed sys~ea. Measurement The acceptably installed horizontal footage of water line includin~ bends and tees provided and installed by the Contractor snalt be tots!em ann used as measure~ent for payment. This measuremenv shall be in place, i~stalled lensth. obtal.~e~, above muiLl[)ziea b3' T~)e measured footage ~ ',' ~ the u~it price peu foot from %ne Bi~% bcnedule sna!l pt'oviae the amount of payment. ~a retaina~e of ICao s~all be withheld from the Oontr2. ctor ~o cover testingS;, sanitizin[~ and fiushin~4. This retaina[~e is in :~adition to 'the normal ]0~8 ret~ina~ge withheld durLa~; ~a.yment for work ~ortially co~,u.!etea. Descrxution Contr~ctor shall excavate ~'rom proferty line to finished wate':'main, i. nstall Contractor fu~isaed copper se.cvice connections~ and back±'lll since al'tar acceptance of' connection by Ow~ef. Include¢~ Construction The Coavractor sbalt provide all necessary service i'ittings anm materials. For water service connection the Contractor sh,31l excavate from pz'operty line to completed water main as per aetail.. Yhe se~'vice s~alt be i~stalled ~ inspectea by the Owner prior to ~ackl'illi~,~. Initial back~ill over all I'ittings ann line shall be place& by han~ means. Caution shall be exercised using mecaanical backi'iliing to protect the installea service. [.;aximum compaction obtainable using water ann backfill laminations not e~.ceeding two feet in taickness shall be sought· For bleeder connections, the Contractor shall excavate and install ss per the Owner's direction and plan detail, ins~,ection ann backfill shall proceed as ~iescribed above. Contractor shall be governed by ~n. same comments re~ardin~ excavavi~:n sn~ backi'itl as were o~zii~ed in pay ivem one. f,leasurement Each acceptably completed water service connection and bleeder shall be counte~ for payment. ~a~ment ~'otal number o£ servioe connections and bleemers as dermined above multipliem by the unit l~rice each £rom the Bid Schedule shall yield the tctal payment. Provide a~d install Gate Valves and Valve moxes Descri~tion The Contrector shall provide, load~ haul, store~ and instal[ ~ate valves ann valve boxes as d!rec~e~ on the 'L,'C full Ikability for their quality Contractor small install those materials neede~ to complete the Ere jeer in conformance wit~. t. ne plans and suecifications. All materials i'r3u[::l to be ezcess to the needs of the project small be remove~ from the job site within ten days after com~.ietion of work. After installation all gate valves small work well and all valvebozes shall allow unobstructed access to the ga~e valves. Final top of valve box shall be located precisely as shown on %he Diems. Valves containing san~ or other forei~sn materia, ls will not be accepted by the Owner. i,leasurement Each acce~,,,tably installed 6ate valve anu valve box · combination shall be counted fo~' paymenm. i~easurea univs times price per unit £roz the ~ia Schedule shall determine total payment. Clean Uo and Grade ~{oads Description The Contracvor shall consolidate brush end 5op soil in the right of way accumulated as a result of construction and dispose of same as directed by the Owner. Large rocks excavated by the Contractor shall be removed from the subdivision ama disposed of by t~e Contractor. Cleaned right of way shall be smooth graded by Contractor to provide a functional, crowned ~ravel surfaced roadway. included Construction Ali_ brush, trees and other organics lnc~u&.~,,g top soil th,~t had to be moved by '~ahe Convractor in order to complete z:his con-~re..;t sh~ll be consolidates within thc subdivision as directed by the Cwner. Ail rocks excavated amc not useable as ::ackfill sisal[ be disp~sed of outside the subaivlsicn by the Contractor. The right of way used by Contractor ~u~ cleaned as described above small be l'[ne f;raded by rne Contracvor so tnaz a pleasing and functional, crowned gruvel surfoce road shall rest:it. the erea~ in!'luencem ~y construction so ~s ~o v[rtu~l]_y eliminate ali si~n of con.~.;truction. ~.ieo surement The accel, tably co~,~pteted clean up on t~e pro,jeer area shall be consiuered one Oob. Lump sum poyment as shown on the ~id Scaeaule shall be mane Z'or ecceptable completion of clean up. Encase Sewer Line at Water Line Crossing Description The Contractor shall encase all sanitary sewer lines crossed by new water line construction. Included Construction During construction of new water line all sewer lines crossed shall be encased as shown on standard aetails number 70 and 71 of the current "Standard Construction Specifications" as prepared by the City of Anchorage and Greater Anchorage Area Borough. This encasement shall be inspected prior to backfilling to assure compliance with applicable detail. Measurement All sewer line encasements completed in an Engineer approved manner shall be counted for payment. Pa[men~ Measured encasements times price each from the Bid Schedule shall determine total payment. k.~t;'~t emac'It o£ tritest ~'~e O~..:ner wishes to hove util'~ty service supplies within the i~roject Arc:~ i'l~a:-; ann ~a~i t~on~ t:.E. Based on ti:ese plans ~n~. specZi'i, cetio~s, a[~reemef~ for constz'~.tction ,sill be reacf;=m by a ~nit price mi~ 5caemule '~,lth em hsnest anck reliable Contrf~ctor ~e tee form of co[~tract signori. se it hereby fully noted that the Contractor by signing, t~:e A~ree.~at does co~enan~ -to ~'~,"~ a the '.-~ork necessary .for comFletion of the [~'roject in a diligent, workma~like m.:~I~r:er in strict accord~.nce with t~:o plans ~,ad specifications. The Oval, er has ma~e available £or the use of the Contractor the ri6ht of way of ali_ the streets in the subdivision to be services ~.~ita the subject utility. T~e Contractor covenants that ne will not cause equipment en~ materials to trespass or occupy land ad jaconet to the ri~]nts o£ way of the subdivision except as authorized by the Owner in writing. Scope of Work The Conv~ractor snell £urmish all labor, m~tez-ials, equipment and cai:itel necessary to ler!'crm an~ complete all work required for excavaUiag ann back t'illin~ utility aitc~, placing pipe aaa appurtenances includin~ service connections, clean up as necessary a~d other services 2or construction o2 v~e ~roject, all in strict accordance with t~e sfecifications, ~ thereto as ~rep~ed dre~.ings, ann future chano~ ormers by Dan Renshaw t~.E. Owner Supplied m~terials ~'here Owner supplied materials are specified in the plans and speci£ications, only those materials shall be used for construction. Contractor shall assume liability for all materials received £rom the Owner and snail check these materials prior to t~eir use. The Co~traczor shell inspect all materials obtained £rom the Owner prior to removal £rom the place o£ business of We supplier to be sure only mater]als of accepta~ble quality are delivered to the job site. ~11 ma~erisls foun~ by the Owner to be e£ in£erior quality s~all be rejecte~i by the ~wner for use on ti~is p~,oject. The Contractor s~all ~hen re[~tace these rejected materials: with materials of acceptable SC 1 quality ot thais own cost, since ae£ects in materials £ound at the ~ob si~e will be assume~ robe tae f~lt of t~e Contractor. ~etermin~tion of acceptable quality by tae O~ner saall be fi~al. The Contractor shall inventory all Owner supplied materials to assure tn~t construction is not meJayed due to oversite by either Owner or Contractor. [daterial availability at the job site shall be tl~e responsibility of the Contractor. Unit ~'rices The unit price bid for each item in the Dim £cnedule saali iac!ude all labor~ equi?ment, materi, a!s, supervision ann capital expenaitures necessary to comp].ete each item according to the plans and specifications. Only items o£ work listed on %he bid Schedule shall be pay items. The s~atea proceaures for requesting extra compensation for work performed in adaition to t~at agreed to must be ~llo~ed if compensation is aesirea. T~e specific payment items listed on the ~id Schedule are fully explainea in the Technical Conditions. Unit ~rices shall for all quantities in a range plus or miau£ 25~ o£ the estimated quantities unless staten in tae Technical Conditions. Changes in payment cuansities greater taan 2~ may lead to negctiation of change in unit ~rJ_ce for that item. Time for Constructi:.n and ~otice to ~roceed Forty-£ive (&5) calendar mays will be allowed Contractor for completion o£ the total work included under this contract. Extra work may or may not extend t~e completion ante dependin~ on s~ecific_ n~o~ia~ed settlements. Time will commence upon receipt by the Contractor of the ~ritten notice to proceed. Contractor shall commence construction as soon as possible after receipt of a written notice to proceed issued by the Owner. The notice vo proceed can be revoked at 3ny time by issuance of a stop cruet by the Owner. Issuance of a stop order shall stop the running of the time for construction. Work shall commence again only after receip[ by the Contractor o£ a new notice to ~roceed. The Owner alone shall decide what conditions may require the issuance o£ an order to stop construction. sc 2 1. Defimitions (a) 2'he term i;rojact ::;~oll herei~ refer to 1, he fro~iect entailed by t~lese sf~ecificr~.tiuns ~ttsca~ plans anu ezpressly limite~l by these documents. (b) ~i'~:,e terra Contr~ctor shall herein refer to teat Contractor whose signature apf:,e~rs on the Agreement witain these contract documents. (c) The term Owner snell herin refer to theft party whose signature appe~rs as Owner on the A{~reement within 'these contr~ct documents, or tLe desiEna'tea azent of the Owner such as his Engineer, or the successor to O'~nez, ship of zs~e Yro~ect as acknow!ad~fem by the Owner such as a governmental entity. Line and Grade Control ~'he Owner snail provide offset line and grade stakes for Project control, it snail ce the Convractor's responsibility to construct the system in full conformance with the plans and specifications through use of the li~e amd grade data supplied by tee Owner. Tnoush all reasonable e£for~s snell be made by t~e Owner to provide error free control, it is necessary for the Contractor to assume final responsibility that the system is constructe~ as required, it is therefore the Contractor's respons- i'bility to check all offset line and grade stakes prior to the use of same. Should the line and gra(te stakes be destroyed the Owner will replace same but will back charge Contractor for the replacement time. Only the initial set of stakes are provided free of charge. Should the line an(~ ~rade stakes be destroye~ and tad Contractor not request tteir replacement 'the Owner shall make a determination of whether the Contractor needs tnts control. If the O~ner is of the opinion teat zhe stakes are needee taey snell be replaced at the Contractor's expense. Every attempt snell be ma~ae by ~he Contractor t;o ret8in the line ant, gra~e stakes until periodic "as built" ir. formation is z'~coraed by the O',,ner. The Cot. tractor shall assist t~e Ortner when he wishes to record such as built information. CG 1 Durin; the life of this contract if lot corners or other control not who[ely within the right- of-wa?' should be destroyed they will be ret, laced bM the Owner at the Contractor's expense. Inspection and Acceptability The Owner shall from time to time inspect the progress of the Contractor. The Owner retains full authority to make value determinations of the Contractor's work and may require the Contractor to reconstruct portions of the work found to be faulty do to material, or workmanship. Ail work shall be left uncovered in the ditch until inspected by the Owner. The Contractor shall backfill unin- spected ~ortions of the project at his own risk and shall uncover same at no expense to the Owner if the Owner so requests. Incremental acceptance of the line during construction shall be subject to final system acceptability after sanitizing and pressure testing has been completed. Should the Owner at any time determine that he is not receiving the quality construction he seeks he may terminate the Contractor upon written notice. Upon receipt of tile termination notice, the Contractor shall immediately remove his equipment and men from the job site and cooperate in every way possible in allowing a new Contractor to commence with the project. Only then shall termination negotiations commence between the Owner and Contractor. Contrxctor Competence and Bonds By signing this contract the Contractor agrees that he is familiar with the site and the work to be performed at the site, and further that he is fully competent i~ handling, all work incident thereto. Contractor shall further assure the Owner of this level of competence by providing standard construction perfornance and payment bonds naming the Owner as beneficiary. Each bond shall have a face value equal to 100% of the estimated total contract amount. Surety and form of bond shall satisfy Owner's critical examination. Contractor shall make additions and corrections to the bonds as necessary to satisfy the Owner. GC 2 L ~;,bi lity Public and private property shall be honored by the Contractor and all duc caution ta~:en to preserve same. [[azardous conditions created by the Contractor shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility. The Contractor shall make ever;,' effort possible to minimize the haz~rds b'/ barricading open trenches, lighting such hazards, locking securely all equipment, placing ladders in all trenches, and any other such steps possible. Proof of public liability and property damage insurance and workmen's compensations insurance shall be furnished to the Owner prior to signing of the agreement binding the contract. (:.~inimum $100,000 P.L.) Insurance coverage shall satisfy Owner's critical examination. The Contractor shall make additions and corrections to his insurance coverage as necessary to satisfy the Owner. Save Harmless The Contractor shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Engineer from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought because of injuries or damages received or sus- tained by any person, persons, or property on account of the operations of the said Contractor: or on account of, or in consequence of any neglect in safeguarding the work; or through the use of unacceptable materials in constructing the work; or because of any claims, or amounts recovered from any infringements on patent, trademark, ordinance or decree. During the prosecution of the work, the Contractor shall be responsible for all damage or injury to any person or property of any character resulting from any act, omission, neglect, or mid- conduct in the manner or method or executing said work satisfactorily, or due to the nonexecution of said work at any time, and said responsibility shall continue until the date of final completion and acceptance. Plans and Specifications The Contractor st~all keep on the job site a copy of the plans and specifications and shall at all times give the Owner access thereto. Anything mentioned in the Specifications, will be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in the plans. Any discrepancies between the Contract Documents shall be called to the attention of the Owner who shall make a determination. The Owner will furnish from 10. time to time such detail plans and other inforraation as he may consider necessary, unless otherwise provided. Assignment and Subcontractors Assignment or subcontracting of any portion of the work of this contract shall not be permitted unless circumstances make assignment or sub- contract of benefit to the Owner, circumstances to be determined by the Owner. Guarantee Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the contract documents nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the contract documents or relieve the Contractor of liability for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year unless a longer period is specified. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. Change Orders and Extra Compensation Requests made of the Contractor by the Owner of a nature such that changes in expense or labor are not caused the Contractor may be verbal if the parties to this contract so desire. Changes to the plans and specifications that involve additional or less work, require more or less time and involve other contract items shall be in written form issued by the Owner. Should any change to this contract cause the Contractor to believe that extra compensation is due him, the Contractor shall in writing so request that extra compensation within 24 hours of commencement of the extra work. Claims for extra compensation for work performed prior to the 24 hour period shall not be honored. The 24 hours shall be timed from receipt of written request by the Owner. Extra compensation is defined as compensation for items other than those shown on the Bid Schedule. GC ~ 11. 12. Payment ot Contractor The Contractor shall be eligible for stage payment 30 calendar days after receipt of notice to proceed. Request for stage payment shall be made of the Owner with the assistance of the Engineer. The Engineer shall determine extent of eligibility for work completed. Ten percent of the stage payment amount agreed upon shall be retained by the Owner until the contract has been completed, then paid the Contractor as a final payment upon acceptance of the completed project by the Owner. Liquidated Damages Failure of the Contractor to fully complete the project to the Owner's satisfaction within the time allowed for construction may at the Owner's option be interpreted by the Owner as intent on the part of the Contractor to abandon the project with or without unilateral declaration of sub- stantial completion. If such a circumstance occurs the Owner may terminate the Contractor. Upon termination the Contractor shall be paid for all work acceptably completed less the ten percent withheld for final acceptance. This amount shall be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages. EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES iNC. 1974 WATER LINE EXTENSIONS EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA "CONSTRUC~IOR SPECIFiCATi0RS" Dan Renshaw P.E. Consulting Engineer ~19 Eighth Ave. Rm 209 Anchorage, Alaska INTRO DUCTI ON These contract documents, including specifications and drawings prepared by Dan Renshaw P.E., included herein physically or by reference, constitute the contract. Eagle River Heights Utilities, Inc.~ herewith seeks a Contractor of honest and reliable reputation to perform the construction as outlined in the contract. Consideration for satisfactory performance by the Contractor shall be determined by unit price agreement prior to signing the attached contract agreement (form of contract). The specifications and plans made a part of this contract outline the scope of the project and specify consaruction materials and desired results. The Contractor s}~all strictly adhere to the specifications and plans to obtain those desired results. bid SCHEuULE TECm~iCAL CG~,DiTIC~;S 1. E×cavate anti ~ackfill ~itch for Waterliae ~roviae and install (Jest Iron £ipe aha Appurtenances ~rovide and install Water Service Connections and Line Bleeders~ a. ~rovide and Install Gate Valves aha Valve ~o~es ~. Clean Up aha (~rsde koaas 6. Encase Sewer mine at Water Line Crossing $~ECikL C©i~DiTI6~S 1. Statement of Intent 2. Scope of Work Owner Supplied Materials Unit Prices 5- Time for Construction an~, ~otice to ~roceed GE~[ERAL C©2~DIT!CMS 1. Definitions 2. Line and Grade Control inspection aha ~cceptability Contractor Competence ~nd Bonds 5. Liability 6. Save Harmless 7. Plans sn~ Specifications 8. Assignment and Subcontractors 9. Guarantee 10. Chan~e Orders and Extra Compenstation 11. ~ayment to Contractor 12. Liquidated Damages This agreement made ~ais day of , .... , by ann between , a corpoz, ation organized an~ existing ua~er t[~e taws of br, e state of ; a p~rtnersnip or in~i¥idua! t~d~no~o ' ~ ~s. , he~.einafter callea t~e "Contractor", and Eagle River ~eignts Utilities inc. hereinafter called the "Owner". ~ a_~ the Owner for' Witnesse~h, that the Contractor ~ t~e consideration stated herein mutually agree as follows: Statement of Work The Contractor shall furnish materials and all labor, .equipment and capital necessary to perform and complete all work required for excavavins u~itity ditch; shall place all Owner and Contractor supplied pipe and appurtenances; shall backfill ditch, an& perform all associated work required, for tme completion of work., entailed by the attached plans ann specifications in strict accord~nce with sale plans ann specifications as prepared for the project by Dan Red, shaw ~.E. Ail specifications, drawings an~ fuuure change others are incorporated herein by reference anm mace a part hereof. Contract Consiaeration The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the strict performance of the contract, subject to additions and deductions as provided in the speci£ications, the sum of dollars ( .). Contract Documents The total contract shall consist of the following component parts: a) This agreement b) Technical Conditions c) ~pecial Conditions d) Drawings e) General Conditions This instrument, together with the other documents enumerated, vhich ssid other documents are fully a part of the contract ss it' hereto at~ached or herein repeated, form the contract, in the evenu thau pruvision in a~y comuonent ?ar5 of this contract co[t~'iicts wit~ any provision of any ocher component par~, the ?rovision of the component p~ru f.[rst A 1 above enumerated shell govern, except es otnerwia~ spec~£ical[y stated. C~ar~ge oz'ders to tae contra:ct shall sugercede ia importaace all co~tract provis£ons except this asreement. Ia wztness w~ereo£~ the' Contractor and ©'~ner ' - caused this instrument to be execmved ia three original counteroarts. Attest: Contractor By Title ~ddress Attest: By. %itte Aamress ~ 2 Eagle River Heights Utilities inc. 1974 Water Line Extensions Eagle River, Alaska Schedule No. 1 Eagle River Heignts-North Subdivision Pay Item No. 2b. e t~ay Item Name Unit Price in Words Excavate and Backfill Ditch for Waterline, per horizontal foot. Provide and install Cast iron Pipe and Appurtenance (6"~) per horizontal foot. Provide and Install Cast Iron Pipe and Appurtenance (~"~) per horizontal £oot. Provide and Install Water Service Connections, per each. Provide and Install Gate Valves and Valve Boxes, per each. Clean Up and Grade Roads, lump sum. Encase Sewer Line at Water Line Crossing, per each. Bidder By Title Date Unit Price bid Est. Project Quant. hot.ft. ( 622 ): hot.ft. (1710 ): hot.ft. ( ~-~ ): each ( 7 ): each ( 1 )= ~ob ( 2 )= each Apparent Total, Schedule No. 1 Item Bid Total BS 1 Eagle River heights Utilities inc. 1974 Water Line Extensions Eagle kiver, Alaska Schedule No. 2 ~eadow brook Subdivision Pay Item iNO. 2b. 4e Pay Item Name Unit Price in Words Excavate and Backfill Ditch for Water Line, Unit Est. ITem Price Project bid Bid Quant. Total per horizontal foot. Provide and Install Cast Iron Pipe and Appurtenance (6"~), per horizontal £oot. Provide and Install Cast Iron Pipe and Appurtenance (s"~) per horizontal foot. Provide and Install Water Service Connections, per each. Provide and Install Gate Valves and Valve Boxes, per each. Clean Up and Grade Roads, lump sum. Apparent Total, Schedule No. 2 Bidder Title Date (1242.5)= hor.£t. ( 232 hor .ft. (lOlO.5)= hor.£t. ( 2o )= each ( .~ )= each ( 1 ): job BS 2 Tads section of coa:~itions is aivide~ i~'.to six (6). suosectioas. The number o!' each subsection is iuentical wi~h the ?~y item a~mber that appears on t~e ~ia 6caedule anna ~'ully aescribes tire work entailed u~dez' tmav pay ~he pay item name column on the Bid Wcnedule contains a co~tractwd ,..~ork mescription, referring to tee full aescription found in this section of the contract conaiCions. Eaca pay item shall be understood to include ?roviding all labor, supervision, equipment and capital necessary to accomplish the work entailed. Exc~ate and ~acki'ill Ditch i,~or Waterli~e. Description Tads work shall consist ol' e~_~cavavi~ utility ditch to reasonable tizi~e and graae limits and witr~ quality oi' workmanship necessary to plaice water utiiity line to design line ann grade without req~iring back~ill under t~e utility line. ~lso inclumea is t~e back- fill oI' tee ditch with excavates materials ann t~e reasonable compacvio~ oi' these materials. Contractor shall be responsible i'or acquiring all permits required l~or right oi' way use prior to c.~ns~rmc~ion. Inc!umed Construction The Contractor shall excavate the wa~eriine mitch~ stockpiling all e~:csvatea materials on zne rigmt of way proviaed. The Contractor snell be responsible l~or shaping the ditch to assure safe anm stable ~all conditions and shall i'ollow all reasonable saffety practices. The Contractor sit, all maintain a dry ditch at all times Gisposing of surface and ground waters in a method that will mini~aize the nuisance created by Vheir presence. The Contractor shall backfill the utility ditch after completion of pay items 2, 3, and 4. Care' snell be taken to obtain maximum compaction possible during bsck£illing through use of water in zne aitch ann bockl~illi~g in controlled lami~ations nov to exceed two l~eet in depth. Foreign materials cZ~ an organic nature shall be excluded l'rom the backl'ill. Large roc~s excavated l'rom ~;ne d. itch (lar6er ~an one I~oot in nominal diameter) shall :~ot be used in tee back- fill. but left at the surl'ace l'or dis[:osat u'.~.der pay item 5- TO 1 Cu]ver't,s or otb,er bene['Jcial object~; dj. st, ur, bud b,y T;ne Contractor uuriaC tlc cour~e of oon~tFucti~¢r~ b~t'ter condition t2an prior to cor;structiun at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall not be eli~ib.le for extr.~ compensatio~i due ¥o adverse excavation ~',"~'~tior'~s~,~..~ created by [lrouna ',~ster or soil con,litions iacluain¢ soil/rock size. ahoui~ the Contractor determine that clearing limits that exist are not adequate for his needs, aG,aitional clearing sna!l be conmucted by the Contractor but in no c~se snali such ciearin.s be l.,ertk, rme~ outsime the right of way i;rovided. Ail organic ma%ter and soil involved in aha clearia~ process s:~ati be excavated ann aisposed of on site aa airecte~ by the Owner~ at no adui%ionat cost to the ~easurement This pay item snai! be measured for pay:neat by adding the totst horizontal length of w~ter main acceptably installed includin~ valves, benas,.and tees. Excavation and backfill in aamition to the lenajth above enumerated shall not be payable but snali be perrormem at the Conzraotor's exp~ase. pgyment ~ayment amount shall be determined by ~:;e promuct or the measured lemzth of eligible excavation ann backfill as determined above and the bin unit price appearing on the ~id Schemule. ~'rovide and install Cast Iron ~'ipe and ~pp~rtenances Description All pipe ann fittings shall be ~rovided by the Gontmactor. The Contractor shall load~ haul, store ann install those items of material needea to comule~e the Contract. £ncludea Construction The Contractor snail proviae at the job size all the pice 8nd i'it~in~s ~ ~ ..... , , r~ce .... -t~y to complete the i:rojecb. ['.aterials on hand deter'mined to be extra to the neeas of the completed project s~-.~ll be removed by ,the Contr~ctor within ten calendar days of completion. _in a manner that ',,/Lll act create a hazez'u end si.all take full z'~ponslbi,~ity for liebiJ, lty c~'eute/i by the presence o£ the 'riaterials. Losse.~: ~oe to aceideat or theft sh~l/ oe t~te sole respoasib/lity of the Contractor. The Contractor shall install the material as mirecte~ by the contract drawings. Ail pipe sh~ll be installed as per detail and in reasoaable tolerances wi.~n liae and grade. The Contr~ctor shall not iaclude soil, sani or gravel ia the pipe as instatle~. ?~Ion comgiiaace b.¥ Contractor may lead to refusal by tee Owner to accept the completed line aha therel~ore reducr~ion in ps?ment 'to Contractor. Benes, tees, and other fixtures requiria~] thrust blocks saatl be installed by the Contractor in accordance wits the pl,~ns a.nd specifications. Installation constitur~es pay item two. Installation o£ gate valves ann valve boxes is not included under this pay item. f~ressure testing aha sanitizing of the completed waterline is included ur.vier pay item two. Upon completion of w~ter system it:stallatioa aha prior to complete backfilliag of tr, e system ditcn~ the Contractor shall test the system for leaks by pressure testing. %'he Contractor shall sanitize the line and flush after sanitizing. ~ressure testing~ sa~nitizing and flushing] snail be con.hutted es mescribed in current City of Anchoraje ~tility Specifications and said proceaures are hereby incorForatem into this specification by reference. Ail water line and appurtenances shell be installea by tee Contractor so as to minimize the amount of sans and other foreign material allowed to touch and remain inside the installed system. i,iea surement The acceptably installed horizontal £oota~e o£ watez· line including bends and tees provided and installed by the Coa%ractor snail be totaled an~i used as measurement for payment. '~his measurement shall be in place, installed length. ~aymeR! The measured foot~-~ge obtaine~ above multiplies by the uhit price per foot from the Bis ~cnedmle snell provide tee amount cZ~ payment. A retalna,qe of 10>s shall Oe withheld from tee Contractor to cover testing, sanitizing a~nd flushing. This reta~nase is in addition to the normal 10~ retainage witnhe!d duri~g [)~-~ym~nb i'or wor[~ Foz'tia!ly comb~etea. TC ~ Descri.~ticn Controctor snal£ excavate from pro[ert! line to f~r. ished ~a":ermain~ install Contz'ac~or /'~rnisned cop~er service connec~ions~ and backfill aitch after acceptance of connection b.y tncl.aded Construction The Contractor snell provide all necessary waver service £2t:ings enm materials. For waver service connection the Contractor shall excavaVe from propert? line ~o completed water main as per aetail. The service snell b~ installed erie inspec~ea ~y the %wrier prior to Oack£itling. initial backfill over all £ittings ann line sh~li be placee by hana means. Caution shall be exercisem usin6 mechanical backfilling to protect the installea service. Naximum compaction obVainebie using water ann backfill laminations nos exceeding two feet in thickness shall be soulh~. For bleeder connections, the Contractor shall excavate an2 install as per tme Owner's direction and plan de,ail. 2ns:,ection and backfill shall proceed as {~.escribed above. Contractor shell be governed by the s~e comments re~a~di.n6 exoneration ~ne backfill as '¢~ere outlined in pay i~em one. Reasurement Each accepsably completed ~aLer service connection and bleeder shell be counted £or payment. Payment, Total number of service connections aha bleeders as detrained above multiplied by the unit price each rrom she -~i<~ Schedule shall yield the total payment. Provide enu install ~ate Valves and Valve Doxes Descri:~tion The Contractor sh~il provide, load, haul, store, and insts].i ~ate valves and valve boxes as directe~ on the plans. necess~ry [~;8te w~ives and v~lve ~.x~s. ~he .Uor. Lruc:~o~' full liability for their q~ality e~¢a safety. Contractor shall install those meLez'iats nee&ed ua coreD!eta the project in conformance with 'tae pinna a~m specifications. Al! materials f,umnm to be excess to the needs o~ the prodect saali be removed from the job site within ten days after completion o~ work. A£ter installation all gate valves saoll work well and all vatveboxes shall 811ow unobstructed access to the gate valves. Final top o£ valve box shall be locateo precisely as shown on ~he plans. Valves containing snn(l or other foreign m~terials will not be accepted by the Owner. ma~h acce?tably installed gate valve and valve box combination shall be counved for ~ayment. ~a~ment i,~easurea uaivs times F;'ice per unit from the Schedule shall determine total payment. Clean Up and ~.r~de ~toads Description The Cot~tr.scvor shall consolidate brush and zap soil in the right of way accumulated as a result of construction and dispose of same as airecte~ by the Owner. Large rocks excavated by the Contractor shall be removed from the subaivision ann disposed of bN the Contractor. Cleaned right of way shall be smooth graded by Contractor to provide a functional, crowned ~ravel surfaced roadway. Included Construction Ail brush, trees and other organics incluling top soil theft had to be moved by the Convractor in order to co?~p!ete ~his contract shall be consoiida~ed within the subdivision as airected by A!l rocks excavated ann not useable as bac~tfill shall be disp,~sed of outside the subdivision by the Co~tractor. The right of way used by the Contractor ~nd cleaned as describe([ above shall be fine graded by ~.ne Contractor so that a ~'teasin. and fur~ctional, crowned gravel surface road shall result. Ad(.]i%ional!zz Cont~'%~ctor s,na~ll jener~l[/ cie~n up t~e ~rea, influence~ b./ construction so eliminate ~1i sign of cons~ruction. The acceptably completed clean up on the p~oject area shsll be consiaered one job. Lump sum paymen~ as shown on the ~i~ Scneuule shall be m;ae £or ~cceptable completion of cle¢n up. Encase Sewer Line at Water Line Crossing Description The Contractor shall encase all sanitary sewer lines crossed by new water line construction. Included Construction During construction of new water line all sewer lines crossed shall be encased as shown on standard details number 70 and 71 of the current "Standard Construction Specifications" as prepared by the City of Anchorage and Greater Anchorage Area Borough. This encasemen~ shall be inspected prior to backfilling to assure compliance with applicable detail. Neasurement All sewer'line encasements completed in an Engineer approved manner shall be counted for payment. Payment Measured encasements times price each from the Bim Schedule shall determine total payment. TC 6 Tire Owner wishes, to hove utility set.vice £:~ppliea within the i;roject ~rers. ?l~ns end specii'icaLioas .['or the i'rooect nave been i'ur'nisr, ed by Dar. h'e~,saa'~ f.E. Based on th~se plans ~,na sr. ecii'icatior~s~ a[~reement for construction will ~e reached Oy a unit price ~id gcheoule wit~! an ~onest ann reiiabie Contractor ann t~e I'orm of contract si~nea. ~e it hereby fully noted that the Contractor by signing t~:e Agreement the work necess,~ry i'or completion of' t~e troject in a diLi[~ent, workmaa].ike ma:.,:~e~ in svricz accordance with the plans and specil'icatioas. The O~,.;~,er has made available for [ne use of the Contractor the ri6nt o~' way o£ all the streets in the subdivi$iori to be serviced with the subject utility. The Contractor covensnvs that he will not ceuse equipment and m~teriats to trespass or occui:y lar, a adjacent to the ri~(nts o£ ~.~ay of the subdivision except as euthorized by the Cwuer in writing. Scope of ~ork. The Conzractor shall furnish all tailor, m~zerials, equipment and capital necessary to [~:erz'orm ann complete all work required roy e.~zcavating and back i'illing utility ditctt~ ptaci~g pipe ann ap[_'urtenances i'nclud~ng service connections, clean up as necess?.ry and other services for construction oi' tr~e ~rojecz, all in strict accordance with the s?eciz'ications, drsv. ings, and future change orders thereto as prezared by Dart Renshaw t~.E. Owner Supplied materials '.,,,here Owner supplied materials are speciI'ied in the plans and speci£ications, only those materials shall be used £or construction. Contractor shall essume liability for all materials receivec, from the Owner and shall check these materials t:rior to their use. The Contractor st;all inspect all mate:"ials obtaine~i £rom the Owner prior to removal £rom the [~iace of business of the su?plier to be su~'e only materials of acceptable quality are delivered to zhe jo!) site. ~tl materials fo,ann by the Cwner to be oi' iai'erior quality shall be rejec~-~a by vne Owner i'or use on this puc jeer. The Contractor shall then red, lace ti~ea;e rejected materials with mnteuials o!~ acceptable quality ~Jt t~s own cost, since te£~cts in materie].:s founa at ~ne job site will be a-csume~ robe the fa~!t of t~,e Contractor. ~etermin~tion of ~cceptsb].e qumlity by Vae Owner shall be The Con~ractor si~all inventory ~il Owner supt:liea materials to assure that construction is no~ de]a~e~ due to oversite by either Owner or Contrector. J,iaterial availability at the job site snell be the responsibility of the Contractor. Unit i-rice s The unit price bid for each item in the Bid ~cneduze snali include all labor, eq~ipment~ ma~eriais, supervision ann cap[tal expenaitares necessary to com[ .... e escn item accordin~ to the ~lans and specifications. Cnly items of work listed on the ~id Scneduie snell be pay items. The states procemures f'or requesting extra compensation for work performea in adaiticn to t~at a~reem to must be ]bllowea if' com.~.~o~o ~ is aesired. The sLeciT'iC oavment items listed on the bid Schedule are full?/ cx?!sined in the qechnicat Csn¢[itions. Unit nrices snell not~ for a!! quantities in a ran[;e plus or minus 25':~ of the estimated quantities unless stated in the Technical ~on~-~'~mo-.o~. Cnan~es in payment ouantities greeter than 25f~ may lead to negotiation of caan~e in unit ~rice for that item. Time for Construction and Kotice to ~-roceed ~'orty-five (~5) calendar Says will be allowed ~e Contractor for completion of the total work included under this contract. Extra work may or may not extend the completion a~te depen~in~ on specific negotiated settlements. Time will commence upon receipt by the Contractor off t£e written notice to proceed. Contractor shall commence construction as soon as possible after receipt of a written notice to proceed issued by the Cwner. The notice to ~roceed can De revoked at ~ny time by issuance of a sto~ oraer bi the Cwner. Issuance of a stop order shall stop tee running of the time for construction. ~ork shall commence ~gain only after receipt by the Contractor of a new rozice to ?roceed. The Owner alone shall deciae what conditions may require the issuance of an order to stop constr~ction. (a) %he term i:roject s~'~a]_l ~erei:~ refer to t, ae ~roject entaiiem by :~aeae s[:ecii'icatJ~,ns an~ attecnea[ plans ant expressly iimite~ by tn docume[~ts. (b) ~,~e term Contr~i~ctor shell hez'~in refer to that Contractor w,hose siEnature sp:',eers on the Agreement witai~ ~nese contract documer.~s. (c) The term Owner shall herin refer to that party ,,,,'bose signature ap?ears es 6wt~,e~ on t~e ~greemer:u witkin ~e~:.e contract documer_zs, or the desi~na'tea a.~env c~ tee Cwner such es his Engineer, or the successor to Ownez'snip oI~ zne ~roject as acknowle&~ea by tFe Owner such as a ~overnmental entity. Line and Grade Control The O,,~nez. snail provide oi'i'set line and srele stakes £or f:roject control, it s:~all be the C:ntractor's responsioility 5o co,tstruc5 %:~e system in Z'ull co~'tformance with the plans a?x speci£icaticns tf~ro,~:h use of tee li;:e end ,ffra&e date supy~!ie~ by t[~e Owner. be made by the Owner to provide error, free control, it is necessary for the Contractor to assume final responsibility that the system is constructed as __ t_.~ere~ore the Contractor's respons- requ~ red. it is ibility to check ~il offset line aha grade stakes prior to the use o£ same. Should the line ant grate sta~es be destroyed the Owner will replace same but will back caar;je Contractor for the replacement -time. Only ~he initial set of stakes are provided ffree o£ charge. Should the line ant ~rade stakes be destroyed and the Contractor not request taeir replacement the Cwner sr'.all make a determi~azion of whevher the Contractor needs t~is co:.,v_"o!. I_*? the ~wner is of the opinion t~at ti~e stakes are neeae~, z~ey be replaced at -tr~e Contz'actor's expellee. Every att~m?t s~all be mate ?~y tire Contractor to retain th~ lane an~ ~jra'~e stakes until rer'~adic "a.~ built" inz'ormation is recorded by t~;e d,ner. The Cont:.actor ~:hall assist ~:~e Cwner ~ae~ ne wi',;hes to rwcord suca as built iai'ormation. CG 1 J During the life of this contract if lot c:orners or other control not wholely within thc right- of-way :~hould be destroyed they '.;[ [i be replaced by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. Inspection and Acceptability The Owner shall from time to time inspect the progress of the Contractor. The Owner retains full authority to make value determinations of the Contractor's t~ork and may require the Contractor to reconstruct portions of the work found to be fault>' do to material, or workmanship. Ail work shall be left uncovered in the ditch until inspected by the Owner. The Contractor shall backfill un~n- spected portions of the project at his own risk god shall uncover same at no expense to the Owner if tee Owner so requests. Incremental acceotance of the line during construction shall be subject to final system acceptability after sanitizing and pressure testing has been completed. Should the Owner at any time determine that he is not receiving the quality construction he seeks he may terminate the Contractor upon written notice. Upon receipt of the termination notice, the Contractor shall immediately remove his equipment and men from the job site and cooperate in every way possible in allowing a new Contractor to commence with the project. Only then shall termination negotiations commence between the Owner and Contractor. Contractor Competence and Bonds By signing this contract the Contractor agrees that he is familiar with the site and the work to be performed at the site, and further that he is full}' competent in handling all work incident thereto. Contractor shall further assure the Owner of this level of competence by providing standard construction performance and payment bonds naming the Owner as beneficiary. Each bond shall have a face value equal to i00% of the estimated total contract amount. Surety and form of bond shall satisfy Owner's critical examination. Contractor shall make additions and corrections to the bonds as necessary to satisfy the Owner. GC 2 L i abi 1 Public a~ld private property shall be honored bM the Contractor and all due cautJ on taken to preserve same. tlazardous conditions created by the Contr~,ctor shall be the Contractor"s sole responsibility. The Contractor shall make every effort possible to minimize the hazards by barricading open tremolos, lighting such hazards, locking securely all equipment, placing ladders in ail trenches, and any other-such steps possible. Proof of public liability and property damage insurance and workmen's compensations insurance shall be furnished to the Owner prior to signing of the agreement binding the contract. (Minimum $100,000 P.L.) Insurance coverage shaJ] satisfy Owner's critical examination. The Contractor shall make additions and corrections tO his insurance coverage as necessary to satisfy the Owner. Save Harmless The Contractor shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Engineer from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought because of injuries or damages received or sus- tained by any person, persons, or property on account of the operations of the said Contractor; or on account of, or in consequence of any neglect in safeguarding the work; or through the use of unacceptable materials in constructing the work; or because of any claims, or amounts recovered from any infringements on patent, trademark, ordinance or decree. During the prosecution of the work, the Contractor shall be responsible for all damage or injury to any person or property of any character resulting from any act, omission, neglect, or mid- conduct in the manner or method or executing said work satisfactorily, or due to the nonexecution of said work at any time, and said responsibility shall continue until the date of final completion and accept anc e. Plans and Specifications The Contractor shall keep on the job site a copy of the plans and specifications and shall at all times give the Owner access thereto. Anythin~ mentioned in the Specifications, will be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in the plans. Any discrepancies between the Contract Documents shall be called to the attention of the Owner who shall make a determination. The Owner will furnish from GC 5 10. time to time such detail p!ans and other information as he may consider necessary, unless otherwise provided. Assignment and Subcontractors Assignment or subcontracting of any portion of the work of this contract shall not be permitted unless circumstances make assignment or sub- contract of benefit to tile Owner, cirzumstances to be determined by the Owner. Guarantee Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the contract documents nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the contract documents or relieve the Contractor of liability for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year unless a longer period is specified. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. Change Orders and Extra Compensation Requests made of the Contractor by the Owner of a nature such that changes in expense or labor are not caused the Contractor may be verbal if the parties to this contract so desire. Changes to the plans and soecifications that involve additional or less work, require more or less time and involve other contract items shall be in written form issued by the Owner. Should any change to this contract cause the Contractor to believe that extra compensation is due him, the Contractor shall in writing so request that extra compensation within 24 hours of commencement of the extra work. Claims for extra compensation for work performed prior to the 24 hour period shall not be honored. The 24 hours shall be timed from receipt of written request by the Owner. Extra compensation is defined as compensation for items other than those sho~n on the Bid Schedule. GC ~ 11. 12. Payment ot Contractor The Contractor shall be eligible for stage payment 30 calendar days ~tfter receipt of notice to proceed. Request for stage payment shall be made of the Owner with the assista:~ce of the Engineer. The [-]nglneer shall determine extent of eligibility for work completed. Ten percent of the stage payment amount agreed upon shall be retained by the Owner until the contract has been completed, then paid the Contractor as a final payment upon acceptance of the completed project by the Owner. Liquidated Damages Failure of the Contractor to fully complete the project to the Owner's satisfaction within the time allowed for construction may at the Owner's option be interpreted by the Owner as intent on the part of the Contractor to abandon the project with or without unilateral declaration of sub- stantial completion. If such a circumstance occurs the Owner may terminate the Contractor. Upon termination the Contractor shall be paid for all work acceptably completed less the ten percent withheld for final acceptance. This amount shall be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages. EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES INC. 1971 WATER LINE EXTENSIONS EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA "CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS" Dan Renshaw, P.E. A Professional Engineering Corporation 519 Eighth Ave. Rm. 209 Anchorage, Alaska RECEIVED' JUL 3 P, 1971 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROLJGJ't DEPT. O1: ENVI£ONMENTAL QUALIT~ INTRODUCTI ON These contract documents, including specifications and drawings prepared by Dan Renshaw P.E., included herein physically or by reference, constitute the contract. Eagle River Heights Utilities, Inc., herewith seeks a Contractor of honest and reliable reputation to perform the construction as outlined in the contract. Consideration for satisfactory performance by the Contractor shall be determined by unit price agreemen~t prior to signing the attached contract agreement (form of contract). The specifications and plans made a part of this contract outline the scope of the project and specify construction materials and desired results. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the specifications and plans to obtain those desired results. CONTENTS AGREEMENT BID SCHEDULE TECHNICAL CONDITIONS 1. Excavate and backfill ditch for waterline 2 Install Owner furnished 6" 8", 10", and 12" diameter cast iron pipe and appurtenances 3. Install Owner furnished gate valves and valve boxes 4. Install Owner furnished copper water service connections and line bleeders 5. b~iscellaneous expenses to construct waterline across Meadow Creek 6. Clean up and grade roads SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Statement of Intent 2. Scope of Work 3. Owner supplied materials 4. Unit Prices S. Time for construction and notice to proceed GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Definitions Line and Grade Control Inspection and acceptability Contractor competence and bonds Liability Save Harmless Plans and Specifications Assignment and subcontractors Guarantee Change orders and extra compensation Payment to Contractor Liquidated Damages A. AGREEHENT (Form of Contract) This agreement made this day of , 1971, by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of , a partnership or individual trading as , hereinafter called the "Contractor", and Eagle River lleights Utilities Incorporate, hereinafter called the "Owner". Witnesseth~ that the' Contractor and the Owner for the consideration stated herein mutually agree as follows: 1. Statement of Work The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and capital necessary to perform and complete all work required for excavating utility ditch, placing Owner supplied pipe and appurtenances, backfilling ditch, and all associated work re- quired, for the completion of the 1971 extensions of the Eagle River Heights Utilities Incorporated Water System, in strict accordance witk the speci- fications and drawings prepared for the project by Dan Renshaw P.E. All specifications, drawings and future change orders are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. 2. Contract Consideration The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the strict performance of the contract, subject to additions and deductions as provided in the specifications~ the sum of dollars ( ). 3. Contract Documents The total contract shall consist of the following component parts: a) This agreement b) Technical Conditions c) Special Conditions d) Drawings e) General Conditions This instrument, together with the other documents enumerated, which said other documents are fully a part of the contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated, form the contract. In the event that any provision in any component part of this con- tract conflicts with any provision of any other component part, the provision of the component part first above enumerated shall govern,except as otherwise specifically stated. Change orders A-1 to the contract shall supercede in importance all contract provision except this agreement. In withness whereof, the Contractor and Owner have caused this instrument to be executed in three original counter- parts. Attest: Contractor By Title Address Attest: Owner By Title Address A-2 B. BID SCIIE DU LE Eagle River Ileigbts Utilities Inc. Water System 1971 Extensions Pay Item No. Est. Pay Item Name Unit Quant. Unit Bid in Words Bid ~z~ Excavate & Backfill hor. ft. ditch for waterline, 2e hor. 'ft. per horizontal foot Install Owner furnished 6", 8", 10", & 12" diameter cast iron pipe and appurtenances, 3. 6 Each per horizontal foot Install Owner furnished gate valve and valve boxes, Eac~ per each Install Owner furnished water service connections and line bleeders, per each 5. 1 J ob Miscellaneous expenses to construct waterline across Meadow Creek, lump sum 6. 1 Job Clean up and grade roads, lump sum ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT PRICE Item Total BS-1 C. TECHNICAL CONDITIONS This section of conditions is divided into six (6) sub- sections. The number of each subsection is identical, with the pay item number that appears on the "Bid Schedule" and fully describes the work entailed under that pay item. The pay item name column on the Bid Schedule contains a contracted work description, referring to the full description found in this section of the contract conditions. Each pay item shall be understood to include providing ali labor, supervision, equipment and capital necessary to accomplish the work entailed. 1. Excavate and Backfill Ditch for Waterline. DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of excavating utility ditch to reasonable line and grade limits and with quality of workmanship necessary to place water utility line to design line and grade without requiring backfi, ll under the utility line. Also included is the backfill of the ditch with excavated materials and the reason- able compaction of these materials. Contractor shall be responsible for acquiring all permits required for right of way use prior to construction. INCLUDED CONTRUCTION The Contractor shall excavate the waterline ditch, stockpiling all excavated materials on the right of way provided. The Contractor shall be responsible for shaping the ditch to assure safe and stable wall conditions and shall follow all reasonable safety practices. The Contractor shall maintain a dry ditch at all times disposing of surface and ground waters in a method that will minimize the nuisance created by their presence. The Contractor shall backfill the utility ditch after completion of pay items 2 & 3. Care shall be taken to obtain maximum compaction possible during backfilling through use of water in the ditch and backfilling in controlled laminations not to exceed 2 foot in depth. Foreign materials of an organic nature shall be excluded from the backfill. Large rocks excavated from the ditch (larger than one foot in nominal diameter) shall not be used in the backfill but left at the surface for disposal under pay item 6. TC-1 Culverts or other beneficial objects disturbed by the Contractor during the course of construction shall be replaced by the Contractor to an equal or better condition than prior to construction at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall not be eligible for extra compensation due to adverse excavation conditions created by ground water or soil conditions in- cluding soil/rock size. The typical trench detail section to be approximated by the Contractor within reasonable tolerances. The Contractor is warned that he shall expect excessive ground water conditions in at least 50% of all ditch constructed. Should the Contractor determine that clearing limits as shown on the plans are not adequate for his needs, additional clearing shall be conducted by the Contractor but in no case shall such clearing be performed outside the right-of-way provided. All organic matter and soil involved in the clearing process shall be disposed of on site as directed by the Owner. The Contractor shall use extreme caution while uncovering the existing water system near the intersection of War Admiral and Eagle River Loop Roads so as to not needlessly interrupt service to existing water consumers. ME ASURE~]ENT This pay item shall be measured for payment by adding the total horizontal length of 6", 8", 10", and 12" diameter pip~ acceptably installed including valves, bends and tees. Excavation and backfill in addition to the length above enumerated shall not be payable but shall be performed at the Contractor's expense. PAYMENT Payment amount shall be determined by the product of the measured length of eligible excavation and backfill as determined above and the bid unit price appearing on the Bid Schedule. TC-2 2. Install Owner furnished 6", 8", 10", and 12" diameter cast iron water pipe and appurtenances. DESCRIPTION Ail cast iron pipe and fittings shall be pro- vided by the Owner. The Contractor shall load, haul, store and install those items of material needed to complete the contract, and return for Owner credit those items unused. INCLUDED CONSTRUCTION The Owner shall provide at Anchorage all the cast iron pipe and cast iron fittings necessary to complete the project. The Con- tractor shall receive these materials from the supplier at Anchorage, load and haul these materials to the project site and install all needed materials. Materials on hand determined to be extra to the needs of the completion of the project shall be returned to the supplier by the Contractor and the Owner's account with the supplier shall be credited accordingly. The Contractor shall store the materials on the site in a manner that will not create a hazard and shall take full responsibility for liability created by the presence of the materials. Losses due to accident or theft shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall install the material as directed by the contract drawings. Ail pipe shall be installed as per detail and in reason- able tolerances with line and grade. Bends, tees and other fixtures requiring thrust blocks shall be installed by the Contractor in accordance with the plans and specifications. Installation consitute pay item 2. Installation of gate valves and valve boxes is not included under this pay item. Pressure testing and sanitizing of the completed waterline is included under pay item 2. Upon completion of water system installation and prior to complete backfilling of the system ditch, the Contractor shall test the system for leaks by pressure testing. The Contractor shall sanitize the line and flush after sanitizing. Pressure testing, sanitizing and flushing shall be conducted as described in current City of Anchorage TC-3 Utility Specifications and said procedures are hereby incorporated into this specification by reference. Ail water line and appurtenances shall be installed by the Contractor so as to minimize the amount of sand and other foreign material allowed to touch and remain inside the installed system. ~4EASURE~4ENT The acceptably installed horizontal footage of 6", 8", 10", and 12" diameter water line including bends and tees shall be totaled and used as measurement for payment. This measurement shall be inplace, installed length. PAYMENT The measured footage obtained above multiplied by the unit price per foot from the Bid Schedule shall provide the amount of payment. A retainage of 10% shall be withheld from the Contractor to cover testing, sanitizing and flushing. This retainage is in addition to the normal 10% retainage withheld during payment for work partially completed. Install Owner Furnished Gate Valves and Valve Boxes DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall load, haul, store and install Owner provided gate valves and valve boxes of various sizes. INCLUDED CONSTRUCTION The Owner shall supply at Anchorage all necessary 6", 8", 10", and 12" diameter gate valves and valve boxes. The Contractor shall load, haul and store these materials assuming full liability upon receipt from supplier. Contractor shall install those materials needed to complete the project in conformance with the plans and specifications. All materials found to be excess to the needs of the project shall be returned to the supplier by the Contractor and the Owner's account credited. After installation all gate valves shall work well and all valve boxes shall allow unobstructed access to the gate valves.. Final top of valve TC-4 box shall be buried 3" below finished gravel road surface. Valves containing sand or other foreign materials will not be accepted by the Owner. MEASUREHENT Each acceptably installed gate valve and valve box combination shall be counted for payment. PAYMENT Measured units times price per unit from the Bid Schedule shall determine total payment. Install Owner furnished Copper Water Service Connections and Line Bleeders DES CRI PTI ON Contractor shall excavate from property line to finished watermain, install Owner furnished copper service connections, and backfill ditch after acceptance of connection by Owner. Owner to provide all materials. INCLUDED CONSTRUCTION The Owner shall provide all necessary water service fittings and materials. For water service connections the Contractor shall excavate from property line to completed water main as per detail. The service shall be installed and inspected by the Owner prior to backfilling. Initial backfill over all fittings and line shall be placed by hand means. Caution shall be exercised using mechanical backfilling to protect the installed service. Maximum compaction obtainable using water and backfill laminations not exceeding 2 feet in thickness shall be sought. For bleeder connections~ the Contractor shall excavate and install as per the Owner's direction and plan detail. Inspection and backfill shall proceed as described above. Contractor shall be governed by the same comments regarding excavation and backfill as were outlined in pay item 1. TC-S MEASUREMENT Each acceptably completed water service connection and bleeder shall be counted for payment. PAYb~ENT Total number of service connections and bleeders as determined above multiplied by the unit price each from the Bid Schedule shall yeild the total payment. Miscellaneous expenses to construct waterline across Meadow Creek DESCRIPTION The Owner acknowledges that the Contractor will sustain inordinate expenses in constructing the waterline under the channel of Meadow Creek. For this reason a lump sum bid item is provided to compensate the Contractor for these extra miscellaneous expense. These extra expenses shall include but not be limited to diverting the creek channel, daming the creek, placing the creek in a flume, pumping surface and ground waters, shoring the ditch, and acquiring all permits from concerned State of Alaska Departments. INCLUDED CONSTRUCTION It is the intent of this bid item to compensate the Contractor for those certain additional miscellaneous expenses expected by the Con- tractor in constructing the waterline under the channel of Meadow Creek, over and above the normal costs involved in bid items one and two. The Contractor shall take those measures he determines to be necessary to hold, divert, or otherwise handle the water in Meadow Creek and thereby allow construction of the waterline. MEASUREHENT The acceptably completed crossing of Meadow Creek by the waterline shall be considered one job in regard to the necessary extra work expected to be performed by the Contractor. PAYMENT Lump sum payment as shown on the Bid Schedule shall be made for acceptable completion of the crossing of Meadow Creek with waterline. TC-6 6. Clean Up and Grade Roads DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall consolidate brush and top soil in right-of-way accumulated as a result of construction and dispose of same as directed by the Owner. Large rocks excavated by the Contractor shall be removed from the subdivision and disposed of by the Contractor. Cleaned right-of-way shall be smooth graded by Contractor to provide a functional, crowned gravel surfaced roadway. INCLUDED CONSTRUCTION All brush, trees and other ogranics including top soil that had to be moved by the Contractor in order to complete this contract shall be consolidated within the subdivision as directed by the Owner. All rocks excavated and not useable as backfill shall be disposed of out- side the subdivision by the Contractor. The right-of-way used by the Contractor and cleaned as described above shall be fine graded by the Contractor so that a pleasing and functional, crowned gravel surface road shall result. Additionally Contractor shall generally clean up the area influenced by construction so as to virtually eliminate all sign of construction. MEASUREMENT The acceptably completed clean up of the project area shall be considered one job. PAYMENT Lump sum payment as shown on the Bid Schedule shall be made for acceptable completion of clean up. TC-7 D. SPECIAL CONDITIONS me Statement of Intent Eagle River Heights Untilities, Inc. wishes to have water service supplied within its 1971 extension area located at Eagle River, Alaska. Plans and specification for the project have been furnished by Dan Renshaw P.E. Based on these plans and specifications agreement for construction will be by a unit price Bid Schedule with an honest and reliable Contractor and the Agreement (form of contract) signed. Be it hereby fully noted that the Contractor by signing the agreement does covenant to perform the work necessary for completion of the project in a diligent, workmanlike manner in strict accordance with the plans and specifications. The Owner has made available for the use of the Contractor the right-of-way of all the streets in the subdivision to be serviced with waterline. The Contractor covenants that he will not cause equipment and material to trespass or occupy land adjacent to the rights-of-way of the subdivision except as authorized by the Owner in writing. Scope of Work The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and capital necessary to perform and complete all work required for excavating and backfilling utility ditch, placing Owner furnished pipe and appurtenances including service connections, clean up as necessary and other services for construction of 1971 extension of the Eagle River Heights Utilities, Inc., Water System, all in strict accordance with the specifications, drawings, and future change orders thereto as prepared by Dan Renshaw P.E. Owner Supplied Materials The Owner shall supply all material items required for this project. Where Owner supplied materials are specified only those materials shall be used for construction. Contractor shall assume liability for all materials received from the supplier and Owner shall check these materials prior to their use. Material of inferior quality shall be rejected and the Contractor shall supply substitute items. SC-1 e The Contractor shall inspect 'all materials obtained from the supplier prior to removal from the place of business of the supplier to be sure only materials of acceptable quality are delivered to the job site. All materials found by the Owner to be of inferior quality shall be rejected by the Owner for use on this project. The Contractor shall then replace these rejected materials with materials of acceptable quality at his own cost, since defects in materials found at the job site will be assumed to be the fault of the Contractor. Determination of acceptable quality by the Owner shall be final. The Contractor shall inventory ail Owner supplied materials to assure that construction is not delayed due to oversite by either Owner or Contractor. Material availability at the job site shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Unit Prices The unit price bid for each item in the Bid Schedule shall include ali labor, equipment, supervision and capital expenditures necessary to complete each item according to the plans and specifications. Only items of work listed on the Bid Schedule shall be pay items. The stated procedures for requesting extra compensation for work performed in addition to that agreed to must be followed if compensation is desired. The specific pay~::ent items listed on the Bid Schedule are fully explained in the Technical Conditions. Unit prices shall hold for all quantities in a range plus or minus 25% of the estimated quantities unless otherwise stated in the Technical Conditions. Changes in payment quantities greater than 25% may lead to negotiation of change in unit price for that item. Time for Construction and Notice to Proceed Forty-five (45) calendar days will be allowed the Contractor for completion of the total work in- cluded under this contract. Extra work may or may not extend the completion date depending on specific negotiated settlements. Time will com- mence upon receipt by the Contractor of the written notice to proceed. ' Contractor shall commence construction as soon as possible after receipt of a written notice to pro- ceed issued by the Owner. The notice to proceed can be revoked at any time by issuance of a stop order by the Owner. Issuance of a stop order shall stop the running of the time for construction. SC-2 Work shall commence again only after receipt by the Contractor of a new notice to proceed. The Owner alone shall decide what conditions may require the issuance of an order to stop construction. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Definitions a) The term Contractor shall refer herein to that Contractor whose signature appears on the Agreement. b) The term Owner shall refer herein to Eagle River Heights Utilities, Inc. or its designated agent, such as the Owner's Engineer. References to the Engineer shall mean that Engineer appointed by the Owner. c) The term Project or Contract shall refer herein to the 1971 Extensions to the Eagle River Heights Utilities, Inc.'Water System. 2. Line and Grade Control The Owner shall provide offset line and grade stakes at 100 foot intervals and at all grade changes. It shall be the Contractor's re- sponsibility to construct the system in full conformance with the plans and specifications through use of the line and grade data supplied by the Owner. Though all reasonable efforts shall be made by the Owner to provide error free control, it is necessary for the Contractor to assume final responsibility that the system is constructed as required. It is therefore the Contractor's responsibility to check all offset line and grade stakes prior to the use of same. Should the line and grade stakes be destroyed the Owner will replace same but will back charge the Contractor for the replacement time. Only the initial set of stakes are provided free of charge. Should the line and grade stakes be destroyed and the Contractor not request their replacement the Owner shall make a determination of whether tile Contractor needs this control. If the Owner is of the opinion that the stakes are needed they shall be replaced at the Contractors's expense. Every attempt shall be made by the Contractor to retain the line and grade stakes until periodic "as built" information is recorded by the Owner. The Contractor shall assist the Owner when he wishes to record such as-built information. GC-i During the life of this contract if lot corners or other control not wholely within the right- of-way should be destroyed they will be replaced by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. Inspection and Acceptability The Owner shall from time to time inspect the progress of the Contractor. The Owner retains full authority to make value determinations of the Contractor's work and may require the Contractor to reconstruct portions of the work found to be faulty do to material, or workmanship. All work shall be left uncovered in the ditch until inspected by the Owner. The Contractor shall backfill unin- spected portions of the project at his own risk and shall uncover same at no expense to the Owner if the Owner so requests. Incremental acceptance of the line during construction shall be subject to final system acceptability after sanitizing and pressure testing has been completed. Should the Owner at any time determine that he is not receiving the quality construction he seeks he may terminate the Contractor upon written notice. Upon receipt of the termination notice~ the Contractor shall immediately remove his equipment and men from the job site and cooperate in every way possible in allowing a new Contractor to commence with the project. Only then shall termination negotiations commence between the Owner and Contractor. Contractor Competence and Bonds By signing this contract the Contractor agrees that he is familiar with the site and the work to be performed at the site, and further that he is fully competent i~ handling all work incident thereto. Contractor shall further assure the Owner of this level of competence by providing standard construction performance and payment bonds naming the Owner as beneficiary. Each bond shall have a face value equal to 100% of the estimated total contract amount. Surety and form of bond shall satisfy Owner's critical examination. Contractor shall make additions and corrections to the bonds as necessary to satisfy the O~ner. GS-2 Liability Public and private property shall be honored by the Contractor and all due caution taken to preserve same. Hazardous conditions created by the Contractor shall be the Contractor's sole responsibility. The Contractor shall make every effort possible to minimize the hazards by barricading open trenches, lighting such hazards, locking securely all equipment, placing ladders in all trenches, and any other such steps possible. Proof of public liability and property damage insurance and workmen's compensations insurance shall be furnished to the Owner prior to signing of the agreement binding the contract. (Minimum $100,000 P.L.) Insurance coverage shall satisfy Owner's critical examination. The Contractor shall make additions and corrections to his insurance coverage as necessary to satisfy the Owner. Save Harmless The Contractor shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Engineer from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought because of injuries or damages received or sus- tained by any person, persons, or property on account of the operations of the said Contractor; or on account of, or in consequence of any neglect in safeguarding the work; or through the use of unacceptable materials in constructing the work; or because of any claims, or amounts recovered from any infringements on patent, trademark, ordinance or decree. During the prosecution of the work, the Contractor shall be responsible for all damage or injury to any person or property of any character resulting from any act, omission, neglect, or mid- conduct in the manner or method or executing said work satisfactorily, or due to the nonexecution of said work at any time, and said responsibility shall continue until the date of final completion and accept ance. Plans and Specifications The Contractor shall keep on the job site a copy of the plans and specifications and shall at all times give the Owner access thereto. Anything mentioned in the Specifications, will be of like effect as if shown or mentioned in the plans. Any discrepancies between the Contract Documents shall be called to the attention of the Owner who shall make a determination. The Owner will furnish from GS -3 9e 10. time to time such detail plans and other information as he ma)' consider necessary, unless otherwise provided. Assignment and Subcontractors Assignment or subcontracting of any portion of the work of this contract shall not be permitted unless circumstances make assignment or sub- contract of benefit to the Owner, circumstances to be determined by the Owner. Guarantee Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the contract documents nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the contract documents or relieve the Contractor of liability for fault), materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year unless a longer period is specified. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. Change Orders and Extra Compensation Requests made of the Contractor by the Owner of a nature such that changes in expense or labor are not caused the Contractor may be verbal if the parties to this contract so desire. Changes to the plans and specifications that involve additional or less work, require more or less time and involve other contract items shall be in written form issued by the Owner. Should any change to this contract cause the Contractor to believe that extra compensation is due him, the Contractor shall in writing so request that extra compensation within 24 hours of commencement of the extra work. Claims for extra compensation for work performed prior to the 24 hour period shall not be honored. The 24 hours shall be timed from receipt of written request by the Owner. Extra compensation is defined as compensation for items other than those shown on the Bid Schedule. GS-4 11. 12. Payment ot Contractor The Contractor shall be eligible for stage payment 50 calendar days after receipt of notice to proceed. Request for stage payment shall be made of the Owner with the assistance of the Engineer. The Engineer shall determine extent of eligibility for work completed. Ten percent of the stage payment amount agreed upon shall be retained by the Owner until the contract has been completed, then paid the Contractor as a final payment upon acceptance of the completed project by the Owner. Liquidated Damages Failure of the Contractor to fully complete the project to the Owner's satisfaction within the time allowed for construction may at the Owner's option be interpreted by the Owner as intent on the part of the Contractor to abandon the project with or without unilateral declaration of sub- stantial completion. If such a circumstance occurs the Owner may terminate the Contractor. Upon termination the Contractor shall be paid for all work acceptably completed less the ten percent withheld for final acceptance. This amount shall be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages. GS -S October 19, 1972 Mr. Dan Renshaw 519 8tl~ Avenue Room 209 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: 1972 Water Utility Improvements Eagle River Heights Utilities Dear Nr. Renshaw: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality i)as received and reviewed the as-built engineering plans for the subject project. We find that these plans meet with all conditions with whicM tills Department is concerned. However, we will look forward to receiving one additional item at your earliest convenience. This one particular item is recorded 200' easements around bot~ of these wells. Saould we be of any assistance in this matter, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian bb cc: Mr. Kyle Chc~rry DEPT. OF ENVIRONI~IENTAL CONSERVATION October 24, 1972. Mr. Dan Renshaw Consulting Engineer 519 8th Avenue -Rm. 209 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: 1972 Utility Improvements Eagle River Heights Utilities Dear Mr. Renshaw: The 1972 Water Service Improvements covered b~ the as built plans submitted by you to this office by your letter of October 13, 1972, are approved for the features with which this department is con- cerned. Before the new 8 inch well is allowed to be included in the present system, satisfactory bacter- iological and chemical analysis must be furnished this office, as well as a site plan for this well. Yours truly, · r,~herry(,~. ~ Regional EnvironmenraJ- Engineer KJC/cg cc: GAAB-DEQ~/ DEPT. OF' ENVIRON~IENTAL CONSERVATION / POO~ o- JUNEAU July 13, 1972 : Mr. Dan Renshaw 519 Eighth Avenue, Room 209 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: 1972 Water Services Improvements- Eagle River H~ights Utilities Dear Mr. Renshaw: The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for those features with which this Department is concerned. We shall await the information on the new public well including the fact that the necessary protective radii are met and the for- warding of satisfactory bacteriological and chemical analysis of the water. Under no circumstances is it to be connected to the system until~full approval has been obtained from this Department. Yours truly, Kyle J. Cherry Environmental Engineer Southcentral Regional Office cc: GAAB-DEQ ~1~ 11, 1972 Mr. Din aenah~w Ancheri~t, Alalkt Includinq Well and Waterline l)ear Mr. aermhawt The Greeter Anchorage Area Borough, Oepartaont of Environmutel ~uality ii in r~eipt of t~ with wMch We ~o~ld caution yoM, however, prior to conitr~ctiofl of tM e~te~lm of t~ee mterll~s · si~lar set of plo~ ~ au~tt~ ~o Ur. ~le ~rr:/ o~ ~ S~a~e ~epar~nen~ of ~n~tromental Co~orv~tton for Mi reflew i~ o~roval. We req~nat the folloMng tnfornetion bo pTev4.ded enee tMs project ia coupletel 1) Aa-built en~imring plans on tho uiterlino extensions ae proposed in thele plans. 2) Chemical and bacterial analysis end also t uoll log on tho uoll that ia nee being drilled. Should you hove eny MtlOni rigirdllq our rlvil~ Of tJmiO plifll, pleele contict tho undoTot~wd. Sincerely) Roll Stricklond, R.S. Asaletont Director c~l Mr. Kyle Cherry ~agle River, Alaska February 19, 1972 State of Alaska Dept. Dm Room 222 338 Denali St. AnchoraMe, Alaska Gentlomen, Enclosed is a cody of the chemical analysis report of a water sample from the well serving Eagle t{iver i{eights Utilities, Inc. requested in your letter of January 27. Dan ~enshaw GAAB - DEQ /~?urs tEzly, Glenn G. Briggs, ~res. E~gle River HeiEhts Utili~c~.es, inc. ALASKA TESTLAB -- CttEMICAL WATE P, C 1 i e n t: ~~L~~ '~/~r. Project: S~ple: ~~~ Date Received: pH_ 7.6~ 8 ~ 3 °C- Specific Conductance 8 25°C.__ TEST -MGS/LITER TEST P~SIDUE: TOTAL 144 SULFATES: FIXED SULEATE SULFITE FILTERABLE FIXED NONFILTERabLE FIXED CALCIU~ }mGNESIUM IRON SODIUM POTASSI~4 SILICA PHOSPHATES: TOTAL PO4 w.O.~o. Z fe~. lq 7Z ~Micromhos/CM MGS/LITER CHLORIDES AS SODIUM CHLORIDE NITRATES: NITRD, TE NITRITE ALKALINITY: PHENOPHTHALEIN METHYL ORANGE ACIDITY TOTAL HARDNESS EDTA CC~UT2D _ 0 154. S ORTHO PO4 POLY PO4 FLUORIDE T~NNIN & LIGNIN FREE CO2 HYDROXYL ION CONC. AS CaCO3 BICARBONATES AS CaCO3 CARBONATES AS CaCO3 MANGANESE < o. oz. <0.004 TECHNICIAN:, ALASKA MINERAL LAB 2229 SPENARD ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE 272--2716 FOR REPORT OF ANALYSIS Alaska Test Lab 503 E. 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Feb. 11, 1972 2555 12311 ;':stet sample Ca 16.83 p~m l~g 3.50 ppm Mn '< O. 02 ppm As <0.004 m~/1 < = less than COMMENTS: TITL£ Susan A. Dechant~ Lab ManaFer DEPARTi~IENT OF m] ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WILLIAM A. EGAN, GOVERNOR / ROOM 222 -- MACKAY BUILDING 338 DENALI STREET -- ANCHORAGE 99501 January 27, 1972 Mr. Glen Briggs Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES Dear Mr. Briggs: Based on the satisfactory bacteriological analysis presented to me on January 25, 1972 for the water for the subject utility departmental approval is hereby given for the.utilization of the source as a public water supply. This approval is given with the understanding that this office will be furnished a satisfactory chemical analysis of the source on or before February 29, 1972. There are several commercial labs in Anchorage who can perform this service and you should follow your engineer's direction in this regard. Failure to provide this analysis will result in disap- proval of the source for a public system. Yours truly, Regional Environmental gngineer KJC/mw cc: Dan Renshaw G~B-DEQ %// RECEIVED I WILLIAM A. E&4N, GOVE£NO;~ / CONSERVATION January 5, 1972 }.~r. D8n }~,enshax~, P.E. 519 8th Avenue - ~oom 209 Anchor~[~a, Alaska 99501 SU:]J: AS.*BUILTS, EAGLE RIVER IIEIGI1TS UTILITIES, 1971 CONSTRUCTION Dear },~r. Renshaw: The as-built plans for the subject project are approved for those features with x,:hich this Department is concerned. We are still not in receipt of chemical and bacteriological results on the well ¥~ater. Complete approval of the project is per, ding submission of satisfactory analyses, Yours truly, cc: CA),B-DEQ DAN RENSHAW P.E. A PROF£$SJONAL ENG]NEER]NG CORPORATION ~19 EIGHTH AVENUE, ROOM 209 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 July. 22, 1971 Mr. Rot£ Strickland R.S. Assistant Director Depertment of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area borough i-ouch 6-~50 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Dear ~ir. Strickland, Attached are two sets of plans and specifications for 1971 construction within the PUC franchise area of Eagle River ~eights Utilities inc. The proposed construction will begin as soon as approval is given by your Department ana the State Department of ~ealth end Welfare. all construction will be inspected by me or s qualified engineer under my supervision. Your review o£ the plans and comments would be most a?preciated. Yours Dan Rensnaw RECEIVEI~ JUL 2 2 1971 Pill GREATER ANCHORAG~ A~A I~O~OUGH TO DAN RENSHAW, PJ~. A Professional Engineering C aration 519 Eighth Avenue Room 209 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Phone 277-4119 Mr. Kyle Cherry Regional Sanitary Engineer Department of Health & Welfare Room 222 MacKay Building 558 Denali St. Anchorage, Alaska OA~ July 22, 1971 SUBJECT ........ Eagle_ Rive~.He~ghts Utilities Inc. 1971 construction > Attached. is one.copy of.plans_an~ sp. eci.ficati0ns_.for__the referenced, p~oject .togeth~.?i_th__App~t~?~__~_r_~pproval ......... of_~lans.o ..... An_~addi~iona~.~0py of. ~hese.d0cuments' hasbe.eB- ........... transmitted ~o Mr~ Rol~. S.~F!~k~an~_u__~_.~r~_e Co_~v_~?~ Your copy is hand carried to expedite review by both State and Borough. Your review remarks are requested. Thank you, [] PLEASE REPLY '[] NO REPLY NECESSARY DHW-Etl-7 bt.(5-67) ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ilEALTll ANll WELFARE ~ DIVISION OF PUIILIC III.~ALTII AP'~.~IGATION FOR APPROVAL OF Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Branch of Environmental Health Pouch II Juneau, Alaska 99801 City Zip Code ................. l~;'i'l'i'~"~'fi~i;';;'~ ................. Applicatl.on Date Business Telephone No. RE:_/.~Z/.... ~.~. ./.C.-.~. In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety", Chapter 05, Sec. 18.05.040, (11), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereunder, we, ....... ~y/~_ ._&~.' ~_/~~~,,?.~ ..__~_-: ............................ herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans he oroposed pro'cci described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General. plans, D. etalled plans and specl- for t ..... J ~ or fleatlons, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Report} including necessary uata requ red f full understand- · lng of SANITARY FEATURES of design. loire complete but brief description of project) , · ..... ........ : ..................... · . ...................................... Arehltec~fsl duly llce/n~l to ~ractlce in Alaska: . ' · ' ~ .Z~_~ ........ ............ .......... ~?PE Ot~ Lm~'~-¥&';~ii':-~?;;'hante:~. etc.) ........ c. rufleat~ of Reststratton No. Sources of funds: Amouuts:. ............... ~.~ .................................. : .......................................................... : ............ :: ........................... ,....~o,.~...~.. .... Total estlmnted cost of thl~ project Is ~ ...~.~ .................... These plans are being submitted to you at least one month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids .. ,...~ ............................ (Date beds ~111 be called) We unders{nnd that eonstrueHon shMl no~ be s~art~ ~ntll your flnM n~provM of these plans ha~ been received; tbnt ~o r~vlslons In th~ plans affecting the SANITARY F~ATU~S of the project moy be mnd~ subsequent to receipt of your flnnl approvol ~nle~s s~ch revisions be submitted and npprov~; that construction will be carried o~t In ~ccorOance. with ~e approved pl=ns; and that unless construction on this p~Ject Is started within n two-year period subsequen~ to your approval, such approval will become void, BECEIVED JUL 2, 2_.., '~971 PM GREATER ANCHOR'AGE AREA BOROUG~ DEPL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEPARTMENT OF ; t ttE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ~~I~l~ 222 -- ~A(KAY BUILDING 338 DENA[I ~ffT -- ANCHORAGE 9950~ August 11, 1971 Mr. Dan Renshaw Consulting Engineer 519 8th Avenue - Room 209 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Renshaw: SUB J: EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES, INC. The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for those features with which this Department is concerned. A bacterial and chemical analysis for the well water should be furnished this office as soon as possible. KJC/mw cc: Rolf Strickland" Yours truly, Regional Engineer BECEIVED cHORAGE AR~A ~o~OUG~ GREATER AN DEPT. OF / WILLIAM A. EGAN, GOVERHOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 338 DENALI STREET -- ANCHORAGE August 5, 1971 Mr. Dan Renshaw Consulting Engineer 519 Eighth Avenue, Room 209 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES INC. - 1971 CONSTRUCTION. Dear Mr. Renshaw: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough-Department of Environmental Quality has requested that we withhold approval of the subject project pending submission of more detailed information regarding the wells supplying the system. Meanwhile we will review the plans and specifications in order that at such time as the supplemental information is furnished there will be no hold up in our approval. Yours truly, Regional Engineer KOC/mw cc: Roll Strickland RECEIVED, AUG 9 1971 PM GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY