HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS Community Well Information October 19, 1977 Glen Briggs Star Route Box 65 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject~ Eagle River Heights Subdivision According to this department's water sample moniter list, we have not as yet received a water sample for the above subject well system for ~he month of September,1977. O~r records indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon .as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subject water system, please notify us immediately to any name and/or address changes. If there are any f~rther questions, please contact this ~ffice at 264-4720 or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Sincerely, Lynn Bringle Principal Environmental Control Officer L~/lJh STATE OF ALASKA Form No. PEEHP-W-1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: Operating Agency: Responsible Official: Eagle River Heights Glenn Brigs Mailing Address: Box 517 Eegle River SYSTEM DATA: Area Served: gegle Rive~ Heights Subd. No. of Connections: 21 Metered? Quantity- Range: 4200 - 7S50 GPD Sources: Drill ~ell Raw Water pH: 7.7 Treated Water pH: N/A TREATMENT PLANT OPERATING PERSONNEL: Glenn B~igs Chief Operator: Operators: Date of Visit: 3uly 30, 1966 Title: Owner Office Location: Box 517 £agle River Population Served: 90 No Water Rate: 7.50/mos Average: 6500 GPD Chlorine Residual: N/A Yrs. Exp.: 5 Cert.: N/A Y-rs. Exp.: Cert. Yrs. Exp.: IV. SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: Ce rt.: a) Facilities: Toilet: b) Source.Protection: c) Clear Well Protection: Wash Basin: Housed & capped. No Shower: No No clear well d) Building Drains and Sewers to: Open outlet e) Cross Connections: None observed g) General Cleanliness: Excellent h) Other: N/A f) Fencing: None SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: Chlorinator Housing: Ventilation: Other: N/A No Gas Masks: None required. N/A Walkways: N/A Lighting: · Good VI. RECORDS KEPT: a) Permanent Files: c) Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page "As Built" Plans: No Engineer: Detailed Piping & Electrical Plans: No Shop. Drawings and Operating instructions for Equipment: Performance Records: No Reports on File: No None 1962 NO d) Reports ir% Progress: GENERAL COMMENTS: It is a ,,eli-built system with adequate protedtion oF water source and agaiost,cold weether. No buildings in a 200' radius. ~e~h0us~ h~s cQncr,eta floor and,,,d,~ains. Casing has sanitary seal. grout has been orovided around the casinq. VILI. EFFECT OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: On Water Sources: None On Treatment plant: N/A On Distribution'System: None Repairs and Reconstruction Completed: Remaining Ef£ects on System: INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT I. SOURCE: a) Surface: Structure: Condition: b) Wells: Depth: 184 Drawdown: Unknown Casing Material: c) Emergency source: II. STORAGE: Type Mater iai Pressure Tank Steel Form No. PEEHP-W-i' Page 3 N/A Capacity: N/^ Size: 6" Static Level: Rated Capacity: Unknown Screens: Yes Steel Casin~ Depth: ~70, None Size 750 r, AL Condition Very 9ood 40-50 psi9 III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of Pipe: Calvanized 3" Dead ends: None Pressures: O the r: N/A Fire Hydrants: Not tested IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chem ical Equipment N/A Control Condition V. MIXING: Size: Equipment: Rated Capacity: Condition: VI. COAGULATION: Size: ' E quipment: N/A Rated Capacity: VII. C ond it ion: SEDIMENTATION: Equipment: Condition: N/^ N/^ Size: VIII. FILTRATION: Type: No. of Units: Filter Mater Underdra[n System: None NI^ Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 4 Date Installed: N/A Size: N/A Loss o£ Head Gage: N/A N/^ Rate Controller: Backwash A4e~hod: General Condition: REACTOR TYPES: GeneraI Description: None C ondition: X. SLUDGE HANDLING: Disposed to: Condition; XI. CLEARWELL: Size: Condition: XII. CHLORINATION: Model: Control: Detention Time: C ond[tion: Method: N/A N/A No clear~ell N/A None Type o£ Supply: N/,~ N/A ~on8 N/A C apac ity: N/A Point of Application: N/A XIII, PUMPS: Purpose Yell 5HP Pump Type Submersible No. C apac ity 10O Condition Good (Fairbanks-Morse) XIV. BOOSTER STATIONS: Location Pumps None Capacity Condition XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. LABORATORY: Size: Nons E quipme nt: EMERGENCY PROVISIONS: . Stand-by Equipment: None Spare Parts: Nons Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 5 Auxiliary lmowe r: Nons COLD WEATHER PROTECTION: Units Housed: Yes Units Heated: Yes OTHER UNITS: (for iron and manganese removal, softening, aeration, taste and odor control, corrosion control, fluoridation, etc.) I. CHEMICJ-L FEED: Chemical None OPEAATIOiqS SUPPLEM ~NT Form .No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 6 l~ethod of 2~ddit[on II. SEDIMENTATION: Method of r--.,~ky_.~n~,.__.' ,-~. N/A Sludge Dlspbsed to: N/A ~r¢~ ~sncy: N/A III. FILTRATION: Condition of Filter Bed: N/A Back, wa h Op'~rated by~ N/A N/A N/A Backwash D[spo~ed to: ........ N/A ~. CHLORINATZON: Dosage Rate Ob~cr'zed: ...... ~/A ~es[dual ~casured: N/A ~-r~t. S~. :ed on Prern[scs~ N/A V. OPEt{ATION OF OTP,Mq~ UNITS: S.kMPL~N,~ AND TESTLNO: a) Samples taken of: Bacteriological ~,~ '~onducted: t~onthly VII. GENERAL OPER-~TION AND.¥~...-,Tz: '~>~.~l;t~ NC~~_ ....... ~!tOBLEMS (low temperature , etc,') NOne Reported VIII. OYEt{-P~LL MAINTENANCE: Lu'brlc~-~tion Sch~ dule: aa ~equired Painting Schedule: as required l{eserv )ir Clean[ng Schedule; O the r: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS WATER SOURCES: Additional 500 gal pressure tank should be provided. Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 7 TREATMENT PLANT: N/A DISTRIBUTION: " -. A community of this size should have fire protection. System is undersized to carry coincidental draft. TTT. IV. GENERAL OPERATION: Flow should be measured. V. SPECIAL PREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERS: Emergency power supply should be provided. 1940 POST ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Mr. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska PHONE 272-3428 Date: Auqust 2, 1966 Work Order No.: 7349 Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters 126 127 Eagle River Heights, at house garden tap, Sampled 30 July, 1966. S. Kelly-GIC 93 mls. Same as above except at pressure tank, 86 mls. If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our office. k~AfB:sc Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Kenneth W. BI~dsoe, \~;ater Laboratory Supervisor State Permit W-1 STATE OF ALASKA Form No. PEEHP-W-1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: Operating Agency: Responsible Official: ~-agle River Heights Glenn Brigs Mailing Address: 8ox 517 Eagle River · II. SYSTEM DATA: Area Served: £agle Rive: Heights Subd. No. of Connections: 21 Metered? Quantity - Range: 4200 - 7350 GDD Sources: Drill Raw Water pH: 7.7 Treated Water pH: 111. TREATMENT PLANT OPERATING PERSONNEL: Chief Operator: Glenn Brigs Operators: Date of Visit: 3uly 30, 1966 Title: P,~ner Office Location: Box 517 Eagle River Population Served: 90 No Water Rate: 7.50/mos Average:. 6500 GPD Chlorine Residual: N/A Yrs. Exp.: Y~s. Exp.: Yrs. Exp.: IV. SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: Cert.: N/A ., Cert.: Cert.: a) Facilities: Toilet: b) Source'Protection: c) Clear Well Protection: Wash Basin: Housad & capped. ~o Shower: No No clear well d) Building Drains and Sewers to: Open outlet e) Cross Connections: None observed g) General Cleanliness: Excellent h) Other: N/A f) Fencing: None SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: Chlorinator Housing: Ventilation: Other: N/A No Gas Masks: None required. N/A Walkways:. N/A Lighting: · Good ~ood VI. RECORDS KEPT: a) b) c) Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page Pern~anent Files; "As Built" Plans: No Engineer: Detailed Piping & Electrical Plans: No Shop Drawings and Operating Instructions for Equipment: Pe rforma~.ce Records: No Reports on File: No None 1962 NO d) Reports ir~ l=rogrese: GENERAL COMMENTS: It is a well-built system with adequate protedtion of water source and _ against cold weather. No buildings in a 200' radius. ~ollhogse,h~s concrete floor and drains. Casing has sanitary seal. ]O' nf ~reut has been erovided around the casinq. VIII. EFFECT OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: On Water Sources: Nome On Treatment Plant: N/A On Distribution'System: None Repairs and Reconstruction Completed: Remaining Effects on System: N/A INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT I. SOURCE: a) Surface: Structure: Condition: b) Wells: Depth: 184 Drawdown: Unknown Casing Material: c) Emergency source: II. STORAGE: Type Material Pressure Tank Steel Form No. PEEHP-W-i' Page 3 N/A Capacity: N/A S[ze: 6" Static Level: 20' Rated Capacity: Unknown Screens: Yes S~eel Casing Depth: ~?0 ' None Size 750 GAL Condition Very 9ood 40-50 psi9 III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of Pipe: Galvanized 3" Dead ends: None Pressures: Other: N/A Fire Hydrants: Not tested IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical Equipment Control Condition V. MIXING: Size: Equipment: N/^ Rated Capacity: Condition: VI. COAGULATION: Size: E qulpment: Rated Capacity: VII. C ondlt ion: SE DIME NTATION: Equipment: C ond it ion: N/^ Size: VIII. FILTRATION: No. of Units: Filter Materiah Underdrain System: Type: None N/^ N/A Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 4 Date Installed: Size: Rate Controller: Backwash Method: Loss of Head Gage: N/A N/^ Gene r al C ond[t [on: N/A REACTOR TYPES: General Description: None XI. XII. C ondition: N/A SLUDGE HANDLING: Method: Disposed to: Cond[t[on: CLEARWELL: Size: C ondit ion: CHLORINATION: Model: Control: N/A Detent[on Time: C ondition: No clear~ell N/n, None Type of Supply: N/^ N/A C apac ity: N/A Point of Application: XIII, PUMPS: Purpose Well 5HP Pump Type Submersible No. ,q apac loo C ond it ion Good (Fairbank$-[~orse) XIV. BOOSTER STATIONS: Location Pumps None G apac [ty Condition XV. XVI. XVlI. XVIII. LABORATORY: Size: Nons E qu ipm e nt: N/A EMERGENCY PROVISIONS: · Stand-by Equipment: None Form No. PEEHP~W-1 Page 5 Spare Parts; Auxiliary Power: Nons COLD WEATHER PROTECTION: Units Housed: Yes Units Heated: Yes OTHER UNITS: (for iron and manganese removal, softening, aeration, taste and odor control, corrosion control, fluoridation, etc.) CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical None OPERATIOiqS SUPPLEM 5NT Form No. pEEHP-W-1 Page 6 Quant i'~y i~{ethod of Addition Quantity: N/A II. SEDIMENTATION: Method of Cleanings: ..... Sludge Dtspbsed to: N/A ~re~ u~ncy; N/A III. FILTP, ATION: Condition of Filter ~ed: N/A ~ac~a h Op'~r~ad by; N/A ]Frequency N/A Back~ash Disposed to~__ __ N/A ~. CHLOR!NAT[ON: Dosage Rate Obsorv~d:~ , N/A ~esidual ~l~asured: N/A ~-~u~t. S~ red on Premises: S.~.;~PL~N~. AND TESTING: a) Samples taken of: Bacte~i°l°gicel ~t$ 3onducted: t~onthly VII, GENERAL OPERATION AND !.Z=..-.,~E1N-~-A~ ~!~OBLEMS (low temperature, etc.') None Reported VIii. OVER-ALL MAINTENANCE: Lubric~:~t[on Sch~ dule: as required Painting Schedule; as required Reserv)[r Clean~ng Schedule: Other: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS WATER SOURCES: Additional 500 gal pressure tank should be provided. Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 7 II. TREATMENT PLANT: N/A DISTRIBUTION: ., A community of this size should have fire protection. Systef~ is undersized to ca~ry coincidental draft. IV. GENERAL OPERATION: Flow should be measured. V. SPECIAL PREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERS: £mergency power supply should be provided. 1940 POST ROAD ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 Mr. t-Iarris Magnusson o/o Alaska Department of I-tealth & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Date: August 2, 1966 Work Order No.: 7349 Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters 126 127 Eagle River l-teights, at house garden tap, Sampled 30 July, 1966. S. Kelly-GJC 93 mls. Same as above except at pressure tank, 86 mls, If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB K-WB: sc Kenneth W. Ble~soe, IV~A~C Water LaboratQry Supervisor State Permit W-1