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EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS Miscellaneous Information
1970 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOPgoRouCH ATTORNEY CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONI~ED±ENCE A~^L~q2.~E~SSITY The AI~SKA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION hereby gives notice that EAGLE RIVER HEIGt£~S UTILITIES, INC. has filed an application (Cause No. U-7o-3~) for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to furnish water utility service in Section 12, Tov~ship 1~ North, Range 4 West of the Seward Meridian in the vicinity of Eagle River~ Alaska. The service area requested by the applicant consists, of seven parcels more fully described as follows: (Parcel A) Blocks 5 and 6 of the Eagle River Heights Subdivision situated in the SE~ of the SE~ of Section 12; (Parcel B) the NE~ of the SE~ of Sectio~ 12, except Blocks 1 and 2 of the Eagle River Heights North Subdiv- ision; (Parcel C) the SE~ of the NE-~ of Section 12; (Parcel D) the S~ of the NE~ of Section 12, except Block 3 of the Dale Briggs Homestead Subdivision; (Parcel. E) the hRf~ of the SE~ of Section 12; (Parcel F) the NE~ of the ST~ of Section 12; (Parcel G) the SE~ of the ~ of Section 12, except Block Dale Briggs Homestead Subdivision, and Block 4~ Dale Briggs 1953 Additional Subdivision. The tariff filed with the a~p!ication is limited to blocks 5 and 6 of the Eagle River Heights.Subdivision and adopts the rates presently in effect. The applicant proposes to extend service to the remaining portion of the requested service araa on or about June 1, 1971~ at which time it will file a tariff covering the entire service area. Zuo~ detail_ed ~nzo.,..~t~.~ may be obtained frown applicant vfhose address is P. O. Box 517~ Eagle River~ Alaska 99577. The complete filing is available for inspection at the offices of the Alaska Public Utilities Commission~ 700 MacKay Building, 338 Denali Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Any interested party may file with the Commission by November 24, 1970, a statement of his views and specific reasons in favor of, or in opposition to, the granting of authority to the applicant to operate as a water public util- ity~ together with written confirmation that the same statement has also been served on the applicant. DATED at Anchorage, Alaska this 6th day of November, 1970. J. Lowell JensOn Deputy Director -2- ~0¥ 9 l~J?O NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY The ALASKA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION hereby gives notice that EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES, INC. has filed a.n application (Cause No. U-7o-34) for a certificate of public convenience arid necessity to furnish water utility service in Section 12~ Tol~mship 14-North, Range 4 West of the Seward Meridian in the vicinity of Eagle River~ Alaska. The service area requested by the applicant consists~of seven parcels more fully described as follows: (Parcel A) Blocks 5 and 6 of the Eagle River Heights Subdivision situated in the SE~ of the SE~ of Section 1~; (Parcel B) the NE~ of the SE¼ of Sectio~ 12, except Blocks 1 and 2 of the Eagle River Heights North Subdiv- ~ ~ SE~ of of Section 12; (Parcel D) ision; (Pazc.! C) the the NE~ the SW[- of the NE~ of Section 12, except Block 3 of the Dale Briggs Homestead Subdivision; (Parcel E) the NWl- of the SE~ of Section 12; (Parcel F) the NE~ of the S[~ of Section 12; (Parcel G) the SE~ of the ~[~ of Section 12, except Block 2, Dale Briggs Homestead Subdivision, and Block ~ Dale Briggs 1953 Additional Subdivision. .The tariff filed with the a~plication is limited to blocks 5 and 6 of the Eegle River Heights.Subdivision and adopts the rates presently in effect. The applicant proposes to extend service to the remaining portion of the ~equested service area on or about june 1, 1971~ at which time it wilI file a tariff covering the entire service area. More detsR, led information may be obtained from the applm~an~ whose address is P. 0. Box 517, Eagle River, Alaska~ 99577. The complete filing is availab].e for inspection at the offices of the Alaska Public Utilities Co~maission~ 700 MacKay Building~ 338 Denali Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Any interested party may file with the Colm~ission by November 24, 1970, a statement of his views and specific reasons in f&vor of~ or in opposition to~ the granting of authority to the applicant to operate as a water public util- ity, together with written confirmation that the same statement has also been served on the applicant. DATED at Anchorage, Alaska this 6th day of November, 1970. Deputy Director I~rch 1, 1971 Veterans AdmtntsCratton P.O. 8ox 1399 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Availability of Publtc Sewer to Eagle Rtver Heights Subdivision and Eagle River Het§hts North Subdivision; Eagle Ptver, Alaska Gentlemen: This letter ts to advise that publtc sewers ate not available presently, to any properties in the Eagle River area. Moreover, t~e particular subdivisions t~ost probably will not have publtc sewers until 1974 or 1975. The closest public sewers are in Anc~mrage, a distance of approximately 12 miles. It is not economically feasible to construct public or coLm~untty sewerage systems for the subject property at this time. Si~)cerely, Roll R. Strickland, ~nviron~ental Health Supee~er rn February Z~, 1~71 Veterans Administration P.O. Box 13gg Anchorage, ^laska.99501 SU(J2£CT: Availability of Public Se~er to Ea~le River ~ieigslLS Subdivision and £agle River Het~ts ~orth Subdivision; Ea§le River, Alaska C, en C }e.~en: Tills letter is to advise ti)at ~ublic sewers are not avatlhble, presur~tly, to any properties in the Eagte River area. Ploreover, tile particular subdivisions snost probably will not Nave public sewers until 1974 or lg7S. TJ~e closest public sewers are in Anchor~e, a distance of approxt,~mtely 12 miles. 5incerely, ~ulf ~. Strickland, Environmental )(eal th Supervisor Hesional Office Si~th and Len~Pa Bulld~nf battle, Wllhin~tol 98121 A~-~en~tom ~L88 ~-ayce ~mege~ ~or~gage Loan 30~/26X F.,n~..R.!v~r Heights Subdivision LonaXd A. Ryan - Suyer The foliowin~ demc~lbed pr~pe~ is od~ac~nt to an epp~,mved seml-p~lic wate~ o~pply system ia the Eagle River Helsh~e Sabdivialon, Ea~lo Rtve~, Alo&ka. Final app~ovoi o~ the p~*opceed he, me lo~ted on thl~ p~p~y w~ll be sub~lect to a ~me~tion to the ~ater ayston. A prope~y designed individual sewage disposal system can be expected to i~an~lon satisfactorily on the following described lmope~. S. W. 1/16 e0~ue~ o~ ~ee,~ion 12, TX~U, P~#, $. #. Eagle River Heights Subdivision, Eigle Rlve~, Alaska Vm~yt~yyma~s, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 3Z7 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99~01 PHONE 272-6467 Nov, 14, 1969 ~. Karl S. Jchnstone Attorney At Law Alaska Title Guaranty Building 506 ~est 6th Avenue, Suite 5 ~c2~orage, Alaska 99501 SUbJECt: Bell Utilities Dear ~. Johnstone ~e have received your letter of November 10, 1969 c~acerning t~e subject utility. We are also in receipt of a letter dated November i0, 1969, fr~n Dickinson-Oswald ~ Associates, certifying that the water supply system serving Eagle River Heights Sub- division is sufficiently designed to serve Eagle River Heights North Subdivision on a temporary basis. Based on the findings of Dickinson-Oswald f, Associates, this of£ice will approve tim temporary use of the Eagle River fieights Subdivision well to serve tim Eagle River [-~ights North Subdivision. It is uu'~dersteod that the existing Bell Utilities well, which presently serves Eagle River Valley Ranchettes Subdivision and Eagle P. iver [~i~j~ts North Subdivision, will be physically dis- com~cted fr~m the Eagle River }h~ig~t~ North Subdivision system. ~is office will also approve the temporary use of ti~e well serv~atg t2~e Eagle River Valley Ranchettes Subdivisim~ £or all existing camec~s in that Subdivision for a l~ric~i of thirty (50) days fr~a today. It is to be understood that this well, at the present tin~, is in violatim~ of t2m Alaska Administra- tive Code in that certain portions of the sewer system are located within the protective radius of the well. ]he approval is granted in light of the hardship that would be brought upon the present users of the system should service be discontinued and in light of satisfactory bacteriological analysis of the water. It shc~ald be further tu~derstood that this temporary a4)proval is to allow the service of water to existing users and no approval is granted for m~y additional connections to this system. AIR MAIL TO ALASKA IS FASTER [~deral ii~in~ ~inis~rati~ Eavirc~ntal i iealtit {)ir~ctor GrEATEr ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950! Mov. 8, 1969 P,O, Box #80 S~JE~ ~a~e~ $~ply to Eagle ~ver ~lghts S~divl~i~ This ~p~ bas ~t~d a ~rt~l~ a~t of ~su~de~st~dlnl ~ga~ng ~he s~Ject water supplies. Water 5~Ply) that la mot p~en~ly a~ro~d by this ~p~nt, ~p~ · For any further elarl~ieation, please call this Depar~a~n~. DAVID R. L. DUNCAn, ~.D. AIR MAIL TO ALASKA IS FASTER GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGh HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P.O. BOX 968 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950! ~{~, $, 1969 Ye~ez~un~ Adaln/o~a~Aee ?.0. E*o~ 1~99 SUBJF, CTJ Water, Supply l~tv~, ~h~'s ~bdlvisL~s AIR MA{L TO ALASKA IS FASTER GREATEr ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH D~'PARTM£NT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O, BOX. gE8 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 9950! PHONE 279-2EI ! 5~divisi ~ syst~. (~J 1 rn Clifford t [~l~iai~trative ~ir~cter AIR MAIL TO ALASKA IS FASTER ~ecl£v~ ra~iu~. Dtc.,kinso~-~wald ~a~ ~ell G~ A~torney RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--20~ STREET AND NO. CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES Return Receipt Deliver to dehvered delivered [] 50~ fee lO~ fee [] 35~ fee POSTMARK OR DATE See other side) RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--20¢ i SE"TT, t./// /('. ;..,__...-, ) CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES dehveted dehvered [] 50~ fee [] 10~ fee [] $5~ fee ~0D Form 3800NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- Nov. 1964 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL POSTMARK OR DATE 'See other side) ,TNSTRUCTIOI4$ TO DELIVERING E~,",?~,L*~ Shaw to whom, date, and [---1 Deliver OHLY I'--~ oddress whare delivered k_-J to addressee ~ddltional charges required/or these services) RECEIPT Received the f~umbered article described beloW. _ SIGNATURE OR HAME OF AODRESS~F, (~stalways~l~d~e) CERTIFIED HO INSURED HO. ~RESS~EE*'S A6ENT, IF A~NY SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (only i! req#e#ed) INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE N Show to whom, dale, and f--'i O~tlver ONLY address where delivered ] [ to addressee (,~dditional charges required for these services) RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below. REGISTERED HO. OR (~J*~$t ~lwwy$ INSURED ~ATE DELIVERED SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (oaly i! re~#es¢ed) I~:%~'?.o..o~ALTn DEPARTMENT 0~::. 2.1., .t969 Box 517 F...ISI. e l~iv,.,r. Ak. 99577 ~ai-Pubilo ~ a #at~r supp Tho ~eate~ Ancho~e Ar~a Borough timaith I~par~mmnt recently leaz~ed that you are no X~n~or ovuer of tho sub,jeer Mater supply, To brln~ o~ fi]es up-to--date, uou~d you p~eeae supply thio Dopa~mont uith the name o'~ hanes o~ the plaice who here cu~t',on~ ob'ne,,ship, Thank you ~oL~ you~ eCCent£~ to the above, DAVID R, Environmmntel HeaXth Supervisor RRSIrn DAN RENSHAW P.E. 519 EIGHTH AVENUE, ROOM 209 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 July 23, 1971 mr. Roll Strickland Assistan~ Director Department o£ Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Dear ~r. Strickland, A brief letter of explanation is due regarding well and well house facilities under construction by Eagle River Heights Utilities at Eagle River, Alaska. During the past year three 8 inch diameter wells have been started at the well reserve location within Eagle River Heights-Eorth Subdivision. The first was lost at approximately 80 feet due to ruptured casing. The second was suspended at approximately 53 feet due to boulders that could not be penetrated. This well was then surged and proauced open ended to provide interim water supply for the winter of 1~70-1971. A temporary well house was constructed also as an interim measure. The third well was attempted during the Spring of 1971 but was also unable to penetrate boulders below the 80 foot level. This well was then completed with screen and is capable o£ proaucing in excess of 120 gpm on a sustained basis. Once the new well house and third well are placea into production the second well will be re-entered and completed in the same manner as well number three. These two wells will be pump. ed alternately which will allow a continuous supply of 120 gpm. Future plans are not certain at this time, however, the choise is between another small diameter exploratory hole that will attempt to penetrate the boulder barrier or a large diameter well which be a "go for broke" attempt for the water below the boulders. Both would be located within the current well reserve. Ease ~ Current state o~' construction as-builts on well house arid incluaed mecha.~ical will be submitted unmer separate cover soon. I request t~at at your eaz~liest convenience you visit the well reserve site to evaluate the quality of construction. I also request tsat the above stated ffacts be considered in your review oi' 1971 waterline construction plans Eagle River Heights Utilities and that approval be ~]ranted f'or this construction. Dan ~enshaw Oopy: l¥1r. Kyle Cherry b~r. Glenn Briggs JUL 2., 6 1971 · EATE~ ANCHORAGE AREA ~OROUGH GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Water Line Extensions with in ~ FROM: DEPARTMENT EnviKonmenta)Qua?ity SUBJECT:U~i!ities Inc, PUC Area INITIATED BY: Rolf Strick!and, R,S,, A~? D!r~)ATF OF MEMO: DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT:S~R0, Health ~eparJm~t REQUESTED: RECEIVER: Kyle .Cherry, Reg!ona! San~ar~ Engtneer REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ~' CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION F?~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION OTHER ~Thts Departmen~t has ~evtewed the enc]osed e~glneerl~g for the water )tne extenslon~,wi, tb,i,n t,he subject area We wish.to note~how~ ever ~ha~ the well that now serves thts~p.&rt~cular area. has of this date never received fina]approYa] Temporary approval .was gr&nted onth.isprojectprovldesthlsOepartment ~nd.~he.State.Hea]:hPepar~t~ meat with .asbut]t engineertag.cert.ifying that. t.his, we].].,la fac~ meets ali State requirements and has sufficie.nt vo]ume and capaci:y :o SIGNATURE · ye the existing aPea and the p~o@osed extension as shown on the A~ril 5, 1977 Mr. Glenn Briggs Box 517 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dear Mr. Briggs: In reply to your request on water sampling of March 18, 1977 the following {~ noted: This department is obligated by S~ate and Municipal Ordinances to monitor and enforce the monitoring of any public water systems within ~he Municipality as set forth by 7 AA~ 14.070 para.(b) of the Alaska Administrative Code and of Sec. 3 papa. 3.12 of the U.S. Public Health Drinking Water Standards. Proposed new State Drinking Water Standards suggest higher sampling frequencies than are currently imposed, therefore, the present sampling frequency must be maintained. If there araaany further questions, please contact this office at 279-2511, extension 224 or 225. Sincerely, William ~. Dixson Principal Environmental Control Officer WMD/lJh Eagle River, A].aska March 18, ] 97? Mr. Josenh Blair Department of Health Ar~horage Municipality Pouch 6-650 Anchors~e, Alaska Dear ~. Blair, We have received the report on the water samnles /< from the two water systems of Ea~le River Heights Utilities. The analysis of samples from the wells for the months of February and March showed both as "satisfactory". We are requesting that we be relieved of the necess- ity of ta~in~ and submittin~ monthly samples. The well sunplying EaRle River Heights - South Subdivision has been in operation since 1961 and samples supnlied to the Health Department over the years have, with out exception, h~ve been ~satisfactcry". The subdivision has been fully develoned for five years and encroachment on the protective well reserve cannot ~nd will not occur. The two wells supplying Ea~le River Heights - North Subdivision and Meadowbrook Subdivision have been in operation since 1971, ~n~ ~ain, water samples taken from them have always shown to b~ "satisfactory". The area adjacent to the wells' reserve was fully developed two years ago eliminatin~ any chance of contamination of ~he w~ter source in the future. With this information and on the basis of the testin~ results over the years we feel that sample testing every:six.months would be sufficient to assure your Department that ~he present quality of the water is bein~ maintained. The longer period between sampling would certainly lessen the time and paper work reeuired of all parties involved. ,-.~R'espectfully'~/ Glenn G. Brings, Pres. Ea~le River Heights Uti~i~ies~ Inc · ~sy 4. t0~S File No.= 4-1 SUB,aCT: Baete~ Watar Test Abmke. Inomrpor~ on their teat of wet, t- fi*o~ the well ~ on ortMs ~. JWL/Iw CHEMICAL $ TEL 4014 P.O. BOX 4- 1276 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 ANALYTICAL REPORT EOLOGICAL LABORAT¢ 'lES OF ALASKA, INC. 4649 BUSINESS PARK BLVD, Water Analysis(Facility) Dan Bell Date Collected: April 30, 1976 Time Collected: By: Dan Bell Source of Sample: Lot 47, E.R. Hei§hts, Ea§le River Zone 3, 240' - 250' Physical Observations, Remarks: Meets Public Health Specifications for Human £onm~mptinn [] ~] 186 mmhos [] IX] 6.9 units [] [] mg/1 [] [] mg/1 [] mg/1 Cadmium [] mg/1 [§ 13 mg/1 Calcium [] m§/1 [] mg/1 Copper [] mg/1 [] mg/1 Chromium-Total [] mg/1 [] mg/1' Chromium-Tri [] m9/1 [] m9/1 Chromium-Hex ~] 5 mg/1 [~ <0.1 mg/1' Iron-Total' [] mg/1' [] mg/1 Iron-Dissolved [] mg/1 [] m9/1 Lead ~] 24 mg/1 [4 5 mg/1. Magnesium [] m9/1 [] m9/1 Manganese [] m9/1 [] mg/1 Mercury [] m9/1 [] m9/1 Nickel [] m9/1 [~ '1 . mg/1 Potassium ~] 136 mg/1 [] m9/1 Selenium [] m§/1 [~ 78 mg/1 Sodium [] mg/1 [] m9/1 Silver [] m9/1 [] mg/1 Zinc [] JTU mg/1 Aluminum Conductivity [] m9/1- Arsenic pH DO mg/1 Barium Ammonia [] Nitrogen-N m9/1 Boron Kjedahl [] Nitrogen-N Organic [] Nitrogen-N Nitrate(N) Nitrite(N) Phosphorus (Ortho)-P Phosphorus [] (Total)-P Chloride [] Fluoride Cyanide Sulfate Phenol MBSA BOD COD TD Solids TV Solids Suspended Solids SV Solids Turbidity 156 m9/1 Hardness as CaCO3 mg/1 Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/l Acid~ty-T as CaCO3 m9/1Acid].ty Free as CaCO3 /lOOml Coliform-T [X]qegativdlOOml Coliform-F [] /lOOml Strep-F [] units Color Transported by: Received by: Transported by: Received by: Dan Bell S. Ede FOR LAB USE ONLY Lab# 4172 Rec'd by: Se Date sample rec'd: 4=30_76 Date analysis completed: 5-3-76 Date results reported: 5-3-76 / Date: May 3, 1976 FROM: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH / / ~ r J I ~ ) j~ ~ DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: ]'-,~ ~,J !~ L/~/O ~ REQUESTED REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY ~ PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ~ CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ~,~' NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION OTHER SIGNATURE FROM: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT D,,E · 0,, ,~'). SUBJECT: Z 75g INITIATED BY: J~olf St.r'J~k]ai~d ~/~ DATE OF MEMO: 5~3011Z DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: P 1 at'l IJ"J Iig REQUESTED RECEIVER Wt ],da J'J~.eve REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY ~ PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION ~f CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION OTHER ~ ~ The Department of Env?ro~ental Qualtty has no objections to the rezofllng from U to R]A, those po~t~ons of Eagle River Heights Sub~ dtvtst~on. The property ts present]~ served b~ publtc ~ater and ~ttbtn a sbo~t period of t~ to three years ~tl1 be served by pub] tc se~er ®~ DEPT. OF EN%IIION.MENTAL CONSERVATHON SOUTNCENTRAL REGIONAL OFF/CE August 6, 1975. WILL/AI~A. E~,A/V, GOL,~RNOR ANu~HORAGE g~°501 Mr. Dan Renshaw, P.E. 519 Eighth )3'enue -Rm. 209 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT~/~f~le River Heights Utilities~g~¢, 973 %%%ter Line Extensions %~.Ba___g~_Ri~er .Heights N6F~th-ZS~dFX!ivision & bleadowbrook Subdivision Dear bk. Renshaw: 'The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for the features with which this department is concerned. Yours truly, Regional Environmental Fmgineer RECEIVED P. 0d '( 1~/3 AM CC: Roll Strickland ~/ GAAB-DEQ DEP1. O~' iNVJKOiqM~TAL ~iUAkII~ April 20, 1972 MEMORA~DIIH ABSD~/286 (71-72) From: To: SUBJECT: Supertntendent'a Office (WWK) School Board WATER USE AGP. EE~NT, HOMESTEAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Attached for your consideration is an agreement with the Eagle ~/ver Heights Utilities, Inc. for water service to the new Homestead Elementary School. The water rates quoted compare very favorably with current agreements with the City of Anchorage Water Utility and Central Alaska Utilities. The payment in lieu of assessmentr also compares favorably with similar payments to other utilities. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the School Board approvq the agreement with ~a~le River Heights Utilities, Inc. to supply the water to Homestead gleme~ary School and further, recommend concurrence of this action by the Borough Assembly. WWK:cd File: 554.1 ELY. GUESS & RUDD WATER USE AGREE~ENT THIS AGREEMENT, by and between EAGLE RIVER }{EIGHTS UTSLITIES, INC., hereinafter Utility, and the ANCHORAGE BOROUGH S~{OOL DISTRICT, hereinafter Borough; W I TN E S S E TH: WHEREAS, the Borough will, during the summer of 1972, construct the Homestead Elementary School~ hereinafter the School, in E~gle River, Alaska, and must secure a supply of water for said School; and WHEREAS, the Utility has an existing water system in the area under Public Utility Commission Certificate of Public Conven- ience and Necessity No. 145; and ~'/ ~{EREAS, the Utility is unable to supply the water needs c~ the School without an expansion of its water system and source of s~pply; and F ~{EREAS, it is to the benefit of the Borough to assist th~ Utility in securing additional water supplies, NOW, THEREFORE,-in consideration of the above and of the mutual covenants of the parties one to the other, it is agreed: 1. The Utility will extend a six inch (6") cast iron w~ter line to the north boundary of the School site which is des- oribe~ as "Tract A, Eagle River Heights Subdivision". 2. Said water line shall follow a lot line within Eagle Ri%er Heights Subdivision, said lot line to be agreed upon by the )arties hereto in a manner so as to provide convenient hookup by the Borough for the School site. 3. Said water line shall be extended to the School site om or before the 1st day of September, ]972 and shall be opera- tiona] upon the same date. 4. The Utility shall provide sufficient water to supply fifteen (15) gallons per day per student for five hundred (500) students~/~ - 5. The initial fire flow volume shall be no more than one hundred (100) gallons per minute until storage facilities '.are installed by Utility in 1973. The cost of purchase and in- 'i.~tallat~on of a hydrant or hydrants at the School site shall be 'i!borne by the Borough. 6. The water rates applicable to this Agreement shall '..be as follows: Per Month Per 1,000 Gallons First 30,000 gallons $1.00 Add'l. 170,000 gallons $0.70 ~ " 250,000 gallons $0.60 " 450,000 gallons $0.50 ilConsumption shall be determined through use of a water meter at 'i the School site provided and installed at the expense of and by ithe Borough. There shall be an additional charge of $1.00 per ~:month fire hydrant charge and a minimum monthly charge of.$30.00 per ~,onth for all services provided by the Utility under this paragraph. 7. The Borough shall make a payment in lieu of assess- ment to the Utility of $11,750.00. 8. The Borough shall make a construction grant in aid to the Utility of $5,825.00. This grant in aid payment shall be :a credit against the monthly bills of the Utility and no charges shall be due to the Utility until the $5,825.00 grant is exhausted. iThe Utility shall supply quarterly statements showing the charges accr'aed and the balance remaining under the grant. 9. Payments by the Borough to the Utility under para- ig~aphS 7 and 8 above shall be due within ten (10) days after the -2- {~ti]ity po~t~; a t~erformance bond in favor of the Borough in the amount of $]7,575.00. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agr(:ement this //~ day of /~ [, 1972. EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES, I~]C. President %' ~- ANCHORAGE BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT By 'STATS OF ALASKA ) ) SS: TM~RD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the /~ day of , 1972, .~t Anchorage, Alaska, GLENN G. BRIGGS, whom I know,'ap~eared be- fore me and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of EAGLE RIVER HEIGHTS UTILITIES, INC., that he is President of said corporation and is authorized to so execute, and that he knew the contents thereof and acknowledged the same to be his act. IN WITNESS %'~EREOF, ~ h~reto ~et ~y' hand and seal. · ~6~%~y ~u ici ~d3 or Alaska My commission expires:~/J~/~ STATE OF ALASKA ) ) SS: · ~¢HIi~ JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the day of , 1972, !at Anchorage, Alaska, , whom I know, appeared before me and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of ANCHORAGE BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, that he is authorized to so execute, and that he knew the contents thereof and acknowledged the same to be his act. IN WITNESS W~EREOF, I hereto set my hand and seal. Notary Public in and for Alaska My commission expires: -3- Xa goin~ throuah ~r t~le prior to wrttin~ a letter of approval to the Federal Hm~in~ A~tniatratioa for your ~abdivi~,:~, I find that ~e are ~ t~o eahibit~. me the above mma~l, ooed plmm. be e~mtmeted ~tt~tn 90 ft. of the ~all amd uaed. S~t~ ~ eaa be inWtAll~ at a aeepage ptt~ a minimm eAwtanee of 1~0 ft. Xf there ia a~ quewtion about trite, ~,ould you pleame oontac% this of- flee. DiviSic~ ~f Public Health Jack Feb. 28, 1962 1~'. Willia~ Collins, Director Anchorage Office Federal Housin__g Ad~l~ratim 716 Yifth Avenue Dear ~r. Collins~ SubJect~ Eagle River Height~ Addition Eagle River, Alaska Glenn Eagle River, Alaska The Alaska De~t of Health and Welfare hereby appravee subject water ~ystem ~a the ~ of e~hibit~ on file in our office. Further development of thia water ~ywte~ must be ~ubJec% to ~ur approval. very truly, Bruce D. Ada~s, ~rvisor Regional Sanitation Services Divialon of Public Health ~Azaa Office of THE DIRECTOR ?. O. Box 7'79 /mcho rage, /Lla ~ka FEDERAL ItOUSING ADMINISTRATION December 11, 1961 In reply please referto: Mr. Bruce D. Adams Area Sanitarian Alaska State Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Adams: Enclosed you will find a copy of the Subdivision Report dated June 1, 1961 on Eagle River Heights Subdivision. Purs,,ant to your telephone request of this afternoor~ we will he glad to mail you a copy of each report as issued ~he~ever your depart- merit is concerned with sanitary installation installed. Very truly yours, William M. Collins Director Enclosure P'I-lYl't 2. Lff~' A~ ~o~s, tFpAeal~y 82' x 1~2'{ 10 aere %~8e~j aX1 ~eddea~iaX. 6, 7o md ?e. e. Thio ~epork is void if paq~ram lo ebaMed er natisf~ p~o~reoo ia nek denor~ ~. ~ ~ ee~Le.. Pe~ Da~a ~m,et 1~0, rev. 12/~. ~etfe~u ~ith SubdiyA~Leu Plan end requl~od b~q~ene~, in Part c. d. ~roe~ l~lamm. Per Da~a Shee~ 170. e. ~eapeei~e Devele~mon~ P3~n md Mas~er ?le~ 6. ;~.~d~ ~VAatou ~. ~ o~ies. ~r ~a b~ 170. 7. Da~a Shoe~, X~O, 72 and ~. ¢onforu FA~h ~e aeee~ e. tvidenee tJ~k an7 ents~Luf mort4ap, or ekher lams have been mbordAna~od ~o ~he reoordod oovenmkm. ~~emmm~m per Data Sheet S~ XOk. b. Oollee~er m%lqe*m: &~' r.e.v.! 32' &~avel - ~er ~a%a Shee~ Sg lO1. e. Sdmt~ pi~ll~tnar~ plans e~ ~ IJ~kmXla~no,. iMl~ ~ prefilem and eros. 8oe&:Leno as; pt? Data ~hoot. X~SO m. X2/.~. m ~.epe~ and iJddmd ~o udor~t~Luf eonelustoao foF ue am o~a~od in ds~olep tho subdivision ia aeool*danee MEMORANDUA~ TO:[~ DATE : SUBJECT: ~ Offlei ~ Xro O~d~v V, Johnson I~ater ~yeteI Tuo IItI ef roviIod plInI, doliln eF~i~ I~d llbomtery anll~IiI eom moIiyId in thiI offi# I AufuIt ~, 1961. ThIsI uim tuTti,id w~th that Iat ~f the chanlii ye InlI#ted have been ineorpvml~. IIoIpt fer 1. ~o baateffiolol~eal amallm~a of tho w~ter o~pplF was ineludod ~ ~ fo~ It~ut areund ~11 oao~nf to & dopth of ten feet. T~ti II~ bi iqIitO| howevor) ihould thom be Imlar ipaoo m~Mmd tho ~ to & I~Iator dopth, thiI Bit bi fillod w~th f~ut &bo. Thfmk yo~ for ~ eooporatim ~n brinf~f this proJoet to mot State Olnooml~ ro~I, Arctic Alaska Testing Laboratories July ~S. 1961 ~.o, #39s)8 Mr. Gus Johnson Box 91 Anchorege. Aleske SUBJECT~ ~eter Anelvsis SAMPLE DATA: One pint tmore or lessl of icier--Identified es Brtggs Veil, end delivered fo our leboretor¥ by ~r. Gus Johnson Deer Mr. johnsonl The subject semple wes exe~tned I. our leborefory for: ph. fofet herdness~ Iron end mengenese. The results were es follows: pH Tofet herdAess les ppm Ce~3) Iron es Fc 8.1 91 ppm 0.32 ppm O.OOppm If we eon be of further service to you la this meffer~ pleese ¢onfect our leboretory. Very truly yours. K~B~sb Form SA la MSMORANDUAt FRO/~: TO: ~-' A~os J. Alter, Chief Sanitation & Engineering Field Health Director, SCRO~ Anchorage Attnz Warren Powell, Sani%arian DATE : ~ 19, 1~61 SUBJECT: Eagle River Heights Addn. Water Syste~ & Roads, Block Anchorage We are sen~4,~g you under separate cover one copy of the Advance Print, Engineer's Report, and Application for Approval on the subject p~oJeet. These are for your use and files. Any cce~ents you may have will be appreciated. ~~. Under sep. coverz as above / Division of Public Health 21aska Office Building Juneau, Alaska Er. Gustav V. Johnson Civil ~'~Augineer Po ©o Box W1 &nchorage, Alaska Dear Sir: In confirmation of a telephone call with ;~r. ~arren ?oweil . of our Anchorage office, ~y 23 1961, the 2" water line .for the subject project is hereby approved for domestic uses. It should be understood that this line is unsatisfactory for fire protection and the installation of new lines will be necessary should fire flow be desired i~ the future. If there are arj questions, please let us know. Sincerely yours, ~H:rgl cc: SC Heg. Off. Amos J. Alter, Chief Sanitation & Fmgineering .L,'~SKA DEPARTMENT OF HEAL"-' APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL O~' PLANS Alaska Department of Health Division of Sanitation & Engineering Box 1931 Juneau, Alaska In accordance with Title 40, "Health and Safety", Chapter 1, Section 40-1-6, Alaska Compiled Laws Annotated 1949, as amended by Section 16, Chapter 118, Session Laws of the Legislature of 1949, and Rules and Regulations promulgated thereunder, we, herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci- fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Report) including necessary data required for full understand- ing of SANITARY FEATURES of design. (Give complete but brief description of project) These plans were prepared by ~-l~.-~lllBl~-~'~l~ (Name of DesYffnlng Englne~. A~chitec~For Firl:a) ~-~ ~~d~ress~ .................................. and by or under the direction of the following Engineer(s) or Architect(s) duly licensed to practice in Alaska: This project is to be financed in the following manner: Amount to be financed locally by (General Obligation or Revenue Bonds, Direct Assessment, etc.) Direct grant from .......................... (Alaska Public Works, etc.) Government loan by (FI-IA, AII.a., etc.) Other financing ........ ~11~ ................ : .............. Total estimated cost of this project is $---~IP]II-~:~1~ ............................. These plans are being submitted to ~"~la~"~[~ne month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that no revisions in the plans affecting the SANITARY FEATURES of the project may be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that construction will be carried out in accordance with the approved plans; and that unless construction on this project is started within a two-year period subsequent to your approval, such approval will become void. Very truly yours, (Applicant) _ --~11-~: _.__:!':_ ~' _7~_ ~ ......................... (CfCyT corporation, firm, individual, etc.) ............... (Signed) ........ ~:_:~ ......... ~_~/~.._ ...................................................... (Official Title) ................ M MORA#DclM Amos J. Alter, Chief Sanitation & Engineering AUG 14 1961 DATE : August 9, 19~1 Sanitation & Engineering SCRO TO ,j'~ SUBJECT: Regional Health Officer, SCRO Anchorage Attn= Warren .P_owell Sanitarian Water System for Block 5 & 6 Eagle River Heights Addn. Anchorage, Alaska We are sending you, under separate cover, one copy each of plan, Arctic Alaska Testing Laboratories report (?/25/61), design criteria, and letter from engineer on the subject project. These are for your use and files. Any comments you wish to make would be appreciated. /rgl Sepeoover~ as listed Receipt ROADS WATER SYSTEMS SEWERAGE AIRPORTS DRAINAGE LAND SURVEYS Mr. Warren Powell Alaska Dept. of Helath & ~elfe.re Division of Neal%h 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Subject: Block 5 and 6, Eagle River Heights Addn. Soil Oonditions. Dear Mr. Powell; Attached are two sets of copies of Perclation Test Results an& Soil Logs for Blocks 5 and 6, Eagles River Heights Addn. ~'s previously discussed, the number of test pits was not considered ~ufficient to insure the depth of the gravel strata was adequate on all of the lots in Block 6. ~e ~becke~Coutof the water line excavation at the rear of the lots in Block 6. Lots 1~, 15 and lg were found to have gravel to a depth of 6.0 ft. All other lots have gravel extending to greater depths. cc: Glenn Brigge Very truly yours AIRPORTS DRAINAOH LAND A~o8 J. Alter, 0bier Sanitation and ~ngineering Alaska Divieo~ of Public Nealth Alaska 0ffffice Building Jt~esm, Alaska Subject: Tater Syste~ for Block 5 & 6, Eagle River Heights AAdn. Dear Mr. Alter; Attached are plane and ~pecifieationa for the above water eyatm tm ¢cerplia~ce with par. 2, 3 and ~ (2) of your letter of Ma~ 17. s per par. ~ (1), duplicate co, les of the chemical analysis i8 al~o at t ached. A~roxi~ately h~]f of the distribution pipe has been increased to 3" pipe which will be shown on the As ~uilt. Aa a consequence of the p~ing test and-the owner having at hand a 7~0 gal. pressure tank, the well c~pacity ha~ been u~grad~d t~ a Ola~e Very truly Mr. Gust~r V. Jolmmm~ System - Blocks ~ & & dated ~ ~, 1~1, e~l ~m &pplieatio~ fo~ ap{n~ml ~re r~eel~l by thi~ office. &~le to emm~ Imbllc health th~ ~e~m tank, foF e~al~atimt I) m) aeportm of duul.~ mhd bm~eteriolo~eal mna]a, mom of tho u~r, {{eu-polluti~ ~ f~m ~m~s~ of the tw~ - ~ - ;/s?/Ls ~a J. Alter, Chief of t'~a entlr.~ 2. ~ete:t' ~:mii b~ fed ~l~ly ROADS WATER SYSTEMS SEWERAGE C-. to V. Jok. o. BOX ~ droste ,utes' sqsqsAs~ ama eeii~tei ~fl~ {,ass f'~ MM, 100 t~. ~e~ ~ma~IlOpd. ~ iii~ ~I!l be ,~tlmm ~ or equal. A lm~Wming ~IIt shall be sas at X g.p~. oF ed ap~foveA ~ tbs BUfiaee~ fo~ a learth et' ~. ~ate~ uala,, u~taa shall ~e seaetab ~0 galv. l~,~a .wipe .lseA lb. ~er si. ia. vo~kiq p~es~e, r~a~eae shalA b plaed aa,tmeat # eae~ irate wtlv~. ~e iamtalhtlea shall ~e nab ia a ~e~im,~asI~ip ltlre unae~. well p~mp, the ent~ire wa~e~ ~staa shall p~r .~. ia. le~k~g~ test s!mall ~e ~atiefa~toril~ eo~leted ~te~ te Ibm. ~er sq. ia. -~es~oe the water maine shall pst gal. pe~ heur ~er 1000 ft. ef 2# maia, shell ~e ~pe~td. #. A~er &le~,iaattea, the w~te~ saall ~e flt~A fha tb liae at i# ext~metiee mill the I~plaeem~ wate~ #ets a~e equal ehaaleallF auA baete~Leleft#l~y te theme ef tbs pezummt sou~ee of vate~ eW~plY. Paul Cart DEQ Conmmnts Page Two 15. S-3544 Carhart Subdivision l~e field check and review of s011s data supplted shows these two lots wtll be adequate. 16. S-3428 Robtndale Addition tl The lots wtll now have Individual wells and sewer systems.. The soils information, water tn¢~rmatton and lot stzes on this case are all adequate for stngle faintly residences. Eagle River Hetghts Sub~lvtsten This ts a staple lot 11ne shift ~btch does not change the status of the lots from our standpoint. 17. S-3529 18. S-3528 Vacation: 61~chwood Loop I(orth He have no objections to this vacation. 19. S-3543 Resubdtviston: Alyeska Bastn Subdivision Unit t7 A. Review of data supplied with the plat There were no soils reports submitted wtth this plat. It ts not posstble to determine the suitability of the land to support roads, foundations or sewer systems ~thbuttthi~data. mere was no tepographtc tn¢ormatton submitted wtth this plat. Without this data it ts not poesibie to determine sewer system locations, drainage problems or if adequate erosion control has been considered. There has been no data supplted on water supply s~stems. We assume thts property will be served by the system serving the other additions. However, the system proposed for unit ~6 Is not yet approved and the Supply has not been yet approved to serve untt ~G let alone unit ~7. There has been no data supplted on the proposed method or methods of ~aste disposal. There ts a note on the plat regarding holdtng tanks. The lot sizes do not meet our mtnt~um requirements of ZO,O00 square feet for land which ts level with good sotls. ~ere ls'a preblea regarding the use of holding tanks without approval of the health officer. This comes from the IgTO edition of the "Untfom Plumbing Code", which is adopted by both the Borough and the state. Our attorneys are currently investigating this situation. TO Florence 1AT 5th Floor SUBJECT Refund Uanted on Attached ~aperwork D~,T': 1-11-78 The bank has asked for a refund on the attached paperwork. The request was cancelled. We have not been out to inspect the property have no time invested. Thank you. ~~.~,..~~,DUPLICATE SIGNED Laura J. Harrison, Sewer DATE J SIGNED Redi~prm O 4S 469 SEND PARTS I AND 3 WITH CARBON INTACT - PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED W~TH REPLY DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP 9 9 5 0 1 Do te Da te Da , % Una M. Bennett Lending '" ~i ~_o~: Re~uzat : First National Bank of Anchorage ~ ii:lng ?'u'!dre.~:-:s: Post Office Box 4-2090 99507 2. Propeuty Owner: W. Bruce/Betty Atkinson Phone: 694-2336 Mailing Address: after 2:00 P_-~z~ Lot 3 W½ Lot 4 Eagle River Subdivision 3, Legal DcscriptJ_on: ............ i_ Nux'J:)or of Bedrooms: ??? }, Ll~]l[Jt2~ Of Beduooms: 5. We]..]. System: trxiizidual W<~I] (x) Conmt ~ity,/Public,f<,,qkemz~ ( '~ Permit De. DLh of "Nell Well Log on File ( ) r, .-~-- , .t{,-. iBactu~:ial Anal. ysis ~O~lot ri, c, _.~ _~II ...................... 6. Sewage F,'Jsposa]. System: On-siko System ( ) Pub! Lc !i Lii. J. ty P,..~rml u % .in s ta I. !. ecl instal i Sentic Tank Si:-:,-' Absorpt. on Area Rite Ma ter in 1 7. Distances: Well to S:~pti. c Tank L_,~_. Nea[e:;t Lot iine t.O Sew©l? ; {' N(.~i e.., ... Lot ],i n(.~ to Ar@a .~ t,sorn~- 'ken * ' Absorption A~oa -- Municipality of Anchorage DEPAR,,,.¢NT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL P,.~,ECTION POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 279-2511 DEFT. OF HEALTH & EJ~VIRONMENTAL pROI'E~mHON NOV [ g77 REOUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES 1. TYPE OF LOAN 12. ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER [] VA [] F.H.A. ~CONV [] I 3. LENDING INSTITUTION 4. REALTOR OR AGENT First National Bank of Anchorage P.O. Box 4-2090 Anchorage, Alaska. 99509 None Una M. Bennett 5. SELLER B. BUYER W. Bruce Atkinson & Betty 1/4 mile Old Eagle River Road None contact Buyer and Eagle River, Alaska. owner of home after 2 p.m. 694 2336 7. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 8. LOCATION/STREET ADDRESS Lot 3 and W1/2 of Lot 4 Eagle River Sdbdivisi~n 1/4 Mile Old Eagle River Road, Eagle River 9. TYPE OF DWELLING 10. WATER SUPPLY 1. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~XSINGLE FAMILY RESlDENCE.__BDRMS [] PUBLIC UTILITY ~PUBLIC UTILITY [] MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE BDRMS ~fPRIVATE ON-SITE [] ON-SITE YEAR INSTALLED INSTRUCTIONS TO REQUESTOR 1. Complete Items 1 to 11 above 3. Send to address above 5. Response will be returned to lending 2. Remove the carbon 4. Please allow 10 days for processing institution DATE RECEIVED DATE OF INSPECTION TIME OF INSPECTION INSPECTOR TYPE DEPTH YEAR DRILLED PERMIT REFERENCE .~ FT. ~ CONSTRUCTION BACTERIAL ANALYSIS LAB REFERENCE NO. YEAR INSTALLED INSTALLER TANK SIZE MANUFACTURER ~ DIMENSIONS CRIB CONSTRUCTION ~ [] PIT c~ TOTAL LINE LENGTH TRENCH DEPTH GRAVEL DEPTH ~- [] DISPOSAL w FIELD ~ FT. FT. FT. TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA PERMIT REFERENCE SQ. FT. 72 010 (11/76) Af~adavit ......... ~ .... ' A~ .... cneo: ( ) Lehte~i A~tiche{~: ~ ) Appreved: ~}ate: ............................... Disapprovec~: ........................................... Dal;_~:: FHA Form No. 2218 (Revised June [] Ne~ins~allation. [~ Existing installation- FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF INSPECTION INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM To Be Headed in by FHA Form Approved. Budget Bureau No. 6~-R297.3. (Serial number) (Insuring office) (Mortgagee) (Mortgagor or sponsor) Property address .... ~___~__&_~_~ Eagl~ P~vi~_.__5~I~.._. ................................................................ .................... ........................................................................... ....................................... (City) (County) (S~tate) Total number: Living units ....... _.1_____ Bedrooms 2 Baths 1 Basement: [] Yes ,~ No. Water supply by: [] Public system. [] Community system. [] Individual system on site. Part I-a.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL (Fill in below information applicable to subject installation) INS~UCTIOtqS: If new installation, inspect for compliance with approved exhibits and record any observed information not shown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. If existing installation, furnish as much of the information as may be available· PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of Jf~ Septic tank. [] Cesspool. Septic Tank: Distance from well, ._/_~__-Z~- feet. Material,-~'~¢.~.--[- ........ ('..-_-(-~[___./_/-_~/_:._,~__/-___ Number of compartments ...... g_ ..... Total liquid capacity, .......................... -~ ..... gallons. Capacity inlet compartment, ___--~__ .............................. gallon~. Inside length, .......... feet. Inside width, __,.,-~ ....... feet. Liquid depth, __--,~ ....... feet. Cesspool: Distance from: Well, .............. feet; foundation, .... Inside diameter, ......... feet. Depth, ......... feet. SECONDARY TREATMENT consists of [] Distribution Tile Disposal Field: Distance from: Well, ........... feet; foundation,. Total length of tile lines, ..................... feet. Total effective absorption area in bottom of trench Length of each line, ........................................... ' ~ front, [] side, [] rear, ............... feet. Lining material ...................... ~epage pits. Other ......................... l front, [] side, [] rear, ............... feet. ~ance between lines, ................... feet. · Trench width, ..................... inches. ade, .......................................inches. Type of filter material: [] Gravel. [] Broken stone. [] Cinders[ O~t~:.__~__-.__~ Depth of filter material beneath tile, ........................ ihche~. Depth of filter material over tile, ............................. inches. Seepage Pits: d~- Number of pits _-~__. Out~ide diafi/eter, ~-~.~.. feet. 'Depth, .... ~-- ....feet. Lining material ................... -~_'_ ....... D/stance from: Well, ___~.~-~.-- feet:; foundation, _.~--~- ~.~,_ feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side,~rear, _,_2'_~_?~-_ feet. If Existing In~tallati0n, give all the following additional information available: Distance to nearest: Public sewer, ___.,~ .......... feet. Community system, __~ ....... feet. Approximate direction of surface drainage of lot, ~_~-__.~_.__~e-~4~ Approximate slope, .._.-'~-~. ...... feet per 100 feet. Soil is: [] Loam. [] Sandy loam. [] Clay. [] Sandy cla¥."~,Coarse sand or g!favel. [] Hardpan. [] Rock. Other ..................... Number of bathrooms, .._jL ...... Is there a basement? ~ Yes. ~ No. Basement drains to .................................................-~ Fixtures in basement: J~ Laundry tray. ~;~ Toilet. 4~-Bathtub.' I-X.. Shower, a[~ None. ~.Floor drain.../2_Sump pump. Laundry waste disposal: Direct toil. Seepage pit. Other .................. Through sump pit to: .~Septic tank../;;].Seepage pits. Is footing drain Provided? 4~ Yes. 4~.No. Drains to: r'l Surface. 4~-Dry well. ~;;].Sump in basement. Other .................... Downspouts or areaway drain to: ~j~Surface discharge. [] D~y well. Other ..................................................... Depth of house sewer below finish grade at foundation, ____._-,~--___~ feet. Inspection made by: ~State. [] coUnty. Iq Local Health Authority. Date of inspection ~-~-. ' ,!gff ~~ Part I-b.--See reverse side Part IL--FOR USE OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL REVIEWING REPORT Based on the information reported hereon and other available information, it is the opinion of the ]~3 State ,[] County [] Local Department of Health that this system with proper maintenance: [] can be expected to function satisfactorily, and is [] cannot be expected to function satisfactorily. not likely to create an insanitary condition· Remarks: ................................................... 4 .............................. ~ ....... -; ............................................................ (Sign : -- Date .......................................,19_ . (Title) Part III.--FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the individual sewage-disposal system be considered [] acceptable .l-q not acceptable. Remarks: ................................................................................................................................................................. Date ....................................,19 ..... (Signed) ........................................................................ [] Chief A~'chitect. [] Deputy for Chief Architect. 2218--Individual Sewage-Disposal System ~-~s~s-s Report of Inspection Report of Inspection Part I-b.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL INSPECTOR'S SKETCIt.--Show by sketch below ~;ny pertinent findings not fully described in Part I-a. COMMF~NTS.--Note any supplemental pertinent information, If conditions are found which may result in an " opinion that the system is unsatisfactory, describe in detail. lh~.loaed, ~laase fZud I~A For,~ ~'~17 a~d 2Z1.8 t'or the abowe me~c~oned property. ~ Form NO. '~217 Revised Dec. [] New installation. ~] Existing installation. FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF INSPECTION INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM To Be Headed in by FHA Office Budget Bureau No. 63 R2~L3. ' - (Insuring office) (Mortgagee) (Mot:tgngor or spon. r) Property address (City) (County) (State) Total number: Living units _[_ Bedrooms .... ~_ Baths__ [ ___ Basement: ~ Yes ~ No. Sewage disposal by: ~ Public se~er. ~ Community system. ~ Individual system on site. Part I-a.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL (Fill in below information applicable to subject installation) INSTRUCTIONS: If new installation, inspect for compliance with approved exhibits and record any observed information not shown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. If existing installatio?t, furnish as much of the information as may be available. Distance to nearest public water main, ___--'~?--____ feet. Size of main, __T~___ ..... inches. Individual wells ~ are [] are not customary in neighborhood. Give most recent record of failure of wells in immediate vicinity to furnish adequate supply of water --~4/t~ ~-1--~--*O----O----~----l~ .... Properties in neighborhood~ are [] are not being developed with both individual water-supply and sewage-disposal systems. Lot size: ..... ~_~er.._.._ feet wide ...... ]3~----- feet deep. Dwelling set back from front property line,_ ~ ........ feet. Individual water supply from: ~ Drilled well. [] Driven well. [] Dug well. [] Bored well. Distance of well from: Building foundation; ................ 1_~-. ...... feet; nearest lot line at [] front,~l~ side, [] rear, _ .................. 7g:a feet, cast iron sewer .... _/1~_~_~_~-_____ feet; tile sewer ..... ~_?_~___ feet; septic tank ..... ~ ~ feet; disposal field, __~ ........ feet; seepage pit, _ ...... _t~e_?~__ feet; cesspool, ___---~-- ........... feet; other sources of possible pollution, ~ .......... feet. Well construction: Diameter ..... ~ ..... inches. Total depth, _/_~_~_ feet. Type of casing,._~- _~_~_4~ t ..... Depth of casing, ~_-~----~-___ feet. Approximate depth to pumping level of water in well, __~t_O___ feet. Approximate yield, __--T'_ ..... gallons per minute. Sealed watertight to depth of ~,_-'~-- feet.~ Exterior space around casing sealed with:~Cement grout. [] Puddled clay. [] Ordinary backfill. Well cover: [] Concrete. [] Wood. ~Ietal. Openings in wellcover watertight:~Yes. [] No. Pump: [] Shallow well. ~ Deep well. Length of drop pipe, __]~0_{~_ feet. Pump capacity, _----?-_ -- gallons per minute. Located in: [] Basement. [] Pump room off basement. ~ Pump house above ground. [] Pump pit. Pump room properly drained: ~ Yes. [] No. Pump mounting watertight~ Yes. [] No. Type of storage: ]1~ Pressure. [] Gravity. Capacity, ~___'~___gallons. ~_~>j_ Has bacteriological examination of water been made? ~ Yes. [] No. If answer is "yes," give date ..... Quality of water ~is [] is not satisfactory for human consumption. Installation [] does [] does not comply with approved exhibits, if any. Inspection made by: KState' [] County. [] Local Health Authority. (Signed) Date of inspection .~..--~-- ................. 19-$-7 Part I-b.--See reverse side Part IL--FOR USE OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL REVIEWING REPORT Based on the information reported hereon and other available information, it is the opinion of the ~ State [] County [] Local Department of Health that this system J~] is []is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. Remarks: ................................................................................................................................... (Signed) .~c~____ -/-f~ -)-- :::: ;-- Amos J. Alter, ~h~ef _~/ Jul 2~ .19 57 Sec. of Sanita_tj[~_~___a_nd E_ngin_e__e__r_l_ng ......... Date ....... ~ ...................... - ..... - ......................... ~--(~i[(~ .... To THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: Part Ill.--FOR USE OF F. H. A. OFFICE I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the individual water- supply system be considered [] acceptable [] not acceptable. Remarks: ............................................................................................................. Date ...................... , 19 _._ 2217--Individual Water-Supply System (Signed) ...................................................... [] Chief .4rchttect. [] Deputy for Chief Architect. Report of Inspection