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EARLES Block 1 Lot 1 PLat# 2-86-78
MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: Z-86-78 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: DATE RECEIVED: June 2, 1986 COMMENTS DUE BY: June 16, 1986 Lot 1 Block 1Earles Subdivision ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( PUBL. IC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) THE MUI~ICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE L/}' nil (/ ZONING ,jill4 ~] ~/i) ~ BOARD OF EXAMINERS AND APPEALS ~....~ .,~. ,~ ,.~ ,~ ~,1 ~ APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE~L~U , ;; 42- Applicant: Rose Anne Shoemaker Address: 3710 Strawberry Phone Number: 243-2970 Legal Description of Property Involved: Lot 1 Block Subdivision Earl es Present/Future Use of Property Single Family _ Residential / Two Fa;,ril'l Residential SITE PLAN REQUIRED. T~ i~ a r,~st for a variance from ~;ection · 4 .~O ~;' / b of the Land Use Regulations Ordinance DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Date Received: Receipt No.: Z.B.E.A. Case No.: -~_ e,L, ~i'~ ,.. Hearing Date: ~.~ I ['~k) _ ·~ls~oS T~O~ Approved Denied Conditions: (See Minutes) Date of Appeal: Hearing Date: Approved Denied Conditions: (See Minutes) Letter Sent: Permit issued: A. The existing situation: An existing single family residence with a detached garaqe in a R-5 zone with a lot area of ]3,500 squarecfee~ ob~a, corner lot. B. Granting of this petition would permit: _ A second uL~t arid carpor~ to be added. BEFORE A VARIANCE MAY BE GRANTED, 7HE APPLICANT MUST PROVE THAT EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SIX CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED. ANSWER EACH OF THE CONDITIONS IN DETAIL, USING ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY. The undersigned alleges that: 1. Special conditions exist which are peculiar to this land, structure of building involved and are nol applicable to otherland/structuresinthesamedistrict. These special conditions are: The lot is a double fronta9e lot with sufficient lot area for a two family dwelling. The ordinance requires a 100 lot width for a two family dwelling. This lot has a lot width of 75' on the Primary frontage and !80' on the other Although the prevailinq .yard pattern would indicate the 75' frontage as the primary frontage current actual primary frontage is the 180' frontage on Strawberry ....... ..~... ....... ~.~ lover) ~aar~ i~ al~o on Strawberry Road. 2. Strict interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would deprive the applicant of the rights common- ly enjoyed by other properties In the same district under the terms of the Ordinance. These rights are: C0nstruction of a two family dwelling with adequate area and a lot frontage on a R.O'.W. meeting the minimum 100' width. 3. The listed special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action of the applicant and such condi- tions and circumstances do not merely constitute a pecuniary (monetary) hardship or Inconvenience In that: There is not a lot area deficiency that gives the applicant an economic advantage due to a variance from lot area. 4. Granting of the variance will be in harmony with tbe objectives of the Zon ng Ordinance and not InJurous to the neighborhood or otherwise detrlmental to public welfare for the followlng reasons: The proposed development falls within the lot coverage guidelines and does not impact the built environment. Primary access is on to Strawb_erry with the lot frontage of 180' 5. Granting of the variance will not permit a use that is not otherwise permitted in the district in which the property lies in that: Two family_ dwelling are permitted in an R-5 zoning district. 6. The variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible a reasonable use of the land, building or structure in that: The site meets or exceedsall of the criteria for a two family dwelling in the R-5 zone lacking only the technical compliance of lot width determined by the "primary frontage" as determined b~revailing .v_ard patterns. Applicant further alleges that: (Use additional sheets if necessary for additional information.) Signature of Authorized Agent Signature of Land Owner 3710 Strawberry Anchoraqe, Alaska 99502 Add ress Address ,OE .~A O ~J 0 9 ,0~ '~0~,03 - Ot.'ql. _ ...... 0 ©