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Echo Hills #i Block 3 Lot 3 #042-091-07 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Fife_. AITMEENT OF HF-AFTH AND HUMAN SER�o.,F_5 � � 0`7 PEnvir®nrmntal Health Division 0 /� � 825 "L." Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 2.64-4720 [018 POSAL MTEW ANDIO 3 MEU. INSPEC IOM REPMT Name 0115 Atli CES /A SEPTIC ABSORPTION a - TO Address -FROM TANK FIFLO 4a L� f t.one)s) Perinrt No No of Bedrooms WELL ��—q k a I EGAL DESCRIPTION, _ LOT LINE oc Block ubdivision FOUNDAI10 10 ip [range, Section, - K AS-131IL J7 RA ©IAGRA o � y (Show location om f well, septic system. property fines, foundation, (invewa,water bodies, etc) `r.Fn 11� I l HOLDING Manwacturer L— L L—t—_�— Scale: Inspections t'erfornied by. Gapaaty In gallons It It l✓[t14 ,,i Material No. of Compartments — r — L I .163E-HGGT �31`_h� W. KNIAIN L] OCTER L Depth to pipe bottom (turn L Total absoip ion area Distance between lilies SOF FF bei of ImSoil rating 3w material Numus luta[ depth from original graoe onginal grade e d Fl- y Fri added above onginai grade Giavel depth beneath pipe . FT `J Gfevea length Graver wroth FT FT ' FT FT L— L L—t—_�— Scale: Inspections t'erfornied by. Q. �`•.. It It l✓[t14 / -- — r — Total absoip ion area Distance between lilies SOF FF bei of ImSoil rating 3w material Numus d .'/� . SQ FF 9 ,.,�. ,r n..� y Pd �9 ,,.. b � A �r Installer Oateffic Installed 6' K.` -i c�il7 Ir 1-,1�c7 ❑ CaC91 JCS"bit? ❑ O T HLVI (Identity) --- -- -- — — Classification (A,B.C) otal Depth Cased to FT FT nstallci Date Installed. — -- — -- — '0iv � � ezif'i 4' is,, y, 6 r., C�.-..k? t•_ e L— L L—t—_�— Scale: Inspections t'erfornied by. Q. �`•.. It It l✓[t14 / -- Date ¢ , ce ilty that this inspect .Was perlonned according to all 'luliicipal and fitate guidAiines in ellect on this da - .. y I €'le.alin Department Approval: Date 12-013 (3/85) i ENGINEER S SEAL. 1� .Iii . S cl, l�.ly -I I . ' �C �7 ® 203 W. 15th AVE "C" SUITE 203 E L� IM �� �� I 10, P-1 � ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 CONSULTING ENGINEER TELEPHONE: (907) 279-3916 k I 0 f / t el /��, lb �� LCA � T✓�✓'" f �/' � , �/� N � ,' - r f s ITjE P-4 4N 1•oT 3,$k 3, ECWo PILLS CtPQ/S A4.1-AeP MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department Health and Environmental ''rotection 825 Street, Anchorage, AK. _j501 264-4720 Permit 4 # # # HANDWRITTEN PERMIT # # # WELL AND/ ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT Applicant: L �,' Mailing Address: Location: J� Phone Number: Legal Description: Z,;( 3 K R/ok.- is Lot Size: Type of Soil Absorption System Is: Trench: Drainfield: _ Seepage Bed: >( Holding Tank: Maximum Number of Bedrooms: 3 Soil Rating(sq.ft/br) /2 a The Required Size of the Soil Absorption System Is:' r DEPTH I5 i LENGTH 7, t/' . GRAVEL DEPTH , S -/ WIDTH The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). # # REQUIRED SEPTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE GALLONS # # Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. # # # TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED # # # Backfilling of any system without final inspection and approval by this department will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion. Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation& 7 # # # M11AA I1 rvnr Mrn nrC'CMD CO I certify that: (1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. (2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. (3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if the residence is remodeled to include more that 3 bedrooms. Signed: -<.-_- G , � rt Issued by: Appli nt Date: SWP/024(1/81) SADA lk) y- 640 9?6*0 -) SOILS LOG -1(0R`� MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Ll PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: _AVE Cep+AGLE; DATE PERFORMED:..__ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: o 9 C. 1 SLOPE SITE PLAN -rte rT-r-�r 2 _ 0 �atd;<n;1. 3 Oaf -_ !� 4 N � Bx•' G 5 SAND, & PAVR L) y;os�e aP'Te..,o 16 �oo s ra ArT R. E g u,'" a JJ If2E1' 1611 9-0 8 18- r 10 11 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? 12� IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 13- 20 Date 0 �atd;<n;1. 14®+ Oaf ®"4®•� G 15 y;os�e aP'Te..,o 16 �oo s ra 22'5 -F- 17 u,'" a JJ If2E1' 1611 8 18- 19 19- 20 COMMENTS PERFORMED BY:. _. 72-008 (6/79) S O P E Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN ie FT AND (minutes/inch) — FT CERTIFIED BY: �Rm,� DATE: G I nr`ATInN ns: wvt I STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER WATER WELL RECORD BOROUGH SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SECTION OTRS SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE MERIDIAN ON ❑E Gert® HILLS ❑S ❑W ADDN # I LOCATION/SKETCH: WELL OWNER: . CHRIS �WRD NAKcy Fce.rom cfvz" I DEPTHS MEASURED FROM:Ivoasing top ❑ground surface WELL DEPTH: ft DATE OF COMPLETION Depth of hole: 7S Depth of casing: 3 ca ft 5r BOREHOLE DATA: Depth Material Type and Color From To ^ DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL: ft below [3, -top of casing ❑ ground surface Date: METHOD OF DRILLING: Wair rotary ❑ cable tool ❑ other USE OF WELL: Q�domestic ❑ irrigation ❑ monitor -7 ❑ public supply ❑ other CASING STICK-UP: ft. Diamc �_in. to tat �a--- ��---- Casing type: J-? in. to ft WELL INTAKE OPENING TYPE: 0 open end ❑ screened ❑ perforated 5Cppen hole �.� ._ Depths of openings: to ft SCREEN TYPE: �c_ Diam: in. Q g Slot/Mesh Size: Length: ft GRAVEL PACK TYPE: Volume used: a to top: GROUT TYPE: Volume: Depth: from t to ft DEVELOPMENT METHOD: Duration: PUMPING LEVEL AND YIELD: Mun' i alit of Anchorage y _ ft after, / hrs pumping g2o D qpm Dept. Healt eicviaql PUMP INTAKE DEPTH: ft Horsepower: WELL DISINFECTED UPON COMPLETION) ^1fES; ❑ NO'+ CONTRAdIrOR 4NFORMATION: REMARKS: Reglstere uslneSssJName Signature o Authorized KespresOntativeatu e - 9 PLEASE MAIL WHITE COPY OF LOTTO: DNR/DIVISION OF WATER f PO BOX 772116 EAGLE RIVER AK 99577-2116 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 ON-SITE WELL SYSTEM PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER:SW920197 DESIGN ENGINEER:DUMMY COMPANY OWNER NAME:ALLARD CHRISTOPHER R & OWNER ADDRESS:15131 echo st Anchorage Ak 99516 PARCEL ID:04209107 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ECHO HILLS #1 BLK LOT SIZE: 105537 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 THIS PERMIT: 3 3 LT 3 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONTRUCTION OF: WELL SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE ISSUED: 7/27/92 EXPIRATION DATE: 7/27/93 1. THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (18AAC80). 3. THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: RECEIVED BY: `/ DATE: -7IT( 19 Z i h a'`1, DATE:. ` "L ISSUED BY: % w L4 %.M' Lbl L LO'T' 3, BLK 3, ECHO HILLS � t WELL PERM 1T scrF- PLAN SCALE: t" = .So` VATS : 7/q2 DRAwN BY: CY • Municipality of-nchorage` On -Site Water and Wastewater Program (907)343-7904 Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Parcel I.D. 042-091-07 Expiration Date: J — L 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description ECHO HILLS #1 BLK 3 LT 3 Location (site address) 15131 ECHO ST ANCHORAGE AK 99516 Current Property owner(s) MONTY WORTHINGTON Mailing address Real Estate Agent 2. TYPE OF DWELLING: ff] Single Family (w/wo ADU) ❑ Duplex ❑ Multiple Dwellings (Single Family and/or Duplex) 3. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 Day phone Day phone 4. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual Well (] Individual ❑x Individual Water Storage ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Community Class Well ❑ Community ❑ Public Water System❑ Public Sewer ❑ WaiverNariance request for: NONE Distance: --- Received by: Date: COSA to be released to the engineer, unless otherwise requested by the engineer. COSA Fee $ ` Lre Date of Payment i012Ltll� CE!!�_ Receipt Number 0 COSA # Oy-m 15-6? Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number Waiver # 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Firm SPURKLAND ENGINEERING Address 203 W. 15TH AVE.,STE.202A, ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 Engineer's Printed Name LARS SPURKLAND 6. DSD SIGNATURE System #1 Approved for �3 bedrooms System #2 Approved for bedrooms Disapproved Conditional approval for bedrooms, Phone 279-3916 Date 10/29/14 a✓ _ t'E I 15010 with the following stipuI iOh3? By. �� ���� Original Certificate Date: The ni ali f ✓ horage Development Services Division (DSD) issues Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval (COSA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. ATTACHMENTS: COSA Checklist X Nitrate Advisory Septic System Advisory Arsenic Advisory Well Flow Advisory Other COSA blue sheet ° , ., If more than 1 septic system is on the lot: COSA Checklist # 1 of 1 Structure served by this system 1 Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Checklist Legal Description: ECHO HILLS #1 BLK 3 LT 3 A. WELL DATA Well type PRIVATE Date completed 819/92 Total depth 68 ft. Date of test Static water level Well production If A, B, or C provide PWSID # Sanitary seal (YIN) Y Cased to 30 ft. FROM WELL LOG 819192 18 20 Parcel ID: 042-091-07 Well Log (YIN) Y Wires properly protected (YfN) Y Casing height (above ground)12 in. AT INSPECTION 7/28/14 ft. 17 ft. 5 g.p.m. 7.g.p.m. WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform NEG Nloniesl100 mL Nitrate 2'81 Z mglL Arsenic ND ug/L Date of sample: 7125114 j+ $)y Collected by: LARS SPRUKLAND/A.A B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Tank Type/Material STEEL Date installed 914/87 Tank size 1000 gal. Number of Compartments 2 Cleanouts (YIN) Y Foundation cleanout (YIN) Y Depression over tank (YIN) N High water alarm (YIN) N Date of pumping o'E. Zo (Y Pumper A+ HOME SERVICES C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed 9114/87 Soil rating (g.p.d./ftz or ff/bdrm) 125 System type BED Length 35 ft. Width 17 ft. Gravel below pipe 0'5 ft. Total depth 3'25 ft. Eff. absorption area 595 ftp Monitoring tube Y Depression over field N Date of adequacy test 7/28114 Results (Pass/Fail) PASS For 3 bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test 3 in. Water added 570 gal. New depth 3 n. Elapsed Time: min. Final fluid depth in. Absorption rate >= 450 g.p.d. Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (YIN & type) If yes, give date D. LIFT STATION Date installed Size in gallons - "Pump on" level at in. "Pump off' level at - Datum E. SEPARATION DISTANCES WELL ON LOT TO: Septic tank/lift station on lot _ Absorption field on lot 1001+ Public sewer main NA Cycles tested _ 1[1I130 Sewer /septic service line 25'+ Animal containment areas 50'+ Manhole/Access (Y/N) in. High water alarm level at Meets alarm & circuit requirements? - On adjacent lots 100'+ On adjacent lots 100'+ Public sewer manhole/cleanout NA Holding tank NA Manure/animal excrete storage areas 100'+ SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Building foundation 5+ Property line 5'+ Water main NA Water service line 10'+ Wells on adjacent lots 100'+ ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: Property line 10+ Building foundation 10+ Water Service line 10+ Surface water 100'+(N.O.) Curtain drain 50'+ (N.O.) Wells on adjacent lots 100'+ Absorption field 51+ Surface water 100+ Water main NA Driveway, parking/vehicle storage 10+ F. COMMENTS VentRyz�A ®sW Corer oA Svtvay vi4- conne" -6 sepj,c s re„n G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have determined through field inspections and review of Municipal records that the above systems are in conformance with MOA COSA guidelines in effect on this date. Engineer's Printed Name LARS SPURKLAND Date 10/29/14 COSA brown sheet 10-10-12.doc in. Monument found 'Lot 2 \ \ \ \ \\ 0 oi` I leaning, straighten 1 \ N87°3T4WE 266.76' (R). TNH 1 I ' ( T ro 1,1 I 11' 1 ` L2 s I 3 1965 i Lot 3 I ; 1 105,537 Sq. Ft. % -__ ---- Lot 4 6" Potable (� v Water Well I 82'wooa a+� Framed o 1 �--- 1 V, `V A4 Z 02 `\� �� , A, �V �A `� `� l A Grove \� `� 2L �O O l \ V, V A \ VDriveway` \ `C O j rd \\ �`l �\ • /.a \ �\ \ \ \ as , -- kI \ / i\ O O00 0 `Arn ca, , A ', I ` 1 , , • a \ , , LOP p , 1 ', 1 1, 'V A `, Wood `v A `\� \, A 1 11, ` \ A AT ', Shed \\I's e r 4S'- 25.91' fn \\ \ `, \ \`� \\\� `, � � \\VentP pi lastic as ro Tank \ i/ �43.38'� \ Sanitary \ `\ \ `\`` Sewer Septic v ) v \ \ Generator Sheds voted A �1 \\ 6.5'x10.6' \ \ \ - _ System Vents v, �`� v �a Deek-- (\ 2—\tor / _ Wood Frame 1 House on Over— COnCFnd. grown / / J vv ----114,40 I , MOnitOr Well Drain Field( ) \ 1It 1 Fnd / S87°37'45'W 266.66' (R) Q Fnd 30.02' R Iso, ao o'o SE 1/16 SEC. 31 UNSUBDIVIDED LEGEND + &OF At "14 NOTES: 111 1-1/4" Brass Cap Monument, 4,`P,••'°'••°°^•;4�` �� 1. Record data is from plat 1965-169 Echo Hills cemented into a 3" O.D. iron pipe, Ar ri) TH y *0 Subdivision Addition 1, recorded 12/2/1965 in the * 49-••• yk Anchorage Recording District. found 10" A.N.G. in good condition. �l�,•�e •• � 1-1 /2" Iron Pipe, found 0.4' A.N.G. in 0; ''...... good condition, no marks. �♦ ••° ROBERT T. KEAN / AS—BUILT 0 5/8" Rebar, recovered 9/87 survey. ��JS ••••No. 3943-S Lot 3, Block 3 (R) 1965-169 Echo Hills Sub'd Add'n 1 *� �� •••°•° � Echo Hills Subdivision, Add'n. 1 =��. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: recorded in File No. 1965-169 in the Anchorage I hereby certify that I have surveyed the property and facilities Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of described hereon, that the improvements and visible encroachments Alaska, encompassing an area of situated thereon do not encroach upon adjacent property, that 105,537 Sq. Ft. or 2.423 Acres improvements on adjacent property do not encroach upon the surveyed premises, and that there are no other visible easements or Located within the rights—of—way, except as shown hereon. SE1/4 Sec. 31, T. 12 N., R. 2 W., S.M., Alaska PREPARED FOR: SCALE: SURVEY DATE. c� \��� ��' ZZ \ Monty Worthington & Robert T. Kean, R.L.S. 3943—S Date Suzanne M. Drinen 1" = 40' 09/08/2014 EXCLUSIONS: 15131 Echo Canyon Road Anchorage, Alaska 99516 DRAWN BY. LMS W.0 W14105 No data hereon should be used for positioning additional structures, DATE DRAWN: for building fences, or for locating boundary lines. It is the PREPARED BY. 09/30/2014 F.B. 2011-12 responsibility of the owner to determine the existence of any KEAN & ASSOCIATES easement or restriction that does not appear on the recorded CHECKED BY: GRID: subdivision plan and to verify that all improvements meet all 14384 Canyon Road subdivision covenants and zoning ordinances. Anchorage, Alaska 99516 RLF / RTK SW3143